
--- Log opened Tue Jan 14 00:00:23 2014
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kanzurehahaha http://homakov.blogspot.nl/2014/01/account-hijacking-on-mtgox.html08:05
kanzurecoinbase next08:08
kanzuresince they use oauth208:08
paskystill i like mtgox response i guess (though having some bounties would be good)08:09
kanzureWho to join? OAuth2.a? i am just a russian scriptkiddie nobody listens to :/08:13
wallmanihello russian script kiddie08:14
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kanzurepaperbot: http://comp.social.gatech.edu/papers/cscw14.crowdfunding.mitra.pdf10:42
kanzurekickstarter seo analysis thing10:42
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kanzurepaperbot: http://comp.social.gatech.edu/papers/cscw14.crowdfunding.mitra.pdf10:42
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FourFirewhat are opinions on the apparently named "internet for robots" ?12:11
kanzurediscriminatory; i should have access to the same network as any other piece of hardware12:11
FourFireI guess you hate paywalled science papers then12:12
kanzurefuck yeah i do?12:13
kanzurewhat do you think paperbot is12:13
wallmaniwhat is the purpose of giving paperbot a link like that?12:13
kanzurei don't trust other servers to store pdfs12:14
kanzureso paperbot does it for me12:14
wallmanijust that? :D12:14
wallmaniis he only for your use?12:15
wallmaniwhat about the stored papers?12:15
wallmaniis that place only downloadable by you?12:15
kanzureare you able to access http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/537c4cb93e3047f7a1c9884bf68df195.pdf12:16
wallmaniis there a comprehensive list?12:17
wallmaniyou are awesome12:17
wallmanido you mind if i download that?12:17
wallmani_all of it_?12:17
jrayhawkyes, hoarding is always awesome12:17
jrayhawkif you hoard enough, you even get put on TV!12:18
kanzuredon't encourage me12:18
wallmanime and a buddy have a git repo for papers12:18
kanzuredownloading it is fine just don't be an idiot and ddos me12:18
wallmanithat we both read12:18
wallmaniit's fun12:18
kanzurestoring papers in git is stupid and you should feel bad about yourself12:18
chris_99heh i do that12:18
kanzureunless they are latex12:18
jrayhawkgit-annex would make a fair amount of sense12:18
kanzuregit-annex is probably not what he means12:18
wallmanioh, haven't heard of git annex12:18
wallmanijrayhawk: looks a lot better than my current solution12:19
wallmanikanzure: thing is, the files don't get changed or moved from the repo, so it doesn't take up that much space12:19
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kanzureit seems like you're using git as a workaround for not wanting to use rsync or some other file synchronizer12:19
wallmaniyeah, mostly to handle adding more users12:20
wallmaniand not giving ssh access to a machine12:20
jrayhawkif it's not immediately clear, git annex is a system for versioning symlinks to object files rather than versioning the object files themselves, so there's no cost to checkout.12:21
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wallmaniyeah, i'm looking at it now12:21
wallmanii will see how i can use it12:21
wallmanii can see a few applications for this12:21
jrayhawkwith lots of optional features for asynchronous object retrieval and distributed redundancy and stuff12:22
kanzurewhy is the top of my laptop's screen warmer than the bottom?12:23
jrayhawkBacklights might require weird voltage transforms.12:23
wallmanielectrons are lighter than air so they float up to the bottom of the clossed chasis of a laptop12:24
wallmaniand it heats it up because of that12:24
kanzureoh good call, i did have the backlight on and had forgotten about it12:24
wallmanijeez i need to motivate myself to finish this task12:24
kanzurehave you considered piles of drugs12:25
wallmanii have12:25
wallmanithis is what happens when i agree to work on a paper with my boss, who is a postdoc12:25
wallmani"hey wallmani, your research can lead to a paper if we do some more things" and 3 months later "oh, you will have to redo some things because we can send it to a better conference then"12:25
kanzuregradstudentbot: you should coauthor a paper with wallmani12:26
gradstudentbotI don't remember the paper, but someone definitely did that.12:26
kanzuregradstudentbot: are you going to write the draft?12:26
gradstudentbotHow many pages do I owe you?12:26
wallmanigradstudentbot: i heard you wanted a day off to work on your own research, what nonse is this? -Your Advisor12:27
gradstudentbotI hope they kick me out.12:27
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kanzurewallmani: try giving paperbot a link to a nature.com paper12:30
wallmanione sec12:32
jrayhawkre: motivate myself: https://www.beeminder.com/ looks amusingly plausible for that12:34
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wallmanikanzure: i set my download to be 500KB/s if you don't mind12:39
kanzurewhatever, ask jrayhawk for max rate limit12:39
jrayhawk100MiB/s should be fine12:40
wallmanii wish i had more than 100MiB/s12:41
wallmanifrom my work machine12:41
wallmanialthough supposedly in a year we are getting 1gbit, and 10gbit to everything in the uni12:42
jrayhawkI imagine VT is on internet2, so those sorts of speeds should be reasonably easily achievable12:42
wallmanii used to work in a lab in the university datacenter12:43
wallmaniit was 1gbit to all other universities and to DC12:43
kanzurejrayhawk: try not to give away the reason why internet2 is relevant here12:43
wallmanii used to have a speedtest result image somewhere for that12:43
kanzurejrayhawk: even though it's practically obvious12:43
kanzurejrayhawk: apparently not everyone is clever enough to think about that12:44
jrayhawkyou are the king of subtlety12:44
wallmaniheh, why is it relevant here?12:44
kanzureyeah jrayhawk just brought it up because he's a random nutjob, sure..12:45
kanzurei can't tell what you were thinking about why he would mention it12:45
kanzureactually i'm not sure: who else is hooked up to internet2?12:46
kanzureoh there are corporate members12:46
kanzurewelp nevermind12:46
kanzurei see microsoft's logo there.. does that mean all microsoft campuses?12:47
jrayhawkProbably. Microsoft dumps a *lot* of money into research.12:47
kanzurehrm, not many options for working somewhere with modern internet access12:48
kanzurei wonder how much revenue beeminder is pulling in12:49
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wallmanikanzure: are you a native russian speaker?13:08
kanzureМедведев Д анила13:09
wallmaniwhat about that name?13:09
kanzureyeah i'm just bullshitting you13:09
kanzureno i am not a native russian speaker13:10
wallmaniah, i saw a russian explanation on your pdf watermark removal, so i thought maybe you were a native speaker13:10
wallmaniunless you learnt russian later13:10
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chris_99anyone know how much the US gov. spend on science funding out of interest14:23
kanzure"not much", low 10's of billions14:29
chris_99i just saw that China spent $100 billion last year14:30
jrayhawkThere's a lot of indirect funding as well, so direct comparison between countries is difficult to quantify.14:49
kanzureplus military spending too..14:50
wallmanii work on a multikernel OS in a lab and most of our funding is from the US navy14:50
kanzureoh you're not wetlab?14:50
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wallmanino, never heard of that14:50
gradstudentbotI don't remember the paper, but someone definitely did that.14:52
wallmanigradstudentbot: hi14:52
gradstudentbotThe freezer was too cold and fucked up my sample DNA.14:52
kanzurewetlab means biology stuff14:52
wallmanii looked it up after i said that14:53
wallmanibut no, i'm in a software development lab14:53
kanzurebtw how did you find this channel or why are you here?14:53
wallmanii don't even remember14:53
wallmanii am interested in nootropics14:53
wallmaniand someone linked me to here14:53
gradstudentbotI don't have enough data to form a hypothesis.14:53
wallmanifrom lesswrong14:53
chris_99a multikernel os sounds interesting, whats the idea of that? (is it to improve scheduling or something?)14:54
kanzurelazyos things happen eventually once scheduled14:54
wallmanichris_99: if you are very interested i can link to a paper about it14:57
chris_99sure that'd be cool14:57
wallmanican't find the main paper right now and my work machine is down15:00
wallmanihere's the website http://popcornlinux.org/index.php/overview15:00
chris_99cheers, that sounds really interesting15:02
kanzure13:56 <@quanticle> Back when mining Bitcoin was still feasible using EC2, we found that a significant number of our fraud cases came from people mining Bitcoin using EC2 accounts paid for with stolen credit cards.15:02
kanzure13:57 <@quanticle> So essentially they were laundering money by turning credit card lines of credit into Bitcoin via EC2.15:02
chris_99wallmani, in simple terms how do you actually run multiple linux kernels15:05
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wallmanione kernel starts, and then it starts up more kernels15:32
wallmanithe limitation is 1 kernel per core15:32
wallmaniand the kernels communicate using a messaging system developed by the lab15:32
chris_99how do you actually spawn the other kernels, is it a case of using something like fork or is it a lot more complex than that15:38
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wallmania bit more complex15:49
wallmanii don't remember the exact details off the top of my head15:50
wallmaniwell, there is the trampoline in the kernel15:50
wallmaniand kexec15:50
wallmaniand those are the tools that were modified15:50
chris_99is the idea to isolate processes by pushing them out onto one of these kernels, so it limits any damage, like in a VM15:53
wallmanialso part of the application of it would be to run it on heterogeneous hardware15:54
wallmaniand make CPUs and whole other machines hotswappable15:54
wallmanialso, the multikernel approach would actually improve performance on very big machines15:54
wallmaniand pretty much most NUMA memory architecture machines would get a slight performance boost on multithreaded applications15:55
chris_99because the the kernel would actually be on the same phys core of the app you mean, the communication would be faster?15:55
jrayhawkThere's a lot of overhead in synchronizing atomic operations between many-core machines.15:56
jrayhawkLinux, while technically usable, is not actually a good idea on 4096 cores.15:57
jrayhawkAt least they got rid of the BKL15:57
chris_99with Linux in general in an SMP system, is there like a master kernel process, then other 'slaves' or are they all equal15:59
jrayhawkLinux runs a lot of threads ('pstree 2' is probably interesting on your system), at least.16:01
jrayhawkWhich are in some sense slaves to the scheduler.16:01
chris_99ah interesting i didn't realise it did it through kthreads16:02
kanzurethere used to be this kernel project that started with an m that did kernel-process-transfer stuff16:07
chris_99that was pretty cool16:08
kanzuremosix! yes.16:09
kanzurewait, no.16:09
chris_99i think the guys went onto virtualisation stuff16:09
kanzuremosix.org seems to call it a kernel16:09
chris_99it was a kernel mod16:09
kanzureoh i see16:09
jrayhawkwe ran a mosix cluster of, like, 30 machines back in highschool. we could never find a workload that actually went faster than one machine.16:10
kanzurethis was back when i was pretending to be a kernel developer as a 13 year old16:10
chris_99jrayhawk, i think some mpeg encodery type stuff was supposed to work on it16:10
jrayhawkimportant life lesson: do not attempt to use ethernet as a backplane16:10
gradstudentbotHuh, this western worked on the first try.16:12
wallmanigradstudentbot: i love you16:18
gradstudentbotI don't know, I think that's kind of problematic.16:18
wallmanihe he16:18
wallmaniwhere is he getting the quotes from?16:18
wallmanijrayhawk: we are trying to create an efficient enough protocol to make communication between kernels scale easily16:19
kanzureyears of collective suffering on behalf of all grad students everywhere16:19
wallmaniand enable process/thread migratino16:19
kanzurebut also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovEghdXC4tE16:19
jrayhawkchris_99: http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/papers/linux:osdi10.pdf http://halobates.de/lk09-scalability.pdf are decent introductions to the scalability issues, though they were both written in the BKL era16:20
chris_99thanks :)16:20
gradstudentbotWe simply don't do enough titrations in my lab.16:20
kanzurei don't understand why you randomly have experience in mosix or some project that i once poked around at16:20
jrayhawkwe had a lot of crappy old machines and a lot of free time16:21
kanzurewhat was this, high school for posix misfits?16:21
jrayhawkclose to it16:21
jrayhawkit was either that or PVM, and PVM doesn't seem nearly as cool16:22
jrayhawkI mean, you could run that shit on WINDOWS16:22
wallmaniare you both graduate students now?16:22
kanzurefriends don't let friends go to super school16:23
kanzurei'm an undergrad dropout. i got my papers published and then fled for my life.16:23
jrayhawkno, i am a posix systems/networking/hosting consultant and he is a swearing-at-python-programmers consultant16:24
kanzurei am just a generally grumpy consultant16:24
jrayhawki am a highschool dropout. i am going to claim that makes me one better.16:25
kanzureit does and this will be my eternal shame :\16:26
jrayhawki host a vserver for a middle school dropout CEO. he makes me feel bad about having wasted those years of my life.16:27
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kanzurei had this high school teacher that was constantly telling me "you know, you could just go work for yahoo right now and make a killing"16:27
kanzureso my parents sat down with him, and he said the same thing, except plus "but he could also just stay in school"16:28
jrayhawkhttp://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=b+bishop+austin where are these publishings of yours16:31
kanzurewow even my email address doesn't show them?16:32
kanzuremy email address is clearly right in there16:32
kanzurealso this one http://www.eng.buffalo.edu/Research/DOES/administrator/components/com_jresearch/files/publications/JCISE.2010.pdf16:33
kanzurealso there was this, but i wasn't included as an author because biology is brutal bloodsport:16:34
kanzurei wish i could make an argument for that singinst paper about uncertainfuture.git but all i can claim is contributed code during the project (definitely no involvement on the exact paper)16:35
jrayhawkan oddly short list16:35
jrayhawkthe author list, i mean16:36
kanzurei was a freshman in undergrad- i wasn't exactly able to convince all my advisors to pay the fees to publish anythi-- oh16:36
kanzureif you will notice, that's one of the ultima people16:37
jrayhawkman, he actually admits to working on Ultima VIII16:39
gradstudentbotSigh, my invasive fruit flies won’t have sex for me.16:39
jrayhawkwhy, when you have VII on your resume, would you even mention VIII16:39
wallmanii wish i could drop out of college and then legally stay in the US16:40
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--- Log closed Wed Jan 15 00:00:24 2014

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