
--- Log opened Sun Mar 30 00:00:18 2014
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streetynew word of the day: grift07:16
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heathjspaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ed084p1647?journalCode=jceda808:22
kanzuremaple syrup may be chemically iredducible08:24
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heathjsi wouldn't mind acquiring @heath on twitter, but people don't use twitter correctly: https://twitter.com/search?q=%40heath&src=typd08:43
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streetydon't use twitter correctly . . . as in don't use it?08:47
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kanzureParahSailin: apparently jackson labs wont sell to non-institutional people11:56
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kanzurei think i'm gonna have to figure out how to do mental rsa arithmetic. life just doesn't feel complete.14:16
kanzurehttps://testnet.counterwallet.co/# web wallet for counterparty14:17
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poppingtonicStrangecoin seems like a fun idea.15:50
kanzurewhy does this show my email as a child to michel bauwen's last post? https://lists.ourproject.org/pipermail/p2p-foundation/2014-March/thread.html15:50
kanzurepoppingtonic: http://www.blockscan.com/assetinfo.aspx?q=KANZURE15:50
poppingtonickanzure: what am I looking at?15:54
kanzurewell, instead of a single strangecoin currency, why not one per person15:54
kanzure(or, rather, at least one per person in the network (possibly more))15:54
kanzurethis is just some stuff operating on top of the bitcoin blockchain using http://counterparty.co/15:55
poppingtonickanzure: your email tipped me off to discuss this here, actually. I lurk ExI.15:57
kanzureah okay. i was going to reply to that one guy, but his email was boring and now i don't care.15:58
kanzurethis one- https://cpunks.org//pipermail/cypherpunks/2014-March/004077.html15:59
kanzurehe seems to think i wrote all the quoted text15:59
kanzureeven though i clearly had docstrings everywhere15:59
poppingtonicFor a second I thought so as well, but I noticed the quotes.15:59
kanzure"This seems incredibly complex and described in an even more complex way, but I think you could accomplish most of the good from this proposal by having an infinity of potential instruments, issued by individuals, with the market sorting out the meaning -- e.g. PG General Liability IOUs trade independently of rdl general liability ious which trade differently from rdl newproject equity."16:01
kanzurefrom https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=749470916:01
kanzurebut i think that's sort of what already happens anyway16:01
poppingtonicWould I be correct in drawing an analogy with the evolution of company valuation in subsequent stages of investment?16:03
kanzurewhat is the other side of your analogy?16:05
poppingtonicAccording to a class I took, whenever an investment round is announced, a number of shares are decided upon, whose value depends on the required investment itself. The valuation is usually 10x the investment amount in tech companies. Then the shares are divided according to the investment agreement made.16:10
kanzureyeah, that's the side you mentioned for your analogy, but there are two sides to an analogy16:11
kanzurei'm asking about the other one?16:11
poppingtonicConnecting it to Strangecoin?16:11
kanzureor whatever it is we're talking about16:12
kanzureearly-stage company valuation is a huge problem because these folks actually use totally hairbrained algorithms that make no sense16:13
kanzurethey have no basis in reality like growth rate, number of users, etc., it's just MSCPP stuff or other weirdness16:13
poppingtonicWell, if we use your concept, where every one has their currency, people could endorse other people's currencies with x amounts of their own currency. Since it's infinite, we have a (not necessarily universal) period of time, maybe called a "cycle", during which people interact. After that period ends, a person gets to decide whether or not to continue endorsing another person's currency. Think of it as a relationship-based reputation16:15
kanzurewhy would there be an end to the period?16:17
kanzureunfortunately you can't take much meaning from "the number of bitcoin addresses that hold shares" because anyone can create any number of addresses and send shares to them16:20
kanzureso using the count of the number of addresses as a method of calculating reputational interest by others is not going to work16:20
poppingtonicMaybe a new abstraction is in order16:21
kanzureor maybe just don't use the count as a metric16:23
poppingtonicWhat would be a suitable metric?16:23
kanzuremaybe there is no metric :)16:23
kanzurewhy not just have a bunch of different currencies?16:23
poppingtonicHow do they interact?16:25
kanzurewould they have to? i don't know what you're asking16:26
kanzurefor example, in counterparty you can trade assets for each other. does that count ?16:26
poppingtonicAll they need is a platform to do so, right? Which counterparty serves if I understand the protocol, on a cursory reading.16:27
poppingtonicI think it counts, yes.16:28
kanzureanother thing that i've been meaning to implement in counterparty is a co-op where any payments made to the co-op are paid out proportionally to the employee-shareholder-owners16:29
kanzureas a dividend16:29
kanzurei know that revenue is not profit, but it's still an interesting idea to have a way to split up money immediately as soon as the customer does the transaction16:29
poppingtonicSay, how would a dashboard for that look?16:31
ParahSailinkanzure: i thought jojack was cool enough to be called by a nickname16:33
kanzurewhat about it?16:33
poppingtonicCounterparty would work because of the one-source, one-destination rule16:33
kanzureParahSailin: did he blow up somewhere?16:33
ParahSailinjackson labs is jojack?16:33
kanzurejackson labs is where you buy mice16:33
kanzurelarge mouse supplier16:33
poppingtonic(large mouse) supplier16:34
kanzurei mean.. a large supplier of mice16:34
kanzurewell.. no.16:34
ParahSailinanyway, mice would not do any good in this case16:34
ParahSailinunless its a mouse that happens to have humanized antigen16:34
kanzurewasn't suggesting that- but i could imagine future projects that do require mice16:34
bkero4/win 8716:34
kanzureif i end up having to run my own mouse farm i'm gonna be really annoyed16:35
kanzuremaybe i'll train them to do tricks16:35
kanzurepoppingtonic: would you like some of my shares? i just need your bitcoin address. also it must be an address that you control the private keys for (e.g., web wallets usually don't show you the private keys).16:37
poppingtonicmaybe genome them to have their fur draw aug-reality markers on their backs, then build gigantic mazes for fps games?16:37
ParahSailinwhats our favorite rice professor up to these days16:38
kanzureprobably getting hosed by grant writing16:38
ParahSailinfind some way to indebt him to you16:38
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poppingtonickanzure: does it need to have bitcoin?16:43
poppingtonickanzure: 18HojXGeBZDaKe1XtNgk79vBej6A4WQmJp16:45
kanzurenope it does not16:47
kanzurejust make sure you have your private key available for the future to use it16:47
kanzuretxid: 75177b31299debd120bfa50a0fa2a98d737c5cae8073ce8260aaa2de29dcddbf16:49
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poppingtonicConfirmed. I should check this out on the testnet.17:02
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drazakpaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v372/n6506/pdf/372519a0.pdf17:03
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kanzurepaperbot: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=80670717:16
poppingtonici had a fun weekend of SF. Ready Player One & Sun of Suns.17:18
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kanzure16:04 < maaku> jaekwon: start with this : http://macs.citadel.edu/rudolphg/csci604/ImpossibilityofConsensus.pdf17:25
kanzure16:06 < jaekwon> no, no. that paper has restrictive priors that don't apply to what we can build, namely, that all processes are deterministic.17:25
kanzure16:06 < jaekwon> see counter: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=80670717:25
kanzure16:06 < jaekwon> intuitively, if that paper were correct, pow wouldn't work either.17:25
kanzure16:09 < maaku> no pow works because the economic restriction provided by the 2nd law : even though you can't know you're in the consensus set, you can put a raw economic cost on the probability of you being tricked17:25
kanzure16:09 < maaku> pow *fixes* the problem pointed out by this paper17:25
kanzure16:29 < maaku> sipa, jaekwon: my physics-based understanding of bitcoin is that uses work to tie bitcoin consensus to a fundamentally scarce resource: entropy17:25
kanzure16:30 < maaku> it is possible to use other physically scarce resource instead, but there is no alternative with the universal scarcity of entropy17:25
kanzure16:35 < gmaxwell> An interesting observation is that if we had a true strong publically verifyable captcha— so that a human had to mine— you're still ultimately turning energy into proofs  (e.g. instead you could mine by having baby farms where you turn out more people to solve the captchas. :) )17:25
kanzure16:37 < gmaxwell> but bitcoin itself solved an impossible problem by relaxing some constraints, so perhaps there are relaxations or changes that are just as useful but make other things work.17:26
kanzure16:41 < maaku> i could be an AI trapped in a simulation with no knowledge of the outside world other than the foundational laws of physics, and from that be able to assert the validity of proof-of-work17:26
poppingtonicpaperbot: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=80670717:27
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kanzureinformation theoretic perspective of autonomy http://ehu.es/ias-research/autonomy/doc/bertschinger_revision.pdf18:28
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poppingtonicSection 3.1, condition 1.19:02
poppingtonicproblems with equation (5) as a condition for non-heteronomy19:03
poppingtonickanzure: how far along are you in that paper?19:03
kanzureuh somehow i am reading wittgenstein and learning how terrible he is at biology19:04
kanzure"The case would be like the following — certain kinds of plants multiply by seed, so that a seed always produces a plant of the same kind as that from which it was produced — but nothing in the seed corresponds to the plant which comes from it;"19:04
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kanzureso in conclusion, i got distracted or stopped reading it (i forget if i finished it)19:06
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kanzureno idea, this seems to be notes19:07
kanzureanyway, this is the first i've read anything from him and so far i hate him19:07
kanzureit seems wrong to assume that seeds have nothing to do with plants19:07
kanzureeven in the absence of evidence of dna19:08
poppingtonicI've wanted to finish Tractatus for the longest time.19:08
ParahSailinno philosophy19:08
kanzurein this case i agree19:08
poppingtonicParahSailin: do you mean that he had no philosophy of it?19:09
ParahSailinchannel rules are no philosophy and no reddit19:10
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kanzurepoppingtonic: the reason is because everyone is awful at philosophy19:11
kanzurepoppingtonic: sometimes i let some slip through if it is good otherwise i get out the ban hammer19:11
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poppingtonicoh, right. cool. i agree, it's very easy for discussions to death-spiral into meaningless drivel.19:12
kanzurealso as you can imagine this channel attracts a more-than-fair share of philoso-wackos19:12
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kanzurecluckj: want some shares? see above instructions19:50
AshleyWafflekanzure: Hi :)19:52
AshleyWaffleI'm Ashley. I think we met last night19:52
AshleyWaffleSo what shares thing?19:52
kanzurewe met 2013-04-0619:52
kanzurei've known you for at least a year19:52
AshleyWaffleOh yeah, I was in here before19:53
AshleyWaffleWell you know what I mean19:53
kanzurethat's a big difference from meeting you last night.. just saying.19:53
AshleyWaffleI don't think we've introduced before19:53
AshleyWaffleHow do you even get numbers like that so fast, anyway?19:53
kanzurei have this giant database where i stalk everyone i've ever met19:53
AshleyWaffleI believe you19:54
AshleyWaffleSo anyway, what shares thing?19:54
kanzureand i write down every time i speak with them so that i don't have to keep all of that in memory19:54
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AshleyWaffleSo how do I get some of them shares?19:54
kanzureyou would give me a bitcoin address (and make sure you have the private key somewhere that you can get to it later for signing transactions)19:55
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AshleyWafflekanzure: I assume the electrum client works?19:55
kanzurehaven't used that one19:55
kanzureprobably yes19:55
kanzureas long as you can get the private key for the address out of the system. web wallets are especially bad at this.19:56
AshleyWafflePMed sir, thank you :)19:56
AshleyWaffleAnd yeah it has a sign feature19:56
kanzurenot what i mean19:57
AshleyWafflekanzure: so what do I do now?19:58
kanzurerealistically: (1) you wait for the transaction to clear, and then (2) you wait around for counterwallet to get released so that you can use these shares (may be a few weeks until it's ready to be released)19:58
AshleyWafflecool, so what's counter-wallet?19:59
kanzurecounterwallet is just a ui around the counterparty api19:59
AshleyWaffleWhat's counterparty?19:59
kanzureit's how i am distributing shares on top of bitcoin19:59
poppingtonicRelated to the autonomy and information theory paper.20:01
AshleyWafflekanzure: so what is your stock thing?20:01
kanzuremad science20:01
cluckjkanzure, shares in what?20:01
kanzureprobably my income, but i haven't decided yet. e.g. i may pay out dividends from my income.20:02
JayDuggerDo you make an open offer?20:05
kanzurewell right now i'm giving them away20:05
kanzurebecause i want the network to be seeded with people that i like rather than people who happen to have money to buy them from me20:05
kanzureor at least, i want it to be seeded based on people with similar goals or interests in a way that might positively increase the value of the shares anyway20:06
kanzureanyway if i create value as a person then why not create shares to represent that value20:11
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cluckjif I own shares in you that kinda makes you my slave tho20:13
kanzurehow is that slavery?20:14
kanzurebtw these are non-voting ;)20:14
AshleyWafflekanzure: wouldnt it be more accurate to say that everyone will have their own stock?20:14
kanzuredepends on what you mean by will.... by force?20:15
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cluckjI can't say that I'm down for the commoditization of people20:20
kanzurebut you're willing to get paid on the job?20:20
poppingtonicThis isn't a vote, but you could set up a DAC while you're at it20:21
cluckjI don't really have a choice in that20:21
kanzureyou don't have a choice about being paid?20:21
juri_sure you do.20:21
kanzureyou could just.. not get a job?20:21
kanzurecontentious objector, eh?20:22
juri_i work all of the time. sometimes, people pay me, but i consider it a 'donation' system.20:22
cluckjI have to eat and stuff20:22
kanzure*conscientous objector20:22
kanzure*conscientious objector20:22
poppingtonicMuskcoin, anyone?20:23
kanzurenot if it's based on mining20:24
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kanzure /win 54720:27
kanzure/win 520:27
kanzureare you just saying random names and attaching the word coin?20:27
poppingtonicI'm thinking of people with high nerd karma.20:28
Qfwfqsed 's/$/coin/' /usr/share/dict/words20:28
poppingtonicsimon says (heh) something about someone's ability to generate network effects being the potential value of their personal coin. e.g. Mandela.20:29
cluckjso what you're trying to do is create a kind of currency based on your social network?20:29
cluckjpegged to bitcoin?20:29
kanzureit's not pegged to bitcoin, it just uses bitcoin as the distribution mechanism20:30
kanzurespecifically it uses the bitcoin network or protocol20:30
cluckjlike kudos?20:31
kanzureis this another bitcoin thing i'm not aware of?20:31
cluckjno, it's a corporate feedback thing20:32
kanzureis it as bad as klout was?20:33
cluckjI was thinking of klout20:33
kanzuresocial media reputation thing, then :)20:33
kanzure"get kickbacks and money for spamming your users with our bullshit" "it's easy and free!"20:33
kanzurecluckj: http://digitalinterface.blogspot.com/2014/03/strangecoin-proposal-for-nonlinear.html20:36
kanzurecluckj: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=749470920:36
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kanzurestieruridir: same offer goes to you btw21:00
stieruridirWhat, spamming people to make money?21:00
kanzurei take it you have an opinion you want to share21:01
stieruridirNo, it's just not something I usually do. I'm bad at being active on social media much21:01
kanzurei'm not talking about klout. are you?21:02
stieruridirI'M CONFUSED. What was the offer?21:02
stieruridirHm, might be interesting, though I've never touched bitcoin in the slightest.21:03
stieruridiror any *coin21:03
kanzurewhat's the point of all your technology prediction whatevers if you don't bother to.. hrm i don't even know how to word21:03
stieruridirI stay away from IT and stuff mostly. Also, right now, I'm mostly getting paid freelance to write market reports21:04
stieruridirworking on my marketable skills, trying to snag a job in Seattle or something doing BI21:05
stieruridirbusiness intelligence21:05
stieruridirI'd prefer business consulting but meh.21:05
stieruridirRight now I'm applying at Tableau21:06
stieruridirAnyway, you do have a point, and free shares is something worth actually poking at bitcoin at.21:10
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kanzurefinally a version of threes/2048/numberwang made for me: http://games.usvsth3m.com/2048/super-yamcha-edition/22:55
dingoi liked the numberwang22:57
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dingosomebody made a terminal version based on my python library 'blessed', https://github.com/polyphemus/macht23:01
ParahSailinkanzure: pm23:01
kanzureParahSailin: saw it23:01
kanzureand replied23:02
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