
--- Log opened Sun Apr 13 00:00:38 2014
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xentraca netsplit of 100 minues00:50
xentrachey, here's a crazy idea that I've been thinking about00:52
xentracSnell's law is not just nonlinear, but goes to have this massive slope in the region around total internal reflection00:53
xentracand in particular if you have a small crack in a piece of glass, that crack is almost invisible before you get very close to total internal reflection00:54
xentracthat means that a small change in either the angle of incidence or in the refractive index can result in a very large change in the behavior of light traveling through00:56
xentracrefractive index is a product of electric susceptibility01:00
xentracbut typically susceptibility is not constant, but diminishes to zero at sufficiently large field strengths01:01
xentracthis suggests that you should be able to switch a cracked piece of glass between near-perfect transmission and total internal reflection at a particular angle by applying a strong electric field01:03
xentracat frequencies close to the frequency of light01:03
xentrac(this phenomenon is used in frequency-doubling crystals for green lasers)01:03
xentracwhat I don't know is whether the electric field needed to produce a sufficiently large change in the critical incident angle for total internal reflection is a reasonably small field01:06
xentracyou want the field to be small enough that it doesn't result in avalanche breakdown of the glass, for example01:07
xentracand you want the critical angle to change by more than the dispersion angle of the lasers you have handy01:08
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norepinetreeanyone a tDCS user?01:12
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juulpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095869469800040502:16
juulpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0958694698000405/pdf?md5=cbad5842e2b789841f8ecd1b009f2aff&pid=1-s2.0-S0958694698000405-main.pdf02:17
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juulpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002203028481332602:53
juulpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022030284813326/pdf02:53
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juulpaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S002202990001729503:01
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juulpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0268005X10002808/pdf03:10
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kanzure"How I obtained the private key for www.cloudflarechallenge.com" https://gist.github.com/epixoip/1057062708:53
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chris_99anyone ever used high precision linear encoders out of interest10:15
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kanzurexentrac: have you considered the feasibility of mental-only rsa arithmetic? or at least, some simplification of rsa arithmetic that could be trachtenberged.10:37
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kanzurehah in that 1994 email tim mays says something like "on the extropians list a while back [i have since left that mailing list]" :)10:48
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kanzureremote: 2014/04/13 11:09:14 socat[726] E connect(3, AF=1 "/home/gnusha/.irssi/socket", 28): Connection refused11:09
kanzurefound some old transcripts from singularity summit 2009:11:10
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TuxedageI want to upload myself into my computer11:40
Tuxedagewhat's the easiest way to do it11:40
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kanzureof course, the problem is software at that point11:41
kanzurebut the actual scanning is doable these days11:41
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TuxedageAh, so it's a software problem11:41
kanzurewell, i mean, i just linked you to someone that has some hardware11:42
kanzurei could show you NEURON, but then you'd complain even more11:42
kanzurenobody has actually loaded up all that data into a hebbian-style whole brain emulation yet11:44
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TuxedageSorry, I wasn't expecting a serious answer.11:53
TuxedageI was parodying people who would go into channels and ask for the impossible11:53
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eudoxia>On October 27, 2005 I finished simulation of a model that has the size of the human brain. The model has 100,000,000,000 neurons11:56
eudoxia>One second of simulation took 50 days on a beowulf cluster of 27 processors11:56
eudoxiaTuxedage: so you're gonna have to wait for at least two years11:57
TuxedageSomehow I doubt we're only two years away from EMs11:57
eudoxiaassuming you have a few million dollars for the supercomputer, or at least storageu until computers get better11:57
eudoxiawell, it wasn't exactly an ab initio simulation of every atom in the brain11:58
cpopelleudoxia: read the FY2015 DARPA budget request?11:58
eudoxiacpopell: no, why? does it have brain stuff11:59
cpopella whole fuckton11:59
cpopellby which I mean at least a few lines11:59
cpopellhttp://www.darpa.mil/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=2147487546 ctrl+f 'memory' should bring you most of it12:00
eudoxiayeah, i was just reading it now and they seem to care a lot about memory12:01
cpopellhttp://www.darpa.mil/Our_Work/BTO/Programs/ here's a list of BTO's programs12:01
eudoxiaoh boy neuromorphic processors12:01
kanzurehuh i found transcripts from hplus summit 200912:03
kanzureizhikevich's simulations do not have relevant connectivity12:04
eudoxiai know12:04
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kanzurereally weird that i forgot about these12:06
kanzurethere they are. have fun.12:06
kanzurestuff that's fun:12:07
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FourFireeudoxia, I wonder, how fast that simulation would run on a Quad Titan Black array13:05
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eudoxiaFourFire: slow?13:09
FourFireI don't get the chart: http://www.izhikevich.org/human_brain_simulation/why.htm13:10
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FourFireare they expecting processor power to double every year, or are they adding cores to make a net Ghz measure?13:11
eudoxiaFourFire: given that in year X each processor will run at Y GHz, simulating the brain in real time would fake Z processors13:11
kanzurejuri_: would you know where i can find backups of gnu.ai.mit.edu?13:12
eudoxiaon 2016 we could build a million-processor cluster with SOA processors that simulates a brain in real time13:12
nmz787FourFire: moores law has 10-20 years left til it stops working for predictions13:13
FourFireA single Nvidia Titan Black GPU has 2880 shader cores clocked at 890Mhz13:13
nmz787according to current manufacturers speculations13:13
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FourFiremoore's law, sure, but usable performance growth has slowed since ~200513:14
nmz787FourFire: people still think it's going to take 20-40 years to fully simulate and compute genome data and neuronal interaction using all the atoms13:14
nmz787*using physics modelling*13:14
nmz787FourFire: it's kinda all the same... if you look at performance per watt13:15
FourFiresorry, is that taking exponential computing power growth trends for granted?13:15
nmz787umm, manufacturers are trying to cut down on power per operation all over the place13:16
nmz787that's a lot of the 'innovation' these days13:16
nmz787"To store all synaptic weights, one needs 10,000 terabytes. Not even Google has that much free space."13:16
cpopellI strongly recommend that you guys check out http://www.itrs.net/Links/2012ITRS/2012Chapters/2012Overview.pdf and http://www.itrs.net/Links/2012ITRS/2012Chapters/MtM%20WG%20entirereport_final.pdf13:17
nmz787as I mentioned last week, sequencing all the cancer patiens in the U.S. every 2 weeks would produce ~495 tera megabytes13:17
nmz787(for 1 year13:17
FourFireso, borky performance estimate says that we need ~136500 titan blacks, in order to simulate a human brain in real time13:18
FourFirebut how much RAM is needed??13:18
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eudoxiathat's the RAM13:19
eudoxiaten thousand terabytes13:19
nmz787FourFire: and each one computing needs 384 watts13:19
nmz787so you'd need 52 megawatts for that simulation13:20
FourFirethis is assuming that a current GPU core, doesn't have better performance per clock than 2005 era 3Ghz processors13:20
nmz787and it looks like the avg nuke in USA produces just over a MWh http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=104&t=313:21
nmz787so you'd need a big ass nuke for this computer13:21
eudoxiaso, not there yet13:21
nmz787oh wait13:22
cpopellI was going to say13:22
cpopellyour math13:22
juri_uh oh.13:23
juri_kanzure: yes, but why? ;)13:23
cpopelleven the smallest nuke provides 502 MW, which is 10x what you said you need, nmz13:23
nmz787maybe that's 1.3 GWh13:23
eudoxiadetonating davy crocketts in cylinders full of water is not a sustainable power source13:24
cpopelleudoxia: I think he's screwing up his power math13:24
cpopell52 megawatts is not that much all things considered13:25
nmz787my math was 11.8 kWh * 10^9 * 1000 / 365/ 2413:26
cpopellfirst, I think you're taking too many steps13:26
cpopellsecond, it was 11.8 billion kwh13:26
cpopellah, *10^913:27
cpopellAnyway, just look at the smallest nuke they list, 502 MW13:27
cpopelllook at your power needs, 52 MW13:27
rk[1]so, i see the topic mentions nootropics. i have some questions, about procurement; not sure if it is appropriate for such questions in this channel or not...13:37
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FourFire24.3 Megawatts using the new GTX 750 Ti (they are more power efficient)14:44
FourFirebut that's still 405 000 GPUs which need a motherboard, processor and power supply...14:45
eudoxiaso not there yet14:48
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kanzureugh i should convert http://sl4.org/wiki/action=rc&days=90000 to diyhpluswiki.git14:53
eudoxiai thought that place was supposed to be dead14:55
kanzureit is dead14:55
kanzureso was nanoengineer14:55
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kanzureAlonzoTG: what was #virus15:19
kanzure2004-02-15 20:24:15 :Reason!~Reason@h-67-100-90-41.SNFCCASY.covad.net PUBMSG #vpsummit :I was just saying that you guys need a big clearly marked highway15:25
kanzurefinally maybe i can dox reason15:25
kanzure2004-02-29 17:47:22 :Natasha_Vita-More!~Natasha@dialup- QUIT #vpsummit :Natasha_Vita-More (~Natasha@dialup- has quit IRC [Quit: Today is a good day to chat.]15:26
kanzure2004-02-24 16:17:51 :ag24!~ag24@host217-43-118-164.range217-43.btcentralplus.com PUBMSG #vpsummit :he's a close friend of mine too, but he's still infuriatingly myopic about this stuff15:27
kanzurethat's most likely aubrey15:27
jrayhawkre: gnusha: whoops, screwed up the symlink for autorunning that socket interface script15:27
kanzure2004-02-14 13:23:38 :Max_More!~Max@cs6668150-102.austin.rr.com PUBMSG #vpsummit :Should I know what "NickServ" does?15:29
jrayhawkIt's a spy! BURN IT!15:29
gnushahonk honk test test15:30
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xentrackanzure: I have done RSA on paper, but the key was like 6 bits15:57
xentracI suspect elliptic-curve cryptography is more practical to do by hand or in your head, but I don't think even that is practical to do in a secure way15:59
kanzurewell, what if i say that brain scanning is an attack vector not covered by the technique, would your claim of insecurity still hold16:00
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xentracI think I'm missing context here16:02
xentracwhat did I claim was insecure?16:03
kanzure"don't think even that is practical to do in a secure way"16:03
kanzurei was assuming that you were going to say it's insecure because brain scanning16:04
kanzurebut in the vast majority of cases at the moment brain scanning is not an available threat vector16:04
xentracoh, I meant with large enough keys to be secure against brute-force attack using computers16:04
kanzurehow large would the numbers have to be?16:06
xentracpresumably you could find a base-10 analogue of Curve25519, but how long will it take you to multiple two 70- or 80-digit numbers by hand?16:06
kanzurei think the hardest part wouldn't be the numbers (you could come up with some word-based encoding scheme)16:06
kanzurebut rather the entropy16:06
kanzurewell, trachtenberg math had people doing 80-digit multiplication in <30 seconds or osmething16:06
xentracI don't think the entropy is particularly hard to come by16:06
kanzurei mean people choose low-entropy passwords all the time16:07
xentrac80 digit by 80 digit?  or 80 digit by 1 or 2 digit?16:07
* kanzure thinks16:07
xentracoh, sure, it's easy to get the entropy wrong16:07
xentracbut you can roll some dice and you're in good shape16:07
xentracyeah, I know what it is; I had Trachtenberg's book as a kid16:07
kanzurehmm so you're right that this doesn't focus on long-integer arithmetic16:08
kanzureand most people wont be able to do 80 digit numbers in their head let alone math manipulation16:08
kanzurebut maybe using words to represent the numbers, and then multiplying is some transformation of the story of words16:08
xentracmaybe you could be more or less secure with shorter keys than Curve25519?16:10
kanzure"don't mind me, i'm just running a mixnet in my head"16:13
xentrac4:1 So king Solomon was king over all the precious things thereof, and all the things that are to be executed sequentially; for any particular evaluation strategy.16:15
xentrac(from http://kingjamesprogramming.tumblr.com/page/3)16:16
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xentracWP says:16:28
xentracSince all the fastest known algorithms that allow one to solve the ECDLP (baby-step giant-step, Pollard's rho, etc.), need O(\sqrt{n}) steps, it follows that the size of the underlying field should be roughly twice the security parameter. For example, for 128-bit security one needs a curve over \mathbb{F}_q, where q \approx 2^{256}16:28
xentracso you could probably get by with 160-bit keys, which would be about 48 decimal digits16:29
kanzureand maybe you can trick a person into thinking in base-1616:32
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xentracis it easier to multiply in base 16?16:37
kanzureno, but you can store more data with less digits16:38
xentracin this case you would go from 48 decimal digits to 4016:38
kanzurehrm not much help huh16:39
xentracwhich would mean you'd have to do O(1600) work to do a multiplication instead of O(2304)16:39
xentracso it's a significant improvement --- if the individual operations are about the same16:39
kanzurei would say base58 but then people would probably print out a chart to help them identify which symbols correspond to which values16:40
kanzureand then you would leak data by eye movements16:40
xentracmaybe you could just use base 10016:41
kanzurewhat symbols do normalfolk use for base 100? digits, alphabet, and what else?16:41
xentracpairs of base-10 digits16:42
xentracyou could plausibly memorize the ten thousand products of two-digit numbers16:43
xentracit would probably take you a couple of years though16:43
xentrac19:29 Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be carried out by an iterative process16:44
kanzurewhat is this, hitchhiker's guide to folklore.org?16:45
kanzurewhat was the story about a king, some programmers, and stones? hm16:47
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kanzure"Implication of sperm RNAs in transgenerational inheritance of the effects of early trauma in mice"18:04
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nn.3695.html18:04
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yottabitkanzure: hm, so yeah, i was paid to write something that was in the end scratched19:41
yottabitafter the CI solution was brought to the floor19:42
yottabitmakes sense19:42
Tuxedageyottabit, are you the same one involved in dogecoin?19:44
Tuxedageby any chance?19:44
kanzureyottabit: do you own it?19:47
yottabitkanzure: i don't know19:47
-!- Guest85143 is now known as ivan`19:51
kanzureyottabit: still getting paid anyway?19:52
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kanzure"Unfortunately it isn't obvious how to implement it practically." - anders20:20
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kanzurehttp://extropians.weidai.com/extropians.1Q98/0088.html "If you could extract a single bit from someone's mind-state, what would the bit encode, and whose mind would it be?" - wei dai in response to hal finney21:24
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norepinetreeanyone wanna talk about tDCS?22:34
justanotherusernorepinetree: what is that?22:34
norepinetreefrom wikipedia: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a form of neurostimulation which uses constant, low current delivered directly to the brain area of interest via small electrodes. It was originally developed to help patients with brain injuries such as strokes. Tests on healthy adults demonstrated that tDCS can increase cognitive performance on a variety of tasks, depending...22:36
norepinetree...on the area of the brain being stimulated.[1] It has been utilized to enhance language and mathematical ability, attention span, problem solving, memory, and coordination.[1]22:37
justanotheruserWhat part of that are you interested in?22:37
norepinetreeI have the basic set-up, I just need to buy some accessories. I don't know what gel to buy, etc.22:38
norepinetreewhat h+ activities are you interested in?22:43
kanzure"No, that wouldn't work because the density of interstellar gas is too low."22:48
xentracnorepinetree: that sounds like a high-risk kind of enhancement to me22:53
norepinetreexentrac: you should check out reddit.com/r/tdcs for more info :)22:57
norepinetreewhat enhancements do you prefer?22:58
xentrachttp://www.gwern.net/Drug%20heuristics#algernon-argument seems to apply to tDCS22:58
xentracI read a lot, write a lot, program a lot, drink a lot of mate. Nothing particularly unusual.22:59
xentracit actually mentions tDCS, although I had forgotten that23:00
norepinetreeWhat do you write? read about?23:00
norepinetreeThis is a good read. No one has studied the long-term effects of tDCS.23:00
cpopellnorepinetree: There are places you can buy tDCS hookups, and people on here have worked on them, but I unfortunately can't point you at resources any more.23:00
cpopellnorepinetree: There might be some DTIC files on mid-term effects of tDCS23:00
norepinetreecpopell: honestly I was just looking for, like, gel suggestions. But I understand, in case of liability or something.23:01
cpopellthere's also the subreddit23:01
xentrachttp://lists.canonical.org/pipermail/kragen-tol/ has a lot of the things I write about.  sorry it's not organized23:02
cpopellhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0361923007000111 pdf on safety aspects from 0723:02
xentrachttp://lists.canonical.org/pipermail/kragen-tol/2014-March/000990.html is an example that is somewhat relevant to h+23:02
norepinetreeI ordered thebrainstimulator23:03
xentrac"backend as a service"23:03
cpopellRight now my writing is confined to market analysis23:04
cpopellI'm wrapping up a 40 pager on DaaS23:04
cpopellwhich no one likes talking about23:04
cpopellbecause it's confusing23:04
norepinetreecaptain obvious: you are incredibly intelligent23:04
norepinetreeme being captain obvious. that didn't really work in the irc context -_-23:05
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norepinetreeyou should talk to my girlfriend and be geniuses together23:05
xentracheh. who are you talking to?23:06
kanzurethose statements are boring no matter who he was talking to23:06
xentraccpopell: database?23:06
cpopellxentrac, pm23:06
kanzurethat's not fair now i'm not able to intrude on your conversation23:07
norepinetreecpopell: it's fascinating, I'm just not familiar with it. I'm a fiction writer and am awful at math.23:08
cpopellnorepinetree: What sort of fiction writing do you do?23:08
norepinetreeelizabethaldrich.com / holostatic.org23:09
norepinetreeNothing I'm really proud of, now I just like to code... and edit other people's manuscripts..23:10
xentracthat's awesome23:10
norepinetreexentrac: me?23:11
norepinetreeaw thanks23:12
norepinetreetell me about.. yourself23:12
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cpopellnorepinetree: have you read any of Hannu Rajaniemi's work?23:13
xentracnorepinetree: http://lists.canonical.org/pipermail/kragen-journal or http://canonical.org/~kragen/about23:13
norepinetreecpopell: no, what is he/she about?23:13
cpopellhe's a physicist and co-founder of Helix Nanotechnologies who writes scifi in the stylings/tradition of Gene Wolfe23:14
cpopellincredibly dense post-singularity scifi23:15
kanzurezindell is the only gene wolfe imitator for me23:15
norepinetreexentrac: AHH I USED TO LIVE IN SF TOO.23:15
cpopellkanzure: oh god but A Requiem for Homo Sapiens is just so preachy23:15
norepinetreexentrac: I miss it so much :( which neighborhood did you live in?23:16
kanzurecpopell: stick to the book before that23:16
cpopellread it, it was decent.23:16
cpopellDid you read The Quantum Thief, though?23:16
xentracfirst in the Richmond, then in Noe Valley, then at Geary and Masonic, which is sort of the intersection of three or four neighborhoods23:17
xentracI miss it sometimes but Buenos Aires is pretty fabulous23:17
kanzuredid you hang out at langton labs?23:17
kanzureit's a co-op best described as " ran by these guys http://3scan.com/ " but that's not quite right23:18
xentracno, I don't know about it23:18
xentracnorepinetree: did you?23:18
norepinetreexantrac: nice! i lived on 12th & geary.23:19
norepinetreenever heard of it23:19
norepinetreebuenos aires does sound fabulous23:19
norepinetreethey don't have ads there, right? (excuse my ignorance)23:20
xentracis "ads" an acronym?23:20
norepinetreeI am confusing something in my head, sorry23:22
cpopellMan, the weather was nice the last few days23:22
norepinetreesame here in socal23:23
cpopellI grew up in SoCal.23:23
cpopellVentura and San Diego counties23:23
norepinetreeoh nice!23:23
-!- night is now known as son23:28
kanzure20:17 < jgarzik> Calling all early seeders, for soon-to-be-announced bootstrap.dat updated torrent @ block 295000: http://gtf.org/garzik/bitcoin/bootstrap.dat.torrent   If you have an old bootstrap.dat, bittorrent will automatically extend it when you switch to the new torrent.  You effectively already have 81% of the new bootstrap.dat.23:28
-!- son is now known as night23:30
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