
--- Log opened Tue Apr 15 00:00:40 2014
kanzure2002-07-13 19:48:35 < Alex_Future_Bokov> However, my friendliness is not unconditional, nor do I expect anybody else's to be.00:01
kanzure2002-07-13 20:33:20 < Alex_Future_Bokov> Ever play Frontier Elite00:04
kanzure2002-07-13 20:34:23 < Alex_Future_Bokov> It had 3D graphics, endless missions, and an algorithmically generated galaxy with thousands of planets, economies, missions... all fitting onto four 3.5" floppies.00:04
kanzure2002-07-13 21:06:32 < Michael> I don't think it's meaningful to say that a superintelligent mass of grey goo expanding at light speed has limitations relative to humans.00:08
kanzure2002-07-13 21:06:45 < Alex_Future_Bokov> My point still stands... it is possible that there are problems in the universe that are not solvable... and that at least places a constraint on AI.00:08
kanzure2002-07-13 21:07:05 < Michael> In what way are those "constraints" relevant?00:08
kanzure2002-07-13 21:07:13 < Alex_Future_Bokov> Sure it is. Maybe it's blindsided by the Sandberg limit.00:08
kanzure2002-07-13 21:07:22 < Michael> Sandberg limit?00:08
kanzure2002-07-13 21:07:36 < Alex_Future_Bokov> The size of a brain is limited by communication speeds.00:08
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kanzure2002-07-13 21:12:45 < Alex_Future_Bokov> Singletons are unlikely, and probably entropically unfavored.00:10
kanzure2002-07-18 15:58:20 < alexboko> "Oh, so when you ask somebody what they want to do with their life, what you *really* mean is 'What part of the singularity do you plan to help build?'"00:18
kanzurei will never be this good at cult building00:18
kanzurejrayhawk: i am not worthy00:18
cpopellkanzure: it's self sustaining these days00:18
kanzurea lot of it is directly attributable to eliezer's insistence i think00:19
cpopellkanzure: I'd be curious to see activity logs of traffic over time on lesswrong.com00:19
kanzureokay coming up. root ftw.00:19
cpopellyou have root on lesswrong.com?00:19
kanzurei have root everywhere00:21
kanzureREDACT REDACT00:21
kanzurewhere do you think these old logs are coming from00:22
kanzureout of my ass?00:22
cpopellI hadn't made any assumptions, but if you had asked me before I probably would have said you hunted down holders of log files  and asked for them00:23
cpopellor asked who had the00:23
kanzurei don't seem to be the type of person to ask00:23
cpopellhuh, ran across someone who mentioned Aaron Swartz in her okc profile00:26
kanzureq: is that hot?00:27
cpopellIt's interesting. The rest of her profile is shitty ironic hipsterism though so fuck that.00:27
kanzureyou don't strike me as the okcupid type00:27
kanzurethat site attracts a different kind of weird00:28
cpopellEh, it's all types of weird. I've had decent success.00:29
kanzurenot usually "people who are able to make plans and execute on them"00:29
kanzure(in general)00:29
cpopellDC has a sufficient number of people on the site you can sort of sort them out00:30
cpopellanyway, there's no better online dating site that I know of00:30
cpopellplus it gives you more reasons to dislike me: I'm at a 99% match with Yudkowsky.00:32
kanzureand what about me00:32
cpopellI don't know your profile or if you even have one.00:32
cpopellyou and I have not really discussed our personal lives so much.00:33
kanzure8% enemy. alright.00:34
cpopellAlonzoTG's is, I believe, also under the same name00:38
cpopellUnfortunately many of the girls I share media/science tastes with are also way too into feminism as an ideology for me.00:40
kanzurethey are pushy?00:41
cpopellIf feminism buzzwords show up repeatedly in a profile I don't bother00:41
cpopellunless there's something reaaaally selling them.00:42
kanzure"if you don't donate to a feminist organization of my choice every month, you're morally evil"00:42
kanzureoh yeah i forgot about that00:43
cpopellie my last girlfriend, had queer politics and was rather into feminism, but pretty much almost every other factor was awesome so00:43
kanzureone of eliezer's cult building tactics was convincing everyone who was clueless about what to do with their life00:43
kanzureto donate a large chunk of their income to him00:43
kanzurelike >10%00:43
ParahSailincheaper than lds00:43
kanzureeveryone needs a hobby00:44
kanzuremine just happens to be cool drugs and hacking shit00:44
kanzure(i could have made that sound more snarky)00:44
cpopellbasically like 95% the people out here are political activists, people with liberal arts degrees working jobs they loathe, or federal government contractors who also work jobs they loathe00:45
kanzurethat's sticking it to the man, by cleaning their floors00:45
cpopellI'm vaguely making an effort to move to Seattle00:45
cpopellMIRI's 2012 total revenue was 1.6m00:46
ParahSailini thought if they got 500, hed finish his harry potter fanfic00:47
kanzureextropians was 1800 emails/month at its peak pre-199300:51
kanzurethey had a Hawthorne exchange thing00:52
kanzurewhere each poster had shares that they bought/sold to each other00:52
kanzureand this controlled email content quality somehow00:52
cpopellOkay, I should actually get work done before bed.01:00
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superkuhpaperbot: http://www.jneurosci.org/content/34/2/586.long02:26
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eudoxiapls make the sl4 markov bot happen05:19
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fireprfHydrapretty cool: http://www.gadgetreview.com/2014/04/infrared-contact-lenses.html09:33
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kanzure"My money wasn’t the only money problem.  There was no money for the research.  My PI (the professor and head of the lab) got rejected time after time for NIH grant funding (and every other funding organization out there).  Ivy League, and he was still relying on his start-up money to cover the costs.  The stats at the time (which haven’t improved) were that < 3% of all grant applications were funded.  Unfortunately my boss was never part ...10:20
kanzure... of that 3%.  In the six years I worked there, he never got a single grant for the cancer research."10:20
kanzure"Douglas Prasher got the shortest end of the stick.  He should have gotten the Nobel Prize.  He got the opposite.  Prasher cloned and sequenced the gene for Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP).  And Prasher was the first to propose that GFP could be used as a tracer molecule.  He wrote a grant detailing how GFP could be used as a reporter to measure the levels of gene expression and track the localization of proteins in cells.  Every geneticist ...10:20
kanzure... and molecular biologist alive today uses GFP assays in their research.  GFP revolutionized the field and allowed scientists to make rapid leaps forward.  Not surprisingly, the work for GFP received the Nobel Prize.  Only, Prasher didn’t win it."10:21
kanzure"You see, that grant he wrote about GFP never got funded.  The reviewers of the grant thought his ideas were crazy.  Without funding, Prasher didn’t get tenure.  He had to close his lab.  He gave his GFP samples and ideas to his fellow colleagues.  He knew how important GFP was, and he didn’t want it to be lost.  With no funding, Prasher was forced out of science altogether.  He became a shuttle bus driver for a car dealership. "10:21
delinquentmekanzure, your fav language for skrapering ... still python yeah?10:21
delinquentmealso functional programming?  I was gonna write a scraper in haskell for the goggles10:21
kanzure"And every scientist I know is in the same predicament.  Science will fail because the System is running the scientists out of it.  Every human suffers because of it.  Cancer affects 1 in 3.  Someone close to you will get it.  How many could be saved if the system didn’t fail scientists like Douglas Prasher?  Like the 2/3 of the PhDs that are forced out of science?   "10:22
kanzureyep i still use python for scraping10:24
kanzureif haskell can use the gobject bindings to webkit then go for it10:25
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mosasaurA much as I agree with sentiment, by the time one gets to be a PhD one has to already have accepted this corruption for several years. The real problem starts much much earlier, so focusing on unlucky PhD's (who are after all the relatively lucky ones to get this far in an unfair system) is kind of silly or hypocritical.10:27
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kanzurei dunno if it's an explicit sort of corruption, but sure10:27
kanzurewhat would you count as the much earlier stuff?10:28
mosasaurFor example not being allowed to choose one's own research topic, instead one has to work on someone else projects.10:29
kanzuretrue, but you can sometimes try to pick an advisor10:29
mosasaurYeah that's for the lucky ones.10:30
kanzurei haven't seen many proposals for restructuring modern science10:31
kanzurethere was this stuff:10:31
ParahSailinkanzure: how often is it that you need a full rendering engine rather than html parsing for a scraper10:38
kanzuresometimes i don't want to bother reverse engineering some pile of javascript10:39
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kanzureit's actually not that often i suppose10:39
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caternmosasaur: you mean as an undergraduate, or what?10:41
kanzurea lot of the incentives in modern science are really out of whack10:41
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kanzureand a lot of students-as-researchers get worked into the ground10:41
kanzureoof the #virus logs are 113 MB10:42
caternif they get to pick their research topic, does it still matter that they're worked into the ground?10:42
caternoh, misread, i interpreted phd as graduate student10:43
kanzureit's weird but the fact that there's so much good labor at such low prices is actually beneficial to this channel because it means projects are cheaper to implement with armies of bio labor10:44
caternin fields of great interest and self sacrifice, be the buyer, not the seller10:45
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chris_99what are the virus logs kanzure?10:57
kanzurei'm just dumping logs from irc.lucifer.com10:57
kanzurechannels like #sl4 #extropy #immortal #immortal210:57
chris_99aha what's #virus about?10:57
kanzureno idea10:57
kanzurehere's 1 MB of #transinst http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/extropians/irclogs/transinst.log11:13
kanzure2003-04-21 19:42:22 < MichaelA> Ultimately it would be nice if more transhumanists moved to media centres11:17
kanzurewell this is a weird one: http://web.archive.org/web/20030228085849/http://singularityactiongroup.com/11:20
kanzure2003-04-23 18:32:23 < celindra> Sing. Act. Group hangs out in #singactgrp on this server11:20
kanzure"list of project teams" http://web.archive.org/web/20030427041727/http://home.mchsi.com/~deering9/teamlist.html11:20
ParahSailinguinea needs draco11:27
kanzure2003-05-12 19:56:37 < Eliezer> If Heather has the most tremendous orgasm of her life, by a margin of 10%, once per year│, then after a mere 250 years she will need to have orgasms weighing over 48,000 pounds, with a street price of more than two billion dollars.11:27
mosasaurtoo bad that lovelife link doesn't resolve anymore11:36
dingothem dollar microscopes are cool11:38
dingowish i had them as a kid11:38
dingoevery xmas i asked for a microscope for years, gave up and stuck with computer science haha11:39
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kanzurevirus.log:2007-10-02 21:22:38 < kanzure> kanzure (~bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #virus11:50
kanzurelooks like i was a little late to the party11:51
kanzurevirus.log:2011-05-17 21:05:54 < eudoxia> eudoxia (~eudoxia@r190-135-2-238.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy) has joined #virus11:51
kanzurenot as late as eudoxia though :)11:51
chris_99was it computer viruses12:07
Urchinthere was a transhumanist religion called church of virus once12:08
kanzureyep, that's what the logs are12:08
UrchinI don't know what happened to it12:08
kanzureit's their irc channel12:08
Urchinthat irc channel is still alive12:10
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kanzurehow do you know?12:10
Urchinlog appears to be recently modified12:11
kanzurei dumped the log from mysql12:11
Urchinok, I'll check it out12:12
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eudoxiatoday outside of the office there was a guy dressed as a giant bitcoin13:37
eudoxiai wanted to take a picture with him but by the time i'd left the building he was too far for me to waddle to him13:38
eudoxiayou'd think a guy in a giant foam suit would be slower13:38
eudoxiakanzure: i think #virus may have been that, uh, 'transtopia' thing. cf. dalibor den otter13:42
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* eudoxia reads the logs13:43
eudoxiaright, the CoV. i'd completely forgotten about those13:43
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kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TinyTIM "In July, 1990, TinyTIM was moved from the gnu.ai.mit.edu machine to a system hosted at the Supercollider in Texas."14:05
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kanzure278M lesswrong.log14:10
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kanzureexi-digest-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu exi-daily-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu14:12
kanzure31M if anyone wants to grab all those irclogs http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/extropians/tarchives/irclogs.tar.xz14:18
eudoxiahey you never know you might turn over an irc log and find satoshi14:22
kanzurewell we certainly found hal14:22
jrayhawklesswrong folks get pretty pissed off at publicly accessible logs, so you might socially inconvenience whomever made them14:22
eudoxiajrayhawk: why was that again?14:23
eudoxiacult bullshit or pony bullshit14:23
kanzurethe dump doesn't include lesswrong14:23
kanzureit's just "really old logs like #sl4 and #extropy #immortal #vpsummit #virus"14:23
jrayhawkeudoxia: probably fears of pitchfork-bearing mobs getting pissed off at discussions of the utility of human life and child molestation and transphobia and feminism and other hotbutton things14:24
kanzureoh brother14:25
eudoxiajrayhawk: ah so basically hiding their cult bullshit14:25
kanzureutility of human life is not cult bullshit14:25
eudoxiakanzure: are there logs of that MUD, 'The Beyond', that run on lucifer.com?14:25
kanzurewhat would logs of a MUD look like?14:26
jrayhawkeudoxia: "safe space" is the relevant term in social psychology14:26
jrayhawk#lesswrong is a "safe space" where they will not be persecuted for discussing their areas of interest14:26
cpopell2'The rationalist community is a safe space for people who obsessively focus on reason and argument even when it is socially unacceptable to do so.' I have made PatrickRobotham really angry.14:28
jrayhawkwell, in theory, anyway14:29
kanzureyep that one's going into gradstudentbot14:29
cpopell2Patrick really didn't get how one could have certain fairly progressive beliefs AND not identify as a feminist14:30
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kanzurehttp://hackage.haskell.org/package/clash-prelude-0.5/docs/CLaSH-Tutorial.html "functional hardware description"14:36
kanzureallen mouse brain connectivity atlas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CvY-y2IPdg14:38
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kanzureoh that's right, feynman's kid was an extropian http://www.lucifer.com/~sasha/bostropians.html15:06
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eudoxiashame he didn't stick around, might have made good propaganda15:14
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kanzurewell he's probably hounded by everyone15:15
kanzure"come on! show me path integral things!"15:15
eudoxiathe lisp people didn't exploit feynman enough for propaganda purposes15:17
eudoxia(he worked on the connection machine)15:17
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da_shirlz_HBIC_paperbot http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM19800124302040118:20
da_shirlz_HBIC_paperbot http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2012/mb/c2mb05461b#!divAbstract18:24
da_shirlz_HBIC_paperbot http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016777991300087518:26
da_shirlz_HBIC_paperbot http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bit.25018/abstract;jsessionid=653D4CDB8A06D4752EFFDFF5097009C1.f01t03?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false18:27
kanzuretry not including userIsAuthenticated=false or other giveaways18:28
da_shirlz_HBIC_paperbot http://www.cell.com/trends/biotechnology/abstract/S0167-7799(13)00087-5?_returnURL=http%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0167779913000875%3Fshowall%3Dtrue&showall=true=?_returnURL=http%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0167779913000875%3Fshowall%3Dtrue&showall=true=18:29
da_shirlz_HBIC_thanks will try18:29
kanzurewhat brings you here?18:29
da_shirlz_HBIC_personal research18:31
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=5141ea95 Bryan Bishop: some thoughts on a minimum nootropic18:49
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kanzure"Street-Fighting Mathematics: The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving" https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/titles/content/9780262514293_Creative_Commons_Edition.pdf19:40
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nmz787paperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mee.2012.04.00221:58
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