
--- Log opened Sat Apr 26 00:00:51 2014
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fennoffline wikipedia viewer01:12
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nmz787I have no idea what that paper is doing01:16
nmz787kanzure: awake? can you recommend a good dexter's lab episode to watch?01:17
fenn.title http://stylebot.me/styles/556801:17
* fenn wonders where yoleaux went01:18
fennanyway, i fixed the awful gigantic button bar in google groups01:18
fennit was a clusterfuck01:18
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fennnmz787: ren and stimpy episodes "space madness", "marooned", and "black hole" are pretty good01:39
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dingo'rick and morty' is a great new show02:00
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fenni ended up finding the best wikipedia torrent on, yep, the pirate bay: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/9704733/Entirety_of_Wikipedia_in_English_with_pictures_[40GB]02:14
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xmjanyone here read http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0092413 ?03:11
xmj.article http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.009241303:11
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fenn.title http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.009241304:31
yoleauxPLOS ONE: Using Friends as Sensors to Detect Global-Scale Contagious Outbreaks04:31
fennsounds deviously devilish04:32
xmjshould be awesome for social engineering hacks to your friend network04:34
fennAshleyWaffle: a link to a reddit linking to screenshots of facebook about some whining between people we don't know and don't care about? why?04:37
fennAshleyWaffle: are you actually trying to lower the signal to noise ratio of this channel?04:37
xentracjrayhawk: thank you for the papers!04:44
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.009241307:04
gradstudentbotI'm only doing this to get tenure.07:04
kanzurefenn: here you go,07:04
kanzure02:23 <+dpk> kanzure: archive.org's torrent tracker ought to do that stuff07:04
kanzure02:23 <+dpk> kanzure: and, if you find comprehensive Usenet archives anywhere that aren't under Google's lock and key … you'll be an internet superhero07:04
xmjkanzure: good catch07:06
xmjreads interesting.07:07
kanzurei didn't want to bother finding the pdf on my own07:07
kanzurei already put the effort into the paperbot, why should i be subjected to the existential horror that is plosone.org?07:07
kanzureand your sarcasm is poorly done07:07
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archelspaperbot: http://iopscience.iop.org/0967-3334/21/1/301/pdf/0967-3334_21_1_301.pdf07:56
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paperbotAssertionError: ElementTree not initialized, missing root (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 53, in _go)08:16
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ParahSailinpaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0967-3334/21/1/30108:17
kanzurepaperbot took a long time on that iop paper08:20
ebowdenOh, ParahSailin, I forget, what was it you worked with?08:22
kanzurestop doing that08:22
kanzureyou should just ask questions without caring whether ParahSailin or me or anyone else answers08:23
kanzure"fields of study" is horse crap08:23
kanzuresmelly horse crap08:23
kanzurenot the good kind08:23
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ParahSailinpaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/msb.14522808:58
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ParahSailinpaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/msb.2014522809:00
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kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/systemantics.pdf (28 MB)11:13
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kanzurethat was much shorter and boring than i thought it would be11:39
kanzureand a great deal more pessimism than necessary11:39
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kanzureand it doesn't explain why anything works at all in the first place11:48
cpopell`sleepWhat sort of systems are you hoping to read about?11:49
kanzurei don't think that's my goal?11:50
cpopell`sleepokay, why did you read that book11:50
kanzurebecause i had read the wikipedia article, and i wanted to see the book11:50
kanzureturns out the wikipedia article is better11:50
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delinquentmeIs it totally nuts to think that if we took tissue / cell samples from a currently ages human, and fixed up the methlyation to be modeled after a younger set of DNA , performed this modification in mass and then injected them into their respective tissues11:51
delinquentmethat this would lessen effects of aging?11:51
delinquentmeI mean isn't this the function which is tied to heterochronic parabiosis?  as well as the beneficial growth factors extreted by "younger" immuno identical cells?11:52
cpopell`sleepyou could always go write a grant proposal11:53
kanzurethat's a boring answer11:54
cpopell`sleepkanzure: it'll occupy him 100 hours and get him to focus on one topic for that long, though!11:55
kanzureno it wont11:55
kanzurehe is incapable of that11:55
delinquentmeBut it would work right?11:55
delinquentmeI love it the career academics cutting on me because the cognitive dissonance caused by switching costs in focuses11:55
kanzureit wont make you spend 100 hours on a grant11:56
delinquentmecpopell`sleep, seriously dont add to the noise.11:56
kanzureif that's what you mean by will it work11:56
cpopell`sleepI'm not a career academic, I just see you on facebook.11:56
delinquentmecpopell`sleep, add to the convo or dont.11:57
delinquentmetalking heads, we dont fucking need them. thanks.11:57
delinquentmekanzure, I'm asking if this is inline with out best knowledge on the topic11:57
delinquentmemethlyation patters are essentially how embryonic differs from IPSCs11:57
gradstudentbotThe grant got rejected.11:57
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xentracdelinquentme: I don't know enough to know if that will work but it sounds like one of the elements of SENS?12:46
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kanzurefenn: ted should write a story where there's a conservation of cognitive effort, and it gets shifted around. or maybe egan. probably ted.14:00
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paskypaperbot: http://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/ijoc.2.1.414:34
-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]14:34
paskypaperbot: http://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ijoc.2.1.414:35
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kanzure"CLUSTERIZER -> clusters" ugh14:59
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kanzurerm blockchain.tar.gz y/n?15:38
kanzurefrom 2013-12-03, 7 GB, so most likely behind15:39
kanzure"Enhancing the role of ultrasound with contrast agents" including "Guidance of Percutaneous Tumor Ablation Procedures"15:42
kanzure"Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is the application of ultrasound contrast medium to traditional medical sonography. Ultrasound contrast agents rely on the different ways in which sound waves are reflected from interfaces between substances. This may be the surface of a small air bubble or a more complex structure. Commercially available contrast media are gas-filled microbubbles that are administered intravenously to the systemic ...15:42
kanzure... circulation. Microbubbles have a high degree of echogenicity, which is the ability of an object to reflect the ultrasound waves."15:43
kanzure"argeted microbubbles are under preclinical development. They retain the same general features as untargeted microbubbles, but they are outfitted with ligands that bind specific receptors expressed by cell types of interest, such as inflamed cells or cancer cells. Current microbubbles in development are composed of a lipid monolayer shell with a perflurocarbon gas core. The lipid shell is also covered with a polyethylene glycol (PEG) layer. ...15:43
kanzure... PEG prevents microbubble aggregation and makes the microbubble more non-reactive. It temporarily “hides” the microbubble from the immune system uptake, increasing the amount of circulation time, and hence, imaging time.[5]"15:43
kanzure"Gene Delivery: Vector DNA can be conjugated to the microbubbles. Microbubbles can be targeted with ligands that bind to receptors expressed by the cell type of interest. When the targeted microbubble accumulates at the cell surface with its DNA payload, ultrasound can be used to burst the microbubble. The force associated with the bursting may temporarily permeablize surrounding tissues and allow the DNA to more easily enter the cells."15:44
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kanzure"Ultrasound produces more heat as the frequency increases, so the ultrasonic frequency must be carefully monitored." aka stimulation yo15:45
kanzure"Microbubbles burst at low ultrasound frequencies and at high mechanical indices (MI), which is the measure of the acoustic power output of the ultrasound imaging system. Increasing MI increases image quality, but there are tradeoffs with microbubble destruction. Microbubble destruction could cause local microvasculature ruptures and hemolysis"15:45
kanzuremaybe someone has tried a liganderized microbubble for ultrasound stimulation or tumor ablation15:46
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kanzureum, this seems to claim they were able to target the hippocampus with microbubbles: http://orion.bme.columbia.edu/ueil/documents/article/2011-choi-bbb-pulses-microbubbles.pdf16:04
kanzure"One of the advantages of FUS-induced BBB disruption is the ability to noninvasively, locally, and transiently deliver agents to a target region of interest. Large molecules of 3, 10, and 70 kDa were delivered to the left hippocampus, which is relevant for several drugs such as bace-1 inhibitors and brain-derived neurotrophic factors."16:09
kanzurethis one is also cool: "Intracerebral administration of ultrasound-induced dissolution of lipid-coated GDNF microbubbles provides neuroprotection in a rat model of Parkinson's disease" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036192301400025216:15
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kanzurehm well if it was carrying something that could stimulate a neuron it would have to get out of the bloodstream first16:22
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fenn"hplusroadmap: the cognitive load stops here"17:55
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fenn"read my lips: no new cognitive taxes"17:56
fennthe pitfalls of an attention economy17:56
fenn"gas-filled microbubbles that are administered intravenously" holy shit that's awesome17:59
fennyou know how in "the abyss" they submerge the rat (and the un/fortunate human) in perfluoroalkanes,, you could use the same microbubble capsulation tech to increase  blood oxygenation capacity18:01
fennis this thing on18:01
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* eudoxia mumbles something about respirocytes18:03
fenneudoxia: how do you do that?18:08
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FourFireI just found out about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krista_and_Tatiana_Hogan18:08
FourFireThey share parts of their brain18:08
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fennthey are also pro wrestlers18:09
eudoxiafenn: "freitas <bah blah> money <mumble mumble> richard smalley ruined it all <guttural sounds>"18:09
fenneudoxia: i meant how you appear suddenly from the mists of ether18:09
eudoxiafenn: well i read the logs compulsively18:10
eudoxiaand have a little bit of js produce a link to today's and yesterday's logs in my homepage18:10
eudoxias/homepage/browser start page18:10
fennoh i thought maybe it was some cool lisp thing that acts like an irc session without actually connecting18:10
eudoxiai haven't reached the point where i have a monitor exclusively dedicated to showing the logs in real time, no18:11
FourFirefenn, was that a joke?18:12
fennFourFire: not a very good one18:12
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FourFireI guess this is old news to you people18:12
fennno, i had no idea who they were18:12
FourFirebut two seperate distinct people sharing parts of the same brain seems pretty interesting (and scary) to me18:13
FourFireI wonder how mentally developed they are now18:13
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fennoh i did see a short documentary about them18:16
fennthey tickle one girl and the other laughs18:16
eudoxiai wonder if as they grow they skull area around where they are joined will fracture or something18:17
fennthat's what the adamantium exoskeleton is for18:18
fennwoo 10 minutes until i have my very own wikipedia18:20
fenni wonder why nobody is selling it on DVD18:21
xentracfenn: how much oxygen can your blood hold now, and how much would it be able to hold in microbubbles?18:22
fenni have no idea18:22
xentracthis sounds like a thing you could calculate more or less18:22
fennit's complicated because of hemoglobin18:23
fennsomeone's probably measured though18:23
gradstudentbotI don't think my PI remembers me.18:23
xentracI'm sure normal hematocrit, blood volume, hemoglobin sensity, and oxygen/hemoglobin mass ratio are well-known numbers that you could multiply18:24
fenntheoretically "20 ml of O2 per 100 mL of blood" (those units seem wrong, ml of oxygen?)18:24
fenn"1 g of hemoglobin theoretically can bind a maximum of 1.34 mL of oxygen at standard temperature and pressure, but this value is never actually achieved in vivo because of factors such as the formation of carboxyhemoglobin and the presence of methemoglobin or other inactive hemoglobins."18:25
xentracphoto of Tatiana and Krista18:25
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fenn"Patent 4927623    1. Field of the Invention:The present invention relates to the art of biocompatible oxygen transport and contrast enhancement agents for animal use, and more particularly to biocompatibly fluid fluorocarbon containing emulsions"18:28
xentrac20 mL of oxygen per 100 mL is about the same as what air contains18:29
fennsure, spoil the party18:30
xentracgases aren't very dense18:31
xentracas a general rule18:31
fennso you'd probably want two kinds of respirocytes, one to dissolve oxygen and one to dissolve carbon dioxide18:32
fennthere was some proposal about pumping molecules up an energy gradient but i think that's too complex for a first step18:33
xentracto cite two more surprising results of this, seawater contains more CO₂ per volume than air does, and pure fluorine is not the best source of fluorine at STP18:33
fennwhat do you mean "best source of fluorine"?18:34
xentracmost available fluorine for fluoridating things per mL18:34
fennlike SF6 has more fluorine than F2?18:34
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fenn(about three times as much, i'd wager)18:35
xentracit has more, but it isn't really very available18:35
xentracI mean, you can breathe SF₆18:35
xentracwithout combusting18:35
xentracwhereas breathing fluorine will cause you to combust18:36
fennyou can breathe CO2 without combusting too18:36
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xentracyes, and in fact CO₂ is pretty terrible as a source of oxygen18:37
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xentracto the point that you can use it in welding to keep (some) metals from oxidizing18:37
xentrachowever, ClF₃ is excellent as a source of fluorine18:37
fenntoday i learned about interhalogens18:38
xentractruly awe-inspiring substances18:39
fenn"ClF3 reacts more violently than fluorine, often explosively."18:40
fennoh there is a ClF5 too18:41
xentracthat sounds like a positively impractical substance18:41
xentraclike neutronium18:41
fenniodine heptafluoride18:42
fennneutronium seems eminently practical18:42
xentracfor what?18:43
fenn"starquake" is about creatures that evolved on a neutron star; humans in a spaceship happen by and hilarity ensues due to the difference in time scales. 1 second is about 1000 subjective years for the neutronium people18:44
eudoxiarobert forward should have become more famous18:45
fennat some point there is a technology transfer; turns out having stupidly fast timescales based on nuclear force interactions makes for fast computers18:45
xentracthe problem is that you have to build your computer on a neutron star18:45
fennthe neutronium people develop a space program where they figure out how to contain neutronium with microsingularities or something18:46
fennoh, "dragon's egg" is the first book18:46
eudoxiaare neutronium femtocomputers even remotely possible18:47
xentracthere's a big difference between "hypothetical undiscovered physics introduced as a plot device in a novel would make it practical" and "practical"18:47
xentracin my book anyway18:47
eudoxiaxentrac: "greg egan" practical18:47
xentrachttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine_trifluoride is a highly entertaining Wikipedia page18:47
xentrac.g "greg egan" practical18:48
fennsuch a tiny font18:48
xentracthat article is very interesting indeed18:49
eudoxiai think it's quite readable18:49
xentracI especially like the "solubility" section of that Wikipedia page18:50
eudoxia"It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers"18:52
xentracall of Ignition is good reading18:55
xentracI'm amused that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highly_toxic_gases exists18:55
fennthe lists articles are the best thing about wikipedia18:58
fenni should print a wikibook, List of lists of things18:59
xentracthat sounds like a good idea18:59
xentracyou should use my tiny font18:59
fennspeaking of which, my 45000 articles are ready18:59
xentracoh cool, which ones?19:00
fennkiwix screenshot http://fennetic.net/irc/wikipedia_0.8_kiwix.png19:01
xentrackiwix is good19:01
fennit doesn't have "interhalogen"19:03
fennthis is also 4 years old19:04
fenni couldn't find one under 8GB that was more recent but also comprehensive19:04
fennthere's a few "simple english" but meh19:04
fennanyway the 40GB one should be everything i want, published feb 201419:05
fennmaybe i can reduce the file size with your byn techniques or even just resizing the thumbnails19:06
fennChlamydia infection · Chlodwig, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst · Chloramphenicol · Chlordiazepoxide · Chloride · Chlorine · Chlorine dioxide · Chlorofluorocarbon · Chloroform · Chlorophyll · Chlorophyta · Chloroplast · Chlorpromazine · Chmod ·19:07
xentracby the way, "byn" is an abbreviation for "blanco y negro"19:07
fennthat's okay, it's unique and short19:08
fenni figured it was "bynary" or something19:08
xentracit seems like it should be possible to select the top N articles by hit count19:08
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fenn"random article" from the 45000 actually doesn't suck19:12
fennoh cool it has animated gifs19:13
fenni wonder if i can force a css override in their xulrunner19:14
fennhm it does skins and inverted colors out of the box, that's pretty sweet19:15
gradstudentbotThe fluorescent microscope is broken.19:16
fennhue inverted, weird19:17
xentracthat looks like the hue is not inverted, but rather the value19:22
xentracor intensity19:22
kanzurefenn: the story would attempt to explain why people have "off" days ("all the computational capacity was shifted to those other jerks")19:23
fennhttp://fennetic.net/irc/kiwix_hue_invert2.png http://fennetic.net/irc/kiwix_hue_invert3.png19:23
fennoh right, i was thinking a double negative19:23
fennvalue invert makes more sense19:24
kanzurefenn, so the microbubble-based increase of blood oxygen would involve the use of ultrasound to break the bubbles?19:24
fennxcalib -i -a makes it hue inverted :P19:24
fennkanzure: no you'd just stuff liquid fluorocarbon in the microbubbles instead of gaseous fluorocarbon19:25
xentracbash: xcalib: command not found19:25
fennpresumably it dissolves more oxygen per unit volume than blood, but i don't really know19:25
xentracI'd be surprised19:26
kanzurewhen would the microbubbles break?19:26
kanzureclearly i don't understand19:26
fennthey are just artificial oxygen transport vesicles19:26
kanzureand why did you have to envoke freitasian respirocytes?19:27
fennoxygen diffuses into and out of the vesicles19:27
fennuh, eudoxia did19:27
kanzureso confusion19:27
fenniirc freitas was talking about active systems that pump oxygen in and out19:27
fenn1000 atm internal pressure19:28
kanzurei thought his respirocytes idea was just molecular nanotech floating around in your body doing uh, stuff19:28
kanzurei don't remember anything about a pressurized oxygen container?19:29
fennyes, where stuff = compressed oxygen19:29
kanzurewhat wavelength are you operating on19:29
fenndude, google "respirocyte"19:29
kanzure.g respirocyte19:29
kanzurehm, so, i think bubbles are more practical than making a micrometer-sized red blood cell replacement19:30
fennwell they exist already, that's a plus19:31
kanzure"Muscle fatigue results from inadequate supply of oxygen to the muscles during intense exercise, leading to inefficient lactic acid fermentation. If respirocytes could increase the supply of oxygen despite exercise, it should be possible to reduce muscle fatigue, increasing a person's endurance." if that was true, you would be able to do EPO straight into the muscles in lab testing19:31
fennactually muscle fatigue is mostly due to overheating19:31
kanzureor rather, i should say, people would have done said weird direct-line-of-EPO study19:31
kanzure(maybe they have)19:31
fennhuh? i dont know what you're trying to say19:32
kanzurehow many cells are not immediately served by blood?19:32
fenncorneal cells, bone cells, skin cells, um.. not many19:32
kanzureso each neuron has direct access to blood?19:33
fenndepends what you mean by "direct"19:33
fennshredding the BBB to get more oxygen seems like a bad idea19:34
kanzurenah, i mean, where is the blood: http://www.nia.nih.gov/sites/default/files/nia-ad-image04_large.jpg19:35
fennyou know better than that kanzure19:36
fennthere's no space between neurons19:36
fennalso they don't emit a yellow glow19:37
kanzureokay fine, if there's no space then there's no space for bloodz19:37
fennright, and there's no space for bubbles either19:37
kanzurethen how do neurons get anything19:38
kanzurebubbles can't be diffused?19:38
fennit's not just neurons; blood cells don't cross the endothelium. all cells get their oxygen by diffusion19:38
fennif a gas is diffusing through a liquid, it's dissolved and thus not a bubble19:39
kanzurewhat about this one? http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0361923014000252 they were lying and the bubbles really didn't reach neurons?19:39
gradstudentbotWhatever, I'm really dating school anyway.19:40
fennin this case the bubbles are full of GDNF, a protein, probably suspended in water19:41
fenneither your bubbles are impermeable, or they are large, or they dissolve almost instantly19:41
fenn"release GDNF in a sustained manner after low frequency ultrasound stimulation"19:42
fennthis says nothing about bubbles crossing the BBB19:43
kanzureah interesting19:43
fennalso i thought they used ultrasound to locally disrupt the BBB19:43
kanzurethat was another one19:43
fennotherwise GDNF wouldn't get through either19:43
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kanzurewell, still might have some opportunity for neuron-specific targetting19:49
fennare you on a nanoparticle kick or something?19:50
kanzureultrasound kick19:50
kanzurei didn't know about ultrasound-specific contrast agents19:51
kanzurewhich is nice for imaging, but other possible payloads might be possible19:52
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fenn.tell ebowden http://orion.bme.columbia.edu/ueil/documents/article/2011-choi-bbb-pulses-microbubbles.pdf19:54
yoleauxfenn: I'll pass your message to ebowden.19:54
fennkanzure: not just possible, but demonstrated19:55
kanzuretranscranial ultrasound stimulation might benefit from a related concept19:55
kanzureor direct current or magnetic stimulation19:55
fennyo dawg i heard you liked contrast agents so we put a contrast agent in your contrast agent so you can contrast your agents while you age19:55
fennit would be cool if you could make the bubbles respond to only a specific frequency19:56
kanzuremaybe it varies by diameter of bubble19:57
kanzureor bubble material (the other paper was using microspheres of some plastic crap?)19:57
fennthe medium is compressible so i think sub-wavelength bubbles will compress19:57
fennyou'd need something like a long tube coiled up into a spiral19:59
fennwhen it resonates, the end caps/plugs fall out and drugs are released. yeah that's the ticket19:59
kanzureand why would they have not fallen out sooner?20:00
fennbecause they're shoved in really tight20:00
fennalso see the difference between "snap fit" (restoring force) and "press fit" (restraining force)20:01
fennsnap fit limits by amplitude threshold, press fit limits by integral20:01
fennokay so you take a tupperware container, put your stash of drugs in it, set it in front of the shrink ray...20:02
kanzurei don't know if tupperware is press or snap fit20:03
fennsome people just do bong rips20:03
fennthe original rubbermaid "tupperware" brand was press fit, but most modern stuff is snap fit20:03
entelechiossnap fit is the shit20:04
fenn'The formerly patented "burping seal" is a famous aspect of Tupperware, which distinguished it from competitors.'20:04
kanzuremicrobubbles and microspheres are easier to manufacture than "a really tiny coiled up tube with medicine/payloads inside and also a really well snap fitting endcap"20:05
fennok how about just flattened ends that leak when stimulated20:05
fennsnap fit has a higher ... contrast ratio20:06
kanzurewhat was wrong with spheres/bubbles though?20:06
fennthey all respond to every frequency20:07
kanzurewith focused ultrasound you can just point to the place that you want, and since it's a phased array you only get the effect at a certain location20:07
kanzurei guess non-phased-array would be preferable if at all possible20:07
kanzuresince it's "simpler" from a mechanical perspective20:07
fennit's the difference between a black and white TV and a color TV20:07
fennbubbles vs tubes i mean20:08
xentracwell, and you can probably get higher gain, kanzure20:08
fenndefinitely want to do phased array20:08
xentrac(with a parabolic reflector, say)20:08
fennyou know what's simple? a hammer and a brick20:09
fennput the brick on your head, have someone hit it with a hammer20:09
fenninstant ultrasound20:09
kanzurei am sure a monk can cure your brain cancer with a hammer and 100 years of practice20:09
xentracI was just playing a monk20:09
xentracI got impatient and a mummy and some killer bees cured me in Minetown20:09
fennit's a matter of knowing exactly _where_ to hit it with the tiny hammer20:09
xentracthey cured Minetown of me20:10
kanzureone of those papers had microspheres that were coated with a specific ligand/something to target particular cells20:10
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fennthat's the part i don't get, microspheres are too big to fit in between cells20:11
kanzurewell how big is a virus capsid20:11
fennunless you meant nanoparticles20:11
fenn10-100 nm20:11
kanzureoh right, virus capids are like 10-50 nm20:11
fennactually i think the smallest is polio at around 20nm20:11
fenn.wa diameter of polio20:12
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, no result!20:12
kanzurewolfram doesn't believe in biology20:12
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fenn The viral particle is about 30 nanometres in diameter with icosahedral symmetry.20:12
fenni almost bought a water filter that can screen out viruses20:13
fenni settled for "all bacteria and protozoa" instead20:13
fennit gets most viruses too20:13
fennreally everyone on earth should have one of these20:14
kanzurewouldn't it be better to have more effective immunity20:14
kanzurei know eric hanson would say yes20:15
kanzuretrapped in adobe forever20:15
kanzurewait, eric hunting20:15
kanzurearggghh fucking namespaces20:15
fenn$20 for infinitely reusable portable mechanical filter http://sawyer.com/products/type/water-filtration/20:16
fennis eric hanson a person?20:17
kanzureit's a jrayhawk person20:17
gradstudentbotSo, I'll let you have my reagents when I'm done with my project.20:17
fennthe picture's misleading; the sawyer mini is about 2.5 inches long and 1 inch around20:19
fenn.wa diameter of a sawyer water filter20:19
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, no result!20:19
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fenn.wa diameter of dialysis tubing20:20
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, no result!20:20
fenn.wa zero20:20
yoleaux0: Number name: zero; Number line: http://is.gd/rDUeWu; Binary form: 0₂; Residues modulo small integers: m: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9; 0 mod m: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0; Compass direction: 0° corresponds to north20:20
xentrac.wa diameter of fenn20:20
yoleauxxentrac: Sorry, no result!20:20
fennbinary zero is different from regular zero?20:20
kanzure0 base 2, i assume20:21
fennkanzure: i think MCS is more related to migraine triggers than the immune system, but who kows20:22
fennMultiple chemical sensitivity is a chronic medical condition characterized by symptoms that the affected person attributes to low-level chemical exposure. Commonly accused substances include smoke, pesticides, plastics, synthetic fabrics, scented products, petroleum products, and paint fumes. Symptoms are often vague and non-specific, such as nausea, fatigue, dizziness and headaches, but also20:23
fenncommonly include inflammation of skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract and airways20:23
kanzuregah, acronyms20:23
fennnamespaces, acronyms, semantics, what's left?20:23
kanzurepeople. they must be deleted.20:24
fenni would like a fully denotated language, but Resource Description Framework is hard to read20:25
kanzurei know what multiple chemical sensitivity is, but not that you meant it when you said mcs20:25
kanzuremy contextulization gland hasn't been ultrasonically fondled today20:25
fennit was for the benefit of our lurkers20:26
* fenn gestures grandly at the darkness20:27
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fennthis certainly sounds like an immune reaction though: "runny nose, itchy eyes, headache, scratchy throat, ear ache, scalp pain, mental confusion or sleepiness, palpitations of the heart, upset stomach, nausea and/or diarrhea, abdominal cramping, aching joints"20:29
cluckjdefinitely something going on there20:30
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kanzurei dunno about "mental confusion" as an immune symptom20:30
cluckjI dunno, I get pretty wacky during allergy season if I don't take anti-histamines20:31
fennor even if you do20:31
fennhistamine is pretty similar to serotonin20:32
kanzurea pill to solve confusion would be nice20:32
fennit's called modafinil?20:32
kanzurei was being cheeky, i mean the more general type of confusion where ideas don't make sense because the ideas are stupid/bad20:33
delinquentmewhat was with the pill claimed to allow adults to learn at kid-level plasticity?20:33
cluckjpretty similar like...how?20:33
kanzurethe way to get rid of bad ideas isn't to take a pill, it's to stop talking to morons20:33
fenniirc one of the problems with amphetamine use by fighter pilots is they have poor judgement, snap to quick decisions inappropriately20:33
kanzurewhat dosages do fighter pilots take20:33
kanzure"nother study of fighter pilots showed that modafinil given in three divided 100 mg doses sustained the flight control accuracy of sleep-deprived F-117 pilots to within about 27 percent of baseline levels for 37 hours, without any considerable side effects.[78] In an 88-hour sleep loss study of simulated military grounds operations, 400 mg/day doses were mildly helpful at maintaining alertness and performance of subjects compared to placebo, ...20:34
kanzure... but the researchers concluded that this dose was not high enough to compensate for most of the effects of complete sleep loss.[79]"20:34
fenncluckj: serotonin is histamine glommed onto the side of a phenol20:34
ParahSailini think a lot of that is innate personality traits of people selected to be pilots20:34
kanzure"have regularly been given amphetamines to fly longer hours. ... they are given Dexedrine in 10 mg doses," air force spokeswoman"20:35
kanzurethat's a pretty low dose, but i think most fighter jet pilots are pretty tiny anyway?20:35
fennoh it has another nitrogen, hm. whatever20:35
ParahSailintryptophan is the one you are thinking of20:36
fennwe were talking about histamine20:36
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cluckjtryptophan is more similar to serotonin20:37
fennHistamine is released as a neurotransmitter. The cell bodies of histamine neurons are found in the posterior hypothalamus, in the tuberomammillary nuclei. From here, these neurons project throughout the brain, including to the cortex, through the medial forebrain bundle. Histamine neurons increase wakefulness and prevent sleep.20:37
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kanzuretuberomammillary, you can't make these up (oh wait)20:37
fenndon't get me started20:37
fennyou'd think they would make an antihistamine that can't cross the blood brain barrier20:38
cluckjoh serotonin is derived from tryptophan20:38
fennprint out a bunch of bio molecule structures and you start to see how they fit into a few families20:40
fennit would be cool to have a set of coffee mugs with the structure on one side and the name on the other, or in thermochromic ink maybe20:41
fennone mug per molecule20:41
kanzurethinking of taking up a new habit?20:41
kanzurea very elaborate habit20:41
fennmaking champagne pyramids that accurately represent metabolism?20:42
fenni don't tolerate caffeine very well20:42
fenninteresting how many antipsychotic drugs are in the "list of antihistamines"20:45
fenn H3-antagonists have a stimulant and nootropic effect, and are being investigated for the treatment of conditions such as ADHD, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia, whereas H4-antagonists appear to have an immunomodulatory role and are being investigated as anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.20:47
kanzurefenn, approximately how annoying is it to build ultrasound transducer phased array parabolic reflector stuff20:49
fenni think you just get a disk of piezo material, laminate it on a piece of metal, and cut it into squares20:50
fennphased array and parabolic reflectors are completely different20:50
fennthe tricky part is the electronics, since a lot of piezo materials need high voltage and precise timing to function20:51
cluckjare you trying to melt someone's brain at a distance?20:51
kanzurefor some value of 'melt'20:51
gradstudentbotI think I just cured cancer. Wow.20:51
fennin the buttery goodness sense of melt20:51
kanzure<3 that bot20:52
ParahSailinand then you put the freedom virus in?20:52
fennParahSailin: is the freedom virus a real thing (ostensibly) or is it just a rhetorical device?20:52
cluckjlow values of melt, or high values of melt?20:52
kanzurecluckj: low values of melt is just stimulation20:53
kanzurecluckj: like reaching into a brain and flipping some neurons on20:53
cluckjoh, so pretty low :)20:53
kanzurehigh values of melt is brain damage and tumor excision20:53
fennthere seems to be some idea to infect their computers with circumvention technologies20:54
kanzurei think he wants a biological virus20:54
fenn"i wasn't downloading porn, it was the freedom virus!"20:54
gradstudentbotI'll need to pull an all-nighter.20:56
yoleauxBureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Request for Proposals: Programs for North Korea20:57
fennParahSailin: i don't see anything unusual on that page20:58
kanzuresource of money20:58
kanzurei guess?20:58
fennshould i submit a proposal to write the Freedom Computer Virus?20:58
ParahSailinwell the idea was to make a biological virus20:59
fenni just dont get how that would work20:59
ParahSailinit works by tricking the state dept into financing a shopping spree20:59
fennbut they already do that21:00
cluckjthe virus acts on the sympathetic nervous system and makes you crave apple pie and baseball21:00
fenntheir people are starving because all the money goes to basketball souveniers or something21:00
kanzurewell now they can be free and starving21:00
fennwhy can't we have a cool hermit kingdom that just pirates everything from the West21:02
fenni guess that's russia, nevermind21:03
kanzurejohn griessen was interested in building the equipment but he wanted like $100k and i snored off21:07
fennokay well a phased array is just an array of transducers21:07
fennso buy some transducers and wire them up21:07
fennthey just need to be the right frequency range21:08
fennsince it's "only" in the megahertz you don't need to worry so much aboutu wiring21:08
kanzurehrm which paper had the schematic21:09
fennspherical is more complicated and i dont really see the point21:09
fennkeep the complexity in math and software21:09
fenni think the pentium computer was designed to run phased array radar, so that's the amount of horsepower you're talking about21:11
kanzurethis seems to indicate the reason for spherical arrays is for "electronic focusing and beam steering in a wider range of 3d volume" http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound/High-intensity%20focused%20ultrasound%20with%20large%20scale%20spherical%20phased%20array%20for%20the%20ablation%20of%20deep%20tumors%20-%202009.pdf21:12
fennmaybe it has less diffraction because you're dealing with a roughly spherical skull21:13
kanzurehah their skin-fat-vein model http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound/A%20portable%20high-intensity%20focused%20ultrasound%20device%20for%20noninvasive%20venous%20ablation%20-%202009.pdf21:18
kanzurefigure 421:18
kanzure"we made stuff vibrate"21:19
kanzureaha here's the one with schematics of anything, page 551 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound/Driving%20circuitry%20for%20focused%20ultrasound%20noninvasive%20surgery%20and%20drug%20delivery%20applications%20-%20Hynynen%20-%202011.pdf21:21
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delinquentmekanzure,  you said you liked schoolbus?  Feels like a piece of crap21:23
delinquentmealso phantomjs is crap w async21:24
fenn"Phased array optics is a technology that will produce three dimensional views of objects and scenery using only two dimensional displays. Display systems based on this technology-- optical phased arrays --will behave quite literally as windows onto whatever scenery we can imagine."21:24
delinquentmeIt seems totally illogical to make a web automation tool which doesn't work with async at a very simple level21:24
kanzurei don't think i've actually used schoolbus21:24
kanzurephantomjs is just a javascript wrapper around webkit21:24
kanzurelike this is a python wrapper around webkitgtk+ https://gist.github.com/kanzure/658141521:24
delinquentmeyeah its been two years since its been updated21:25
kanzurebecause phantomjs is using qtwebkit from an old release of qt which is also using an old release of webkit21:25
kanzureinstead you can just skip all that stuff and go straight to the source (webkit)21:25
kanzure(or blink, if you want)21:25
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fennwoah. "The sources in a phased array must radiate coherently. That is, they must be able to interfere with each other. The easiest way to achieve this is to illuminate the back of the array with light from a single laser." then you can simply use an LCD as a phase modulator21:28
fennwait really?21:28
fennkanzure that's another thing to consider for your melt-o-tron, just using a single ultrasound source and an array of phase modulators21:29
kanzurei enjoy how easy this is to test (at least hypothetically?)- just slabs of meat that you point things at21:29
fennplease don't kill yourself21:30
kanzurei mean meat that isn't me21:30
fennor other humans21:30
delinquentmegiving this a try https://github.com/scrapy/scrapy21:30
gradstudentbotOh man, that's a great scrabble word. I got to write that down.21:30
fenni used to talk to a guy in #emc working on a high voltage piezo generator for paint spray bots. basically it was an ultrasonic flute (helmholtz resonator) that was aimed at the PZT disk. he could set things on fire from across the shop with ultrasonic energy from a 20 psi air stream21:31
kanzureyour friends are wizards21:32
fennthat guy was definitely a wizard21:32
cluckjthat's awesome21:34
fennhis big claim to fame was designing the anti-fog mirror heaters on the BMW21:34
fenni can't recall ever wanting heated mirrors21:35
kanzurefire summoning is better21:35
cluckjyeah it is21:35
fennanyway, ultrasound propagates in unexpected ways21:36
kanzurewasn't there something about using an LCD as a phase modulator for photolithography reasons21:43
kanzuresomething about gene_hacker21:43
fennkanzure: now that i think about it, les watts is pretty much just an older version of les filip21:44
kanzure"gasp! people are similar?"21:45
kanzuremakes sense, you probably collapse into the same personality type if you spend enough time around that much concrete21:46
fenni guess once you have a cnc router you have to make furniture21:46
kanzureotherwise a mob comes after you, an angry mob21:47
fennthe CNC protection agency21:47
kanzurehrm well. i should probably build this.21:47
fennoddly the query "acoustic phase modulator" doesn't return what i want21:48
fennit's probably easier to just use an array of piezo emitters21:50
kanzure"This thesis presents an acoustic phased array system utilizing piezoelectric transducers. The system is capable of operating at arbitrary frequencies into the low megahertz range, with a trade-off between phase accuracy and operational frequency. A maximum of sixteen elements can be introduced to the array and all elements are capable of operating at arbitrary phases relative to each other. Waveform generation is done in MATLAB and LabVIEW ...21:51
kanzure... is used to interface between a host PC issuing commands and the array itself. Results from tests run using a four element array to demonstrate beam steering and focusing at 11 kHz are included and discussed."21:51
kanzurehaha matlab/labview21:51
fenni was thinking something like a liquid crystal that changed its index of refraction or polarity or something (but sound isn't polarized so meh)21:51
fennacoustic waves traveling in solids and gels can have a directional component21:52
fennwhen was that thesis written21:54
Viper168is paperbot working? dunno how to use it, want to get http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/855537821:55
fennwoah i just realized that you could aim battle lasers with liquid crystal phase modulators21:55
kanzurethesis was written in 182021:55
kanzurewhat counts as a battle laser21:55
kanzureViper168: that page does not have a pdf21:55
Viper168ah boo21:55
fennif it has spiky evil fins it's a battle laser21:55
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/0006-3223(94)00378-5/pdf21:56
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 51, in _go)21:56
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fenn.title http://www.hafniumisomer.org/cqeseg3.htm  well this is interesting22:01
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, that command (.title) crashed.22:01
fenncome on yoleaux22:01
yoleauxGamma-ray laser22:01
fenntldr  theoretically you can cause nuclear decays to happen non-randomly by shooting stuff with a gamma ray laser22:02
fennthis has implications for spacecraft and power generation of all sorts22:03
fennand nuclear hand grenades22:03
fennsee, gamma ray lasers don't work because we don't really have mirrors that can reflect gamma rays. also they self destruct instantly22:08
fennbut a phase modulator could point the laser where you want it to go22:08
fenn"spatial light modulator" is the magic keyword22:09
fenni wonder if this is any different from a digital hologram22:14
kanzurep. sure we've talked about spatial light modulators before, hang on a sec while i cross reference it against the version of the web in my head22:15
fenna DLP chip is also called a spatial light modulator, but it wouldn't do phase modulation22:15
fennalso it's digital and you'd want analog22:16
fennso the thing i want modulates both spatial and phase22:16
kanzure21:08 < gene_hacker> also have you looked into building a maskless microstereolithography machine?22:17
fennfortunately that thing happens to be exactly what's in every computer monitor22:17
kanzure21:09 < gene_hacker> or  DLP projector hooked up to a microscope, pointing at a vat of photopolymer22:17
kanzure21:21 < gene_hacker> what can go wrong?22:17
kanzurehrmm where is it.22:17
fennwhere is what22:17
kanzure22:28 < nmz787> http://nathanmccorkle.com/pdf/A%20maskless%20photolithographic%20prototyping%20system%20using%20a%20low-cost%20consumer%20projector%20and%20a%20microscope.pdf22:18
kanzurewell, i remember genehacker or nmz787 was ranting about using an LCD as a phase modulator in here22:18
fennoh, yeah basically a micro 3d printer22:18
kanzureand since genehacker and nmz787 are basically the same person in my head, it is making my search harder22:18
fennLCD != DLP22:18
kanzureyes but he gave a link once to an LCD setup22:18
fennalso 404 nmz78722:18
cpopell`sleephttp://www.miicraft.com/ is DLP I believe22:19
fennlol Book URL: http://adl.serveftp.org-/papers./A%20maskless%20photolithographic%20prototyping%20system%20using%20a%20low-cost%20consumer%20projector%20and%20a%20microscope.pdf22:19
kanzurewhich book has that url22:20
kanzureand it's over here now:22:20
fennyou also have "Versatile stepper based maskless microlithography using a liquid crystal display for direct write of binary and multilevel microstructures" but i'm too lazy to escape code it22:21
kanzurethis is the one i remember genehacker ranting about ("direct write" + "LCD")22:21
kanzurei see that you're back on my wavelength22:21
fenni'm going to start viciously substituting underscores for spaces22:22
kanzureoh damn wrong direction22:23
fennfor filenames i mean22:23
kanzurei like how the diagram has the word "computer" pointing at the monitor22:23
kanzurei don't think that system is particularly portable22:24
fennjournal of clever cheap hacks22:24
gradstudentbotI did so much qPCR today.22:25
fennseems like a flashbulb would be better than using a lamp and a shutter and a lcd22:27
fenni'm pretty sure the fancy pants scientific catalog "liquid crystal spatial light modulator" is just a LCD panel with the polarizers removed22:29
fennalso how come they dont use this in fabs to do prototype runs?22:30
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fennthere was something called a "scanner" where a linear array of lasers is moved across a substrate, changing the bit pattern as it goes... this solves half of the alignment problem (you can get very long continuous images)22:37
fennor s/laser/LCD/22:37
fennwith a tilted anamorphic prism you might be able to simulate a wide linear array with a square LCD panel22:38
fennwith a 640x480 panel, you have 307200 pixels; it seems such a shame to throw away 99.8% of them22:45
fennthere's gotta be some way to make a 307200xInfinite image22:47
kanzurehow did we get to LCDs?22:48
fennphase modulation array22:49
fenni got excited about the possibility of true 3D displays22:49
fennreading this http://www.phased-array.com/1996-Book-Chapter.html22:50
kanzurewhat a convenient domain22:50
kanzuredon't we know brian wowk from somewhere else22:50
kanzurevia: michael anissimov22:50
fennbrian g. wowk a medical physicist and cryobiologist known for the discovery and development of synthetic molecules that mimic the activity of natural antifreeze proteins in cryopreservation applications22:51
kanzure"Mike Darwin & Brian Wowk: Cryonics: Reaching For Tomorrow"22:51
gradstudentbotThat's definitely a Cell paper.22:51
fennhow do i give gradstudentbot a botsnack22:52
gradstudentbotDon't phage me, bro.22:52
kanzurenot implemented22:52
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fenn"If the person who was “duplicated” believed before duplication that duplication constitutes survival of the self, then, by definition, the duplicated entity will insist vociferously that indeed they did survive.  This has ethical implications."22:54
fennan entity derived from a person who did not believe in this form of survival might be quite unhappy to be told that they were the product of a destructive scan of somebody.  This too has ethical implications."22:55
kanzurewho cares, their concept of selfhood is probably broken or wrong22:55
kanzure(ethics be damned)22:55
fennthat's basically what he was saying in the rest of the article22:56
fenni think it's generally poor form to torture sentient constructs22:57
kanzurebecause non-sentient torture is totally cool?22:57
fenni can't square this unambiguously with my belief in the freedom of thought (i.e. you should be allowed to think up an imaginary entity and torture them if you wish)22:58
fenniain banks really missed the ball on this when writing "surface detail"22:58
kanzureby "think up" do you mean "make" or do you mean "an extremely lossy rendering in my head that only functions when i mentally run it in my head"22:59
fennif "head" is a planet sized chunk of computronium, i don't really see the difference23:00
kanzureyawn last link is better23:00
gradstudentbotSo, people always joke about that, but I feel like weaving baskets underwater would not be the easiest thing in the world.23:01
fennso the problem with 3d displays is you have the usual spatial/temporal/angular resolution tradeoff23:04
fenna 2d display will generally be N times cheaper/higher resolution than a 3d display, where N is the ratio of depth to screen diagonal23:05
fennthis is pretty clear when you understand how a plenoptic camera works23:07
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fennthe thing is, we don't really use the temporal resolution of our displays very well23:07
fennif something is showing a static image, it doesn't need to be updating constantly23:08
fennso maybe it's possible to rapidly update the phase angle of the laser that's illuminating your spatial phase modulator, and multiplex some extra spatial/angular resolution in there23:09
fennold-school interlacing is the same idea, trading temporal for spatial resolution23:10
fenni'm going to read this in the future and have no idea what i was saying23:10
fennoh i forgot bitdepth.. spatial/temporal/angular/intensity (and probably also polarization and spectral, but humans cant see those)23:12
fennso my e-ink display has high resolution grayscale mostly-static-image, but i can hack it to do 15fps black and white video23:13
fenn"consider a building covered on all sides by a high power phased array. By day it could produce an image of a landscape contiguous with its surroundings, thereby rendering itself effectively invisible."23:36
fenn"Matching the phase of sources in a phased array has interesting consequences. The sources will interfere constructively, depositing their entire output energy to a very small point (not a very healthy place to be)"23:38
fenn"Our camouflage, decorative lighting system is now a long-range missile defense system, or directional transmitter of interstellar range."23:38
fennyou could do something similar with a plenoptic aremac/camera pair (and a prism/splitter to cram everything into the same light path) then you can route light field representations around electronically23:43
fennfor a camouflage suit you want high bit depth and angular resolution; spatial resolution doesn't matter so much because ideally you wouldn't be standing close to them. so basically you're shifting the optic focusing plane to the fourier angle plane (this is how jellyfish see) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_spectrum_method23:46
fenni think the angle is the imaginary component23:47
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JayDuggerBuilding phased array optics, fenn?23:53
JayDuggerThat sounds like quote from Josh Hall, or perhaps Wil McCarthy.23:53
fennmaybe there's a way to stack up LCD panels to get more total information out of a volume23:55
fennthe bottom panel could simulate any arbitrary light source23:58
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fennand the top panel could simulate any arbitrary transmittance23:59
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