
--- Log opened Thu May 08 00:00:54 2014
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@_archelsI thought that there's generally a lot of refurbished lab/medical equipment floating around in the US01:02
@_archelswon't that beat ordering at Alibaba?01:02
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AshleyWafflemusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usxRzC-TI6k04:40
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@kanzure_archels: no, most of that equipment doesn't work06:37
@kanzure_archels: because if it did, it would be sold for much more06:38
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@kanzureoh, he was in a netsplit06:45
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@_archelsis it worth buying one that is defunct and refurbishing yourself?06:57
@_archelspaperbot: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/NECO_a_0059207:00
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cluckjpaperbot, http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/early/2014/03/31/db13-1612.full.pdf09:14
cluckjshit's broke09:15
chris_99paperbot: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-40675-1_7309:36
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fennpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-642-40675-1_73.pdf10:35
xmjpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000632231400275310:42
xmjnow that didn't work10:43
xmjdid it10:43
fennpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006322314002753/pdfft?md5=332367733ae617da66390d1b1fd43f0d&pid=1-s2.0-S0006322314002753-main.pdf10:44
fennit's a robot, not very smart10:44
fenn"psilocibin correlates with positive mood" no shit10:45
fennif only they could make it less fun, then we could turn it into a pharmaceutical10:46
fenn"The yellow stickers affixed to the trash and recycling bins said 'Take Me!' and so they did. Mina Krini read the notes as an invitation that the tubs were up for grabs, but Authorities saw things differently. The District, which is in the process of replacing the bins, had handed out the stickers so residents could mark the old ones for city removal. But the ffort to pick up and recycle the bins10:59
fennhas lagged, leaving containers with 'Take Me!' stickers littering alleys all over town. Mina Karini and Timothy Melham were out late, after 1 a.m. because people put out their trash before they go to bed. 'The words Take Me mean people don't want them anymore,' she said. But a Secret Service agent, who happened to spot them while guarding a Georgetown home, found the scene suspicious and alerted10:59
fennthe police. In their report, police intimated a scheme far more sinister than seeking free flower pots. By the time they were arrested, police said the pair had 51 bins stacked in a vehicle. An officer estimated the value of all 51 at $100, which works out to $1.96 a bin. The District gets 10 cents a pound for the recycled plastic. Karini and Melham are due in court May 15."10:59
fennyour tax dollars at work11:01
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@kanzurere: project selection, it should be a general method that applies to probably most project selection situations11:49
delinquentmesay I wanted to expat to a country with a lively science community, cheap food + cheap living + non-geographically flat11:54
delinquentme<fenn> if only they could make it less fun, then we could turn it into a pharmaceutical +111:55
delinquentmeOh and a big internet pipe11:55
@kanzureare you as cool as this? http://www.anime-evo.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/10.jpg12:10
ThomasEgiwhat's this picture about? "guys,you goat to see this"?12:14
@kanzureno idea12:16
fenndelinquentme: finland12:22
@kanzureno kidding12:22
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delinquentmeNordic women as well. And they speak english huh?12:29
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fennwhy can't i get a treemap of ram usage12:41
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superkuhOh. Nevermind. It is perl but windows requirements.12:57
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fennthere are quite a few for windows but i haven't found anything for linux yet. basically i want gdmap for ram (even valgrind GUI is text based?)13:07
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delinquentmeit kind of pisses me off how much SV wants to hire people to be good little workers13:07
delinquentmeSure I realized that I'm on the complete opposite of that spectrum ... but fuck man.  We REALLY want benign well behaved worker bees13:08
* delinquentme le sad faces13:08
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fennthere's nothing wrong with being a worker bee13:09
fennmaybe you are in san jose13:09
fenndelinquentme: do you ever go to science talks at UCSF/stanford/berkeley?13:11
delinquentmefenn,  I've been to a few ORB talks13:11
fennwhat's ORB?13:11
delinquentmeand I didn't know those were open to the public13:11
delinquentmeOBR ** http://www.oxbridgebiotech.com/13:12
yoleauxHome » Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable13:12
gradstudentbotI think using the laser is making me sterile.13:12
delinquentmefenn, sure but its just that given the right people... Businesses could expand in massive ways13:13
fennno, i meant science, not biotech business bullshit13:13
gradstudentbotI forgot to make a control group.13:13
fennthe sort of stuff gradstudentbot is doing13:13
gradstudentbotShould this be on ice?13:13
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delinquentmeLike I just did an interview w watsi ... and I see it turning into a SOLID way to run clinical trials in 3rd world countries13:18
delinquentmeThe data resolution is sufficient that we could overcome most of the falsificaiton of data13:19
caternbut delinquentme, that's soooo unethical! we must give the best possible care to everyone! no compromises!13:25
delinquentmeBiology of Aging Journal Club: Wednesdays, 1:00 PM, GH, S336A conference room. Hosted by Kenyon Lab.13:25
fenni wonder if mems stereolithography + silicone molds + polyurethane resin could make a high quality lego brick13:28
fennor even just machining wax13:29
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-!- Viper168_ is now known as Viper16813:31
fennyou could engrave your name on every stud13:32
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delinquentmefenn, In working with integrated plasmonics there are a few things like that that I thought they could use their FIB for13:59
delinquentmealt revenue streams13:59
delinquentmeThought about tagging really expensive watches with watermarks13:59
fennumwhat you worked at integrated plasmonics? talk about a small world. i set up the zenbot cnc for emc214:08
fennis it still the house with the ham radio maps in the kitchen?14:09
fennand the hot tub14:09
fennoh i guess kanzure was there once so maybe that's a connection14:10
@kanzurenope i didn't introduce them14:10
delinquentmethey needed an application dev for internal tools14:13
delinquentmealso built out some http robotics for them14:13
fennwhat http robotics14:13
fennemc2 is a realtime linux machine controller, it runs the little engraving machine14:14
delinquentmetheir FIB?14:14
fennno, a mechanical cutter14:14
delinquentmethe thing for scraping the lenses off the CMOS chips?14:15
delinquentmethat thing was sitting on my desk for the longest time :D14:15
delinquentmelooked janky :D14:15
fennheh i figured it would get ignored14:15
delinquentmebut if it worked!14:15
chris_99lenses on cmos chips? as in microlenses?14:15
fennchris_99: they were using modified camera chips as plasmonic sensors, the chips were in DIP packaging with a (plastic?) window14:16
chris_99aha gotcha14:16
delinquentmeyeah I had worked on some cherrypy server API calls to run different color filters past their camera chips14:16
delinquentmeand troubleshooting USB drivers in gumstix SBCs .. ended up using a raspberrypi to control the steppers and run the server14:18
fennyeah gumstix sounds great until you have to actually use it14:18
delinquentmeThen wrote some software to sort out if we were getting different measurements per filter due to heating in the light train14:19
delinquentmeIDK it was cool sshing in remotely to check on a robot :D14:20
delinquentmeWHAT ARE YOU DOING RASPBERRYPI >> Bleep Bleep blat14:20
fenncool until some kid discovers your password is "raspberrypi"14:21
@kanzurelogging usually happens the other way: each machine pushes logs to a log collector14:21
@kanzureand then some other service beautifies it up into graphs n' shit14:21
@kanzureso that you can avoid ssh14:22
@kanzureand the associated public key management headache14:22
fennpuff piece about integrated plasmonics http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-07-26/social-plus-capital-the-league-of-extraordinarily-rich-gentlemen14:23
@kanzurethat url does not seem to fit your description14:26
fennwell the first half of the article is about "palihapitiya invested in this cool startup" and the rest is about their VC club14:27
fennactually it's all about palihapitiya :\14:28
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delinquentmeSo I sent badylack an email ( head of mcgowan regenerative @ pitt )14:36
delinquentmewell see if I get a response back14:36
delinquentme1) how to remove viral particles 2) why not use more voluminous organs than pig bladder for these applications14:36
delinquentmeI also think theres a huge market for cage raised pigs14:38
delinquentmeeven if its gruesome14:38
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delinquentmenon-antibiotic to help heal the wounds the pigs get while caged ... and its a contained population so disease transfer could be minimized14:39
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delinquentmebut then I think for a moment and consider if we had controlled tools for writing out whole genomes w correct methylation .. then we'd probably have a big step towards a working anti-aging therapy14:41
delinquentmeAlso whats a cool idea is attempting to recreate the micro / macro structure of bones for persistent haemopoiesis14:42
delinquentmeall of this shit needs to be done ... like right nao!14:43
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@kanzure"This is a quick announcement that my new (5 months) DIYBio Group in San Diego is officially open for business. We are called THE WET LAB - A DIYBIO GROUP FOR ALGAE RESEARCH and are housed with generous support from Fab Lab. We meet weekly on Wednesday evenings.  Today we are focused on algae research but will expand as we grow. We have 50+ members to date.  Feel free to join our group HERE and find our Google Group where we are sharing ideas ...15:07
@kanzure... and research HERE.  We have great support from Biosurplus and are accumulating wet lab equipment.  We have another warehouse where we will set up a temporary wet lab to test equipment and get things organized so that we can do synbio experiments on algae in the next few months. FYI, today we are building bioreactors for growing algae, wiring sensors and electronics, teaching about algae and molecular biology, testing cells, and studying ...15:08
@kanzure... scientific papers."15:08
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delinquentmealso SIS " Small intestine submucosa"15:22
delinquentmewe're taking ecm from all these dirty ass part of the pig15:22
delinquentmeI really want to start a biotech called ' distributed biologics '15:23
delinquentmegive pig farmers equipment to make scaffolds n shit + get that social buy in for regenerative medicine15:24
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nshwhat's all this collagen for again?15:37
@ParahSailinno idea15:38
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delinquentmensh, collagen is part of it15:41
delinquentmebasically we've got a ton of different growth factors embedded in ECM as well as a number of structural proteins15:41
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delinquentmeParahSailin, I could definitely sell it on alibaba ... but also I kind of want to monitor it15:42
nshwhat's the objective?15:42
delinquentmeeasy to market biotech with inputs which could eventually be used in human applications15:42
delinquentmeeasy to market because I can start with horses and pets ... and I've got responses from doctors interested15:42
@ParahSailinpeople already extract and sell collagen on industrial scale15:43
delinquentmehuman impact bc we're already doing research on it ... so I could develop the supply chain while research is being done15:43
delinquentmeCorrect ParahSailin but they're also charging a ton15:43
@ParahSailin$10/kg dry mass is not a lot at all15:44
delinquentmeThe question is if I can do it cheaply.  Cleaning is the big question15:44
delinquentmeno its not15:44
delinquentmethats also just collagen15:44
@ParahSailinthe whole hog is $1/kg live, which includes like 90% water and bone15:45
delinquentmeTheres also a social movement aspect to giving farmers tools they can use to heal their animals15:46
delinquentmeits not a HUGE selling point ... but its one way to get groups of people involved w regen med15:46
delinquentmeParahSailin, good find though... Im going to email these guys + see if they can do ECM15:47
@ParahSailinthis is what happens when you use a search engine15:47
@ParahSailinyou dont have to produce things that people are already producing at great economies of scale15:47
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delinquentmeParahSailin,  I would have to know the explicit viral particles I'm trying to remove to clean those out ... right?15:57
fenni think caging pigs and giving them more antibiotics is going backwards15:57
delinquentmeThis wouldn't just be some machine right?15:57
delinquentmefenn, these aren't antibiotics :D15:58
delinquentmethats the beauty of it15:58
FourFireOld news probably, but: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/182119-first-living-thing-with-alien-dna-created-in-the-lab-we-are-now-officially-playing-god15:58
fennoh "non-antibiotic" nm15:58
delinquentmeespecially when you're deriving the ECM from within a population15:58
fenndelinquentme: what about prions15:58
@kanzureFourFire: -1000 points for listening to a news source that tells you that you're playing god15:58
FourFiretwo new types of basepairs ...15:58
FourFirekanzure, the title of the article is crap, the content is still interesting15:59
delinquentmeyou dont like being god kanzure ?15:59
@ParahSailinwhen i did a lab extracting collagen, i think we did salt precipitation15:59
@kanzureFourFire: novel nucleotides have been done very often before15:59
delinquentmefenn, good question.  I dont have an answer15:59
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FourFirekanzure, they have?15:59
fennyou could sell prions for economic warfare15:59
FourFireit's the first I've heard of it16:00
delinquentmeI mean I don't know how to separate out the desireables from the virii save for a suggestion from a orgo chemist to use capillary gel electrophoresis16:00
@kanzureFourFire: there's tons, it's really hard not to find anything about artificial, novel nucleotides16:00
delinquentmelol fenn  I've thought about the damage that can be done here ... its doesn't require much creativity :D16:00
@kanzureFourFire: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22artificial+nucleotide%22&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C4416:01
fenndelinquentme: so you're doing protein purification basically right? but don't want to denature the proteins too much16:01
fenndelinquentme: virall particles don't go less than 20nm so you can run the whole shebang through a guaranteed 20nm mechanical filter16:01
fennyou will lose the collagen and other macromolecules with this approach16:02
FourFirethanks, I thought I was getting too excited about it... I need to read more16:03
FourFireactually, I need to read more from the correct sources, what do you recommend kanzure ?16:04
fennyou might be able to dissolve your protein of interest in SDS or some other detergent, which would tear up the viroids, and since you're fractionating the different proteins they won't recombine16:04
@kanzurei recommend never visiting "extremetech.com" again16:04
fenndelinquentme: also you realize that VEGF in pigs is different from the same protein in humans right?16:04
FourFireok, that's a negative, I'm asking about a positive16:05
@kanzureFourFire: believe it or not, that's a positive16:05
@kanzurethink of all the hours i've saved you now16:05
gradstudentbotI hope they kick me out.16:05
fennmode +b gradstudentbot16:06
gradstudentbotWho's in charge of the master mix?16:06
fennwho's in charge here anyway!16:06
delinquentmefenn, correct . we'll have homologues ... but also we're not sure if it matters16:07
delinquentmeerm. or we're not sure if its deleterious16:08
fenni'm pretty sure eli lilly wouldn't be a major company today if you could just use pig insulin16:09
delinquentmefenn, I've never heard of fractionating16:09
fennfractionating is usually a term applied to centrifuging but in this case i mean separating with a gel16:10
FourFireI'll now spend some time trying to increase the quality of content on that crappy subreddit16:10
delinquentmeAgree completely.  But to have a valuable product you don't need it to be perfect . Just good enough16:10
delinquentmegot it.16:10
@kanzurewho said anything about perfect16:10
@kanzurei am trying to understand but it looks like you're strawmaning either me or someone else?16:10
delinquentmeSo yeah we'll not get the benefits derived from VEGF ... but if there are more conserved growth factors we will16:11
@kanzurewho is "we"?16:11
fennthat would be a good thing to look into before you go off on a pig blending crusade16:11
delinquentmewhoever is applying these. or me16:11
delinquentmeYeah i've got my list of growth factors to check out.  But also separating those out will up the costs16:11
delinquentmeits naive to say, but ideally those can just be left in16:12
fennthis is just to check if you have a business model at all16:12
delinquentmeprions though16:12
fennif none of your growth factors work, what's the point16:12
delinquentmeThere is none.16:12
delinquentmeI mean you'd get some small benefit from more collagen maybe16:12
fennpeople already sell collagen16:13
delinquentmefibronectin etc ... but16:13
delinquentmesure but I'm saying if a product is delivered with non-interacting growth factors ... then the product won't be as effective as desireable16:14
fenni wonder if extruded remelted HDPE bags would make a good structural material16:15
fennthen again so would bamboo16:15
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@kanzureis there a structural reason that bamboo requires so much water?16:16
fenndoes it require a lot of water?16:17
fenni thought it grew on mountains16:17
fennit certainly grows like crazy around here16:17
delinquentmefenn you're bay area right?16:19
delinquentmeI want to fight someone w bamboo16:19
xmjwhat about 30cm dildos?16:19
fenni had a great big pile of bamboo at langton, dunno if it's still there16:19
delinquentmethose grow like crazy here too ... castro16:19
delinquentmeI keep getting the invites -- havnt been down16:20
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fenngo do some recon for me16:20
fennbring your kinect and make a 3d map16:20
delinquentmeno have kinect16:21
delinquentmebut I know some kids @ berkeley who are doing work w monitoring respiration w kinects16:21
delinquentmeAlso I learned that the kinect has been approved by the FDA for medical applications16:21
fennwe're supposed to have hunter killer drones by now16:22
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fennhuh weird all the references are to existing military hardware16:23
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fennhigh endurance quadcopter/airplane UAV16:28
@ParahSailinkanzure: requires lots of water because it has high metabolism16:32
delinquentmefenn, there are also claims that a 3+1 "quadcopter" can also add efficiency to drones16:33
@kanzureoh yeah, it grows more than 0.1 m/day16:35
@ParahSailinwell, thats usually when it has lots of sugars stored in rhizomes16:35
gradstudentbotDon't mess with me, I'm a world pipetting champion 14 years running.16:36
@ParahSailinbut still its pretty effective with photosynthetic yield16:36
fenncan you inject sugar into it to increase growth rate?16:38
delinquentmecounsyl pulls in another $28 mil16:38
delinquentmethose guys are kind of kicking ass16:39
@kanzurefenn, not growing fast enough yet?16:39
delinquentmekanzure, is gradstudentbot basically the hipster barrista of biotech?16:39
gradstudentbotMan, if only I could biopsy his organs.16:39
@kanzurefenn: it looks like the other phases of bamboo are the important ones, like the 3-5 years of not doing any growing16:39
fennwell sugar is cheap as fuck and easier to transport than bamboo16:39
fennit's the 3-5 years i want to skip16:40
@kanzureskip by injecting sugar..?16:40
fenn"t can reach its full height and width in a single three-four month growing season"16:40
fennthat sounds pretty good, but 5 years does not16:41
@kanzurei'm not sure if full height is the only property though, maybe there's some other biochemical effects that matter?16:41
fenndensity, rigidity are important16:41
@kanzurewhy do you need 10 meter bamboo anyway? what about just lots of 1 meter bamboo?16:41
fennyoung bamboo looks pretty good to me tho16:41
fennbamboo doesn't grow 1 meter16:41
@kanzurewell presumably less height will take less time16:42
fennanyway, the longer it is the easier to process16:42
fennalso longer stalks are generally thicker, and vice versa16:43
@kanzurebut yes i see what you want- some bamboo extrusion factory16:44
@kanzurethat takes in sugar and uh, dirt, and uh, fertilizer, and poops out bamboo16:44
fenn"n the standard life cycle of bamboo, fungus and mold begin to develop on the outer culm within the first five to seven years of its life. Within the decade, the fungus and mold will overtake the bamboo, causing it to collapse in on itself. For this reason, harvesting bamboo for construction, flooring, or furniture is best completed after full maturity at age 3, until about age 7" i dont really16:44
fennget that, why wait until its full of mold to harvest?16:44
fennso it should be possible to extrude a variety of fibrous materials as tubes/rods with polymers as the binder16:47
fenni have some fiberglass tent poles that are fantastically rigid16:47
fenna combination of fiberglass and cellulose would be rigid but also tough, since the fiberglass strands would break first as the cellulose takes up the load16:47
fenn(i have these tent poles probably because one of them broke in the wind)16:48
fennsome of them have polyethylene sleeves which would at least contain the fibers after breaking16:49
fennpolyethylene/cellulose cloth would make a good flat surface covering16:50
fennyou'd combine these two as a sort of translucent quonset hut or geodesic dome16:50
delinquentmeHow does one go about verifying that what I'm sent from a chinese supplier is actually pig derived ECM ?16:50
delinquentmeIs this like an effload of analytical machines?16:51
fenndelinquentme: use a plasmonic sensor with anti-ECM antibodies, duh!16:51
fenneh you could do mass spec16:51
@ParahSailinsimple elisa16:51
fennassuming you can get the antibodies for elisa16:52
fenni mean that's just another thing you need to verify16:53
gradstudentbotI really like him, but some of his work is really problematic.16:53
delinquentmeI could hit up one of these labs who are doing the work w ECM ... as im sure they'd have all the tools16:53
delinquentmeaside: Cheap light, semi-ergo chairs?16:55
fennhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo_textiles  i have a bamboo washcloth and it's badass, dries quickly, feels nice, doesn't stink16:55
fenndelinquentme: ikea poang16:55
@ParahSailinbamboo textiles is just rayon16:55
fenni thought so16:56
@ParahSailinsourced from bamboo cellulose16:56
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fennit's still nice16:56
@ParahSailinrayon is nice16:56
fennalternative manufacturing process "the woody part of the bamboo is crushed mechanically before a natural enzyme retting and washing process is used to break down the walls and extract the bamboo fibre. This bast fibre is then spun into yarn.  Bamboo fabric made from this process is sometimes called bamboo linen."16:58
fennif you have a bunch of branches left over, this would be a good use for it16:59
fennmoso bamboo "is the most common species used in the bamboo textile industry of China. Its physical properties boast an average breaking tenacity more than three times that of cotton, wool, rayon, or polyester"17:04
fenn "raw bamboo fabric lets almost all damaging UV radiation pass through and reach the skin"17:05
fenn"Very little bamboo is irrigated and there is sound evidence that the water-use efficiency of bamboo is twice that of trees."17:08
delinquentmehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlpPXp49d8k << kanzure   listen to it for 3 seconds17:10
fenna bamboo polyethylene airplane would be doable i think17:10
fenntyvek is also ridiculously strong17:10
fenntyvek = randomly oriented polyethylene fiber17:10
fennthere is a bunch of bamboo that got knocked over in a windstorm near here, maybe i should go get it17:12
yoleauxWoe, Is Me - Vengeance (Live Video)17:13
gradstudentbotI haven't seen my PI in like a week.17:14
delinquentmekanzure, this too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhBONyHQcRc17:20
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delinquentmescreamy, saturated, mean17:20
@kanzure "The major accomplishment of the paper referenced in the original article is that they demonstrated the feasibility of unnatural bases in vivo. The work in the Yang, et. al. paper occurred in vitro, whereas the Malyshev paper was in an E. coli system. Malyshev, et al. noticed that the unnatural bases were being degraded in the space between inner and outer cell membranes (periplasm), so they added a membrane transport protein to import the ...17:32
@kanzure... unnatural bases into the cell. From there, the E. coli was able to incorporate the unnatural bases into replicates of an introduced DNA segment (plasmid) using its endogenous replication machinery. They also demonstrated that the unnatural bases were not a hinderance to growth, and they they were not excised by the DNA repair enzymes."17:32
@kanzure"There have been other papers demonstrating the use of unnatural bases in various cases in vitro (some cited in the paper), but this is notable because it is a thorough example of use in vivo. Peter Schultz has done similar work, as well as exciting work on unnatural bases in tRNA. The bases in the Yang paper and those in the Malyshev paper both exhibit Watson-Crick bonding geometry, and pair by hydrogen bonding. One distinction of those ...17:32
@kanzure... mentioned in the Malyshev paper is the presence of a sulfur substituent, though there is no mention of its participation in the bond."17:32
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@kanzure.t https://twitter.com/ethereumcharles/status/46379400449295155217:37
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, I don't know a timezone by that name.17:37
@kanzure.title https://twitter.com/ethereumcharles/status/46379400449295155217:37
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that command (.title) crashed.17:37
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@kanzurefuck it, "We'd like to welcome Dr. Ralph Merkle to the Ethereum team assisting us with the hard problems of the cryptocurrency world"17:37
delinquentmewhat the fuark17:38
delinquentmeyeahh ok I saw a talk by him on the latter17:39
delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1515792817:47
delinquentmeA thought: perhaps the reason that intestines + bladders are used is that they're pretty homogenous tissue types ... so correspondingly the ECM should be pretty similar as well18:11
delinquentmebut that might be invalidated by the fact that we regrow muscle tissue using bladder derived ECM18:12
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fennbetter cryptocurrency than singularity university stuff18:13
@kanzureethereum has its own set of issues that it will have to fix18:14
@kanzurepossibly just as bad as the singularity university infighting18:15
@kanzurethe level of infighting associated with singularity university is truly pathetic18:15
@kanzureand sickening18:15
fennwell, i just disagree with their whole mission in general18:15
@kanzureselling lectures?18:15
fennoverpriced lectures18:15
@kanzurebill clinton gets paid at least $30,000/hour to do talks. is that also bad?18:16
fennhow about, you know, DOING stuff18:16
delinquentmeIn one such study, the infrarenal aorta (5.0 cm length)18:16
delinquentmewas replaced in 13 dogs with porcine derived SIS w27x.18:16
delinquentmeAll 13 dogs maintained patent grafts until the time of18:16
delinquentmeeuthanasia, which ranged from 4 days to 8 years after18:16
delinquentmesurgery. T18:16
delinquentmefuck yes thats good news18:16
fennso you can sell to vets18:16
@kanzure"Clinton received $10.7 million for 52 paid speaking engagements last year, a sizable increase from the 36 paid speeches he delivered in 2009 for a total of $7.5 million. "18:16
delinquentmefenn,  ^_^18:17
@kanzureokay, $205k/engagement18:17
fennis there a "pet food and vet administration"18:17
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delinquentmealso I have a really simple method for doing some trials ... as there are sufficient doctors who volunteer service to homeless animals18:17
delinquentmeexcept this scales wayyyy better than their macro suture process18:18
gradstudentbotYeah, but his project was so easy.18:18
@kanzuresheena: ping.. 16:17 < fenn> is there a "pet food and vet administration"18:18
fenni was kidding18:18
@kanzurewhat's the point of having experts if you don't use them18:18
fenni think both functions are performed by the FDA18:19
delinquentmeWhaa? fenn the FDA cares about vet applications?18:20
delinquentmethat'd be a big fat TIL18:20
fennsome parts of it might be USDA18:21
fenni think that's more about how to kill animals though18:22
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fennTillers International teaches classes on farming with animal power, blacksmithing, wood-working, and many more traditional skills at their learning centers in Scotts, Michigan and Mozambique. http://www.tillerinternational.org18:24
fenni know someone who lives there, from a long time ago18:24
fenni wonder if they'd consider earth bag construction "traditional" enough18:25
fenn"to preserve, study, and exchange low-capital technologies" sounds relevant18:26
@kanzurewe should give up tech things and form a retro skateboarding team18:27
fenni wonder where vinay gupta is18:27
fennor does he just do the bill clinton talk circuit18:28
fenndammit xentrac18:29
fennanyway, i've been thinking about detroit18:30
@kanzurei am completely unsure about how serious i was18:30
fennis it really that much cheaper than, say, somewhere along the sacramento river?18:30
@kanzurecheapness is not the main interesting property of the uh.. properties.18:31
fennfactoring in the arctic winters and remoteness and lack of interesting people (unverified, check this assertion)18:31
@kanzureonly reason i would bother would be excess cheaply easily accessed equipment18:31
@kanzurebut you can use the same argument to move to china18:31
fennthat's also something i've considered18:31
delinquentmefenn, you're thinking about moving to detroit??18:31
delinquentmeI'd consider china18:32
@kanzurepls try to follow along -_-18:32
@kanzurei don't think he has made any commitments18:32
@kanzurelook at the messages. it's all there.18:32
fenni haven't even looked on zillow18:32
fennsupposedly you can buy a house for $1k18:33
fennnot that i really want a house18:33
@kanzureproperty taxes are the sleeping giant killer there18:33
fennbut a strip farm next to a body of water connected to the ocean, that's interesting18:33
@kanzureand backtaxes18:33
entelechythere was this grand kickstarter scheme not so long ago which wanted to buy a huge part of delerict detroit and turn it into some kind of zombie-themed game18:33
delinquentmeJust electricity, people, utilities and a big fat internet pipeline18:33
entelechyit didn't come through18:33
QuantumGDetroit is already full of the walking dead too.18:34
entelechyi think you should purchase a private island18:34
@kanzurea private island doesn't give you direct access to all the fancypants equipment you need18:35
entelechynah but if you build a floatplane hangar on it you can just get shit flown in18:35
fennthose islands are all 3 orders of magnitude too expensive18:35
entelechytry cheaper countries18:35
gradstudentbotWhatever, I'm really dating school anyway.18:35
entelechyi'd totally do this if it wasn't for having to rely on satellite internet which cuts out when the clouds get thick nuff18:36
fennalso, they're even further away from interesting people18:36
fenni might as well go to the north pole18:36
fennor siberia18:36
entelechyi've met some interesting people from siberia18:36
QuantumGwell, you said it18:36
fenni don't want to invest in development that's dependent on surplus equipment18:37
entelechyyou got your plan in mind18:37
fenninfrastructure is ok because that's a commodity18:37
@kanzurei'm somewhat from siberia, if it counts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS_dGgRQGRo18:38
QuantumGyou know the answer? Blimp housing! What were we talking about again?18:38
entelechyman the only soviet movie i can think of off the top of my head that ive watched was 'kindzadza', now that one was funny18:38
fennQuantumG: this is what i have open right now in my browser http://wordlesstech.com/2013/06/28/aether-luxury-cruise-airship-concept-by-mac-byers/18:39
fenna little bit large for a first project though18:39
QuantumGwow, creepy.. I just picked two words out of the air (so to speak), I honestly thought you were talking about seasteading or something18:39
fennugh i have such a crap bookmark system18:39
QuantumGthe first 10 hits for "blimp housing" on Google having nothing to do with "housing" in the a-place-to-live sense.18:40
QuantumGand there's only 3,520 results18:41
entelechyactually if i could live in any kind of unconventional housing unit it'd have to be something from treehotel.se18:42
@kanzureParahSailin: why aren't you living in china?18:42
entelechylike this18:42
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@kanzureyashgaroth: we're going to china, pack your bags i'll pick you up at 2am18:42
QuantumG1. tether a big blimp in silicon valley18:43
QuantumG2. rent rooms18:43
QuantumG3. Profit!18:43
fennQuantumG: i am sort of talking about seasteading, in the sense that i want to build self-sufficient colonies for research and development of more such colonies18:43
QuantumG(oh the huge manatee)18:43
fenni think environmentally powered sea vehicles will be a large part of the future of transport18:44
fennwind, sun, wave power18:44
entelechyi think the us navy did something where they convert seawater into hydrogen fuel18:44
entelechyi'm not sure how efficient it is or if its just some dumb hype but18:44
gradstudentbotWhere's my pellets?18:44
fennsounds like dumb hype18:44
entelechyhere's a dumb hype discovermag article18:45
fennok i don't give a shit18:45
entelechyahahaha its reporting on it as if they did it with a real ship18:45
entelechythis is just a scale model18:45
entelechyah wait they mention it being a model. well. anyways.18:46
fennwait, is this from nuclear power?18:46
entelechynah catalytic conversion of seawater into hydrogen18:46
fennwrong, read the fucking article18:46
fenn"a specialized catalytic converter that transforms carbon dioxide and hydrogen from seawater into a liquid hydrocarbon fuel"18:47
fennkey phrase being "hydrogen from seawater"18:47
fennseawater is not hydrogen18:47
entelechyno, they split it somehow18:47
fennyes, with a nuclear reactor18:47
entelechywhere's that part18:47
fenn"This is really for Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carriers – They can produce fuel for the aircraft, removing a huge dependency on tankers. That is why the test was with a model airplane."18:48
entelechyahhhhhh yeah18:48
fennit wasn't in the article, because the article is crap18:48
entelechyno dobut18:48
QuantumGso yeah, floating apartments in silicon valley, there's your billion dollar company.18:48
fenni dont want to build apartments, apartments are stupid18:48
entelechyi want an ewok village18:48
QuantumGyou don't wanna do anything, slacker18:49
fennthat hurts, it really does18:49
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entelechyi want this ssh access on an ip i cant reach and this damn virtual machine to start working properly so i can get some work done tonight18:49
entelechydamn everything crapping out at once every time18:49
fennQuantumG: google got fined bigtime because they did construction on their barge without being docked to a wharf18:51
fennmaybe i should just camp out on that18:52
entelechyanyone have any thoughts on google's project loon18:52
fennseems like a good idea18:53
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fennthis guy looks familiar http://www.devaul.net/18:54
entelechyhe looks like at least 3 friends of mine18:55
fennheh yeah the reformed type 1 sysadmin18:55
@ParahSailinkanzure: horribly polluted18:55
entelechylol they got types of sysadmins somewhere? or is that just some jokes you made up on the spot18:56
FourFire"<fenn> not that i really want a house" get a yurt18:56
entelechyfuck yurts get a mirrorcube18:57
fennyes thank you for the redundant input18:58
fenndoes anyone know what the personal airship house was called?18:58
entelechyseems like at least one here18:59
fennentelechy: really man, i know how to use google18:59
entelechythank you for the vague question then :P19:00
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FourFire"<entelechy> i think the us navy did something where they convert seawater into hydrogen fuel" jet fuel, even19:00
FourFireusing their nuclear reactor-powered aircraft-carriers19:00
entelechyyeah i didnt read the actual article until just a bit ago19:00
entelechyi like that plasma arc gasification to turn garbage into syngas project19:01
entelechyhttp://www.plascoenergygroup.com for all you with shitty link parsers19:01
FourFirefloating yurts!19:01
entelechythat'll freak the people out19:01
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=fa98d738 Fernando Borretti: Import part of the molecular manufacturing article from the Transhumani wiki: Overview, History, and Mechanosythesis sections with references >> 19:03
FourFire"<entelechy> anyone have any thoughts on google's project loon" if it works, great19:03
FourFireelse, meh19:03
gradstudentbotDo I use a one or two sided t-test for that?19:04
entelechyyeah it seems like a pretty flighty plan with a goofy ass name like htat19:04
FourFirewhat is a mirrorcube?19:04
fennyeah who would invest in a company named "google"19:04
FourFireentelechy, link me?19:04
fennFourFire: it's a cube, with mirrors on it19:05
entelechyhttp://www.treehotel.se/?pg=mirrorcube << mirrorcube19:05
entelechyit's something you can live in19:05
entelechyand to freak out trespassing trippers19:05
FourFirethat would freak people out lol19:05
entelechyit would be like stumbling upon the monolith from 2001: a space oddesey or something19:05
entelechynext thing you know your monkey ass friend is clubbing you in the head and you're done.19:06
fennthe mirrors are camouflage? but the kind of camouflage that can accidentally signal your position to hundreds of miles away19:06
entelechynah its more just a cool place to live in19:06
gradstudentbotStill haven't cured cancer.19:06
entelechynot camoflage19:06
fenni saw it on a "doomsday preppers" show, maybe they were confused19:06
entelechythey figured out how to get it so that birds dont crash into it and die too19:06
entelechy To prevent birds from flying into the mirrored walls, they have been clad with infrared film. The colour is invisible to humans, but visible to the birds.19:06
fennwhy am i talking to you19:07
FourFireit's a hotel in sweden19:07
entelechynah you can order one to wherever in the world19:07
FourFirecool stuff19:07
entelechyindeed it is19:08
FourFirefloatingmirrorcubes is what I want now19:08
@kanzure /kick 4entelry19:09
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=3b8c6d6a Fernando Borretti: Add a whole bunch of links to the molecular manufacturing article >> 19:10
FourFireI wonder how the mirror surface erodes over time19:10
FourFirelike, say a year19:10
entelechyme too, i'm sure after a decade you'd be like 'fuck why did i get that thing'19:10
FourFireif the infrared coating could also be covered by clear hydrophobic surface it could be good19:11
entelechykinda like those people who invested in leaky geodesic domes in the 70s thinking buckminster fullers ideas would save the world19:11
fennthe domes from the 70s were not designed by buckminster fuller and ignored 90% of what he said19:11
entelechyreally? that's interesting19:11
entelechyno surprise though19:12
entelechypeople were lazy stoned hippies back then19:12
fennthe best dome design i've seen is the pillowdome made by new alchemy institute19:12
fennit was CO2/argon inflated tefzel film and aluminum frame (i think)19:12
entelechydamn that thing is cool19:13
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fennit was abandoned for 30 years but, except for a few tree branches that had poked through, still in good condition19:13
fennthe cornwall eden project is similar19:14
entelechythey made it to admit UV light in which takes care of mold19:15
entelechyglad to see this idea is viable19:15
entelechydoubt the mirrorcube has these things covered19:16
entelechythe moldy mistakecube19:16
fennUV light is a double edged sword19:16
fennit will kill mold, but also makes plastics brittle, bleaches colors, and you get a sunburn obviously19:17
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entelechythere any other unconventional geometric constructions you know about which have a decent element of practicality?19:18
fenntefzel is too expensive to use as a building material but "10 year" hindered amine light stabilized polyethylene greenhouse film should do just fine, at a fraction of the cost19:18
fennhexayurt is the standard open source housing design of the day19:18
fennsteel quonset hut is used by millions of farmers19:19
fennwe also make 'monkeyhuts' for burning man, which is similar to a row greenhouse19:19
entelechyah yeah those things at burning man19:19
entelechynice nice19:19
entelechyso lemme guess you're mr.gupta?19:20
fennheh no19:20
fenni've met him a couple times19:20
fennwe are pretty similar in personality though19:20
entelechyi just heard his name mentioned in here earlier and thought people were cracking jokes19:20
fenni was cursing xentrac for not being here, because he has worked with gupta and probably knows where he is at19:21
fenn.title http://www.shelter-systems.com/gro-row.html19:22
yoleauxPortable Row Cover Greenhouse19:22
fennthere is a science to making unflappable membrane structures19:22
entelechyoh crazy i seen those before19:22
fenni like their geodesic frame but i don't think the shape of the plastic is right19:23
entelechyseems like itd trap moisture in an undesireable way somehow19:23
fennplastic flapping in the wind breaks from fatigue in short order19:24
entelechyyeah i seen these back in british columbia19:24
entelechywont say wher19:24
* entelechy shifts eyes19:24
entelechybut they left an impression19:24
fennwell a monkey hut is the same thing but with recycled billboard fabric over the poles19:25
entelechyand i guess that improves multiple resistance factors right19:25
fennplease restate the question19:26
entelechyi'll totally restate it. what benefit does what you just mentioned confer exactly?19:26
fennshade, flapping resistance, easier to tie down19:27
fennbillboard tarps have channels sewn in the edges you can run a rope through19:27
fennthey are pretty heavy and smell bad tho19:28
fenni've also used just a plain silver tarp19:28
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=64633749 Fernando Borretti: Add links and descriptions of a bunch of molecular nano books >> 19:28
fenntarps tear easily since they are thin and made of a single material19:28
@kanzureeudoxia: you could just make a db dump and convert to git instead of manually dumping19:30
fennentelechy: http://n55.dk/MANUALS/SPACEFRAME/spaceframe.html http://n55.dk/MANUALS/SNAIL_SHELL_SYSTEM/SSS.html http://n55.dk/MANUALS/DYNAMIC_CHAIR/CHAIR.html http://n55.dk/MANUALS/BED_MODULES/BED.html19:30
fennoh yeah this is cute too http://n55.dk/MANUALS/FLOAT_PLAT/FLOAT_PLAT.html19:31
eudoxiakanzure: i'm using this as an opportunity to sort and fix things a little19:31
entelechydamn! thanks for the links fenn :)19:31
eudoxiaoh i remember that from that talk you gave about skdb19:31
eudoxiawell most of these links actually19:31
fennmaybe i should just go to denmark19:32
entelechyi'd say this chair sucks for not having a back but i've been sitting at a bar on a stool for the past 2 hours19:32
fenni used to have a yoga ball as my computer chair19:32
fenni also like the kneeling computer chairs; you could make one with this building technology19:34
eudoxiai'm having trouble identifying what is real in that picture19:34
fennit's all real19:34
entelechyhahaha fucking mt gox, me and my buddy were calling mark karpeles an 'untrustworthy cheeseblock eater' before everything crapped itself19:35
fennsomeone denoised the image and then rescaled it19:35
fenni dunno what's up with the pixellation on his hand19:36
@kanzuremotion blur from bouncing19:36
entelechybuddy of mine just got exclusive reuters/AP distribution on all cryptocurrency-related news19:36
fennthe bouncing bitcoin butt bubble burst19:36
entelechythe pixellation on his hand is from eating too many blockchains of cheese19:36
entelechyit causes pixellated fat growths that can't be cured19:36
@kanzurekarpeles' idiocy isn't because he's chubby19:36
entelechyoh no of course not19:37
entelechyi'm a pretty fat guy myself19:37
@kanzurethen why bother mentioning cheese19:37
entelechybecause 'cheeseblock eater' is a hilarious term19:37
fenni prefer my cheese in block form19:37
@kanzureum, but the reality of his mental issues are way more hillarious than just saying "cheese"19:37
eudoxiathe blockchain of cheese joke reminds me of that dogecoin comic where proof of stake is a doge holding a steak19:37
eudoxiait's kinda cute19:37
entelechythat's something i can agree with kanzure19:37
@kanzureall you stupid redditors remind me of this: http://xkcd.com/1210/19:37
yoleauxxkcd: I'm So Random19:38
fenn"PHP Developer working on some weird stuff, like a mail server (POP3/IMAP4/SMTP) written in PHP" hmm..19:38
@kanzurefenn: that's the least hilarious19:38
@kanzurefenn: what about that php ssh server19:38
@kanzurefenn: or how he had no employees19:38
@kanzureand no balance sheet19:38
fennso it was all pure network effects?19:38
@kanzureor audits19:38
fennlike, why would people keep their money there?19:39
fennalso, why would people keep their money in an "exchange"19:39
@kanzurebitcoin is a surprisingly alien technology19:39
@kanzureit doesn't work like any other technology that people have used before19:39
@kanzureso a website seems like a sane thing to try to use, because you've always had to use a website for everything else in the past19:39
entelechyi saw some supposed code leak and i was laughing pretty hard at it19:39
@kanzureall you need to know about karpeles is http://web.archive.org/web/20020121050728/http://www.pokemon-noir.com/19:40
fennbut everyone who got on the bitcoin train early knew about all this, so the followers should have at least known by reading what the first people wrote?19:40
@kanzurethis is around the time he was learning php19:40
@kanzurefenn: no, some people are just given bitcoins19:40
entelechyyeah kanzure his weeabooness is laughable too19:40
@kanzureso given all this fodder, why the fuck would you make jokes about cheese19:41
gradstudentbotAre you published?19:41
eudoxiawho the hell moves to japan just for being a weeaboo19:41
eudoxiagod just watch anime like normal people19:41
@kanzurehe moved to japan for a few other reasons besides that19:41
entelechykarpeles would do shit like piss off everyone on his team by insisting on editing shit in production and not telling anyone at all19:41
@kanzurehe didn't really have a team19:41
@kanzurethere was only production19:41
entelechywe were making jokes about cheeseblock eating cause of some inside joke stuff really19:42
eudoxiait really puts my daily "why isn't this on vagrant and ansible" whining into perspective19:42
entelechyapologies for not sharing your sense of humour19:42
entelechywas there any business reasons for running shit out of tokyo?19:43
entelechyi mean i went to japan as a kid for school19:43
entelechyi would -not- want to live there19:43
fenni hate when popular software projects are named after other cool things19:43
@kanzuretasteful joke might be osmething like, "so what are they serving in his bitcoin cafe? php soup and spaghetti?"19:43
fennor just generic objects like "celery"19:43
entelechyyou have people joking to you in your face as if youre too stupid to understand japanese about how white people smell like hamburger and milk19:43
entelechywhich i admit is funny but19:43
@kanzure"cheese! randomness! hahahaha" is not a snese of humor19:43
entelechyeven funnier when you call the kids doing that out on it and they get that scared asian look on their face and get off at the next stop19:44
eudoxia>After a brief, unsuccessful attempt to set up a server company in Israel - "the electricity grid was bombed and the power was out for days," she recalled - Karpeles joined a software distribution firm called Nexway, was promoted and, in 2009, was offered a post in Japan.19:44
gradstudentbotAre you published?19:44
entelechykarpeles out of japanese jail in 20yrs: http://1.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com/45/76/00454719bbc0d85f28945a87cea61533-merka-lady-consumes-entire-block-of-cheese.jpg19:44
@kanzurewhat is this about being published all of the sudden19:44
@kanzurehe seems to be very concerned about that today19:44
fennpublish or perish, the law of the academic jungle19:45
fennmaybe it's mating season19:46
entelechykanzure, i appreciate that you got a sense of wit rather than humour here, but eh, guess my tolerance for finding things funny is way lower than yours, i don't know who enjoys it more but i'm just sitting here lol'ing at most things19:46
entelechyit's pretty enjoyable19:46
@kanzurei don't care, fuck off19:46
fenneudoxia: did ansible exist ~2 years ago?19:47
eudoxiafenn: i think so19:47
fennso "enders game" the movie kinda ruins the whole story for anyone, since the whole point was you didn't know he was actually fighting aliens until the very end19:49
fennok no wonder i haven't heard of it19:49
fennwait what? $30/year per node? wtf19:50
entelechyvagrant is screwing up on me right now19:51
entelechyits not going past the GRUB menu19:51
entelechyso i gotta do it manually thru runnig it via GUI19:51
eudoxiathat sometimes happens when i update and end up with a bunch of different kernel versions for vagrant to choose from19:51
entelechyhmm dont think thats happened in between the time it was working hunky dory and now19:52
caternhey hey you guys are using vagrant19:52
caternwhat's the point of it19:52
entelechycatern: right now because it was the fastest way to get a working dev environment for a project someone got ahold of me to work on again after a year of not working on it19:52
entelechyit was literally as easy as this19:52
@kanzureyou can also just use vservers or lxc containers19:53
entelechybut otherwise it's great for working in a team where you wanna make sure everyones dev environments are homogeneous19:53
@kanzureyou could also use a chroot19:53
fennyeah i dont see the point of depending on some web startup to exist just so you can run a vserver19:53
caternno-one uses vservers anymore kanzure19:53
@kanzurediyhpl.us is one giant honking vserver19:54
entelechytrue, but how easy is it to provision everything through puppet and stuff on those vs vagrant19:54
@kanzurepuppet is silly anyway19:54
eudoxiaansible != the company that started around it19:54
entelechyother devs i work with arent sharpest tools in the shed19:54
entelechyso it helps19:54
fenneudoxia: please explain19:54
@kanzureyou saw it on reddit and that's why you like it19:54
caternwell everyone else is using OpenVZr, LXC or full hardware virtualization19:54
entelechylol i'm in the 'fuck reddit' camp for sure19:54
fenneudoxia: what is the $2500 "no tech support" option for?19:55
entelechyi think you hounded me for linking something from there one time and have assumed i waste time there ever since19:55
eudoxiafenn: ansible is just a program to run stuff on servers (or local vagrant machines) and stuff, i don't know what you were looking at. ansible guru/services?19:55
entelechybut let me get ahead of you, 'all time on reddit is a waste'19:55
eudoxias/program/open source program19:55
fenneudoxia: the front page of ansible.com19:55
fenner, http://www.ansible.com/pricing19:56
eudoxiafenn: that's just some bullshit services michael dehaan built around his program19:56
entelechyplus i arrived at this company who purchased a VMware license19:56
eudoxiaansible is free and open source19:56
entelechyand i was basically like 'how do i manage this the most cleanly'19:56
entelechyLXC/docker looks like it could do the same sort of thing though19:56
entelechyi just haven't had the chance to use it at all yet19:57
eudoxiavagrant can use docker as a backend19:57
caternI just don't see the point of using different tools for deploying your local dev environment and deploying a server19:57
entelechyno doubt19:57
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fenncatern: dynamically scaling up a full ubuntu install wastes time and cpu19:58
@kanzurewho said anything about a full install though19:58
fennpresumably your local computer isn't running busybox19:59
caternfenn: I meant that as a point against Vagrant, which does that. what are you arguing against?19:59
@kanzurehe said tools for deploying19:59
@kanzurea full ubuntu install is not a "tool for deploying"19:59
entelechyvaagrant can work with any image you set it to19:59
entelechywe use minimally provisioned debian19:59
eudoxiavagrant lets you simulate the production environment19:59
fennmaybe we have a different interpretation of "your local dev environment"19:59
eudoxiathat's kinda useful19:59
@kanzureentelechy: everyone has already confirmed that they have used vagrant, shut up already19:59
entelechyand when we finally get a programmer worth a shit into the company it'll be a snap to have him working with us20:00
entelechykanzure: neh20:00
caterneudoxia: ah that actually sounds helpful20:00
caterneudoxia: virtual networking and things?20:00
caterneudoxia: whole constellations of VMs living locally?20:00
eudoxiacatern: do you mean mapping ports from the guest to the host?20:00
eudoxiaand yes20:00
@kanzureyou can have a constellation of VMs without vagrant, though20:00
fennentelechy: what's your company?20:01
entelechyfenn: i'm not allowed to speak about it but i'll PM you20:01
* fenn rolls eyes20:01
caterneudoxia: no, I mean like virtual switches and routers20:01
fennwe make stealth cheese blocks for cheese blockchain eaters20:01
eudoxianot to the best of my knowledge20:01
caterneudoxia: lame, then vagrant goes back to sucking20:01
@kanzureit's useful for people who don't want to spin up VMs through anything other than vagrant commands20:02
@kanzurethe hard part that i struggle with is getting service discovery working in development just like in production20:03
eudoxiai use it for web applications, the vagrant vm is exactly the same as a remote server, so i don't have to eg set up nginx on my physical computer20:03
@kanzurefor this reason i have been eyeballing http://serfdom.io/20:03
@kanzureit shouldn't just be "exactly the same", the image is what you should be deploying20:03
@kanzureinstead of a game of cat-and-mouse trying to do server configuration management20:04
caterneudoxia: yes, using virtual machines for development is useful20:04
gradstudentbotYeah, I don't know.20:04
entelechythat's pretty cool20:04
fennso, instead of "local" as in your laptop in the subway tunnel, you mean "local" as in the test server20:05
@kanzurealso, mumble mumble something about packer20:05
@kanzurethe test server is often something you spin up locally anyway20:05
eudoxiafenn: yes20:05
entelechypacker is fun to watch20:05
caternall these hip new things are so far removed from the actual physical server room I mess with20:08
caternwe don't even have LDAP, we'll never have decentralized fault-tolerant service discovery buzzwords ;_;20:08
@kanzurehardcoding ip addresses into your application source code is morally wrong20:09
@kanzurebecause it gives people like me cancer20:09
@kanzurethat's what service discovery solves20:09
@kanzure(also usually also some various load balancing issues)20:09
caternthat sounds useful20:10
@kanzureand dhcp isn't always the right way to solve that20:10
@kanzurebut also, maybe outage in your system is more acceptable20:11
caternoh no I wasn't making fun of serfdom or buzzwards20:12
caternour system sucks in every way20:12
caterni'm showing my jealousy20:12
@kanzurehave you considered quitting20:12
caternit's a student organization server room made up of donated hardware that I and other students maintain on a volunteer basis20:14
fennthen there's no excuse20:15
fennyou have no pointy haired boss to appease20:15
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caternah but that's where you're wrong20:16
caterni do have a pointy haired boss-equivalent20:17
fennkick his ass20:17
caternthe previous generations who still use our shell servers20:17
caternthey vastly outnumber me20:17
fennno seriously, just wrap them up in a duct tape cocoon20:17
fennmake sure to leave a hole for air and water20:18
@kanzureParahSailin: loper-os person was introduced to me by the molecular biology grad student that was assigned to me in 200820:18
caternthat's the plan20:18
fennif you attach a keyboard and terminal input you can just hang them up on a rack like a salami, and they'll be fine20:19
fennthat's why soylent is so popular among the hacker crowd these days20:19
fennfor supplying your redundant array of virtual hackers20:20
caternflood their racks with a nutrient-rich sludge every 8 hours20:21
fennwake up! meal time!20:21
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fenni dunno what this is but it looks cool http://www.isotruss.org20:25
fennmore info http://isotruss.info20:26
fenni wonder if this is real http://isotruss.info/graphics/isopole.jpg20:27
fennhttp://isotruss.info/graphics/holdingpole.jpg looks real enough20:28
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fenni knew i had seen isotruss before somewhere http://fennetic.net/irc/isotruss_bike.jpg20:37
fennnot exactly the same20:38
fennvs http://news.byu.edu/releases/archive07/May/modernmarvels/0501-25211.jpg20:40
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fenni'd like to make something like that that disassembles into a set of short pole bundles20:44
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fennwtf ntrs20:57
fennhow could it be 40420:57
fennpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359835X0100113021:02
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fennpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359835X01001130/pdfft?md5=1678d3d3e91f62a9fcf83527842e77cd&pid=1-s2.0-S1359835X01001130-main.pdf21:05
fennthat shouldn't have worked21:05
fennlet's try some other 404s then21:08
fennpaperbot: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20030017982_2003023064.pdf21:08
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 51, in _go)21:08
fennpaperbot: http://www.tech.plym.ac.uk/acmc/iccm12/site/papers/pap357.pdf21:09
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fennjeesh 1973, why does this look so futuristic still21:11
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dingohey kanzure http://keysleft.com/21:15
yoleauxYou have a finite number of keystrokes left in your hands before you die. How many is that?21:18
@kanzure"3,801,599 Emails to your boss left"21:18
fennheresy! burn the deathist!21:18
@kanzuresimple, just say you're -100000 years old21:18
@kanzure"5,765,183,999 Emails to your boss left"21:18
@kanzuregee i better get started21:19
dingoI have only -79,914,240,004 keystrokes left before I die.21:19
dingoi overflowed !21:19
fennyou are already dead21:19
fennone could wind the isogrid fibers around aluminum coupling nuts or tee nuts to make a nice lightweight mechanical breadboard21:20
@kanzuredingo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kPII561-GY21:21
dingooh thats an awful movie, why do you know that movie21:21
fennthe floors/walls of skylab look like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/Assembling_the_Skylab_Orbital_Workshop_7014162.jpg21:21
@kanzurehow could i NOT know that movie21:22
@kanzurethe live action one wasn't completely crap21:22
fenneh live action?21:22
dingolol been 10 years ... maybe its not so bad... i forgot about heads exploding21:23
yoleauxFist of the North Star (1995 Live Action)21:23
fennokay guess what i am not watching21:27
@kanzurebah why not21:27
@kanzurebetter than writing 5 billion emails to your boss21:27
fennit's 2 hours, and i already know what happens21:27
@kanzurethis is why more than one monitor is useful21:28
fennso i can accomplish nothing twice as fast21:28
@kanzurei'd like to think i do a little bit more than nothing21:28
fennlooks like homs, syria21:29
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dingoi do nothing very well21:31
dingoanytime you need nothing, let me know, i'm there for you21:31
fenncan you take over for an hour while i go do something21:32
@kanzuredingo: "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."21:32
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dingoi'm doing nothing pretty well now, how do i get people to stop thinking i know everything, thats my next task21:35
eudoxiafenn: i wonder why the floors on the skylab were rigid metal instead of something like a mesh21:35
@kanzuredingo: have you tried giving the wrong answers?21:35
dingoyeah -- it just made things worse lol21:35
@kanzuretough problem21:36
dingocause they don't know it!21:36
dingonever do a bad job well -- you'll get stuck with it21:36
@kanzurehow stuck are you now?21:36
dingoi'm ls's replacement21:36
fenneudoxia: it was a rigid mesh... ? i dont get the question21:37
dingomy mouth hurts from so much blah blah blah21:37
dingothen i realize most people forget 90% of what i say lol21:37
@kanzureand even if you type it out, they wont read it anyway21:37
dingothat e-mails too long! give me the answer! lol21:37
eudoxiafenn: i mean something like a net, something flexible and lightweight21:37
fenneudoxia: equipment and stuff was bolted to the floors during launch21:37
@kanzuredingo: if i was in your situation, i would start thinking about how many other digits i want21:38
dingoso i pushed back about that -- guess what they did, made me 50/50 lead, with *vv* as my complimentary, without any extra digits... wtf21:39
dingosincerely letting vv do the leading and me do the leaving, let it sink21:39
@kanzureheh' nice21:39
@kanzurewell if that's how they feel about it21:40
@kanzurenot much else to say on the matter21:40
dingoi haven't been making ultimatums yet... i think they're doing that stupid move "lets make them both the same position, then decide whose best", but you know, that won't end well, vv would leave if i got it and he didn't21:41
fenneudoxia: "Skylab's floors were made up of triangular grids. Triangular shoe cleats fitted into the grid cavities. With a twist of his foot, a crewman could position himself wherever he chose."21:41
fenna flexible grid would suck to use for positioning21:41
@kanzuredingo: there's already too many levels to the top anyway, so it wouldn't matter either way21:42
dingowell im gunna go soak up some denny's cheesey cheesey, ttyl21:43
gradstudentbotShe keeps talking about her Nature paper, but she was only third author.21:44
fennhere's a better view of the skylab floor grid https://www.flickr.com/photos/studies_and_observations/9579058/21:45
fenni think octet truss is better from a mass vs rigidity standpoint, but isogrid is more compact21:46
fennhm. entelechy should find this funny http://www.collectspace.com/ubb/Forum14/HTML/000893.html21:49
entelechythat was 4yrs ago21:50
entelechysomeone order kanzure a wheel of cheese please21:50
fennand have it delivered by rocket?21:50
entelechyby nuclear missle21:50
@kanzureyour petty weapons of war can't destroy me21:50
@kanzureno matter how cheesey21:51
entelechybut you'll eat the wheel of cheese?21:51
entelechyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheshire_Mammoth_Cheese this is my favorite giant cheese story21:52
entelechywhite house gets delivered 1234 pound block of the stuff21:52
entelechydoesnt know wtf to do with the stinky thing21:52
entelechyso finally they were like 'lets just invite a bunch of people to take some of it'21:52
fennwas the 1234 intentional?21:53
entelechynah it was just read off the wiki article21:53
entelechyi dont know what their idea was other than 'its 1802 lets make a shit load of cheese for freedom'21:54
eudoxia>The naming of the cheese was the first time the word mammoth was used as an adjective.21:54
fennuntold history of the united states21:54
eudoxiaidk guys this is more interesting than the cheese21:54
entelechyis that substantiated or just an anecdote21:54
@kanzurewhy are you in this channel again?21:55
entelechywhen was the first wolly mammoth found21:55
entelechykanzure: because thank you for the interesting discussions but fuck you for the pretentiousness21:55
eudoxiaentelechy: i dunno there's a reference next to it21:55
eudoxiakanzure: me or enty21:55
@kanzurefirst i'm emotionless, then i'm pretentious, next i'm what21:55
entelechyyou're probably a pretty cool guy IRL21:55
@kanzurei don't care21:55
entelechybut a dick online21:55
entelechywhy? lots of idiots here21:56
@kanzurestill don't care21:56
entelechyi can tell why though21:56
@kanzureeudoxia: you're fine21:57
@kanzuremeh http://www.1coinpool.com/blog/bitcoin-atm-btm-kiosks-startups22:00
entelechya buddy of mine i was trying to start a company with not long ago, which failed due to numereous reasons unfortunately outside of our control and now being taken care of by lawyers, moved on to other things and has now secured exclusive reuters/AP distro of cryptocurrency news22:01
entelechythe only reason we can afford lawyers is because of cryptocurrency22:02
entelechyshits real22:02
@kanzurewhy are you saying those things22:02
@kanzurewhat the fuck dude22:02
entelechylol why not22:03
@kanzure##hplusroadmap is not just some random-ass stream of consciousness text22:03
@kanzureand if that text was supposed to be a refutation of "meh", it's a really terrible one because it doesn't even address the topic of the fucking link22:04
entelechywhich is 'bitcoin ATMs are a thing'?22:05
entelechyvs your opinion of 'meh'?22:05
entelechy'meh' is not the topic of the fucking link22:05
@kanzure"shits real" and "some story about being too poor to pay lawyers" is not a good response to "here's a list of bitcoin atms, but meh because the list sucks" because it's very distantly related (aka unrelated)22:05
entelechyi'm not fuckin psychic and able to tell everything you're on the same tip of22:06
entelechythat said i dont see the original vancouver one on there22:07
@kanzurei'm not either; i wasn't making commentary about lawyers- how would you even get to that topic22:07
entelechyit's an aside22:07
@kanzureuh... sure.22:07
@kanzurei highly doubt that22:07
entelechyi'm not going to blather off here as to why. everyone knows lawyers are expensive though22:07
entelechyall that matters22:07
@kanzureno, that's not all that matters22:08
@kanzureotherwise you would just say anything in here22:08
entelechynot really no22:08
@kanzureyou seem to be evidence to the contrary22:08
entelechywhatever you say bossman22:09
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@kanzurefenn: what's the c2.com of hardware?22:26
fennum. please restate the question22:26
fennso, believe it or not, engineers from multiple disciplines don't really talk to each other22:27
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fenneh you are at hive76?22:27
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-!- jmil [~jmil@hive76/member/jmil] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:29
@kanzurejmil used to be at hive7622:29
@kanzurejmil: welcome back to the land of the living22:29
@kanzurejmil: also, opensls was cool22:29
fennshould i watch those AMRI videos?22:29
@kanzurei haven't looked. maybe?22:29
@kanzurealso, why don't they talk?22:29
@kanzurethe disciplines would cross and everything would break?22:30
jmilif you like science, fenn22:30
jmilwhat? they do talk22:30
jmilthey are talkies22:30
@kanzurei was replying to:22:30
@kanzure20:27 < fenn> so, believe it or not, engineers from multiple disciplines don't really talk to each other22:30
jmili’m so confused22:30
@kanzuredo you know off-hand what was so expensive about opensls?22:30
@kanzureiirc it was $15k?22:30
jmilit was $7k for the laser cutter, then lots of little bits22:31
@kanzurewas the laser cutter off the shelf or over the counter?22:31
jmilusually they are $200k, so i dunno how you think $15k is expensive :D22:31
@kanzurethe $200k ones are also expensive22:31
fennso a gantry style laser doesn't seem like the right tool; a galvo system would be more appropriate, and faster22:31
@kanzurewith 50,000% markup22:31
fenn$15k is expensive for a 3d printer toy22:32
gradstudentbotYeah, it's significant.22:32
fenntoo bad DMD would probably melt22:32
-!- AshleyWaffle [~waffle@gateway/tor-sasl/anastasiawyatt] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:33
fennmaybe you could put the dmd under water22:33
jmilwhy is it a toy?22:33
jmilwe are using it for science22:33
fennwhat are you using SLS for?22:33
jmilguess you’ll have to watch taht video22:33
gradstudentbotMy matlab crashed.22:33
fennugh i hate videos22:34
@kanzurethere was also a blog22:34
jmilgradstudentbot: you fail22:34
gradstudentbotYeah, I'm a 4th year. No wait, I'm a 6th year.22:34
jmilgradstudentbot: when do you graduate?22:34
gradstudentbotSo, there's this really good conference in Spain that I want to attend.22:34
@kanzuregradstudentbot: you should coauthor a paper with jmil22:34
gradstudentbotI have the methods section but I haven't written the introduction or conclusions.22:34
@kanzurethat was fast22:35
fennjmil: are there thread deposition systems for reprap yet? like fiber composite layup22:35
jmili thought someone did that22:35
fennthere was a silly thing with mechanical pencil mechanism to do copper wire circuit boards, but i'm more interested in fiberglass/polymer composites22:37
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fennjmil: have you looked into photo cured resins for cell scaffolding?22:42
jmilyes fenn, we are synthesizing it. it’s part of my phd thesis from ‘0822:43
jmilthat’s what the open dlp is all about22:43
fenni am out of the loop22:43
fenni thought you were doing sugar printing with reprap22:43
fennoh the thing about bamboo fiber/hdpe extrusion is you can extrude in t-slot cross sections22:45
jmilfenn, we do a lot of stuff22:45
fennjmil: do you think dlp would work for making molds to cast lego bricks?22:46
jmilummmmm… you can use legos to make a mold to cast lego bricks.22:47
fennthere are something like 11,000 different lego bricks22:49
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]22:49
entelechyi didnt grow up rich enough to get lego for christmas22:51
entelechyinstead i got this shit22:51
fenn11,274 sets, 33,664 parts, 6,907 minifigs22:52
yoleauxWhat If Bacteria Designed Computers? on Vimeo22:53
nmz787_iby Ward Cunningham22:54
fennanyway designing all the parting lines and sprues and air gaps and ejector pins and mold keys seems a lot easier to do in a computer automatically22:54
fennthen you can just download a set description with all the brick geometries in it and press 'print' and it makes a mold with all the bricks22:55
fennwell, one for each color22:55
@kanzurehm: "Sheiko S.S., Möller M., Reuvekamp E.M.C.M., Rogalla H., “Mesoscopic Calibration of AFM Tips”, NL-9202179, 1992"22:57
fennjmil: i've never actually seen a dlp printed part so i'm not sure what the surface quality is really like23:00
jmilyou should look into opendlp, we have microscope pics23:01
fennyeah but that's just confusing because of the arbitrary scale23:02
fenni mean, what looks like huge bumps in a microscope are just a glossy sheen to the unaided eye23:02
nmz787_iwhat's going on in here?23:03
fenni'm rambling about isogrid and pestering jmil about 3d printers23:03
fennok so after watching that 13 minute video i learned he casts hydrogel around the sintered sugar23:05
nmz787_iyou coulda asked us23:08
fennthe answer was "watch the video"23:09
nmz787_ithe key is the extrusion speed, temperatures, sugar recipe.... at least23:09
nmz787_iI'm sorry23:09
fennthis was SLS of maltose (?)23:09
nmz787_ii assume there is a wiki or github recipe somewhere23:09
nmz787_ior some journal article23:09
fenn.title http://youtube.com/watch?v=EE5KRSlO9rA  this is all i know23:10
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, that command (.title) crashed.23:10
fennjesus yoleaux you're making me look bad23:10
nmz787_i http://youtube.com/watch?v=EE5KRSlO9rA23:10
yoleauxAndreas Bastian - AMRI 2013 Final Presentations23:10
nmz787_ipaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/scientificamerican0413-5423:11
cpopell`workingy'all see what gwern just posted in #lesswrong? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/280585369/2014-dubal.pdf23:12
nmz787_icpopell`working: is that safe for work?23:12
nmz787_ifenn: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3586565/23:13
cpopell`workingnmz787_i: Life Extension Factor Klotho Enhances Cognition23:13
nmz787_ihmm, it says open access at the top right23:13
nmz787_iso why is it on dropbox?23:13
cpopell`workingI just snagged the link from gwern23:14
@kanzure"separation of synaptic membrane fractions" those poor souls23:14
cpopell`workinghttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2014.03.076 ugh23:16
* fenn mumbles something about choline23:21
@kanzureis this because ward cunningham was in the news, or because i mentioned c2.com earlier today23:21
@kanzuretoo many signals getting crossed23:21
fenni'm knowledgeable about electronics and control systems and molecular biology and i still don't get it23:24
@kanzurefenn: what would it take to get a c2.com wiki for hardware23:24
@kanzurefenn: i mean, where people would write the epic "perl is evil" rants except of hardware23:24
fennyou'd need to get eric hunting interested23:25
fennyou could just copy openmanufacturing onto it :P23:25
fennjk don't do that23:25
@kanzurewhy doesn't eric do electronics?23:26
@kanzureafaik he doesn't23:26
fenni think he used to build ebook readers, before they were a thing23:26
nmz787_ihe's using atmel chips to simulate cascade reactions or something like that... he says each chip computes a 'dice toss', and then he connects them to others and they add together23:27
fennnmz787_i: ok but ... WHY23:28
nmz787_i"i did this dice thing because my ham radio friend said, uh,  gee why don't you do this dice thing"23:31
entelechyenglish language textbooks from russia23:31
entelechyhas me curious23:31
@kanzure"In 1882 Edison switched on the world's first large-scale electrical supply network that provided 110 volts direct current to fifty-nine customers in lower Manhattan"23:33
@kanzureonly 59 customers?23:33
entelechywas that edison's operation?23:33
entelechywait no i didnt even catch that part23:33
entelechyhahahaha how dumbfuck of me23:33
entelechyall i know is that they operated for a while with the DC on oldschool elevators23:33
fennwhat "Liquid Crystal Light Valve displays readily afforded resolutions in excess of 300dpi with additive color of potentially unlimited color depth and screen areas as big as a movie theater screen. Then, and now, they far surpassed the graphics capabilities of the most powerful computers."23:34
@kanzurewikipedia's history of electronics is awful. it has no sense of scale of circuits.23:34
entelechyi knew this guy in my neighborhood back where im from who wired his whole place up with solar power/dc off the grid in the middle of town23:35
entelechygreat way to go23:35
entelechyhttp://www.microsec.net/ this dude!23:36
entelechyhe had a hydrogen fuel cell powered boat23:36
@kanzureugh go away23:36
entelechykanzure: never23:37
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+b entelechy!*@*] by kanzure23:37
nmz787_ihmm this is neat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_crystal_on_silicon23:37
fennheh i had read his radiation hormesis pages23:38
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-b entelechy!*@*] by kanzure23:38
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+q entelechy!*@*] by kanzure23:38
fenna little too gung-ho without the evidence to back up wearing a chunk of uranium around your neck23:38
@kanzurefenn, what is the approximate size (in number of elements/nodes) of circuits between 1600-1800? or was nobody building circuits because nobody had capacitors or diodes etc.23:39
nmz787_iwasn't that contaminated steel in china/hong kong retracted or something?23:39
nmz787_icontaminated with radioation steel (journal article)23:39
nmz787_idiodes were pretty shitty/nonexistent before 190023:40
fennkanzure: 5-1023:41
@kanzure"In the 19th and early 20th century, electricity was not part of the everyday life of many people, even in the industrialised Western world. The popular culture of the time accordingly often depicts it as a mysterious, quasi-magical force that can slay the living, revive the dead or otherwise bend the laws of nature.[73] This attitude began with the 1771 experiments of Luigi Galvani in which the legs of dead frogs were shown to twitch on ...23:41
@kanzure... application of animal electricity. "Revitalization" or resuscitation of apparently dead or drowned persons was reported in the medical literature shortly after Galvani's work. These results were known to Mary Shelley when she authored Frankenstein (1819), although she does not name the method of revitalization of the monster. The revitalization of monsters with electricity later became a stock theme in horror films."23:41
nmz787_ithere was the coherer just before the cat's whisher23:41
fennleyden jars and piles took a long time to develop into capacitors and batteries23:41
@kanzurei didn't know that it galvani was directly responsible23:41
@kanzureso he shocked a few frogs and now we have weird science fiction about blasting lightning bolts into the undead to awaken the hidden plague?23:42
fennnmz787_i: no retraction that i'm aware of.. mostly dumb silence from the "radiation causes cancer" crowd23:43
fennthere are other studies to back it up, like incidence of cancer among nuclear reactor workers (lower than average)23:44
nmz787_ioh, I guess a coherer isn't a diode per-se23:44
fennkanzure: piles are like really tall stacks of multiple layers of saltwater soaked cloth and different metals23:44
nmz787_ibut the thermionic tube was 1873 and crystal diodes 187423:44
nmz787_ihertz was in the late 1800s, making waves with spark gaps23:45
fennwhat is a coherer?23:46
@kanzureshouldn't there be like, uh, "circuit philosophers" who were theorizing about capacitors around that time23:46
fenni guess it's a tunneling spark gap23:47
@kanzure"damn, if only i had this one other part that doesn't exist yet, .."23:47
nmz787_ifenn: but to reset it, you had to physically shake it23:47
fennwhat's the point of that23:47
nmz787_ifenn: marconis solution was an automatic hammer23:47
fenn"when dusty air was electrified, the particles of dust would tend to attach themselves together in the form of strings"23:48
fennnmz787_i: do you know about peratech quantum tunneling composite rubber?23:49
fennit's a low impedance pressure sensor23:49
fennyou can actually run DC motors through the sensor, so they turn on when you press the blob of rubber (with wires jabbed in the sides)23:50
fennit works on a similar mechanism, except the particles don't actually bond together23:50
nmz787_ifenn: this article is littered with 'rejected' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_hormesis23:50
nmz787_ino i've not heard of that23:51
nmz787_ii saw the axially conductive tape on sparkfun recently :D23:51
fennnmz787_i: all i see is "National Research Council" doesnt like it, and 54 citations23:52
@kanzurei doubt galvani was routing lightning bolts straight into frog legs anyway23:53
nmz787_i"Hwang et al. proposed that the lower rate of "all cancers" might due to the exposed populations higher socioeconomic status and thus overall healthier lifestyle, but this was difficult to prove"23:54
nmz787_ikanzure: poking a chick heart with a scalpel will cause it to start or stop fibrillating23:54
fenngalvani was using piles, which were based on "galvanic current"23:54
fenn.ety galvanic23:55
nmz787_iand of course you know about the robot and rat neural cell thing23:55
yoleauxgalvanic (adj.): "1797; see galvanism + -ic." — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=galvanic23:55
fenn.ety galvanism23:55
yoleauxgalvanism (n.): ""electricity produced by chemical action," 1797, from French galvanisme or Italian galvanismo, from Italian physicist Luigi Galvani (1737-1798) who discovered it c.1792 while running currents through the legs of dead frogs." — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=galvanism23:55
nmz787_isoo i doubt you'd need much voltage to get a leg to jump23:55
fennit's not about the voltage so much as the rate of change in current23:55
nmz787_ia 9-volt does the trick on your tongue ;)23:55
nmz787_ii'm not so sure about that23:56
nmz787_iyou need the voltage to cause the impulse to start23:56
gradstudentbotIt's not really significant, but there's definitely a trend.23:56
gradstudentbotCancer: still not cured.23:56
fennyeah if you lay a frog leg on a copper plate and poke it with a zinc wire touching the plate, it should jump23:56
nmz787_ito get over the membrane insulation23:56
fennmyelin only covers part of the cell23:56
fennalso, cells run on like 200mV23:57
nmz787_ithe membrane covers the whole cell23:57
fennso what23:57
nmz787_iit is fat/oil23:57
fennnerve cells are sitting there ready to trigger at the slightest provocation23:57
fennthey're like mousetraps23:57
fennthrow in a ping pong ball23:58
nmz787_ihmm, so it's some number of Joules then?23:58
fennyou should "experience the joule!"23:58
nmz787_ienough to pull some ions and shift the concentration enough?23:58
fennhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/sgoralnick/4993190055/ this was so much fun23:59
fennpeople lining up to get the shit zapped out of them23:59
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