
--- Log opened Fri May 16 00:00:04 2014
--- Day changed Fri May 16 2014
kanzure"yes i'd like to test your industrial nuclear submarine please?"00:00
@fennone long march sample please00:00
QuantumGthat whole thing where you meet at the junk yard and say "where's the drugs?" and they're like "where's the money?".. that happens every day in the business world.00:00
kanzurethat's payment at time of delivery00:00
@fennand then you throw the briefcases on 3 and everyone shoots everyone else00:01
kanzuresee, this is why i know parkour00:01
@fennso you can swoop in and grab the briefcases after everyone is mostly dead?00:01
@fennwell they have to teach something in business school00:02
@fennsheena have they identified the genetic markers which make certain dog breeds more "intelligent" or trainable?00:03
@fennmarkers is the wrong word.. uh. causal genetic factors00:03
@fennis there even a consensus that some breeds are easier to train than others?00:05
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sheenadepends on task00:06
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@fennthe difference between cleverpet and simon is (besides the treat dispenser) it logs data to a remote server where it can be analyzed. this could potentially contribute a lot of scientific data to the field of canine and feline intelligence and genetics00:34
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JayDuggerCleverpet? Simon?01:08
@fennwow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Shetland_Sheepdog7.jpg01:12
@fenn"A bi-blue Shetland Sheepdog with the merling gene. May have blue eyes."01:14
@fennthe Sean Connery of dogs01:20
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Vutralblood  agar01:53
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sheenaugh merle genetics suck07:28
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delinquentmekanzure, TIL clock was a roboot!  He was non-participatory is one thing which made me question08:31
delinquentmebut at the same time I believe he quoted me :D08:31
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delinquentmeOn finding either A) a sufficient number of protocols to get their desired yield or B) A protocol with sufficient resolution they believe the desired yield to be fairly certain ... Is there some kind of rule-of-thumb for knowing when you're there?08:33
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caternhe seems pretty lucid in my logs08:44
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QuantumGGood evening.  This window was left open by my spouse.  Am I late to the party?09:12
QuantumGConvert me, recruit me, send me things I might find interesting to read.  I dare you.09:13
QuantumGOh.  I see.09:15
superkuhI'm confused. You're QuantumG's spouse?09:16
QuantumGI am indeed.09:16
-!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]09:16
QuantumGPlease don't tell me  he's been conducting some fabulous gay affair on irc while we've been doing whatever in reality.  Gosh.09:16
QuantumG(Yah,  I'm the spouse.  Call me Cheese if you like.)09:17
delinquentmeQuantumG, convincing you would assume that its optional09:17
delinquentme( OMGZ TAKEOVAR )09:17
QuantumGOMG LIEK WTF it is 2:18am here, mr qg is fast asleep.09:18
QuantumGMrs QG is the nightowl.09:18
QuantumGShalll I change the nick for clarity?  I'm not sure of the guidelines in this particular space.09:19
-!- QuantumG is now known as Cheesesource09:19
CheesesourceAwww yeah.09:19
caternCheesesource: ooh, ooh, what other channels is he in?09:20
CheesesourceThat's a loaded question09:20
CheesesourceOn this monitor we've got IRC (only this #), the cam feed from the front door and twitter.  Work monitor resting, rec monitor paused on a forum screen.09:21
CheesesourceAt present the cat does NOT want to come in.09:21
CheesesourceThat's the most important thing to note from his current display.09:21
CheesesourceCat rules all.09:21
CheesesourceEnough about this space, what happens in your space?09:22
kanzureCheesesource: your husband is living a double life fighting the demons of the internet09:23
CheesesourceDon't tell me you're a single monitor, single user household with  no sexy spouse, no awesome pets, no significant dreams for a better world.  I'd be so disappointed.09:23
Cheesesourcekazure: au contraire, that is why I married him..09:24
kanzurehe told us stories of your epic struggle against leaf blowers09:24
CheesesourceWe fight together.09:24
CheesesourceHe knows nothing of my midnight crusades against these people.09:25
CheesesourceThat is my secret.  The less he knows, the less he suffers!09:25
Cheesesource(Meh, I just steal buds from plants in their gardens.  Our garden looks AWESOME thanks to jerks and their leafblowers)09:26
Cheesesource(I have to be reasonably intoxicated at 3am on nights with a full moon (enough light) for this to happen.)09:26
CheesesourceSo HI!  Have I contributed enough to your channel logs yet?09:27
kanzureyes you hvae filled up the entropy meters09:27
kanzurelooks like openworm is going to fall short of their $100k goal: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/openworm/openworm-a-digital-organism-in-your-browser09:28
chris_99awh shame09:29
CheesesourceHrm.  existenz flashbacks.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120907/09:31
CheesesourceAn ambitious goal, without the backing.09:32
kanzurethey already wrote most of the code, i can't remember why they want more money09:32
CheesesourceBecause money.  Duh.09:32
CheesesourceSorry, I'm a coder with intense desire for luxury items.09:33
chris_99do they plan on doing comparisons with actual c. elegans (sp?)09:33
CheesesourceMoney is awesome.  It has nothing to do with project outcomes.09:33
kanzurei was only commenting on your "without the backing" comment-- they have already achieved most of their goals i think09:33
superkuhAt least the ISEE-3 recovery crowdfunding went through.09:34
CheesesourceIn the video on the kickstarter page they bothered to take the 'co-founder' to an ocean background: they want your money, this is all show, this is dream-like, give us your cash.09:34
kanzureoh, that's because lars0n is trying to hide his extreme nerdery09:35
CheesesourceAt this point it's all about dream, nothing about reality.  A large portion of contributors have never seen the ocean.09:35
CheesesourceI see his extreme nerdery.  I love extreme nerdery.  I made it a hobby several years ago.09:36
-!- Viper168 [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]09:36
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CheesesourceLike a violinist dying to show her talents despite being stuck in a wheelchair, many people have talents hidden behind social stigmas.09:37
-!- Viper168_ is now known as Viper16809:37
Cheesesource...I just started watching the video.  I apologise for everything I've said on the subject.  Fuck this dude, he's an idiot.09:38
Cheesesource(Raised on TNG.  Ooops.)09:39
kanzureyou seem to be bored, have some things to play with: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/ https://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer09:39
CheesesourceI would, but this isn't my machine.09:39
CheesesourceI was only passing by to turn off the light in this office.  My office is somewhere else in the house.09:40
CheesesourceExcept it's very very late friday night, and I'm very very drunk at this point in the evening.09:41
CheesesourceIt's my job to maintain the house, wear makeup, love him all the way to the bottom of the jar (tm) and understand what he's talking about since I'm also an engineer.09:42
CheesesourceAaaand despite being highly intoxicated, I'm also verbose.09:43
kanzurebiologists are not always good for your health09:44
CheesesourceI just can't keep up.09:45
CheesesourceIt's a bit strange that they didn't let him into the labs, given his field.09:46
kanzurethey are territorial09:46
-!- chido [chidori@pasky.or.cz] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]09:47
CheesesourceSeriously, no commercial application there.  HA!09:48
CheesesourceIt mad me sad, they were legit and useful.  Alas, I'm only a software engineer.  What do I know?09:49
Cheesesource(from what I understand, this is true hproadmap stuff)09:51
kanzurewe have been known to engage in various levels of mad science09:51
kanzureso, yes09:51
CheesesourceI appreciate and encourage mad science.09:51
CheesesourceI'd offer you vodka, but I'm a miser.09:52
CheesesourceSince I'm new here, is there a crossover between this group and libertarians?09:52
CheesesourceOn my campus, the libertarians are the group that imbibe with the most enthusiasm.09:54
kanzurei don't think we have anything explicitly libertarian,09:54
kanzuremost of hplusroadmap technology is more like the word liberation, as in enabling, rather than political09:55
CheesesourceNeat.  That means I won't have to endure the weekly quiz.09:55
kanzureall of the libertarians i know are latched on to bitcoin these days09:56
CheesesourceThat's a relief.  The libertarians I met were certainly agenda-driven.09:56
CheesesourceI love my bitcoins.09:56
-!- AshleyWaffle [~waffle@gateway/tor-sasl/anastasiawyatt] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]09:56
CheesesourceAlas, i do not love the bitcoins I lost in the mt gox tragedy recently.09:56
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kanzurewell, you can always make it up with dogecoin09:57
Cheesesourcenot really.09:57
kanzureheh :)09:57
CheesesourceGiven the amount I'd invested, the amount I lost.09:57
CheesesourceYou'd cry if you saw the numbers.09:58
CheesesourceI've got faith in ridiculous internet shit.  Occasionally it pays off.09:58
CheesesourceAnd sometimes, it just makes you cry.09:58
-!- AshleyWaffle [~waffle@gateway/tor-sasl/anastasiawyatt] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:58
Cheesesourcemtgox?  Tears upon tears upon tears.09:59
kanzurei may have enough bitcoins to offset your loss09:59
CheesesourceI'm pleased that you do :)10:00
kanzurethat was a half-meant offer10:00
CheesesourceI only 'invested' that which I could spare at the time, so I'm not at a loss.10:00
CheesesourceIt was one of those zeitgeist things.  Say you did so you could say you did, etc.10:01
CheesesourceOh, I'd never ask anyone to comp my fun :)10:02
Cheesesourceand fun it was, I traded and traded and traded, I did quite well until that monster shut down on me.  Bah!10:02
CheesesourceAre your investments holding well?10:03
kanzurehave you heard the human expression, "laughing all the way to the bank"?10:03
CheesesourceI'm extremely pleased to hear that someone is.10:04
Cheesesourcegenuinely :D10:04
kanzure.ety laughing all the way to the bank10:04
yoleauxSorry, I couldn't find the etymology of that.10:04
Cheesesource"doing extremely well to the point of extreme success"10:05
Cheesesourceyoleaux: are you human or a bot?10:05
Cheesesource(apologies to humans)10:06
CheesesourceAnd I've just noticed QG uses firefox on this machine.  Whaaaaat.10:06
-!- gradstudentbot [~gradstude@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:07
kanzuregradstudentbot: are you done writing that paper yet?10:07
gradstudentbotRight, I just finished coauthoring a related manuscript.10:07
CheesesourceI SAW THAT!10:07
CheesesourceAlas, I cannot focus my eyesight to find out what happened.  I'm still typing though.  WHOA!10:08
CheesesourceMaybe it was a HEY MY CAT IS IN THE DOORWAY10:09
CheesesourceNah, just kidding.  Hi!10:09
CheesesourceAnd this is why we never trust QG's wife.  Agreed?10:09
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]10:11
CheesesourceNo comment.10:11
CheesesourceMy genuine suggestion for the hproadmap thing is finding a way to block the whatever receptors that are responsible (generally) for alcohol,stimulants and depressants.  Just kill it.10:13
kanzurei believe there is a specific allele in a gene that is responsible for preventing hangovers10:14
CheesesourceIt won't help to have those things on space ships, colonies, new continents, or anything else.  Uninformed opinion right here.10:14
kanzurei forget the name of the allele10:14
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CheesesourceHangovers aren't the problem, as far as I can see10:14
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:14
kanzurefamous last words10:15
CheesesourceEr, unless you know who you're talking to, that is.10:15
Cheesesourceaddiction, escapism,  injury, organ failuire.10:16
Cheesesourceer, failure10:16
Cheesesource(also typos)10:16
CheesesourceFor the little I know about the roadmap planned here, I'd pay money for the alcohol aspect to be limited in10:18
Cheesesourceexpectation of future successes.10:18
CheesesourceHangovers have zero to do with it.10:19
CheesesourceAre you yourself an addict of any sort?  Reliant on substance, prescription or otherwise?10:20
CheesesourceIt's a big call.10:20
CheesesourcePeople will do the things they must for the things they need.10:21
CheesesourceIf you can eliminate the need then the saying goes they'll beat a path to your door10:21
Cheesesourcebut a crack addict will not be traversing that path til their supply is exhausted.10:22
-!- HashNuke [uid12117@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yourjfsmmtvtizxk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]10:22
CheesesourceSo defines the new elite: got there first10:23
CheesesourceAnd since I've clearly board you all to death, goodnight!10:23
-!- Cheesesource is now known as QuantumG10:24
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QuantumGBored. Oh, I've embarrassed myself with drunken shenanigans again. WOE!10:28
QuantumGHey, at least didn't insult anyone directly.  High five!  Goodnight!10:29
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delinquentmeDoes anyone have a way of getting affinity columns REALLY inexpensively from GE?10:39
QuantumGI just checked groupon: no.10:42
QuantumGI'm well out of my depth on that one.  I apologise.10:42
QuantumG(ps: synthesize synthesize synthesize!)10:44
QuantumG...Anyway.  Hi from an outsider.  Have a lovely day.10:44
-!- cpopell [~cpopell@pool-71-255-241-91.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:50
chris_99has anyone looked into building an electrolaser out of curiousity11:14
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kanzure11:32 < brlcad> kanzure: wow, I'm surprised that I don't see a way to extrude a sketch other than completely manually12:00
kanzure11:33 < brlcad> looks like nobody bothered to create an mk_extrude() interface12:00
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Mokstarjrayhawk, you going to the meetup saturday?12:36
kanzureptrac3: hi12:39
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ptrac3hi kanzure12:41
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kanzure.title http://spin.atomicobject.com/2014/05/16/radio-system-from-scratch/12:51
chris_99did someone mention something here about implanting embryos in completely different animals12:51
yoleauxSetting Up a Radio System from Scratch12:51
chris_99to what the embryo was12:51
chris_99what's that called?12:52
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=775722412:52
yoleauxHow we raised $484k on Kickstarter to make Glowing Plants12:53
kanzure"As part of this research we learnt that 80% of projects that get to 20% of their funding succeed, so this became a core planning goal. We realized that getting to 20% would be easier if we closed a few big backers early on so we went on the road and sold those rewards in person, sometimes giving them additional perks as part of the package. One of these was a $10k backer, Cambrian Genomics,"12:54
kanzurewow, i was right about them dumping in their own money12:54
kanzurei'm not convinced that it was cambrian genomics that donated the money though. they probably did it out of their own wallet, and then got cambrian genomics to reimburse them.12:54
kanzure"PR Agency: We had a good conversion rate (2-8% depending on source), so figured more traffic would lead to more conversions and hired an agency that contacted us. They got a few articles but nothing compared with what we did ourselves, journalists want to talk directly to the founders you don’t need a middle man."12:56
kanzurean 8% conversion rate?12:58
gradstudentbotYeah, I don't know.12:58
ParahSailini thought they had to give up the kickstarter money12:59
chris_99nmz787, be thee around13:00
kanzurenope, kickstarter did the ban after their campaign ended13:02
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=775252813:02
yoleauxTremor-cancelling spoon for Parkinson's tremors13:02
kanzure.title https://www.liftlabsdesign.com/13:02
yoleauxTremor in Hands, Adaptive Equipment for Eating, Essential/Benign Tremor – Lift Labs13:02
kanzureit uses a battery?13:03
kanzurehah, rigorous testing: https://www.liftlabsdesign.com/img/shakerVideo.mp413:03
Mokstarwhy'd they ban glowing plants?13:17
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-55-66-55.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:17
ParahSailinthe new gluten paper was published a year ago, or is there a 2014 one13:18
Mokstar"Projects cannot offer genetically modified organisms as a reward"13:20
ParahSailinkanzure: thats why a sociopathic twist on the narrative13:20
ParahSailinquite a13:20
ParahSailinhm i dont see mention of the word headache in this paper13:24
ParahSailini guess it was limited to people claiming GI symptoms?13:24
kanzureargh why is there both TopOpeBRepBuild/TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder1_1.cxx and TopOpeBRepBuild/TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder1_2.cxx13:32
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@jrayhawkMokstar: LW, or something else?13:48
@jrayhawkDon't know; I was planning on going climbing today and tomorrow would be a recovery day. At the very least I'll be showing up briefly to drop Erica off, probably.13:49
@jrayhawkRecovery days can beat up on my cognitive capacities enough that in-person social interaction becomes offputtingly stunted.13:50
Mokstarfair enough13:50
@jrayhawkSpeaking of which, are you ever interested in bouldering?13:51
-!- ielo [~ielo@host-78-149-133-99.as13285.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:51
Mokstarin the interest of doing things I have never done before on the off-chance that I'd love them, yes13:51
@jrayhawkOkay, I'll see if I can shove you on that mailing list. You can always remove yourself later.13:52
Mokstarpicking up heavy things and putting them down again has its charm, but climbing heavy things sounds like it'd be more satisfying in the short term13:52
Mokstaris it terribly expensive?13:53
@jrayhawkCertainly helps out with mobility and proprioception.13:53
@jrayhawkDepends on how you do it. $12 for one day pass + $4 shoe rental.13:53
Mokstaror is the cost limited to medical treatment in case of an accident? :p13:53
@jrayhawkI have done a couple hundred hours and never seen anything more substantial than a sprained ankle or mild chiropractic problem.13:54
@jrayhawkIn myself or the people around me.13:54
MokstarI used to climb rocks a lot as a child, but back then we only called it "Oh-my-god-what-are-you-doing-get-down-from-there-now"13:55
@jrayhawkThat is a tragic sort of parenting.13:56
Mokstarit's the standard stuff these days13:56
MokstarI try to be understanding of my 5-year old son's derring-do13:57
Mokstartime to teach DHCP13:57
@jrayhawkIf it's a reasonably healthy five year old, they'll probably be happy on the beginner routes.14:11
ielocan someone answer a question about neutrino oscillation and a 2 flavour approximation mixing matrix14:11
@jrayhawkAnd can thus hang with us with minimal social inconvenience.14:11
ielohey fenn do you know much about neutrino oscillation14:12
@jrayhawkkanzure: does counterparty need a less terrible irc server14:23
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kanzurejrayhawk: they are using irc.freenode.net #xcp and stopped using their own irc server14:32
gradstudentbotHow many papers do you have published?14:38
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eudoxiagradstudentbot: well how many papers have *you* published? check and mate, mister14:45
gradstudentbotThat's definitely a Nature paper.14:45
kanzurehe's the most prolific author in robohistory14:45
kanzureParahSailin: i forgot about this one,14:56
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/253461915:14
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cpopell`werkpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10845-012-0723-915:18
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kanzuretomkinsc: hi15:22
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kanzurejust hanging out http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/jackalope/max-more-alcor.jpg15:33
kanzurethey totally need a skeleton to prop up and play cards with15:33
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delinquentmepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/253461915:49
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wontonspaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/253461915:51
wontonskanzure, am I banned from paperbot?15:51
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yoleaux[Isolation and character... [Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao. 1989]15:53
kanzureno, i think it's just broken15:53
delinquentmepoor dude15:54
kanzureneeds to be rewritten to be less insane15:59
Mokstarjrayhawk, I'm gonna have to take a rain-check tonight, my SO already claimed tonight for a meetup16:13
kanzuretmux session manager https://github.com/tony/tmuxp16:17
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kanzure"In one of the recent releases tmux switched from starting new panes in $PWD to $HOME. I am sure they had their reasons but the new behavior is terrible for me. To get the old behavior back (AKA new pane in current working directory) add the following to ~/.tmux.conf bind c neww -c '#{pane_current_path}' "16:18
kanzure"Zero-based indexing is sure great in programming languages, but not so much in terminal multiplexers where that zero is all the way on the other side of the keyboard. set -g base-index 1"16:19
kanzurehuh i guess it is on the right16:19
@jrayhawkMokstar: right-o, there's always later weeks16:20
Mokstardo you ever go climb actual boulders?16:20
Mokstarthis looked interesting: http://www.portlandrockclimbs.com/portland-bouldering16:20
@jrayhawkhttp://thecircuitgym.com/ is where we usually go.16:21
@jrayhawkActual boulders require a somewhat longer drive.16:21
kanzureParahSailin: "WSJ photo is fed firefly luciferin"16:21
kanzureParahSailin: from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=775722416:21
Mokstarneat, new terminology16:22
kanzure"you yourself are not going to be improving photosynthesis; people have been trying that for years. But feel free to be liberal. Assume the theoretical maximum 10% photosynthetic conversion. Give ball-park optimistic numbers that are literature precedented maxima (for example how well C3, C4, and CAM plants store energy)... Isn't it irresponsible to be doing this without even a back-of-the-envelope calculation?"16:26
kanzure"um, 30 second exposure with 4000 ISO can take pictuers in near absolute dark without a light (I do microscopic photography).... but OK. Is this enough to actually illuminate things more than 10 feet away? Do you have an idea of what the max achievable illumination (quantum efficiencysurface areaflorophore denstiy)?"16:26
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kanzurefenn: did you ever use opencascade's DRAWEXE tool?16:36
kanzurethe tcl one16:36
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kanzureDraw[18]> help wrotate16:44
kanzurewrotate         : Rotates wires on a face : wrotate f[use]/c[ut] result shape Angle/[FFrom] FUntil OX OY OZ DX DY DZ SkecthFace wire1 [wire2 ....]16:44
kanzuremesure M : create/reset measurement M16:47
kanzurewonderful spelling consistency16:47
kanzuremesure minmax M : take 'xmin ymin xmax ymax' from M16:47
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kanzurethis is a terrible way to check which command a user gave you: https://github.com/tpaviot/oce/blob/master/src/BRepTest/BRepTest_TopologyCommands.cxx#L7116:58
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kanzuresuchcellular.com should be the name of the first doge-backed entrant to big pharma17:15
kanzurenot worth your time, but here's someone trying to impose his rule of law regarding self-modification of brain function http://www.openthefuture.com/2014/05/magna_cortica.html17:24
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://content.onlinejacc.org/article.aspx?articleid=120113717:52
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kanzure//Attention :18:00
kanzure//To avoid use of persistent tables in the fields18:00
kanzure//the tables are dimensioned to the maximum (TheNbKnots and TheNbPoles)18:00
kanzurewow they bothered to cite a paper in the source code18:00
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kanzureRational B-spline for Curve and Surface Representation Wayne Tiller  CADG September 198318:00
delinquentmeThats a good thing right?18:01
delinquentmeI'd be impressed18:01
kanzuretheir source code is the worst18:02
kanzurefrench, english, russian, sometimes all three at the same time18:02
delinquentmehttp://stm.sciencemag.org/content/5/173/173ra25.short  << Cool so We've actually DONE this18:05
delinquentmethats awesome.18:06
delinquentmepepsin and HCl18:07
delinquentme54 hours.18:07
delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/253461918:15
delinquentmekanzure, does paperbot have per-domain adapters ?  For example with the above NCBI link18:19
delinquentmeI'm not finding the string "ncbi" within the project18:19
delinquentmeAnd his archiving operations are per libgen.org only right?  If not, are there advantages to dumping links from r/scholar to him ?18:21
kanzurepaperbot is a perplexing piece of technology.. the answer to your adapter question is both yes and no.18:28
kanzureit saves files to http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/18:28
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=775840618:50
yoleauxFDA Dangles Golden Ticket to Spur Drugs for Neglected Diseases18:50
kanzure"Knight Therapeutics is looking to sell the voucher to the highest bidder."18:51
kanzure"Health economist David Ridley, faculty director of the health program at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, and two colleagues sketched out the voucher idea in the journal Health Affairs back in 2006. A year later, vouchers made it into law, and in 2008 the FDA laid out the rules for companies to follow."18:51
kanzurepaperbot: http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/25/2/313.abstract18:51
yoleauxDeveloping Drugs For Developing Countries18:51
kanzurehow did that get into law so quickly?18:51
delinquentmeThey're selling vouchers ?18:55
delinquentmehow the shit is that supposed to be helpful?18:56
delinquentmeand kanzure what about the adapters for NCBI ?19:05
delinquentmeis there something specific for that website in there? Or in a working case does it just nab the DOI?19:05
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kanzureit's whatever's in https://github.com/zotero/translation-server and https://github.com/zotero/translators19:07
kanzureand then whatever's in paperbot's python module thing19:07
ParahSailini think if it goes to libgen, that url was handled by my part19:09
ParahSailinfun project for someone with an interest in having a better paperbot19:09
kanzureless fun project, remove zotero and convert their translators into something usable without gecko/xulrunner19:09
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kanzureis this file really necessary? >:| https://github.com/tpaviot/oce/tree/master/src/AppCont/AppCont_ContMatrices_4.cxx19:47
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ParahSailinthats the only way to do huge literals like that19:53
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delinquentmeParahSailin, I appreciate the direction :D20:10
delinquentmeSo I'm kind of freaking out right now20:10
ParahSailinill tell you exactly where to start20:10
ParahSailininstead of parsing libgen pages for whether the pdf is found, just do a HEAD on the predicted url of the pdf20:10
delinquentmeParahSailin, you designed the libegen upload operation?20:10
ParahSailinthere is no libgen upload operation, it is subtly broken20:11
delinquentmesure . If the URL is consistent20:11
ParahSailinthis sort of url is always consistent http://libgen.org/scimag/get.php?doi=10.1377%2Fhlthaff.25.2.31320:11
ParahSailindo a HEAD on those urls and only spit it out to channel if 20020:13
delinquentmeIs there a feature request?20:13
ParahSailinfeature request is you and everyone else complaining it doesnt work20:13
ParahSailinthe most commonly requested feature is to work20:14
delinquentmeDo we know anyone @ libgen?20:14
delinquentmeI'm also wondering if thats the least taxing way to run that query20:15
delinquentmeyeah I heard the first time20:15
ParahSailinread "thats" as "whats"20:16
kanzureother feature requests are here https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/issues20:20
delinquentmeIs bethencourt the closet thing we have within our group of friends who works in market dev in biotech?20:21
delinquentmeyeah thats what I had meant20:21
delinquentmeand like tag me in it20:21
gradstudentbotGot halfway through figuring out all the cell signalling molecules in psoriasis when the cells died and the data couldn't be replicated, so psoriasis is really hard to cure guys don't get it20:23
ParahSailinmarket dev?20:23
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delinquentmeyeah ParahSailin . Specifically alternative markets20:51
delinquentme( for an existing product ) ... this is what I'm working on right nao20:51
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delinquentmeParahSailin, Is there a string I can grep for to locate this bit of subtly broken code?22:02
ParahSailinhttps://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/blob/master/modules/papers.py line 77 is where an attempt at procedure to upload starts22:04
AshleyWaffleParahSailin: libgen is awesome22:05
ParahSailiner sorry disregard, what i said was wrong22:05
ParahSailinlooks like the broken upload code is gone, good riddance22:07
gradstudentbotWow, I'm definitely not including this data in the paper.22:08
ParahSailinhttps://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/blob/master/modules/scihub.py this has libgen upload22:08
delinquentmeif response.status_code == 200 and response.content != "[]":22:09
delinquentmeok cool so given publishers should be stored in the modules22:10
ParahSailinno, forget that one, that is zotero business22:10
delinquentmehence why NCBI is non-functional22:10
kanzurewhy the fuck do you never listen22:10
delinquentmeOh yeah you said that shit up in hte logs22:10
delinquentmedont worry about it22:10
ParahSailindelinquentme: so if you figure out how to make that libgen() work to upload, you win the game22:11
kanzurewow realpath is not a debian default?22:20
kanzureah because it is useless22:25
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kanzurei wonder how much of this is new http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-05-16/where-worlds-unsold-cars-go-die22:31
kanzuremaybe they could arrange the cars into pixel art for advertisements, and collect money from people looking at the satellite images22:33
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delinquentmenot bad!22:50
delinquentmedude. that is amazing.22:51
QuantumGpaperbot http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/009286749490301823:00
kanzure<a id="pdfLink"  href="/science?_ob=ShoppingCartURL&_method=add&_eid=1-s2.0-0092867494903018&originContentFamily=serial&_origin=article&_ts=1400306459&md5=65e4268a982ac5abad19e8ad0dc7cf33" target=""   class="S_C_pdfLink big pdf ext_sdlink cLink" style="cursor:pointer" title="Purchase PDF" >Purchase </a>23:01
kanzureno luck, sorry23:01
QuantumGdang.. tis weird23:01
kanzureQuantumG: do you have any wizard tools for generating call graphs or other useful things for analyzing obscenely large shitpiles of code?23:02
kanzurethe graphviz thing?23:03
QuantumGshort answer, no23:03
QuantumGyeah, with lots of grep foo23:03
QuantumGwhat sort of code?23:03
kanzurei am running clang/opt/llvm stuff on some source code, but maybe there's something better23:03
kanzurethis stuff: https://github.com/tpaviot/oce23:04
QuantumGyeah, fun23:05
QuantumGclass inheritance and class member relationships are the place to start23:06
QuantumGgraphs do help there23:06
kanzureall classes are like one layer of inheritance only, and then lots of uh.. includes.23:06
kanzurewith 2000 different entry points23:06
QuantumGand if you then want to dig into what types get passed to methods, that's useful too but I've never had graphs help me there23:07
gradstudentbotWho the hell stole my pipette?23:07
delinquentmeSo I keep talking to people who are claiming that synthetically created products will inherently be more pure23:10
kanzurewhat units is purity, again?23:11
delinquentmeThis is assuming that you've got clean media that you're growing the cell line on... but is this simply because we've got starting cell lines which are inherently inbred to shit?23:11
delinquentmeIDK how ot answer that sorry.  I'm a bit brain fried right now23:11
delinquentmeI'd agree that the starting organism is simpler , so that could lend itself to less complexity of possible compounds23:12
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ebowdenAre we talking about engineering organisms to produce useful compounds that might be prohibitively expensive otherwise?23:19
delinquentmeebowden, its definitely more of an upfront investment in time ... I'd guess money as well ... but if we're talking about something that we'd want to take to clinical ASAP... purity can be a HUGE  benefit23:22
ebowdenWell, you can probably get good purity if you are biosynthesising the compound.23:22
ebowdenThere are probably some purification steps you can follow that would give you an end product of good purity.23:23
ebowdenIs this generally the case?23:23
ebowden(I'm no expert, for sure.)23:24
ebowdenAlso, are we talking about any particular compound or class of compounds?23:25
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