
--- Log opened Wed May 28 00:00:17 2014
-!- FourFire [~fourfire@238-80-15.connect.netcom.no] has quit [Quit: Leaving]00:11
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MokstarMethod and system for generating sensory data onto the human neural cortex00:22
Mokstarever seen it before?00:22
MokstarSony has some related patents00:25
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Mokstaroh, that one is also sony's00:25
FourFireMokstar, have you heard of TCS ?00:26
Mokstarwhat's the acronym mean?00:27
FourFireTranscranial Stimulation00:27
Mokstartdcs, trns00:28
FourFirewell apparently there's also a thing you can do with LEDs00:28
FourFirethe human skull is semipermeable to light, and the brain responds to it too00:29
gradstudentbotIt's not really significant, but there's definitely a trend.00:29
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AshleyWafflei was the person playing minecrap01:44
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gradstudentbotI am busy researching.01:45
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jrayhawk_is there a link to this gay baby thing? because i really highly doubt the premise02:11
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jrayhawk_like the idea that a male X chromosome will work equivalently to a female X chromosome is laughable02:13
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jrayhawk_That said, such an experiment would probably make for new and exciting genetic disorders.02:17
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FourFireis it any more complete than last time I checked?11:55
@fenn"It is being written as part of a project to build the first working Seed Factory prototypes." written by whom? and what/where are the seed factory prototypes?11:55
kanzurethey are probably lying11:56
FourFirelooks pretty similar11:56
FourFirethis is the sort of tech I expect to see somewhere in the 2040-2060s11:57
@fennoh please shut up11:57
FourFirefenn, well if you have a more accurate estimate, please let me know what's lead you to it11:57
@fenngo do something useful instead of prognosticating11:57
@fennlike building a seed factory for example11:58
FourFire): I'm afraid I'm not very useful atm11:58
@fenn"The original author is Dani Eder, 1309 Stroud Ave, Gadsden, AL"11:58
@fenndani eder, wow11:58
@fennhttp://yarchive.net/space/ he made various posts here11:59
@fenni wonder if his house is underground12:01
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heathi guess it's official, i'm looking for python work12:34
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kanzureheath: state your requirements12:39
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heathI don't really have anything in mind right now12:41
kanzureheath: i might have some things to pay you to do12:43
heathkanzure: cool, if you want to give me details via email, that'd be nice12:48
@fenni wonder how many schizophrenics who claim to be targeted by microwave beams actually set up a microwave receiver to record the beams12:52
kanzuredon't enable them :P12:52
kanzurewait, i mean do12:52
@fenni guess they'd just skip to neutrinos or quantum entanglement or something unmeasurable12:53
@fenn"they've rewired my brain circuits so it talks to itself!"12:54
@fenn"you bastards!"12:54
kanzure12:54 <+joepie91__> so if you throw WARCs into archive.org (and tell jason scott about them) they'll eventually end up in wayback machine12:54
@fennwhat is a WARC12:54
kanzureit's whatever wget --warc-file does12:55
kanzure12:52 <+joepie91__> kanzure: retains request/response headers and others assorted metadata12:55
@fenn"The WARC (Web ARChive) format specifies a method for combining multiple digital resources into an aggregate archival file together with related information. The WARC format is a revision of the Internet Archive's ARC File Format [ARC_IA] format that has traditionally been used to store "web crawls" as sequences of content blocks harvested from the World Wide Web. The WARC format generalizes the12:56
@fennolder format to better support the harvesting, access, and exchange needs of archiving organizations."12:56
-!- juri_ [~juri@pool-151-200-36-73.washdc.btas.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]12:57
gradstudentbotDoes this look contaminated to you?12:58
@fenn"Use file as the destination WARC file." that's real helpful12:58
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@fennwelp i dont have any WARC files12:59
kanzurealso there is http://web.archive.org/save13:00
kanzurewhich is neat13:00
@fennis that just like wget -p13:00
kanzuretheir /save endpoint dumps a page from the interwebs into their archive13:01
@fenni often find myself wanting to archive an entire directory13:01
@fennnot just a single page13:02
dpkuse -r13:02
@fenni know how to use wget13:02
kanzurehow do i pass -r to the internet archive13:02
dpkgood question! not sure, don't think it's possible at present13:02
@fenndoes WARC store more than one page?13:03
dpkthese are questions for someone who is not me13:03
@fennwho are you?13:04
@fenni mean your nick looks familiar but i have no idea13:04
dpksomeone who doesn't know the answers to your questions13:04
@fennwere you in ##microcontrollers a long time ago?13:04
dpki'm David P. Kendal13:04
dpkyou might know me from #swhack, but your nick doesn't look familiar from there13:05
@fennaha, yes, i use your bot often enough13:07
dpkah, right, of course13:09
@fennhow is .tr supposed to work?13:11
dpkit's broken right now, if you've been trying to use it13:14
dpkbecause Google changed something about the 'API'. again13:14
dpkneed to get round to fixing it13:14
@fenngoogle doesn't believe in APIs13:14
dpkright, so the 'api' is scraping the JSON that translate.google.com uses when you have instant translation on13:15
-!- joepie91__ [5064fe45@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:23
* joepie91__ waves13:23
@fennhello entity13:23
joepie91__I'm an object, not an entity13:26
kanzureyou are a pdf13:26
@fenngeoiplookup indicates your location is in the netherlands, however i suspect you are using a VPN13:26
@fennis your age 23 or are you just fascinated with numerology?13:27
@fenn.wik agistics13:27
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, I couldn't find article.13:27
joepie91__fenn: actually in the Netherlands :)13:28
joepie91__100/100 FttH, no less13:28
joepie91__and I'm 22, so not too far off13:28
@fennhuh, so you live in a farm house?13:29
@fennor are you a tractor13:29
joepie91__nah, this house has been upgraded to shitty duplex-ish house13:29
joepie91__not a tractor, definitely not a tractor13:29
@fennhttp://goo.gl/maps/Lmi5W so the dutch still use windmills13:30
@fennyou could probably suck more power off that power line by putting up an antenna instead of a windmill13:30
* joepie91__ gently nudges kanzure into the general direction of his PM tab13:31
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=d6ea05a2 Bryan Bishop: reasons hplusroadmap has been banned by the FDA >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/fda/13:32
@fenn.d agistment13:32
yoleauxagist¹ (/əˈdʒɪst/): v. Take in and feed (livestock) for payment: the dairy farmer might wish to ⁓ lambs after the cows are housed for the winter — http://is.gd/yZLG7G13:32
kanzurei can't even remember all the terrible ways the fda has banned this channel13:33
gradstudentbotOh great, my paper got accepted with no revisions. Nice.13:33
@fenn"oral inhalation" is overspecified13:33
@fennperhaps we should list the ways we are not banned13:34
kanzurethat is an empty list13:34
kanzureooh prosthetics13:34
kanzureyeah those are also banned aren't they13:34
kanzurecan't let the cripples fucking help themselves, wouldn't want that13:34
kanzures/banned/subject to intense regulatory bullshit that basically looks like banning in most cases/13:35
@fenn"Ø is the loneliest number" just doesn't have the same ring to it13:36
kanzurei think both manufacture of and consumption of drugs are separately regulated by the fda13:37
kanzureso you have to get your production equipment approved too, or something13:37
@fennconsumption isn't regulated, only sale13:37
@fennor perhaps "distribution"13:37
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=601c042d Bryan Bishop: lose some constraints in the fda article >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/fda/13:38
@fennso in the parallel universe that i'm from, "agistics" is a word having something to do with communism/communalism13:39
@fennthere is also "agalmics"13:40
kanzureoh yeah, your exoskeleton link from a few weeks ago13:41
kanzure"The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved a wheelchair that literally can go up and down steps"13:42
kanzurei hate this world13:42
@fennwhere is banbot13:43
@fenni am too lazy to keep score13:43
kanzure.title http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/FDADebarmentList/ucm2005408.htm13:46
yoleauxFDA Debarment List (Drug Product Applications)13:46
kanzure"The following is a public list of firms or persons debarred pursuant to sections 306(a), (b)(1) and (b)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 335(a), (b)(1), and (b)(2)) as published in the FEDERAL REGISTER (FR)."13:46
@fenn.d debar13:46
yoleauxdebar (/dɪˈbɑː/): v. (debars, debarring, debarred) Exclude or prohibit (someone) officially from doing something: first-round candidates were ⁓red from standing — http://is.gd/4erowm13:46
kanzureit doesn't look like there's any actual list13:47
archelskanzure: are you actually going to build these unapproved sound-emitting devices then?13:47
kanzureof course i am13:47
archelsaa in, 'it's on the project list' or you have shipments underway13:48
@fennextremely high fidelity sound systems13:48
kanzurei don't have shipments at the moment13:48
@fennthis is definitely in the theory phase13:48
kanzurebut if i did, i would probably ship them to fenn because i am passive aggressive like that13:49
archelsit would probably be a viable strategy13:49
@fenn"what's this milling machine doing in the driveway?"13:49
@fenn"did anyone order a zeppelin?"13:50
kanzureit's interesting that the fda does not maintain an official list13:50
kanzureit's all through random announcements13:50
kanzure"we couldn't get the cnc machine off of the truck bed, so we just left the truck in your driveway, have fun"13:51
kanzure"Section 520(f) of the Amendments authorizes the FDA to promulgate regulations requiring the methods used in, and the facilities and controls used for, the manufacturing, packing, storage, and installation of a device to conform to current good manufacturing practices (GMPs)."13:52
kanzure"The FDA can order repair, replacement or refund (3-R) if, after opportunity for an informal hearing , it determines that:  ... The device was not designed and manufactured in accordance with the then prevailing state of the art"13:53
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kanzure"An especially absurd example of device delay occurred to the Sensor Pad. The Sensor Pad is so simple it hardly justifies the term device: it is two sheets of sealed plastic that sandwich a silicon lubricant. With the Sensor Pad, a woman can more easily detect unusual breast lumps in a self-examination. Although the product is simple, it is quite useful and can save lives through early detection of breast cancer. The Sensor Pad was invented ...13:56
kanzure... in 1986 by Earl Wright of Inventive Products and was submitted to the FDA for approval. The FDA, however, could find no other substantially equivalent product on the market and thus automatically classified the Sensor Pad as a high-risk, Class III device. Before being allowed to sell the Sensor Pad, Inventive Products had to submit a premarket approval application to the FDA. Inventive Products submitted hundreds of pages documenting the ...13:56
kanzure... safety and effectiveness of the Sensor Pad (both of which were evident to anyone who used the product for sixty seconds), yet years went by, and still the FDA wanted more documents. As it turned out, the FDA decided that in order for the device to be approved, Inventive Products needed to show not simply that the Sensor Pad helped women to detect breast lumps but that it reduced the mortality of breast cancer. Proof of this kind would ...13:56
kanzure... require extensive clinical trials involving thousands of women tracked over many years—all this in order to get permission to sell a device substantially less complicated and less dangerous than a toaster oven. Canada, western Europe, Japan, and other countries quickly approved the Sensor Pad. In Canada, a country that is hardly known as the Wild West of medical devices, the Sensor Pad was approved in thirty days with approximately half ...13:56
kanzure... a dozen pages of documentation. Frustrated at the delay, Inventive Products defied the FDA and in 1988 began selling the Sensor Pad to hospitals. Hospitals bought several hundred thousand Sensor Pads and gave them to women, some of whom would later testify in Congress that the product had saved their lives. Doctors too began to use the device and reported positive results. In 1989, however, the FDA raided Inventive Products and a number ...13:56
kanzure... of hospitals (!) and “on behalf of American women” confiscated the Sensor Pads. Several lawsuits and several years later the product was still not available in the United States."13:56
kanzurefrom http://www.fdareview.org/devices.shtml13:56
kanzure"The next year, Congress held hearings at which a number of women and doctors testified in favor of the Sensor Pad. Finally, after nearly ten years of delay and several million dollars in legal and other costs, the Sensor Pad was approved in December 1995. But the mandarins at the FDA had the last word: they decreed that the Sensor Pad was to be used only with a doctor’s prescription!"13:56
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kanzure"According to the FDA, software is a medical device and is regulated accordingly. Because medical software is often new, it can, like the Sensor Pad, be classified as a high-risk Class III device even if it is not involved in high-risk procedures."13:57
kanzure"The FDA has always been uncomfortable with off-label use, however, and has tried to suppress such use whenever possible. With the growing use of software as a component in devices and drug delivery systems, the FDA believes it has found a way to limit off-label uses. Essentially, it is demanding that the software in any device be written so that the device can be operated only for FDA-approved uses. Excimer lasers, for example, have many ...13:59
kanzure... different uses in eye surgery, but when the FDA approved excimer lasers, they physically and legally tied use of the laser to software that was limited to FDA-approved procedures."13:59
kanzurehow are websites not classified as medical device software?14:03
FourFirekanzure, that retarded giant of a system really doesn't love you, does it?14:04
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=46c5e573 Bryan Bishop: some fda hilarity >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/fda/14:04
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=d5889fc1 Bryan Bishop: oops, don't use pre >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/fda/14:06
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=a6f9757f Bryan Bishop: and rename the section >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/fda/14:06
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ14:09
-!- kanzure changed the topic of ##hplusroadmap to: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA, banned by the Federal Death Administration (4 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | a high-risk Class III device14:10
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure14:12
dpk[off] test14:15
dpk# test14:15
dpkno off-log prefix here?14:15
gradstudentbotYeah, I'm a 4th year. No wait, I'm a 6th year.14:16
chris_99gradstudentbot, get your facts right!14:16
gradstudentbotSure, I'd love to switch into colorectal.14:16
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kanzurefacts are only an inconvenience in his job14:49
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kanzurehello eudoxia15:38
eudoxiahello kanzure15:38
eudoxiais skdb a medical device if someone uses it to print themselves a new kidney?15:39
kanzurean email is a medical device because it communicates medical information **through software**~~15:39
eudoxiawow what if a non-doctor gives medical advice over IRC15:40
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justanotherusereudoxia: then they are in gross violation of the FDAs policy and freenode must report them15:51
kanzure.title http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/EnforcementActivitiesbyFDA/CyberLetters/default.htm15:53
yoleauxCyber Letters15:53
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kanzureoh geeze http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/warningletters/wlFilterBySubject.cfm15:57
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eudoxia>Devices/Laser Eye15:59
nmz787_ijrayhawk_: linkrot here http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/tango/tango-icon-theme/32x32/animations/process-working.png15:59
kanzurehere's a letter about unlicensed fetal imaging http://www.fda.gov/downloads/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/1999/UCM067594.pdf16:00
nmz787_iat least they gave a phone number16:03
nmz787_i"Division of Small Manufacturers Assistance"16:03
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kanzureso weird that the fda has armed agents16:16
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=006ef764 Bryan Bishop: also dna sequencing >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/fda/16:19
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kanzure"institute for human gene therapy" http://www.fda.gov/downloads/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/2000/UCM068181.pdf16:31
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seba-i've made an incubator16:52
nmz787_iwhat kind?16:54
nmz787_iPID control?16:54
seba-it's not so good i think, the one i've had in a flower pot was much better, but looked like crap16:54
seba-the flower pot incubator had PID control yes16:55
seba-the temperature varied within 0.2 C16:55
seba-this one has like +- 6 C, but ok it's mechanical (for testing), but it's just crap16:55
seba-i've bought a chinese oven16:55
seba-it's just shit16:55
seba-the oven is shit16:55
seba-it has no insulation no thermal mass16:56
seba-but it looks nice thou16:56
seba-i've added now a glass of water16:56
seba-maybe if it's not empty it works kind of ok16:56
seba-+- 3 C sorry, 6 C in total16:57
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seba-nmz787, http://seba.eu.org/public/2014-05-29%2002.01.00.jpg17:08
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kanzure"but it looks nice"17:37
kanzurefamous last words17:37
seba-well it really does look nice17:37
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delinquentmeSo if I wanted to work on making younger multipotent stem cells of myself ... where would I start18:58
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delinquentmeseba-, to stop aging ... or at least recruit more of them for repair when I get injured !19:07
seba-which part of aging19:07
jrayhawk_haha that chemtrail thing "contains plasma"19:08
jrayhawk_"radioactive material"19:08
jrayhawk_nmz787: the "from" is really more useful than the "to"19:09
jrayhawk_are you doing OSTC work now?19:10
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delinquentmeWhat was the algo / bioinformatics software which did a stellar job of guessing organism age based off a very few methylation sites?19:17
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kanzurebitcoin sprayer thing for your amusement: https://gist.github.com/kanzure/9ad6a265aac887fa26c121:31
kanzureooh "spaminator" damn i should have named it spaminator21:37
gradstudentbotThe results of my study indicate that the climate is about to get really weird.21:37
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entelechykanzure genius22:09
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entelechyi'm not someone to take seriously on irc usually but22:23
entelechyanything to move things away from centralization of the systems22:23
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