
--- Log opened Fri May 30 00:00:19 2014
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kanzurewell that's boring03:20
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kanzurestrange what sorts of old stuff dreams can dig up, "the lazy man's parallel processor" http://www.animelyrics.com/anime/yyh/yyhnight.htm03:29
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kanzure"Also, selling a biotech stock shows disrespect to all those patients with terminal illnesses who will otherwise be cured."03:46
kanzure"Изображения и тексты патентов получены из факсимильных файлов базы" http://fips.ru/ which is of course dead....03:51
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kanzureah but this exists http://www1.fips.ru/wps/wcm/connect/content_ru/ru/brands_and_points03:53
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jrayhawk_i assume you remember thestreet being one of the organs of the naked short conspiracy04:13
kanzureit is obviously satire?04:17
kanzure"Like all good satire, there's an element of truth here" oh now i'm not sure04:18
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kanzurehuh good recall on that04:19
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jrayhawk_actually it's probably the primary organ04:20
jrayhawk_in terms of propaganda, that is04:20
gradstudentbotThat's the control group, right?04:20
kanzureso what does it mean when the evil tentacle of the dark lords happens to publish satire04:21
jrayhawk_i only read the first two paragraphs, which were hitpieces04:22
jrayhawk_no idea if they were legitimate or illegitimate hitpieces04:22
kanzurethe rest of it was satirizing some funny behaviors of people who buy "biotech stocks"04:23
kanzureerm, buy/sell/gamble04:23
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kanzurei admire your ability to read things in the order in which they are presented to you04:24
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jrayhawk_linking to TheStreet without that context is sortof like telling someone to go listen to a demon04:29
jrayhawk_no matter how profound the truths, they cannot be distinguished from the lies04:29
kanzureit's possible that the inthepipeline person doesn't know04:30
kanzurei certainly didn't remember04:30
kanzureand i'm not sure how you did04:30
kanzurewasn't there like 2,000 fists of the demon listed04:30
-!- nmz787_i [nmccorkx@nat/intel/x-kfclbyzpbrgtzyil] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]04:30
mosasaurHow about piggybacking on stories like the enhanced measles virus curing cancer?04:35
nshlikei wish i could make it hurt to use the words "cure" and "cancer" in a sentence04:36
nshlikelike testicular torsion levels of pain04:36
jrayhawk_are "prevent" and "cancer" allowed04:36
nshlikeif qualified04:37
nshlikeyou can't prevent all cancers everywhere04:37
nshlikeexcept by death04:37
jrayhawk_death didn't stop henrietta laks04:37
nshlikecancer is what happens to cells that don't die04:37
nshlikethere's not really a third option...04:37
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mosasaurIt seems it's not gotten any more friendly here.04:44
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nshlikewe forgot to optimize the strong-AI for hugz04:51
chris_99Daeken, if you're about, have you ever RE'd a bluetooth device per chance?04:52
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archelspaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nphoton/journal/v8/n6/full/nphoton.2014.107.html07:21
@fennwe are now in command. all your spacecrafts belong to us.07:23
chris_99nmz787, is this http://hackaday.io/project/1279-DIY-3D-Printable-RaspberryPi-Raman-Spectrometer yours07:24
@fenn150mW focused to a tiny point could do some serious damage07:28
chris_99mm i imagine it could07:29
@fenni wonder if you can buy just the laser diode and not their crappy aluminum enclosure/optics07:30
chris_99dunno, wouldnt you need to focus it still07:30
@fenni've found that the side emitting diodes have a lot of astigmatism which basically makes the standard spherical optics useless07:31
@fennastigmatism is the wrong word.. the beam is diffracted by the close spacing of the top and bottom of the diode sandwich, which widens the beam more in one dimension than the other07:32
@fennbut if you add some anamorphic prisms before the spherical collimating lens, you can at least get a square beam profile07:32
@fennthis is interesting http://www.ebay.com/itm/RGB-1W-Laser-Module-Combined-Laser-beam-532nm-638nm-450nm-Special-Offer-/26123454030107:34
chris_99could one make a laser projector from that i wonder07:35
@fennwith those combiner optics you can get any color beam you want07:35
@fennyeah we made one.. one thing to worry about is the individual laser turn on/off time, which is different for each laser07:35
chris_99are they pulsed07:36
chris_99ah 30kHZ07:36
@fennthis is the software we adapted to control the rgb laser projector https://github.com/broxtronix/Fiat-Lux07:37
chris_99did you use a mirror galvanometer?07:38
chris_99any photos of how it looked?07:38
@fenni wish we had more documentation of the actual build; diagrams and whatnot07:38
@fennall i have is http://fennetic.net/fiat-lux/07:39
@fennthere's some youtube stuff too07:40
chris_99heh that's cool07:40
chris_99just looked at the lena raster07:41
@fennhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVTlrpmaG0g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pNG-aXWBa8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jTt3WkfM9o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9JfI3rtwgs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZdXhKXFT18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oojv3z0Ugng http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKWM4kn34ys07:42
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chris_99do you still have it?07:45
@fennman the video compression really kills the detail in the fog swirls07:45
chris_99looks really fun to play with07:45
@fennbroxton has it07:46
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@fennthere are more demos.. one does robot arm kinematics for a "dancing worm" effect, a snake that chases a fly, and realtime edge detection on video input07:54
@fenni wanted to port "torus trooper" the video game but ran out of time07:55
sheenaanyone here unerstand how to use a drug's half life to determine how long it would take to be completely eliminated from the body?08:13
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@fennsheena: it's never "completely" eliminated08:27
sheenamy doctor says "stop taking X drug 14 days before this test"08:29
sheenabut he says this for all drugs08:29
sheenaand they're clearly not all going to be eliminated in the same way in 14 days?08:29
sheenasome will be eliminated faster, yes?08:29
@fennthe ones with the shorter half lives08:29
sheenaso how would i determine whether a drug with a half life of 13 hours would be "sufficiently eliminated" in ....some number of days <14 ?08:33
@fennin this graph the half life is x where the curve crosses y=0.5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_decay08:33
@fennyou have to define "sufficiently" as a number N, then N = initial_concentration*2^(-t/half_life)08:36
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@fennt = -half_life*log(N/initial)/log(2)08:37
@fenni think08:38
@fenn.wa given a half life of one day, what is the time for exponential decay from 1 to 0.108:39
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, no result!08:39
@fenni kinda hate wolfram alpha08:44
@fenn.wa -(13/24)day*log(0.1/1)/log(2) in day08:44
yoleauxconvert -13/24 days×(log(0.1×1/1))/(log(2)) to days: 1.799 days; 1 day 19 hours 11 minutes 6.235 seconds; Additional conversions: 43 hours 11 minutes 6.235 seconds; 155466 seconds; 2591 minutes; 43.19 hours; Comparison as time: ~5.4 × 8-hour workday (8 h); Corresponding quantities: Distance x traveled by light in a vacuum from x = ct:: 4.661×10¹⁰ km (kilometers): 4.661×10¹³ meters: 312 au (astronomical units): 28.96  …08:44
yoleauxbillion miles08:44
sheenaN = initial_concentration*2^(-t/half_life)08:45
sheenacan i use initial dosage instead of initial concentration, somehow?08:46
sheenawould they be approximately proportionate?08:46
@fenndivide the dosage by your body mass and assume you absorb 100%08:46
@fennusually pharmaceutical concentrations are expressed as mg/kg08:46
sheenaso using the idea that "being off prozac for 14 days before this test is sufficient", i've calculated N (maybe incorrectly?) assumine a halflife of 3 days (average of 2-4)08:51
sheenathen put N into the formula with the dose and halflife for the other drug, solving for X should give me "number of days before being off Drug X is sufficient for test"08:51
sheenais this correct maths?08:51
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@fennif 12 hours is the half life of drug X, yes08:54
@fennalso if 0.01 is "low enough"08:54
@fennoh that's 13 hours, right08:55
@fennyou should get 3.58 days to decay to 0.0102 mg/kg08:56
sheenai can plug in/change numbrse myself as long as the math is sound08:57
sheenaits just totally illogical to say "take 14 days off these two completely different drugs before test"..08:58
@fennthere are more things going on than just drug concentration, for example genes get turned up or down08:59
@fennpharmacology is pretty back-of-the-napkin09:00
sheenai cant imagine the doctor is even considering tht factor, but if you have knowledge of this stuff, i'd be happy to explain the exact situation and get your feeling/feedback09:00
@fennjoin us next time for IRC MD PhD09:03
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@fennsheena: i dont know quantitatively how various gene networks react, and possibly nobody does09:04
@fennyou'd have to run a simulation with the KEGG pathway database and more.. ugh.09:05
sheenayeah, tht was my thought09:06
@fenni wish something like this existed for real but it's a bit out of my range of experience to even try to think about it09:06
sheenano one knows,s o it cant matter09:06
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sheenafenn: you're awesome btw09:11
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nmz787_imy old dog's name was sheena09:15
sheenamine too, thats where the nick came from09:15
nmz787_ii got her from the neighbor who basically abandonded her on his back porch09:15
sheenai was 6 when i started online things, and my dad said "pick something that isnt your name"09:15
sheenasheena@hotmail.com was taken09:15
nmz787_ilol, cool09:15
sheenahd_sheena was the handle chosen, then shortened to sheena for irc and other things later09:16
nmz787_ishe was a rottweiler, and a sweety at that09:16
sheenaours was a springer09:17
sheenai dunno if ihave a digital pic09:17
nmz787_ii do somewhere, but might not be able to get at it now09:17
chris_99nmz787_i, is http://hackaday.io/project/1279-DIY-3D-Printable-RaspberryPi-Raman-Spectrometer yours?09:18
nmz787_ithat is indeed important for me to look at tho09:18
nmz787_ioh, huh, not much there as of now09:19
nmz787_iwe were interviewed at makerfaire by the hackaday crew, and they told me about the .io contest09:20
chris_99indeed, i just thought it may have been yours09:20
nmz787_ii'd like to get my spectrometer up and running to add it there tho09:20
nmz787_iit is pretty close09:20
nmz787_ii've got everything pretty much to setup for raman as well, except the filters09:20
kanzurewhat are you missing?09:21
nmz787_ithe filters09:21
nmz787_iand the rest of the crap assembled into something from various piles (or stuff packed nicely in padded boxes) of stuff09:21
kanzureoptical filters?09:23
nmz787_ifirmware wise i'd like to start a parallel development track, using the LPC Link V2 board... using one of the processors to handle USB stuff (commands as well as data)... but I think the Parallax Propeller is fine for an entry into that contest... its easier to start hacking on anyway compared to the LPC LINK V2109:24
nmz787_iyes optical filters09:24
nmz787_ithe notch/cliff/dropoff filter09:24
chris_99whats the rough total BOM cost? btw09:25
gradstudentbotCan I borrow some sulphuric acid?09:25
@fenni am going to be having dinner with a IR spectrometer builder guy on sunday.. what should i ask him?09:26
@fennactually he lives in portland. colby foss09:27
nmz787_iis the chinese gratings work out nicely, ~$300 I seem to remember09:27
nmz787_iso maybe ~$500 with Raman filters09:28
gradstudentbotThe culture got contaminated.09:29
nmz787_iIR spectroscopy... ask about wavenumbers, and comparing data using different excitation wavelengths... how do you interconvert??? (I think you just need to know the input wavelength.... but then IR is generally broad spectrum unless its broken up like in FTIR)09:29
kanzure.wik FTIR09:30
yoleaux"Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique which is used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption, emission, photoconductivity or Raman scattering of a solid, liquid or gas." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FTIR09:30
nmz787_ibasically if you get a laser with not enough thermostability... I wonder if you can just get a really nice high bit number temp sensor... and say any thermal variation will vary the laser freq in a way that correlates to temp09:30
nmz787_iso if you take a reading in the sun, then in the shade moments later... you can compare the readings even though the laser freq was slightly diff09:31
@fenndoes the wavelength shift that much over a few degrees?09:31
nmz787_ithis wouldn't take into account more or less laser bleeding through the filter, unless the filter cutoff was a few nm away (while I think temp instability would cause the wavelength to vary within a nm)09:32
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nmz787_iapparently thermal stability is a major concern... but I've been planning to use a linear sensor, to get a reading in one frame09:32
nmz787_inot scanning with a monochrometer for instance09:33
nmz787_iso I don't think variation within a reading is a problem, but maybe between readings... I think changing the input freq to Raman changes the stretch of the output graph09:33
nmz787_ibut this has to do with converting to wavenumbers which I really never understood well09:34
@fenn"At first of movie we are observing a 50 caliber bullet at left of screen. The FIRST system then begins to track the bullet at center of frame. The bullet is then bore-sighted with a laser range finder. At that time the bullet is illuminated with the laser to generate 3-d tracking."09:34
kanzureif you say so09:59
kanzurenmz787_i, what's the holdup on the filters?09:59
kanzurefenn, what was the say on soylent again? besides their crapped up marketing.10:00
kanzureand besides the fact that the guy turned evil and isn't interested in his recipe sharing10:02
@fennkinda expensive, canola is bad, unclear if their nutrients are bioavailable enough, lots of carbohydrates, rice protein is possibly bad/unclear, and no recipe sharing10:02
Daekenchris_99: quite a few (actually just hacked my bluetooth treadmill the other day haha).  what's up?10:02
nmz787_ikanzure: mainly because i haven't had the time/energy recently to get the spectrometer finished, so why buy filters if I cant use them yet10:03
@fennwhat! "why buy hacking supplies if i'm too busy" and you call yourself a tinkerer10:04
kanzureokay, i was gonna offer10:04
chris_99Daeken, ooh, i just got some info from ##re, that i should maybe checkout ubertooth or any other SDR, i'm planning on re'ing https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/903107259/scio-your-sixth-sense-a-pocket-molecular-sensor-fo when i get it, as the dev kit is apparently $600!!!!!!!10:04
kanzurehaha expensive dev kits.. when will the world learn?10:05
@fenn"dev kit"10:05
chris_99it pairs with a phone right, so would i be able to sniff it easily using any SDR10:05
chris_99or could i just dump the packets easy enough from Android10:05
nmz787_iok, cool, my parents have been visiting the past week or so, and makerfaire was the weekend before last, I plan to work on it heavily the next few weekends and maybe weeknights next week10:05
kanzureoh i dunno if you need SDR to reverse engineer bluetooth things10:05
kanzureno way10:05
nmz787_istarting next week10:05
Daekenchris_99: the SDR route -- noooo10:05
chris_99yeah completely stupid10:05
Daekenthen you have to intercept the pairing and all that crap10:05
Daekenjust hook the relevant functions in software.10:05
@fennbluetooth is encrypted10:05
chris_99why not Daeken10:05
kanzureyou should look at the emotiv stuff we did10:05
Daekenon android it's easy, ios it's only slightly harder.10:06
kanzureor rather, the emotiv stuff i claim to have done, but really that daeken did10:06
chris_99ah ok, so is it just hcidump10:06
kanzurebro i'm stealing your credit hope you're cool with thta10:06
chris_99or something10:06
Daekenkanzure: haha, sure.  i know you did something, but i don't remember what exactly, so feel free to take as much or as little credit as you want :P10:06
kanzurei don't remember either10:07
kanzurethe optimal scenario10:07
kanzurechris_99: so, we reverse engineered a bluetooth eeg thing10:07
kanzureand there's some python and C code floating around10:07
Daekenchris_99: well no, you just hook the android bluetooth calls10:07
kanzurethat you can steal10:07
Daekenkanzure: s/bluetooth/usb/10:07
Daekenemotiv wasn't bt10:07
kanzureoh right, but the usb dongle was bluetooth i think10:07
kanzurehow was it communicating?10:07
Daekenno, it was RF, but it wasn't bt ... i don't remember what it was.10:07
Daekenit was an off-the-shelf protocol.10:08
kanzurewell it was stupid10:08
chris_99Daeken, so is that done in C, and do i need to root my phone for that?10:08
kanzureyou'll need to root your phone to disassemble their app10:08
Daekenchris_99: you will need to root your phone, and it can either be done in C or in java.10:08
kanzurewhich is something that i would be happy to help with (the app disassembling)10:08
Daekenmy guess is that their app is java, in which case you could probably break it without actually hooking at all.10:08
Daekenjust decompiling the app and reading it10:09
chris_99ok neat10:09
@fennif you're reverse engineering it, what is the dev kit for?10:09
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chris_99i didn't think about REing the ap10:09
kanzurethe app is what will be doing protocol things, i bet10:09
chris_99so theres two type of dev kit10:09
Daekenyeah, i always forget how easy android is.10:09
chris_99one which gives you access to some cloud thing, the other gives you access to raw spectra10:09
Daekenon ios i usually shy away from poking at binaries, and just stick to the protocol level10:09
Daekenthat's how i'm breaking this bluetooth amp right now10:09
Daekenwhich i'm hoping to write about soon.10:10
kanzurechris_99: you should install cyanogenmod and just have root natively, instead of breaking your oem software or w/e10:10
Daeken(line6 put out a guitar amp that's completely configured over bluetooth, and only has an ios app.  just wrong.)10:10
chris_99ok, i'll look into that, kanzure i just have a really crappy android phone10:10
kanzureyes that is wrong10:10
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chris_99is it not possible to easily decrypt via SDR then10:12
@fenni see a $199 "early adopters", $201 "maker kit", $399 "early developers", $999 "hacker & researcher" and $10k "partner"10:12
chris_99i got the $19910:12
kanzurehaha that's totally the wrong direction10:12
kanzurethe developer kits should be cheaper10:12
Daekenchris_99: if your'e going with the decompilation route, there's no need for a phone at all really.  just need a way to get the apk, and then you can do everything else10:12
kanzureso that you get developer adoption10:12
kanzureand then you can fuck over the customers, rather than your devs10:12
chris_99ok Daeken :)10:12
Daekenchris_99: with an SDR, i can't imagine how you'd easily hack a bluetooth device.  you'd have to MITM the pairing and all that.10:12
kanzurebluetooth mitm stuff would be fun to do10:13
chris_99Daeken, i thought maybe if you knew the pin that was used...10:13
Daekenkanzure: i've been thinking about figuring out how to do it with an android phone.10:13
FourFireD: mitm bluetooth10:13
@fennkanzure: they seem to be assuming that the only reason anyone would want to develop with it is to make money on some "how much sugar is in my cornflakes" app10:13
Daekenchris_99: nah, even if you know the pin, the crypto isn't keyed to that.10:13
chris_99but i guess theres still the key exchange10:13
FourFireI have enough trouble with BT as it is10:13
kanzurebanjo tooie?10:14
@fenn.wik bt10:14
yoleaux"BT or Bt may refer to:" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bt10:14
Daekenbelize telemedia?10:14
chris_99how does ubertooth do it then i wonder10:14
chris_99i'll have too look at that10:14
Daekendunno, never played with one10:16
@fenni was thinking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BT_(musician)10:16
FourFireBT=bluetooth, obvoiusly10:18
Daekeni <3 BT (one of my old companies sponsored one of his tours, so i ended up meeting him and talking tech for a couple hours.  fuckin' sharp dude)10:19
nmz787_ikanzure: hahhaha i loved those banjo kazooie games, i played the first the most10:19
nmz787_iBacillus Thuringiensis?10:19
kanzurenmz787_i: one of the pokemon rom hackers is also the only banjo kazooie rom hacker10:19
kanzurenmz787_i: did you ever see "rare witch project" stuff?10:19
nmz787_ihmm, no, I remember some parody 'bear witch project' but dont remember the content, only the name10:20
kanzureanyway they did this back in 2002-2004 entering a few thousand gameshark codes10:22
yoleauxBanjo-Kazooie Blubber's Secret Island10:22
gradstudentbotMy code doesn't work. I have no idea why...10:22
kanzurealso he made "mumbo's wand", the only banjo kazooie level editor i think10:22
kanzurei spent way too many hours looking through the ram viewer. i tsarted to document the filenames of their source code etc.10:23
kanzure(this must have been 2000?)10:23
kanzureunfortunately the only way to do a reliable disassembly is dynarec i think10:26
delinquentmeSo BBL had this LOVELY meetup last night w a dude from a company called novozymes.10:27
delinquentme10 bil market cap company designing enzymes ... Coolest thing I walked away with was probably novel uses of sequencing for optimization of synthetic organism output10:28
delinquentmeand also GRAS organisms are quite a nice abstraction10:29
kanzuresynthesis is the main blocker on producing novel enzyme output10:29
kanzurethere's already lots of sequencing10:29
kanzurebut if you can't generate a trillion item library what's the point10:29
delinquentmeI couldn't get how many organism permutations he had in their sequencing library10:31
delinquentmeBut he mentioned that he worked alongside someone @ berkeley in sequencing named michael rae.10:31
delinquentmeAnd I'm wondering if thats the same SENS michael rae10:32
kanzurei was introduced to michael rae 2009-02-02 by robert bradbury10:32
kanzurei wonder if that's the dead one10:32
nmz787_ikanzure: you were hacking speedily when I was merely wondering what how to even get started with a dissassembler10:33
nmz787_i:/ negative 1 for lack of mentorship or whatever10:33
kanzurei didn't know about disassemblers back then10:33
kanzureall i had was a gameshark and this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPpiFGIzOyw10:34
yoleauxGameshark Sharkwire Commercial10:34
gradstudentbotWho has the latest version of the paper?10:35
kanzure"Robert Bradbury may refer to: The author of the Matrioshka brain concept"10:36
kanzure.wik matrioshka brain10:37
yoleaux"A matrioshka brain is a hypothetical megastructure proposed by Robert Bradbury, based on the Dyson sphere, of immense computational capacity. It is an example of a Class B stellar engine, employing the entire energy output of a star to drive computer systems. This concept derives its name from Russian Matrioshka dolls." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrioshka_brain10:37
kanzureyes but is he dead or not. grr.10:37
kanzureseems to say he died in 201110:37
kanzurehuh, so a unixy microbiology transhumanist person10:39
kanzure"So I would argue that you could take a frozen head, drop it on the floor so it shatters into millions or billions of pieces and as long as it remains frozen, still successfully reassemble it (or scan it into an upload). In its disassembled state it is certainly one very large 3D jigsaw puzzle, but it can only be reassembled one correct way. Provided you have sufficient scanning and computational capacity, it shouldn’t be too difficult to ...10:40
kanzure... figure out how to put it back together."10:40
FourFire"sufficient" computing capacity is "bounded"10:43
FourFirea shattered brain would melt quickly, unless it's still in the cold room10:43
kanzurei don't think they're arguing that you should smash brains10:44
delinquentmeOk So I'm having a convo w someone about freeze drying.  I dont think that I'm underestimating its complexity.  Its a vacuum.10:44
kanzuresmash frozen brains, even10:44
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FourFirethey're arguing whether having your head frozen and then dropped is "survivable"10:44
delinquentmeIf you want to get INCREDIBLY exotic we can point out shielding for different high energy particles ... but really if you want to freeze dry a sample O2 will be removed during vacating the air10:46
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kanzurei tink the stratum protocol is a little backwards11:03
kanzure"On the beginning of the session, client subscribes current connection for receiving mining jobs. Now let authorize some workers. You can authorize as many workers as you wish and at any time during the session. In this way, you can handle big basement of independent mining rigs just by one Stratum connection."11:03
kanzureso the first message a stratum client sends is a subscription request, followed by any number of authorization requests :|11:03
kanzurejrayhawk_: what's the name of the reverse telnet tool that lets me wait for an incoming connection, then lets me type things?11:31
kanzureah, nc -l -p11:33
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sheenafenn you still here?11:40
sheena0.0102 = (20/77) * 2^(-x/0.5416)11:41
sheena2^(-x/0.5416) = 0.0102 * 77/2011:41
sheenax/0.5416 = -log(0.0102 * 77/20, 2)11:41
sheenax = -log(0.0102 * 77/20, 2) * 0.541611:41
sheena  = 2.529504125302856711:41
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nmz787_ikanzure: sharkwire online huh, never heard of it... the only thing slightly similar, though lacking apparent cheat/mod features, was sega channel (but that was like 1995 or 1996 I think)11:52
nmz787_iSega channel was friggin awesome for its time11:52
nmz787_igames coming over the cable TV wire11:52
nmz787_i*mindblowing* to an 8 year old11:52
nmz787_i'very economical, and keeps my kids at home'11:53
nmz787_ihuh made by 'Scientific Atlanta' the old cable box company11:55
nmz787_ioh, another adapter made by "General Instrument"11:56
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nmz787_iboth officially licensed11:57
nmz787_i'menu accessible cheats and tips'11:57
kanzurei didn't have the sharkwire actually. just the video heh.11:57
nmz787_ihah hah , they show a small dog playin the sega controller11:57
nmz787_irandom youtube comment "Sega channel was AMAZING! It still blows my mind that they had that technology back then. I got it in early 95 in Boston. And having 50+ new games every month was mind blowing and it wasn't bad games most of the games were top sellers and you would get most games 3 months after their initial release. Once I got PS at the end of the yr. Sega Channel went with it. But it was really cool "11:58
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nmz787_iI actually remember something similar... the bedroom where my friend had sega channel soon got a PlayStation in it, my memories are pretty vague of back then... but I remember playing a lot of some side-scrolling team fighter game on the PS more than playing sonic or whatever on sega channel12:00
kanzureit's all just licensing deals12:00
nmz787_iooo 'fighting force'12:00
kanzureof course it was possible back then.. it's the patent owners that sue the hell out of anyone that bothers/tries.12:00
kanzure(and other competing reasons)12:00
kanzure"Sega Channel was provided to the public by Time Warner Cable and TCI through cable television services by way of coaxial cable"12:01
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kanzure"Headed by former Time Warner senior vice president Stanley B. Thomas Jr., the service was a joint venture between Telecommunications Inc. (TCI), Time Warner Entertainment, and Sega of America Inc. for the Genesis console."12:02
kanzureah they hired a time warner cable person12:03
kanzureand he died in 1995 http://www.nytimes.com/1995/04/28/obituaries/stanley-b-thomas-jr-cable-tv-executive-52.html12:04
kanzure"Mr. Thomas is survived by his wife, .., and four children, ..., and Stanley 3d."12:04
kanzureoh 3rd.. not 3d. damn.12:05
kanzurei suspect it died because he did12:05
kanzure"According to an informational piece broadcast over the channel, Stanley B. Thomas, Jr., former senior vice president of Time Warner, headed the service"12:05
gradstudentbotSorry for wasting your time.12:09
* nmz787_i wonders if kanzure paid mechanical turk to man gradstudentbot12:24
gradstudentbotI think more research is required.12:24
nmz787_iyes, certainly12:24
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kanzurei can't decide if he's hilarious because it's funny or if he's hilarious because graduate students are just so sad12:40
@fennsheena: i forgot to use 20/77, i used 1 instead12:54
@fennseba-: ?13:00
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kanzurearen't variables supposed to be shared between greenlets?13:03
gradstudentbotDo you have references for that?13:03
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nmz787_ikanzure: is there a Visual Studio drag-n-drog HTML editor that doesn't suck?13:12
nmz787_isomething that might help me learn how to code it better13:13
nmz787_ii tried starting with twitter bootstrap but didn't really get anywhere fast13:13
@fenn"drag-n-drop" != "code"13:16
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nmz787_iwell those things usually generate code13:17
@fennthey usually generate garbage that people like me have to clean up13:17
kanzuredpk might know more about that, i think he might have even read the css spec13:17
gradstudentbotWow, that would be a great sample to add to my collection.13:17
nmz787_ibut i asked specifically for one that 'doesn't suck'13:17
nmz787_ii might be able to learn /something/ from sucky code13:18
dpki haven't read all of the CSS spec. only the bits i've needed from time to time13:18
@fennjust read the w3 tutorials13:18
nmz787_ii've heard w3 is pretty limited in some cases13:18
@fennw3 is all there is13:18
@fenneverything else is abuse13:18
dpk.g no w3schools13:19
kanzuretwitter bootstrap is a collection of working knowledge about css that css monkeys have accumulated after years of battling all sorts of browsers13:19
kanzureat this point mozilla's mdn is way better on averae13:19
nmz787_ii just wanted some framework to use for laying out guis in cefpython13:19
kanzurethere are certain things in bootstrap that are non-obvious if you haven't experienced the community the whole time13:19
seba-we just tested, animal probiotics13:19
kanzurefor example, "why the hell is everything on a random grid that isn't just css?"13:20
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seba-they are sterile water13:20
nmz787_ii figured bootstrap is used widely enough that it might be a good starting point13:20
kanzurethere are simpler grid layout systems if that's all you want13:20
kanzurelike 960gs or bluegrid or etc etc13:20
kanzurewait.. not bluegrid.13:20
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kanzureit's mostly a grid system, but bootstrap has a bunch of those too13:21
nmz787_icool, i'll check it out13:21
kanzurecss monkeying is the reason why i don't accept frontend gigs anymore13:21
@fenndpk: ok so w3schools has no connection to the w3c, so what?13:22
kanzurecontent is often bad and security nightmare13:22
kanzurenmz787_i: btw, you might just take something from themeforest.net and cut down on your time..13:23
@fennnmz787_i: bootstrap is an advanced thing on top of another thing13:23
kanzurenmz787_i: it's worth the $813:23
@fennyou need to learn how the base layer works first13:23
kanzurei don't know if i enjoy knowing how css works13:23
kanzuredefinitely not on my top 10 list..13:23
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@fenni dont get why css has such a bad reputation13:24
kanzurebecause you have to debug in 12 browsers simultaneously13:24
@fennthat's the browser's fault for being buggy13:24
@fenni bet they render html different, and flash different, and fonts different, but you don't complain about that13:24
kanzurei wonder if anyone has a simultaneous autorefresh for multiple browsers... i should go look.13:25
kanzureactually people do complain about that13:25
kanzurethey do image pixel-by-pixel testing etc etc13:25
@fennso why is css the bad guy?13:25
gradstudentbotYou used the wrong formula.13:25
@fennall this pixel-perfect shit just makes it not work right on my netbook screen13:26
@fennyou want pixel perfect? render a .png and use image maps13:27
@fenn(i shouldnt give people ideas)13:27
@fenncss was harder to figure out before firebug and the chrome inspector, because you didn't know what was padding vs margin vs border13:28
nmz787_isome of these wxpython widgets are written in pure python, and then the API gets all fragmented (similar functions with different calls between different widgets)13:28
kanzureall of my css hate is probably from the days of quirks mode13:28
nmz787_iso i'm thinking using more RAM to run a chromium might be fine13:29
@fennbut now it's so easy, you can even change things with live preview and show the box model in 3d etc13:29
@fennnmz787_i: are you actually talking about running chrome the web browser? or just a html/css based GUI?13:33
kanzurehe's using cefpython to do an html/css gui for a desktop application13:33
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nmz787_ithe latter, using chromium instantiated in python using chrome extension framework python implementation13:34
nmz787_ithinking about it13:34
nmz787_ii'm not sure i want to try switching to that now13:34
@fennplease don't use chrome extension whatever just for a simple GUI13:34
nmz787_ibut might for future projects13:34
kanzureit's not really a chrome extension13:34
kanzureit's more like embedded chromium13:34
@fenneither way it sounds terrible13:35
nmz787_iwx has some other html display thing13:35
nmz787_ibut i'm not sure how much of that can hook up to/emit events13:35
kanzurefirefox used to be embeddable, until the world decided to hate lkcl13:35
kanzuregtkmozembed stuff etc13:36
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@fennnmz787_i: you do realize gtk runs on mac and windows, right?13:43
dingoi worked on gtkicq in 199813:44
kanzurehow much gtk stuff does it use? big gui?13:45
dingoi can't believe its still available13:45
dingoi went to high school with Ryan Weaver13:45
gradstudentbotCancer: still not cured.13:46
@fennback in the days before laptops13:46
gradstudentbotI have to order new primers.13:46
nmz787_ifenn all windows users anyway13:49
nmz787_ifor this project at least13:49
kanzuremsvc actually has a bunch of wizards for gui drag-and-drop stuff13:50
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jrayhawk_13:24 < kanzure> because you have to debug in 12 browsers simultaneously14:04
jrayhawk_13:24 <@fenn> that's the browser's fault for being buggy14:04
jrayhawk_if a standard is unimplementable, it is not a good standard14:04
jrayhawk_contrast, say, postscript, of which there are thousands of implementations of and the variances are sufficiently discrete that they can be tracked with a central repository of definition files14:08
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@fennjrayhawk_: i'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with "implementable" and more to do with tricksy business strategies attempting the "decommoditization of protocols"15:06
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* Mokstar prepares for patch night.15:07
kanzureis there a "bind to random port" in python's socket module?15:14
kanzureblah 0 i knew that15:16
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kanzureoh weird15:18
kanzureso that works with socket.socket.bind but not gevent.server.StreamServer (which thinks that 0 is a valid port?).15:19
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kanzureraise TypeError('Expected a socket instance or an address (tuple of 2 elements): %r' % (listener, ))15:21
kanzureokay i guess i can just pass a socket.. thanks nodocs.15:21
dingothere is such a real port, 015:22
dingoos implementation-defined15:23
dingoits an important part of remote os fingerprinting15:23
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kanzurethat is inconvenient for me at the moment heh15:28
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||0_-_0||paperbot http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=187457415:31
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jrayhawk_fenn: okay, then why doesn't amaya work either?16:08
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jrayhawk_like that was the literal thought process behind it. "Everybody's implementing it wrong, we presume due to commercial incentives, so we'll just have to do it ourselves!" and it turns out that implementing an unimplementable set of standards requires infinite engineering effort16:12
jrayhawk_so amaya is, in fact, even shittier than the commercial engines16:13
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joepie91__kanzure: it's Python, nodocs is the norm16:16
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kanzureit works16:29
gradstudentbotProtip: the lab's attic hasn't been used since 1966. Pretty nice.16:31
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chris_99is that where you live gradstudentbot16:32
gradstudentbotShould this be on ice?16:32
@fenni've never used amaya, but judging by its screenshots it looks more like an editor than a browser16:33
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jrayhawk_it was supposed to be a reference implementation17:18
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streetygradstudentbot: the attic is a nice place to stash a weights rack17:54
gradstudentbotI'm making a flamingo cell culture, but first I need to capture a flamingo, are you in?17:54
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delinquentmecan someone explain to me whats happening here?17:58
Mokstarbasically he wants to create algae-based eggsploseives18:01
seba-delinquentme, i would say that the algae makes some gas18:02
seba-which is then used in a fuel cell18:02
seba-or maybe it uses quantum zero point energy of the vector scalar field18:03
* Mokstar summons Thomas Bearden.18:04
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@fennAshleyWaffle: cool illustrations, maybe we can get their original drawings without the text for re-use18:21
AshleyWafflefenn: idk ask18:22
@fenndo you think aaqucnaona is the artist?18:24
delinquentmeseba-, I"m not understanding anything there.  They mentioned a inline 9volt and something w the algae18:24
delinquentmeAre they just showing that the algae conducts electricity??18:24
||0_-_0||algae biosuits will allow you to have telepathic sex with sentient dolphins, delinquentme18:30
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kanzurecan't you already do that?18:33
@fennmy secret plans have been ruined, ruined!18:35
kanzureapparently there's a big difference between gevent 0.13.8 and 1.0.118:37
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kanzurehm the remote service returned: {"error": [-1, "maybeDeferred() argument after * must be a sequence, not NoneType", null], "id": 0, "result": null}18:46
kanzurei'm gonna guess they are using twisted18:47
kanzurepoor souls18:47
@fennthe illustrations seem to be from here: http://mariakonovalenko.wordpress.com/18:49
@fennpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1134%2FS000629791309013718:56
@fennpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1134%2FS0006297913090137.pdf18:59
@fennpaperbot: http://www.programmed-aging.org/theory-3/Katcher_heterochronic_plasma_exchange.pdf19:02
paperbotTypeError: unicode() argument 2 must be string, not None (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 825, in text)19:02
@fennwtf, download it19:02
delinquentmeI"m a bit beside myself here because the article sounds like nobody knows what they're talking about.19:03
delinquentmelike its nothing novel.19:03
delinquentmeI'm not even sure how the algae is involved other than its shown in the background.19:03
@fenncongratulations, you are developing critical thinking skills19:03
delinquentmebut fenn it pisses me off!19:05
delinquentmeThis isn't news!19:05
delinquentmeAnyways ... a dude from anamyris added me on linked in ... specifically the guy from automated infrastructure19:06
delinquentmeNot sure how I want to open that convo yet.19:07
@fenndelinquentme: try downworthy19:09
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@fennhttp://mariakonovalenko.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/roadmap_immortality_eng.pdf can anyone else see this pdf? it takes forever to load and gobbles up ram, lots of warning messages on the console..19:24
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kanzureit's stealing all your doecoin19:25
@fenni think it's just a humongously ginormous image19:26
@fennwhy are 1,734 people signed up to receive email from maria konovalenko's blog?19:29
@fennUFOs as global risk also doesn't seem like a hot topic19:35
@fennRank: #5,350,829 in Books19:36
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@fennhttp://transhuman.ru/Projects  i wonder if "transhumanist organizations" are doomed to perpetual endless self-promotion media production19:49
gradstudentbotWow, I'm definitely not including this data in the paper.19:49
@fennat least KrioRus is something real19:49
@fenn"2006-2012 the company was cryopreserved KrioRus 20 people, 4 dogs, 4 cats and cats and two birds.19:50
@fennmakes it sound like they started wit people and advanced to cats and dogs19:50
kanzurethe russian transhumanist association members are, on average, slightly more aware of how crappy the community is, but their ideas about what to do about the situation are annoying19:51
kanzure("let's hold massive skype conference calls EVERY DAY about longevity, and invite 400 people")19:51
kanzurecaveat: my opinions were formed prior to the shitstorm that was their "2045" project ugh19:53
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@fennrofl it's san francisco in a box: http://style2030.ru/19:54
kanzurei meant http://2045.ru/19:54
@fenni know. i'm looking at the list of projects transhuman.ru has done19:55
kanzurethey have a list!19:55
@fennLE WHAF - gaseous food19:55
@fenn16,000 rubles.19:55
kanzureis writing to a socket the only way to know it's dead?19:57
||0_-_0||paperbot http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.0105-2896.2006.00391.x/abstract;jsessionid=5A8E958C247AC893216D7DBFC704D761.f01t03?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false19:57
kanzuretry not including hints like userIsAuthenticated=THEYARESTEALINGEVERYTHING19:57
||0_-_0||dammit need something to read on the train19:57
||0_-_0||paperbot http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-immunol-032712-10000819:57
delinquentmefenn, this plugin.... lol19:58
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@fennanyone heard of "Life strategy of creative person" (LSCP/ЖСТЛ) by creator of TRIZ?20:05
* kanzure plugs fenn into a socket20:06
@fennthe socket is dead20:06
@fennhm. "seminar" blargh20:08
@fenni'm going to start licensing all my creations under a "do anything you want except give seminars and certification certificates"20:09
kanzurehard to see you writing licenses20:11
@fenni'll fork the wtfpl20:12
-!- Adifex is now known as night20:13
kanzure"Not to be included in Soviet patent literature"20:14
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@fenndid you know Genrich Altshuller was a soviet patent examiner?20:17
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@fenni can't tell if these wikipedia articles were auto-translated or i just need to go to sleep20:19
kanzurerussian wikipedia is pretty interesting, it's not just translations20:19
kanzureit's glorious alternate history that actually happened20:20
@fenn"The laws of technical systems evolution are the most general evolution trends for technical systems discovered by TRIZ author G. S. Altshuller after reviewing thousands USSR invention authorship certificates and foreign patent abstracts.20:20
@fennAltshuller studied the way technical systems have been invented, developed and improved over time."20:20
kanzure"thousands of USSR invention authorship certificates".. aka all of tem20:20
kanzurei wonder when it will be quicker to read all patents than it would be to read all pages on wikipedia20:21
@fennTRIZ is a set of abstract domain-cross-cutting techniques that can be used to get unstuck20:21
kanzureit's already less time than reading the internet20:21
kanzureoh yeah, it was one of those silly graph grid matrix systems20:21
kanzurethat they throw at "innovation parties" where you fall into a pool or get caught because of trust lessons20:22
@fenni think of it more like zen koans20:22
kanzure"It won't work."20:22
kanzure#2 is "Really."20:22
@fenn"do not try to solve the problem, only realize the truth."20:22
@fenn#3 is "why are you still reading"?20:23
kanzure"there are no gears, only interferences and non-interferences"20:23
kanzureprofessor of triangles20:23
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@fenn999/1000 american high school students don't know what a cuboctahedron is20:24
@fennpolytope or isotope?20:26
@fennpolymer or isomer?20:26
kanzure.title http://vimeo.com/9304237720:28
yoleauxPulley Logic Gates on Vimeo20:29
kanzure.title https://www.flickr.com/photos/10242956@N05/sets/72157644097414107/20:29
yoleauxun album sur Flickr20:29
kanzure.title http://www.amazon.com/lm/R31DNEOS39TWP7/ref=cm_lm_pthnk_view?ie=UTF8&lm_bb=20:29
yoleauxAmazon.com: Pulley Logic Gates Stuff20:29
@fennis there a flickr un-fuckr?20:30
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kanzurei emailed my patent reform proposal https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openmanufacturing/vS4ju1VqXb020:52
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SudixyugiX420:55
yoleauxDomino Domino Logic20:55
kanzuredomino half-adder http://imgur.com/a/qq7Kl20:55
kanzure"I accidentally knocked down the 2-bit which led to knocking down the 4-bit as well, but it did successfully lead to knocking down the two 1-bit inputs, so I considered it a success and didn't try to get it set up again."20:56
kanzurehe should have blamed the cat20:56
@fenngrants of limited monopoly exist, see i.e. the FDA granting exclusive marketing rights20:58
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@fennalso, from what i can tell, the patent office doesn't expend any efforts on evaluating the technology content of the patent applications21:00
@fennalso, this doesn't really fix anything21:00
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kanzure"grants of limited monopoly exist" .. yes, specifically patents. duh?21:01
kanzureof course it fixes things21:01
@fennpatent owners should be the ones to pay the "intellectual property tax" because they are denying the right to use that property to the commons21:01
kanzurenow you're not sued for building your hexagons21:01
kanzureyes patent owners should pay that tax. absolutely.21:02
kanzurebut paying that tax and also killing homeless people for driving around in hexagons is even worse.21:02
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@fennthe way you wrote it, it sounds like the tax goes TO the patent owner21:02
kanzureyes, it does21:02
kanzureand that's what i intended, although it was a throw-away aspect of the proposal21:03
kanzureat the moment, the patent owners get money becaues of patent licensing deals21:03
@fennwas the goal of this proposal to be absurdly awful? (proof by negation or something?)21:03
kanzurethe goal of the proposal was to stop the harmful impacts of patents on technology21:04
kanzurepatents (grants) have very very little to do with technology, in theory21:04
kanzurein practice, everyone has attached the concept of invention to patnets21:04
@fennmonopoly rights are for incentivizing business21:05
@fenneveryone assumes you need a business to make technology21:05
kanzureno the usual argument is "they are for incentivizing the $400 billion dollar investment required to make anyone do anything"21:05
@fennsame thing21:05
kanzuremany many businesses don't even have a single patent21:05
kanzurebusiness wouldn't stop, heh21:06
@fenndon't ask me, man21:06
@fennlawyers gonna legislate21:06
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kanzuredo you know the names of people who have proposed "patents should be taxed as property" ?21:07
kanzurei guess it's sorta obvious, since it says property in the name21:07
@fennno, i don't21:08
@fennthere is no law or constitution describing intellectual property21:08
@fennit's a fiction designed to confuse people such as lawmakers into believing that businesses have "property rights" over intangibles21:09
kanzure"By my calculations, there are about 2.1 million US patents in-force (as of May 1, 2012)."21:09
@fennproperty tax isn't a solution to the problem, it just cuts out the bottom 50 percent of crap patents21:10
kanzurei agree that taxing technology inventions isn't a solution21:11
kanzureit doesn't solve any of the interesting problems21:11
kanzure"In total, U.S. intellectual property is estimated to be approximately $5.5 trillion -- greater in value than the entire GDP of any other nation"21:11
@fennmandatory licensing also doesn't solve the problem21:11
kanzureokay let's assume that's $5 trillion, and attribute it to the 2 million patents in force, and also assume that the expired patents have some incalculable value, and that this does not include copyrights/trademarks21:11
kanzure.wa 5 trillion / 2 million21:11
@fennoh yeah well Fennistan has $5.6 trillion in intangible intangibleness21:11
yoleaux5000000000000/2000000: 2500000; Quotient and remainder: 2500000×2000000+0; Number name: 2 million 500 thousand; Number line: http://is.gd/m4aU8d; Number length: 7 decimal digits; Pie chart: http://is.gd/BZy8pc21:12
kanzure$2.5M/patent haha... of course, it's a power law distribution21:12
@fennyou can still calculate it with a power law distribution21:12
kanzureoh yeah, another good number is google paying $4B for motorola's 17k patents.21:12
kanzure.wa 4 billion / 17000021:13
yoleaux4000000000/170000: 400000/17; Decimal approximation: 23529.41176470588235294117647058823529411764705882352941176470...; Repeating decimal: 23529.4117647058823529^_ (period 16); Mixed fraction: 23529 7/17; Quotient and remainder: 23529×170000+70000; Number line: http://is.gd/2HQj4h; Pie chart: http://is.gd/I5VNY4; Prime factorization: 2⁷×5⁵×17⁽⁻¹⁾; Continued fraction: [23529; 2, 2, 3]; Egyptian fraction expansion:  …21:13
yoleaux23529 + 1/3+1/13+1/66321:13
@fennthey also bought a brand, product line, engineering staff, etc.21:13
kanzureno i think that was the itemized number21:13
kanzure$12.5B total21:13
@fennthat's a lot of money21:14
@fennmotorola strikes me as the sort of company that would have valuable patents, so those numbers don't add up21:15
@fennby about 2 orders of magnitude21:15
kanzureyeah i think they have all the government radio contracts and patents, right?21:16
kanzureor did freescale get that part of the business?21:16
@fennis spectrum allocation "intellectual property"?21:16
kanzuredunno :\21:17
@fenni mean i have a hard time discerning the difference between "you can't broadcast with this frequency hopping algorithm" vs "you can't broadcast on this frequency"21:17
gradstudentbotThe thing about this particular theory is that it's excellent at predicting ethnic conflicts which have already happened.21:18
@fennthank you gradstudentbot21:18
gradstudentbotThat's not really surprising since they did it ex vivo.21:18
@fennnever forget the great patent wars21:19
* fenn takes a 12 hour nap21:20
kanzure.title http://mises.org/daily/368221:22
yoleauxThe Case Against IP: A Concise Guide21:22
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delinquentmeApologies-ish for a feels post ... but this keeps absolutely frying my mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe0igW8jNyU21:37
yoleauxGUY MARTIN 275Kmh Speed Wobble ★HD★ - Isle of Man TT - SURREAL ✔21:37
kanzure.d wobble21:37
yoleauxwobble (/ˈwɒb(ə)l/): v. Move or cause to move unsteadily from side to side: the table ⁓s where the leg is too short; n. An unsteady movement from side to side: the handlebars developed a ⁓ — http://is.gd/S3gCwc21:37
delinquentmeNot sure if you guys are into it ... but some of the shots where they're showing these guys hurtling through corners and just hugging roads to the point where the rider / bike / rear swingarm / road all just integrate21:38
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delinquentmekanzure, you should watch it :D21:40
delinquentmeinspiration to work on getting respawns.21:40
gradstudentbotI did so much qPCR today.21:42
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kanzure"microsoft real-time language translation for skype" hmm21:53
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kanzuregoogle alerts sent me 10 emails at midnight (for once)22:06
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delinquentmelibgen runs on a windows server :D22:13
kanzuregene_hacker: hi22:15
gene_hackerwho would've known22:15
gene_hackerno wonder it is so slow...22:16
kanzuregene_hacker: http://patentsdb.su/22:16
kanzuresoviet patents22:17
gene_hackersweet, now I can be like Altshuller and go reinvent TRIZ22:17
kanzureare you reading the logs22:17
kanzurebecause we were TRIZing a few hours ago22:18
gene_hackerso how do you use it?22:23
gene_hackerthe search function doesn't seem to work well22:24
kanzure1) make a copy of the whole site (wget -m) because it probably wont stay up forever22:25
kanzure2) learn to read russian heh22:25
gene_hackerwell I think I know the patent number22:25
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kanzuregene_hacker: patent number for which?22:32
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gene_hackerlooks like it's just an application though22:32
kanzurenmz787_i: if you ever go south in oregon you should meet gene_hacker22:34
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jrayhawk_isle of man is pretty cool for car culture's sake. the world needs more ludicrously dangerous street circuits.23:07
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