
--- Log opened Fri Jun 06 00:00:26 2014
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kanzurehm maybe subject for microfabrication http://www.mindtribe.com/2014/06/the-single-transistor-radio/00:17
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nmz787found these http://www.alltronics.com/cgi-bin/item/22Z003/32/Esterline-Instrument-Corp-201CE00:30
nmz787" As far as we can tell, this is part of a Raman cell or maybe from some other liquid or pressure cell designed to be probed by a green laser"00:31
nmz787or if you want a more descriptive URL https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/5673559808/h36230ECA/00:32
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kanzurehm i should play with an optics simulator thing06:56
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.008332507:21
yoleauxPLOS ONE: Identifiable Images of Bystanders Extracted from Corneal Reflections07:21
kanzurewait, steve jurvetson took that photo of obama? the transhumanist hypersingularitarian venture capitalist steve jurvetson? hm..07:22
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kanzurewhat's the name of the mechanism for the exchange of two items between untrusting parties? the one with plexiglass/glass/metal between both participants.07:43
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kanzurepfft http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/16/science/billionaires-with-big-ideas-are-privatizing-american-science.html08:09
kanzure(pay no attention to the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical markets..)08:09
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kanzure /win 309:32
kanzure"Representing exact numbers visually using a mental abacus" http://langcog.stanford.edu/papers/FB-inpress.pdf09:40
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjugIM6u2vQ10:58
yoleauxInexpensive Method for the Duplication of Microfluidic Devices - Black Box Labs10:58
kanzureso the people who did the microscope photolithography setup are in san diego: http://www.blackboxlabs.us/research.html10:59
nmz787_i1they also have a video of making a vacuum chamber and combining that with a microwave to make a plasma bonder11:04
kanzurerelated company is http://www.epsilonmicrodevices.com/11:05
kanzure"Open Source Plasma Bonder"11:05
kanzure"We offer the Oxygen Plasma Bonder with vacuum gauge for $995.00 which also includes a vacuum gauge and oxygen tank (within continental U.S.). For security and export reasons, we do not ship oxygen internationally. The microwave is not included."11:06
kanzureexport reasons... haha.11:06
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rll6Zo1go5s11:06
yoleauxPlasma Bonder11:06
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FourFirekanzure, cool demo11:12
kanzurestalk: Bajeel Mehta <lajeeb2@gmail.com> and John Waynelovich <johnlukew@gmail.com>11:13
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-R0_nXpc7I11:15
yoleauxHomemade Oxygen Plasma Etcher & PDMS to Glass Bonding Test - Black Box Labs11:15
kanzureoh you know these guys... ntm787 is you.11:16
kanzuretalked with them?11:16
nmz787_i1one of my 3 youtube IDs because for some reason I can't merge them11:16
nmz787_i1no, i dont think so11:16
nmz787_i1maybe i should?11:17
kanzurei emailed them a few minutes ago asking where to send the check (for their $1k dlp micro lithography thing)11:17
kanzure"Yo dawg, I'd like to acquire your buttlicious photolithography product. Might I enquire wherest I should send the bitcoin transaction to? k snap out of, later alligator, nah just kidding homedoge"11:19
nmz787_i1You might have actually done that.11:20
kanzureyou have to speak the language of commerce11:21
FourFirewhat node does it etch in?11:22
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chris_99the language of commerce haha11:43
FourFirekanzure, the photolithography product you wanted to order11:43
FourFirenode as in nm node11:43
FourFire> || < 150nm ?11:44
kanzurewhy would it have to be nm?11:44
kanzureand what's a node11:44
FourFirekanzure, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/250_nanometer11:45
FourFire(or am I completely wrong in my assumption of what it's supposed to do?=)11:45
kanzure"nodes" is only mentioned once on this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:International_Technology_Roadmap_for_Semiconductors_lithography_nodes11:46
kanzurewell, twice11:46
kanzure"A node is a point along a standing wave where the wave has minimum amplitude"11:48
chris_99that's the only node i've heard of in the context of standing waves11:49
kanzurei'm not sure the amplitude matters11:49
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kanzureanyway, nm wavelength is not necessary11:51
kanzureyou can get a lot done just playing with micrometers11:51
kanzureoops wait, yes nm wavelength is necessary (most of the photoresists cure between 300-1200 nm)11:52
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FourFireI don't know whether you are mocking me, or if I'm just being overly obtuse11:56
nmz787_i1asking what node does it etch in is confusing a bit to me too11:56
FourFireA "node" in the semiconductor industry is a different name for the feature size of ICs, so Intel currently produces processors at the 22nm "node" (well 14nm by now)11:57
FourFireI'm asking, how small can it draw things?11:57
kanzurethey should stop using that word11:57
kanzureor they hsould call it a wave node11:57
kanzurehell, nmz787_i1 even works at intel and he's confused11:57
FourFire(or does that machine do something else entirely?)11:58
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kanzurethe plasma bonder does something else; a photolithography setup shoots photons at photoresists to cure regions of the surface/material11:58
kanzurei am not aiming for nm feature sizes11:59
FourFireok, that's good, an answer, what size then?11:59
kanzurei already told you micrometer :(11:59
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nmz787_i1most photoresist is in the 300-600nm cure range12:03
nmz787_i1'peak absorbtion'12:03
nmz787_i1but intel is getting 22nm not through a more UV colored photon, they're using interference of UV photons12:03
nmz787_i1'more-UV colored'12:03
nmz787_i1(i'm correcting my first ref, not the second ref to UV)12:04
nmz787_i1so likely that system kanzure showed uses a white light source, or a 405nm laser12:04
nmz787_i1or led12:04
nmz787_i1but it sounded like DLP12:05
nmz787_i1so I think either an expanded 405nm laser or a white light with decent UV output12:05
nmz787_i1but that's just the photon wavelength12:05
kanzurehm actually that guy with the dlp photolithography thing is renting out an apartment for bitcoin: https://twitter.com/black_box_labs12:05
kanzuremaybe i should just move there and pester him12:05
nmz787_i1you also have to consider the optics, the spot size the beam produces12:05
kanzurewell, there are two systems on his page12:06
kanzureone is dlp the other is the uv led thing12:06
nmz787_i1kanzure: did you read the screw valve paper?12:06
nmz787_i1it seems like valves may be easier than expected to fab12:07
kanzurei would argue that valveless is always easier12:07
FourFirethanks, I didn't see that.12:11
@fennsup homedoges12:11
kanzuresame old same old.. it's like herding highly inertial cats up a river.12:13
@fennyou need a boat12:13
@fennor i need a boat12:13
kanzurean engineer would just re-route the river12:14
@fenna netsphere engineer would just reprogram the river12:14
kanzureall we need is a few thousand man years of effort12:14
kanzurethese guys claim their microfluidic micro lithography stuff is for "citizen scientists":12:14
@fenndon't make me read pdf12:15
kanzurei already told you the relevant part12:15
@fennwho's representing the "slave scientists"12:16
@fennor other non-citizen castes12:16
kanzureit's weird though that they haven't emailed diybio about it if that's their marketing plan12:16
kanzureso, roman was bitching at me about how the world doesn't need another open source cad12:17
@fenn"another" implies that one exists12:17
kanzure"I have read that commercial kernels represent investments of 400+ person-years. That seems reasonable and OCC is likely about the same scale. Another reference is that RGK (Russian Geometric Kernel) the government sponsored project took $20M, and only for the first phase. With that, I am skeptical that setting a goal of having one more modeling kernel would be reasonable one."12:17
kanzurebrlcad is technically capable of reading/writing files, which was one of the goals you mentioned12:18
@fenni thought we established in "the mythical man month" that person-years was a fallacy12:18
kanzureyes but russia probably doesn't know that12:18
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kanzurearen't they the country that hired tens of millions of science labor12:19
@fennanyway, i would use brl-cad's STEP importer for sure12:19
FourFirekanzure, do they know about diybio ?12:19
kanzurehow could they not know about diybio.. all of the "citizen science" hype lately has /mostly/ been about diybio12:19
kanzurethere has been some other fringe crap, but by far diybio has been where anyone actually is12:19
kanzurefenn, i just mean, i can't tell roman "because i want unicorn-rare beautiful code, wah"12:20
@fennit's not unreasonable to want code that doesn't crash constantly and is possible to modify12:22
@fennhow many lines of code is OCC?12:22
kanzureat least a few million12:22
kanzure(i checked a while back)12:22
@fennok so who is going to fix that?12:22
@fenn(according to lygin)12:22
@fennor does he even acknowledge that it has problems?12:23
kanzurei'm p. sure he acknowledges that it has problems, given his blog posts about the crashes and bugs12:23
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kanzurethere is a certain argument about not always throwing away legacy code, but i currently forget the exact argument12:23
kanzureit's something like, "rewriting it is high-risk and extremely costly, compared to the ongoing maintenance cost"12:24
@fennsomeone found a bug and put an ugly hack in place so you don't have to12:24
@fennsomething about compatibilities with other broken software12:24
@fenn"because internet explorer"12:24
@fennhas anyone heard of a "polariton"?12:24
kanzure.gc site:arxiv.org polariton12:26
yoleaux7,380 (site), 7,270 (end), 5,660 (api)12:26
kanzurefenn, so what's the argument for open source cad then?12:27
kanzurefenn: especially given that "read/write needs to be possible by other members on open source hardware teams" is answerable by "use brlcad"12:28
@fenni'm really confused12:29
@fenn1) brlcad is open source12:29
@fenn2) brlcad is not usable12:29
kanzure"then you should focus on making brlcad usable"12:30
@fenni agree12:30
kanzurei thought the argument was something like, brlcad only barely implements the right primitives12:30
@fennwhy is nobody doing this?12:30
@fennbrlcad has a zillion primitives, it's the UI that is unworkable12:30
@fennit needs at a bare minimum to support openGL12:31
kanzurethe primitives are all wrong though12:31
@fenna good goal would be feature trees with infinite undo12:31
kanzureit's all csg12:31
kanzurenobody thinks about their device in terms of combining spheres and triangles12:31
@fenndoes it not also do nurbs patches?12:32
@fennalso, what the fuck is wrong with everyone? what's wrong with spheres and triangles?12:32
kanzureit does do nurbs things, and recently (2012) someone during GSoC implemented nurbs-nurbs intersection stuff, although the code was not clear and i'm not convinced it's a complete implementation12:32
@fenni don't trust GSoC code12:33
kanzurewell, i was going to say that, but there's no reason to discriminate against students12:33
@fennheh yes there is12:33
@fenn"they don't know what they're doing"12:33
kanzurewell why did this one?12:34
@fenndrop subtopic "GSoC" from ##hplusroadmap where $date == "today"12:35
@fennso, brlcad is possible to understand12:36
@fennpeople are even making additions to it12:36
kanzure"The week 7 is the mid-term evaluations. During the first half of GSoC, I focused on the NURBS intersections, implemented P/P, P/C, P/S, C/C, C/S intersections, and also made lots of improvements on the SSI implemented last year, e.g. Newton iterations, overlap cases. Now according to the schedule, we are going to the next half of GSoC next week, and I'll start working on evaluating NURBS booleans. A friendly remind of how to tests my ...12:37
kanzure... results. If you want to have a quick test on P/P, P/C and P/S, you can run src/libbrep/test_point_intersect, or src/libbrep/test_curve_intersect for C/C and C/S. If you want to test SSI, you need to run librt/tests/test_ssi, but it doesn't have build-in test cases, so you need to specify a .g file, and the objects in it. Also, you can use the brep command in MGED, which can test all of these six intersections."12:37
@fennwhy is there so little "open source" cred around it? brlcad is not even in debian?12:37
kanzuresure it's in debian12:37
kanzure"During GSoC '13, I implemented 6 independent intersection routines (point/point, point/curve, point/surface, curve/curve, curve/surface and surface/surface), tested and verified them, and they proved to be robust with the input I gave (even the extreme case). The most challenging task is the overlap cases in SSI (the result is 2D rather than 1D), which takes several weeks and hundreds lines of code."12:38
kanzure"After mid-term evaluation, I started to focus on NURBS boolean evaluations with the well-performed intersection routines. The main steps include splitting a trimmed face, inside/outside tests and forming the final b-rep structure. I'm pleased that I stayed on schedule during all these time, and finally finished a working NURBS evaluation routine and COMB conversion. Connectivity graphs take quite a lot of time to implement, and still not ...12:38
kanzure... completed in some way (e.g. the information lost after the evaluation, because the edges are not shared), but it doesn't effect the performance a lot so finally we just disable this option. If it turns out to be useful later, we can enable it again, and do some modifications if needed."12:38
@fennhttps://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=brlcad&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=brlcad&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all12:39
@fennmust be a special invisible package12:39
@fennstealth cloaking technology12:39
kanzurewell for some reason aptitude is showing that the package exists on my end12:40
@fennyou probably built it with checkinstall12:40
@fennor is it in some ppa?12:41
kanzurehmm http://blends.debian.org/science/tasks/engineering claims that a debian package is not available, but at minimum there is https://github.com/tbrowder/brlcad-debian-package12:41
@fennok that's good but it's not a package12:42
@fennwhy the hell are they using svn12:43
kanzuremake jrayhawk do it12:43
kanzurebrlcad has been slowly switching over to git lately12:43
kanzurealso, i would argue that python-brlcad is a good vehicle for making it easier to use12:44
@fennyes, compiling bolt.c and linking it in /usr/bin is not a good strategy for macros12:45
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kanzuremain problem with python-brlcad is that i have not thought about simplifying the brlcad api12:46
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@fenni like this rendering style http://ronja.twibright.com/3d/12:49
@fenni wonder if it's possible to do with opengl shaders12:49
kanzurethat's "w" in brlcad mged12:49
kanzureoh sorry, i am thinking of opencascade actually12:49
@fennthis seems to be based on surface normals12:50
@fennprobably a pixel based method12:50
* fenn mumbles something about "rtedge"12:51
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@fenn.g snuffeluffegus12:52
@fenn"The rtedge command will render a hidden-line image of the specified geometry database model. This hidden line image is a raster image that is similar to what is desired for drafting documentation where the model is drawn as a series of contour edges."12:53
@fenn"BRL-CAD can render hidden line drawings using rtedge, but the images it generates are raster images (consisting of pixels) rather than vector drawings (based on lines and curves). This is often suboptimal - line drawings are often edited and rescaled using vector based editing programs, and rtedge output must be manually traced in order to be used in those environments."12:54
kanzureif you intersect a plane, and then take all of the intersected objects, those are your vectors i think12:56
kanzureor at least, vector-drawable objects12:56
@fennthis is talking about outlines, which are a projection, not an intersection12:56
@fennalso, deciding what to consider a corner is a tricky problem12:57
kanzurehave you used python-brlcad yet?12:58
@fennfor example these nuts are sorta flush with the end of the bolts so the algorithm doesn't consider it an edge http://ronja.twibright.com/3d/railing_s3.png12:58
@fenni havent used python-brlcad yet12:59
snuffeluffeguslike I'd be on reddit :P13:00
snuffeluffegusactually yeah it's me..13:00
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@fennfor shame13:01
@fennthis is a great image http://brlcad.org/gallery/renderings/bradley13:03
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@fenndifferent rendering styles http://brlcad.org/gallery/var/albums/renderings/bradley_rtwizard.jpg?m=135645454913:09
@fennam wondering how they modeled all the plants, surely not in mged? http://brlcad.org/gallery/renderings/stryker_slat13:16
kanzurei think they actually have a tree generation routine thing13:18
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hmatlockpython devs: this feels dirty, anyone up for correcting me: https://gist.github.com/heath/89e2fb5665076f816b5f13:24
kanzureuse csv.DictReader instead13:24
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ParahSailinuse .split(",") instead13:25
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kanzureyou can use [0:len("Alabama")]13:26
chris_99that wouldn't account for "hi,hi",blah13:26
kanzurehe's obviously joking13:27
kanzurelet him troll13:27
chris_99oh ok13:27
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nmz787_i1heath: sounds like you want to turn that age column into its own list, so you can call min and max on that13:48
nmz787_i1oh, you want age range from a single row13:48
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@fennheath you could make a list with each element an age, so the list index corresponds to the age, and you can use list slices as age ranges14:13
@fennage[0:10] or whatever14:14
@fennthere's probably some fancy multidimensional "traits" thingy that accomplishes the same thing14:14
kanzurewell there's an enthought python library called traits14:15
kanzureand numpy does lots of multidimensional things14:15
@fennmy abstraction fu is weak14:16
@fennwhat is it called when you have multiple views of the same data structure? like foo['bar']==foo.bar14:16
@fennor circle.radius * 2 * pi == circle.circumference14:17
@fenni guess that's just a property though14:18
@fennpyparsing does this weird thing where the parse tree is both a list and a dict14:18
ParahSailinuse a monad14:19
@fenni'm going to just assume you're trolling14:19
@fenninstead of trying to figure out what a monad is :P14:19
ParahSailinmonadic parser combinators are ossum14:20
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kanzure.wik monad14:22
yoleaux"Disambiguation: Monad" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monad14:22
@fennkanzure: don't get trolled!14:22
kanzurelearning haskell wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to me14:23
@fennit's well known that leibniz was highly antisocial and probably invented the concept of trolling14:23
kanzurei've been meaning to see if he published any "patents"14:24
kanzure"patent" isn't mentioned on his superlong wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibniz14:24
@fennthat was before patents, and besides, they were granted by monarchy, usually in exchange for something else14:25
kanzureno, this was not before patents haha14:25
kanzure1646? patents were happening before that14:25
kanzureengland had that 1624 law about monopoly patents14:25
@fennwho do i complain to that the internet is broken?14:25
kanzurebecause it was already such a huge problem14:26
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kanzurei wonder if people just signed their work with leibniz's name as a way to get it preserved14:26
@fennthey may have used the same word but i doubt the system was anything like our current patent system14:26
kanzureor he was just the prototypical usenet troll... not sure.14:26
kanzurei think you would be surprised.. description of invention, various claims, boom granted a patent.14:27
@fenn"monads are elementary particles with blurred perceptions of one another" and so is your mom14:27
@fenni've been reading "how the laser happened" and there's a whole chapter on patents14:28
@fennafter reading that it's really hard to accept any sort of argument about how patents encourage new technological developments14:28
kanzureoh please as if you had a positive opinion before reading that14:29
@fennok but this is a well known high profile invention that supposedly was a result of big companies and their intellectual property14:30
kanzurei'm fascinated by how strongly people believe that patents are good14:32
@fennit's because they think it's central to capitalism14:32
@fennor that it even has anything to do with capitalism14:32
ParahSailineveryone likes the idea that one day you can just live off deadweight rent14:32
@fennwhy not advocate for basic income then?14:33
kanzurei think it's something like "hey, this is an easy to follow set of steps to do something, how could this possibly be bad? and also, your alternative is confusing and sounds like hard work"14:33
@fenninstead of suing each other for all eternity14:33
ParahSailinbasic income doesnt make them feel special and smart i guess14:33
kanzurei got into an argument the other day with a few people that were essentially saying "copyright law is enough for open source hardware"14:34
@fennthat's what "inventor's certificates" are for :P14:34
kanzureexcept that patent law trumps copyright law.. :|14:34
@fennexcept that copyright has nothing to do with hardware14:34
@fennyou can get a design patent..14:34
@fenn.wik design patent14:34
yoleaux"In the United States, a design patent is a form of legal protection granted to the ornamental design of a functional item. Design patents are a type of industrial design right. Ornamental designs of jewelry, furniture, beverage containers (see Fig. 1) and computer icons are examples of objects that are covered by design patents." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_patent14:34
kanzureyes yes but the set of loopholes and automatic grants of copyright that occur in copyrightland don't occur in patent land (including design patents)14:35
@fenncopyright has been stretched pretty far already in being used to cover computer programs14:35
@fennbecause a program is a "work of literature"?14:35
kanzurei'm surprised that the gplv3 patent provision is expected to work14:35
@fenni'm surprised we haven't nuked the world yet14:36
kanzureshrug, little gifts14:36
@fennanthropic principle14:36
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kanzurehow many biology lab components are doable on a simple microfluidic device, if that photolithography setup was to happen?14:41
kanzurei remember stuff about using cd-rom-form-factor stuff for centrifugation, or using food blending machines14:41
kanzurethermocycling is easy with leds or something14:41
@fenni liked the u-channel centrifugation better (flow separation)14:41
@fennactually spinning something is complicated14:42
kanzurechromatography could be done with microspheres? or one of those "micro array of pdms posts"?14:42
@fennthermocycling is easy with a spiral channel over temperature zones (we already discussed this a million times)14:42
kanzureyeah i'm convinced thermocycling is not a problem14:42
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kanzurei was just going through "the list" in my head (i don't really have a list, i'm just making things up that sound important)14:43
kanzurei should stop calling it chromatography, what it should really be called is separation and purification14:43
@fennno, please continue calling it chromatography14:43
@fennunless you mean something else14:43
kanzure.wik chromatography14:44
yoleaux"Chromatography (/ˌkroʊməˈtɒɡrəfi/; from Greek χρῶμα chroma "color" and γράφειν graphein "to write") is the collective term for a set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromatography14:44
kanzure.d chromatography14:44
yoleauxchromatography (/ˌkrəʊməˈtɒgrəfi/): n. A technique for the separation of a mixture by passing it in solution or suspension through a medium in which the components move at different rates — http://is.gd/MXfW0D14:44
@fennthere are other ways to separate and purify things that are not chromatography14:44
kanzureyeah i don't specifically care about chromatography itself14:44
@fennyou could have a dialysis membrane in a microfluidic chip i guess14:45
@fennor magnetic nanobeads or something14:45
@fennanyway.. what was the question?14:45
@fenn"what's a photolithography setup used for in a bio lab?"14:46
kanzureno, the question was: approximately how much equipment can be constructed by this tool14:46
@fennall of the equipments!14:46
@fennstep 1: synthesize a grad student14:47
@fennstep 2: convince them to do your scut-work14:47
kanzurethe common tools are centrifugation, thermocycling, electrophoresis/chromatography/separation, spectrography, storage, and then dna synthesis/sequenthesis are of course two of the less common but very useful components14:47
@fennstep 3: roll in the dogecoins14:47
kanzureanother separation technique in addition to those two is "pinched flow fractionation":14:48
kanzureanyone who publishes a micron-scale photograph in a scientific publication without including a scale bar should be hanged for high treason against humanity14:49
@fennthat pinched flow thing is kinda cool14:49
kanzureno idea if it works for smaller diameter particles (those were at least 10 micron diameter?)14:51
@fennwhat is it separating on? density?14:51
kanzurei'm not sure. do you mean density of the particles?14:52
kanzureit would be cool to see separation of dyes. i wonder if anyone has done that.14:53
@fennoh, the particles have to be bigger than the width of the smaller liquid flow14:53
@fennheh that's an elementary school demo, paper chromatography. or did you mean with the pinched flow technique?14:53
kanzurei mean a microfluidic method14:54
kanzureoh well. packing a device with microspheres as your chromatography column is not the end of the world.14:54
@fennyep i've seen that done in microfluidic devices (gas chromatography column)14:54
@fennbonus effect is you can use different particles on the same chip layout14:55
kanzureoops i forgot electroporation/*poration14:55
@fennor have multiple columns all loaded through one port14:55
@fenndude there are so many scientific methods you'll never list them all14:56
kanzurei am not trying to list them all14:56
kanzurethere is a certain amount of equipment you need before you can do useful biology things14:56
kanzurejust having a dna synthesizer is not helpful14:56
@fennhow about flow cytometry, does it pass the "helpful" threshold?14:56
kanzurewhat are you going to do, splash the synthete in your toilet?14:56
@fenn.d synthete14:57
yoleauxSorry, I couldn't find a definition for 'synthete'.14:57
kanzuresorry my inner biologist is making up words again14:57
kanzureactually i'm not sure if flow cytometry is really that complicated.. just use a camera and point it at your microfluidic device, right?14:57
kanzureoh, you want to also separate the cells maybe? i assume that's very similar to the problem of separating 10 micron diameter particles etc14:57
@fennit's actually easier in a microfluidic device14:57
@fennyou're sorting cells based on color or whatever14:58
kanzurehm when do you need to sort cells anyway?14:58
@fennin a macro scale device this is done with charged droplets and electrostatic deflection14:58
kanzurelike, in all the transfection protocols i remember, i haven't had to sort cells14:58
@fennin a microfluidic device you could just use a "+" junction14:58
@fennyou can tag with antibodies and sort by cell type, or for counting cancer cells14:59
@fenn.wik flow cytometry14:59
yoleaux"In biotechnology, flow cytometry is a laser-based, biophysical technology employed in cell counting, cell sorting, biomarker detection and protein engineering, by suspending cells in a stream of fluid and passing them by an electronic detection apparatus." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_cytometry14:59
kanzuredo you really need a laser?15:00
@fennyes, because the droplet is too small and moves too fast otherwise15:00
@fennyou could use a LED instead i guess15:00
kanzureadd lasers to everything!15:00
kanzurethis is my laser keyboard15:00
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@fennso lasers are pretty simple conceptually, they have just been explained badly just about everywhere15:01
@fennin a population of particles you have a boltzmann distribution of particle energies. some of the particles toward the tail end of the distribution are in an energetic state with energies corresponding to visible light. normally a population consists mostly of "ground state" atoms and a few energized atoms. a "population inversion" is just having mostly energized particles15:03
@fenna passing photon can cause an energized atom to give up its energy as a photon (in the same phase and direction as the first photon) and this can act like a cascade amplifier15:05
kanzureuh, my complaint about lasers isn't about the laser itself, but rather the optics usually associated (or, in cases where i need to maintain a co2 tube, i also mean co2 tubes)15:06
@fennif you add two mirrors on the ends, photons that aren't traveling parallel to the mirrors fly off to the sides and don't get repeatedly amplified as they bounce back and forth, so only one mode is amplified15:06
kanzureby opticks i mean lenses and mirrors15:07
kanzurei have no idea why everyone was always cleaning my laser cutter's mirrors15:07
@fennand then you need some way to add more excited molecules, which is usually done with "pumping" light, but can be done other ways too15:07
@fennkanzure: because hot gunk vapors can condense on the lens and make a hot spot15:08
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kanzurebut wasn't there a vacuum to suck out the hot gunk vapor or something15:08
kanzureor a fan, even15:08
@fenntake a magnifying glass and a bowl of pure white sugar and try to set the sugar on fire with sunlight. won't happen. but if you add a speck of dust, the dust will absorb the light rays and melt the sugar and oxidize and pretty soon you have a bubbling black cauldron15:08
@fennyeah a good laser will have lens shielding gas15:09
@fenncertain materials (PVC, ?) will generate especially corrosive gases15:10
@fenni don't really know why they don't just use long focal length lenses to keep the gases far away from the lens?15:10
@fennmaybe something to do with diffraction15:11
kanzureand now convince me to constantly maintain/fix/replace a co2 tube15:11
@fennwhat goes wrong with them?15:12
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kanzure"Each laser tube requires a given amount of flowing fluid to get rid of the heat generated in its discharge region. The circulating fluid may go through either an air/fluid (radiator with a fan) or fluid/fluid (chiller) heat exchanger. It is important to provide enough flow and enough 'exchange' so as the fluid temperature will not rise much above 80 degrees F or about 27 C."15:13
kanzure"Always use a Flow Switch to disable laser operation in case of No Flow"15:13
kanzure"If you are using city water, filter it. If you are using a closed circuit flow system, check the water and change it every six weeks or so, or drop a few drops of Algaecide in the recirculator. Better yet, use diluted Dow Frost."15:14
@fennpretty sure they are using the word "fluid" wrong15:14
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kanzurenot finding any details15:16
@fennwhy are laser tubes expensive? it's just a tube with some mirrors15:16
kanzureand gas?15:16
chris_99the chinese co2 ones seem cheap15:16
kanzure"The CO2 laser tubes found in many laser cutters/engravers only have a lifetime of around 1000 - 2000 hours, after which they need to be replaced." yes but why..15:18
kanzuremaybe it's co2 leakage?15:18
kanzuresam says: "Additional gases are normally added to the gas mixture (besides CO2) to improve efficiency and extend lifetime. The typical gas fill is: 9.5% CO2, 13.5% N2, and 77% He. Note how He is the largest constituent and CO2 isn't even second! (This also means that leakage/diffusion of He through the walls and seals of the laser tube may be a significant factor is degradation of performance and/or failure of a sealed CO2 laser to work at ...15:19
kanzure... all due to age.)"15:19
chris_99heh i'm on the same page15:20
chris_99that's interesting about He leakage15:20
@fenni am looking at http://www.synthfool.com/laser/15:20
kanzure"1988    Sharplan introduces 1st sealed CO2 cylinder (which prevents leakage of gas and eliminates the need for replacement of cylinder that added maintenance cost to the Laser. Still uses DC excitation."15:21
@fennwhy are people so interested in burning pictures into wood?15:21
kanzure"1988    Luxar introduces 1st sealed CO2 cylinder with RF excited gas and flexible hollow wave-guides."15:21
kanzurebecause they want to make money15:21
kanzureand apparently people pay for that15:21
@fennthat doesn't answer the question15:21
@fennmoms against center justified text15:23
kanzure"System also uses sealed tube technology (new sealed cylinder has life of about 45,000 Laser-On hours, and inexpensive refill adds another 45,000 Laser-On hours) and passes on an un- heard of 3 year warranty. "15:23
kanzureso maybe people just aren't using sealed tubes15:24
kanzure"They have life expectancy of  2 to 3 years" but what happened to 45,000 "on" hours15:24
@fennyou can have a sealed tube that still circulates water through, or circulates gas through water15:24
kanzureoh maybe it's still patented or some shit15:25
* kanzure smug15:25
kanzuremaybe someone patented it in the 90s or something15:25
@fenn"The down-side to this glass-blown tube, was that the tube could crack easily if the tube were not kept cool"15:26
@fennnow this may sound radically radical, but why not just use a metal tube15:26
kanzurebecause then you can't pass light through it?15:26
@fennbut the flash lamp is inside the tube anyway (or it's DC-excited)15:27
kanzure.title http://www.parallax-tech.com/hardseal.htm15:27
yoleauxAdvantages of hard seal Glass to Metal technology in sealed co2 lasers15:27
@fennhonestly, blown-glass?15:27
@fenn"special glass and special metal"15:28
kanzureso why do their products only have a warranty of 4 years15:29
kanzure"180 Watt sealed co2 laser system for OEM industrial applications : $17,500." "Complete laser system --you supply water and electricity.15:30
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kanzure"We do NOT refill or repair RF excited CO2 laser tubes such as those manufactured by Coherent, Synrad or Universal Lasers. Reason: We only work with DC excited sealed co2 laser tubes."15:31
kanzurehow are these guys not sued into oblivion by the other parallalogramlax people?15:32
kanzurethe microcontroller one15:32
kanzurefenn, so a few days ago i figured that cheap lab equipment wasn't really enough to do anything; it has to be cheap lab equipment and enough lab equipment to actually do things. otherwise you'll just end up with a stupid openpcr sitting on your desk doing nothing..15:36
-!- nikkuts is now known as justanotheruser15:37
kanzurei know that's obvious when worded in that way, but from the other perspective ("let's just make a cheap centrifuge") it is not15:37
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kanzureParahSailin: what other necessary biology devices am i missing? thermocycler, centrifugation, chromatography column separation, electrophoresis separation, electroporation, storage, flow cytometry, spectrography and of course dna synthesis/sequencing15:41
kanzureactually, maybe i just mean *poration instead of electroporation, since getting wires in there is inconvenient15:42
kanzureand i'm not sure how to do switching (the actual physical sorting part) for flow cytometry15:42
kanzurewihtout valves15:42
kanzureand i am assuming spectrography can be done off-chip by nmz787_i's toy15:43
kanzure*off-chips (i don't assume any of this stuff would be on a single chip)15:43
kanzurehmph what's the point if you don't include asic vlsi stuff? https://github.com/blockerupter15:45
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@fennalso getting chemicals is hard sometimes16:08
@fennunreasonably hard16:08
@fennhelium in the laser tube can't be a significant part of the cost16:15
chris_99get it free, from the local fusion reactor16:17
@fennwouldn't that be great16:17
chris_99that it would, unlimited floating balloons for all16:17
@fennwaste of helium16:18
@fenn"Some has 20% O2 added so party people don't pass out talking like Donald Duck..."16:19
chris_99haha i did not know that16:19
@fennwe're going to look back on this as the most wasteful stupid waste in the history of humankind16:20
@fennjust dumping this rare element overboard for no reason other than we don't feel like keeping it anymore16:20
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@fennjust gone, forever16:20
@fennif you want more you have to go to jupiter ffs16:20
chris_99or just build fusion reactors16:21
@fennno, do the math16:21
chris_99do they not produce much?16:22
@fennof course not, that's the whole point of nuclear power16:22
@fennotherwise we'd be having a "helium tax" for preventing atmospheric change16:22
chris_99can't you use liquid hydrogen16:23
chris_99for superconductors16:23
@fennno, hydrogen is reactive16:23
chris_99i thought it's still possibl though16:23
@fennalso, hydrogen is not helium16:23
@fennalso also, a bajillion things16:23
chris_99oh paperbot works automagically16:24
chris_99who cares if it's not helium, if you can still use it, in the superconductor :)16:25
@fennwho cares if it's not gold, you can use platinum, so just send me all your gold16:25
@fennor throw it in the ocean, who cares16:25
chris_99wouldn't liquid hydrogen be better even16:27
@fennfuck off16:27
chris_99why not? it's cooler16:27
@fenndo you even know what "hydrogen embrittlement" means?16:29
chris_99oh i'm wrong about that nvm16:29
kanzurejrayhawk_: would you be willing to host a microscope? responsibilities would include keeping it plugged in and internet connected. also there would be an irc bot that controls where it looks. you'd also be pestered to load samples periodically.16:29
kanzurejrayhawk_: and it would stream video or something16:29
kanzureby periodically i mean when your pond sample gets boring16:30
chris_99fenn, i wasn't trying to piss you off btw, i was just generally curious why you could use liquid hydrogen instead, but i can see why now16:31
@fennyou will be asked to sneeze on the microscope slide occasionally16:31
@fennchris_99: helium is a noble gas, and hydrogen isn't. that's a big enough reason right there16:31
kanzurethere used to be an internet-controlled microscopy service somewhere. this must have been back in 2003.16:32
chris_99i'm just reading about embrittlement now, seems strange16:32
kanzureit was probably a java applet thing :(16:32
@fenni remember the robotic garden waterer w/camera16:32
kanzurejust some dude running a microscope for people to poke at16:32
kanzure!left pls16:33
kanzure!left 25 microns, etc..16:34
kanzureit would work16:34
kanzurewe can make it search for life forms16:34
kanzuresearch for microscopic irc life (SMILF)16:35
@fennunfortunately weird acronym group hotline (UWAGH!)16:36
chris_99if you used c. elegans, could people steer them around using chemical sents16:36
kanzureno, that would require some sort of multi-pipette holding system and that sounds annoying to design16:37
kanzureand then you'd have to get the pipette tips in the right location, and under a slide cover?16:37
chris_99i was thinking of some kind of tiny matrix of pipese16:37
@fennjust make a maze with a pipe at the inlet and outlet16:38
@fenni mean start and end16:39
kanzureopencl would be able to recognize paramecium and cellular blobs, right?16:39
kanzureso the bot would be able to report when something not boring is found?16:39
@fennwhy do you want an internet microscope webcam16:39
kanzureopencv yes16:39
kanzurefenn: why not?16:39
kanzurefenn: they are like tiny pokemon16:39
chris_99yeah i think i recall people recognising cells with it16:39
chris_99haha i like the pokemon analogy16:40
@fennparamecium vs milliwatt laser, fight!16:40
kanzurenah they die on their own eventually16:40
@fennparamecium deploys lysozome attack. attack failed!16:40
chris_99i choose you c. elegans16:41
kanzurealso it's because i feel ashamed for not having thousands of hours of microscopy video already16:41
@fenneveryone forgot what a webcam was16:41
@fennnow it just means "usb camera"16:41
kanzurecept the porn people?16:41
kanzureat least others upload their microscopy videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB16E0C8E552629DE16:42
@fennhow do i find internet-connected streaming or refreshing camera feeds?16:42
kanzurefenn, ww.com16:42
@fennit's all just fatasses shaking their nutsacks at the camera16:42
kanzureit used to be just people pointing webcams at empty rooms16:43
@fennor empty rooms when the fatass is busy doing unmentionable things off camera16:43
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6CefMUMtv4&list=PLB16E0C8E552629DE&index=4416:43
@fennwtf i have to sign up16:43
yoleauxDinoflagellates in the Weep Site16:43
@fenni was thinking this one looked interesting http://upload2.camarades.com/uploads/2730422839.jpg16:44
@fenn(not a nutsack)16:44
kanzureah here you go,16:47
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4idmYWMDk4&index=55&list=PLB16E0C8E552629DE16:47
yoleauxVideo Compilation from Webcam Microscope16:47
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kanzuretweak labs in florence16:48
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kanzureheath: is that webcam still up16:48
kanzurei bought this thing for eleitl, http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001BS00KK/16:50
yoleauxThe Apex Explorer Plus Microscope: Amazon.co.uk: Camera & Photo16:51
@fennCT scan porn https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Webcam_CT_transmissions.OGG16:51
@fennhot naked webcams16:51
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kanzurehuh, that one doesn't have a third optical train for plugging in a camera16:52
kanzureah here we go: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Apex-Microscopes-Scholar-The/dp/B002CWLMSS/ref=pd_sim_ph_10?ie=UTF8&refRID=0AABMYYE7DSWANXE8ZG016:54
kanzurethis sounds fun,16:57
kanzure.title http://uvicrec.blogspot.com/2011/12/cnc-microscope-mk2.html16:57
yoleauxIC reverse engineering: CNC microscope mk216:57
@fennwhy don't people use CT scanners to reconstruct cad geometry instead of this laser bullshit16:58
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njDytol2EUc16:59
yoleauxCNC microscope mk2 alpha16:59
kanzurehmm john mcmaster sounds like a familiar name16:59
@fennit's not like it's hard to make x-rays or scintillation pixels16:59
kanzureholy shit, prehistory17:00
kanzureJohn McMaster <mcfluffin@gmail.com> emailed me 2007-10-03 to ask me about high vacuum atom holography stuff17:00
kanzure"I am a laser hobbyist and having recently stumbled upon a myriad of high vacuum equipment, I am curious to look at your atom holography project.  It looked quite interesting. The reason why I found your website in the first place was I have been searching around for the book Lex and Yacc by O'Reilly and I can't find it at library or such."17:01
kanzurehe was asking me about sophomore college things. wow.17:03
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kanzureoh... he is probably the siliconpr0n.org guy. <johndmcmaster@gmail.com>17:06
@fenn.title https://www.blogger.com/profile/1171406965880922892917:06
yoleauxBlogger: Profil d'utilisateur17:06
@fennffs blogger17:06
@fennhttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_MJhykioAWqo/TMsDkZnMbtI/AAAAAAAAAOs/fSyAL6krJjo/ci_joe.png "because knowing is half the battle"17:08
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justanotheruserkanzure: are you the 1%?17:11
kanzurewhy do you ask?17:12
justanotheruserkanzure: because you buy stuff for a bunch of people on IRC in the name of science17:12
justanotherusersounds like what a scientist would do if he became a 1%er17:12
kanzurei am probably 1%17:13
seba-kanzure buys stuff17:13
seba-so cool17:13
seba-what will you buy me17:13
justanotheruserkanzure: do you work?17:13
@fennbuy slovenia17:13
kanzurejustanotheruser: like a beast17:13
justanotheruserkanzure: do you get paid for your work?17:13
seba-whole country for 9917:13
kanzurejustanotheruser: lots of software consulting. i am very picky though. i only do remote work for new york city or san francisco. everyone else tends to not pay much..17:14
justanotheruserI see17:14
kanzurebut honestly i don't need to be working17:14
kanzureit's more of an inertial thing..17:14
@fennsmoke em while you got em17:14
seba-oh well17:15
seba-i'm going back into books17:15
seba-i'm studying for exams17:15
kanzureyou can't just run a query like "WHAT WILL YOU BUY ME".. let's do something crazy, like uh, weren't you going to look at dna synthesis for me17:16
seba-i was just joking17:16
@fennwhat do you think, is this really linus torvald's blog? http://torvalds-family.blogspot.com/17:16
seba-i have a few cheapass projects i want to do, but i self-fund them or i get people to fund me, yay!17:17
seba-i have to go17:17
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kanzurefenn: linus posts to googleplus these days, i think17:20
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kanzurei am upset that i forgot about john17:23
kanzureit was pre-meetlog, so maybe that's an acceptable excuse17:23
kanzurepatrik knows him.. heh.17:23
@fennyou obviously have the email still, maybe it's time to do some personal data mining17:23
@fennparse your old emails for content and metadata17:23
dingough linus on google plus17:25
kanzurehaha dingo17:25
dingothats the one fricken time i read somebody's google plus post17:25
dingojust to see what linus has to say17:25
kanzuredoesn't he usually dessiminate important stuff by email anyway?17:25
dingoi do appreciate that he spends his time on linux, and not on setting up a blogging platform, if thats what its about17:26
kanzurefenn: it's weird how rapidly i achieved network saturation re: finding interesting internet people17:26
dingoi don't see the value in getting random stranger's comments...17:26
dingohe can post to LKML and get plenty of *quality* feedback17:26
dingoi guess maybe he makes posts that aren't about linux in particular, just frustrations with technology, and those, i guess, belong in a blog17:26
kanzurei'd like to pretend i read LKML except i don't17:27
@fennbut what if he wants to rant offtopic about the bat he found in his kitchen17:27
dingoand because of who he is, people want to read it, and that doesn't belong on LKML so17:27
dingoi read LKML when i'm pointed to it, hehehe, never on purpose17:27
dingotoo high-volume for me17:27
@fennhow many posts per day is it up to?17:27
kanzurei am the king of high volume17:27
dingoi did do some of the free/open/net-bsd mailing lists for a while because they were low volume enough17:27
kanzurebring it on..17:27
dingohaha 00:28 < kanzure> i am the king of high volume17:28
dingoyou ain't kid17:28
dingojust the volume of typing and reading you do17:28
kanzurewell who's at the top then17:28
kanzureand how do i acquire their powers17:28
kanzureis it drugs? tell me it is drugs.17:28
dingoits very valuable, whatever you call it, your high volume ability17:28
kanzureit is probably 90% bullshit17:29
jrayhawk_kanzure: I can probably make that work.17:29
dingosure but volume makes up :-)17:29
dingolike hey kanzure -- can you write me the same code 5 different times17:29
dingoI'll pick the best of 5 :-)17:29
kanzurejrayhawk_: cool. it would probably involve nathan receiving it and assembling it, and then him dropping it off at your place.17:29
dingoyou'll still do it faster than most people can do it one time17:29
dingoi haven't bothered with code metrics at the company you were at, but i suspect there was a peak plateau, and upon your leaving, it probobly havled, even though you had 15 co-workers17:30
kanzurethat place was funny-- i got so much praise just for not fucking up whitespacing17:31
dingoi mean its hard to quantify exazctly by git...  you did a lot of refactoring too -- but that too, has its quality, to be able to comprehend complex systems, so i don't know...17:31
@fennkanzure: you probably remember john mcmaster from homecmos: http://cmosfold.blogspot.com/17:31
dingobut ifi just measured keystrokes vs. the other employees you would tower, definitely17:32
kanzurefenn: nope, but i realize now that he's "in on it" with azonenberg... i didn't know all the homecmos members. and i didn't realize he owned siliconpr0n.org..17:32
dingoi got "windows sdm" to work last night, i'm feeling pretty good about that, so i can leave the company pretty soon, hehehe17:32
kanzuredingo: sdm?17:32
dingoit was a personal point of pride to see LS's work followed through17:32
kanzuredingo: always leave on a high note17:32
dingowe got 2 good win32/C# guys on the company now, they're both sitting in toronto -- very serious hardworking no-bullshit russians17:33
dingoone guy's resume cracked me up,... it began in 1983 with C and Fortran17:33
kanzurefenn: here's the email i sent him. it's a little pushy.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/johndmcmaster.txt17:34
dingoso i got all the various bits to work in symphony now, all the high level stuff LS envisioned, these guys can fuck with the details, its just a matter of spending all of my vacation time, hehe17:34
dingoi think its smart to use all your vacation before you quit, right?17:34
kanzureyou can negotiate vacation coming into a new company actually17:35
dingoi mean if you quit, they're not obligaated to pay you your vacation time are they? maybe so in california, hard to say17:35
kanzurethat's an okay idea, but also you can go into the next company and jus tsay tha-- you know, honestly, you shouldn't bother with full-time employment17:35
dingothis fucking world of programming... we're kings, we can dictate the crazies of accomidaations and get them17:36
dingoi've had a few sips of tequila, hehehehe17:36
dingoi best be quieting up17:36
kanzureso, i actually haven't shopped myself around yet for another gig17:36
dingoyou're hanging out doing open source really?17:36
kanzurebut one of the terms of my contract was that i would get to use their name, branding, marketing material to promote myself17:36
kanzureso i figure i could snug in some crazy cloud company easy enough.. but why would i want to work??17:37
dingoman, i get the most satisfaction doing open sourc ework17:37
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kanzureah, well, my motivations are entirely selfish and non-altruistic17:37
dingojust minor improvemnts to some python libraries i maintain or can contribute to would help thousands of people, vs. software i make money for, that helps hardly anybody17:37
kanzurewell, maybe they are slightly altruistic... maybe.17:37
kanzure(as an accident)17:38
dingosome strange metric of satisfaction drives me17:38
kanzurehave you considered drugs17:38
@fenni believe the gentleman just mentioned tequila17:38
kanzuretequila doesn't generate motivation.. i mean, not in the quantities that you'd want17:39
@fennwell hey this sounds pretty familiar neh http://penguin-electronics-inventory.blogspot.com/2012/10/introduction.html17:39
@fenn"Once the user has designed their project they may create a bill of materials, which specifies how many of each physical device is required to build their project. We intend to include cost-minimization code which, given shipping prices from each distributor, will determine the least expensive way to purchase a given number of copies of that BOM"17:40
kanzureit's too bad that i can't convince azonenberg to idle in here17:40
kanzurei'm not going to switch everyone into #homecmos17:40
kanzureand that channel has been dead ever since azonenberg gave up (or lost his soul?? no clue)17:40
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kanzurehe's active in ##electronics at least17:40
@fennugh that channel..17:41
@fennSNR is terrible17:41
kanzurewell that's where you ran into me17:42
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@fenni thought it was #physics or #space17:43
@fenni remember you came into #emc asking about 'what is the accepted ontology for machining' and nobody knew what you were on about17:43
kanzurei knew about #emc back then?17:44
@fennso mcmaster has a SEM now17:45
kanzureit looks like all of his stuff is very mich one-off knock-off not-meant-to-be-repeatable17:45
kanzurewell, not intentionally unrepeatable17:46
@fennyes but sometimes that's necessary to get a baseline performance estimate17:46
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ17:47
-!- kanzure changed the topic of ##hplusroadmap to: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA, banned by the Federal Death Administration (4 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | not intentionally unrepeatable17:48
@fenn"we do it twice so you don't have to"17:48
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@fennseems like refurbishing old SEMs is the cool thing to do these days17:49
@kanzurethose photolithography-in-san-diego people haven't replied yet, what's the point of running a business if you don't reply to a customer offering to buy things from you17:49
@fennseems to be a common business model17:49
@kanzurei would expect a refurbishing economy for SEMs just like there is for all the other terrible equipment17:50
@kanzurei've been meaning to get yashgaroth to go talk with the azco biotech people.. they would probably be willing to give him a tour (he could pretend to be interested in employment)17:50
@fenni found these people when researching electroluminescent display history; they seem pretty interesting http://www.elume.com/17:50
@kanzure"sculpting microchip devices from sand".. draw with tiny stick, then put in oven?17:51
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure17:52
kanzure"High resolution movable micro-mirror and PZT substrates display devices"17:55
kanzure"100 x 100 micron DLP array (Nasa project)"17:55
kanzurelast one is at bottom of http://elume.com/rd-applications17:55
@fennelectroluminescent displays seem like an important component of a self replicating ecology17:55
kanzurewhy's that17:56
@fennbecause they are relatively simple to make and have a wide variety of uses17:56
kanzuretoo bad they don't list prices for their foundry services17:57
kanzurei'm sure it's not good for cheap prototyping17:57
@fennit seems like their main export is "expertise"17:57
@fennanyway it looks very small, like they'd actually talk to you if you asked17:58
kanzure"no that's impossible, only professionals can make features less than 1 mm"17:59
nmz787_ikanzure: can you help with this http://paste.pound-python.org/show/iFoulOnCbyrLAZiGgbSS/18:00
nmz787_ifor some reason the stderr thread is blocking until the subprocess ends18:00
nmz787_ii tried changing readlines to read18:00
nmz787_iand also tried adjusting bufsize to -1 and 018:01
nmz787_inot dice18:01
nmz787_ino dice18:01
kanzurei dunno if you can share that through threads18:03
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nmz787_iit works for stdout tho18:04
nmz787_ii can only think the problem is that stderr doesn't send the same line ending18:04
@fennsome pretty funky trace patterns on this IC http://elume.com/sites/default/files/images/product-photos/dsc_3867.jpg18:06
kanzurenmz787_i: i am not certain but this might be a python/threading issue, GIL, etc.18:06
kanzureeveryone in pythonland just uses Queue.Queue for message passing between threads and coroutines18:07
kanzureyashgaroth: you could email azco biotech and act like you want a job, ask for a tour, etc. then you can scope out their facility.18:07
nmz787_ii don't see the need for a queue though, as the messages are all getting appended to a textbox18:07
yashgarothyou think they're hiring?18:08
kanzureyashgaroth: all companies are always interested in talent at any time18:08
yashgaroththey have no need for a protein person really18:08
kanzureyashgaroth: ("hi, i will make you a lot of money, do you want to not hire me?")18:08
kanzureright, you would probably present yourself as a biology person who is interested in lab equipment18:09
yashgarothwhat sort of information would I be hunting18:09
kanzurenmz787_i: maybe stream.close() is blocking18:10
kanzureyashgaroth: oh just general stuff.. tour their facility, scope of operations (how many employees, customers, revenue), what sort of equipment they focus on, the way their industry works (refurbishing dna synthesizers?)18:10
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nmz787_ikanzure: that is after the messages would be printed though18:11
kanzurenmz787_i: http://stefaanlippens.net/python-asynchronous-subprocess-pipe-reading18:11
yashgarothbut how to do that without appearing to be casing the joint18:11
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kanzurewell, most people believe you when you say you have a background in protein stuff18:12
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yashgarothbut I want to get out of that and work on equipment18:13
kanzureobv. you don't go up to them in an email and say "Give me all of these details:"18:13
yashgarothare we sure they're a for-real company, aside from someone hearing that cambrian bought stuff from them?18:14
kanzurei have evidence that they are real but it's not the sort of evidence i feel okay talking about in public18:14
kanzureif you know what i mean18:15
yashgarothheh fine, good enough for me18:15
kanzurei thought they were in arizona for some reason18:15
kanzurebut on further reflection, that would make no sense :)18:16
yashgarothwell, AZco18:16
kanzuresweet vindication18:16
kanzurethree addresses: http://azcobiotech.com/contact-us.php18:17
kanzurei would email "J Adams" <jadams@azcobiotech.com> since he's made public appearances on the diybio mailing list (and also he's the owner?)18:18
yashgarothlemme check his posts on there18:18
kanzurehe often responds to posts about dna synthesizers18:19
kanzurenmz787_i: if i ship you parts to make a computer-controlled webcam microscope, would you assemble it, test it, and transfer it to jrayhawk?18:20
@fennhm they are right next door to "andergene labs" a genetic testing service18:21
nmz787_iyashgaroth: i didn't hear they use one, i saw their equip in their lab with my own photoreceptrons18:22
kanzurea tour?18:22
@fennhere's the closest i can get to azco biotech in street view http://goo.gl/maps/OrcAL18:22
nmz787_iat cambrian, sort of18:22
nmz787_ikanzure: sure18:22
kanzurefenn: that does not look like a shop. hm.18:23
nmz787_icnc video microscope is half of the laser etcher project18:23
@fennit looks like generic office space18:23
@fennprobably zoned light industrial/medical18:23
kanzuremaybe they have shop space at another address18:23
kanzureor maybe they outsource everything....18:23
@fennthere are various medical companies and insurance companies in the same office park18:23
kanzurehaving an office is important i guess, for appearances, to other san diego companies?18:24
@fennwhat were you expecting? an aircraft hangar?18:24
yashgaroththeir "office" is the guy's house18:24
kanzureat least 1 giant garage door18:24
kanzuremaybe they don't publicly list that address18:24
@fennyashgaroth: that's what i was expecting18:24
yashgarothyou could always just email him and ask to buy a synth for DIYbio purposes, maybe namedrop the carlsbad lab, and if he says no we can get some legal details on why/not, since he's a JD apparently18:25
kanzurei'm sure he would say yes, but i don't want to spend $15k on a dna synthesizer at the moment18:25
kanzureit would make me feel bad18:26
yashgarothhow sure are you he'd sell you one18:26
kanzureand that would probably be his crappiest model available18:26
@fennwait, is it not legal to sell DNA synthesizers?18:26
kanzurewell, i would go through jojack, so i would seem at least as legitimate as jojack18:26
kanzurei think it's legal18:26
@fenni'm pretty sure we aren't that far down the rabbit hole yet18:26
kanzurethat's why ebay let's em fly18:27
kanzurefenn: hm?18:27
@fennuh, rainbows end18:27
@fenn.wik rainbows end18:27
yoleaux"Rainbows End is a 2006 science fiction novel by Vernor Vinge. It was awarded the 2007 Hugo Award for Best Novel. The book is set in San Diego, California, in 2025, in a variation of the fictional world Vinge explored in his 2002 Hugo-winning novella "Fast Times at Fairmont High" and 2004's "Synthetic Serendipity"." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbows_End18:27
kanzurei'm sure they could be banned pretty easily18:27
@fenneverything was illegal in that future, and the main character had a grandfathered in laptop without any backdoors installed18:28
kanzurejrayhawk_: what sort of space available for a microscope do you have. it would require an outlet and be reachable by you at least once a week or once in a while for sample switching.18:29
kanzureonce a week, month, something..18:29
@fennnot mentioned in the wikipedia summary, rainbows end deals extensively with microfluidic biotech research platforms and *-omics18:30
kanzurejrayhawk_: specifically i am wondering about desk space vs floor space, or other options, which would help inform design constraints18:30
kanzureit is probably not nice for a microscope to take up an entire desk18:30
@fenna microscope should come with its own hovercraft18:31
nmz787_iand various other parts....18:31
kanzurewell, it could be a esrver rack unit18:31
@fennbattle lasers!18:31
kanzureserver rack microscope hehehe18:31
@fennat one point i was considering making a server rack air compressor18:31
kanzureit's not like humanity is likely to standardize on some other data center size format18:32
@fenndirect AC linear motor/piston compressor18:32
yashgarothI will say that I doubt my chances of getting in there - they'd probably only be interested in chemistry and/or mechanical people, and their products pique the interest of DHS more than most18:32
@fennyou can cascade them to get higher pressure ratios18:32
kanzureyashgaroth: there's no way they would be concerned about DHS stuff just because someone wants employment18:32
@fennwhy are we interested in this company again?18:33
kanzurejust snooping18:33
nmz787_isee what their garage looks like, so we can emulate18:34
@fenn"There Could Be Gold in Your Laboratory!!"18:34
nmz787_i'ahh, we haven't made synthesizers yet because our walls aren't covered in safety posters'18:34
kanzureit would be interesting to find out that they don't have a garage/shop18:34
@fennphysics grads: remember that lump of off white metal kicking around the bench?18:34
nmz787_ifenn: lol18:34
nmz787_ii believe DNA is roughly white colored18:35
kanzureis there any good reason to not do server rack mount compatible for a microscope18:35
@fennyes it's roughly semen-colored18:35
nmz787_i'white gold'  but what state's tea would DNA be?18:35
kanzureit's not like you're going to find an off-the-shelf cnc microscope anyway, so if it's going to be custom...18:36
@fennis "cnc microscope" really the only term?18:36
kanzurei sure hope not18:36
@fenn"Azco Biotech, Inc. has offices in 2 U.S. locations in Oceanside and San Diego, plus a new office in China!18:36
@fenn11387 Ocean Ridge Way18:37
kanzurei don't think their china office exists18:37
nmz787_ikanzure: do you want a modified scope, or something based off https://github.com/OpenLabTools18:37
@fenna.k.a. his house18:37
@fennthey have at least 12 employees18:38
kanzurenmz787_i: i see nothing wrong there18:39
kanzureexcept lots of bulkyness, but i dunno if i care18:39
kanzureoops, stl files yeah these guys are evil18:40
nmz787_ithey're academics18:40
nmz787_i'kanzure what do you mean, obv stl are good, that's why github renders them'18:41
kanzuretroll harder: "knazure you're just saying that because you're not practical. stl is the only practical option."18:41
nmz787_iexcept on IE 7 or 818:41
kanzureraspberrypi can do streaming video encoding stuff, right?18:42
@fennwhat is the preferred cad format?18:42
kanzurei would take openscad over stl at this point18:42
kanzurestep, iges preferred, source code to generate objects in a cad kernel even better18:43
@fennoh pff it's just a bunch of t-slot anyway18:43
kanzurei didn't look at all the parts, but maybe there's camera lens holder stuff18:43
kanzureit is nice if all the steps wouldn't have to be double checked and repeated manually18:43
kanzuretheir design is not going to fit in a rack18:44
kanzureit also does not look like something you'd keep on a desk18:44
@fennhuh since when does my web browser render interactive 3d objects18:44
kanzuregithub added that in 201318:45
@fennwell it doesn't quite work right18:46
kanzurewhat's the fastest microcritter and how fast would the travel have to be to keep up (including opencv delays)?18:46
@fennyou're trying to track a paramecium?18:47
kanzurewell, it's not a requirement, but it would be nice to wonder that before building the damn thing?18:48
@fennthere's always a speed/resolution tradeoff18:48
@fennunless you use nmz787_i's magic propeller beanie which solves everything18:48
kanzureoh, maybe we can find a 20 megapixel camera or something ridiculous to attach to this18:48
@fennall their "cad" stuff is just short cylindrical tubes stuck together at right angles18:49
kanzurewhat did you expect18:49
@fennsome rectangular blobs with cylindrical holes cut in them18:49
@fenndid i mention i hate everyone and will be setting sail for the edge of the world in 201518:50
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kanzurehey they're trying18:51
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@fennlet me get out my virtual calipers and virtually measure the virtual edges of this virtually circular bag of triangles18:53
nmz787_itheir thing wasn't that big18:54
nmz787_iany microscope is gonna be taller than a server tho18:54
nmz787_ithey're like an inch and a half tall18:54
nmz787_iyes raspi has h264 hardware encoding18:55
@fennoh my bad, it does have a bunch of complex redundant-reduplication of the prusa way bearings https://github.com/OpenLabTools/Microscope/blob/master/Docs/Presentation%20Images/X-Y%20Stage%20CAD.JPG18:55
nmz787_ialso ppl do bug tracking already, i don't think motor speed will be a problem18:55
@fennare you sure that's not hardware decoding?18:56
@fenn.title http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=25022&hilit=transcoding18:58
yoleauxopen source transcoding example18:58
nmz787_ithere are both19:01
nmz787_ior at least there is def encoding19:01
nmz787_ithat's never been answered19:02
nmz787_ii've read about it before19:02
nmz787_iit used to cost money, but then they made it free somehow19:02
nmz787_ifound they were already paying for the license or something19:02
@fennhttp://www.raspberrypi.org/new-video-features/ The hardware has always been capable of supporting H.264 encode, but we were under the misapprehension that encode required an additional licence fee, so were waiting until the camera board release (which is still coming later in the year) before spending the money to enable it.19:02
@fennDuring the course of talking to the MPEG LA about the MPEG-2 licence, we discovered that the existing licence fee that is already baked into the cost of the Raspberry Pi actually covers both encode and decode19:02
@fennyay "intellectual property"19:02
@fennthis would have been a lot more clear if they had just ignored all this licensing bullshit19:03
@fennis there a enable_all_functionality boot parameter19:05
seba-i've tested encoding19:06
seba-it works19:06
@fennseba-: can you please give a short 2-3 sentence summary of how you did that?19:06
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seba-i don't exactly remember, but it doens't work with ffmpeg, it was with some tool you get with r.pi19:07
seba-it was about half year ago hm19:08
@fennperhaps you should consider taking nootropics19:08
seba-maybe i have alzhaimers19:09
seba-i think i've written it down somewhere19:10
seba-but i don't remember where19:10
@fenntry to remember where you wrote down where you had it written down19:11
@fennugh i think i have become infected with flesh-eating bacteria19:12
seba-maybe i've used just the raspivid tools19:12
nmz787_iahh, it might be a binary blob they provided19:13
@fennoh come on really, a binary blob?19:13
@fennit's patented, not secret19:13
seba-same thing19:13
nmz787_ithat last link i posted has 17 lines of code19:13
nmz787_ifenn: maybe not19:14
seba-i think the problem is with the chip19:14
seba-they have a NDA19:14
seba-for documentation19:14
@fennhow is that even legal19:14
seba-the system on a chip19:14
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nmz787_ieven hardware decode is binary blobulated19:14
nmz787_i'you no pay, you no play!!!'19:15
@fennwhy is there no "hardware liberation front" that hacks peoples computers for driver documentation?19:15
@fennit's not like distributing "proprietary" information is a crime19:15
@fennand even if it were, it needs to happen19:15
seba-they probably send a swat team if you do that in US19:15
nmz787_i"Back to Google and some more searching showed me that the pi has hardware H264 encoding and should be able to create the video easy. And it does once you have the right software installed. What was taking hours to make had been cut down to minutes. I can’t remember the exact time difference, but GStreamer was making the video about 60x faster than avconv could at least."19:16
@fenn"here's how to use your phone" SEND IN THE KILLERS19:16
@fennand they wonder why people snap and shoot up a movie theater19:16
gene_hackerit's an arm chip, that's how arm makes money19:17
nmz787_ithey strongARM you19:17
seba-the ARM part is open19:17
nmz787_ibtw its a broadcom chip19:17
seba-the propertary broadcom part is closed19:17
@fennarm licenses the cpu, not the peripherals19:17
nmz787_iarm doesn't fab anything19:17
gene_hackeroh that's right19:17
nmz787_istrongARM is actually a thing tho19:17
@fennnmz787_i: so you basically have to use gstreamer?19:18
@fenneven though the functionality has nothing to do with gstreamer and it was just an arbitrary choice19:18
nmz787_ifenn: no, that was just a post on someone using gstreamer19:19
nmz787_ii believe any of the progs need to go through omx{some suffix}19:19
@fennbut if the binary blob they supply is a gstreamer module...19:19
nmz787_ino i dont think it is19:20
nmz787_iit is the omx{some suffix} files19:20
nmz787_ilike omxplayer19:20
@fenneven worse!19:20
seba-r.pi is quite crappy19:20
seba-doesn't work well19:20
gene_hackerit is19:20
seba-well now i've kind of made it work, with an exterior HDD hm19:21
gene_hackerthe usb ports suck19:21
nmz787_ii got it with the camera19:22
nmz787_icamera is super noisy19:22
@fenni dont get why they have a camera board... is it low latency or something?19:22
nmz787_ikeyboard starts acting up on me sometimes (i stopped using it after it was too annoying)19:22
seba-well my r.pi physically destroys SD cards19:22
nmz787_ifenn: what do you mean? cameras are good19:22
nmz787_ifenn: its better than USB as its attached via a parallel bus19:23
@fennbut there are millions of usb cameras and they don't have to be designed to work specially for the r.pi19:23
@fennit's better because it's parallel? please explain this19:23
seba-fenn, 108019:23
seba-it's full hd19:23
seba-50 fps19:23
nmz787_ias such it should be much more wizardable than a usb cam, get lower latency, higher resolution19:23
seba-far more bandwith19:23
seba-than via usb19:23
nmz787_iRAW frames19:23
nmz787_istraight to that proprietary encoder19:24
nmz787_iUSB cams with h264 start >$5019:24
@fennhopefully you can tee it into some image processing first19:24
seba-nmz787, yeah but they have fake 108019:25
nmz787_ifenn yea19:25
nmz787_iseba-: not sure what you mean19:25
seba-well i've bought one cheap h264 cam19:25
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seba-and it had interpolated 1080p19:25
nmz787_ii see19:25
seba-it was shitty19:25
nmz787_ilotta them cheap cams do that19:25
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nmz787_inot good at all for science19:25
nmz787_ior engi19:25
seba-i've had the logitech 920 or something that was ok19:26
seba-but not really perfect19:26
nmz787_if-ing cheap manufacturers lying and getting away with it because I can't throw eggs at their factory since there's an ocean between us19:26
seba-anyway beagle bone should be better than r.pi19:26
nmz787_iyeah i have a decent logitech19:26
seba-nmz787_i, do you have problems with r.pi corruption as well?19:26
@fennis there a list of usb cameras and their various parameters19:27
seba-fenn what do you want to do?19:27
@fennnobody ever advertises manual exposure control19:27
kanzureso would raspberrypi be capable of both h264 encoding and also opencv things19:27
nmz787_ifenn: v4l has something19:27
nmz787_ikanzure: yes19:27
seba-kanzure, what is opencv?19:27
seba-GPU programming?19:27
@fennauto exposure control causes horrible latency because the exposure is so slow and it takes multiple frames for it to switch exposure times19:27
@fennalso the change in framerate messes up my mplayer stream19:28
nmz787_iseba-: never experience corruption, though once i turned it on to watch tv and it didn't boot, and there was some fsck crap i went through but i dont think it actually did anything, just cleared some warning and i rebooted and it seemed ok19:28
nmz787_iseba-: open computer vision19:28
seba-nmz787_i, so then you do experience it19:28
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seba-i don't think you can do opencv with the current implementation19:29
seba-you could do theoretically19:29
nmz787_iseba-: you can19:29
nmz787_ii was playing with compiling opencv on my rpi19:29
seba-does it work fast?19:29
kanzurei'd be happy to use beaglebone instead of raspberrypi19:29
@fennaren't they basically the same thing19:29
nmz787_ibeaglebone lacks the camera module tho i believe19:29
seba-fenn no19:29
nmz787_iand h263 enc19:29
seba-raspberrypi has this big problem with data corruption19:30
kanzuredigshadow: howdy19:30
seba-if you do anything more intensive with it19:30
@fennseba-: you probably are using a bad power supply19:30
@fennuse something with a higher current rating19:30
kanzuredigshadow: didn't even see you come in19:30
seba-fenn that's not true and i hate that anyone says that19:30
seba-there are many reports where people used proper lab power supplies19:30
@fennwell i've seen it happen on other systems19:30
seba-and all sorts of things19:30
seba-and the same thing happens19:30
seba-it just doesn't work properly19:31
nmz787_ifenn: yeah there are weird problems19:31
seba-just not everyone experiences it19:31
digshadowkanzure: I like to hide19:31
seba-because it depends what are you using for19:31
seba-if you want to just watch videos then it's ok19:31
seba-generally the write operations are problematic19:31
seba-not read19:31
nmz787_ii was reading about my keyboard error and ppl were saying it could be the littlefuse ESD protection on the USB power traces19:31
@fennis it possible to submit a bug report on the hardware?19:31
kanzuredigshadow: these are my conspirators19:31
seba-they say "you have a bad PSU or SD"19:31
seba-the end19:31
seba-even thou there are like 2342342 people complaining19:32
nmz787_iseba-: i stopped having luck just playin vids :P19:32
@fennthere is probably some trivial fix like "solder a capacitor here"19:32
digshadowkanzure: you missed one important piece of the puzzle19:32
digshadowaz and I went to school together and even lived together for a semester19:32
digshadowhe got interested in the ic stuff I was working on19:32
seba-fenn i don't know, it happened the same when using USB flash drive19:32
kanzurenmz787_i went to school there too19:32
digshadowwhich eventually led to his interest in microfabrication19:32
seba-but it didn't get physically corrupted19:32
kanzuredigshadow: hah! so you're the cause.19:32
kanzurethat's funny.19:32
kanzuredo you know why he is not as active in those directions19:33
nmz787_idigshadow: kanzure nope, I went to RIT, RPI's western rival19:33
kanzureoops, sorry19:33
digshadownmz787_i: RPI HAS NO RIVAL19:33
nmz787_iget your R acronyms right, geez19:33
digshadowWE ARE KING19:33
seba-fenn, but yes, probably it lacks (a) capacitor(s)19:33
nmz787_ii was sad when i found they have a student garage for fixing cars19:33
nmz787_ilike wtf why doesn't /my/ tech school have that19:34
digshadowkanzure: um I dunno, he moves from project to project19:34
digshadowI suppose we all do19:34
nmz787_ithey want to discourage poor kids from attending :/19:34
@fennthe "raspberry it" the hottest new computer on a cracker19:34
kanzurewell, it's embarrassing that we don't have cheap microfabrication stuff19:34
digshadowhis microscope idea is good though19:34
seba-fenn, now i run r.pi on a HDD with own power supply and it works ok19:34
digshadowhe wanted to start big19:34
digshadowwith cmos19:34
digshadowthere are a lot of eaiser stepping stones19:34
kanzureshrug, i would be happy with su8/pdms stuff19:34
kanzurebut i can see the utility of microelectronics19:34
@fennseba-: so you think the usb flash drive was drawing too much power?19:35
nmz787_iplus he's in a phd prog where he can do cool stuff, not boring old innovation19:35
digshadowI joined homecmos when it first started19:35
nmz787_imeasly systems integration, pfft19:35
digshadowit was super quiet19:35
digshadowand so I left because it was wasting tab space :P19:35
digshadowI poke in every few months19:35
kanzuretab space can be created but not destroyed19:35
@fenntabs grow exponentially but decay linearly19:35
digshadowso another bit of trivia about me19:35
seba-fenn, i don't think the usb flash drive nor SD card draw too much power, more that they draw power in pulses and because of the lack of capacitors it can't handle such type of loads19:35
digshadowI wanted to be a genetic engineer19:35
@fennhey me too19:36
kanzurebiology is awful19:36
digshadowbut decided to go into computer science because it required 10 years of school19:36
kanzureblack magic etc19:36
digshadowand I was afraid I'd go to jail for ethical violations19:36
kanzurei think we can safely throw away a lot of regular biology stuff19:36
kanzurelike all that bulky lab equipment19:36
kanzureor paying $20,000 for a lightbulb19:36
digshadowheh, there is waste to be sure19:36
seba-what sorts of lightbulbs cost that much?!19:36
digshadowdon't judge things too quickly19:37
kanzureseba-: thermocyclers19:37
gene_hackermicrowave light bulbs19:37
kanzuredon't worry, i have been judging for a very long time19:37
seba-why do thermocycles need light bulbs?19:37
digshadowsometimes quality is important in very minute ways19:37
@fennseba-: that's what i meant19:37
gene_hackerthe ones that light up a whole factory19:37
kanzuredigshadow: i would prefer to find protocols where the quality is not as important19:37
kanzuredigshadow: for example, having a method that only works 1 time out of a billion is just not useful19:37
seba-don't thermocyclers run with a peltier element?19:37
kanzurenot all of them19:37
digshadowkanzure: it is if you get 1 billion tries a second19:37
seba-kanzure what do they have then?19:37
kanzuremost biologists.. don't.19:37
digshadowR&D is expensive19:37
kanzuredigshadow: i spent some time in a molecular biology lab19:38
seba-digshadow, R&D is expensive only because nobody cares about costs that much19:38
@fenn1 billion seconds per try19:38
digshadowkanzure: fwiw19:38
digshadowthe current stack of bio equipment I have laying around19:38
digshadowI have a centrifuge, electroophoreis equipment, vortexer19:39
digshadowassorted tubes and stuff19:39
digshadowI was playing with bio stuff for a bit19:39
digshadowbut settled on doing more robotics stuff19:39
kanzurebiology equipment is less useful without the full set of toys19:39
@fennand reagents19:39
kanzureoh yeah, those..19:39
seba-i have chemistry toys :-(19:39
digshadowI have a good assortment of chemicals for the work I do19:40
digshadowincluding fun ones like conc HF19:40
@fennnow that DIY Taq is legal why is there no "bacterium conservancy" or "seed saving" or whatever heirloom gardeners do19:40
seba-was DIY Taq illegal?19:40
kanzuredigshadow: i think a lot of biology equipment can be replaced by microfluidic components19:40
kanzuremostly valveless stuff, i mean19:41
@fennthe patent was the excuse everyone used for not sharing their homegrown plasmids19:41
digshadowkanzure: ah okay19:41
@fennbut now that there's no patent, still no free bacteria19:41
digshadowyour idea is to cheaply make a MEMS assembly19:41
digshadowto run experiments off of that?19:41
seba-fungi living in dishwashers are interesting, aren't they? :-)19:42
@fenns/dishwasher/nuclear reactor/19:42
kanzureyeah, like a <$5k photolithography setup for microfabrication, mostly microfluidics and microelectronics, other MEMS stuff would be cool but a lot of those procedures require wacky vacuum chambers n' shit that i don't want to bother with upfront19:42
seba-if you have a vacuum pump and some tape, you can make a x-ray generator19:43
nmz787_ivacuum is pretty essential to any good lab19:43
digshadowkanzure: I have piles of vac stuff here19:43
digshadownot sure how much you looked into what I do19:43
kanzureso, another part of this is that it should be repeatable19:43
kanzureso that others can use it and do my work for me19:43
kanzureerm i mean, use it for themselves19:44
@fennand improve on it19:44
seba-oh if anyone is interested19:44
seba-oxone can be used to eat copper19:44
@fenn<standard open source argument>19:44
seba-tested today19:44
kanzureseba-: did you look at the phosphoramidite chemistry stuff19:44
@fenn.wik oxone19:44
yoleaux"Potassium peroxymonosulfate (also known as MPS, potassium monopersulfate, and the trade names Caroat and Oxone) is widely used as an oxidizing agent. It is the potassium salt of peroxymonosulfuric acid." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxone19:44
seba-kanzure, no, i need to study for exams now :/19:45
@fenni have some sodium persulfate purchased from a circuit etching supply company19:45
kanzuredigshadow: i've seen your ic reverse engineering stuff, not much else19:45
kanzurewere you the one that wrote that png2netlist thing?19:45
digshadowthere are 4 or 6 such tools19:45
digshadowI wrote one of them19:45
kanzurei mean the open source one19:45
digshadowthere are a lot of them19:45
kanzuredo they work19:46
seba-kanzure, 1 is hard :< spectroscopy19:46
digshadowto varying degrees19:46
digshadowwell lets be specific19:46
digshadowwhen you ssay png19:46
kanzurewell, i mean image data19:46
digshadowdo you mean a photo of a chip19:46
digshadowor a polygon layout19:46
digshadowI have not seen any good tools for that19:46
digshadowthe best out there19:46
digshadowis degate19:46
digshadowbut that is somewhat limited19:46
digshadowI did not write it19:46
kanzure.g site:github.com degate19:46
digshadowdegate only works on std cells19:47
digshadowand can't work on first principles19:47
digshadowmost of the chips I do are older non-std cell based chips19:47
digshadowso degate doesn't work for those19:47
digshadowit also requires very sharp images19:47
digshadoweither from a SEM or confocal microscope19:47
kanzureso, i think the goal of something like homecmos should be some piece of open source hardware19:48
kanzureor multiple pieces19:48
nmz787_iseba-: what about spectroscopy?19:49
seba-nmz787_i, i have an exam from it19:49
@fenni think the goal should be an open FPGA chip19:49
digshadowthats what az wants19:49
digshadowits not a bad goal19:50
kanzurehmm i dunno, you should start with transistors and smaller circuits19:50
digshadowit would make all our projects go full circle too19:50
kanzurecircles can be confusing19:50
digshadowbut unifying19:50
@fennit would enable reconfigurable computing which was killed in the late 90's19:50
digshadowsometimes you need  a driving factor19:50
digshadoweven if its arbitrary19:50
nmz787_iseba-: oO sweet19:50
nmz787_iseba-: I know a lot of spectroscopy, ask me if you need to19:51
@fennxilinx produced a run of chips for some professor to study it, and that was it19:51
kanzurewhy did they let a professor touch it?19:51
@fennall FPGA since then have single bitstream at load time19:51
seba-if anyone is interesting in geiger i've made the powersupply really easy, using just inductor + diode + capacitor, no transformer19:51
seba-nmz787_i, also raman etc19:51
nmz787_iseba-: i've made a sortof geiger  detector with a PIN diode19:52
nmz787_ino high voltage19:52
kanzureseba-: nmz787_i is king of open source spectroscopy equipment at the moment19:52
digshadowseba-: I picked up a gamma spectacular recently19:52
nmz787_iseba-: yeah raman is on my list of things to attempt very soon19:52
digshadowhave you used one by chance19:52
seba-digshadow, no19:52
nmz787_idigshadow: technically the PIN diode detector is for gammas19:52
digshadowis also an interesting project19:53
@fenni saw jake's presentation on the gamma spectrometer, i guess that's what "gamma spectacular" is19:53
nmz787_iMCA is such a dumb term  IMO19:53
seba-wouldn't PIN also probably detect also beta/muons i guess?19:53
digshadowI got it to help bring up an EDS detector for my SEM19:53
nmz787_ias they dont really exist anymore, the channels are just arrays in memory19:53
seba-nmz787_i, also probably oyu can use a 1n400x for the detector19:53
seba-or an array hm19:53
seba-it should work19:54
digshadowif anyone here has experience with Li gamma detectors I would be very interested19:54
kanzuresuperkuh is gone? wtf19:54
kanzuremaybe we lost him in the netsplit19:55
seba-nmz787_i, what about NMR?19:55
nmz787_ipft openMCA is 65msps19:55
nmz787_idigshadow: you mean SiLi? don't be silly!19:55
seba-nmz787_i, i was thinking it would be interesting to have cylindrical magnets on servo motors to make a homogenous field19:55
digshadownmz787_i: why not19:55
nmz787_iseba-: know very little of NMR19:56
digshadowunless you can find me a cheap SDD19:56
nmz787_idigshadow: just asking if that's what you meant... and wanted to make fun of SiLi pronouciation19:56
nmz787_ii was making my gamma detector to go into a FIB19:56
nmz787_ito do PIXE detection19:56
seba-nmz787_i, a DIY NMR is on my DIY list :D19:56
nmz787_ifor thickness monitoring19:56
digshadowah cool19:56
digshadowI need to figure out how to hook it up19:57
@fennTLA OCR DEMUX is on my list19:57
seba-i'll make it someday lol19:57
digshadowif anyone has access to EDS systems19:57
digshadowespecially by PGT19:57
digshadowI could really use some setup photos19:57
nmz787_ii soldered it up but then got a day job and the guy with the FIB hasn't bugged me about it19:57
seba-what about x-ray diffraction spectroscopy19:57
digshadowand/or docs19:57
kanzureyeah we should really ban acronyms19:57
seba-anybody made it?19:57
seba-it shouldn't be hard19:57
nmz787_iseba-: XDS is pretty much any other spectroscopy19:57
@fennhuh? not at all19:57
seba-you can get structure19:58
nmz787_iisn't it just using sub-UV illumination?19:58
@fennyou get a diffraction angle spectrum from a single x ray frequency, not a spectrum of different frequencies19:58
nmz787_ioh, crystallography?19:58
seba-also powder diffraction is fun19:58
seba-you can quickly identify compounds19:58
seba-and XRF also hm19:58
nmz787_iyeah I guess that is one of the detector uses i was looking at19:59
nmz787_ibut having an xray source takes a lot more research19:59
seba-i was thinking you could use a monocrystalline cell19:59
seba-for the diffractor19:59
nmz787_ii don't want to marie-curie myself19:59
seba-why not19:59
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v398/n6725/abs/398310a0.html19:59
seba-it's safe19:59
seba-you can use russian electronic tubes19:59
seba-for x-ray sources19:59
@fennfor the near term a portable multi-wavelength raman spectrometer seems more feasible19:59
nmz787_idigshadow: the LPC Link V2 has 80MSPS onboard its IC19:59
seba-you just put them to few 10 kV19:59
nmz787_idigshadow: aka LPC437020:00
seba-a guy i know has made a home made x-ray20:00
seba-he takes photo of stuff20:00
nmz787_iyeah, i'm on some xray lists20:00
seba-it's fun20:00
@fennx-rays do seem useful for 3d scanning though20:00
seba-he used an electronic tube20:00
seba-and then those fluorescent screens20:00
seba-a mirror20:00
seba-and a camera :)20:00
@fenntake a movie like this and build cad geometry from it https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Webcam_CT_transmissions.OGG20:00
kanzureopencascade claims to do point cloud to nurbs surface20:01
@fennfuck point clouds20:01
kanzureyeah, well...20:01
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@fennyou'd probably build an octree model first and then fit geometric primitives to that20:02
kanzurehi joshhua20:02
@fenni'm not so hot on my "expectation maximization algorithm" understanding20:02
nmz787_igrumble grumble20:03
@fennbut it seems intuitively simple to project rays through a sphere of voxels, where ray intensity is proportional to the density seen in the x-ray20:03
kanzurethere's tonnns of surface approximation stuff in opencascade20:03
nmz787_istderr is still stuck20:03
kanzuredid you read the link i gave you20:03
nmz787_iimplemented in that demo20:03
nmz787_i(it consists of two files)20:03
nmz787_ianother link says ""Luckily the solution is fairly simple. Instead of setting stdout and stderr to PIPE, they need to be given proper file (or unix pipe) objects that will accept a reasonable amount of data.""20:04
nmz787_ii saw this earlier today too20:04
nmz787_iwhere someone used a tempfile for output, then readlines from that in their watcher20:04
kanzuredingo: poke, maybe you can insta-guess nmz787_i's problem20:04
nmz787_ioh well, I guess I'll work on that20:04
dingohehe as maintainer of pexpect i should know this one...20:05
nmz787_iif the second of those two pastes redirects its stdout to a textbox or something tho... having a file will be good20:05
nmz787_iunless I figure out how to catch a global exception (try except around a call to main function?)20:05
dingothere is a hook to catch all exceptions everywhere20:06
dingoyou can install that20:06
nmz787_iand then reset the output to the original pipe20:06
dingoa bit of a callback mechanism20:06
nmz787_idingo: basically i have a GUI that launches other GUIs20:06
nmz787_iin the launcher i have a textbox where i want std out/err to go20:06
dingoWhere I encountered it was when the command being run was doing an svn checkout. The checkout would run for a while and then the svn command would hang at some point.20:07
nmz787_iwhen I launch a new process using subprocess.popen, after it gets up and running, the new process then redirects stdout and stderr to its own textbox20:07
dingothis is because the stdout/err buffer has reached its buffer limit20:07
dingoand you haven't read it20:07
@fennthere is a ridiculously large amount of information here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-ray_fluorescence20:07
nmz787_idingo: so when the second GUI has an exception, it it was redirecting to its own textbox, all the errors would be lost in the buffer, or in the textbox but that got closed when the program had an exception20:08
dingoits like if i did: jot 100000 1 | (while read value; sleep 10; done)20:08
dingothe first process will run/block for a really long time, because the consumer is not exausting the buffer20:08
kanzureshould we be telling him to use your python async library20:08
nmz787_idingo: other times, i guess depending on the function being performed, the exception happens in a thread, so the second GUI doesn't crash-close... but the stderr is still stuck in the pipe20:09
nmz787_idingo: but I've got the consumer in a thread, just consuming20:09
nmz787_iso it seems weird that it would get filled20:09
dingonotice i use os._exit(0) in the exception handler20:10
dingobecause otherwise a SystemExit exception is thrown and caught by the parent20:10
dingosomething like a fork-bomb ensues, otherwise20:10
dingothats a fork()20:11
dpkargh utmcrap20:11
dingoyou have a main process, you have threads A and B; A's stderr/out is consumed by thread B? that seems very wrong20:11
dingothey share the same filedescriptors20:11
dingoyou want to use pty.fork()20:12
dingolike this test case, https://github.com/jquast/blessed/blob/master/blessed/tests/test_keyboard.py#L11920:12
dingoanyway you could use pexpect if you really want hehe20:13
nmz787_idingo: wexpext is what i need to look into on windows20:13
dingoits full of hundreds of lines of edge-case handling :-)20:13
dingoindeed -- we're looking to merge wexpect into pexpect into 4.0 release20:13
dingoto make it a single interface across both platforms20:14
dingofor windows man., wow, you're on your own, enjoy :-)20:14
dingono terminals, much less pty's, its all very crude20:14
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dingowindows has "terminals" but they're nothing like unix ASR-33-based teletype terminals20:14
nmz787_ihonestly I'm having a hard time with the code you pasted :)20:14
dingothats ok i had a hard time writing it, hehe20:15
digshadownmz787_i: I need a good adc for digitizing the sem20:15
nmz787_ibut this is windows-only20:15
dingopty.fork() won't work on windows, so ignore me then20:15
digshadowhave you had good experience with the LPC4370?20:15
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dingoi guess i would recommend wexpect, go with that20:15
dingothe maintainerhsip has laxed on it a bit, but presumably people have had success with it20:15
nmz787_idigshadow: its been OK, its a big processor, lots of peripherals, shitty online help as they probably want to weed out the ppl with no money to pay for engineering or something20:15
nmz787_iidk why these processor docs suck so bad20:15
nmz787_ibut i guess working at intel now for a while i kinda get a better picture20:16
nmz787_isome ppl/coworkers say other semiconductor companies are much worse20:16
nmz787_idingo: thanks, I'll have to read up20:16
nmz787_idingo: for now I've just been commenting out the second GUI's redirection (just to a textbox, so no threading there)20:17
digshadow12 bit isn't super high res20:17
nmz787_idingo: so any errors will go into the PIPE, not be lost if the second GUI crashes20:17
digshadowI don't have specs yet for what I need though20:17
digshadowmight be neough20:17
nmz787_ibut its pretty annoying that stderr doesn't print until i close the second GUI20:17
dingowell for example on unix -- stdout is lined-buffered and stderr is unbuffered20:18
nmz787_idigshadow: I know azonenberg was talking with someone recently about a 250msps adc and interleaving20:18
dingolike if i do "sys.stdout.write('aaaaaa')" the person consuming it won't see it... until i either issue sys.stdout.flush() or sys.stdout.write('\n')20:18
nmz787_ihe was commenting/helping someone else tho20:18
dingoi would imagine something like that is happening to you20:18
nmz787_ii think in #oshpark20:18
dingoits in a buffer, but not flushed20:18
@fenndingo: possibly a dumb suggestion but have you thought about 24-bit sound cards?20:19
digshadowI think my signal is pretty slow20:19
nmz787_idingo: yeah I think the subprocess popen takes care of that with bufsize=120:19
@fenndi^I^I blargh20:19
nmz787_idingo: but yeah apparently not for stderr20:19
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digshadowwell more accurately I can make it slow20:20
@fenndigshadow: what is the ADC doing exactly?20:21
nmz787_idigshadow: i just made a board with a 6msps adc that has 16 bits20:21
@fennis this just analog to digital video conversion?20:21
@fenndoes it have HSYNC and all that jazz20:22
nmz787_ithis might be the analog ADC pdf i'm thinking of http://www.analog.com/library/analogdialogue/archives/43-09/edch%206%20converter.pdf20:24
nmz787_imy kindle has a good overview of the diff types and such20:24
nmz787_ifenn: it does have all that I think, but I'm not using it20:24
digshadowfenn: yeah20:25
digshadowI'm not sure20:25
digshadowbut I have full shcematics if you are bored20:25
nmz787_ifenn: or its expected you are watching that and know when to tell it to sample20:25
digshadowfenn: http://siliconpr0n.org/uv/super_iiia/schematic_raw/20:25
digshadowI'm working on getting it up first20:25
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digshadowso haven't really looked into it yet20:25
nmz787_ithis is the ADC i just used http://www.wolfsonmicro.com/products/imaging_adcs/WM8253/20:26
nmz787_iits for CCD or CIS, so not analog video with hsync and crap20:27
dingonmz787_i: http://paste.pound-python.org/show/vXxyUQZFdFu8RJ0s8zwI/ <- as far as this goes; your stdout/err is shared in this process; both of them, sys.__stdout__.fileno() is equal -- they write to the same place -- there is a new pattern in python -- http://bugs.python.org/issue15805 you could use -- but this won't work with threads, because, again, you share file descriptors between threads20:27
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@fennwelp it's the right century at least20:28
dingoif you really want to capture exceptions; do a real threading.Thread() subclass, with a run() method that catches all exceptions, then uses the traceback.format_tb like i do here, https://github.com/jquast/blessed/blob/master/blessed/tests/accessories.py#L58 -- save it to a class state variable, "error", and the main process can see "this thread is complete, and its 'error' value is non-zero, let me display it"20:29
@fennthere are probably dedicated converters for the signal it outputs, but you'll want to use a multiple channel ADC for correlating your x-ray spectra20:29
@fennnevermind don't listen to me20:30
digshadowall I know is there is a pre-amp on the EDS  already20:31
digshadowif I can get away with PC audio capture20:31
digshadowI'll try that first20:31
digshadowas a first test20:31
digshadow and do something more specialized after if need be20:31
kanzuredpk: he's been pimping his site all over the web for a week now, it's getting annoying. i also don't think crowdfunding for science is a good idea because you'll just end up with your regular distribution of funding like you always do, except skewed towards media-competent science groups..20:31
@fennif the scanning electronics are designed to run a TV you probably can't slow them down too much20:31
digshadowfenn: maybe20:32
digshadowit has scan rate control IIRC20:32
digshadowpeople take photos20:32
digshadowand needed control for those20:32
@fennhuh? scan rate controls the rate the beam sweeps across the image, no?20:32
digshadowanyway, I may just be able to take more capture20:32
digshadowand average it out20:32
digshadowthe CRTs are like o-scopes20:33
digshadowthey have xy inputs + intensity20:33
digshadowyou can scan at arbitrary speed20:33
digshadowthere is no sync pulse20:33
@fennuh, ok20:33
@fennvery long decay phosphors i assume20:33
nmz787_idigshadow: you could get 'photobleaching' or something like it though20:34
nmz787_idigshadow: so your signal might degrade with multiple passes20:34
@fenndigshadow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvSNMs9ioNI shining a UV laser through a multifaceted prism onto a SEM screen20:34
nmz787_idigshadow: video should be easy though ;)20:34
yoleauxoptic sheep20:34
nmz787_idingo: why do you say they share the same pipe?20:35
nmz787_ior fd20:35
dingofiles are shared acrossed threads -- including your stdout and stderr20:35
digshadowis that at noisebrige?20:35
nmz787_idingo: when i call that file with subprocess.popen i give it a subprocess.PIPE for each stdout and stderr arg20:36
dingotwo threads can open a single file and write to it -- quite dangerously20:36
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nmz787_idingo: not sure what you mean sharing files across threads though20:36
nmz787_idingo: i thought the subprocess.PIPE generated a new file desc20:36
nmz787_ieach time it was used20:36
@fenndigshadow: yeah that's me and mike kan (tinkerhack)20:36
digshadowyes, I know him20:37
digshadowI tried using that sem20:37
digshadowbut it has a vacuum leak20:37
nmz787_i:/ you seem to be saying PIPE is a variable, not a magic returns somethin new each time its called like a func20:37
digshadow(I'm in mountain view)20:37
dingoahh well for subprocess.PIPE its different, yes, sorry, i was looking only at the 2nd program20:37
@fennoh, right20:37
@fenndo i know you? :P20:37
digshadowyou might ;)20:37
@fennare you in one of those warehouses where hacker dojo used to be?20:38
@fenni used to live there fwiw20:38
digshadowfenn: https://plus.google.com/photos/117750254503792451904/albums/5807732024740472289/6002170799888186754?banner=pwa&pid=6002170799888186754&oid=11775025450379245190420:38
@fennugh just when i thought picasa couldn't get any worse20:39
kanzurejrayhawk_: you're now obliggated to top that, possibly by being reckless/dangerous20:39
digshadowgoogle nom nom'd it20:39
digshadowtrying to shove gplus down people's throats20:39
kanzuredigshadow: have you run into the langton lab crew?20:40
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kanzurelangton labs, i mean20:40
digshadowdon't know who they are20:40
@fennare those merrell ventilators? i am wearing those shoes20:41
kanzurethey are the whole brain emulation, knife-edge brain cutting microscopy, phd molecular biology collective in sf20:41
kanzurealso artisan thing20:41
@fennyour typical science meets burning man clusterfuck20:41
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kanzureman why'd we lose both superkuh and xentrac20:42
kanzurei bet he's just gaming20:42
@fenngrr i hate google plus20:43
@fennand especially picasa20:43
digshadowfenn: does mike kan hang out on irc?  is that his handle?20:43
@fennnot that i know of.20:44
digshadowah okay20:44
digshadowthe other fellow that knows me is miloh20:44
digshadowwho I take it you know?20:44
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digshadowfenn: anywya let me know if anything crazy is going down20:45
digshadowits a long way to SF20:45
digshadowbut if something cool is going down give me a ring20:45
@fennthis is after it asked me to re-enter my password for no reason http://fennetic.net/irc/picasa_fail.png20:45
digshadow(or something cloesr to me of course)20:45
kanzurethere's the integrated plasmonics people near you.. they are fun.20:46
digshadowI might switch file sharing site20:46
digshadowmaybe host my own for better stability20:46
digshadownot sure20:46
kanzurewe can host you20:46
@fennintegrated plasmonics moved to the mission district in sf20:46
kanzurethose posers20:46
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kanzurewell... delinquentme is near mountain view20:47
kanzurebut i wouldn't inflict him on others20:47
kanzurejuul is east bay at the moment i think20:47
@fenndigshadow: yeah i know miloh, he's a nice guy, probably the only person who ever showed any interest in what i was doing with the makerbot20:47
kanzuredigshadow: have you stopped by biocurious ever?20:47
@fennanyway i live near DC now20:48
@fenndoes the knightscope robot say "exterminate!" as it trundles around20:53
digshadowkanzure: no but I talked to them briefly at maker's faire20:54
digshadowdonated some old glassware to them20:54
digshadowI still have more for htem20:54
digshadowif I meet them again20:54
kanzureunfortunately they have always been extremely dysfunctional20:54
kanzurebut otherwise worth knowing the existence of20:55
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kanzureit sort of became a place for unemployed boring people to meet20:55
kanzureand then jojack moved to san diego to start another one20:55
digshadowno idea what integrated plasmonics does20:55
digshadowlooks like they aren't too open20:55
digshadowfenn: interestingly enough20:56
digshadowwe met in berlin20:56
digshadowbut turned out to live near each other20:56
digshadowyou're not entirely wrong20:57
digshadowwhich was in berlin20:57
digshadowto be a side event to ccc20:57
digshadowbut that year ccc moved20:57
gradstudentbotThe real reason I wanted to join this lab was because I love to clean glassware.20:57
@fennExceptionally Hard and Soft Meeting20:57
@fennwhat are those tunnels20:58
@fenndid you nuke the communists20:59
@fennlana sator is my hero http://fennetic.net/irc/lana_sator_energomash2.jpg21:01
kanzure"Born in USSR, died in Russia: an exploration of decaying Soviet technology" ""The Cold War was a period of ambitious military, industrial and scientific projects, motivated by the competition with the opposing superpower. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many of their facilities were simply abandoned, forgotten and left to rot. Urban explorer Lana Sator's expeditions and pictures give a dramatic insight into the breadth of ...21:01
kanzure... technologies that people can build given enough motive, and how frail those motives can be"21:01
kanzureget off my brain wavelength god damn it21:01
@fenni found it first. in 201221:02
kanzureok you can stay21:02
@fenni believe she is sitting in an energia test stand21:03
kanzurehuh, clifford wolf is doing vhdl things. i wonder if he'll fuck that up as much as openscad.21:03
kanzure(on that page)21:03
kanzureoh, at least it mentions openscad. hah.21:04
kanzurelots of people to stalk21:05
@fennmust.. close.. tabs...21:07
kanzuredon't do it. closing a tab is a bug.21:07
@fennbut do i really need https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_grade_helium21:08
@fennit just redirects to helium21:08
@fennshit now you got me reading it21:09
kanzureyou can leave it open without assimilating21:10
kanzureit just becomes technical debt or something21:10
@fenn"tab guilt"21:10
@fennactually i just run out of ram and swap and everything comes screeching to a halt21:10
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@fenncrowdfunding science works better than official institutional science because individuals can use surplus junk equipment which costs basically nothing, but for which they would have no chance of getting a grant21:12
@fenngrants are judged on the soundness of the science, not the dollar amount so much21:13
kanzurebegging is not a sustainable business model21:14
@fenni'd rather throw N dollars at a larger number of dingbat proposals than a tiny number of "old-guy approved" proposals21:14
@fennbut then i'm not approving the grants21:14
@fennnobody ever got rich by not asking for money21:14
kanzuredigshadow: i want computer-controlled microscope hooked up to an irc bot (for motion control) that streams video21:15
digshadowso I can do cnc: left21:15
digshadowwouldn't a javascript app be much nicer to control?21:15
kanzurein my head it would be more hilarious, like "gradstudentbot, move left pls kthx"21:15
gradstudentbotYou used the wrong formula.21:15
digshadowirc seems awkward21:15
@fennno it should be hooked up to a GPS sensor so you have to drive your car around the city while looking at your phone21:15
digshadowI like that idea :)21:15
kanzurewell, the irc aspect is just for collaborative viewing reasons21:15
kanzureand getting links to a saved photo of the current image21:16
kanzureor a link to the stream21:16
kanzureand control because i'm lazy21:16
digshadowor you use your computer control21:16
digshadowto make a giant mosaic21:16
@fennthat only works for static chips, he wants to poke at worm brains or something21:17
digshadowah okay21:17
@fennsquiggly moving blobs21:17
kanzurewell, not just moving blobs21:17
kanzurei just think it's pathetic thta we don't have a microscope21:17
kanzurehooked up to irc21:17
kanzurethat's all. i'm sure it would be used for non-living things.21:17
@fenn.title http://youtube.com/watch?v=lCmbwSCYF9o21:17
yoleauxESKMO - We Have Invisible Friends21:17
digshadowkanzure: you are not in bay area right21:17
kanzurenope, i just visit to get paid21:17
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digshadowkanzure: what is stopping you from doing it21:18
@fennit would interfere with his IRC time21:19
kanzurewell honestly i was just going to offload it all on fenn or nmz78721:19
@fenni think it would be a useful exercise for you to learn basic electronics and motion control21:20
kanzurebecause i want to delegate it means i don't have experience with electronics?21:21
@fennactually with the reprap stuff it's now so easy you wouldn't learn anything21:21
kanzurethe electronics aren't hard at all21:21
kanzure(in this context)21:22
kanzureman is that really what you think of me21:23
@fennwell you never finished your robot arm21:23
kanzurebecause dave took it and then legal reasons21:23
@fennwhat? he just walked off with a 500 pound beast?21:24
kanzuretechnically it was stored on the back of his truck21:24
@fennthat sounds like a bad storage place :(21:24
kanzurewell, actually, it was something about him moving? so he loaded it back up. i think that's the story.21:25
@fennso where did it end up?21:25
@fennprobably sitting right next to my box of hextatic parts (rawr)21:25
kanzurethe point is, i had to get lawyers involved and a silly $300 pile of junk was not top of my priorities compared to income owed to me21:25
@fennguh. so i've been thinking about building a boat so i can just put all my stuff in the boat and live in the boat and sail wherever i want to go21:26
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@fennthen i dont have to keep stockpiles of components and tools stashed all over the continent and lose them every 5 years or so21:27
@fennstupid panama canal though21:27
@fennthere needs to be a trans-rocky mountain boat pipeline21:27
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kanzuretough crowd in here21:36
@fenn.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsfL19FV3qg21:38
yoleauxDnepr Launch of SkySat-1 11/21/1321:38
kanzuredamn i should have made a snappy remark about hextatic instead21:39
kanzurei will endeavor to be more scathing in the future21:39
@fennsuch scathe21:39
kanzure.ety scathe21:39
yoleauxscathe (v.): "c.1200, from Old Norse skaða "to hurt, harm, damage, injure," from Proto-Germanic *skath- (cognates: Old English sceaþian "to hurt, injure," Old Saxon skathon, Old Frisian skethia, Middle Dutch scaden, Dutch schaden, Old High German scadon,  …" — http://etymonline.com/index.php?term=scathe21:39
@fennoh how i long for the days before "make" was a noun21:40
kanzure"the build is broken"?21:41
kanzure"what's the make of the car?"21:41
@fenni just mean that it used to be obvious that "maker" was a synonym for "douchebag who bough into tim o'reilly's magazine empire"21:42
digshadowfenn: what about the launch?21:42
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@fennoh. uh, that rocket knows how to make an entrance21:43
@fennand an exit21:43
@fenni'm sort of curious how you get anywhere near it21:43
@fennthe russian space industry seems quite a bit different from the american one21:45
digshadowfenn: how so21:46
@fennwell they seem a lot more personal, like "hi i'm vitaly so and so here's the rocket i built in 1986 to destroy capitalism"21:46
@fenn3d animated gifs of the cad models of the rocket, lots of historical info and timelines21:47
@fennyou can buy a book written by the rocket designers about their rocket, etc.21:48
@fennmeanwhile lockheed martin or raytheon are all, "please select the region you are doing business from."21:48
@fennwith a map of the globe and a "ISO-9001 corporate buzzword compliant"21:49
kanzurereply from beejal <lajeeb@gmail.com>:21:49
kanzure"hi Bryan - thank you for your interest. sadly we never got to a production stage for this system. our group didn't get further than a proof-of-concept prototype for the dlp photolithography system...and also we never got around to creating an open-source documentation for it. (it is still on our list of things-to-do). it has been awhile, but from what i remember we bought a used dlp projector from ebay, replaced the original bulb with a UV ...21:49
kanzure... bulb, and projected images from the computer to the projector onto a photosensitive resist on a substrate. i remember focusing became problematic for micrometer work, but the system worked good for creating relatively larger microfluidic devices. our colleague, john waynelovich, did a lot of work with the dlp system"21:49
kanzurehuh, so i guess they really are just using an unmodified microscope21:49
@fennbut more importantly lockheed has zero interest in talking to anybody about anything (and are legally prohibited from doing so in most cases)21:50
kanzurehe links to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1VupG7pOcQ#t=6321:50
@fennwell duh21:51
@fennmicron is approaching the wavelength of light21:51
@fennyou need big bucks for diffraction limited optics21:51
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kanzurewhy do i need diffraction limited optics to do micron-resolution-anything?21:52
@fennbecause the diffraction limit is like 600nm21:52
@fenn.wik diffraction limit21:53
yoleaux"The resolution of an optical imaging system –  a microscope, telescope, or camera –  can be limited by factors such as imperfections in the lenses or misalignment. However, there is a fundamental maximum to the resolution of any optical system which is due to diffraction." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffraction_limit21:53
@fennwow i wish i could read that equation21:53
@fenn.wa diffraction limit21:53
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, no result!21:53
digshadowyoleaux: thats not entirely true21:53
digshadowthats for far field optics21:53
@fennare you talking about PALM and STORM etc21:54
@fennor sub-wavelength gratings21:54
@fennoh and two-photon21:54
@fennthat wouldn't be too hard to do with a DLP actually21:55
kanzurewhat specifically are you "well duh"ing?21:55
@fenn"i remember focusing became problematic for micrometer work"21:56
kanzurewhy doesn't anyone take measurements21:57
kanzuredoes that mean 1 micron, 10 microns, 100 microns?21:57
@fenni assumed he meant 1 micron but i see your point21:57
kanzurealso, in that video, that was a projector pointed straight at the material without additional optics21:59
@fennhuh how would that work21:59
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@fennit wouldnt be able to focus that close21:59
* fenn watches the video21:59
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kanzurehrm wait no, there's a black thing in front of it21:59
kanzureand there is probably a lense in the black panel22:00
@fenn"design features using powerpoint"22:00
@fenni hope i'm not the only one rolling my eyes22:00
kanzurewell this system makes everyone else look like a moron22:01
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@fennit has a lens on it22:01
kanzurenot the end of the world22:01
kanzurenow which lens? hrm22:01
kanzuredescription says "Complex microfluidics features can easily be achieved, down to double digit micron sizes."22:02
kanzurewell which digits! argh22:02
@fennthose lines are much bigger than 1 micron22:02
@fennmuch bigger than 100 microns22:02
gradstudentbotOh yeah, isn't that already a part on the biobrick registry?22:03
@fenni would estimate 500 microns22:03
@fennif it has the same dimensions as the powerpoint slide.. although i bet it's blurred somewhat and the lines are wider than that22:04
@fennwhat is their magical white coating22:04
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@fenni was playing around with a magnifying glass and a cellphone, you can easily shrink the screen image down quite a bit22:09
@fenni could get it down to about 1 cm across22:09
@fenna projector is much higher power obviously22:10
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kanzure"at the moment we have moved on to other projects - john with his soft robotics, and abtin and i with software development. we are all getting together next week - ill see if there exists any collection of notes that i can forward to you."22:13
@fennso where are all these super high resolution microscopy images like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2color-STED-example.png22:15
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kanzurewhat do you mean where? who's?22:15
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@fennwell i just haven't seen very many full-page high resolution photos22:16
@fennlike the nikon small world competition22:16
kanzurethere's lots of better images on youtube :\22:16
@fennbut youtube is videos22:16
kanzureyeah i know :(22:16
@fennthese techniques only produce static images22:17
@fennor 3d datasets at least22:17
kanzurei'm confused. are you asking me to find you normal microscopy pictures of microscopic channels?22:17
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@fennbtw Science magazine has a pretty cool cover image today https://www.sciencemag.org/content/344/6187.cover-expansion  (sorry i cant find higher resolution image)22:21
@fennit is a 3d rendering in the spirit of david goodsell or drew berry22:22
@fennalso they've gone and tarted it all up with explanatory text22:23
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/short/344/6187/102322:23
kanzurehooray now i can download at 4 bytes/second from russia22:24
@fenni'm getting a solid 5KB/s22:24
kanzureso digshadow claims the blame for azonenberg.. interesting.22:28
kanzurethat part of the story is not usually mentioned22:30
kanzureor ever22:30
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kanzurewelcome back22:33
kanzurethat paper has neat visualizations22:34
kanzure'synaptosome' biologists being biologists..22:34
@fennno fair i'm still downloading22:34
@fennalso i dont get why i can't just download it with elinks on gnusha22:35
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kanzurejust use this one,22:41
@fennit's done now22:42
@fennwait a minute22:42
@fenni have the paper sitting right next to me22:43
@fennwhat the hell is wrong with me22:43
@fenncan zoom in more on the pdf though :)22:44
kanzuremagnifying glass22:46
@fennit has half tone22:47
@fennok kanzure now you have to make a synaptic protein game based on pokemon22:48
@fennclathrin, i choose you!22:49
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@fenndigshadow: fwiw the astronomy guys use cast pitch (pine tar resin) to lap telescope mirrors23:00
@fennit never completely solidifies so it keeps things aligned but in contact23:01
@fennit might be worth your time to investigate "superfinishing" a slow surface speed abrasive process developed by chrysler for accurate grinding of roller bearings23:02
@fennthe workpiece floats on a microscopic layer of coolant and moves in random directions over a relatively coarse abrasive that acts mroe like a cutting tool than a smusher23:03
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@fennthe superfinishing process rapidly removes any bumps to give a mirror finish and flat surface geometry, and after that material removal rate is very slow23:04
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digshadowfenn: hmm23:05
digshadowi'd be suspicious that it might be smooth but uneven23:06
@fennno it has to be flat because the process relies on a very short distance between the surfaces to provide the hydrodynamic floating force23:06
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@fennsuperfinishing seems to be a lost art, and those who know how aren't talking23:10
@fennwikipedia/darmann abrasive products claim it leaves a cross-hatch instead of a mirror finish; this is wrong23:15
@fenn"Swigert Jr., Arthur M. (1940), The story of superfinish," this book has the real story23:17
@fennwow i feel like i'm in high school shop class in new delhi: http://youtube.com/watch?v=VnupA3d6f0E23:23
@fenni'm going to start wearing a turban like that in the machine shop23:27
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