
--- Log opened Sat Jun 07 00:00:27 2014
nmz787fenn: even the music in that video is pretty not-boring00:01
nmz787fenn: i see plenty of guys at intel in turbans00:02
nmz787i've been growing my hair, but before I cut my beard i looked into some sikh beard-wrapping techniques before I decided to just chop most of it off00:03
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entelechysame with HP00:12
entelechythey all ate their own food together00:13
entelechysikh food is the bomb00:13
entelechyin british columbia free sikh food on sundays for anyone at all, and you're encouraged to do a prayer but they don't communicate it too well so most people are too confused or ambivalent about it00:13
nmz787that's anywhere in the world00:14
nmz787its called a gurudwara or gurdwara00:14
FireAurawow that's pretty cool00:14
nmz787guru's house is the translation00:14
nmz787dwara means house or 4 walls or something like that00:14
nmz787and the lunch is called langar00:15
nmz787basically it was a leveling of the playing-field morally/socially/caste-wise00:15
nmz787the kings and peasants all sat on the ground together00:15
nmz787fenn: your pokemon idea00:15
@fennoh, right00:15
nmz787vs nucleomon00:16
nmz787reverse trascribes to ribomon00:16
* nmz787 deoxynuclease failed!00:17
* nmz787 hydroxide presented, backside attack!!!00:18
* nmz787 nucleomon was hydrolyzed00:18
@fenni've never actually played pokemon00:19
@fenni assume it's something like nethack00:19
nmz787it was turn based00:19
nmz787you were move around the world like zelda, from top-down perspective00:19
nmz787then get into random fights if you went into the bushes or a cave or some dark place00:19
nmz787and it would get face to face front-perspective00:20
nmz787you had a list of attacks00:20
nmz787and could go into an 'items' menu of crap you collected from the world00:20
FireAuravarious strengths and weaknesses based on the type of pokemon you have in play00:20
nmz787(this is the video game pokemon, i have no idea what the card game was like, but i guess pretty much the same)00:20
nmz787though i did collect the cards00:21
nmz787so dum00:21
nmz787and pogs00:21
nmz787wtf were those00:21
nmz787i realized recently it was like a drinking game for kids00:21
nmz787with no drinking00:21
@fenni realized that in elementary school00:21
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FireAurathe card game differs a bit; you can do quite a bit in your turn, as opposed to only doing one thing per turn in the video games00:22
nmz787thinking back, like, i didn't even have friends to play the game really against someone... it was just me collecting cardboard discs and throwing a slug of metal at them on the floor00:22
nmz787pogs that is00:22
@fennwe played it more like tiddlywinks, you had to flip the pogs with the lemon pip effect00:23
nmz787fenn: watched that vid, now watching a similar one on serial/UART00:23
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@fennthey have 600 videos00:23
nmz787he isn't wearing a turban though, so i might skip this one00:23
nmz787ahh, madras00:23
||0_-_0||paperbot http://www.nature.com/nrneurol/journal/v10/n4/full/nrneurol.2014.24.html00:24
nmz787actually a biochemical pokemon clone would be pretty damn cool00:24
nmz787i would sling that to kids00:24
nmz787slip in organic chemistry rules00:25
nmz787they might not even know it00:25
nmz787characters would just be the pymol renderings or similar00:25
FireAuraactually that would be amazing00:25
nmz787there are a lot of rare chemicals with crazy powers/strengths00:26
nmz787the whole mew/mewtwo thing00:26
FireAurawell yeah absolutely00:26
nmz787welp kanzure there's your maker faire booth for next year00:27
nmz787you're going to have a gaming station that seductively teaches kids to be addicted to organic/bio chemistry00:28
FireAurahell why just kids00:28
nmz787we're doomed00:28
nmz787our neural networks aren't plastic enough00:28
FireAurai mean idk i may still qualify as a kid but i'd sure as hell play00:28
@fennspeak for yourself, i've forgotten more than i ever knew00:30
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nmz787how can you realistically 'forget more than you ever knew'?00:34
nmz787that's like saying my hard drive holds less than it did when i bought it00:34
nmz787i guess it is always hard to defrag?00:35
FireAurait would take some tinkering and probably screwing a ton of stuff up, but im sure it could be managed00:35
nmz787and harder in humans?00:35
nmz787they're talking about the 8085 proc in this video00:35
@fennfill up your hard drive; erase everything; fill it up again; erase everything again. you now have forgotten more than you ever knew00:36
jrayhawk_20:40 < kanzure> jrayhawk_: you're now obliggated to top that, possibly by being reckless/dangerous00:40
jrayhawk_what with the who now00:40
nmz787jrayhawk_: have you heard of nodeconf?00:40
nmz787i am watching a video now00:41
@fennjrayhawk_: something about a flaming station wagon00:41
nmz787they were decals00:41
nmz787decal flames00:41
jrayhawk_nope; lots of local Node activity around here judging from what i see go by on calagator, though00:41
nmz787ahh, node.js?00:41
nmz787not like, human social nodes?00:42
nmz787it was a link from some indian hackerspace that is starting up00:42
nmz787but then in the video i saw nodeconf portland 201200:43
nmz787on a tshirt00:43
nmz787wad cunningham is the first name on nodepdx.org00:44
@fenn"tincture of 555" the new homeopathic remedy out of silicon valley00:44
jrayhawk_haha "wad"00:44
jrayhawk_ward participates in a log of local usergroup activity00:44
jrayhawk_i think i helped him heckle one of jblake's presentations one time00:45
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gene_hackerbiochemical pokemon? Man seems I missed quite the topic00:46
nmz787oh man, powdered toast man!00:49
nmz787.wik powdered toast man00:50
yoleaux"Over its five seasons, The Ren & Stimpy Show featured a varied cast of characters, some who appeared in as few as one episode, and some who were practically regulars." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powdered_toast_man00:50
@fennand on that note, good night00:51
gene_hacker404 error childhood cartoons could not be found00:51
nmz787hmm, people are saying hillhacks might be some hippie hacker woodstock like nodeconf type thing00:52
gene_hackerjust need to solve this NP-hard problem...00:52
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nmz787ren and stimpy has been my go-to cartoon for the past few weeks00:52
nmz787hah, they just used the seizure-inducing flashing sequencne00:53
jrayhawk_it's you. you are what rolls down stairs alone or in pairs and over your neighbor's dog.00:55
nmz787great for a snack00:55
nmz787fits on yer back00:55
jrayhawk_that's goinga little far00:55
nmz787its the oregon fruit!00:55
nmz787oregon-brocolli as some might call it00:56
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jrayhawk_nmz787: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTUAujDVPDU is a thing that seems like it would be liked by my model of you00:56
nmz787that's all i kept thinking when i was driving through the redwoods in norcal00:56
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nmz787i just heard that 'the future is here, but not evenly distributed' quote recently somewhere else00:57
nmz787is this in oregon city?00:58
gene_hackerthat was kid's show? how?00:59
nmz787hmm, i guess i drove over there once or twice00:59
nmz787internet media?00:59
nmz787hah, laboratory01:00
nmz787its true though, i came from school in rochester, which was a waterfall town01:00
nmz787some kinda thing01:00
nmz787powerplant, water pumps for water system01:00
nmz787turning water power into rotary power for factorys01:01
nmz787that's where they first mass produced good quality gears01:01
nmz787gleason works01:01
nmz787that was river power01:01
nmz787the vast amount of engineering it drew allowed kodak to develop there01:02
nmz787(and die)01:02
nmz787and when they died, they were so big that it kinda killed the region01:02
nmz787so dumb, they invented the digital camera01:02
nmz787and thought it would lose them $ in film sales01:02
jrayhawk_they were right!01:02
nmz787truly a management mistake01:02
nmz787this video says 'probably first sawmill west of the missispi'01:03
nmz787idk about that01:03
jrayhawk_a good waterfall is hard to find01:04
nmz787lewis and clark was 180401:04
gene_hackernmz787 you're in portland right?01:04
jrayhawk_probably the biggest in its day west of the mississippi, at least01:04
nmz787they took the missouri01:04
nmz787which is west of the missisipi01:04
nmz787gene_hacker: a little west of there01:04
nmz787gene_hacker: how about you?01:05
nmz787you're near right?01:05
gene_hackerare you going to pseudo maker faire in eugene?01:05
nmz787hmm, when is it?01:05
nmz787i hadn't planned, we just had a booth at san mateo maker faire in bay area last month tho01:05
nmz787oh :O01:05
nmz787no i guess now01:05
gene_hackerwell then you probably won't be missing much01:06
gradstudentbotI am completely satisfied with the size of my bench space.01:06
gene_hackergradstudentbot how's research?01:06
gradstudentbotHow many papers do you have published?01:06
jrayhawk_are you going to take that sort of sass from gradstudentbot01:06
gradstudentbotDoes this look contaminated to you?01:06
gene_hackerit doesn't cower in fear at that question, clearly it is not a gradstudentbot01:07
gradstudentbotI feel like you don't completely comprehend the scope of this work.01:07
nmz787gene_hacker: so are you around/in portland?01:08
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nmz787kanzure: http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Sequence_control_in_polymer_synthesis.pdf01:31
nmz787kanzure: i keep seeing ATRP... which I think is a CMU thing, I emailed the polymer professor there... I'm from there... maybe I really just need to do a phd01:32
gene_hackera chemical controlled nanofactory01:34
gene_hackerfor synthesizing proteins01:34
gene_hackermaybe that crazy idea for a light controlled DNA synth with 4 colors of lights isn't so crazy01:35
nmz787not at all01:35
nmz7874 groups is nothing01:35
gradstudentbotSorry about that.01:36
nmz787i'd say you'd need to think about 4 to 10 linkages for each 'arm'/color01:36
nmz787and they'd only have so many degrees of freedom each01:36
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jrayhawk_nmz787: Corvallis or thereabouts03:17
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mosasaur.wa melting point of coconut oil in degrees celsius04:49
yoleauxconvert coconut oil: melting point to degrees Celsius: 25°C (degrees Celsius); Additional conversions: 298.2 K (kelvins); 77°F (degrees Fahrenheit); 536.7°R (degrees Rankine); 20°Ré (degrees Réaumur); 20.6°Rø (degrees Rømer)04:50
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mosasaur.wa melting point of palm oil in degrees celsius04:53
yoleauxmosasaur: Sorry, no result!04:53
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jrayhawk_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coconut_oil#Hydrogenation fully hydrogenated coconut oil is a fun concept; the melting tempuratures can get kinda ridiculous05:14
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mosasaurHere's a cheap thermometer. I'm somewhere above coconut, but below palm oil.05:20
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kanzurejrayhawk_: approximate available area of desk space or floor space to put an automated microscope?07:06
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ParahSailinyou think technically feasible to have a golf simulation with oculus rift where you hit an actual ball?08:04
kanzurethen what are you simulating..?08:04
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ParahSailinhitting in a course rather than a small air conditioned room?08:08
chris_99would the ball be hitting the wall then your face ;)08:09
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ParahSailinobviously there would be a backstop and youd only be hitting in one general direction08:09
kanzuremost people use nets for that08:10
chris_99dumb idea could you attach some kind of string to the ball, so that it autoretrieves it08:10
gradstudentbotThe culture got contaminated.08:10
ParahSailinquestion is whether you could interleave the real ball into the simulation on the oculus screen seamlessly enough that it wouldnt disrupt hand-eye coordination08:11
chris_99are you sure you need a real ball08:11
ParahSailinbecause otherwise its just masturbation?08:11
chris_99huh, you'd still be getting visual feedback08:12
gradstudentbotThe freezer was too cold and fucked up my sample DNA.08:14
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streetyis there not some tactile feedback from hitting the ball?09:09
kanzureParahSailin: hah, you will be happy to learn that josh has hired people to build openpcr units: "San Francisco-based OpenPCR makes thermocyclers, apparatus that can “amplify” segments of DNA for testing. Initially funded with $12,000 from Kickstarter, it now has four full-time employees supported by sales of five $600 units a week. The company is planning to roll out real-time PCR machines that can give full results on a computer screen ...09:11
kanzure... without having to send samples for lab analysis. These cost about $1,500, compared with $30,000 for rivals’ equipment, and have the potential to be adapted for other industries, claims Josh Perfetto, OpenPCR’s co-founder"09:11
kanzure$1500 for rtPCR.. hahaha.09:13
kanzuresilly how that's still overpriced. although they have never really been about keeping things low cost.09:15
gradstudentbotWell, you can't guarantee that.09:18
streetydo you know how many samples it can handle?09:20
chris_99is the OpenPCR mainly a peltier and PID?09:25
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streetythere is the block for the samples and presumably a heated lid as well09:29
kanzuredigshadow: this might be a fun one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/KM1801VM2-IC-Microchip-USSR-Lot-of-1-pcs-/131200365911?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e8c26b55709:43
kanzureerm, i mean, to decap and scan09:44
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kanzure"Микросхема КР1801ВП1 представляла собой базовый матричный кристалл (БМК) на основе которого можно было выпускать разнообразные цифровые устройства. Микросхема содержит примерно 5000 транзисторов (около 600 вентилей). Технологические нормы — 3 ...09:57
kanzure... микрона по n-МДП технологии, размер кристалла 4,2 × 4,2 мм."09:57
kanzure(5000 transistors, 600 gates, 3 micron feature size)09:57
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digshadowkanzure: if you want to pay for it10:15
digshadowI'll image it10:15
kanzuredigshadow: for future reference, approximately how annoying is it for you to image a single chip?10:19
chris_99can you do SEM images out of interest digshadow10:19
kanzureso that i can know which things you would be interested in maybe scanning10:19
digshadowkanzure: about an hour of work10:23
digshadowfor most chips10:23
digshadowmaybe 2 on the high side10:23
digshadowusually I do them in batches of 20 or so10:23
digshadowwhich keeps it down10:23
digshadowchris_99: my SEM isn't working yet10:23
digshadowI'm working on learning CNC better right now10:23
digshadowso I can make some parts for it10:24
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kanzurehuh, you are using gcode.. https://github.com/JohnDMcMaster/pr0ntools/tree/master/cnc_microscope11:15
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digshadowkanzure: the old version did11:35
digshadowthe g-code post-processor is still there though11:35
digshadowbut I don't use it11:35
digshadownow I use this11:35
digshadowa very basic COTS indexer11:36
digshadow(which doesn't use g-code)11:36
digshadowjust generated a test mastercam job11:36
digshadowwhich *is* g-code11:36
digshadowgoing to try it out on the mill in a few min11:36
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kanzuredigshadow: any particular reason you went with a pulley system instead of a threaded rod?11:58
kanzurei mean, the belts12:01
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kanzurelike this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVd5tAzHymc12:05
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digshadowwhat pulley system12:34
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kanzurei saw a video, looked like you were using belts..12:54
kanzurei will second check12:55
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digshadowkanzure: that was a proof of concept test13:04
digshadowbut as a thought experiment13:04
digshadowhow would a leadscrew help me there13:04
digshadowit would be much more complicated to setup13:04
kanzurewell, i'm assuming you can cannibalize the microscope13:05
kanzureand use your own xy stage etc13:06
kanzurethese assumptions might be wrong :)13:06
archels.title http://vimeo.com/8852394913:09
yoleauxJackIn: Integrating First-Person View with Out-of-Body Vision Generation for Human-Human Augmentation (AH2014) on Vimeo13:09
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digshadowkanzure: definitely would not cannibalize the micrscope13:19
digshadowI do use my own xy stage13:19
digshadowand if I want to13:19
digshadowI do have a slot for a z axis picomotor13:19
digshadowbut that cost way way more than the pulley thing13:19
digshadowI found everything in that prototype pulley system in the trash13:20
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nmz787kanzure: did you read the story about using the wrong dictionary, and switching to like a 1913 version?13:30
nmz787it was on hackernews a few weeks ago13:30
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kanzuredigshadow: are there performance reasons you prefer it?13:33
kanzure"He says, for instance, that in three years of research for a book about Alaska he’d forgotten to look up the word Arctic" story of my life13:38
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paskythat's pretty cool writeup13:43
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nmz787this is pretty cool13:58
nmz787so for the bio/organic chemistry pokemon clone, instead of HP the measure could be entropy13:59
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kanzurewhat happened to "i only liked looking at the cards anyway"14:04
kanzurenmz787: btw, have you used brlcad's lens generator? http://brlcad.org/xref/source/src/proc-db/lens.c14:07
gradstudentbotMy experiment was working a second ago, but now it doesn't even work.14:09
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kanzure.title http://users.bestweb.net/~ca314159/lenses.html14:19
yoleauxLenses in POV-Ray14:19
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGqFxynCnvM14:27
yoleauxCassegrain Telescope Simulation14:27
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nmz787kanzure: no14:53
nmz787i think i installed brlcad once or twice14:53
nmz787but didn't get anywhere with it14:53
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nmz787this is neat http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.008332515:16
yoleauxPLOS ONE: Identifiable Images of Bystanders Extracted from Corneal Reflections15:16
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FourFireoh yeah I read that last year15:48
FourFireyou need insane resolution for that though15:48
ThomasEgior a more close-up duckface picture.15:50
nmz787i wonder if that lumia cell phone cam is enough15:50
nmz787i can't remember if it downconverts the 40MPix image to something less before giving it to the user15:50
nmz787or if there's a way to get the raw image15:50
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nmz787this one is pretty cool http://donzoptix.co.uk/POVZEMAZ/Movies/pipebend3.m1v15:56
nmz787"The image to the left is a textured heightfield of the intensity at the screen  for the value of the bend radius which maximises the intensity. The peak intensity is 0.8mm from the axis. The values were determined from the following  0.64MB movie: "15:56
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kanzure"he was the first to observe and describe single-celled organisms, which he originally referred to as animalcules,"16:43
* kanzure adds "animalcules" next to "animaltronics"16:43
kanzure"To the disappointment of his guests, Leeuwenhoek refused to reveal the cutting-edge microscopes he relied on for his discoveries, instead showing visitors a collection of average-quality lenses.[17] An experienced businessman, Leeuwenhoek realized that if his simple method for creating the critically important lens was revealed, the scientific community of his time would likely disregard or even forget his role in microscopy. He therefore ...16:48
kanzure... allowed others to believe that he was laboriously spending most of his nights and free time grinding increasingly tiny lenses to use in microscopes, even though this belief conflicted both with his construction of hundreds of microscopes and his habit of building a new microscope whenever he chanced upon an interesting specimen that he wanted to preserve. He made about 200 microscopes with different magnification."16:48
kanzureheh, you mean lenses don't take forever to grind?16:49
kanzurealso, a few hundred lenses could still take bunches of time, i don't really buy "look! a large number!" as an argument that it was quick16:49
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kanzurewhy do these have to be so bulky http://www.grayfieldoptical.com/specials.html17:17
kanzureand they don't reuqire oil immersion17:29
kanzuremost microscopes don't seem to be very micro :|17:31
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kanzurehm, whitesides just put a coverslip between the photoresist and oil for oil immersion objective lenses: http://gmwgroup.harvard.edu/pubs/pdf/757.pdf18:10
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delinquentmemost microscopes don't seem to be very micro :| +118:58
kanzure.wik frits zernike19:07
yoleaux"Frits Zernike (/ˈzɜrr.nɪ.kiː/; July 16, 1888 – March 10, 1966) was a Dutch physicist and winner of the Nobel prize for physics in 1953 for his invention of the phase contrast microscope, an instrument that permits the study of internal cell structure without the need to stain and thus kill the cells." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frits_Zernike19:08
kanzurei remember using an invitrogen stain that didn't kill cells...19:08
kanzurebut it could have been my imagination19:08
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kanzurethis is an okay stereo microscope idea (no eyepieces) http://www.history-of-the-microscope.org/images/Mantis-Compact-stereo-microscope1.jpg19:11
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kanzureheh For the purposes of this forum, Microscopy or Microanalysis is considered to include all techniques which employ a probe such as: photons (including x-rays), electrons, ions, mechanical and/or electromagnetic radiation to form a representation or characterization of the microstructure (internal or external) of any material in either physical and/or life sciences applications.19:13
kanzurei meant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microscopy_Listserver19:13
kanzuregeeze their archive pages are just giant dumps (this is at least 16 MB) http://www.microscopy.com/cgi-bin/ReadPrintEmailHTML.pl?filename=MicroscopyArchive00.txt19:14
dpk.in 12h fix wp:en:Fritz_Zernicke pronunciation key19:21
yoleauxdpk: I'll remind you at 16:22 CEST19:21
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/460666719:33
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/4606667.pdf19:33
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/4606667.pdf?acceptTC=true&&acceptTC=true19:34
kanzurei am very confused19:34
kanzureoh, right, cookies19:37
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kanzureof course, now that you mentioned the word, i am seeing "polariton" everywhere..20:12
kanzure.title http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=184215020:14
yoleauxUsing digital micromirror devices for focusing light through turbid media20:14
kanzure"The holy grail of biomedical optical imaging is to perform microscopy deep inside living tissue. Unfortunately, biological tissue scatters light, which prevents the formation of a sharp focus. However, recently it was shown that wavefront shaping can be used to focus light through and inside turbid materials. So far, most experiments used liquid crystal devices, which are too slow to match the dynamics of perfused tissue. Since DMD ...20:14
kanzure... technology is approximately 1000 times faster, it may bring wavefront shaping to in-vivo applications. We will compare analytically the performance of different methods for focusing light through scattering media with an intensity-only light modulator."20:14
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nightgradstudentbot: sup?20:44
gradstudentbotIt's not really significant, but there's definitely a trend.20:44
nightapologies, I'm going to be pinging gradstudent bot a few times as I test out stuff in my client20:45
nightgradstudentbot: ping20:47
gradstudentbotI'll need to pull an all-nighter.20:47
nightgradstudentbot: How's the weather over there?20:49
gradstudentbotGuys, where are my samples?20:49
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delinquentmekanzure, https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933557?cc=Nature9933557&utm_source=nature&utm_medium=pavilion&utm_campaign=challenges21:03
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nightgradstudentbot: ping21:37
gradstudentbotThere's no way to know for sure.21:37
nightalright, good21:37
nighteverything's fixed21:37
petrushkagradstudentbot   DNA replicase enzyme21:39
gradstudentbotMy pub of choice is pubmed.21:39
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nmz787kanzure: the grayfieldoptical is a weird one... it seems kinda like bunlk or pseudoscience... I watched a video of their stuff a while ago, 6 months ago or so, and it was filmed in like the 90s and the images weren't too amazing to me (maybe I'm not enough of a cytologist or something)23:30
nmz787kanzure: it seemed like lots of super-fine tuning to get the absolute best image out of regular optics and optical techniques... but again, maybe I'm not enough of a cytologist or optician23:33
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry: that command is a web-service, but its response was too long.23:35
kanzurenmz787, as far as i can tell there are far less people looking at possible optical microscope designs than i thought23:39
kanzureand why aren't there combination telescope-microscope kits or something23:40
gene_hackerthere are, they just aren't very good23:47
kanzurewhy do all bench microscopes look the same? why not just put it on an xy axis and be done with it..23:49
kanzuredon't forget z23:49
gene_hackerconvergent evolution23:49
kanzurepfft i doubt it23:49
kanzurebut nice guess :p23:50
gene_hackertradition maybe?23:50
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kanzure.wik immersion lithography23:51
yoleaux"" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immersion_lithography23:51
kanzuredpk: something's wrong with the bot23:52
kanzureanyway if lithography people were using something other than oil immersion, then why don't non-oil-immersion 1000x objectives work on light microscopes23:52
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