
--- Log opened Thu Jun 12 00:00:32 2014
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ebowdenpaperbot http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:100652752806307:22
ebowdenPaperbot worked!07:23
kumaviswoah nice07:29
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kanzuremeh https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1537608281/lazerblade-the-affordable-laser-cutter-engraver08:57
kanzure"With it's current motor / belt / pulley setup, the LazerBlade has a mechanical resolution of 0.08-0.1mm. "08:57
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ParahSailinkanzure: am i seeing this correct that they added ADTs?09:12
kanzurewho what09:13
kanzurei don't know what it had before09:13
kanzureso i dunno what has been added/removed09:14
kanzuredid it exist in public before the apple announcement?09:14
kanzuremechanical engineering class project to build a maskless photolithography device (rotating disc, laser diode, etc): http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/optics/photolithography/ME450%20-%20Maskless%20photolithography%20system%20(project)%20-%202009.pdf09:42
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ParahSailinhaha, they really cashing in https://experiment.com/projects/azolla-a-little-fern-with-massive-green-potential09:59
ParahSailinthis project is $2k tops09:59
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archels"A chatbot pretending to be a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy made waves last weekend when its programmers announced that it had passed the Turing test. But the judges of this test were apparently easily fooled, because any cursory exchange with ‘Eugene Goosterman’ reveals the machine inside the ghost. Maybe the time has come, 60 years after Alan Turing’s death, to discard the idea that imitating human conversation is a good test of arti10:14
archelstotal non sequitur10:14
kanzure"blah blah blah, we don't understand that stupid stuff can show up in the media, so we're going to pay it undue attention because we're morons"10:16
-!- Guest84338 is now known as maaku10:23
seba-let's make a cure for cancer10:23
seba-sharp knives cure cancer10:23
kanzure.title http://www.burnttransistors.com/2012/03/microphone-array-beamformer-demo.html10:24
yoleauxBurnt Transistors: Microphone Array Beamformer Demo10:24
archelsKevin Warwick is not exactly the most media shy personality out there, but this is lascivious even for him10:24
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5uWFAGzV1A010:24
yoleauxFPGA-based Microphone Array Beamformer Demo10:24
archelsI hope the Reading crowd get adequately lambasted10:24
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kanzure.title http://www.burnttransistors.com/2013/03/nano-quadrocopters.html10:24
yoleauxBurnt Transistors: Nano-Quadrocopters10:24
kanzurearchels: yeah, warwick should have been hated ever since he declared himself "the first cyborg"10:26
gradstudentbotThat's beyond the scope of my research.10:26
kanzureseba-: this is a good way to do deep brain cancer surgery things, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound/10:27
seba-can't we invent a biochemical way to treat cancer10:28
kanzurenope, it's not allowed10:28
seba-kanzure why not10:29
seba-i think we are lacking a piece of the puzzle10:30
seba-DCA and hyperforin seem to activate something10:30
kanzurethere are many different cancers that are each mechanically different10:31
seba-why do they activate caspases10:31
seba-kanzure, yes sure, but for example DCA seems to work for many10:31
seba-isn't that weird10:31
kanzurecaspase happens because inflammation and inflammation is critical for many body functions10:31
seba-both trigger apoptosis of cancerous cells10:32
seba-bizzare hm10:32
kanzureif you go looking for "coincidences" in biology you will find tons10:32
seba-yes sure10:34
kanzure.tell nmz787 you should take measurements on the microscope's ocular ports and projector's exit port, and then tell me those numbers, so that i can figure out adapter things10:39
yoleauxkanzure: I'll pass your message to nmz787.10:39
kanzure.tell nmz787 also pics of those two's ports would help (but the measurements are more important i think)10:39
yoleauxkanzure: I'll pass your message to nmz787.10:39
ParahSailinhas there been any new research on dichloroacetate?10:39
ParahSailinevery time one of my friends has a dog dying of cancer i try to get them to feed it to the dog10:40
kanzurewhy do your friends have so many cancer dogs?10:40
kanzuresheena: poke10:40
ParahSailinevery dog dies of cancer i think10:40
ParahSailinunless they get hit by a car first10:41
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ParahSailinonly got one friend to feed DCA to a cancer dog10:43
ParahSailinn=1 result was "it made him bleed more so i stopped giving it to him"10:43
sheenai think most any mammal dies of cancer if it lives long enough. ttyl10:47
ParahSailingoats dont normally die of cancer afaik10:50
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seba-ParahSailin, anything more than that?11:09
ParahSailinsorry, it was a poorly designed experiment11:10
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seba-ParahSailin, not even how long was the dog taking?11:11
seba-ParahSailin, check out also hypericin from hypericum perforatum11:11
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S193459091400192111:28
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heathdoes anyone have an example github profile rss feed url?11:32
heaththere was something i starred recently but I can't recall what it is and the public feed available on the site only goes back so far11:32
heathjust figured that out11:35
kanzureit is strange that google scholar searches patents by default11:39
kanzurewhy would patents be considered scholarly11:39
heaththey are associated with professors at unis?11:39
* heath needs rss feed reader which goes beyond 30 messages11:42
heathfeedly is down11:42
kanzurethey are being DDOSed11:45
kanzurebeen going on for a few days11:45
kanzurethey refused to pay the attackers, posted on a blog somewhere about it11:46
heathi read11:46
kanzurei didn't..11:46
joepie91_extortion ddos11:46
kanzureisn't extortion fun?11:47
kanzurethere should be a board game about that11:47
heathi wonder if any of these extortion attempts actually work11:47
kanzure"now you can extort your whole family"11:47
joepie91_heath: they do, yes11:47
kanzure"by Hasbro"11:47
heathjoepie91_: by actually work, i mean they get larger sums than a few thousand dollars11:47
joepie91_if you hit a small online shop, then they'll probably give you 2k without too much hassle11:47
joepie91_because being down costs them more11:48
joepie91_not sure about that11:48
joepie91_the problem is that there's a point where an extortion target is rich enough to afford proper protection11:48
kanzurethe cost of an attack is usually less than that anyway11:48
kanzureso you are net positive11:48
joepie91_and would rather spend his money on that, than on your extortion11:48
gradstudentbotSomeone's sitting at my bench space.11:49
kanzuregigapixel microscopy using a flatbed scanner http://arxiv.org/pdf/1209.4045.pdf11:51
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nmz787_i1kanzure: got your message about measuring my scope12:10
nmz787_i1you should probably try to figure out what a good micrometer is12:10
nmz787_i1we forgot to ask fenn12:10
heathanyone know of an rss reader which is able to go beyond the initial results supplied by the server?12:14
nmz787_i1wtf are profs too lazy to write grants now? https://experiment.com/projects/azolla-a-little-fern-with-massive-green-potential12:14
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nmz787_i1heath: can't you just use python to read it?12:14
heathi'd rather not build this one right now12:14
heaththe feedparser lib itself also just grabs the initial results supplied by the server12:16
ParahSailinnmz787_i1: they are also trying to buy sequencing stupidly12:17
ParahSailinthey appear to be going for a "rapid run" as opposed to high output hiseq lanes12:17
ParahSailinpaying extra for less, lower quality data12:17
ParahSailini wouldnt necessarily pay for that much pacbio sequence either12:18
heaththere is feed history extension for atom being proposed12:22
heathoh well12:22
heathguess i'll have to use the brain on this one12:22
heathi'll be quiet since it isn't relevant12:23
kanzurewhat was the repo about12:23
heath i was looking for this https://github.com/datasciencemasters/go12:24
kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/microlith/ "image simulation for microscopy and lithography systems"12:26
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nmz787_i"zip file containing original papers on diffraction theory of imaging by Ernst Abbe (original paper in German and its English translation) and by Lord Rayleigh."  https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-mA2Q2RdhdoVjBvM2lqQW9OSHM13:00
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nmz787_ikanzure: python-brlcad has no gui right?13:41
nmz787_ii saw the examples folder13:41
nmz787_ii'm not sure who/what is hilbert tho13:41
nmz787_ii'm guessing something like this http://www.mi.sanu.ac.rs/vismath/sequin1/Hilbert64ell.GIF13:42
kanzurewhat does hilbert have to do with python-brlcad?13:46
kanzureyeah there's no gui, but brlcad has its own fucked up gui (it's faster to ignore it)13:47
nmz787_iits an example in your repo14:03
nmz787_ii wonder if they did good security for this https://ideone.com/14:03
kanzuresomeone else added those hilbert files14:04
kanzurei assume they are hilbert spaces14:05
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kanzureat the moment there's no live-rendering as you work in python-brlcad14:07
kanzurepythonocc has that, so you can render while you do things in ipython14:07
nmz787_iso is pythonocc alternative to brlcad?14:24
nmz787_ior would we integrate them?14:25
kanzurepythonocc is a swig/python wrapper around opencascade (a cad engine that is not brlcad)14:28
kanzurethe problem with anything opencascade related (opencascade, pythonocc, heekscad, freecad, etc) is that opencascade itself is extremely hard to maintain because it's poorly written/maintained14:29
kanzurethis is not a reasonable piece of software: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/cad/opencascade/14:29
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kanzureopencascade is about 1.05 million lines of code14:31
kanzurebrlcad is 2.42 million lines of code, although tends to be much easier to maintain14:33
kanzureoh wait, i remember now14:34
kanzurebrlcad includes a bunch of randomly-vendorized things in its source code14:34
kanzurelike tk, tcl, tkhtml, xmltools, libpng, sqlite314:35
kanzurewithout that brlcad is 1.084 million lines of code14:36
dpkpaperbot: http://llc.oxfordjournals.org/content/7/4/218.full.pdf14:44
kanzurepaperbot should give out consolation prizes14:45
dpkperhaps we can work that into the new version14:47
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yoleaux404 Not Found14:52
yoleauxSign In14:52
nmz787_i"Historicl Thesaurus Datanase Using Ingres"14:52
nmz787_iwhy did spelling errors get past the editors?14:52
kanzuredata entry happens afterwards14:53
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nmz787_ithis guy seems like he's smart and interested in collab https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/oce-dev/vYgwOcQe7_c15:10
nmz787_i"Thomas Paviot"15:10
kanzurehe hates me15:10
nmz787_idid you tell him off???15:10
kanzurehe told me off :)15:10
nmz787_iusually isn't it the other way around?15:11
nmz787_iat least first15:11
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kanzurei don't really want to go dig up the circumstances, but it involved an email from him to me where he laid out all the wonderful reasons why he thought i was a terrible person15:12
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kanzureoh yeah.. they were angry about a presentation i did about opencascade.15:14
kanzure"We trusted you but you decided you go by your own, without even sending us any draft of your presentation. You failed. It's a fault. In any professional organization, you would immediately be fired. As a consequence, we do not ever want to have something to do with you again, whether or not it's related to pythonocc. I also removed your email adress from the pythonocc-users ml. Good bye, and good luck anyway for your future projects."15:15
-!- EnLilaSko [EnLilaSko@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]15:16
kanzurefwiw, i apologized to them but they didn't reply15:17
nmz787_idid you badmouth them or something?15:18
nmz787_i'this project sucks'?15:19
nmz787_idid you give away trade sekrets?15:19
kanzurehm, maybe? that's possible15:19
seba-kanzure wtf lol15:22
seba-what did you do15:22
seba-that you got disowned15:22
kanzuregave a presentation in public15:22
kanzuredidn't show them the slides before i presented15:22
seba-what are they 13?15:23
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seba-i don't get it15:23
seba-trusted you? what?15:23
kanzurepeople are allowed to dislike other people15:23
seba-i don't get it15:23
kanzurein fact, i dislike tons of people15:23
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seba-no but i don't get it15:24
seba-what you did wrong15:24
seba-in their eyes15:24
seba-i don't see it15:24
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jrayhawk_sounds like a delightful sort of "we must unify identities and share motivations at all times" sort of collaboration15:47
nmz787_ikanzure: do you still have the slides you presented?15:55
nmz787_istop not-sharing them with us, you not-sharer15:56
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kanzurehah. yes i should have those somewhere.16:44
kanzurepossibly even on the web16:44
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kanzure"Very high resolution space telescope using the Earth atmosphere as the objective lens" http://trs-new.jpl.nasa.gov/dspace/bitstream/2014/19082/1/98-0286.pdf17:00
nmz787_ihmm, i would think gravity would differ enough to cause some aberration of the lens17:01
nmz787_imaybe I'm bad at physics though17:01
kanzurehm, you could use high altitude weather balloons and other sources for weather data to compute atmospheric conditions that are influencing the signal17:06
delinquentmekanzure, nmz787 By calculating the gravity distortion effects on light from a known cluster of galaxies, we make a *REALLY* fucking big telescope http://www.kurzweilai.net/a-telescope-bigger-than-a-galaxy17:06
kanzure.title http://frontierfields.org/17:08
yoleauxPushing the Limits of the Hubble Space Telescope17:08
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kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2009/pp/b909128a18:15
yoleauxThe sunny side of chemistry: green synthesis by solar light18:15
kanzurei think their idea is "you can mass-produce photopolymers faster than you can produce solar cells"18:15
gene_hackerpolymers are cheaper than silicon18:37
gene_hackerthat and that's probably better than how we do chemistry now18:38
gene_hackerusing large amounts of heat18:38
kanzuresolar cells are reusable, at least18:43
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nmz787kanzure: just send me one of these and i'll measure everything http://www.intelligentmp.com/sf100xcel.html21:10
yoleaux12 Jun 2014 17:39Z <kanzure> nmz787: you should take measurements on the microscope's ocular ports and projector's exit port, and then tell me those numbers, so that i can figure out adapter things21:10
yoleaux12 Jun 2014 17:39Z <kanzure> nmz787: also pics of those two's ports would help (but the measurements are more important i think)21:10
kanzuredebian was mailing itself to the department of commerce? https://ftp-master.debian.org/crypto-in-main/notification-for-archive.txt21:24
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nmz787kanzure: didn;t find the slides?21:59
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kanzurethe who?22:13
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kanzurean okay generic su8 page http://memscyclopedia.org/su8.html22:47
kanzurewin 522:50
kanzurethis seems silly,23:04
kanzure.title http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092540051300717X23:04
yoleauxChemical synthesis and sensing in inexpensive thread-based microdevices23:04
kanzure"Here, we report chemical syntheses (inorganic and organic) and sensing using threads as microchannels. We first characterized the liquid transport through thread channels and then measured typical sample losses due to adsorption and evaporation. Next, we demonstrated synthesis of ferric hydroxide in a Y-geometry thread reactor and detected the product by colorimetry. Our low-cost device gave a product yield of 84% compared to a test ...23:04
kanzure... tube-based synthesis. We also synthesized (with ∼72% yield) and detected colorless 2,4-dichloro-N-(2-morpholinoethyl) benzamide in an attempt to demonstrate an organic reaction in a thread device. Finally, we successfully detected bovine serum albumin and the glucose present in blood plasma as examples of detection of chemical substances relevant in diagnostics. Our results indicate that cotton and silk threads are indeed suitable ...23:05
kanzure... materials for incorporation into field-deployable disposable chemical reaction and sensing systems."23:05
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3779262/23:05
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kanzuredefinitely a bug23:05
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3779262/pdf/BIOMGB-000007-051501_1.pdf23:05
kanzurecapillary circuit components http://wikisites.mcgill.ca/djgroup/images/archive/b/b3/20131004150519!38-Safavieh-Capillarics-LabChip-2013-Final.pdf23:10
ebowdenpaperbot http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092540051300717X23:19
kanzuresu8/pdms inkjet printer http://www.rsc.org/images/loc/2013/PDFs/Papers/214_0483.pdf23:23
yoleauxTour of Ben's shop 201223:24
nmz787"I'd say that a CNC mill is probably the single most versatile piece of mechanical manufacturing equipment that you can buy.  If you can afford and have space for a full-size mill, you will be in really good shape in terms of being able to make almost any reasonable part.  Some of the smaller tabletop CNCs are not able to cut metal (even aluminum) very much at all, so they are much more limited.  You can certainly cur threads on the CNC, but ...23:25
nmz787... just having a tap set is often more than sufficient for most projects."23:25
* kanzure sleeps23:26
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