
--- Log opened Mon Jun 16 00:00:36 2014
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superkuhpaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.aa.25.090187.00050300:40
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.mi.49.100195.00343108:41
yoleauxAn Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie08:41
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.mi.31.100177.00054308:42
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.mi.29.100175.00031508:42
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.micro.53.1.21708:44
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.micro.54.1.73508:44
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kanzure"Impalefection is a method of introducing DNA bound to a surface of a nanofiber that is inserted into a cell. This approach can also be implemented with arrays of nanofibers that are introduced into large numbers of cells and intact tissue."09:00
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kanzurezeiss/bio-rad microscope monopoly stuff09:22
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kanzureWarning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "wiki:YouTube" in /var/www/hackteria/wordpress/wiki/extensions/Widgets/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 109509:28
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kanzureParahSailin: why is hplc more common than surface display of proteins?10:06
kanzureprotein purification10:07
ParahSailinbecause surface display is not a method for protein purification?10:08
kanzurewell why isn't it? display the proteins, remove the cells10:09
ParahSailinits not gonna be pure10:11
ParahSailinpichia is relatively "clean" at secreting only what you want into the media, but you still have to purify10:16
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369703X1100032510:21
ParahSailini had gotten this from the researcher10:21
ParahSailinbut count that as another useful genetic material that that vegetarian wuss didnt want10:21
kanzurewhat about some sort of magnetic fusion protein and some way to wash off the magnetic part10:23
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kanzurehere's a weird method, http://2013.igem.org/Team:CU-Boulder/Project/Kit/Purification10:25
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ParahSailinthey get 50% purity from the intein cleavage and centrifugation deal10:25
ParahSailinthats pretty good for something that crude10:25
ParahSailinyeah i also had an ELP tag in my stock10:26
ParahSailinthese highly repetitive sequences are a bitch with cloning10:27
kanzure"homemade miniprep spin column" http://2013.igem.org/Team:CU-Boulder/Project/Kit/DNAPurification10:28
kanzuremeh protein purification is more impressive10:29
ParahSailinhplc is a four letter acronym, but its pretty simple in principle10:33
ParahSailinit doesnt really take that much to do it on a preparatory or industrial scale10:34
-!- Guest86512 is now known as maaku10:46
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=abd72b8c Bryan Bishop: other igem projects from 2013 >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/dna/projects/10:49
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kanzureParahSailin: what about this method, http://2010.igem.org/Team:INSA-Lyon/Project/Stage2/Theory#anne311:14
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TechnicusHello, does anyone have suggestions for building a mount to hanf filament spools over a makerbot?11:21
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gradstudentbotJust wait until the ethics review board never hears about this.11:25
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TechnicusIs this an approporate place to ask about how to design things to print with 3d printers?12:40
nshas long as you don't ask about the appropriateness of asking12:40
archelsTechnicus: yes, it is. but your question is somewhat specific, so the odds of finding someone here are relatively low.12:41
archelsperhaps posting in the appropriate forum/mailing list/newsgroup will yield a greater response12:41
archelsthat is not to say that you shouldn't stick around and shoot your ideas at us. someone might even shoot back. :)12:42
TechnicusWell, I have access to a maker bot and I want to design things to print with it.  I am on a Linux bases machine, what software is avaliable for Linux platforms?12:43
* archels eyes kanzure 12:44
TechnicusHere is an answer to my question: < http://www.makerbot.com/support/guides/design/ >.12:47
chris_99also #reprap is extremely knowledgable about 3d printery stuff12:51
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kanzurechris_99: or #makerbot since he has a makerbot. i assume the #makerbot people would be more useful.13:06
chris_99ah not 'erd of that one13:06
kanzureused to be larger until makerbot torpedoed their brand13:07
gradstudentbotIs this going to count as my ethics training?13:09
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yottabitthis is far as i got during an interview today: https://gist.github.com/heath/b3633a2b67731abce756 took about an hour to get that much, kept realizing just how tough this problem is due to edge cases14:11
yottabitit's not even finished, doesn't have test cases, etc. :(14:11
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yottabitgot up to l35, guess i should finish it14:13
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kanzureyottabit: did you consider using the urlparse module14:39
yottabityeah, no libs were allowed14:40
yottabitfirst thing i asked14:40
kanzureyou are using re14:40
kanzurethey are liars14:40
yottabitexcept re14:40
yottabitright :)14:40
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kanzurei posted the 35mm film trick, https://groups.google.com/d/msg/diybio/5hpQXZ6hFKY/baGNfY_-Wx8J17:35
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kanzure"I like the honey badger analogy, but imho it's more akin to an exponentially growing nest of killer bees"18:12
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eudoxiahere's a better post: http://www.reddit.com/r/cryonics/comments/256pkd/should_i_use_alcor_or_the_cryonics_institute_for/18:58
justanotheruserhello AshleyWaffle18:59
* AshleyWaffle nibbles justanotheruser19:00
eudoxiacrowdfunding a pet's cryopreservation19:00
eudoxiawhat an era we live in19:00
justanotheruserAshleyWaffle: please no19:00
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kanzureeudoxia, you're not supposed to positively reinforce reddit links >:|19:51
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-!- delinquentme [~dingo@] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:12
justanotheruserkanzure: what about yc links?20:13
delinquentmefenn, +1 on the poang chair20:13
kanzureso far those haven't demonstrated a problem20:13
delinquentmesrsly comfy20:13
kanzureyou will be judged for linking to crap20:13
gradstudentbotSigh, my invasive fruit flies won’t have sex for me.20:15
justanotherusernow I want to link to /r/bitcoin posts to make fun of ignorance20:15
kanzuremaking fun of ignorance is acceptable, although only in small doses20:15
kanzurei am trying to avoid a constant stream of shitty "infotainment" links20:16
kanzurea lot of transhumanists get sucked into a void reading news articles that ultimately only serve to entertain them20:16
kanzureand i don't want any of that in here20:17
kanzure(there's often better entertainment anyway)20:17
justanotheruserkanzure: entertainment is for plebs?20:17
kanzurethat sounds like a very different statement20:18
* justanotheruser quiety goes back to #celebtriy-gossip20:18
kanzurenothing about "plebs" (wtf)20:18
kanzurei know it might seem odd to you, but i'm also pretty certain you've never seen another transhumanist group20:19
kanzureand i assure you that they are universally broken and do nothing20:19
delinquentmenew mechanism for cleaning damaged mitochondria http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-06-mitochondria-neurons-neighbors-trash.html20:19
kanzureit makes the people in here look like demigods :(20:19
kanzuredelinquentme is the king of shitty infotainment20:19
kanzurehe's been addicted for years20:20
justanotheruserkanzure: I've been in /r/transhumanism and its all pretty pictures20:20
kanzurehaha you looked20:20
delinquentmeemotions are a real component in motivation :D20:20
justanotheruserkanzure: sorry, I didn't mean anything about the entertainment is for plebs other than a poorly thought out joke20:21
kanzuredelinquentme: there are emotions that exist outside of reddit linkbait20:21
kanzurejustanotheruser: ah okay, thanks20:21
delinquentmekanzure, are you suuure?20:21
justanotheruserkanzure: All other transhumanism communities are broken though?20:22
justanotheruserI came here from reddit btw20:22
kanzuredidn't i abduct you from bitcoin things?20:23
justanotheruserkanzure: no, we just saw each other on #bitcoin-dev a few times I think20:23
kanzuremy abduction machine must be broken20:23
justanotheruser/r/nanotech said you were still maintaining nanoengineer-120:23
justanotheruserbut I stayed for the transhumanism20:23
kanzurethat is an impressively broad definition of maintenance20:24
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justanotheruserkanzure: Is the biggest roadblock in NE-1 lack of useage and is the biggest roadblock in usage python2?20:27
kanzurelack of usage- nope20:28
kanzurethe biggest problem is that the source code was very poorly written20:28
justanotheruserThat sucks considering how many man hours went into the code20:28
kanzureat least 4 years of 10 programmers iirc20:28
justanotheruserfull time for all 10?20:29
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gradstudentbotI'm glad you brought that up, I'm going to do that right now.20:29
kanzurenanorex was chewing through cash like crazy20:29
justanotheruserThey didn't have a source of income did they?20:30
kanzureit was all funded off of the proceeds of some dot com ftp company20:30
justanotheruserhmmm, would be nice if they paid 5 good programmers20:31
kanzurebasically it needs to be refactored20:32
kanzurethe gui components need to be separated from the underlying modeling stuff20:32
kanzureand modules should not have 300 lines of import statements20:32
justanotheruserplease tell me that is an exaggurationnetwork-manager-openvpn is already the newest version.20:33
justanotheruserI ctrl+v's20:33
* justanotheruser projectile vomits onto gradstudentbot 20:34
gradstudentbotI don't think my PI remembers me.20:34
kanzurewho is your PI?20:39
kanzurejustanotheruser: the other thing is, it's hard to dig up the motivation to refactor it, since the actual simulation parts are the third-party libraries20:41
justanotheruserkanzure: all the simulation/modeling is third party?20:41
kanzuremodeling is in-house20:41
kanzuredumped to standard formats20:41
kanzurelike mmp20:41
kanzureoops wait, mmp is their custom format20:42
kanzurei mean the other ones, like the pdb-compatible type20:43
kanzuregene_hacker: reasons i should refactor nanoengineer?20:43
justanotheruserkanzure: Estimate the number of programmer-hours needed to rebuild from the core and utilize all the useful stuff they built20:45
justanotheruserAlso, was it poorly written because researchers wrote it?20:46
kanzurei dunno if they were researchers20:46
kanzureit is easy for source code to become poorly written20:46
kanzuredingo has experience in that department ;)20:46
dingoresearchers are notorious for bad code20:47
kanzurejustanotheruser: i would say at least a few houndred hours20:48
kanzurefrom the same person20:48
-!- HashNuke [uid12117@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ajjypldjnctjxkfx] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:48
kanzurenot impossible, but still annoying20:48
dingoby the time you finish re-writing, you've learned so much more about designing software you want to re-write it all over again20:49
justanotheruserkanzure: do you think that would put a little momentum behind the project?20:49
kanzureyou could get a reasonably good library going for <100 hours that does many of the same things20:49
dingoits an infinite loop, at some point you just accept what you have and deal with the hairy parts and finish the damn thing20:49
kanzureso, the reason why momentum dropped off was because nanorex stopped paying people20:49
kanzurebut the other reason is because nanorex couldn't find anyone who wanted to use it20:49
dingosometimes incremental refactoring and documentation can go a lot farther than a complete rewrite20:50
justanotheruserahead of their time?20:50
kanzuremore like.. perpendicular to their time.20:50
kanzuresay you have designed a beautiful carbon-diamond nanomachine. now what??20:50
justanotheruserI have no idea how to interpret that20:50
justanotheruserkanzure: that leads me to believe ahead of their time20:50
kanzurewell, i mean, you can drag atoms around and stuff20:50
kanzurewell okay20:51
kanzureit is hard to write software when you don't know what the use case is20:51
kanzurejust a front-end to design simulation scenarios for molecular dynamics simulators??20:52
kanzurethat's okay, but it would be way better to be explicit about that20:52
justanotheruserkanzure: well you can make DNA origamis right?20:53
kanzurekinda, cadnano might be better in that department by now (haven't checked in a looong time)20:54
kanzurehttp://cadnano.org/ "cadnano simplifies and enhances the process of designing three-dimensional DNA origami nanostructures. Through its user-friendly 2D and 3D interfaces it accelerates the creation of arbitrary designs. The embedded rules within cadnano paired with the finite element analysis performed by cando, provide relative certainty of the stability of the structures."20:54
justanotheruseropen source?20:54
justanotheruserok thanks20:54
justanotherusernanoengineers seems more like an AIO20:55
kanzureugly kitchen sink :)20:55
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kanzureyes/no? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Applied-Biosystems-391-DNA-Synthesizer-PCR-Mate-/121364913113?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c41e99bd921:03
kanzurejust as a toy21:03
kanzurefeel like i've seen this cheaper, dunno21:03
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kanzurelolz "Cycle time: 5.6 minutes"21:05
kanzurehahah "Coupling efficiency: >98%"21:05
kanzure"List: $26,700" pffft21:06
kanzure"pls ship to Ayman al-Zawahiri" <nmz787's address>21:12
-!- ruthie [~ruthie@CPEbcc810070371-CMbcc81007036e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:16
kanzurethis guy gets it21:16
kanzurebin laden is so last century21:16
-!- sapiosexual [~sapiosexu@d173-183-74-18.bchsia.telus.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:18
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kanzurenmz787: want it?21:20
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kanzuresimilar model is going for 7x http://www.ebay.com/itm/Applied-Biosystems-394-DNA-RNA-Synthesizer-with-Spares-and-Manuals-/321431197201?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ad6cad61121:22
kanzure$500 seems ok21:23
kanzureha! "This unit will hook directly to a McIntosh. This Hypercard® program lets you import, edit and store sequences on the computer, then download them to the ABI 391 without additional keystrokes."21:24
-!- PoohBear is now known as YourGrandma21:41
kanzuredimensions: 21" wide, 16" high, 15" deep21:41
-!- YourGrandma is now known as Your_Grandma21:42
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kanzuredeets http://www.pemed.com/lab/synthes/synthes.htm21:54
kanzure"the most important bullshit rule with Jackson Labs is the company must have had the same address for the past 3 years. so plan 3 years ahead."21:54
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nmz787apparently these columns are compatible http://www.lifetechnologies.com/order/catalog/product/431634122:02
nmz787just shy of $10 each22:02
kanzurewe could either use the synthesizer or do a teardown and reverse engineer any software22:03
kanzureor both22:03
nmz787"the printer formerly know as prints"22:03
nmz787it says 'extremely clean'22:04
nmz787'externally '22:04
kanzure"externally clean"22:04
kanzureone of the tubes is dirty or something22:04
kanzure"The instrument's phosphoramidite tubing will need to be replaced since it is clogged"22:04
nmz787hopefully the valves are OK22:04
kanzure"I will include a section of the old tubing as a sample since I had removed it from the instrument when I was working on it."22:05
kanzurealso we'd need to do some stencil artwork on the sides22:05
nmz787i haven't actually priced $/bp for a machine like this, I'd always just assumed it was too much such that my school never used the one they had22:05
kanzurelike this- http://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000002388095-jxf9rp-crop.jpg?30a255822:06
nmz787it would certainly be awesome for learing with and trying to get running, taking lots of pics and maybe firmware dumps22:06
nmz787who knows what the software is22:06
nmz787no way22:06
nmz787i thought that was a joke post22:06
nmz787like on the onion.com22:06
kanzurereality is worse than fiction22:07
kanzureso i'll buy this and ship it to you, if you'll commit to doing at least a well-documented teardown22:07
kanzurethis is also ok to ship to your home address?22:07
nmz787that will be good for takeitapart too maybe22:07
nmz787uh, i guess use the other22:07
nmz787the the highway one22:08
kanzure21" wide, 16" high, 15" deep22:08
kanzuregot a way to move it?22:08
nmz787yeah i have a car and suv22:08
nmz787though I think I need at least a new battery for the SUV22:08
nmz787I'll need to get an argon tank and some regulator stuff i guess22:10
kanzurecheck gchat for address confirmation22:10
nmz787in case there's a chance this works22:11
kanzurei think we can use dyed water to test operation22:11
kanzure"You will receive an email confirmation shortly"22:15
kanzuredefinitely need to repaint it22:19
kanzuremy vote is http://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000002388095-jxf9rp-crop.jpg?30a255822:19
gradstudentbotThe lab meeting was cancelled.22:20
bkerooh hey it's a phage22:20
bkerolooks like sputnik22:20
kanzurei'm open to other ideas22:20
bkeroThat phage needs a sinister mustache.22:22
kanzurecould also go for propaganda.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/aubrey.jpg22:24
bkeroaubrey looks like hell in that22:26
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kanzureobviously what we need here is a graffiti artist22:35
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nmz787lenovo put my laptop fan right where i'd like to set my beer22:48
kanzurebeige office equipment always reminds me of the borg22:50
kanzurethe color should be renamed xerox beige22:50
-!- Adifex is now known as night22:51
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=790221922:55
yoleauxLattice's $24.99 FPGA Evaluation Kit22:55
bkeroCheap FPGA22:56
kanzure.title http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ICE40HX1K-STICK-EVN/220-2656-ND/428960422:56
yoleauxICE40HX1K-STICK-EVN Lattice Semiconductor Corporation22:56
kanzure.title http://vimeo.com/9832105122:59
yoleauxBE200 Immersion Test on Vimeo22:59
kanzureimmersion of asicminer22:59
kanzurehmm i would expect people to be using needles to inject flows into specific areas, instead of letting the board geometry determine where the flow goes23:01
nmz787the weird thing is i was just looking at digikey's FPGA page yesterday and earlier23:03
nmz787and i couldn't find much info on the ice40 chip23:03
nmz787cause it was the cheapest on digikey23:03
nightCan anyone here offer recommendations for consumer grade EEG headsets?23:03
kanzure1) don't do it 2) emotiv sucks, but is probably your best bet for "consumer"23:03
nightwhat is your reasoning behind number one, kanzure?23:04
kanzurei have used it and it sucks23:04
nightsay I wanted to control a web browser with three functions: "click," "back," and "forward"23:04
nightwould it be accurate enough for that?23:04
kanzureyes, sorta23:06
kanzureDaeken: ping23:06
gene_hackerreasons you should refactor nanoengineer?23:10
gene_hackerwell it's a really nice piece of software for drawing and simulating atoms23:10
nightkanzure: I arrived at Emotiv as well, so it looks like I will be getting it. Is there anything they don't tell you about it that I should know?23:10
kanzuregene_hacker: so, for simulation setup?23:10
gene_hackerand it looks like the lab group I'm in will be using it23:11
-!- defalt [403ec90e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:11
kanzureyo defalt23:12
gene_hackerbecause it's great for sketching stuff out fast23:12
kanzurei see23:12
kanzureso, you mean the GUI?23:12
kanzurewhen i was thinking about refactoring it, i was thinking of leaving the GUI behind23:12
kanzureand just doing a small programming tool23:12
kanzurebut if the primary usefulness is GUIness....23:12
gene_hackerwell, there are plenty of atomistic simulation tools23:12
gene_hackerlike LAMMPS and what not23:13
gene_hackerthey're just really hard to use and setup23:13
kanzureso, ideally, should it restrict you to physically possible molecules, or let you attach any atoms23:13
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gene_hackerI just want to be able to do metals23:13
nightkanzure: I would like to talk briefly sometime if you aren't busy23:13
kanzurenight: emotiv sucks. their software is proprietary.23:14
gene_hackeror put in pseudo atoms that represent groups of atoms23:14
kanzurehowever, a certain someone blackmailed his way into acquiring their source code23:14
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nmz787well here's this http://www.latticesemi.com/~/media/Documents/Handbooks/iCE40FamilyHandbook.pdf23:14
kanzurenight: the dildo guy has been maintaining the software that daeken and i wrote for emotiv reverse engineering reasons, https://github.com/openyou/emokit23:15
nmz787gene_hacker: have you done programming?23:15
nmz787kanzure: what language is it?23:15
gene_hackernow if somebody could do it for the new kinect23:15
kanzureemokit is in python and C23:15
nmz787no nano23:15
kanzurenanoengineer is in python23:15
gene_hackernmz787, all day everyday23:15
gene_hackeryou guessed it23:15
nightkanzure: their EEG description seems to imply (http://emotiv.com/eeg/) that the raw data is accessible. What parts are proprietary?23:16
nightThanks for the link.23:16
nmz787so have you started debugging it gene_hacker ?23:16
kanzurenight: raw data is accessible for their 'research' license. unless you use emokit.23:16
gene_hackerdebugging what? nanoengineer?23:16
nmz787like does it allow you to add more bonds? yeah23:16
kanzurenmz787: nanorex abbreviated NE-123:16
kanzure*abbreviated it23:16
nightOk, thank you23:16
gene_hackersort of23:16
nmz787it would seem the answer would be either it does or it restricts you from doing so23:17
kanzureyou mean in the source code?23:17
kanzureit's not very clear :)23:17
nmz787not restricting you from adding bonds doesn't mean it runs correctly afterwards23:18
gene_hackerit currently restricts me from doing so23:18
nmz787ok, so you can't add metals... not that adding them causes undefined behaviour23:18
nmz787e.g. doesn't work right23:18
kanzurethe README has a link to a chroot and instructions for running it23:18
gene_hackeryeah, when I ran a zinc porphyrin it seemed sort of funky23:18
gene_hackeralas, I don't know how a zinc porphyrin is supposed to behave23:19
gradstudentbotDid you order the carbon nanotubes yet?23:20
gene_hackeryes, but then I took a picture of them and they vanished!23:21
nmz787yo dawg, i heard you like locked loops, so I put a delay locked loop in your phase locked loop, so you can....23:23
nmz787... loop while you loop?23:23
kanzurecarbon nanotube evaporation due to photography23:23
kanzurethat seems very unfortunate23:23
kanzureor inconvenient23:23
gene_hackeror very convenient if you are making light triggered explosives or anti-cancer drugs.23:24
kanzurehahaha jojack put his photo as his lab site's hero shot http://biotechnbeyond.com/23:25
nmz787oh man, I bet pre-silicon clock engineers who use Windows to develop department tools would get confused over compiling the DLL23:25
gene_hacker*click* FLASH, all your cancer cells are dead23:25
nmz787i heard you like DLLs, so I compiled your DLL into a DLL23:26
nmz787so your program can import then contort23:27
kanzurebtw, i bought http://www.amscope.com/t120c.html23:27
nmz787sent to you?23:28
kanzurehaha yes23:28
nmz787cool, gonna do stuff in parallel?23:29
nmz787or webscope23:29
gradstudentbotThe fluorescent microscope is broken.23:29
kanzurenah this is just me realizing i don't have a microscope23:29
nmz787i can't tell if that has infinity objectives23:29
kanzureit probably does not23:29
nmz787cool, seems good enough23:29
kanzureother pages say "Corrected" or "Infinity corrected"23:29
nmz787for that23:29
nmz787infinity objectives on ebay aren't too bad23:30
nmz787but the big name brands are in the hundreds23:30
nmz787so who knows23:30
kanzurethis seems to be their most expensive http://www.amscope.com/t700a.html23:30
kanzure0.80 NA for $400 wtf?23:31
nmz787$620 trinocular http://www.microscopenet.com/infinitycorrected-trinocular-compound-microscope-40x1500x-p-8908.html23:32
kanzurethat comes with a 100x 1.25 NA objective23:32
nmz787"four high quality infinity-corrected plan objectives."23:32
kanzurewhy is the other one 0.80 NA and $40023:32
nmz787the .8 might not need oil?23:33
kanzureah you're right23:33
kanzurethat is cool23:33
nmz787or does it need stronger oil?23:33
nmz787the opposite?23:33
nightkanzure: it appears that the "Research SDK" is $750, and it includes the EEG headset. Meanwhile, the headset can be bought on its own for $750. Is there any reason I shouldn't get the Research SDK?23:33
kanzureheadset should be more like $100-20023:33
nmz787" 100X dry (immersion oil free) "23:33
kanzuream skeptical of $750 for just headset23:33
kanzureyou can probably get one on ebay for $5023:34
nightsomething's wrong with their pricing23:34
kanzurehm, nope not on ebay23:34
nmz7870.85 NA23:34
kanzurecould probably stick that on the end of a tube23:35
nmz787but there is something about the working distance taking the plastic cover layer into lensing effect account23:35
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.disc-group.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Blu-Ray-1-PhysicalFormatSpecs-BD-RE-1.065KB.pdf23:35
nmz787of the disc23:35
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 51, in _go)23:35
kanzuregradstudentbot: you fix it23:35
gradstudentbotShould I still be wearing gloves?23:35
nmz787JS wins!23:35
nmz787well, there is python involved23:36
nmz787the dynamic duo?23:36
kanzure.wik dynamic duo23:37
yoleaux"Disambiguation: Dynamic duo" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_duo23:37
kanzure.wik Dynamic Duo23:37
yoleaux"Dynamic Duo (Korean: 다이나믹듀오) is a Korean hip hop duo that consists of Choiza (Korean: 최자) and Gaeko (Korean: 개코) that are the main representative artists for urban music label, Amoeba Culture. Their debut album “Taxi Driver (2004) was the best-selling Hip Hop album in South Korea." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Duo23:37
nmz787I don't think you'd get good results trying to steal a bluray objective for an imaging microscope, but i'd be interested to find out what it would look like23:37
kanzure.g site:youtube.com taxi driver 200423:38
kanzure.g site:youtube.com dynamic duo taxi driver23:38
-!- augur [~augur@216-164-48-148.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]23:38
nmz787you beat me23:39
nmz787ok i should get to bed23:39
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AshleyWaffleI have another bci question23:55
* AshleyWaffle nibbles kanzure's attention neural nets :323:56
AshleyWaffleso, they did an experiment where they tried to scan someones dream onto a computer23:56
AshleyWafflewith limited success:23:56
AshleyWaffleso I wanna know, whats the bottleneck?23:56
AshleyWaffleneural understanding? data resolution? precision?23:57
AshleyWafflebecause they were really imprecise recordings23:57
ebowdenThere's probably a number of bottlenecks.23:58
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