
--- Log opened Wed Jun 18 00:00:38 2014
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kanzurehttps://github.com/wltrimbl/thumbnailpolish "scripts to visualize the thumbnail images from illumina sequencing machines"07:10
kanzurerecursive docker-within-docker https://github.com/dgageot/fiboid07:10
kanzure"NPAPI plugin for Chrome and Firefox that exposes fun VR devices" https://github.com/benvanik/vr.js07:12
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justanotheruserWould SKDB automatically buy your product from online stores?08:22
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=73d94953 DavidCary: Other discussions of various CAD packages >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/cadfaq/09:59
kanzurejustanotheruser: would be nice10:15
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kanzurehis contact for someone selling him the tubing is azco biotech...10:24
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kanzure100 pack of 1000 angstrom CPG columns for $350 http://azcobiotech.com/reagents/CPGCol.php10:32
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chris_99don't spose anyone knows whether anyone can buy medical grade oxygen in the UK per chance10:44
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seba-chris_99 why do you need it10:56
chris_99oxygenation during fermentation, apparently you could get away with industrial, possibly10:57
seba-chris_99, you can make it via electrolysis?10:58
seba-also industrial would work ok imo10:59
chris_99yeah it probably work actually10:59
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kanzurehaha brlcad has no way to render an image in their library11:24
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ParahSailintypical air contains about 200 mbar partial pressure of oxygen11:32
seba-ParahSailin not where i am!11:34
seba-ParahSailin, no, here it's ~198 mbar on average, it's because of the altitude!11:36
seba-oh well it's not such a difference :-(11:37
seba-i thought it's more11:37
seba-i can thou measure the difference11:37
seba-in boiling of water11:37
seba-it doesn't boil at 100 C11:37
kanzurewhere did all this come from https://github.com/raj12lnm/python-brlcad/commits/master11:38
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gradstudentbotMy experiment was working a second ago, but now it doesn't even work.11:39
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nmz787_ihmm, I really want one of these http://pro.sony.com/bbsc/ssr/product-DPTS1/?PID=I:digitalpaper:digitalpaperproductpage11:49
nmz787_iwish their price was 1/2 or 1/411:49
nmz787_iI have the opportunity to get one or two though11:49
nmz787_iso I wonder if they fail to become a mass-available product, if I don't get one now, I may never11:50
chris_99is it colour11:50
chris_99oh apparently not11:51
ParahSailinim sure if you wait, youll get something even better11:52
chris_99mm fancy colour electrowetting displays should come out soooon11:53
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nmz787_ii care only about the size, and the ability to zoom PDFs in a smooth manner11:58
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kanzuresynthesizer is shipped12:26
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kanzurei think we can buy all the chemicals from azco biotech12:37
kanzurebut the 6 weeks lifetime seems really really annoying12:37
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gradstudentbotYeah, there's a clear trend.12:39
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ParahSailinphosphoramidite has that bad of shelf life?12:42
kanzurenope, the phosphoramidite is distributed as a powder12:45
kanzureand has longer shelf life12:45
kanzureammonium hydroxide has the "don't use after 2 weeks after opening" warning12:46
kanzurein the manual12:46
kanzure"Phosphoramidites are stable in powder form for one year and should be stored at room temperature in a desiccator. Once they are dissolved, they should be used within approximately two weeks. After this time, coupling efficiencies may decrease. If they cannot be used within this time, you can freeze, store, thaw and then reuse the phosphoramidites. However, they may show a loss of activity."12:47
ParahSailinweird, ammonia must spontaneously turn into hydrazine or something, i better flush all my cleaning products down the toilet before they explode12:47
kanzureammonium hydroxide must also be stored at 4 celsius12:48
kanzure"Since all phosphoramidite reservoirs are pressurized simultaneously with a single valve, all five bottles must be attached to the instrument, even if some are empty, to perform a synthesis. Phosphoramidites are extremely sensitive to acid, oxygen and water. Once they are in solution and the protective cap is removed, quickly put them on the instrument to prevent contamination."12:49
kanzureacid, oxygen and water, might as well be sensitive to being looked at funny12:50
kanzure"quickly put them on the instrument" lolz12:50
ParahSailinsounds like an iron foundry12:50
ParahSailinif you arent utilizing it at full capacity, best not to run it at all12:51
kanzurethat does not sound like a good way to prevent contamination12:51
ParahSailinidt is the iron foundry12:51
kanzurejust think, this was all a nobel prize12:52
kanzurefor the 2 liters of "hazardous organic liquid waste" every 4 hours12:53
kanzurei wonder if there was a nobel prize for the oil refinery12:53
kanzurei demand it12:53
ParahSailinoh, now i understand why inosine costs so much at idt12:55
kanzure""Upon opening the bottle, quickly place it on the instrument. Use in a well ventilated area and avoid inhalation. Store at room temperature.""12:55
kanzure"Acetic anhydride-lutidine-tetrahydrofuran (THF), (1:1:8) is one half of the capping reagent. Atmospheric water will reduce its efficiency."12:56
kanzurebad news... i'm pretty sure atmospheric water is impossible to completely get rid of.12:57
ParahSailindo they tell you to store it with molecule sieves?12:57
kanzure"This device is best operated in the vacuum  of space."12:57
kanzurebetter get some meth gas masks to operate this thing12:58
ParahSailinlutidine smells like death12:59
kanzuredocs http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/abi391/12:59
ParahSailinbetter that you sent this death machine to nmz787_i13:00
ParahSailini do not have the necessary supply of forsaken children to use as the power source13:01
kanzurethat's okay, he'll get a cool biography titled "phosphoramidites i have known and loved"13:01
kanzure(aren't i clever?)13:02
ParahSailintoo soon13:03
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kanzurewhat's the difference between ctypes.c_voidp and ctypes.c_void_p?13:20
kanzurenevermind, neither work for my situation13:23
ParahSailinc_voidp = c_void_p # backwards compatibility (to a bug)13:26
kanzureSegmentation fault, yo13:26
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://jls.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/04/03/0261927X1452880413:34
kanzurewhat is the criteria of prolific lying?13:35
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kanzurehuh, 10 lies/day puts you in top 1% of liars13:41
kanzurei wonder if you can count the same lie twice13:42
ParahSailinno, thats double jeopardy13:44
nmz787_iyeah I'm pretty sure we can't afford to actually run that 391 as-is13:44
kanzuredo the math before concluding that13:45
nmz787_isubprocess is crashing my program, even though I have it in a try except13:45
kanzureuse sh13:45
kanzureterrible name, but ok library13:46
ParahSailinsubprocess isnt crashing it; you are13:46
kanzurehrm he hasn't done much since merging in my stuff https://github.com/amoffat/sh/commits/master13:48
kanzureargh this guy needs to split up his pull requests :( https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal/pull/256/files13:50
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caternpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167577X1300653814:03
ParahSailinoh sweet i have lots of goat hair14:05
kanzureyeah there was another weird paper the other day about using yarn for microfluidics14:05
caternso does paperbot's scrapers all live on university networks where they can scrape papers?14:06
kanzurebut i'm not sure how you're supposed to weave that tiny14:06
kanzurepaperbot travels through a transdimensional portal to a universe where papers are easily accessed14:06
caternah that is much simpler14:06
caternclever to do that14:06
ParahSailincatern is actually willing to provide a vm behind a paywall for us14:07
caternI saw, but I still don't get it14:07
caternoh, yeah, I am14:07
kanzurehm, at the moment paperbot does not have the ability to abuse that arrangement14:07
kanzurebut it is worth adding14:07
caternwell if it develops that capability, this is a standing offer14:11
ParahSailini would do a kickstarter to make paperbot work14:12
ParahSailinmoney is probably the only thing that would make me care enough to finish the job14:12
caternit would be nice to have an automated process to scrape things direct to libgen or wherever14:12
ParahSailinthats what was intended14:13
kanzurekickstarter is a bad idea14:13
kanzureyou don't want that much attention14:13
kanzureif you need money just fucking ask argh14:13
kanzurebut also, i'm paying dpk to do paperbot things14:14
kanzureand joepie91__14:14
kanzurei forgot about those two for a moment14:14
ParahSailinstill id rather have money from suckers instead14:14
ParahSailinbecause i wouldnt feel so bad that it could have been used better14:15
caternattention is useful, though, so you can "crowdsource" the scraping and make it go faster/safer14:15
caternyou want some attention at some point14:15
kanzureif you get attention then the universities cut you off14:16
kanzurei had a small android proxy app at some point, but you still have to do centralized communication with some server (possibly over tor)14:16
caternah... that is a lot easier way to block it, hm14:16
kanzureif you say you're downloading from university of utah, they will just block you14:17
kanzureand putting it on kickstarter is a good way to get noticed14:17
caternthat sure would be dystopian, though. universities blocking access to a website with papers14:17
kanzurethe android proxy idea was so that students could arbitrarily run the app themselves14:17
kanzureand then get paid in bitcoin from an anonymous service14:17
caternpeople will do it voluntarily14:17
kanzureuniversities constantly block people downloading papers14:17
gradstudentbotI really like him, but some of his work is really problematic.14:18
caternyeah, but you're suggesting they might block access to the server they're uploading to.14:18
caternscary to think of my uni blocking libgen14:18
kanzurelibgen will get blocked above the university level14:18
kanzuredns level etc14:18
caternwell, anyway, there's an easy middle ground. i'm sure many people would be willing to run a drop-in VM image on a university network14:19
kanzureif you are going to disturb the hornet nest, you should have a better plan than (1) publicly stating your name, (2) publicly stating who you're going to attack, and (3) putting it in front of 100's of thousands of people who will turn around and inform the publishers ("because it's stealing")14:20
caternand that way you can avoid downloading at such a high rate to be suspicious14:20
caternor just an application14:20
caternso don't publicly state your name or who you'll attack14:21
kanzureiirc there has never been an anonymous kickstarter campaign14:21
paskyi could host something too i guess14:21
caternoh, i wasn't thinking you'd actually use kickstarter14:21
kanzureyou fucking said kickstarter :(14:21
caternthere are plenty of self-hostable clones14:21
caternParahSailin said kickstarter!14:21
kanzureoh, well fuck him too then14:22
ParahSailini recuse myself14:22
caterni don't know why technical projects use kickstarter14:22
kanzurebecause it's an advertising channel14:22
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nmz787_ikanzure: shame on you for recommending things I can't use "if "windows" in platform.system().lower():14:22
nmz787_i    raise ImportError("sh %s is currently only supported on linux and osx. \14:22
nmz787_iplease install pbs 0.110 (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pbs) for windows \14:22
nmz787_isupport." % __version__)14:22
caterndoes it really have network effects? but there are so many clones14:22
kanzurenmz787_i: shame on you for using windows, that's your own fault14:22
kanzurecatern: kickstarter.com definitely has huge network effects14:23
ParahSailinnmz787_i: whats wrong with subprocess14:23
kanzurecatern: indiegogo is pathetic in comparison14:23
caternjesus kickstarter is 5%? i thought it was like 1%14:23
caternkanzure: i guess i just can't visualize the kind of person who regularly browses kickstarter14:23
kanzureeasily distracted by helvetica14:24
kanzureand youtube videos14:24
caternbut they actually go to kickstarter, the site itself? not just individual projects?14:24
kanzurethere's been studies on that14:24
kanzurepeople go back to check on the previous projects they funded, it shows other projects to them based on their interests14:25
kanzureif you're trending then you show up on their category views14:25
caterni've never funded anything so I wouldn't know14:25
kanzurei think at least 20% is from previous users14:25
kanzurestill need to have a campaign to get users and traffic flowing to your page though14:25
kanzure(this usually means terrible press releases and paying off journalists)14:26
caternanyway I can totally see even a self-hosted kickstarter-style campaign getting massive traction, lots of people want to get access to papers14:26
kanzureyou also have to make sure you fund 10% of it on your own within the first 5-30 minutes14:26
kanzurei don't remember any self-hosted crowdfunding campaign that raised any significant amount of money, ever14:26
kanzure(crowdfunding blows man)14:26
caternthere's been some games14:26
caternmediagoblin recently14:27
kanzurewere those pre-orders14:27
caternnot very significant14:27
caternwell, yeah14:27
caterni think i will start a startup14:27
caternand apply to YC14:27
kanzureanyway, i'll try not to discourage you too much from putting together your own campaign14:27
kanzurefor stealing papers from universities?14:27
caternand our product will be a14:27
caterni wonder if you could legitimize it somehow14:28
ParahSailinmega's plausible deniability strategy seems like it might stand up in some courts14:28
caternbecause there's a huge demand14:28
kanzurefindrs fees14:28
kanzure*finders fees14:28
kanzuremendeley legitimized it14:28
kanzureand somehow researchgate is doing the same thing14:29
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gradstudentbotI am kind of curious what he has a Ph.D. in, I can't really find this anywhere, it could be underwater basket weaving for all I know.14:29
kanzurethey are probably doing the "author of the paper shares it" strategy14:29
caternyou can get random papers off mendeley?14:29
kanzurenot anymore haha14:30
kanzureused to14:30
kanzuremendeley was uploading all your papers to their servers14:30
kanzure"for ocr metadata reasons"14:30
caternsomeone needs to re-legitimize it then14:30
caternget a few mil in VC funding14:30
caternrun for a few years14:30
caternthen go out in a blaze of lawsuits14:30
kanzureand why would they give you money14:31
ParahSailinserial bankruptcy is how lots of people get money14:31
joepie91__because intellectual synergy cloud reprioritization strategy acquisition14:31
joepie91__pls2gief money14:31
joepie91__(that seems to work for most VC-funded stuff)14:32
kanzurethere is often strategy that they don't reveal to the public14:32
joepie91__kanzure: you mean like HSBC funding drug cartels? :P14:32
kanzurehsbc drug cartels wasn't venture capital fundraising14:33
kanzureargh wtf14:33
kanzureanother plausible answer to "why would they give you money" is "because we'll make them a crapload of money by doing x"14:34
caternmaybe just persuade one of the PDF upload sites to have proper indexing and paper-finding whatever stuff14:34
caternadvertisements on papers14:35
caternadvertisements inserted between every 5 pages of the PDFs14:35
kanzuresome of the publishers are doing advertisements on papers14:35
kanzurepdfparanoia strips them out :) (at least one publisher's ads, at least)14:35
gradstudentbotThese findings indicate that extensive genetic engineering of human hematopoiesis can be achieved with lentiviral vectors.14:36
nmz787_iParahSailin: using pythonw to open a .py file which calls subprocess.Popen with PIPEs, this process then calls subprocess.Popen14:36
nmz787_iParahSailin:  the first time the first subprocess child calls subprocess.Popen ti works, the second time it crashes14:37
ParahSailincrashes how14:37
nmz787_iParahSailin: http://pastebin.com/kzBzHttP14:37
nmz787_iParahSailin: crashes and doesn't hit the except, seemingly14:37
nmz787_ias I over-rode sys.stderr and sys.stdout to also print to to a file14:38
joepie91__kanzure: I was joking :)14:38
nmz787_iso even though the GUI crashes... I thought I'd still retain the errors14:38
joepie91__catern: PDF upload site operator here, what do you need14:38
kanzurejoepie91__: lots of people honestly hold that opinion14:38
nmz787_ibut they aren't making it to the file14:38
joepie91__kanzure: Poe's law14:38
nmz787_iand strangely the pythonw.exe lingers14:38
gradstudentbotI need to send that abstract.14:39
ParahSailinuse the strace14:39
caternjoepie91__: some way to make sure the ripped PDFs on your site don't go away when you do14:41
gradstudentbotCan I get some more media?14:41
caternjoepie91__: also a generic interface would be nice too14:41
joepie91__catern: my site auto-mirrors all public docs to IA on an hourly cronjob14:41
ParahSailin(do all serious windows work on cygwin)14:42
joepie91__as for generic interface, what do you mean?14:42
kanzureParahSailin: yeah, at this point windows is too annoying for me without cygwin14:42
kanzureParahSailin: even if i end up calling windows binaries, still..14:42
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caternjoepie91__: like the libgens, they're all identical and interchangeable so when one goes down no-one cares. hmm, does libgen have an API?14:42
ParahSailinlibgen is russian php14:43
joepie91__I think they offer dumps14:43
joepie91__or did so in the past, anyway14:43
ParahSailindoes the kalashnikov have an api?14:43
caterni have wanted to upload things to libgen14:43
caternbut could not find out how14:43
joepie91__but yeah, libgen is more of a paper/book hosting service, PDFy is more of a generic PDF hostt14:43
joepie91__host *14:44
joepie91__though I'm looking into ODT/EPUB support in the long term14:44
kanzurenot dumps, torrents14:44
kanzurewhich nobody seeds14:44
ParahSailincatern: see paperbot in github for how to upload14:44
kanzurebecause who has time to seed 12 TB of torrents14:44
* bkero raises hand14:44
kanzurewell go do it14:44
bkeroAssuming good saturation I can do it in a little bit over a day.14:45
caternParahSailin: well I think I did find out but my PDF was too big for their public api or something14:45
joepie91__bkero: I think the saturation was a problem14:45
kanzurethere's only one seeder14:45
kanzurehas been for years14:45
bkerooh, huh14:45
kanzureeveryone else has been too lazy14:45
bkeroWait, 12TB torrent. What is it?14:45
* joepie91__ doesn't have 12TB space14:45
kanzureno, about 1000 torrents, a total of 12 TB14:45
caternclerical data14:46
kanzureeach one is about 10,000 pdfs14:46
caternbittorrent is a nice protocol for distributed shared immutable files14:47
caterni.e. exactly this14:47
caterndistributed shared is repeating myself repetitively14:47
kanzurei would say it's only good if people actually seed it14:47
kanzureso, go seed it yourself14:47
caternbittorrent just needs better tooling so people can seed the PDFs they download without having to keep them in the same place or with the same name14:49
kanzureso you mean "people should invent symlinks" ?14:50
bkeroor hardlinks14:50
caternhm, does inotify tell you when a file is moved, and where it moves?14:51
bkeroIf you just keep the torrent daemon running, you can move the file and it will still seed14:51
kanzuremoving files around sounds like an extremely unrelated issue14:51
caternor just hardlinks14:51
bkerosince it keeps the fd open14:51
caternso, then. someone needs to write a tiny bit of glue code that hardlinks your libgen pdfs together, grouped by torrent14:52
caternin directories, i mean14:52
gradstudentbotWho got mustard on my cell culture?14:53
caternbkero: but what happens when you restart14:53
caternkanzure: i'm just saying why i personally don't send all the libgen pdfs i have on my system14:53
kanzureyou think that the lack of the glue code is the reason why nobody is seeding?14:53
joepie91__I should probably mention here that popcorn time does a similar thing for streaming video, and it got the MPAA pretty scared14:53
caternit's why i'm not seeding14:53
kanzure*that's* the reason why you're not seeding??14:53
caternyes, it's too much effort14:53
joepie91__catern: FWIW, some clients like Tixati let you move the file from the client interface itself14:53
caterni'd have to figure out which PDF is from which torrent14:53
joepie91__and it'll happily continue seeding from the new location14:54
kanzurethat's the silliest reason i have heard :)14:54
joepie91__(or even change the location after the fact, and it'll pick up on the original file that's already there)14:54
caternwhich would be a pain14:54
bkerocatern: why would you restart?14:54
caternbkero: because Big Publishing found a linux 0day and they're coming after your box14:55
bkerocatern: Okay. I'll take those chances.14:56
joepie91__if you're bored, write a graphical frontend that lets you search libgen for documents, and then automatically seeds them as you download them14:56
joepie91__problem solved14:56
kanzure.title http://torrent.rus.ec/viewforum.php?f=18614:56
yoleauxБиблиотека 'Либрусек' (Официальные релизы) :: torrent.rus.ec14:56
joepie91__(partially seeded torrents are a thing)14:56
caternthat's what I'm suggesting, except without the graphical frontend14:56
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bkerojoepie91__: didn't someone get prosecuted and hounded until he committed suicide for similar behavior?14:56
caternsince you can just hash your downloaded pdfs to find out which pdf they correspond to in the torrent14:57
joepie91__bkero: can't recall that14:57
caternit doesn't sound too hard, actually14:57
kanzurebkero: no, aaronsw didn't reach the stage of prosecution iirc14:57
caterni wish libgen wasn't so russian14:57
kanzurewhat's wrong with russian14:57
bkerokanzure: the hounding stage?14:57
caterni would like to read their forums and stuff14:57
kanzurelearn some fucking russian, don't be a baby14:58
* joepie91__ doesn't see what aaron has to do with above proposal?14:58
kanzurejoepie91__: bkero mentioned him14:58
ParahSailinthe letters are just greek with some hairy bits14:58
caternenglish-language chauvinism has served me well so far14:58
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joepie91__yes, I'm refering to [23:57] <bkero> joepie91__: didn't someone get prosecuted and hounded until he committed suicide for similar behavior?14:58
joepie91__there's a pretty big difference between writing a graphical frontend, and mass-downloading documents14:58
kanzureрусский язык, как сладкий запах навоза14:58
joepie91__even if both are morally absolutely okay, they're not the same kind of thing14:59
joepie91__and likely won't trigger the same kind of response14:59
kanzure"with some hairy bits" haha14:59
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caternis there a place that has all the torrent files rather than magnet links for libgen?15:03
kanzureit's on one of the servers by ftp15:03
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kanzureif you find it, drop the link15:20
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kanzure.tell nmz787 alltronics stuff has shipped15:32
yoleauxkanzure: I'll pass your message to nmz787.15:32
kanzurejoepie91__: neat trick, although i htink it's a public list (e.g., not the people that have paid $200k? not sure)15:33
kanzureit may be the "sign up for announcements" list15:33
joepie91__I think that's exactly what it was.15:33
kanzure.tell nmz787 alltronics shipping charges cost more than the synthesizer shipping charges15:44
yoleauxkanzure: I'll pass your message to nmz787.15:44
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kanzurehm there's a python-librtlsdr and pyrtlsdr http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr16:01
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kanzuresomeone is claiming lildlper is doing 37 micron layers16:15
kanzurewith this 1080p projector http://www.amazon.com/Acer-H6510BD-Theater-Projector-White/dp/B00B97ZKIA16:15
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kanzurelarger prints: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ktwaaavu5pv5ans/2014-06-13%2017.32.02.jpg16:16
kanzurerabbit next to penny https://www.dropbox.com/s/crfls4d3gba64j5/2014-06-12%2018.29.32.jpg16:17
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kanzurewhy didn't any of those "3d printer plastic" bacterial culture companies ever do anything16:48
kanzuredid it turn out to be more expensive than making normal plastic spools?16:49
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ParahSailini had one of those strains17:47
ParahSailinguess who didnt want it17:47
kanzurewas it me? fuck me17:50
* kanzure looks at http://cs.umd.edu/~amiller/nonoutsourceable_full.pdf17:53
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nmz787_i'Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)'17:54
kanzurewasn't there an IUPAC classification thing17:55
nmz787_iumm, IUPAC is naming/acronym rules I guess17:56
kanzurewhich symbol should i use for "curses your gametes with black magic"?17:56
kanzureah, perfect http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/danger/publi/ghs/TDGpictograms/5-2red_noir.gif17:57
kanzureoh is black magic supposed to be radiation?17:57
kanzurethat would explain a lot17:57
nmz787_i'now with more cyanide!;17:58
nmz787_ihuh, 1958 date on that article/advert17:59
kanzurehow does azco biotech store its chemicals if these can only be stored for 6 weeks at a time17:59
nmz787_idamn pay-walled advertisments17:59
nmz787_ikanzure: the ammonia thing is probably just cause its a dissolved gas17:59
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nmz787_i"Your current credentials do not allow retrieval of the full text."18:00
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nmz787_i"You haven't paid us to see this paid-advertisement."18:00
kanzureso ammonium hydroxide is the only problematic one?18:01
nmz787_ihaven't read the docs yet18:01
nmz787_ibut liters of waster per 100 bases will not be cheap to dispose of18:01
kanzuredocs claim it can be dissolved safely in "earth"18:02
nmz787_inot to mention buying all those reagents that are just getting flushed through18:02
nmz787_iI wonder if they're pre-EPA18:02
nmz787_ithis library has a james-bond like girl for their logo http://wyld.sdp.sirsi.net/client/en_US/wmc/search/detailnonmodal;jsessionid=E3330DFA99DA5295B912EFBCC166880C.enterprise-35500?qu=Sampling.&d=ent%3A%2F%2FSD_ILS%2F833%2FSD_ILS%3A833057~ILS~0~16879&ic=true&ps=30018:02
kanzure"Discard the waste. Place the liquid in a sealed container labeled “FLAMMABLE,” “POISON B N.O.S.” or absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth. Dispose of the waste following applicable government regulations. When handling the waste for disposal, wear gloves and eye protection, and avoid inhalation and skin contact."18:03
nmz787_ikanzure: pretty sure waste companies would charge more if it was absorbed into some solid18:05
nmz787_imore weight to haul in their trucks, more processing to do I'd assume18:05
nmz787_iunless they just load the soil into their oven thing18:05
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nmz787_ikanzure: apparently this is used for "reproductive Toxins' http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d5/GHS-pictogram-silhouete.svg18:11
ParahSailinput it down drain to sewer18:15
ParahSailinwastewater treatment plants are very effective bioreactors for neutralizing chemicals18:16
yashgarothpretty much, yeah18:18
nmz787_iI don't think that's a good idea18:18
yashgarothit's fiiiiiine18:18
ParahSailinoh, are you telling me you know more about activated sludge reactors?18:20
yashgarothif you're that worried, just run the tap while you're dumping it18:20
nmz787_ino, but I won't do something like that until I read through things on my own18:21
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nmz787_iI should probably do something about the unpolymerized acrylamide that I've been keeping in the back of my fridge for the last year18:35
ebowdenIsn't that stuff extremely toxic?18:37
yashgarothonly if you have neurons18:37
nmz787_iit's capped and in a cold fridge, and I think in a sealed bag maybe18:38
nmz787_iI keep it next to my grass-fed raw milk18:38
nmz787_inot really, it's just in the back corner of the fridge18:39
nmz787_isupposedly the first thing to happen toxin-wise is your finger tips start to tingle18:39
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kanzureParahSailin: why is antibiotic resistance used for selection rather than toxin/toxin resistance?18:56
ParahSailinisnt that basically the same thing to a bug?18:57
kanzurei mean lab reasons18:57
kanzureplate, antibiotic resistance screen, look for gfp, etc18:58
ParahSailinwhat do you mean by toxin as opposed to antibiotic18:58
kanzuresorry, i'm mixing up my signals19:01
kanzureiirc, most people use penicillin for their lab work19:02
kanzurewhich seems like a bad idea, since we use penicillin for medical reasons19:03
kanzureso ideally you would use different options for random lab work so you don't accidentally confer penicillin resistance to everything under the sun19:03
yashgarothnobody uses it for bacterial selection, pen/strep is used to keep stuff from growing in other cell cultures19:03
kanzurei wish i could remember what the hell i've used19:04
yashgarothampicillin, tetracycline, kanamycin, chloramphenicol are the big ones19:04
yashgarothalso we use antibiotics since we know what the resistance genes are, finding a suitable 'toxin' and then trying to find a resistance gene for it sounds like a huge hassle and biologists are lazy19:06
nmz787chloramphenicol isn't allowed for human use in this country19:12
yoleaux18 Jun 2014 22:33Z <kanzure> nmz787: alltronics stuff has shipped19:12
yoleaux18 Jun 2014 22:44Z <kanzure> nmz787: alltronics shipping charges cost more than the synthesizer shipping charges19:12
nmz787other countries are less strict19:12
nmz787so I'm thinking the synthesizer might be retrofittable19:12
paskyto expand on that a bit, i'd expect that as bacterias typically easily gain resistance to antibiotics naturally over time, which means it is easy to compare the bacteria strain "before" and "after"... I'd imagine gaining resistance to some random toxin can be quite more challenging for the bacteria?19:13
nmz787probably swap a microfluidic in for the column19:13
nmz787pasky: why would it be easier/harder to evolve one thing or another?19:13
nmz787the main difference would be if a detox solution would need multiple enzymes, lots of aminos to hold the enzyme together or if the reaction sequence it needed was all over the target molecule19:14
nmz787needing to interact all over the target molecule i mean19:14
nmz787or if multiple enzymes were needed19:14
nmz787and how much of that would be mutated from old stuff19:15
nmz787or be de novo generated19:15
nmz787kanzure: it might be easier to ask about certain toxins you'd think might be useful19:15
kanzureno, i was probably spacing on penicillin vs ampicillin19:16
yashgarothre: chloramphenicol, apparently "Gray baby syndrome" is a thing heh19:16
kanzure.wik gray baby syndrome19:18
yoleaux"Gray baby syndrome (also termed Gray or Grey syndrome) is a rare but serious side effect that occurs in newborn infants (especially premature babies) following the intravenous administration of the antimicrobial chloramphenicol." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_baby_syndrome19:18
yashgaroth"why is my baby gray?" "I'm afraid he has gray baby syndrome" "fuck you're a useless doctor"19:19
kanzure"thanks to smelly squid biotech, your baby can come out glowing with the best of them"19:20
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kanzure*** Error in `/home/kanzure/.virtualenvs/brlcad/bin/python': invalid fastbin entry (free): 0x0000000003b46b90 ***19:35
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paskyheh, nobody wrote a tool for on-gpu tile-wise seamless affine transform of huge image surfaces yet?20:02
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kanzurenmz787: i'm still not convinced that disposal service is necessary ("dry sand")20:23
nmz787i believe so20:23
nmz787what is the link20:23
kanzurein manual, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/abi391/20:23
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justanotheruserPlease reccomend me an economical CNC mill20:30
nmz787kanzure: it's out of context to not provide the next line in that quote "Dispose of the waste following applicable government regulations."20:30
nmz787kanzure: I got the number for the waste water treatment folks re lab use20:30
kanzurejustanotheruser: cncified bridgeport is as cheap as you're going to get for anything uesful20:33
kanzurewhat are the waste people doing that we can't20:33
kanzurebuying bags of sand?20:33
nmz787.wik Cordycepin20:34
yoleaux"Cordycepin, or 3'-deoxyadenosine, is a derivative of the nucleoside adenosine, differing from the latter by the absence of oxygen in the 3' position of its ribose part. It was initially extracted from fungi of genus Cordyceps, but is now produced synthetically." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordycepin20:34
justanotheruserkanzure: it isn't a CNC mill out of the box?20:35
kanzuremanual :)20:35
kanzureyou could probably find someone selling a converted bridgeport though20:36
justanotheruserOh, do I need to hack it to get it to take coordinates?20:36
kanzureso, most of the cheap cnc machines you find on kickstarter are not going to cut aluminum20:36
kanzureit's too bad that they are all called "cnc" because it's hard to figure out which ones wont blow up the moment you try to cut metals20:37
justanotheruserkanzure: is that an exaggeration?20:37
nmz787kanzure: usually they use an incinerator with scubbers or additional burning I think... unless you're some company in the middle of nowhere with a lot of desert to dump in. I think they take watershed stuff around here pretty seriously.20:37
kanzurejustanotheruser: i don't think so, although i haven't looked at /all/ of them. there have been lots.20:37
nmz787justanotheruser: i heard similar recently20:38
justanotherusernmz787: from kanzure?20:38
nmz787"You can see all of the larger pieces of equipment in my shop here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5i9f9GJS9M I'd say that a CNC mill is probably the single most versatile piece of mechanical manufacturing equipment that you can buy. If you can afford and have space for a full-size mill, you will be in really good shape in terms of being able to make almost any reasonable part. Some of the smaller tabletop CNCs are not able to cut metal (even ...20:38
nmz787... aluminum) very much at all, so they are much more limited. You can certainly cur threads on the CNC, but just having a tap set is often more than sufficient for most projects."20:38
nmz787"-Ben [Krasnow]"20:38
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justanotherusernmz787: sorry to change the subject, but how do you get an ellipse at the end of your line carrying onto a new one in irssi?20:39
caternnmz787: splitlong.pl20:40
nmz787there were some ellipses in the stuff i pasted20:40
justanotheruserlol :/20:40
caternjustanotheruser: splitlong.pl20:40
justanotherusercatern: thanks20:40
nmz787catern: I am paid to not use .pl20:40
justanotherusernmz787: oh?20:40
caternjustanotheruser: drop it in .irssi/scripts/autorun20:41
justanotheruserSo you manually count the characters and ... at the end?20:41
kanzurethe world health organization barred nmz787 from writing perl in 199720:41
nmz787I have no idea honestly, i think it's just the default debian repo install20:41
caternthey're very progressive so they pay him a stipend20:41
kanzuresimilar arrangements for jrayhawk have been met with little to no success20:41
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kanzurejustanotheruser: fenn has spent a lot of time thinking about cheap cnc machines that do more than wood cutting20:42
nmz787generally the way I sanitize IRC pastes is by first pasting it into my Chrome URL bar, then re-copying it20:42
kanzurejustanotheruser: most people think that you need lots of mass to cut metal, but that's mostly because they don't understand how to do engineering20:42
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justanotherusercatern: umm, what if I don't have a scripts folder in my .irssi/?20:43
kanzurefor example, it has been demonstrated that you can use lasers or water to cut metal without 10000 kg of metal20:43
justanotheruserjust put it in .irssi/?20:43
justanotheruserkanzure: has he built any prototypes?20:43
justanotheruserkanzure: lasers seem more energy effecient20:44
kanzurewell, there's hextatic, but that's not a water cutter or laser cutter20:44
justanotheruserkanzure: would the lasers needed to cut that be cheap at all?20:44
-!- Viper168_ is now known as Viper16820:45
kanzureoff the shelf, no, most good cnc equipment costs at least $50k, and then the fancypants stuff costs 10x or so20:45
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NsM0-9_n3Q20:45
yoleaux5 Axis Laser Cutting20:45
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7NofmHWWPQ20:46
yoleauxMitsubishi VZ20 Series 3D Laser Cutting Systems20:46
justanotheruserkanzure: do wany20:46
nmz787justanotheruser: http://eugene.craigslist.org/tls/4439725753.html20:46
nmz7873 axis20:47
kanzurei haven't priced a water cutter before but i'm sure it's >$5k for anything good20:48
kanzurei think you can usually pick up a good manual bridgeport for <$1k20:49
kanzureif a cnc conversion can be sold for $10k that sounds like good business to me...20:49
kanzure*used manual bridgeport20:49
kanzuregene_hacker: why hasn't everyone switched over to laser cutter cnc20:51
kanzurei guess threading20:52
nmz787"chickens could not compete with hazardous waste as a cash crop, since farmers typically were paid anywhere from $20 to $50 per drum of waste dumped on their land."20:54
kanzure"Waste organic solvents are separated into chlorinated and non-chlorinated solvent waste. Chlorinated solvent waste is usually incinerated at high temperature to minimize the formation of dioxins.[2][3] Non-chlorinated solvent waste can be burned for energy recovery. Innocuous aqueous waste (such as solutions of sodium chloride) may be poured down the sink; aqueous waste containing toxic compounds are collected separately."20:56
nmz787"As easy as it was to dump legally in the hinterlands of central Jersey, many haulers wanted even sweeter deals. They preferred to do their dumping for free, deep in the pinelands, without anyone's permission or knowledge. No one stood in their way. In those days, the closest thing New Jersey had to an anti-dumping law was a misdemeanor public nuisance statute; it was invoked very rarely and only in the most blatant cases"20:58
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kanzureas far as i can tell, most universities just hire some outside service and then stop thinking about it20:59
kanzurebut there's many forms of waste that you can react chemically with other stuff to make it drain safe20:59
nmz787.wik tom's river20:59
yoleaux"The Toms River, formerly Tom's River, is a 41.7-mile-long (67.1 km) freshwater river and estuary in Ocean County, New Jersey in the United States." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%27s_River20:59
nmz787.wik tom's river pollution20:59
yoleaux"The Toms River, formerly Tom's River, is a 41.7-mile-long (67.1 km) freshwater river and estuary in Ocean County, New Jersey in the United States." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toms_River20:59
kanzurei'm not convinced that "liquid organic waste" is as dangerous as radioactive barrels you have to hide forever20:59
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nmz787.wik  Ciba Geigy21:00
yoleaux"Novartis International AG is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland, ranking number one in sales (57.9 billion US$) among the world-wide industry in 2013." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciba_Geigy21:00
nmz787that popsci article was excerpting a book, I guess the polluter was discharging dye into the river21:01
kanzuredisposal is just "now it's someone else's problem", they might be dumping it down the drain for all you know21:10
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nmz787that popsci article was excerpting a book, I guess the polluter was discharging dye into the river21:29
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nmz787that popsci article was excerpting a book, I guess the polluter was discharging dye into the river21:30
nmz787hi, sorry for the last two errant messages21:32
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nmz787so the TCA is/forms 'halogenated waste' http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?sid=24851461#x5022:36
nmz787"Disposal Methods SRP: At the time of review, criteria for land treatment or burial (sanitary landfill) disposal practices are subject to significant revision. Prior to implementing land disposal of waste residue (including waste sludge), consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices."22:36
nmz787pure TCA is used as weed killer though22:37
nmz787or maybe they used to22:38
kanzure"Because halogenated organic solvents are often environmental and health hazards and even human carcinogens, the use in open applications has been banned worldwide."22:42
nmz787.wik Psoralen22:45
yoleaux"Psoralen (also called psoralene) is the parent compound in a family of natural products known as furocoumarins." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psoralen22:45
kanzureall those assholes that care about "green waste" should make me a database or website of obvious methods of remediation of basic organic compounds22:47
kanzureso far i don't see one. what a bunch of wankers.22:47
kanzurepeople are terrible and evil. after all of these years of me enduring 5 seconds a week listening to their crap, none of them have done even that much??22:48
nmz787maybe we can ask a safety expert on diybio.org22:52
nmz787paste the whole list of reagents22:52
kanzurehaha yes22:52
kanzurei think the trigger word is "remediation", not "disposal" ("make someone else take it away")22:53
nmz787"Sodium monochloroacetate is currently used widely throughout the UK cane fruit industry and most particularly for both summer and autumn fruiting raspberries, to remove unwanted primocanes in both alleys and within the crop rows."22:55
nmz787"Without a suitable alternative to sodium monochloroacetate as an early season defoliant, the hop industry will find it very difficult to compete against imports of hops."22:56
kanzurethe reason why it's harmful is because it's reactive, so you should be able to just react it into something more inert or less interesting22:56
nmz787which burning does22:56
kanzureobv. the device needs a combustion chamber22:58
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nmz787this tells us nothing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1-Methylimidazole23:00
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nmz787"Waste Disposal: This combustible material may be burned in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber. Observe all federal, state and local laws for disposal."23:02
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yoleaux40 CFR Part 261, Subpart D23:06
nmz787"Multihazardous Waste"23:20
gradstudentbotYeah, but that was only a sample size of one.23:20
nmz787it has a flow chart23:20
nmz787"Call 301-496-4451 for waste pick-up"23:20
gradstudentbotCancer: still not cured.23:21
nmz787"Available from Chemical Waste Disposal Service (301) 496-4710"   "Liquid waste container 3/5 gallon Collect chemical waste"23:23
nmz787"Hazardous waste should always be disposed of through a designated hazardous waste management or recycling facility. Hazardous waste should not be disposed with ordinary garbage, poured into the sewer system, down storm drains, or onto the ground. Oregon law prohibits these acts."23:30
kanzurethat's bullshit, because you can't go to a hazardous waste facility and tell them "hey guys, stop whatever you're doing, you should really be transferring that waste to a hazardous waste facility"23:31
kanzureit's too recursive, their regulations are crap23:31
nmz787no, that just means they probably have different rules23:32
yoleauxHazardous Waste Treatment, Storage & Disposal23:35
gene_hackerlasercutter cnc?23:35
kanzureonly reason i can think of is threading23:36
nmz787we still don't know if it requires burning or can be sprayed onto some landfill23:36
kanzureotherwise i think everyone should be using it for most cnc things23:36
gene_hackerlasercutter over CNC?23:37
gene_hackeroh I see23:37
kanzurelike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7NofmHWWPQ23:37
gene_hackeryou need to read this: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/gcnc/23:37
kanzurelaser cutter cnc should cost much less in parts and maintenance than conventional bulky cnc stuff23:37
gene_hackermilling is a great process BTW23:38
kanzureyep i've read that at least once23:38
kanzurealthough not part 423:38
gene_hackeroh that sort of laser cutter23:38
gene_hackerproblem is lasers suck23:38
kanzurewell, water then..23:39
gene_hackerlasers are really inefficient23:39
gene_hackerwater jet cutters require lots of power23:39
gene_hackerand they need jewels for the water jet that wear out23:40
gene_hackerI don't know which uses less power though23:40
-!- Adifex is now known as night23:40
gene_hackerbut if you're using it to make a limited production run of parts, I'm sure it would make sense to use them23:41
gene_hackertechshop has a waterjet cutter don't they?23:41
nmz787kanzure: there's a bunch of stuff there23:41
gene_hackerincinerate the waste23:41
gene_hackeruse a really big mirror and get it really hot, pass through a scrubber23:42
gene_hackeralso what are the plans for the synthesizer?23:43
nmz787careful teardown23:43
kanzurethorough teardown with pics, dumping software from the chips23:43
nmz787firmware even23:44
gene_hackerjust to reverse engineer it?23:44
gene_hackersounds good23:44
kanzuretheir manual has a fluidic schematic of the device23:44
kanzurewould be nice to run it for a while23:44
nmz787might be able to see if there's a way to cannibalize it23:44
nmz787retrofit it23:44
kanzureif we do choose to run it,23:45
kanzurethere's a limited time during which the reagents are good23:45
kanzureso there should be a list of stuff to synthesize ahead of time23:45
kanzureso that it doesn't sit idle23:45
gene_hackerisn't it all just a bunch of precision stuff that will lose it it's precision magic if taken apart?23:45
nmz787the complete chemical set (which I have no idea how much powder to solvent it uses yet) was like $120023:45
gene_hackerno surprise there23:46
kanzurei don't think it's $1200 recurring, though23:46
kanzuremaybe $1200 one time, probably $300/mo recurring?23:46
nmz787so if the powder is for like 10kb (which I doubt)... then we need about 100X more solvent than I pencilled for23:46
nmz787" Acetonitrile by itself is not likely to cause environmental harm23:47
nmz787at levels normally found in the environment.  Acetonitrile can23:47
nmz787contribute to the formation of photochemical smog when it reacts with23:47
nmz787other volatile organic carbon substances in air."23:47
nmz787hmm, let it evap23:47
nmz787'i came back and it was gone'23:47
kanzure"gnomes stole it"23:48
kanzuregene_hacker: start thinking up a list of primers of interesting things you'd like :P (max is 175 bp, but my guess is that we'll get 20-40 bp)23:49
gene_hackerDNA nanotechnology23:49
gene_hackerdo you have a hood for the darn thing?23:49
kanzurewell the manual says "just use a 25 foot tube", so i imagine it could go outside for all we care23:50
kanzureit mentions that the waste bottle should probably be under a fume hood23:50
gene_hackerplease don't set this thing up like the one in district 9!23:51
nmz787oh ya, that's a good source of inspiration23:52
kanzuretaq primers for sure23:53
kanzurevarious fluorescent proteins23:53
kanzure*protein primers23:53
gene_hackeraren't those >150 bp?23:53
nmz787it would be easier to start with primers for whatever is specified by the kit23:53
kanzurenah the primers can be 20 bp23:53
kanzurefor the genes themselves yes >15023:54
nmz787for a PCR mastermix23:54
nmz787they ususally come with some plasmid and primers for a control23:54
kanzureah good23:54
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gene_hackeractually the reverse engineering might be very educational23:56
nmz787their valve design is pretty cool, seems pretty similar to a lot of the microfluidic stuff23:56
kanzurenear end of the manual23:57
gene_hackerperhaps it might be simpler to make a smaller synthesizer based around syringe pumps23:57
ParahSailinacetonitrile biodegrades23:57
ParahSailinso ok to flush down toilet23:57
nmz787"The normal flow into the column is from the bottom. By sending the liquid stream upward, the CPG particles are lifted and maintained in a fluidized state. The flow rates of the solvents and reagents have been set to achieve proper mixing of the particles."23:57
nmz787ParahSailin: the problem is that it'll be mixed with a bunch of other stuff too23:58
kanzurepage 118, 120, 219, 220 (last one is more interesting)23:58
nmz787which I haven't google for yet23:58
kanzureof http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/abi391/ABI%20391-manual.pdf23:58
ParahSailinthe other stuff will be handled too23:58
nmz787". The software is contained within a removable memory cartridge which plugs into the rear of the instrument. Updated software supplied by Applied Biosystems can be easily installed by removing the old cartridge and replacing it with the new one."23:59
kanzuregene_hacker: it probably would be cheaper overall, sure23:59
kanzuregene_hacker: there's about 10-15 chemical inputs here23:59
nmz7877 types23:59
* kanzure looks again23:59
nmz7875 of the inputs are phosphoramidites23:59
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