
--- Log opened Thu Jun 19 00:00:03 2014
--- Day changed Thu Jun 19 2014
kanzureoh, the others are columns00:00
nmz787so that would be 1100:00
gene_hackerwell my idea of how to do it is with a bunch of syringes, and a robot that indexes between them00:00
kanzurenmz787: look at page 21900:00
kanzuregene_hacker: you could do a rotary plate with syringes pointing down00:00
kanzurevertical syringes i mean00:00
gene_hackerwe'll see00:01
nmz787ParahSailin: I'll send the waste to you then00:01
gene_hackerbut if I make a synthesizer, I'd really like to make one of those picochip ones that uses photogenerated acid00:01
* nmz787 looking00:02
kanzuregene_hacker: yep, i shipped a pile of parts to nmz787 for dmd photolithography00:03
nmz787but doesn't that trade-off for addressibility later?00:03
kanzureiirc there's a separate photochemical reaction for binding/unbinding beads that you could use00:03
nmz787the point is to not have valving on-chip, right?00:03
gene_hackeryes, you address with light00:03
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nmz787kanzure: idk about the binding/unbinding00:04
nmz787i thought that would be a global operation00:04
nmz787i'm familiar with this idea for making microarrays00:04
kanzuregeorge church minions did micropipette pick-and-place of beads on a microarray in open air00:04
nmz787that you then remove from the column all at once and do gibson assembly on or whatever00:05
gene_hackerof course, one can also use a regular DNA synthesizer to drive the picoarray...00:05
delinquentmenmz787, https://www.facebook.com/nanoopticdevices00:05
nmz787delinquentme: cool00:07
gene_hackerawesome, I can't wait until phones come with those built in00:07
kanzureyou could do a microarray/picoarray without bonding to another surface (just use pressure), remove pressure/clamps when you're done, then retrieve beads with micropipette at specific locations to get specific sequences00:07
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gene_hackerthe point of a picoarray isn't to get a specific sequence00:08
gene_hackerit's to generate a bunch of strands that you can combine into a big one00:08
kanzureif you have a 1024x768 array you might as well synthesize more than one sequence00:08
nmz787right but then you have to do bulk-reactions, you can't do purification on each nano-reactor in the picoarray00:09
kanzurebecause if you are synthesizing the same sequence 1 million times over, you could just use a traditional column without the spatial light modulator00:09
gene_hackeryou will still have to combine some of them00:09
nmz787but avoiding bulk-reactions is much more interesting to me :P00:09
kanzureyes you'll always have to combine basically00:10
gene_hackerand if you can get the combination step to work00:11
gene_hackeryou can make really long stuff00:11
nmz787and i'm interested in doing liquid-phase chemistry, using under/near-stoichiometric ratios of reagents00:11
gene_hackerstuff so long it's dangerous00:12
nmz787combination is fine, I just want to be sure of what I have before I add it to something else00:12
nmz787I didn't mention length00:12
nmz787ah, but I guess I see your point00:12
nmz787delinquentme: "Now you can get a Nano-Stick spectrometer for only $2,200!"00:13
nmz787delinquentme: 760nm-920nm00:13
nmz787maybe for doing fiber taps00:13
kanzure760-920nm sounds inconvenient00:13
kanzurewhat about all the other spectrum00:13
kanzureonly doing gang color approved spectrum eh?00:14
gene_hackerI don't think that's even gang color approved00:14
nmz787paperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v502/n7471/full/nature12607.html00:14
yoleauxCoherent Raman spectro-imaging with laser frequency combs00:15
nmz787paperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature1260700:15
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nmz787"Resolution 0.15 nm Spectral range 500-1100 nm"00:17
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA, banned by the Federal Death Administration (4 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | not intentionally unrepeatable00:24
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Fri Jun 6 17:48:33 2014]00:24
[Users ##hplusroadmap]00:24
[ abetusk ] [ dingo ] [ jmil ] [ realzies ] 00:24
[ AndyMurillo ] [ dpk ] [ jrayhawk_ ] [ rk[1] ] 00:24
[ andytoshi ] [ drazak ] [ juri_ ] [ ruphos ] 00:24
[ archels ] [ drewbot ] [ justanotheruser] [ sapiosexual] 00:24
[ AshleyWaffle] [ ebowden ] [ juul ] [ saurik ] 00:24
[ augur ] [ ElixirVitae ] [ kanzure ] [ seba-- ] 00:24
[ balrog ] [ fenn ] [ kuldeepdhaka ] [ sheena1 ] 00:24
[ bkero ] [ gene_hacker ] [ kyknos ] [ sivoais ] 00:24
[ blueskin ] [ gnusha ] [ maaku ] [ smeaaagle ] 00:24
[ Burnin8 ] [ gnusha_ ] [ night ] [ strages__ ] 00:24
[ catern ] [ gradstudentbot] [ nmz787 ] [ strangewarp] 00:24
[ cpopell ] [ heath ] [ nsh ] [ streety ] 00:24
[ cuba ] [ helleshin ] [ paperbot ] [ superkuh ] 00:24
[ Daeken ] [ HEx1 ] [ ParahSailin ] [ Twey ] 00:24
[ dbolser ] [ hmatlock ] [ pasky ] [ Viper168 ] 00:24
[ delinquentme] [ ivan` ] [ phryk ] [ yoleaux ] 00:24
[ devrandom ] [ JayDugger ] [ PoohBear ] 00:24
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!morgan.freenode.net [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup00:24
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kanzureoh there it is. it logged back in.00:28
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archelspaperbot: http://iopscience.iop.org/0957-0233/25/1/015501/pdf/0957-0233_25_1_015501.pdf02:08
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nightSobering approximation of the day:03:35
nightwith average luck, you get 1000 weeks of childhood, 2000 weeks of adulthood, and 1000 weeks of being old03:36
nightthat is not many weeks03:36
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justanotheruserAnyone here etch their own PCBs?06:04
chris_99i have done a while ago06:09
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justanotheruserchris_99: what is the best place to buy  pre-coated circuit boards06:24
chris_99you mean photosensitive boards?06:25
chris_99ah i'm in the UK, so i'd probably buy from Farnell, but Digikey or anyone should sell them06:26
justanotheruserok, I'll check out digikeys selection. Gtg, thanks06:26
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6047/130709:17
ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6047/1307.full09:18
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nmz787_ijustanotheruser: i etched my own PCB using copper-clad, black spray paint, and a CO2 laser cutter09:48
nmz787_ijustanotheruser: ebay has plenty of pre-coated boards though, for pretty cheap09:49
chris_99is the quality the same as UV boards doing it that way though09:49
justanotherusernmz787_i: any sellers you reccomend?09:53
nmz787_ichris_99: are you asking is the quality as good? idk never did the pre-filmed method!09:54
chris_99yes i am09:54
nmz787_ijustanotheruser: nah, cheap and decent shipping time is what i usually check09:54
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nmz787_ijustanotheruser: as long as the reviews aren't horrible too09:54
nmz787_ichris_99: I was able to make a pad for an SSOP chip09:55
justanotherusernmz787_i: is there a more common phrase for them?09:55
justanotheruser0 results found for pre-coated circuit board09:55
archelssearch for photoresist10:01
archelsalso, consider that you can get PCBs from places like seeedstudio for *really cheap*10:01
justanotheruserarchels: yeah, and really slow right?10:02
chris_99yeah, esp. as they do > 2 layer, fancy silk screen etc.10:02
chris_99not really10:02
chris_99i got one from china within like a week10:02
chris_99i payed extra of course though10:02
justanotheruserwhat is it? Like $1/per?10:02
archelsseeed is plenty fast, if you skimp out on shipping it'll take 2 weeks longer10:03
archelslet's see, I just paid $60 for five 10x20 cm double layer10:04
chris_99i paid 64 USD for 10x 2 layer, black boards, for fast shipping10:04
chris_99from Hackvana10:04
archelsthere's also oshpark.com10:05
nmz787_ijustanotheruser: keyword should be dry-film or film pcb or photosensitive or photoresist10:06
justanotherusernmz787_i: This is a good deal right? http://www.ebay.com/itm/20x-Negative-Dry-Film-Photoresist-6x8-A5-for-PCB-Prototype-DIY-Developer-Inst-/251467232236?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a8c9d73ec10:06
archelsoshpark manufactures their boards in the US10:06
nmz787_ii use OSHPark... I tried seeed but I ordered from OSHPark and seeed the same night and by the time seeed was almost ready to send my boards I'd already received mine from OSHPark so I cancelled my seeed order10:07
nmz787_ijustanotheruser: seems decent enough10:07
justanotherusernmz787_i: do you usually cut your boards?10:07
nmz787_iI actually don't know if they get their boards from the U.S.... but they certainly break up the boards and re-mail them from the U.S.10:08
nmz787_ijustanotheruser: I've cut a board once, a better tool is a nibbler (i think its called)10:08
gradstudentbotWhere are the pipettes?10:08
chris_99gradstudentbot, back to work boy!10:08
gradstudentbotWe simply don't do enough titrations in my lab.10:08
nmz787_ijustanotheruser: like this http://www.amazon.com/Parts-Express-Nickel-Plated-Nibbling/dp/B0002KRACO/10:09
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chris_99also another advantage of getting the boards made for you, they can do vias10:13
nmz787_ioshpark is $1.66/sq inch for 2-layer and twice that for 4-layer10:23
kanzurei wonder if electroosmotic flow could be used to cool a consumer-grade cpu10:24
kanzurewhy am i still using a fan to cool my cpu10:25
chris_99exactly, when we could be using magnetocaloric refridgeration10:26
kanzure.wik magnetic refrigeration10:26
yoleaux"Magnetic refrigeration is a cooling technology based on the magnetocaloric effect. This technique can be used to attain extremely low temperatures, as well as the ranges used in common refrigerators." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_refrigeration10:27
nmz787_ikanzure: we are looking into microfluidics in general, I don't know the details10:28
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nmz787_ii doubt it would be electroosmotic though, it would probably just be heat pipes (where the heat induces a thermal current in the contained fluid)10:29
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kanzurejustanotheruser: haha https://github.com/piggycoin/newpiggycoin/commit/c68aa2304b175d3221539c6bda138ab9d4128d2f (they ran chmod 755 on everything for no good reason)10:33
justanotheruserkanzure: what is the context of this?10:34
kanzurenvm, that is boring10:34
justanotherusernew scamcoin?10:35
kanzureoh probably10:35
kanzure10:16 < Vitallium> detronizator: I pushed latest changes to github. We should able to build PhantomJS 2 for all platforms now10:35
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kanzure10:48 < sgraber_> You understand a 'good' uv formulation chemist makes +$70/hr at valspar or ppg  and r&d time is normally $100/hr10:55
kanzurenot bad10:55
kanzurecheap compared to programmers, lawyers, etc10:55
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nmz787_ikanzure: what channel was that said in?11:17
nmz787_ikanzure: if you could hire me a chemist... that would be insanely helpful11:18
kanzureshane graber is one possible chemist, but another one is david treadwell11:18
nmz787_iI might need to quit my day job for that11:18
kanzure(not the david treadwell you see on diybio)11:18
nmz787_italked to local lab, it will be fine to use some sq feet of their lab bench near their fume hood11:19
kanzureactually i just got done sending treadwell an email a few moments ago11:19
nmz787_iand also other table space or cube space even for optics11:19
kanzuresgraber is in #dlp3dprinting:11:19
kanzureoops i mean #dlp3dprinting11:19
nmz787_ichemist or matSci11:20
nmz787_ior semiconductor [whatever suffix here]11:20
kanzureuv resin person11:20
kanzureoh, i mean, sgraber is uv resin person11:20
kanzuretreadwell is anomalous11:20
ParahSailinwhat you need a chemist for11:22
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nmz787_ipolymer chemsitry of different sorts11:24
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ParahSailintrying to do novel chemistry?11:25
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nmz787_isort of munging11:26
kanzureParahSailin, it would be nice to have an organic synthesis person in here in general, for oligo synthesis reasons11:26
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ParahSailinthats actually my degree11:26
nmz787_isubprocess.py is importing _subprocess but I don't know where its coming from11:27
ParahSailinnobody ever believes me when i weigh in on stuff though11:27
kanzurenever name your python files the same as python default modules -_-11:27
nmz787_iis that compiled into the python.exe or some dll then?11:27
kanzureyou're asking me if a standard python library is a standard part of python?11:28
nmz787_ino i'm asking can I find the source code in my Lib dir somewhere11:28
kanzure.py import subprocess; subprocess.__path__11:28
yoleauxAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__path__'11:28
kanzure.py import subprocess; subprocess.__file__11:28
kanzure.py import subprocess; print subprocess.__file__11:29
nmz787_iyeah but in subprocess.py11:29
nmz787_i"if mswindows:11:29
nmz787_i    import threading11:29
nmz787_i    import msvcrt11:29
nmz787_i    import _subprocess"11:29
ParahSailin_subprocess is gonna be the c module11:30
nmz787_iah http://stackoverflow.com/a/10326123/25312711:30
nmz787_iwhat ParahSailin said11:30
nmz787_isubprocess.wait() seems to be crashing11:31
nmz787_ionly the second time it's called though11:31
nmz787_iat least the second time in that block of code11:31
nmz787_iit is called elsewhere too11:31
nmz787_iso maybe it's the 5th time its called11:31
nmz787_ior 6th11:32
dingowhat ParahSailin says, its a C module if its _modulename11:32
dingoi don't think you would call .wait() more than once11:32
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dingoshould return the exit status or some such11:32
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ParahSailindid you strace11:34
nmz787_ino i didn't install cygwin11:34
nmz787_isomeone recommends this http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx11:36
kanzureParahSailin: have you done organic synthesis stuff, like distillation, fractionation, glassware-fu?11:36
kanzurei have already spent too much of my life reading source code from sysinternals11:37
kanzure.title http://chem.rochester.edu/nvdcgi/commercavail.cgi11:38
yoleauxShould you buy it from a commercial supplier,or make it yourself?11:38
ParahSailinkanzure: yeah and it all sucks11:41
kanzuresucks more than bio?11:44
ParahSailinyeah because you have to do apparatus shit11:44
ParahSailinand weird temperatures11:44
ParahSailinsometimes glovebox11:45
delinquentmeIs modifying a compound to allow it to be taken orally a "solved" process?12:11
kanzureyes, you put it in a capsule12:12
delinquentmedoes it just mean making it stable within a highly acidic environment12:12
ParahSailinenteric coated capsule12:13
nmz787_idelinquentme: there are enzymes and also blood brain barrier12:17
nmz787_ienzymes as in ones that will break it down via gut12:17
nmz787_iand also a molecule than gets through gut, may not be in form to make it past bbb12:17
ParahSailinim going to generously interpret what he was trying to ask here. can a large molecule be protected from the stomach other than by physical barrier? no not solved12:18
nmz787_idelinquentme: they are researching nano encapsulation stuff12:18
kanzuresave your generosity12:19
ParahSailinthat was one act of generosity for one github commit12:19
delinquentmeParahSailin, kanzure nobody has verified it even works.12:19
* delinquentme glares12:19
ParahSailinwait you didnt do a simple test of it in repl?12:20
delinquentmeParahSailin, thats hardly considered a "test"12:21
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delinquentmealso tldr nobody seems to have a fucking clue or care how it works12:21
delinquentmeask one question to kanzure have to re-ask it 10 times in different manners to get a useful answer12:22
delinquentme( w regards to novel paper fetching from nature )12:22
kanzurepaperbot: reload papers12:22
paperbotkanzure: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-07-09 18:45:35)12:22
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ParahSailinask the right question, get the answer to the question12:23
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ParahSailinthis how words work12:23
kanzuredelinquentme: or maybe i'm just not advertising the method because it's in my best interest not to12:23
kanzure(because of obvious reasons012:23
kanzuresuppose i was using a proxy installed on nih.gov12:24
kanzuredo you really think it's wise for me to say that in public -_-12:24
kanzureyou guys are all terrible people12:24
delinquentmeyou've got my phone #12:24
kanzureanyway, the source code is totally accurate and nothing is missing on github12:24
delinquentmeand im sure you have more than enough info to blackmail me12:24
kanzurei would call you, except there is literally no missing component that you haven't seen12:24
delinquentmeI'm just conveying that there is a small even if loose circle of trust12:25
kanzureerm, i mean, literally no component that you haven't seen12:25
kanzureno magic12:25
delinquentmeat the time it seemed like it was12:25
kanzurepaperbot: reload papers12:25
paperbotkanzure: papers: no such module!12:25
ParahSailinim also virtually certain that the specifics have at one time or another been publicly discussed in this channel12:26
kanzurehuh where did the module go12:26
kanzureError loading scihub: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'libgen_login.txt' (in bot.py)12:26
delinquentmeParahSailin, so I saw this lovely little paper http://www.nature.com/nchembio/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nchembio.1551.html  and it seems like it would be something of HUGE interest to both wetlab workers that I've got over here + generics manufacturers12:27
delinquentmebut currently at the " someone pay me for it " stage12:27
delinquentmeneed pharma insiders12:28
kanzurewhy are we using a text file12:28
kanzuregit blame says it's delinquentme's fault12:28
delinquentmethats what I decided to go w12:29
ParahSailinyou guys had a thing where you decided the secret genesis/upload lp doesnt belong in the repo12:29
ParahSailineven though it is in plaintext on a russian hacker site12:29
kanzurei must have missed that part of the conversation12:30
delinquentmeit was in heeere12:31
delinquentmeemailed the creds file kanzure12:33
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gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=c9bd6e7a Bryan Bishop: back to hardcoding a password?12:39
gnusha_paperbot: reload papers12:39
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delinquentmepaperbot, worlddomination()12:41
delinquentmeParahSailin, 3 commits. I want a hug.12:42
delinquentmeand a promise ring.12:42
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kanzurehuh, so it turns out that freecad's python modules can be used without running the freecad executable13:07
kanzureand without using freecad's embedded python interpreter13:07
chris_99i was using FreeCad recently thought it was pretty good, except when it crashed13:08
chris_99(that could be because i was using the Windows version?)13:08
kanzureno, it crashes everywhere13:10
kanzureopencascade is crashy13:11
kanzurethat is why freecad crashes13:11
delinquentmele brb13:16
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kanzure.wik PLaSM13:37
yoleaux"PLaSM (Programming Language of Solid Modeling) is an open source scripting language for solid modeling, a discipline that constitutes the foundation of computer-aided design  and CAD systems. In contrast to other CAD programs, PLaSM emphasizes scripting rather than interactive GUI work." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLaSM13:37
kanzure"1.  Plasm primitives are ALL CAPS (all capital letters)" ugh13:38
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kanzure# example of boolean intersection13:49
kanzureprobably refers to https://github.com/plasm-language/pyplasm/blob/master/src/xge/plasm.boolop.cpp13:49
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kanzureor this one: https://github.com/femhub/plasm/blob/master/src/xge/plasm.boolop.cpp13:51
kanzurelooks like a polyhedral surface intersection meto13:52
kanzureoh well13:52
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/jctn/2008/00000005/00000005/art0000213:59
kanzurei don't remember seeing a 100 page paper about this14:00
yoleauxA Minimal Toolset for Positional Diamond Mechanosynthesis: ingentaconnect14:00
kanzureoh it was probably this one http://www.molecularassembler.com/Papers/MinToolset.pdf14:00
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nmz787_ikanzure: for a second i thought that url was molecularembarraser.com16:34
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gradstudentbotI already have one of those in my collection, you know.16:42
kanzure50 W laser diode for $500 http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/high-performance-diode-laser-808nm-50W_1219796601.html16:44
chris_99that seems really cheap16:45
chris_99are they more or less reliable than CO2?16:45
kanzureno clue16:46
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streetysomething doesn't add up there ... max power 50W, max forward current 1.2A, max forward voltage 2.2V17:36
streetyonly two of those can be correct17:36
chris_99haha yeah17:36
ThomasEgistreety, lasers?17:38
gene_hacker50 watts pulsed probably17:38
gene_hackeryup 808 nm, that's probably a range finding laser17:38
ThomasEgi808 doesn't sound like CO2 tho17:39
chris_99it's a diode17:39
ThomasEgidiode laser?17:39
chris_99yeah scroll up17:39
chris_99can you get non-pulsed high power laser diodes17:42
ThomasEgithose are usualy arrays tho.17:43
kanzurethat's unfortunate17:43
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gene_hackernow if we could only manage to make an array of phase locked laser diodes...17:56
kanzure"Buyers must be 18 years old"17:57
kanzurethat is an oddly specific target market..17:58
kanzure18 year olds that want 50 W solid state lasers17:58
ThomasEgithey won't phase lock17:59
ThomasEgibut you could use them to pump another laser17:59
ThomasEgiwait. that IS a diode pumped laser18:00
gradstudentbotIf you help me, I'll put you on the paper.18:00
ThomasEgithose numbers don't make sensetho.18:01
chris_99what numbers?18:02
ThomasEgicurrent, voltage, power18:02
ThomasEgiiirc nd-yag have typical efficiencies around 1% or so.18:02
nmz787_ion the ebay page?18:02
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nmz787_iThomasEgi: it might make sense if they're including the non-central output freqs18:03
chris_99not much more info18:05
nmz787_ihas some higher numbers18:06
ThomasEgiwell it's not entirely off.18:06
ThomasEgigiven it's diode laser pumped its efficiency might be a bit higher than traditional flash tube pumping18:07
ThomasEginow.. time for sleep. exams tomorrow.. coincidently.. an exam about lasers18:07
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gene_hackerthey won't phase lock yet18:14
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kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ed083p91921:13
yoleauxStudent Empowerment through 'Mini-microscale' Reactions: The Epoxidation of 1 mg of Geraniol21:13
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||0_-_0||paperbot http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v25/n11/abs/nbt1356.html21:19
||0_-_0||paperbot http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF0246286321:34
nmz787_ii wonder if there are places around here that do etching as a service21:47
nmz787_iif the microscope + blu-ray works to make a photoresist mask... then I'd think it would work for etching protection with some process or another21:48
nmz787_iin silicon21:48
nmz787_ior glass21:48
gradstudentbotShould I be doing this in the fume hood?21:49
kanzurenaaah it'll be fine, radstudentbot21:54
gene_hackerI think you should listen to it, it has a valid point22:00
kanzurefumes build character22:00
gene_hackerat least use a fan or something, like those diy fume extractors22:00
gene_hackerand did you ever figure out how that group in diybio is going to build a synth?22:02
gene_hackerwhat are they using magnetic beads for?22:02
kanzurehaven't received any information from them22:02
||0_-_0||worth a try22:02
||0_-_0||paperbot http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10516-007-9011-2?LI=true22:02
gene_hackerI wonder if they'll be able to do a kilobase, because if they do, things could get interesting...22:03
kanzurewe could do the picoarray setup22:04
kanzurehaven't found a vendor for the photogenerated acid inputs22:05
kanzure(haven't looked, though)22:05
gene_hackerI think it's shouldn't be too hard to find22:06
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kanzure.wik luer-lock joint22:06
yoleaux"A syringe is a simple pump consisting of a plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The plunger can be pulled and pushed along inside a cylindrical tube (called a barrel), allowing the syringe to take in and expel a liquid or gas through an orifice at the open end of the tube. The open end of the syringe may be fitted with a hypodermic needle, …" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syringe22:06
kanzurewhat just happened22:06
gene_hackeranyway, I'm wondering some stuff about diamonoid mechanosynthesis22:07
gene_hackerjust how stiff a manipulator one needs to do it22:07
kanzurewell, you need to survive jamming it into surfaces randomly (crashing the tip)22:10
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gene_hackereasy enough22:10
kanzurehave you read the tooltip paper? it might be in there22:13
kanzuremany things might be in there..22:13
gene_hackerI'll have a look22:13
kanzurein http://www.molecularassembler.com/Papers/MinToolset.pdf22:13
kanzurepage 764 mentions compressive loads and stiffness..22:14
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gene_hackerI think that's just the tool tip22:17
kanzurepffft so demanding :)22:18
gene_hackerI'll find it somewhere22:19
kanzure.wik luer taper22:19
yoleaux"The Luer taper is a standardized system of small-scale fluid fittings used for making leak-free connections between a male-taper fitting and its mating female part on medical and laboratory instruments, including hypodermic syringe tips and needles or stopcocks and needles." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luer_taper22:19
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=469322:20
kanzurethe photogenerated acid paper used "biaryl iodium PGA-P (Secant Chemicals) (3% in CH2Cl2) and photosensitizing thioxanthenone (Sigma-Aldrich). The solution was protected from light during preparation and storage."22:25
kanzure"In a PGA deprotection step, droplet formation was achieved by filling the reactor from bottom to top with PGA-P solution, and then draining the solution from the bottom of the reactor. The flow direction was controlled by a four-way electronic valve (Valco)."22:26
kanzure"The light-directed acid deprotection steps lasted 0.5 - 2 min and were followed by a rapid pyridine/CH3CN (10/90 v/v) wash. The rest of the synthesis steps were coupling, capping and oxidation and they were the same as performed in conventional oligonucleotide synthesis."22:26
kanzure"coupling reaction using a mixture 1:10 of fluorescein:T phosphoramidites" sounds nice22:27
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kanzurehm, their microarray had wells with a diameter of 150-600 microns. that's pretty big.22:30
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gene_hackerwell within the range of what can be done with a projector22:36
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gene_hackerthe hard part is optimizing the chambers for equal flow22:39
kanzurei'm not sure it needs to have chambers22:39
gene_hackerbut that shouldn't be too hard with22:39
kanzurewhat were the chambers for?22:39
gene_hackerisolating the photogenerated acid22:40
gene_hackerpreventing it from uncapping that which you don't want uncapped22:41
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kanzurewouldn't that happen during the wash cycle? the acids would get pushed around to the other chambers.22:51
gene_hackerI don't know22:51
gene_hackernow where was that paper again?22:52
kanzurewhich one would you like22:53
gradstudentbotWe were out of the right dye, so I just used an equivalent.22:53
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gene_hackernope it's simpler than that22:53
gene_hackerthere are dedicated waste channels22:53
gene_hackertake a look a the arrows on the picture22:53
kanzurelooks like all the same channel to me22:54
gene_hackerlook closer22:54
gene_hackerthe acid gets washed out into the waste channels22:55
kanzureosnap you're right22:55
gene_hackernot into other chambers22:55
kanzurethose waste channels are not connected to the main inlet22:55
gene_hackerthey are connected to the outlet22:55
kanzureyep i totally missed that22:55
gradstudentbotIt's not really significant, but there's definitely a trend.22:56
gene_hackerand that's why you have to carefully optimize the channels22:57
gene_hackerof course it's low Re flow, it can't be that bad22:57
kanzurewaste channel could be deeper, maybe22:57
gene_hacker or 3d22:58
gene_hackerhowever, aren't the chemicals needed nasty solvents?22:58
kanzurenmz787 has been looking into material compatibility things23:01
gene_hackernow I was going to say ceramic, but ceramic isn't clear23:02
gene_hackerno wait, it can be23:02
gene_hackerit's just insane: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transparent_ceramics23:03
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