
--- Log opened Thu Jun 26 00:00:40 2014
--- Day changed Thu Jun 26 2014
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nmz787 to whoever mentioned my requirements was missing youtube-dl... I added it, along with some improvements https://github.com/nmz787/youtube-audio-flask/01:09
nmz787also found out tonight that the youtube API V2 is deprecated, and the V3 API requires a dev key... guess I have a lil less than a year til they shut off V2 API01:11
nmz787I think I could probably just scrape the youtube search results though, if I don't want it to rely on a dev key01:11
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chris_99kanzure, this may interest you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wobulation i think you where talking about LCD projectors and the dead area between pixels a while ago04:55
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kanzure.wik wobulation06:01
yoleaux"Wobulation is a term which refers to the known variation (or wobble) in a characteristic. For example, the term is used to describe advanced radar waveform modulations – where the repetition rate or centre frequency of a signal is changed in a repetitive fashion to reduce the probability of detection." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wobulation06:01
chris_99it seems to be used in DLP projectors06:01
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eudoxiatoday i had a dream that i shouldn't write compilers in C++06:27
eudoxialisa simpson told me to use haskell06:27
kanzureshe was right to do that06:28
eudoxiamy subconscious evidently is no stickler for subtletly06:29
eudoxiathen we flew through the pages of LYAH and i woke up06:29
kanzureall of my dreams are basically this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdj6deraQ6k06:35
eudoxiai would have expected something more like a requiem for homo sapiens with anders sandberg as hanuman li tosh06:38
kanzurenot bald enough06:38
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13Ra0Kt8orY06:55
yoleauxEXIT TRANCE - Track 01 - only my railgun06:55
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ParahSailinkanzure: so its not normally expected that one find the exact curve of intersection between two surfaces?07:11
ParahSailinone is allowed to just fudge it by subdividing surfaces into polygons and come up with a curve thats pretty close?07:11
kanzurepeople certainly do subdivision, but i'm not sure if it's necessary07:12
kanzureit's certainly easier07:13
kanzurenot sure if it should be allowed07:13
kanzurethis one has source code available too,07:13
ParahSailinopennurbs_ext does what i described07:13
kanzuretessellation is probably just because they have to do raytracing07:14
kanzurethe other stuff is in librt/primitives/brep/ or librt/primitives/nurbs/ somewhere07:15
ParahSailinnah, in the gsoc page he says all the magic is in opennurbs_ext07:15
kanzurewell that's sad07:15
kanzurei don't think that subdivision approximation is valid07:15
kanzureyou might as well just do polyhedral approximation boolean stuff07:16
ParahSailin/ Here we use polyline approximation. // TODO: Find a better fitting algorithm unless this is good enough.07:16
ParahSailinnow i wonder if opencascade does it exact07:16
kanzurei would start looking around here, https://github.com/tpaviot/oce/tree/master/src/BOPAlgo07:17
kanzurealso.. see utah_brep_intersect in https://github.com/kanzure/brlcad/blob/master/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp07:19
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ParahSailinis it even possible to define a new nurb surface given a nurb surface and a parametric curve on that surface?07:23
kanzuredunno :/07:24
kanzuretranslating my nurbs into a triangulated mesh doesn't sound right to me07:24
ParahSailini dont think it is possible to generate an exact new nurbs surface like that in the general case07:25
ParahSailinbecause you would totally be messing up the rectangular grid of control vertices07:25
ParahSailini mean, just imagine intersection of a plane that bisects the surface diagonally relative to its vertex grid07:27
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ParahSailinyou cant just say, oh my 2d array of control vertices is now sparse, but everything else is the same as the old one, just we deleted a whole bunch of vertices in the corner07:29
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kanzureoh :/07:42
ParahSailini think its called a t-spline if you do that07:42
kanzureso once you do a boolean operation in brlcad,07:44
kanzureyour nurbs are no longer nurbs?07:44
ParahSailinim sure its still nurbs, but its not a surface that is locally identical to either of the parents07:45
ParahSailinits a best-fit nurbs i think07:45
kanzureso i thought they use the intersection curve to trim the previous two nurbs07:48
kanzureby "they" i mean "in general"07:52
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ParahSailinnew vertex rows would have to be created along the intersection curve, and im not sure if its possible to always make those new rows fit into your old grid07:54
ParahSailinhm, wait, maybe when these guys say nurbs they really mean a nurbs surface trimmed by curve07:56
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kanzureesolid has so far been the simplest implementation (other than brlcad's?) with source code available08:02
kanzureand also has papers associated with it, which is more than i can say about brlcad, opencascade, etc08:05
kanzure*more than i can say about the boolean algorithms in brlcad, opencascade, etc08:05
kanzureoh yeah, esolid had brlcad integration at one point. i don't remember getting it to work though.08:13
ParahSailini cant find esolid?08:17
ParahSailinnm on your github08:18
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kanzure"Solids in ESOLID are represented as B-reps broken up into trimmed parametric patches. Each patch is described by a surface with both a parametric and implicit form. The trimming curves are described in the same way as intersection curves between two patches, since this is how trimming curves in the output of a Boolean operation are formed."08:24
kanzure"The intersections of such surfaces are stored as algebraic plane curves in the parametric patch domain. Note that these intersection curves are typically not parameterizable. For example, representing the intersection of the patches by a rational parametric curve with rational coefficients (such as a B-spline) could not be done without introducing some error. So, intersection curves (and trimming curves) are stored in implicit form with ...08:24
kanzure... endpoints."08:24
ParahSailinyou sure this esolid repo has nurbs intersection?08:27
* archels is more interested in smooth joining of NURBS08:29
archelsPhD students. we need more of them08:30
kanzureParahSailin: http://research.cs.tamu.edu/keyser/geom/esolid/examples.htm08:31
kanzureiirc it's the ::intersection() member methods08:32
ParahSailini could do those examples on paper; do they have one with the teapots?08:32
kanzureor "boolean" https://github.com/kanzure/esolid/blob/master/src/ksolid.cc#L96108:33
kanzurei was considering a cython wrapper of esolid http://diyhpl.us/cgit/lolcad/tree/esolid/wrapper/wrapper.pyx08:33
ParahSailinhm ok i believe they have it08:36
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kanzurearchels: i'm sure opencascade has that, btw08:37
kanzurearchels: like in their sewing stuff, https://github.com/tpaviot/oce/blob/master/src/BRepBuilderAPI/BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing.cxx08:38
ParahSailinkanzure: so why did you stop considering the cython wrapper?08:40
kanzurei don't remember.08:41
kanzurei had just stopped working on esolid.py (because i realized i hadn't been writing unit tests, and that none of it probably worked), so i was probably feeling a little down about that08:41
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eudoxiai'm glad i live in a place where even the crises are boring09:56
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kanzurefreecad crashed while extruding a circle -_-10:33
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kanzure*** Abort *** an exception was raised, but no catch was found. ... The exception is:SIGSEGV 'segmentation violation' detected. Address 010:34
eudoxiayou should rewrite everything in rust10:38
kanzurejust as soon as i finish reading their million lines of code10:41
kanzurethen i'll move on to the second million10:41
dingocircles are hard10:52
dingothats a NPE10:52
dingosomebody forgot to check a null value before access10:53
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kanzurethis is a box with a cylindrical through-hole: part1 = Workplane("front").rect(1,1).circle(0.25).extrude(1)10:55
kanzurethis is the same box but it does not have a cylindrical through-hole: part1 = Workplane("front").rect(1,1).circle(0.5).extrude(1)10:55
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kanzure_extruding a circle should not be buggy like that, argh12:20
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kanzure_.wik coelacanth13:15
yoleaux"The coelacanths (i/ˈsiːləkænθ/ SEE-lə-kanth) constitute a rare order of fish that includes two extant species in the genus Latimeria: the West Indian Ocean coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) and the Indonesian coelacanth (Latimeria menadoensis)." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coelacanth13:15
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kanzure_.title http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/fed_regs/quotas/2013/fr0909.htm13:21
yoleauxEstablished Aggregate Production Quotas for Schedule I and II Controlled Substances and Established Assessment of Annual Needs for the List I Chemicals Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine for 201413:21
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kanzure_"production quotas" sounds like bullshit to me13:23
kanzure_only 25 grams of heroin per year are allowed to be manufactured?13:23
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ParahSailinthats probably about all they need to calibrate test kits or something13:46
dbolser.suggest thats probably about all they need to calibrate test kits or something14:01
yoleauxNo suggestions for thats probably about all they need to calibrate test kits or something.14:01
dbolser.suggest calibrate test kits14:01
yoleauxPerhaps calibrate test kits: calibration test kits14:01
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nmz787_ii got a 405nm from them14:30
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kanzurehm http://www.photomacrography.net/forum/userpix/2077_NEWCONELUMIXG1SPIRATONESSTBELLOWSLEICAREXTENSIONTUBEMOUNTLEITZPHOTAR25MM252_1.jpg17:32
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kanzure"Many telescopes suffer needlessly from low contrast images caused by stray light reaching the focal plane. Applying a flat black paint to the inside of your telescope tube helps, but a textured matte black surface is a much better light trap. ProtoStar flocked paper is a very black, self adhesive, material The flocked paper has a surface texture that is best described as "peach fuzz," and the fibers don't shed like some velvets and felts do. ...17:39
kanzure... When looked at from low angles, it absorbs virtually 100% of light that strikes it." http://web.archive.org/web/20050331003652/http://www.kendrickastro.com/astro/protostar.html17:39
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kanzure"interesting! I was able to duplicate the issue.  I dont know why exactly this happens, but it is because the second one creates a non-manifold object-- the circle of radius 0.5 makes the very sides of the object zero thickness, and the solid engine has issues with that. I expected this to work: Workplane("front").rect(1,1).circle(0.49).extrude(1) but it doesnt.  oddly, this works: Workplane("front").rect(1,1).circle(0.41).extrude(1) radius ...17:45
kanzure... 0.41 is the largest value that works for me. I have no idea why at this point.  I'll look into it though."17:46
kanzureParahSailin: problems like these. now i have to debug opencascade and figure out why it can't cut a circle through a square.17:47
dingo24 hours later, congrats17:59
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kanzuredingo: and here i thought i was just bad at basic shapes18:01
dingotheres some joke about putting a square peg in a round hole18:04
dingoi just ain't so witty18:05
kanzuresome blood test prices http://www.theranos.com/test-menu18:09
kanzure"Secrecy buys them two things: 1. Their competitors won't know what their loss leaders are. If assays A,B, and C have been optimized to profitability but D and E are still loss leaders, a competitor could use that knowledge by subsidizing demand for D and E (e.g. by undercutting them and forwarding the assay work, whereby the competitor spends $1 to force them to spend $10)."18:14
kanzure"2. Patent trolls (are they really trolls if they spent money to develop the technology and make a product based on it?) won't know what to sue them for."18:15
kanzurealthough, i don't know if the forwarding of assay work would actually work in the competitor's favor, since the originating company could just throttle assay work or sales to that particular company18:25
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kanzurescrew it, i'm going back to solidworks21:05
nmz787r u 4 realz?21:07
kanzurecircles don't even work21:08
nmz787's not brlcad tho right?21:23
kanzure10:55 < kanzure> this is a box with a cylindrical through-hole: part1 = Workplane("front").rect(1,1).circle(0.25).extrude(1)21:23
kanzure10:55 < kanzure> this is the same box but it does not have a cylindrical through-hole: part1 = Workplane("front").rect(1,1).circle(0.5).extrude(1)21:23
nmz787why invest time in that, if the gsoc and MIL is behind brl?21:23
kanzurethey are writing bad python21:24
kanzureand the nurbs portions are C++ anyway, which doesn't get autowrapped into python-brlcad (which uses ctypes and ctypesgen)21:24
kanzurei guess i could write a c wrapper to dump into brlcad that wraps their c++ stuff21:25
kanzurebrlcad edges/vertices/faces/surfaces aren't exposed in brlcad like they are in opencascade/acis/parasolid :\21:27
ParahSailinwhat you need is a ctypes that does nm -C hax on c++ shared libs21:27
kanzurewhat i really need is a library that fucking works21:29
kanzurei guess i should try esolid + cython again21:32
nmz787i thought you just need to include python.h to make a c to python wrapper21:32
nmz787and do the PyObject stuff21:32
nmz787unpacg args, pack retvals21:33
kanzurectypes, yo21:33
kanzureand ctypesgen https://github.com/kanzure/ctypesgen21:33
kanzurethat's how i did python-brlcad21:33
nmz787or swig21:33
kanzureno way in hell i'm going to write 10000 lines of wrapper code21:33
kanzureswig sux21:33
nmz787why doesn't the code get autowrapped?21:33
nmz787isn't that a feature of wig?21:34
kanzurectypes doesn't do demangling of c++ stuff21:34
nmz787whatcha mean, i think i've import ctypes or seen it importe21:35
nmz787dunno what it is/ does21:35
kanzurei think the problem with brlcad/swig was something regarding brlcad's gratuitous use of fancy preprocessor macros21:35
kanzurectypes is a lot like libffi21:36
kanzure.wik libffi21:36
yoleaux"libffi is a foreign function interface library." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libffi21:36
kanzure.wik ctypes (software)21:36
yoleaux"In computing, a binding from a programming language to a library or operating system service is an application programming interface (API) providing glue code to use that library or service in a particular programming language." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ctypes_(software)21:37
kanzure"ctypes is a foreign function library for Python. It provides C compatible data types, and allows calling functions in DLLs or shared libraries. It can be used to wrap these libraries in pure Python."21:37
nmz787so ctypes is different than including Python.h in a wrapper file and compiling it into a module is something else?21:38
kanzuredefinitely different21:38
nmz787i am tired of typing today21:38
kanzurealso, ctypesgen uses pygccxml to scan source code and header files to generate a json structure that can be used to generate python that uses ctypes based on the source code of your target library21:38
nmz787when i was doing some opencv i just compiled it into a module... i only had a few functions passing data and paths and params tho21:39
kanzurei am not very interested in typing PyObject* a billion times for every function or struct21:39
nmz787hmm, that sounds convuluted/prone to lots of debugging21:39
kanzureworks fine21:39
kanzurewraps brlcad without a problem, which is a few million lines of legacy code21:40
gradstudentbotI could never be a PI.21:40
nmz787seems like a function could be written to do it for you... or just limit I/O and let the C++ do the hard work21:40
nmz787so have fewer functions to wrap21:40
kanzurethe point is to make the API available in your target language21:40
nmz787if its done right, should only have to type that billion once!21:40
nmz787idk, i thought it was python for the world!21:41
nmz787.wik ftw21:41
yoleaux"FTW may refer to:" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ftw21:41
nmz787yoleux more21:41
kanzurenone of this wrapping stuff matters at all if the actual api sucks21:42
nmz787does it?21:42
kanzurefor example, you can't iterate over edges, vertices, surfaces in brlcad21:42
kanzureand the nurby parts aren't in c anyway, which makes wrapping more annoying21:43
nmz787isn't there some graph or something?21:43
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kanzuresomewhere, but with my luck it's probably hidden behind some stupid preprocessor macro that can't be wrapped21:43
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nmz787why would macros be a deal breaker?21:51
nmz787i guess figuring them out might be a challenge21:51
kanzurebecause they don't get wrapped21:51
nmz787do the existing devs like you?21:51
kanzureand because their whole codebase is extremely reliant on it21:51
nmz787or are there none around anymore?21:51
kanzurebrlcad developers hang out in #brlcad21:52
kanzurestandard business hours21:52
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nmz787in this country?21:52
kanzurethey find me okay, but they have different priorities21:52
kanzureyes in this country21:52
kanzureit's the military21:52
gradstudentbotThe real reason I wanted to join this lab was because I love to clean glassware.21:53
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kanzurehello joepie91_21:54
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