
--- Log opened Tue Jul 08 00:00:58 2014
superkuhhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVJx6GrKpLU  - "Map of Internet IPv4 Address Space Growth" updated to 201400:09
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kanzurehm, gmail has been spontaneously ignoring some of my filters08:29
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kanzurewelp i guess i'll be seein this everywhere.. how sad. http://tholman.com/giflinks/08:37
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kanzureweep with me08:58
* dbolser googles for a weeping gif08:59
kanzurethis has gone terribly wrong09:00
eudoxiatechnology in general, or the web09:04
kanzurethe conversation with dbolser09:04
kanzurehe's still searching for a gif09:05
eudoxiawell that's his fault for not having an indexed and categorized reaction image folder09:05
kanzurebut also that he decided to go search at all, that is also terrible09:06
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* dbolser didn't really search09:22
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Daekenhttp://demoseen.com/promethease/ woot, promethease report on my genome is done \o/11:28
chris_99Does anyone know about an IRC room for openworm, the one i've been refered to #openworm-office doesn't have anyone in11:28
kanzurethey don't use irc11:29
kanzurethey only use google hangouts because they are dickfaces11:29
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kanzureDaeken: "probably able to digest milk" well there you goi11:30
kanzure"Reduced conversion of beta-carotene to retinol Associated with Rs7501331 and reduced BCMO1"11:31
kanzurewell that explains your massive head11:31
FourFire"they don't use irc" probably because they're actually doing stuff11:31
kanzureno, it's because they like to look at their fucking faces11:32
kanzurehangouts is a show-your-face chatting app11:32
FourFireyes, yes I've used hangouts11:32
kanzureso "hangouts" is actually doing things, but irc isn't?11:32
kanzureDaeken: is that your html?11:37
kanzureoh, nevermind11:37
kanzurevery strange way of presenting the data11:37
kanzureDaeken: did they also give you an assembled genome?11:45
Daekenkanzure: i have the raw samples from my genome from 23andme, available at http://demoseen.com/genome.zip11:49
kanzureso just the snps?11:49
kanzureknome was also giving the dna fragments plus an assembled genome plus snp data11:49
kanzureanything actionable?11:51
Daekennot that i see yet11:51
kanzurelactose intolerance would be an obvious one11:51
kanzurebut you would sort of already know that11:51
jrayhawk_Nah, you can compensate for that with gut flora.11:52
Daekenit's interesting that they say that i'm likely lactose tolerant; i'm not.  but it's likely due to some other cause.11:52
kanzurethere's another one that says you can digest it11:52
jrayhawk_There's some genetic influence on muscle fiber typing that has useful implications for training.11:53
dpkpaperbot: http://llc.oxfordjournals.org/content/3/2/136.full.pdf+html11:54
* dpk farts at paperbot11:54
kanzurebot abuse detected11:55
jrayhawk_Robots are people too!11:55
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jrayhawk_gradstudentbot: how would you describe your phylogeny11:56
gradstudentbotOnce you go Markov, you never go Bach.11:56
ParahSailinkanzure: 23andme is an illumina microarray11:57
kanzurei didn't know he was using 23andme11:57
ParahSailini suppose i should say "was"11:57
kanzure"The USPTO requires synthetic sequences be deposited in Genbank and receive an accession number" (when patenting a sequence)12:00
Daekenyeah, this data's from 23andme12:01
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ParahSailinis there currently no accessible way for people to get beadchip genotyping?12:12
kanzurehaven't checked12:13
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ParahSailinDaeken: how long ago did you do 23andme13:17
DaekenParahSailin: a few weeks, but i've had the kit since before the fda ban on the health data, so i got the full set.13:17
kanzureso what information is 23andme doing now?13:18
kanzuredo they give the snps at all? just no analysis?13:18
Daekenjust ancestry13:18
ParahSailinso someone doing this now couldnt send in their spit to anyone?13:18
Daekeni think they give the snps, too13:18
ParahSailinor they can?13:18
DaekenParahSailin: how do you mean?13:18
ParahSailincan i send my spit to 23andme and get the genotyping panel done13:19
Daekenyou can get the ancestry, and possibly the raw SNPs -- not positive on that.13:19
ParahSailinah, looks like they are doing stuff again13:20
Daekenman, promethease is so freaking cool13:21
kanzureis it just snpedia data?13:21
kanzurei remember someone named bowman talking with me about it13:22
kanzurehm it's a person in beaverton13:22
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kanzurethis does not seem to be very problematic http://www.pdfernhout.net/the-problems-of-being-self-determining.html14:05
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kanzure"Unless everyone is like Bryan or Paul, with the ability to read 10,000 sources in 10 hours, attention will remain the hard scarcity in an information based economy."14:24
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FourFirekanzure, it's true14:41
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nmz787open-spectrometer was voted 11th place on hackaday http://hackaday.com/2014/07/08/all-precincts-reporting-next-round-of-voting-is-now/17:24
nmz787e-beam physical vapor deposition17:26
nmz787"CRT TV turned into a electron beam physical vapor deposition device, then used to make optics for an experimental CO2 waveguide laser"17:26
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nmz787"A key factor to my motivation is that I need exercise, and regular trips across town on foot and bike to dumpster dive in the best spots is a great way for me to get it. "17:28
nmz787"I'm not certain that the electron beam from a CRT is sufficient to evaporate a metal at all. "17:29
nmz787"Ideally I'll get results which come much slower than those of the commercial units, which are said to be very fast. If I don't get results then I'll still use the CRT as just a Bell jar, and sputter the mirrors I need."17:30
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kanzurei should do a markov bot that generates random garbage stories like that17:51
kanzure"So I constructed a {{device}} from a scavenged {{device you'll never see in your lifetime, also they stopped making it 40 years ago}}, while dumpster diving in {{city.name}}"17:52
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cluckjdammit FDA quit hiding smallpox in your closets18:14
kanzurehaving problems?18:17
yoleauxCDC Media Statement on Newly Discovered Smallpox Samples18:18
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kanzure"Overnight PCR testing done by CDC"18:20
kanzurehope someone got overtime18:20
cluckjI bet the machine did18:20
kanzuredidn't load itself18:21
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kanzurewhat protein is responsible for the blue butt pigmentation in mandrillus sphinx?18:29
kanzureprobably something about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melanocortin_receptor18:32
kanzure"We sequenced 810 bp of the MC1R coding region in 23 individuals spanning the range of male plumage variation. The only variable sites we detected among L. coronata sequences were four synonymous substitutions, none of which were strictly associated with either plumage type. Similarly, comparative analyses showed that L. coronata sequences were monomorphic at the three amino acid sites hypothesized to be functionally important in other birds. ...18:33
kanzure... These results demonstrate that genes other than MC1R underlie melanic plumage polymorphism in blue-crowned manakins."18:33
kanzurewhere MC1R is melanocortin-1 receptor18:33
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.oeb.harvard.edu/faculty/hoekstra/PDFs/Hubbard2010TIG.pdf18:35
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kanzure"For examples, every log for our BSL-3's is reviewed within a few hours of modification. If a question comes up, users have 4 hours to respond to them. If they fail to do so certain containment procedures go into effect."19:44
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slacko206791whats the state of the art in nootropics so far?21:23
kanzurevery hit/miss21:26
slacko206791about 10 years ago I was on a forum and gave some guys a formula for experimenting with combinations of a number of existing drugs to arrive at something workable.21:28
slacko206791they did it and it turned out to be fantastic.21:28
slacko206791it inspired that movie about the guy that was buying and selling a brain drug.21:28
kanzurewas it imminst21:28
slacko206791bastards never told me what it was21:29
kanzureimminst was a forum21:29
slacko206791not them21:29
slacko206791I forget which one though21:29
kanzuremy bad, "longecity"21:29
slacko206791I only found out because one of their friends was taunting me about it.21:29
slacko206791cool first I heard of lc21:30
kanzurethey are the coward version of immortality institute21:30
slacko206791I gave up on longevity. The situation in this world is so bad I might end up having to shoot myself.21:30
kanzurebest do it so21:30
slacko206791We will need some serious political change before I'm worried about living forever21:30
slacko206791coward - meaning they dont want to experiment?21:31
kanzuremeaning they changed their name because they were ashamed21:31
slacko206791im still not getting it. ashamed of what?21:31
gradstudentbotI was sponsored by George Church. That is, until I fell through the wormhole at the far end of the lab.21:31
kanzureof their name21:32
kanzureimmortality institute21:32
slacko206791oh ok21:32
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slacko206791I don't pay any attention to people. They are either stupid, cowardly, or both.21:33
slacko206791I'm diabetic and I know at least one cure for it and I wanted to find a few more diabetics so we could team up and do it ourselves rather that wait twenty years and die.21:34
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slacko206791I can't find anybody. They are all scared shitless of doing anything without some brainwashed psychopath in a white coat approving it.21:34
kanzuresounds like an okay pla21:34
kanzurehow many do you want?21:34
kanzurediabetics, i mean21:35
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slacko206791I'd like 5 people. at least 2 of whom must be reasonable intelligent and able to learn a little biology that I will teach them.21:35
kanzurewell, you can harass cluckj21:36
slacko206791I'm guessing the whole thing will run under 5 grand but would be nice to have extra on tap if we need it.21:36
slacko206791well what?21:44
kanzurehow are you going to spend the $5k?21:45
kanzureyou don't just end the story there.. gotta spin it man.21:45
slacko206791nah, gave up on the idea.21:45
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slacko206791plus its like the longevity thing. Why?  we dont have any freedom. We are free to be obedient tax paying consumer cows.21:46
slacko206791thats it.21:46
slacko206791who wants to live like that?21:46
kanzurethen how do you explain anyone doing anything?21:46
kanzure*anything at all?21:46
slacko206791They don't get the big picture. They are too busy eating the grass and humping each other to realise whats going on.21:47
slacko206791"only stupid people are breeding" and all that21:47
slacko206791You know marvin from hitchikers guide? *me*21:48
kanzurehow convenient, an ideology that doesn't require you to do anything21:48
slacko206791Actually I have more ideology that does.21:49
slacko206791"do it because its the right thing to do, not because you expect it to succeed"21:49
slacko206791as espoused cryptically in the Bagavad Gita21:49
kanzurewhat happened to "i can't do anything because i'm the only person who sees the big picture"21:50
nmz787kanzure: i thought 'how many do you want' referred to 'brainwashed psychopath in a white lab coat'21:50
kanzurenah, i meant diabetos21:50
slacko206791kanzure, is that japanese?21:51
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kanzurediabetos is just a friendly way of saying diabetics21:51
nmz787it's late night tv21:51
nmz787or maybe it was early-day-time tv21:52
slacko206791I was asking about your name?21:52
kanzurewell i was 13 when i picked kanzure, it did involve some japanese dictionaries but i'm pretty sure it's not a word21:52
slacko206791ok how old now?21:53
kanzurethat was 200321:53
kanzurefigured i would pick something i could find on search engines21:53
nmz787i always thought it was like he was 'cancer'... of the internet or a message board or some video game :P21:53
nmz787or bc he liked bio so much21:53
kanzurenope, just needed something i could find on the interwebs21:54
nmz787and either thought cancer was awesomesauce or he hated it and wanted to make it his life's work21:54
slacko206791i c21:54
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nmz787'to beat cancer, your internet handle has to sound similar'21:55
kanzureto beat cancer, you must become cancer21:55
slacko206791I see. do you have cancer?21:55
kanzureprobably, i haven't checked21:56
kanzurei thought everyone had cancer21:56
kanzureand the immune system is generally okay at killing it dead21:56
slacko206791I think I came up with a cure for it.21:56
slacko206791everyone does - amas21:56
slacko206791you know amas?21:56
slacko206791yeah its his last name21:56
slacko206791google amas + cancer21:56
kanzure.g amas cancer21:57
yoleauxAn Innovative Blood Test for Early Cancer Detection and Screening21:57
slacko206791he invented the blood test. Turns out everyone is positive. The test just tells you how positive you are.21:57
gradstudentbotDoes Jesus know about dysprosium?21:58
slacko206791Most people just have a few cancerous cells here and there that the immune system is constantly cleaning up21:58
kanzureisn't that what i just said21:58
slacko206791but sometimes the immune system is weak or blind, or the cancer is strong and fast and you 'get' cancer21:58
slacko206791yes it is!21:58
slacko206791I'm agreeing with you -verbose21:58
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