
--- Log opened Sun Jul 13 00:00:02 2014
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nmz787what does aliexpress et al. call 80/20 t-slot stuff?01:54
nmz787hmm, $4/ft... doesn't seem too bad http://www.ebay.com/itm/80-20-80-20-80-20-PARCO-T-SLOT-ALUMINUM-EXTRUSION-1-5-X-1-5-/370586698745?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5648b043f901:57
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201404871/pdf05:58
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 70, in _go)05:58
ebowdenpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201404871/full06:00
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 70, in _go)06:00
ebowdenpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201404871/abstract06:00
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 70, in _go)06:00
ebowdenDang. :(06:00
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.cellbio.042308.11325606:04
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kanzurenmz787: or get makerslide06:19
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/scd.2006.15.16506:34
* kanzure squints06:41
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paperbotRuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded (file "/usr/lib/python2.7/_weakrefset.py", line 72, in __contains__)07:09
kanzurenmz787: limiting yourself to micrometers and millimeters in cad is sorta worthless; you can just use normal meters07:42
nshi get 12 rods to the hogshead and that's the way i like it07:43
nshsimpsons (grampa) quote in reference to metric system07:46
nsh.wa 40 rods per hogshead in miles per gallon07:47
yoleauxconvert 40 rd/hhd (rods per US hogshead) to miles per gallon: 0.001984 mpg (miles per gallon); Additional conversion: 0.8435 m/L (meters per liter); Interpretation: fuel economy; Basic unit dimensions: [length]⁽⁻²⁾; Corresponding quantity: Fuel consumption from FC = 1/FE:: 1185 L/km (liters per kilometer): 504 gal/mi (gallons per mile): 118548 L/100 km (liters per hundred kilometers)07:47
-!- chapta [d95cdcb8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:50
chaptaHello guys are there are any important newsletter, news groups ...? I am reading on ieet.org a lot , but i want more input, from other chanels, having different views and using different arguments... Not only for transhumism, but also for biohack DIY bio07:51
kanzureieet.org is crap07:56
kanzurefor diybio stuff you can abuse https://groups.google.com/group/diybio07:56
chaptaok, thanks kanzure , are there newsletters, news groups or something?08:00
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kanzurechapta: diybio is a mailing list08:02
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chaptaok, kanzure i specify my question: Are there other(not the DIYBio google group) interesting and knowledgable communication channels about transhumanism, biohack or DIYbio?08:12
kanzurewell, there's this channel08:15
chaptaok, i take a look at the irc logs , but something else ?08:18
chaptaWow i am quiet impressed, you are even in the first logs from 200808:20
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cluckjreally the only stuff on the internet are the mailing lists and some blogs associated with groups, and this channel08:21
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chaptaThe logs get bigger, how older they are, that is sad, is this movement dieing?08:22
chaptacan you give me links to a few blogs? cluckj08:23
cluckjpeople started making groups in meatspace and stopped needing to communicate online08:23
cluckjthat's a list of almost every diy bio group08:24
chaptathanks, is there a cooperation with fablabs or do they totaly ignore diybio?08:24
chaptasadly there is nothing in my reach08:25
kanzuremy list is more thorough than diybio.org/local over here http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/groups/08:25
kanzurefablabs in general are not interested in diybio08:25
cluckjin some places, yes08:25
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kanzurea lot of biologists hate computers; that's why genspace doesn't make friends with people over the internet08:26
kanzurethey are isolationists08:26
cluckjdang that is a big stalker list08:26
nshstalk hard or stalk home08:26
chaptawhy? the goal seems similiar? improving the world, educating the poeple08:26
cluckjkanzure, they don't have time for the internet08:26
kanzurethat's not even my real stalker list08:27
chaptaom still nothing with in 300 km08:27
kanzurewell where the fuck are you08:28
cluckjchapta where are you located?08:28
chaptanear Dresden, Gemany08:28
chaptaonly berlin and bavaria :-(08:28
kanzurethere's tons of groups in berlin08:29
kanzurethat's way less than 300 km08:29
kanzurelearn geography08:29
chaptathere is a headquarter ccc , a fablab , but nothing like diybio08:30
cluckjthere's also some stuff in prague?08:30
kanzurebesides the biohacking groups, there's also eleitl's crazyfun bodyfreezing lab08:30
cluckjis that the name, or is it crazy fun?08:31
kanzureoh wait, no, he's munich. which is out of range.08:31
kanzureit is frazy fun08:31
kanzurei'm not sure if his operations have a name at the moment08:31
kanzurethe berlin biohacking people are a little hard to remember08:32
cluckjthe thing about diy bio is that if you can't find a space near you.......make one08:32
kanzureone of them was a journalist08:32
chaptayes you are right around 200 km s to berlin and 175 km to Prag, but i do not have car so it is far away for me .08:33
cluckjchapta, there are probably people interested in doing diy bio things in your area; send an email to the global list or start a group08:34
kanzurewhy do you want to go?08:34
cluckjsome folks use meetup in the US, I don't know if there's a german equivalent08:34
kanzuregroups are dumb anyway; "let's start my non-institutional hobby by starting an institution"08:34
cluckjI'd hesitate to call some diy bio groups institutions :P08:34
kanzurewell they are certainly claiming they are08:35
kanzure"hurf durf, we have a code of ethics, and we're an organization, proving that diybio can organize itself in the US" go fuck yourself08:35
kanzureso disappointing08:35
chaptai am student, so its hard to found something :-(08:36
kanzureyou don't need to "found" anything08:36
cluckjyou can make it if you can't find it08:36
chaptaWhere do i can send the mail if i want to support the founding of a group in my near?08:36
cluckjthe biology student association at a university08:37
chaptanot a student in university but in a borderschool , do you think it is possible to make some thing like a DIYbio club in school?08:38
cluckjtalk to science teachers08:39
kanzureyou can also do it yourself (DIY)08:39
kanzurecluckj, it's amazing how stupid i feel having to say that08:39
cluckjI feel your pain08:40
kanzure"A tool and library that can extract various areas of text from a PDF, especially a scholarly article PDF."08:41
* nsh is about to test08:41
nshwow, that is a big repo08:41
kanzureprolly this crap https://github.com/CrossRef/pdfextract/tree/master/data08:42
nshwtf is a Rakefile08:42
nshi need an adult08:42
kanzurerake is a make system08:42
nshoh, ruby08:42
kanzurewelcome to rubyland, don't forget to get out08:42
* nsh smiles08:43
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nshttfunk requires Ruby version >=
nshis this going to end in annoyance at ubuntu...08:48
kanzurei suggest rvm or rbenv08:48
kanzureby suggest i mean i'm laughing at you08:48
nshas well you should08:49
nshnot even sure with rbenv i'll be able to install ruby1.9.3 except by source08:49
nshwhich sounds like a headache08:49
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kanzureif you feel like using virtualbox, you could find a vagrant box with ruby 1.9.3 already installed08:50
nshi've already lost interest. i could just do pdf2text (or whatever) and write some simple heuristics08:51
nshthere is probably no reasonable reason you need 70Mb of ruby code to do what i want08:51
kanzure"i could just use osme simple heuristics" famous last words08:51
kanzurethat's probably just their giant .db file08:51
kanzurebecause they suck at git08:51
nshwait, i'm not even under bail conditions any more. i can use whatever linux i want08:52
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nshmigrating also seems like a chore, however08:52
kanzurebail conditions were no linux?08:52
nshno "using the internet via a third-party or in a manner that masks your identity"08:53
kanzure"also no lol"08:53
chaptasrry interupting, I need to win at least one chemistry and one Biology teacher, can you give me a hint for agruments, i have no idea where to start ... I want to craft my own arguments, but can you tell me what possibilities DIYBio offers to schools?08:53
nsh(i tried to explain that you can't use the internet except via third parties so they said it meant basically no tor)08:54
kanzureyou can do diybio at home without a school08:54
chaptai a living in a borderschool again .08:55
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chaptaso i need to talk with bio and chem teachers, that they can tell my mentor that i do not do things that can kill me roomate or other in my house08:58
chaptaso it is smater to do it when there is a teacher next by ... at least in my age08:59
kanzurewhat do you need from them? permission? money?08:59
chaptai need some thing like permissions from my Mentor, which looks after my in the house. Ans to win hom for bio experiments in "his" house, when equiped chemisty rooms are 2 walking minutes away is quiete hard ->09:02
chaptathat leads the conclusion it is better to do it in school"s chemestry romms.09:03
kanzuresprechen um die menschen berlin hacking;; sie starke argument kennin09:03
chaptaThere i need equipment, permission to use the rooms and getsome backing and tipps. And to get that i need to win them for the Idea. CAn you give me email of the people from berlin you talk about?09:05
kanzureMatthias Bock <mail@matthiasbock.net>09:06
kanzurePhilippe S. <gonzoinadaze@googlemail.com>09:06
kanzureAndreas <masterstorm123@gmail.com>09:06
chaptaThanks, kanzure you are something lke the core of the scene ? And quiet friendly for newcomers, thanks a lot.09:09
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cluckjthere's no core09:10
chaptaWHat do you guys think about bullet proof diet and this stuff?09:10
cluckj"scene" is a weird way to describe it, too :\09:11
chaptaok, enlight me pls, how do you call it then?09:12
cluckjshort answer, or long answer?09:13
chaptaboth :-)09:14
chaptaLong answer09:14
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cluckjshort answer: small groups of people doing 'amateur' science, loosely affiliated enough to be called a movement sometimes09:15
kanzuremisconstrued as a movement to boost their own reputation among non-hackers09:15
cluckjkanzure, I'm not sure if it's the media or individuals/groups themselves doing it09:16
kanzureit's the individuals09:16
cluckjthe long answer is pretty long09:17
nshnsh@digriz:~/Downloads$ ls *.pdf | while read F; do python -c 'from pyPdf import PdfFileWriter as w, PdfFileReader as r; import os; print "'"$F"': " + str(r(file("'"$F"'","rb")).getDocumentInfo().title)' 2>/dev/null; done | egrep -v 'None$|: $' | tee pdftitles.txt | wc -l09:17
nshnsh@digriz:~/Downloads$ ls *.pdf | wc -l09:17
cubaare the berlin guys still active?09:17
nsh(127/383 pdfs have title metadata that pyPdf could read)09:18
kanzure"teehee, looks like i accidentally got grant money from some stupid grant org to fund my diybio-as-an-institution shit, whoops" - jason bobe09:18
cubai read something about a biohacker space but i did not find any recent infos about it kanzure09:18
kanzurethey don't communicate very well, so i'm not sure09:18
kanzurei only know what my spy network tells me09:18
cluckjnon-professional scientists have been doing science outside of institutions since forever, diy bio is what it's being called right now09:19
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cluckjdamn I wasn't even close to being done with my long explanation :(09:20
kanzurewhat the fuck type of boarding school has such shitty internets?09:20
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cubachepta: wenn du was findest lass es mich wissen :)09:21
cheptacuba : there is the raumfahrtagentur , but it is something like closed community09:23
kanzurediese zunge sprechen ist wie verschwitzt esel hoden09:23
kanzurethe grammar makes me laugh09:24
cubathe laws here are very tight also09:24
cheptaThis is weird an full fo mistakes :-)09:24
cubai think its better to stay low profile here09:24
cluckjthe grammar is worse in english09:24
cheptacluckj do do you post the long answer09:25
kanzureyou guys are pretty lucky, you have helloween09:25
cluckjI put part of it but you left09:25
cluckjnon-professional scientists have been doing science outside of institutions since forever, diy bio is what it's being called right now09:26
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P2xx5cs7o809:26
yoleauxHelloween - Live in Tuttlingen, Germany 1987 (Full Concert)09:26
cheptai read on the logs , but does not found anything09:26
cheptawas it at :19 ?09:28
cluckjthere's a confluence of different things that make it possible and make it seem like a movement, like access to scientific ways of thinking, used instrumentation, the Internet, law enforcement oversight, relative openness of scientific information, a cultural imperative towards control over the biological09:28
cubai've the feeling that bio amateur scientists are lacking forums like the chemists have09:29
cubathere is no equivalent to sciencemadness for example09:30
kanzurediybio is the equivalent09:30
cubathe ml?09:30
kanzure"forums" are just mailing lists with a different interface and no good email support09:30
kanzurepeople fucking love their forums though; anything different is "wrong"09:31
cheptakanzure @internet : one with >300 people and 16.000 connection and a proxy server between it that blocks every irc client  :-)09:31
cluckjthere's also a lot of stuff happening not on the internet09:31
kanzurelearn to use vpns09:31
cheptacuba i agree09:31
kanzureoh please. email works perfectly fine.09:31
kanzurei still can't believe how pervasive the "if it doesn't have a layout like a forum, it's not valid" opinion is09:31
kanzurelook, they made a forum-email gateway for the diybio mailing list, and *none* of the forum people fucking used it09:31
kanzureso the ball's in your court, jerkwads09:32
cluckjyou are pretty cranky today09:33
cubakanzure: just hates forums09:33
kanzurei probably use way more forums than you ever have09:33
kanzureold list http://heybryan.org/forums.html09:33
kanzurei am not cranky, just mad that nobody has any memory of anything ever09:34
kanzuremad and cranky are totes different especially when justified09:34
cubakanzure: i did not mean to criticize09:34
cluckjI know the difference :P09:34
kanzurei didn't say you were criticizing09:34
nshmy cat's breath smells like cat food09:35
cubaits the taxoplasma gondii09:35
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chaptakanzure google groups are comparable to forums  but lacking the possibilty of folders(i think), but better mail integration09:38
kanzurego try the diybio forum09:38
nmz787ebowden is not around for these I guess09:38
cluckjsocial movements are the latest buzzword for people doing things09:39
cluckjif it's not a movement, there's nothing happening09:39
chaptai think it is quiet fine that different people use / want / hate different types of softwares for different aproaches09:39
nmz787kanzure: if the software works micrometers and nanometers should just be an easy conversion... but if I try exporting it to something for simulations, it needs to be exported in the correct unit09:40
caternas long as that software respects your freedom09:40
nmz787kanzure: it09:40
kanzurenmz787: are you sure?09:40
kanzurelike, what sort of simulation software can't set its own units?09:41
chaptasure there is one09:42
chaptai think there is bad software09:50
chaptathat do not offer this feature09:50
nmz787the only one I've really heard of for microfluidics are fluent and comsol09:51
kanzurecomsol has p. good solidworks integration09:51
kanzuretorrent it09:51
nmz787kanzure: you're famous just cause you've been in some internet logs for years and years :P09:51
kanzurefamous? haha09:51
chapta i am just impressed by him09:52
chapta, kanzure09:53
nmz787chapta: there's not much to ask your teachers other than... 'you want to learn, and will they support that?'09:53
nmz787chapta: nothing to coach you on, just be honest09:54
nmz787"I wanna make my cat glow 'teach"09:54
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chaptaok, i try it09:56
nmz787if you want to do something that you don't want to talk to them about, that might mean you shouldn't talk to us about it... unless it really is something that you think is against their ethics, but which you believe is not against morality/ethics in general09:56
nmz787or something like 'i want a magnet in my finger'09:56
nmz787i guess we'll still talk to you about that09:56
nmz787but we try to think at least one layer deeper than stuff like that09:57
nmz787if that makes sense09:57
kanzureso deep09:57
chaptawhen i am 18 i can think about it09:58
chaptaleave human function extension alone i want to learn DIYBio09:58
cluckjit's not like there's a discipline of "diy bio"10:02
cluckjmaking saurkraut is diy bio10:02
nmz787picking your nose and eating what ends up on your finger is diybio10:03
cluckjmeasuring it then eating it is diy bio10:03
chaptaa bit grow in to the research i young age that i can push research later when i am adult.10:04
cluckjyou should stay in school and do science stuff10:05
cluckja lot of diy biologists have degrees in science and engineering fields, and it seems to help them do thing10:06
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chapteOk, you gave me some impressions about arguments, thanks, talking about my inner reasons,, does make me feel uncomfortable10:10
kanzuredon't call it diybio, just tell them you want to do a biotech club or w/e10:10
kanzurewhatever their normal process is10:11
kanzuredon't call it "fuck the institutionalization of science" group10:11
chapteok biochemistry10:12
cluckjthat would sound badass in german tho10:12
cubafick die institutionalisierung der wissenschaft gruppe10:18
cubai would go for that one10:18
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kanzuredie offentliche einrichtung der nicht-institutionalisierung10:20
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chaptais hplus road mao a channel from the youtube channel h+10:41
kanzurehplus means "transhumanism"10:42
kanzurean organization called wta hijacked the word and called themselves h+10:42
kanzureso now there's a great deal of confusion about it10:42
chaptaok, did you created it?10:42
kanzurei mean, hplusroadmap yes, but not wta or the organization known as humanityplus10:42
chapta:-) clear,10:43
chaptabut actual you do not create an organisation :-)10:43
chaptais h+ the digital series interesting, i can not wathc it in german and we have good admin cut of every vpn10:45
kanzureprobably waste of time10:45
GarethRigbyi ve seen the first frw10:45
GarethRigbyfew, not too bad10:45
kanzurea lot of the transhumanism media is just boring and useless10:45
GarethRigbyproduction quality is decent10:45
GarethRigbytheyr up to 50 eps or so now iirc10:45
GarethRigbyill prolly catch up on them at somepoint10:46
chaptado you have as file10:46
GarethRigbyno youtube in germany?10:46
GarethRigbyand i thought they were so progressive10:46
GarethRigbyand no id have to dl them all and make a torrent for you which would take some time10:47
GarethRigbymore than i have atm10:47
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chaptathe files ae blocked by author10:48
kanzurejust use ec210:48
chaptayoutube is accesible10:48
kanzureit's like $1/day or something for a machine capable of youtubing10:48
GarethRigbystill 1$ too much10:48
GarethRigbyfor something otherwise free10:49
kanzure$1 is a very simple solution to his problem10:49
kanzurehe can't access it- that's the problem10:49
chaptai am not allowed to make contrac until i am 1810:49
yoleauxH+ The Digital Series: Complete First Season10:49
kanzureif i watch any of this and it is crap, how will you repay me10:49
chaptakanzure is their media content that is not crap?10:50
GarethRigbyaugur has hiv10:51
kanzurechapta, not often10:51
GarethRigbytheres your payment10:51
kanzurechapta, especially re: transhumanism -- lots of terrible media and poor understanding10:51
chaptai asked for good examples not for trash :-D10:52
kanzurethere might be no good content10:53
kanzureorion's arm is okay sometimes, but there are sections that are highly suspicious10:53
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chaptaand co10:54
chaptaSpace traveling?10:54
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chaptaDo you think the number of attacks with bioweapon and co will increase with the spreding of knowledge an technology10:57
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archels.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2WUlnprDlE11:48
yoleauxAuto-follow Action Sports Drone - AirDog11:48
kanzurebattery life?11:49
catern[Dubstep not included]11:51
archelsprobably terrible12:01
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kanzurethat's unfortunate12:04
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streetythere is also https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sqdr/hexo-your-autonomous-aerial-camera13:35
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kanzurei wouldn't mind having one if the battery life was better14:43
kanzureor, i would have to think up some sort of landing platform for automatically switching out batteries14:43
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streetywhat do you want to film?14:51
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kanzurenah just general quadcopter tomfoolery14:54
streetyI guess there are models with longer flight times without all the bells and whistles on those two models14:56
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1DsEeb2DOY17:21
yoleauxFree Ross - The Impact of the Silk Road Case on 21st Century Law17:21
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augur_aww poor GarethRigby18:46
augur_cant get over the fact that you got banned huh18:47
augur_:( :( :(18:47
kanzuredid i ban someone18:47
augur_kanzure: no, i did18:48
augur_in another channel18:48
augur_kanzure: also, in a second channel, he got himself banned with racism18:48
augur_(garethrigby, that is)18:48
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