
--- Log opened Mon Jul 14 00:00:03 2014
-!- kuldeepdhaka [~kuldeepdh@unaffiliated/kuldeepdhaka] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:01
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eudoxiakanzure: is that a daily ping you do to keep a "dead man switch" from activating?06:31
kanzurethere are many dead man switches06:35
kanzuresome of which i have forgotten about06:35
kanzureand also that have forgotten functions06:39
kanzurelike, one will very definitely make things very inconvenient for me, but these others must have been doing something else06:39
kanzureit should be called a forgetful man's switch06:51
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kanzuregenspace spikerbox workshop http://www.eventbrite.com/e/diy-neurscience-workshop-build-a-spikerbox-tickets-1227275514107:29
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kanzuresens foundation has coerced george church into speaking at rb201407:32
kanzurein santa clara07:32
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kanzurei dunno. they did something.07:57
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gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=0dbeb30b DavidCary: Close enough to DIYBio? >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/diybio/faq/projects/08:03
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kanzurehello xhapta08:11
xhaptahi kanzure08:11
xhaptai have not send emails yet.08:12
kanzureemails about what?08:12
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xhaptayou gave some mails to get arguments for the idea of a school lab, don"t you?08:13
xhaptalike Philippe S. <gonzoinadaze@googlemail.com>08:13
kanzurewhat about them?08:14
xhaptalook in the logs from yesterday the discussions/talk starts around 08:3708:17
xhaptafounding a diybio group on my school collecting arguments for such a club08:18
yoleauxDoc of Note: CIA Cafeteria Complaints08:19
kanzurexhapta: what about it?08:19
xhaptaI thought you gave me the mail adresses and may ask me if already written mails, but i guessed wrog - so not that important08:20
xhaptayoleaux the title was hard to guess :-P08:21
yoleauxxhapta: I'm yoleaux. Type .commands to see what I can do, or see http://dpk.io/yoleaux for a quick guide.08:26
yoleauxDoc of Note: CIA Cafeteria Complaints08:26
yoleauxCommands are divided into categories: services, general, api, demos, admin. Use .commands <category> to get a list of the commands in each.08:27
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xhapta.commands services08:32
yoleauxCommands in services: acronym, add-command, command-help, del-command, dety, distance, geo, leo, moon, ngrams, nokiageo, o, oed, r2r, roll, rot13, shipping, suggest, swhack, thesaurus, title, tw, twho, weather, yi. Use .help to get information about them.08:32
delinquentmeOTHER than peter murray rust ... is anyone else working with parsing chemical formulas ?08:32
delinquentme( from within research papers )08:32
xhaptaWhen you write protocols, which software do you use?08:38
xhaptaLatex , Libreoffice , Word, Tex, HTML ... ?08:41
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chaptayou mean as .txt i guess? You can also write tex, Latex or html in notepad. How you notate formulas or chemicals ?08:50
eudoxiawell you could use latex and people interpret it in their heads08:50
cluckjI don't write protocols :P08:50
chaptacluckj , do you doo research then?08:51
chaptaeudoxia , thats is quiet easy if you know how08:52
chaptahow do you share your results?08:52
cluckjI write them down and publish or present them08:53
cluckjI use scrivener for word processing08:53
eudoxiai liked scrivener when i used it but never tried it beyond the trial08:54
chaptacomercial stuff ?08:54
cluckjsort of08:55
cluckjit's like 3 dudes from australia08:55
chapta? i don"t get it08:55
cluckjthe developers of the software08:56
chaptaok, i do not like the missing linux support08:57
chaptabut it seems to adress some important problems08:58
chaptao their is an linux realese cool08:59
cluckjthere's a beta release for linux I think09:00
chaptaok other softwares in use?09:01
chaptahow many people are active at a time like this in avarage?09:01
chapta.ggc scrivener beta linux09:03
chapta.gc scrivener beta linux09:04
yoleaux35,000 (site), 38,200 (end), 2,780 (api)09:04
chapta.gc word beta linux09:05
yoleaux73,700,000 (site), 5,440,000 (api)09:05
cluckjeudoxia, it's excellent for the kind of writing I do09:06
chaptai agree on you, i think i need to leave latex soon :-( and search for something bayond pdf09:07
delinquentmeyou WAKE?!09:08
chaptadelinquentme no i guess , but 20 min ago he was active09:10
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delinquentmekanzure,  the dude who works @ sage who lives in SF?09:11
chaptano idea contact details here heybryan.org09:11
chapta.title http://heybryan.org/09:12
yoleauxBryan Bishop / kanzure, Homepage of09:12
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chaptaso i think no09:16
chaptabut ask him09:17
delinquentmeParahSailin, also09:19
kanzuredelinquentme: doug09:19
delinquentmeyeah I'm looking for contact details which he had on a particular HN news post09:20
delinquentmehave those?09:20
delinquentmethis is the dude whos family owns sage right?09:21
kanzure"SAGE is a 100% family owned business. My grandmother is chairwoman, my dad and I are on the board. I'm a coder working in an unrelated startup for my day job, living in SF. We’re not dinosaurs trying to bleed the system dry until our business model collapses, but at the same time I wholeheartedly acknowledge the fundamentals of the journals business are antiquated and I believe they will radically change eventually"09:22
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chaptawhat is the sage stuff aout?09:27
chaptai get the wrong i think09:28
kanzurei dunno09:29
kanzuresomething about WAKE09:29
chaptathe island?09:32
chapta.g WAKE09:36
cluckjugh http://thesocietypages.org/cyborgology/2014/07/14/open-source-for-business/09:36
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kanzure"most of the corporate sites and web services you use run on Apache or Nginx, but rarely do we ever get software or services that are made for individuals."09:42
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kanzurebecause every time i've used nginx has been a lie?09:42
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cluckjkanzure, that's one of my colleagues' writing that09:43
kanzureyour friends suck09:44
chapta_he agrues that nginx and co are the rare examples09:44
cluckjI'm trying to respond to it without being a jackass...it's really difficult09:44
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kanzurecluckj, i'm not sure what his problem is, he seems to be hateful that people don't share his priorities?09:45
cluckjI don't think he knows how closed-source the world was 20 years ago09:45
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kanzurelike, why the hell does this matter: "Can’t developers do something half as cool as turning an abandoned building into a community?"09:45
cluckjI think his problem is that F/OSS isn't radical enough for him?09:46
kanzurehahah "It is the kind of elitism that can only come from people who deny their own elite status or their complicit role in an unjust status quo."09:47
kanzurei think the problem is that he's an idiot09:47
kanzureleet status.. yeah right. totes elite.09:47
chapta_He shows some tendencies, ofcourse there were epicproject on the fosdem like the pyra, but they are not seen as cool, until you are a /"geek/"09:48
kanzurehe should develop an alternative set of incentives if he hates the current set09:48
cluckjF/OSS was not a big thing 20 years ago, but now it's totally pervasive09:48
cluckjin part because of the politics of making things open source09:48
kanzurehah "F/OSS isn’t apolitical, it sided with the 1%" man he's all over the map09:49
cluckj:( yes09:49
kanzureunfortunately i am not sure which of these issues is the root issue that he feels most strongly about09:49
kanzureso if you could figure it out, then i can work on an antidote09:49
chapta_its is the  communication in my opinion09:50
kanzure"I know Zotero works perfectly fine for thousands of people, but for the millions more that can’t or have absolutely no desire to install and configure plugins for basic functions like PDF sorting and renaming, it doesn’t."09:50
cluckjI don't know either, I'm going to argue with him a bit09:50
kanzurewell that's fine, because zotero doesn't actually have millions of users09:50
chapta_the com between codersand persons prisioned in there windows world playing watchdog and feeling like a hacker ;-)09:51
chapta_For many people, even technologically literate people like myself, choosing open source feels like the tech equivalent of eating organic: . . . .09:53
chapta_Does a community of developers ,which are developing the software they need for them self and share them, need to care about compatibily with masses and good PR - What this guys is expecting?09:55
chapta_*feeling ignored && get soethign to eat *09:57
cluckjmy first response was "*does a sweet kickflip while posting this from his (open-source) android phone in (open source) chrome, over wifi provided by (open source) dd-wrt and finishes his nesquik in time to watch spongebob*"10:01
cluckjI may have overreacted10:01
kanzurekickflip ain't open source10:08
bkerochrome isn't open osurce10:08
chris_99chromium is though10:09
chapta_android is not compleatly opensource either10:12
chapta_even in cyanogenmod are binary blobs10:12
cluckjmy point is...so what?10:13
cluckjall the bits that I'd ever want to mess with on my phone are open source10:14
kanzurehostpool looks suspicious- it's a central service for service discovery? what happens when hostpool goes down10:14
cluckjmy kickflips are entirely open source dude10:14
cluckjunder the GPL (gnarly public license)10:14
cluckjanyway, 20 years ago having a cellphone that was modifiable at the software level was a joke10:19
cluckjeverything was proprietary10:19
chapta_yes, but that does not weak my point at all10:20
cluckjhaving a mostly open-source phone is better than an entirely closed one10:20
chapta_Android is only partly opensource10:20
chapta_yes, but that does not weak my point at all10:20
cluckjwhat is your point?10:20
chapta_Android is not that opensource we all would like it10:21
chris_99You know that glowing plant project, because they're going to sell seeds, does that mean the plants wouldn't be sterile10:21
cluckjchris_99, they might not produce viable glowing plants on the second generation10:22
chris_99how would they collect seeds though then? or can you somehow modify seeds?10:23
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chapta_crush a seed and take the dna out of it, figure out or read what ake them glow and reproduce it10:25
chris_99that's not what i was wondering, if they have seeds, are they from a GMO plant then, and if so, presumably future generations would preduce seeds too?10:27
cluckjyes, presumably10:28
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eudoxiapaperbot: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1142/S021773230602223711:11
eudoxiapaperbot: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdf/10.1142/S021773230602223711:13
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chris_99for anyone who his interested in the glowing plants just got an email about whether they're fertile12:32
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chris_99'The seeds are planned to be fertile with the glowing factor inheritable.'12:32
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chris_99*who is12:33
kanzurehaha planned12:36
kanzureParahSailin: ^12:36
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chris_99Did you buy a working synthesizer kanzure, if so how much do the chemicals cost out of interest?12:40
kanzurechemicals are going to be like $1500-$2000 tops12:41
kanzurethere's a broken tube that needs to be replaced12:41
chris_99$2000 for all?12:42
kanzurefor the chemicals, i think so12:42
kanzurebut they expire pretty quick, so $2k/mo maybe :)12:42
chris_99oh bugger12:42
kanzurethat's not too bad12:43
chris_99Do you know how much it'd then cost per base pair? like is it a lot cheaper than labs?12:44
kanzurei haven't calculated that at the moment12:44
kanzurethe manual claims up to 175 bp but i really really doubt it12:44
chris_99Where would you buy the chemicals from? Do most bioscience places stock them12:48
nmz787_ichris_99: no it will not be cheaper to do synthesis in-house on that machine13:10
chris_99So the main cost is the chemicals really then?13:10
nmz787_ichris_99: about 1-2 liters of waste per 100bp... I haven't called the city with a chemical list to see what disposal even costs13:10
nmz787_ichris_99: well it's that the machine is horribly wasteful13:11
chris_99why the heck does it waste so much heh13:11
nmz787_iit works13:11
nmz787_i30 years ago that didn't matter as the alternative was cloning, which didn't allow things like the codon table to be elucidated13:11
nmz787_iwell, or doing this by hand, which is likely even more wasteful/inefficient13:12
chris_99Are more expensive machines less wasteful13:13
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kanzureFrom: "Ed Boyden, esb@media.mit.edu" <eboyden3@gmail.com>13:44
kanzure"LeafLabs is a small embedded electronics consulting firm based out of Cambridge, MA. In partnership with the Synthetic Neurobiology Group at MIT we have designed a system for ultra-high channel count electrophysiological recording"13:44
kanzurearchels: whatdoyouthink?13:46
bkerojrayhawk: http://imgur.com/H6TRcrE13:46
archelskanzure: was just going to ask you for more info13:47
kanzureed boyden is fun, so there's that13:47
kanzurei wonder what they consider ultra-high to be13:49
kanzurei would guess at least 12813:49
archelsyeah me too13:49
archelsI don't see any headstage boards on those repositories13:49
archelsdid Boyden post to a list or private?13:51
kanzureone of them also works for http://www.twinleaf.com/ "high-performance magnetic field sensors"13:51
kanzurehe emailed it to msgs@media.mit.edu13:51
kanzure128 is just high, that is not deserving of ultra13:52
kanzureultra should mean at least a thousand, imho13:52
kanzureif they have a million electrode microarray for neurophysiology reasons that would be cool13:53
kanzureerm i mean electrophysiology obviously13:53
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archelstoo bad that the number of neurons you can record only scales linearly with the number of electrode sites13:58
kanzurewasn't there something that scaled better than that13:59
kanzurequantum dots?13:59
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archelsI'm sure that optical scales supralinearly with the number of pixels in some regime14:02
archelsI'm just not sure how soon that saturates14:02
kanzurebkero: so what you're saying is you're one step behind him14:05
kanzurebkero: guess he should watch his back14:05
bkeroone step = 2 days14:06
* bkero went over to Opus datacenter to use their bathroom since the one here is too busy14:06
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jrayhawkthere's a google guy who also writes funny things there14:31
jrayhawkeveryone else is boring :mad:14:32
dingoi'm boring14:33
kanzurehe should have wrote "gotta poop" obviously14:33
kanzureat least he would have been honest14:33
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FourFirekanzure, I reckon we'll need microtechnology (tens of microns scale robots) just to position the electrodes on an noninvasive brain scan which will have sufficient resolution to do mind recording15:09
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FourFirebut hey I'm sure you can do lots of fun stuff with 12815:09
FourFirewhat's the max for daisychained openBCI again?15:10
kanzuremicroelectrode arrays exist, you know15:10
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nmz787_ichris_99: no, more expensive machines generally just produce more mass of the same oligos15:26
FourFirekanzure, how expensive do they tend to be?15:51
FourFire(oh yeah, also I recently joined a hackerspace, they have some interesting equipment, but I'm not the type to start projects and so on)15:52
kanzurei've never bought one15:55
kanzureit's "request quote"15:55
chris_99nmz787, i think i saw a tear down on your take it apart site, of a DNA synth, is that the one you're gonna get working?16:06
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streetyFor a moment I thought they were charging $2500 for a simple printer19:38
streetyI didn't see the pick and place19:38
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