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kanzure"Hi bryan, Could you explain me the structure of the swig OpenNurbs project ? I can come on IRC. Or can you point me to a file in the project folder which contains this information ? Thanks."09:38
kanzureyeah.. that's not something i actually know.09:38
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archels_SWIG bindings are not a very interesting thing to talk about09:53
kanzuremorrison asked him to try to pass some objects around from python-brlcad (ctypes) to opennurbs (swig) to see if the data types can be forced to cooperate09:54
kanzureit is very inconvenient that opennurbs is in c++09:57
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kanzure.title http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-2836982911:12
yoleauxSulphur surplus: Up to our necks in a diabolical element11:12
yoleauxView 2014_-__-_Identifyingbackdoorsattackpointsandsurveillance.pdf11:15
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kanzurewhy is continue not allowed in a finally block?11:46
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kanzureis it? the finally block could be inside a while or for loop11:56
streetyI suppose not12:33
streetyin what situation are you wanting to use it?12:33
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kanzurei was using it inside a try/except/finally inside a foreach12:52
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kanzure"It was also found that bystanders more commonly administer CPR when in public than when at the patient's home, although health care professionals are responsible for more than half of out-of-hospital resuscitation attempts.[64] People with no connection to the victim are more likely to perform CPR than are a member of their family.[69]"15:15
kanzurewell that's stupid15:15
dingoCPR can be pretty messy, esp. with old people15:16
dingoyou can expect to break some ribts15:16
dingoribs, not something family members are prepared to do15:16
dingoi guess its emotions, they're too busy freaking out15:17
kanzure"no point in trying if nobody is watching me"15:17
kanzurewell, the first one is that healthcare peeps make up 50% of non-public attempts15:17
kanzure"it only works if people are watching"15:17
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kanzurei wonder if cargo ships are inspected for radio throwies on their hulls15:30
streetyLacking a lot of info there - does out-of-hospital include the back of an ambulance? Are strangers more likely to perform CPR when a family member is present? Is it just that people are alone when they need CPR and a stranger is the first on the scene?15:31
dingoand how many of those strangers are trying to impress their girlfriend hehe15:39
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kanzure(also, i wonder if there are maritime laws about not secretly tracking ships by attaching radios to them)15:42
cubaits called AIS kanzure15:49
kanzure.g AIS15:49
cubaits the equivalent of ads-b which is the system for aircrafts15:50
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Burn_there are some kind of arrangements that mandate publicly tracking ships by attaching radios to them18:29
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Burn_kanzure: I was thinking about CPR the other day.  Contrary to popular belief, statistics say CPR is rarely effective, and supposedly in order to have a chance of being effective requires enough force to break a person's ribs.  I now have a rational disincentive from involving myself in saving the life of others - the significant probability that I might be blamed for their death.18:34
Burn_"If an average adult keels over in the street, is found unresponsive and pulseless by a bystander, and is administered CPR while a 911 call is made, the odds that such a person will emerge from the eventualities of the resuscitation effort healthy and with a normally functioning brain are about 2 percent."18:34
Burn_- http://www.lastwordonnothing.com/2013/04/03/is-cpr-for-the-victim-or-the-bystanders/18:34
kanzureribs are surprisingly easy to break. especially dead ribs.18:37
streetyBurn_: How often are people blamed for a death because they *did* perform CPR?18:41
Burn_More than 2% of the time.18:41
streetyany chance you have a reference for that?18:41
Burn_No chance.18:42
streetyI'm going to argue it's worth the chance then18:43
Burn_What are the odds that I merely "missed the pulse", and they're okay, before I start shoving my fists into their chest cavity though?18:43
streetywhy are you even wasting time checking for a pulse?18:44
Burn_Because if they have a pulse it's not appropriate to try and pump their heart into a new rhythm18:44
Burn_chest compressions can cause actual harm.  Ribs are there for a reason.18:45
kanzurereally the only rib thing i think you should be concerned about is a rib puncturing something like a lung or the heart18:45
Burn_From what I gather, you've never seen someone on television/movies exert enough pressure to perform effective CPR, and their success rates are 75%.18:46
streetyskip the pulse check, go straight to the CPR, and to hell with the broken ribs18:47
Burn_Funny thing, btw -18:47
Burn_a chest compression can stop a heart18:47
streetyhttp://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/CPRAndECC/HandsOnlyCPR/Hands-Only-CPR_UCM_440559_SubHomePage.jsp <- Relevant link18:48
streetythat's a stupidly long link for such a big campaign18:48
kanzure.title http://item.liveleak.com/2/view?i=8fd_140517933019:00
yoleauxRewinding a Large Motor19:00
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kanzuresanity check my hand-crafted bitcoin transaction: http://hastebin.com/urudabowis19:58
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Lemminkainenpaperbot http://informahealthcare.com/doi/pdf/10.3111/13696998.2013.81854522:20
paperbotXMLSyntaxError: None (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 70, in _go)22:21
kanzure"What the Central Dogma allows is the sale of functional proteins that scientists can never make more of. By physical law, they’re required to come back for more, guaranteeing a steady stream of profits whenever someone wants to test a new idea. For good measure, a material transfer agreement is slapped onto these purchases, making sure that the scientist can never enter into commercial competition, even if she should ever get a hold of the ...22:31
kanzure... DNA. Meanwhile the government keeps printing money and funnels it to the scientists by various routes to ensure they can afford the ongoing extortion. It’s an MBA’s paradise."22:31
kanzurei'm not sure that's the "core" reason. it is certainly a contributing factor, though.22:31
kanzureoh this is schloendorn. i am surprised that i didn't recognize his writing.22:34
kanzurehere are some of cathal's synbiowhateverlater companies http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000002036/ch10.html#_ryan_pandya_of_muufri22:35
nmz787kanzure: does ctypes only work with C not C++?22:59
kanzurec++ has name mangling23:00
kanzureand it is compiler-specific23:00
kanzureso you wouldn't necessarily know which functions to call once you load the library in with ctypes23:01
nmz787there's no function lookup or something>23:02
nmz787or it's too dynamic to be easy23:02
kanzureyou shouldn't have to add support for every conceivable compiler that people are using23:03
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nmz787how does it have to do with the compiler?23:12
kanzurethe compiler builds the shared library23:13
kanzureit puts the symbols into the shared library23:13
kanzureand it applies name mangling to the symbol names23:13
nmz787but doesn't the binary have to conform to the system/architecture?23:14
kanzuredo you have a specific idea here23:15
nmz787looking now23:15
nmz787swig just seems tedious23:15
nmz787wonder why that is23:15
kanzureit is very tedious and it sucks23:16
nmz787i've used Boost before I think to compile a module for Python, I think23:16
kanzureiirc even the swig authors hate swig23:16
nmz787I can't remember if I was interfacing C or C++ though23:17
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kanzureyep you can wrap c++ stuff with boost for python consumption23:18
kanzureit is also tedious23:19
kanzurei remember there being a bunch of problems with swig wrapping brlcad because of their extensive use of preprocessor macros to do >10% of their work23:24
kanzureotherwise, swig wrapping the whole thing would probably be a good choice, even as much as swig is problematic, rather than using ctypesgen to generate ctypes bindings23:25
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