
--- Log opened Tue Jul 29 00:00:18 2014
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poppingtonicnmz787: got the paper. thank you :)01:29
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kanzureterraform is neat http://www.hashicorp.com/blog/terraform.html06:56
kanzurei'm probably biased because i got consul/serf working yesterday06:56
kanzurenot sure if i should be using this https://github.com/hashicorp/envconsul instead of sending http requests to the local consul agent from inside my application07:05
-!- JayDugger [~jwdugger@pool-173-74-79-151.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]07:05
kanzurerequires a restart, but i don't think all config changes should always cause a restart(?)07:06
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nmz787_ikanzure: heard of this? http://www.vtk.org/VTK/project/about.html09:39
nmz787_iseems this relies on that http://code.enthought.com/projects/mayavi/09:40
kanzureyes i've heard of vtk09:42
kanzuremayavi is deprecated, i think everyone just uses mayavi209:42
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archelsVTK is great10:01
nmz787_ikanzure: that link was to mayavi210:23
nmz787_ii think they just don't consistenly call it mayavi210:23
kanzureoh, well their urls suck then10:23
nmz787_iarchels: cheers, looking for something for some dataviz at work10:24
nmz787_iwas thinking matplotlib might be sufficient10:24
nmz787_ibut there is potential for 3D to work if its good 3D10:24
nmz787_iseems that mayavi uses opengl10:24
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kanzureopenworm is moving to irc.snoonet.org #OpenWorm (i don't know why they use caps)12:04
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ParahSailinno reddit12:14
kanzureopenworm is not reddit12:15
kanzureunless.. is it?12:15
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kanzure"Last year, Rodger Kessler and Russ Glasgow published a paper arguing for a ten-year moratorium on randomized controlled trials on the grounds that it was time to think smarter about the kind of research we need and the kind of study designs that are appropriate for different kinds of question.[4]"13:34
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yoleauxEasily drag windows when pressing the alt key14:44
nmz787_i(for Windows)14:44
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caternwindows doesn't already have that feature? how sad16:23
dingooh i miss that16:24
dingomac doesn't do that either16:24
dingoi really miss 'cwm', my favorite environment for years after switching from 'twm'16:24
dingoi love that oldschool shit16:24
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nmz787kanzure: where do i find more active chat/message boards or forums than diybio for the kind of stuff i post?19:59
kanzurebiologists hate the internet20:00
kanzure##electronics is sometimes not awful, but is often awful20:01
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nmz787yeah i stopped logging onto there and # or ## chemistry20:02
nmz787they went pretty off topic often20:03
kanzurei forget why biologists hate interneting, besides the elitism20:03
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bbrittainbiologists are just bad at the internet20:18
bbrittainthey don't hate it per-say, they just don't know how to use it effectively20:20
bbrittainI wish their was a biologist version of irc20:20
kanzurewhat would be the biologist version?20:20
kanzurea professor yelling at you every 30 minutes?20:20
-!- gradstudentbot [~gradstude@] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:21
kanzuregradstudentbot: where have you been?20:21
gradstudentbotYeah, I'm just looking for a journal that will take that paper.20:21
yashgarothsomeone asking why their western blot isn't working every five minutes20:21
bbrittainwell, you need data propagation, no? so every student must then become a professor and yell at other people. the cycle20:21
kanzuregradstudentbot: why isn't the western blot blotting?20:22
gradstudentbotThere's no way to know for sure.20:22
bbrittainactually, I mean it's a chicken and egg problem, right? no biologists hang out on irc.biology.net (or whatever), because no biology people hang out their. we need fake biologists to astroturf20:23
kanzureno it's not chicken/egg20:24
kanzurethat's not the root reason20:25
kanzurei mean, if you've ever watched a biologist person use the interwebs, there are other things going on20:25
bbrittainbesides ineptness?20:25
kanzurefirst, all the toxins have seriously warped their brain (perhaps for the better, who knows)20:25
kanzureso they think different20:25
kanzurethey are not your comp sci grad student writing up rust on friday night20:25
bbrittainI've worked in bio labs before, and am about to again. biologists aren't that bad20:25
kanzure"i think i'll learn me a haskell for great good" nope20:25
bbrittainI mean, there is mediocrity everywhere. but... not all of them20:26
gradstudentbotYeah, it's definitely impractical and fairly non-elegant at the same time.20:26
kanzurei don't mean mediocrity necessarily20:26
kanzureit's more like... the same dynamics as to why they hide their protocol books from everyone,20:26
bbrittainhuh, I've never experience that. maybe uni labs are like that?20:27
kanzurewhat sort of non-uni lab were you in?20:27
bbrittainI worked at the National Cancer Institute for about 1.5 years20:28
bbrittainIt's part of NIH20:28
bbrittainI was ignorant. I was in high school. would not repeat.20:29
kanzurego on20:29
kanzureactually i have no idea how different nih labs are20:29
bbrittainwell, the lack of well... "drive" really bothered me.20:30
bbrittainand the papers. fuck papers.20:30
* bbrittain heads off to industry20:30
kanzuregradstudentbot: do you want to write a paper about that?20:30
gradstudentbotI am still writing a draft.20:30
bbrittainnothing wrong about them, but when you are delaying your work for optimum nature submission, there is a problem.20:30
bbrittainas well as the fact that they treated bioinformatics people like servants20:31
gradstudentbotI'm only doing this to get tenure.20:31
bbrittainEXACTLY gradstudentbot20:31
gradstudentbotYou know, I hear you make more money being a garbage man.20:31
gradstudentbotLet's pour a bunch of chemlights into a spinner flask and claim it's luminescent e.coli.20:32
gradstudentbotDoes anyone have some seaborgium for my collection?20:32
bbrittainnah, it turned me off bio for a few years. now I'm going back20:32
bbrittainwe'll see how that goes20:32
kanzurethe servitude aspect is really wacky20:32
kanzureit's because the whole academic institution is weirdly structured20:32
kanzureacademic publishing is the wrong model20:32
kanzureinterlibrary loan is a scam20:32
kanzurenever-ending stream of clueless eager students willing to work for peanuts20:33
bbrittainyea, I'm aware.20:33
kanzurecut-throat grant environment20:33
kanzureoh, i am not claiming you are not aware20:33
bbrittainbut most people aren't :P20:33
kanzuremaybe they just need a darker, more awful version of phdcomics20:33
bbrittainnah, I'm working in industry in a little bit, but the initial offer was shit. They are used to those grad students who will work for peanuts. I went to them and was like... so this is how much I made in Silicon Valley, give me more moneyz.20:34
bbrittainyes. they do20:35
bbrittainbut phdcomics is already dark!20:35
yashgarothwait did you expect to get an SV salary in bio20:36
bbrittainno, obviously not20:36
bbrittaini've taken a pay cut20:36
bbrittainbut, I wasn't aware of how large of a gap it was20:36
* bbrittain is super entitled 20:36
kanzure$30k/year vs 200k/year you do the math20:37
gradstudentbotYeah, it's significant.20:37
kanzurei missed this guy20:37
bbrittaingrad students make less than 30k correct?20:38
yashgarothstipend's gonna be under 3020:39
* bbrittain shudders20:39
yashgarothoh but after you graduate you start making bank in post-doc, I'm talking like 40k suckaz20:40
kanzurethat's almost enough to get a spot under a second bridge20:40
kanzurewait.. i screwed that up. hrm.20:41
bbrittainhah, I'm about to start living with some grad students. I'm gonna feel so wealthy.20:41
kanzure"it's not about the money, it's about the passion"20:41
gradstudentbotOh yeah, I'll pay you once my stipend posts.20:41
kanzure"but isn't that what they say to naive young startup employees to convince them to take zero equity?"20:41
bbrittainhence why I hate silicon valley20:41
yashgarothdon't worry, they'll never be home...well, if they hope to graduate this decade20:41
kanzure"well, it also works on scientists"20:41
bbrittainor one of the reasons20:41
kanzurebbrittain: i've been wondering what would happen if scientists were paid like programmers in silicon valley20:42
kanzurelike, suppose that there was an actual market for science talent20:42
kanzure(not related to degrees or other bullshit)20:42
bbrittainwell, I mean I think this is starting to happen20:42
kanzurei'm curious what would happen from that structure20:42
kanzureprobably more virtual biotech companies20:42
* bbrittain shudders20:42
bbrittainI hate that idea20:42
kanzuredepends on what you think the idea is heh20:43
kanzurelet's start there20:43
bbrittainI want every lab to have a low-cost openhardware dna-synthesizer and a sequencer.20:43
bbrittainthats the dream20:43
bbrittainnot moving it to offsite facilities.20:43
kanzurebbrittain: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/nucleic/fbi-diybio-dna-v1.pdf20:44
* bbrittain is looking20:44
gradstudentbotMy experiment was working a second ago, but now it doesn't even work.20:45
bbrittainI was about to be like "microfluidics"! then I scrolled down...20:45
bbrittainI agree20:47
bbrittainvery small amount of hope: https://twitter.com/DNAPrototyper20:49
kanzuresadly they are fucking liars20:49
kanzurethey think CC-BY-NC is "open source"20:49
caterni hate -NC20:50
kanzurethey even say so in the fucking tweets! those assholes "We plan to make kilobaser OPEN SOURCE for NON COMMERCIAL USE!"20:50
kanzureit was also by email though20:50
caterncomplete perversion of the meaning of "free software" and "open source"20:50
bbrittainI was hoping that they meant they would have a "pro" version or one of those scams20:50
kanzurei can't believe people are that stupid. i refuse to believe it.20:50
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bbrittainhuh, how well do those old synthesizers work?20:53
bbrittaincould afford20:53
kanzurei bought an ABI 391 the other day20:53
kanzurehaven't bought the chemicals yet..20:54
kanzurethat millipore is missing some important electronics ;)20:54
bbrittainI didn't look it over that closely :P21:01
bbrittainhow much are the chemicals gonna run you?21:02
kanzure$2k at most? but some of them "expire" if you don't figure out storage fast enough21:03
kanzureultimately, not sure, but i am pretty sure less than $5k21:03
kanzurenah not ouch21:03
bbrittain<- about to become a poor biologist21:03
kanzureby choice, even21:04
bbrittainseriously. what is wrong with me.21:04
kanzureyou could buy your own postdoc biology slave21:08
kanzurethat's what i did21:08
* kanzure throws a snack at gradstudentbot21:08
gradstudentbotThat's beyond the scope of my research.21:08
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nmz787biologist version of IRC that confuses normal people even more 'bi-irc... the bi is short for BIO!'21:42
nmz787virtualbox is crashing :(21:44
ParahSailinbiologist irc is an excel plugin21:44
nmz787kinda neat http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/55959/495_ftp.pdf21:54
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nmz787kanzure: do you know of the going rate for a wet-etch chem tech? i.e. someone who handles HF22:37
nmz787kanzure: I heard of someone who tolerates it and might sometimes look for small gigs22:37
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yoleauxNano-sized light mill drives micro-sized disk (w/ Video)23:00
nmz787paperbot: http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v5/n8/abs/nnano.2010.128.html23:02
kanzurenmz787: i guess not, no23:04
nmz787it would be pretty nice to let someone else handle that if possible and needed23:05
-!- justanotheruser [~Justan@unaffiliated/justanotheruser] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]23:15
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-50-139-11-6.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]23:32
-!- kumavis [~kumavis@107-219-148-42.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]23:54
--- Log closed Wed Jul 30 00:00:19 2014

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