
--- Log opened Tue Aug 12 00:00:32 2014
kyknos_paperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v499/n7456/full/nature12323.html00:06
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kanzureuhhh "Increased luminosity per week comes from protein engineering the pathways in bacteria. We then test those improvements in plant leaves, which takes about four weeks, before inserting the full DNA in a plant which is the slow part which takes 6 months."06:08
archelshm, point of reference. 370 integrate-and-fire neurons with 11002 conductance-based synapses and short-term plasticity. achieved better than real-time performance on an NVidia GTX 28006:14
archelsabout a factor 10 faster than a non-optimised parallel CPU implementation06:15
archelsIgarashi et al. Neural Networks 24 (2011)06:15
archelskanzure: is the GFP expression heritable in those plants, anyway?06:17
kanzurenot gfp i thought06:19
chris_99it's the luciferase or whatnot thing06:21
archelser. apparently I'm not fully awake06:23
archelsbut is it heritable?06:23
chris_99as in do the offspring plants inherit the glowingness?06:24
chris_99yes they do06:25
chris_99i emailed them about that06:25
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archelsthat is cool. then they should just start a breeding programme06:28
archels"Arabidopsis can complete its entire lifecycle in six weeks."06:28
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chris_99they mention somewhere that after a number of generations it loses the ability to glow somewhere06:33
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archelsonoes :(06:36
archelswhat is the explanation for that?06:40
chris_99yeah on HN the founder says ' Thank you! The seeds are fertile and will retain the glow for a few generations at least (eventually evolution will turn it off due to the metabolic cost on the plant).'06:40
archelsdoes that argument still hold when we demi-god scientists start breeding them for light output?06:41
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chris_99no idea heh06:42
kanzurewhat do you mean no idea06:44
kanzurehe just said it in the quote06:44
kanzureunless his "evolution" explanation is a fucking lie06:44
kanzurelike all his other lies06:44
chris_99i mean i don't know how you'd breed them for light output06:45
kanzure"Before creating a legal framework for the Bio-Commons, the social relations and assumptions underlying an idea of the Bio-Commons need to be addressed. Opening up the Bio-Commons discussion and introducing democratic decision making will make everybody a stakeholder. To successfully initiate a broader discussion about the underlying principles for the Bio-Commons, a mutually understandable bio-language is needed that adequately describes the ...07:24
kanzure... biological reality in digital form."07:24
kanzurei hate these people why do they even bother07:24
kanzureif their goal is to make antibiotics they should stick to that, rather than waxing poetic about stakeholder staketheory07:25
kanzurethey are also pretty dumb for this line: "Citizens proposed a ‘Bio-Commons’ license model to put biological innovation into service to society and at the same time limit the potential misuse of knowledge and material"07:25
kanzureno amount of licensing is going to prevent bad actors from doing bad things, that's a really dumb reason to do licensing07:26
kanzurethere are much more legitimate and valid reasons to think about licensing issues07:26
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kanzurecouldn't help myself.. i replied: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/diybio/uq6iEcE-88U07:57
kanzureoh brother... http://dna-bits.com "utilizes the Bitcoin platform to solve problems related to Big Data, HIPAA"07:59
eudoxiaDeepLearningCoin when08:00
kanzurejustanotheruser: am i going to have to suffer with a lifetime of people misusing blockchain ideas08:00
kanzure"A spinoff of the recent OCNS workshop on the modelling of glia-neuron interactions, we have started a new mailing list. It is intended to share items of interest (new results, papers, events, trainings, jobs...) to the computational glioscience community, i.e. researchers implicated in the modelling and simulation of glial cells at large (astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells...) and their interactions with neurons. To ...08:05
kanzure... subscribe, send an email to : sympa@inria.fr with the following Subject: subscribe comput-gliosci your_name"08:05
kanzurecc archels08:05
kanzurerudiger replied: "dear Bryan, thanks for commenting, but it would be nice if you read the paper first before you bring up such arguments."08:07
kanzureyeah because i just spontaneously predicted that his whitepaper would mention maidsafe, and "bryan has read the paper" is a completely unreasonable alternative explanation08:07
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kanzureandytoshi: here is an amusing biologist misappropriating blockchain things https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/diybio/uq6iEcE-88U08:08
andytoshiooh, i haven't seen a biologiest beforle08:08
andytoshio.O lol08:10
andytoshi"It was thought that the blockchain technology could in future comprise the technical infrastructure for the Bio-Commons"  by whom??08:10
kanzureby the author08:10
kanzurethere is an attached pdf08:10
kanzureand he talks about maidsafe and other bullshit :(08:10
andytoshii'm following to the github.. is that it?08:10
kanzureattached on the email08:10
kanzurealso, what's the name of the fallacy or attack about "creating so much misinformation that your opponent can't reply fast enough"?08:11
andytoshican't remember..08:12
eudoxiait's kind of like moving the goalpost08:13
kanzurethen it needs a better name08:13
kanzurelike "babble attack"08:13
andytoshimy tor node has connected me to google groups in german .. i can read the email but can't figure out how to get to the original msg or the attachment08:14
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andytoshior how to get to english, for that matter :)08:14
kanzureoh, it looks like he's on moderation for the diybio mailing list, so someone has to approve his original email first08:14
kanzureone sec08:15
kanzureargh biotinkering-berlin@googlegroups.com is members only? fuck them08:15
kanzurearghh this is also 403ing http://diybio.eu/mailman/listinfo/diybio-eu08:16
andytoshilol, no worries, the "blockchain technology" comment gave me a good idea of what to expect :}08:16
kanzureandytoshi: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/diybio/Bio-Commons%20Whitepaper%20-%20%20R%c3%bcdiger%20Trojok%20-%20august%202014.pdf08:17
andytoshifwiw i think `blockchain` only appears once..08:24
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andytoshii don't have time today to read the whole thing, sorry08:25
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kanzureshrug, just some entertainment08:26
andytoshii've got it open, i'll read it when i need a break :)08:29
kanzureaha... gish gallop.08:31
andytoshiah, excellent, might wanna post that on bitcoin-wizards :P08:32
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JayDuggerGood morning.08:49
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JayDuggerAnd yes, you will "have to suffer with a lifetime of people misusing blockchain ideas."08:50
JayDuggerHope your sins were worth it.08:51
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kyknospaperbot, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1095-8312.2008.00967.x/09:34
kanzure.wik cladistics09:35
yoleaux"Cladistics (from Greek κλάδος, klados, i.e. "branch") is an approach to biological classification in which organisms are grouped together based on whether or not they have one or more shared unique characteristics that come from the group's last common ancestor and are not present in more distant ancestors." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cladistics09:35
kyknospaperbot, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1464147809:36
kyknoscladistics is evil :D09:36
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kyknospaperbot, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1464147809:38
kyknospaperbot, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1034/j.1601-5223.2003.01503.x/abstract09:39
kanzurewhat brand of evil?09:45
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justanotheruserkanzure: blockchains are useful for that because it can be used as a buzzword and attract new users09:48
justanotheruserother than that it's pretty pointless09:49
justanotheruserthey should also set up two servers and call them the cloud and utilize that too09:49
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justanotheruserguys I just invented blockchain-cloud based DNA 3d printing09:57
bbrittainholy shit. I'm 95% sure I just walked by Aubrey De Grey on the way to work.10:05
bbrittainthe other 5% is a homeless person10:05
justanotheruserbbrittain: are you sure it wasn't just a...10:05
bbrittainbut apparently SENS has a foundation out here in MV, so not unlikely.10:05
justanotheruseryeah, beat me to homeless person10:05
bbrittainyea, but I walk by them every day and never have looked at them and gone "that man wants to make me immortal" before10:06
bbrittainturns out SENS is a 5 min walk from my office. I'm gonna say it was him.10:11
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caternif you meet De Grey on the road, kill him10:14
bbrittainwhat. why.10:14
caternno reason10:15
eudoxiacreate sympathy for transhumanists obviously10:15
eudoxiaby making it seem like we're an oppressed group that's under attack10:15
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caternthe snowclone doesn't make much sense10:15
caterni don't know why it popped into my head10:15
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eudoxialike in Zendegi where SIAI/MIRI/whatever got bombed10:15
bbrittainwe are under attack, lack of funding. I think De Grey is our greatest fighter for SENS. :P10:16
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nmz787_ithere is probably some reinforcement that needs to be done to make the glowing-ness stable, like some feedback where the nucleus isn't illuminated the cells die (or fail to grow/mature).10:28
nmz787_imaybe using some rhodopsin or phototropism related10:30
nmz787_inot sure if I already posted this here or not: http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2013/05/microfluidic-paper-sugar-solutions-delay-fluid10:31
nmz787_ipaperbot: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2013/LC/c3lc50178g#!divAbstract10:32
nmz787_ialso this http://depts.washington.edu/bioe/academic-programs/bioengineering-summer-camp/10:33
nmz787_i'Tuition is $475, in addition to a mandatory $25 registration fee'10:33
nmz787_i'What will we do?:10:33
nmz787_iParticipate in fun hands-on laboratory activities Take a field trip to the Gates Foundation Visit UW Bioengineering laboratories Interact with UW Bioengineering students and faculty10:33
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nmz787_ipaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-68393-0_2010:42
nmz787_iheh, Nature Methods wants to keep sending me free dead-tree-format journals10:54
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nmz787_iThey've been sending me 3 (!) copies per month and I haven't actually been reading any of the articles11:04
chris_99save the trees maaaan11:05
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kanzure05:52 < brlcad> first page of all 2014 siggraph technical papers:11:07
kanzure05:52 < brlcad> http://s2014.siggraph.org/sites/default/files/firstpages.default.pdf11:07
kanzure"Computational Design of Linkage-Based Characters" might be fun11:09
ParahSailinhave i ever mentioned how shitty lua is11:11
kanzure"First-person Hyper-lapse videos" is cool11:11
chris_99damn you ParahSailin11:11
chris_99it's great :P11:11
chris_99i really like it11:11
ParahSailinwhere is string:split11:11
kanzurethe only thing going for it is that people know how to bind lua into their projects11:11
ParahSailinfuck you im not going to do string:find and string:sub11:11
kanzurethe lua standard library is not great11:12
ParahSailinonly using it because nginx11:12
chris_99i'm building a MapReduce thingyjig in it11:12
kanzurethat context is already clear because you said openresty11:12
kanzure"Automatic editing of footage from multiple social cameras"11:13
ParahSailinok, the standard lib stuff doesnt really bother me so much as the completely worthless repl11:13
kanzure"Interactive manipulation of large-scale crowd animation"11:13
kanzure"Tangible and modular device for character articulation"11:13
chris_99is there a "Stereotype people based on their facial features" the NSA would love that11:14
ParahSailin> 1 == 1 "stdin:1: unexpected symbol near '1'"11:14
kanzurenot sure how the magic in "Robust and Accurate Skeletal Rigging from Mesh Sequences" works11:14
ParahSailinwtf worthless repl11:14
ParahSailinis that even advertised as a repl?11:14
kanzure"Pixie Dust: Graphics Generated by Levitated and Animated Objects in11:14
kanzureComputational Acoustic-Potential Field"11:14
kanzurethis one seems to claim they can do acoustic manipulation of colored particles to make a visual display?11:15
kanzurehow do they select the colors11:15
ParahSailinonly way to test my shit is doing everything online and using ngx.log shit and hoping the types work out11:15
chris_99have you seen the 3D ultrasound floaty object thingy kanzure11:15
kanzurei have seen many11:16
kanzure"Spin-It: Optimizing Moment of Inertia for Spinnable Objects" why is this siggraph?11:16
kanzure" Specifically, given an input 3D shape, the11:18
kanzuregoal of our analysis is to predict a corresponding human pose"11:18
kanzurefrom "Shape2Pose: Human-Centric Shape Analysis"11:18
kanzure"Darkroom: Compiling High-Level Image Processing Code into Hardware Pipelines"11:21
kanzurethis one is a little strange, "Active Volumetric Musculoskeletal Systems" i guess they are taking MRI images and making muscle mesh models and then simulate flexing because ??11:22
kanzurewelp that's all11:23
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ParahSailincfo: "i found some books in the conference room, something to do with server" parah: "books?" cfo: "says western digital enterprise storage" parah: "hard drives?" cfo: "yeah"11:31
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kanzurei admire the brevity of section 111:34
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heathkanzure: IM please12:03
drazakkanzure: still into nootropics?12:05
kanzureheath: alright12:08
kanzuredrazak: what about it12:08
drazakI'm still a pussy but l-theanine is pretty good so far12:08
drazakI should say L-theanine but w/e12:08
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kanzurea survey of remote automotive attack surfaces http://illmatics.com/remote%20attack%20surfaces.pdf13:11
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nmz787_ichris_99: at the conference I heard someone mention gate profiling (how someone's walking style looks)13:29
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nmz787_iapparently it is a pretty good metric13:29
chris_99i think that's actually gait iirc13:29
chris_99yeah i've heard of that before it sounds interesting13:29
kanzurejokes on them, i have a third leg13:30
nmz787_iah, yeah prob13:30
nmz787_ikanzure: that would certainly be unique!13:30
chris_99do the defcon talks get put up quickly?13:31
nmz787_ii've got no idea13:34
nmz787_ithey gave us 3 week old slides on CD-ROM13:34
nmz787_iI presume the slides will also be up somewhere later13:34
chris_99aha cool13:36
nmz787_ithere was a talk on weaponizing your pet13:39
nmz787_iaka cat with a wifi sniffer collar13:39
chris_99heh i heard of that one on the news13:40
ParahSailinchris_99: you are lua fanboi, give me function that does equivalent md5 crypt hash to php13:42
ParahSailini know i know, but its called interop :\13:43
chris_99i don't think i've used md5 sorry in lua, looks like theres a number of libs though13:44
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heathneat: https://github.com/nviennot/tmate13:47
heathterminal sharing13:47
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ParahSailinhuh thats cool13:48
kanzurei know that guy13:49
kanzurefrom back when i was regularly scraping google play and the ios store13:50
kanzurei think he made this giant physical vapor deposition chamber thing13:51
kanzurecan't remember why13:51
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ParahSailini guess ill just have to port this shit http://www.sabren.net/code/python/crypt/md5crypt.py13:56
superkuhHuh. I would've through that low field magnetic brain stimulation would have less beefy electronics. It turns out LFMS still uses >3 kA current. And not just pulsed but continuous and modulated. No way to implement that cheaply.13:57
kanzurewhat sort of cost range is it13:58
superkuhI'd estimate >$10k at least.13:58
superkuhIt's basically just half an MRI machine.13:59
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kanzureslashdot misunderstanding stenography http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/14/08/12/1812250/type-225-words-per-minute-with-a-stenographic-keyboard-video14:47
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chris_99nmz787_i, would you possibly be able to give me a copy of that PCI-E USB thingy15:21
chris_99the slides i mean15:22
chris_99ohhh it seems it's thunderbolt15:27
* chris_99 :(15:30
nmz787_ichris_99: yep thunderbolt is pci-e15:37
nmz787_ipcmcia is too15:37
nmz787_iI have to go home to do that though15:38
chris_99which isn't usb tho15:38
nmz787_iI keep saying the crux was a USB to PCIE bridge IC15:38
chris_99yesterday you said it was a usb dma attack i thought15:38
nmz787_iyes a pci-e attack orchestrated via USB15:38
chris_99via thunderbolt15:38
nmz787_iusing PyUSB or something15:38
chris_99which isn't usb15:39
nmz787_ithat was what they used for a demo15:39
nmz787_ino, the whole point is pci-e packets crafted via USB15:39
nmz787_ithunderbolt was simply the connector they chose15:39
chris_99i just watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvnvOXXAxaI and they make it sound like it's thunderbolt15:39
nmz787_isince all sorts of people have that15:39
chris_99i'm 99% sure it wouldn't work on usb15:39
nmz787_iit is pci-e15:39
nmz787_iyou interface with pci-e using USB15:40
chris_99it's thunderbolt ---> pci-e15:40
nmz787_ithunderbolt simply has pci-e pins15:40
nmz787_iit is a connector15:40
nmz787_ilike I said, you could swap the connector to pcmcia15:40
chris_99and pci-e gives you DMA access, via thunderbolt as thunderbolt is more or less a PCI-E type protocol apparently15:40
chris_99that allows DMA15:40
nmz787_i"Thunderbolt controllers multiplex one or more individual data lanes from connected PCIe and DisplayPort devices for transmission via one duplex Thunderbolt lane, then de-multiplex them for consumption by PCIe and DisplayPort devices on the other end."15:41
chris_99this guy gave the same kind of talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FoVmBOdbhg15:41
chris_99earlier this year15:41
yoleauxSyScan'14 Singapore: Thunderbolts And Lightning Very Very Frightening By Snare And Rzn15:41
nmz787_iwell as I keep saying the point was that it was crafted via USB15:42
chris_99he said it's exactly the same thing15:42
chris_99the USB is a misnomer15:42
nmz787_inot really15:42
chris_99that's not what permits the attack15:42
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chris_99you can't do it via straight USB15:42
nmz787_ipci-e permits the attack15:42
chris_99only thunderbolt15:42
nmz787_ithat is wroing15:42
chris_99no it's not15:42
chris_99thunderbolt is what permits the attack15:42
nmz787_iyou could also use the pci-e to USB card15:42
nmz787_ii know the dude15:42
nmz787_ihe lives 15 mins away15:43
nmz787_iI see him every so often, he told me about this months ago15:43
nmz787_ihe was selling pci-e to USB cards15:43
chris_99you can't do USB ------------> grab memory from USB15:43
nmz787_iI sent the link to the plx website yesterday15:43
chris_99you can do DMA attacks with PCI-E15:43
nmz787_iit is a pci-e attack15:43
nmz787_iorchestrated via USB15:43
chris_99sorry maybe you don't get what i mean, i mean it's impossible to do DMA attacks via USB15:44
chris_99you can do DMA attacks via thunderbolt, PCI-E15:44
nmz787_iyou connect a USB cable to your laptop, craft a pci-e packet, send it via USB to the bridge IC, which converts the signals to pci-e protocol and levels15:44
nmz787_iif you want something more prevalent, check out the i2c pins on all video connectors, basically15:45
nmz787_iVGA even has them15:45
chris_99ok so imagine a laptop that doesn't have thunderbolt whatsoever, you're saying you can do DMA via USB15:45
nmz787_ithere was a demo on UEFI bios malware from a non-admin windows 8 machine, which then allows you to listen on i2c video pins for signals15:46
nmz787_ithe guy had a GSM to i2c dongle then15:46
nmz787_iin that case you would need pcmcia15:46
chris_99so it's not a USB attack15:46
nmz787_iif you didn't have that, then firewire15:46
nmz787_iit not that, then idk15:47
nmz787_iit is VIA USB15:47
nmz787_iUSB to PCIE15:47
nmz787_ithat is all15:47
nmz787_iyou then need PCIE exposed15:47
nmz787_iyou can trick people who have thunderbolt (lots of people)15:47
chris_99i thought yesterday you meant you could attack a std. laptop, without thunderbolt or anything else exposed15:47
chris_99via USB15:47
nmz787_ior if you have other physical acces install a card in the mobo15:48
nmz787_ioh, no, that's why I kept saying PCIE15:48
nmz787_iand mentioned the USB to PCIE bridge15:48
chris_99yeah i thought the bridge was something you attached via USB15:48
chris_99to the machine15:48
nmz787_ithey were basically replicating the NSA stuff that was leaked15:48
chris_99i bought an FPGA PCI-E card to essentially play with that kind of attack15:50
nmz787_ithe whole point was that the attack was orchestrated through python15:55
nmz787_iusing pyusblib or pylibusb15:55
nmz787_isomething like that15:55
nmz787_irather than needing to learn an FPGA15:55
chris_99oh cool15:55
chris_99not heard of that15:55
nmz787_ialso laptops commonly have mini-pcie slots under a panel15:56
chris_99yeah i need to see if mine does15:56
chris_99http://int3.cc/products/facedancer21 looks quite fun15:57
nmz787_iyeah talked to those guys15:59
nmz787_iguess they've come here to work to talk about it too15:59
nmz787_ithere's also the daisho in development16:00
chris_99what's that16:00
nmz787_iusb3 thingy16:00
nmz787_iusb3 with FPGA16:00
chris_99ah interesting16:01
chris_99i guess that uses the cypress fx3 or something?16:01
nmz787_isergey the one facedancer guy was talking about crashing skype when they presented as a microphone16:01
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nmz787_ithe daisho is all FPGA code16:02
nmz787_iI think16:02
nmz787_ipretty sure16:02
chris_99just trying to find a schematic16:02
nmz787_iI remember reading verilog of the USB implementation16:02
chris_99ah hmm16:03
nmz787_i'We're especially excited to be producing the world's first open source USB 3.0 device core for implementation of SuperSpeed USB with a transceiver IC and FPGA. (The USB 2.0 functions are already working!)'16:03
chris_99it could be something called SERDES that converts the USB stuff to a parallel bitstream for the FPGA16:04
nmz787_iboard files are here https://github.com/mossmann/daisho/tree/master/hw/main_board16:04
chris_99although actually i don't think that term applies to USB so i'm probably wrong16:04
nmz787_inah I think they're just using a PHY chip to convert to ULPI or something16:05
nmz787_iI only want to know about USB though, I don't know too much16:05
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chris_99you might want one of theses :16:06
chris_99sorry 1 tick16:06
chris_99apparently you can shovel data through it at close to usb2 speeds16:08
chris_99i need to grab one16:08
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nmz787_iby mossman16:11
nmz787_ii have one of those fx2lps16:11
nmz787_ithey are cheap Saleae logic clones16:11
nmz787_ior they are sold that way16:11
chris_99mmm i bought 2x of these http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1pcs-lot-Free-shipping-New-Arrival-Saleae-Logic16-saleae16-USB-Logic-Analyzer-100M-16CH-best-quality/667671473.html but that has a xilinx fpga in too16:12
chris_99just got it working today16:12
chris_99with Sigrok16:12
nmz787_iya i've used that with the fx2lp16:12
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nmz787_iand this https://github.com/securelyfitz/FitzSPA16:13
nmz787_i(he is the guy who did the usb to pcie thing)16:13
chris_99mm i noticed his nick securelyfitz16:13
chris_99i want to get into playing with glitching etc16:13
nmz787_iyeah he was saying that the xbox glitchers could be a cheap source of tools16:15
nmz787_ii guess they're basically small FPGAs/CPLDs that do a timing glitch attack16:15
nmz787_iidk too much16:15
chris_99yeah it'd make sense16:15
chris_99i loved the demo on the chipsniffer page where he glitches or whatnots an RPi16:16
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kanzure.title http://andybrown.me.uk/wk/2014/06/01/ase/17:33
yoleauxAn FPGA sprite graphics accelerator with a 180MHz STM32F429 controller and 640 x 360 LCD17:33
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ParahSailinok i just had a good experience with lua17:36
kanzuresomeone call the feds17:38
ParahSailini just ended up doing that with ffi using the crypt function from unistd.h and -lcrypt17:38
ParahSailindidnt have to do any derping myself17:38
kanzurelibffi + lua does not count as derping?17:38
ParahSailinim not sure libffi is involved17:39
kanzureer then which fi17:39
ParahSailini suppose whatever c binding shit the luajit people crapped out?17:40
kanzureokie dokie17:40
ParahSailinum between this and that unafold crap17:40
ParahSailinim feeling empty inside17:41
kanzurewanna go kill some people?17:41
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bbrittainbahaha: https://twitter.com/kaskoen/status/49918426329279283219:27
bbrittainsorry. I'm gonna get a reputation for being that bitter person19:27
kanzurethat's the stupidest tweet ever19:27
bbrittainsomeone took time out of their day to make that graph19:28
kanzuredid i mention i'm submitting to ycombinator with my cofounder max? https://www.neatoshop.com/images/product/36/1736/Dapper-Dog-Dog-Tie_6796-l.jpg?v=679619:29
bbrittainyou gonna disrupt shit?19:29
bbrittainWAIT. disrupt the disrupters19:30
kanzureright in the pants19:30
kanzurebbrittain: if you really want to groan, watch everything from andrew hessel on youtube back to back19:34
kanzurealso, how goes reading the mailing list archives?19:34
bbrittainI just got back from work. I'm reading a molecular biology textbook instead. :P19:35
kanzurewhich book19:35
kanzureyou should consider reading a protocols book next19:36
bbrittainsuch as?19:36
bbrittaingimme a couple of weeks to get through alberts though :P19:38
bbrittainIt's a hefty book19:38
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nmz787bbrittain: I recommend Molecular Biology of the Gene by Watson (it was an RIT book but I think it is appropriate cause, uh, Watson of Watson and Crick)19:49
nmz787there's also: lehninger principles of biochemistry19:50
bbrittainalrighty. will read.19:51
nmz787and biochemistry by voet and voet19:51
bbrittainI have two weeks to myself starting friday.19:51
kanzurealso this thing (it's prett bad, but you will be able to speak buzzwords to your jerk colleagues) http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/books/Primer%20for%20Synthetic%20Biology.pdf19:51
nmz787that pretty much covers reference material for basic molbio19:51
bbrittaindamn. what have I gotten myself into19:52
kanzuredecades of misery and broken assas19:52
bbrittaincan I go back to codec engineering now?19:52
bbrittainmeh. this can't be much harder than tracing through a FFx stack trace, right?! right?!19:53
* bbrittain is delusional19:53
kanzurenope, ever since x264 we haven't needed anything else19:53
kanzurejust put it in a 3gp container19:54
nmz787I actually don't have the Alberts book... The only Albert's I know is Fat Albert (though I know a few Watsons)19:55
kanzurenmz787: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/books/19:56
bbrittaindamn. apparently at some point I downloaded Watson's book19:57
nmz787molbio of the gene isn't there19:57
nmz787though I think I have it19:57
bbrittainI assume that is it nmz78719:58
nmz787u want in your home?19:58
kanzurein my home?19:58
kanzureno, i am not interested in dead trees19:59
kanzurebbrittain: also read all of this http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/ http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/ http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/diybio/20:04
nmz787kanzure: you can move it from my home now then20:05
bbrittainseriously. all of them?20:05
nmz787this alberts pdf has pretty nice photos20:05
bbrittainwell, some of these seem a bit unecessary. what if, for now, I'm only interested in the cellular level? limited interest in plants and animals. what can I ignore?20:06
bbrittainmore important than what to learn right now, I think is what I can ignore... at least temporarily.20:07
nmz787if you get bored with non-project-based homework then I'd say going by keyword is OK20:07
ParahSailinoh yeah i have lehninger book on my bookshelf20:08
nmz787you'll inevitably run into concepts in papers on glowing cats that you won't recognize, and have to spider out if you want to continue learning about that20:08
ParahSailini knew that not selling my college books was a good idea20:08
ParahSailinnow i have decoration20:08
nmz787they don't crash either20:09
nmz787unless you have fire20:09
nmz787or ink20:09
ParahSailinor earthquake zone20:09
bbrittainthen they crash20:09
nmz787I guess it depends what floor of the house they're on in that case20:09
nmz787really though organic chem is what ties things together20:11
nmz787is a big part of the puzzle20:11
nmz787or is fundamental or something20:11
nmz787or what sort of solidifies the concepts20:12
nmz787it's basically 'how chemical reactions happen for one atom and like 1% other atoms'20:12
nmz787then you know how far you have to go to cover the periodic table20:13
bbrittainI guess I'm gonna have a fun year?20:14
bbrittainmy goals for the year include learning this stuff and copious amounts of drinking currently20:15
bbrittainthink I'm doing it right20:15
kanzurehow about some better goals, like "hijack all the equipment at ginkgo"20:15
nmz787you could be /our/ mole20:15
bbrittainthey have some nice equipment20:16
bbrittainwait. will you guys pay me more than they will?20:16
* bbrittain is considering being your mole20:16
kanzureonly if you accept payment in dogecoin20:17
bbrittainuhhh. no thank you20:17
kanzurenot a geneshibe?20:18
nmz787is that supposed to be something about canines?20:18
nmz787money for canines?20:18
bbrittainI would prefer for my salary to be from untraceable-to-a-real-person bitcoin wallets please. #agorism20:18
bbrittainand not to be on a payroll20:18
kanzurethat can be arranged20:19
bbrittainseriously. someday I'll find a job that lets me do that. It'll be awesome20:19
bbrittainthats right up there in my mind with someday I'll have an excuse to hop a train20:20
bbrittainsomeday I'll have a job which won't force me to pay taxes20:22
bbrittainwhich is nearly as awesome as untraceable semi-illegal transportation20:23
bbrittainnow you guys are realizing I'm crazy. finally. I'll be a great culture fit in bio. /s20:23
bbrittainbut actually. I interviewed in a t-shirt. almost everyone else was wearing a button down20:24
kanzurethat's lame, they have a dress code haha20:25
bbrittainnah, some guy was wearing a jurrasic park tshirt.20:25
bbrittainit's just how they dress20:25
bbrittaindifferent culture20:25
yashgarothwtf kind of biotech startup wears button downs20:26
nmz787i like wearing button shirts to work20:27
nmz787sometimes a sportcoat20:27
bbrittainyashgaroth: one full of academics?20:27
kanzurenope, just jerks20:27
yashgaroththat's even less likely to have button downs tbh20:27
nmz787i would wear a sportcoat to teach class when I did20:27
kanzureand nmz787 that's only because you work with a bunch of suits dude20:27
kanzuresuits wearing suits, doing suitstuff20:28
bbrittainwhatev. They'll never get me out of a tshirt20:28
yashgarothI've heard of academics actually not hiring people because they wore a suit to an interview20:28
nmz787it fits cuz they're tailored20:28
nmz787why not look good?20:29
bbrittaintailored suits are awesome20:29
bbrittainprotip: if you are ever in asia, buy as much tailored stuff as possible20:29
bbrittainit's dirt cheap20:29
nmz787it offset my huge beard and long hair :P (though I buzzed my beard a few weeks ago)20:29
nmz787I've got some from bangkok and kolatta20:30
nmz787they actually are probably my best fitting clothes20:31
nmz787i got a bunch of shirts too20:31
nmz787I look like a bum when I'm home20:31
nmz787which is more often than when I go to work20:31
nmz787'discovering Streptomycin, is honestly hero material.  He's a straight G'20:33
kanzurewhen he says G he means home doge20:33
nmz787what it is with the canine-ness20:33
nmz787is it all based on making fun of gangsta lingo?20:33
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kanzure.wik dogecoin20:34
yoleaux"Dogecoin (/ˈdoʊʒkɔɪn/ DOHZH-koyn, code: DOGE, symbol: Ð and D) is a cryptocurrency featuring a Shiba Inu from the "Doge" Internet meme on its logo. It was introduced on December 8, 2013." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogecoin20:34
bbrittaindid you all do biotech degrees? (even if you didn't finish... kanzure)20:39
bbrittainanyone started from kinda scratch?20:39
kanzuremechanical engineering, but it would have been more sane for me to do computational butt science20:39
nmz787I learned sterile technique in my kitchen at 1520:40
nmz787did CS in high school and some college at night then20:40
nmz787then some internships, then RIT, more internships, etc20:41
bbrittainare there more active people than just the people I've seen talking on here? How many of the people on the DIYbio mailing list actually do something?20:44
nmz787mega is an active person20:45
bbrittainactually, how many people would you estimate are active in DIYbio... like in any real way.20:45
nmz787cathal was, not sure if he's got stuff in the works or on backburner20:45
nmz787with hackerspaces and such around the world20:45
nmz787i'm an academic/professional and I 'diybio'20:46
bbrittainwell yea, but how many of them actually have active members? there was talk a few days ago about how biocurious only has a paying members20:46
bbrittainalso, is there a better name than diybio? it makes me think of kits and classrooms. *shudder*20:47
nmz787it just is a concatenation of two ideas20:47
nmz787diy and bio20:47
nmz787first-generation farming is diybio to me20:47
kanzurefarms are businesses20:48
nmz787magnets in the fingers are to a bunch of ppl, but they tend to call themselves by others names20:48
kanzurebbrittain: there's about 5000 people you can reach through the mailing list (only 3500 subscribers)20:48
yashgaroth"biohacking" was a good term but it's been corrupted by people who do quantified self bullshit20:48
kanzurebbrittain: i would say <30 are doing anything worth talking about20:48
nmz787so you're saying all the years of reading my farmer did before he bought animals was still a biz?20:48
kanzurereading is diybio?20:48
nmz787i was thinking 10-10020:49
* bbrittain would like to think so. if so, he is a diybio person20:49
nmz787but if there are ppl not talking it could be upwards of maybe 50020:49
bbrittaindamn. 5000 is nothing20:49
bbrittainnmz787: "my farmer"?20:50
kanzurehis ohmedoge20:50
nmz787.wik doge meme20:51
yoleaux"Doge (often pronounced /ˈdoʊdʒ/ DOHJ or /ˈdoʊɡ/ DOHG) is an Internet meme that became popular in 2013. The meme typically consists of a picture of a Shiba Inu dog accompanied by sarcastic multicolored text in Comic Sans MS font in the foreground." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doge_meme20:51
bbrittainnmz787: elaborate on your "homedoge"20:52
nmz787i found a farmer on the internet and befriended him20:52
nmz787he uses old-school biotech to produce food20:53
kanzurehe means he stalked him20:53
nmz787like some throwback shit20:53
bbrittainmore info anywhere?20:53
nmz787hah, there is a doge meme with snoop dogg's face morphed in20:54
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bbrittainI like raw milk20:54
nmz787specifically i have been eating mostly grass-fed beef/milk for the past few years20:55
nmz787the current cows have forest access though too20:55
nmz787not really20:55
nmz787i notice bread and grains once I abstained for a few months pretty consistently20:56
nmz787(more than before that I abstained once)20:56
nmz787i hope you understand that20:56
nmz787but yeah makes sense to have forest access and variety of plants20:57
nmz787esp with the worm data on smell neurons and expression shifts20:57
nmz787immediately threw me back to when I got sick as a kid and all the heinz ketchup would smell like underarms20:57
nmz787(i pretty much only eat heinz ketchup, that is secret #2)20:58
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nmz787kanzure: what is this Las Vegas entry? http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/groups/#index51h221:00
nmz787I talked to a guy from a hackerspace in LV and he said he didn't know of anyone really doing much sciency stuff21:00
nmz787and that the hackerspace mostly was where people came to use tools then take their stuff home21:01
nmz787not as much community21:01
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bbrittainhmm. sometimes I think farming would be interesting. than I actually think about it21:03
nmz787differnt strokes for diffrent folks21:04
bbrittainlike... it takes a lot of physical effort21:05
nmz787it's funny and cool that my farmer buddy used to program on a commodore 64 when he was a kid21:05
nmz787he's keepin it real21:05
bbrittaincan I have a farm with a fleet of drones?21:05
bbrittainand GMO plants... but tasty.21:05
nmz787i just went to a talk on that last week21:05
nmz787ag is the biggest projected utilizer of drones21:06
bbrittainand like a co-op house with a bio lab? this isn't sounding so bad21:06
bbrittaintoo bad there is no money in it21:06
bbrittainmost farmers operate in the red21:06
nmz787he'd probably build a room for a microscope21:06
bbrittainwith the exception of government grants21:07
bbrittainwhich bothers me21:07
nmz787that's for corn and feedlot ranchers mostly I think21:07
nmz787corn and soy maybe21:07
bbrittainnah, a lot of local farmers too.21:07
bbrittaintoo many workers imho. - replace them with robots21:08
bbrittainthat sounds like an excellent idea21:08
nmz787idk this is one dude21:15
nmz787with like occasional help from his wife and friends21:16
nmz787fuck going to the gym when I can just go unload a trailer of hay and stack it in a barn21:16
dingoi once had a guy come to repair my heater, and he saw my C64 and bugged out, he was a C64 coder as a teen21:16
dingonow he does plumbing and heating, hehe21:17
nmz787oh well he doesn't do vegetables21:19
nmz787not now at least21:19
nmz787mainly just animals21:19
bbrittainI think ranching has different profit margins21:20
bbrittainwhich is good for him21:20
nmz787the cow is sort of in the middle ground between bio and robots21:20
bbrittainI think farming would be a farm better place if there were no subsidies on it actually21:20
caternbbrittain: man, that article is such bullshit21:20
catern"price stabilization"21:21
caternfuck you farmers21:21
bbrittaincatern: yes, it is full of it21:21
nmz787and he's got landrace varieties feeding that21:21
bbrittainbut it had a couple of interesting tidbits in it21:21
catern>"Others of us rely almost entirely on Department of Agriculture or foundation grants, not retail sales, to generate farm income."21:21
nmz787in that he hasn't actively seeded grass21:21
caternthanks for being so forthright about the fact that your job shouldn't exist anymore21:21
bbrittainahh well I think that is unfair. the ony reason big ag destroys little companies so readily is because of their heavy subsidies as well21:22
bbrittainit's a subsidy battle21:22
* bbrittain thinks there should be none21:22
dingofood is mainly about shelf-life now and price efficiency of shipping -- high in sugars and wheat is mostly what a grocery store carries now, they have optimum shelf-life21:22
bbrittainyea... I'll take my meat & veggies please.21:23
nmz787that isn't necessarily the best for health though21:23
nmz787re dingo21:23
dingoof course not, but its best for profits for the sellers21:23
dingowhat do they care about your health21:24
bbrittainnot if people stop eating it though21:24
bbrittainwell, people just need to be smarter?21:24
nmz787pretty much21:24
bbrittainthats pretty much what all of my solutions come down to... aka not a solution21:24
nmz787makes sense that it will take a while21:24
nmz787everyone doesn't come in here to hear this21:25
bbrittainare you advocating preaching? :D21:25
nmz787time is evolution's solution...21:25
nmz787idk why that wouldn't still apply21:25
dingosoylent green is people!!21:25
dingotime is the great decider21:25
kanzureit's *other* people21:25
nmz787pressure and selection of the bulk21:26
bbrittainwell in this case it is. I don't eat corn, soy, or wheat.21:26
nmz787if it's bad for health well, either smart prevails or we end up with the movie idiocracy21:26
nmz787nuff said21:26
dingoi like the evolutionary theory that mankind will split into two geneticly distinct forms -- a tall, attractive, intelligence class, and a gnome-like ugly lower-class21:26
nmz787you're a speciesist?21:27
dingoit supports the theory that i'll breed with a tall attractive woman :)21:27
kanzureno he's just a nethack player21:27
kanzureit warps your brain21:27
nmz787dingo: lol21:27
nmz787i meant bbrittain you're a speciesist?21:27
bbrittainnmz787: wait. why?21:28
dingonethack is a lot like life -- its really hard and then you die21:28
bbrittainnmz787: what did I say?21:28
nmz787< bbrittain> well in this case it is. I don't eat corn, soy, or wheat.21:28
nmz787or do you actively get sick?21:28
nmz787 / affected21:29
dingoi developed an allergy to wheat and soy (gluten). sometimes i wonder if my body has a higher IQ than my mind21:29
bbrittainnot the corn21:29
bbrittainthats just me being crazy21:29
bbrittainand not supporting big ag21:29
nmz787do you like lawns more than corn?21:29
dingomy own theory is the introduction of dwarf wheat, which has ~3x more chromosomes was introduced, and being a typical american boy, i was over-exposed and developed an allergy21:29
bbrittainI like pavement21:29
nmz787corn is just the muscle car of lawns.21:29
bbrittainbut nmz787, I am still confused about the speciesist comment.21:32
bbrittain.dict speciesist21:32
dingoirc specialist21:32
dingoi wrote my own irc client21:32
nmz787it's like racism except across species21:32
nmz787but if you are allergic then it doesn't apply I guess21:32
nmz787it was a joke21:33
nmz787or sarcasm21:33
bbrittainoh. my bad. I've been trying to figure out why that was bad :P21:33
nmz787I mainly just tend not to eat things21:35
nmz787it makes sense that we're still young re: industrialization as a speices21:35
bbrittainso... who hear is making it so I can photosynthesize instead?21:36
nmz787idk i still don't know how the pyramids were built... so i'm convinced knowing how to survive an apocalypse is prudent21:36
nmz787so thus farming and diy (which really just means being interested and active in learning)21:37
bbrittainnmz787: lemme help you with that: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080328104302.htm21:37
nmz787(and practicing those knowledge in some way)21:37
nmz787bbrittain: but there are tons of theories21:38
nmz787ctrl-f ing for 'proof' doesn't match21:38
bbrittain"Scholars have found evidence that copper chisels were using for quarrying sandstone and limestone"21:39
dingoso the aliense used chisels!21:39
nmz787the last thing i watched said it could have been an geomagnetic laser-type-thing21:40
nmz787re the purpose21:40
nmz787of the pyramids21:40
bbrittaindammit. I'm gonna build something _REALLY_ weird for future generations just to fuck with them. like an evil version of long now.21:41
bbrittainbest part? hopefully I'll be around to see them being confused about it.21:41
nmz787bbrittain: the oiling of the road sounds cool21:41
nmz787 "I usually show the skeptic a picture of 20 of my workers at an archaeological dig site pulling up a two-and-a-half ton granite block." He added, "I know it's possible because I was on the ropes too."21:43
nmz787but googling largest pyramid block weight gives:21:43
nmz787The Tura limestone used for the casing was quarried across the river. The largest granite stones in the pyramid, found in the "King's" chamber, weigh 25 to 80 tonnes and were transported from Aswan, more than 800 km (500 mi) away.21:43
bbrittainpharoah to his people: "We need moar slaves"21:43
kanzureevil long now would just be the anti internet archive, deleting everything21:46
kanzureor a dischordia religion branch about misdating all of your content21:46
kanzure"II - All Discordians have to use the Discordian numbering system. Note that there is absolutely no explanation or tutorial given as to what this numbering system is, thereby making it impossible to obey this commandment."21:48
nmz787idk about impossible21:49
kanzure"Robert Anton Wilson, also known as 'People who actually think this might be true, but don't shout about it'. This makes them the most dangerous breed of all. RAW is regarded to be the king of the discordians, despite having a head size approximating Jupiter. RAW is what all true Discordians aspire to one day reincarnate their sorry asses backward through time into. The last sentence, most likely written by a discordian, is all the evidence ...21:49
nmz787hackers be hackin21:50
kanzure... you need of the utter gob-smacking fucktardedness of this particular group. "21:50
kanzurei like how robert anton wilson redirects to https://encyclopediadramatica.es/Shit_Nobody_Cares_About21:50
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delinquentmehas animez. watching for inspiration22:54
delinquentmeFOLLOH ALONG22:54
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