
--- Log opened Wed Aug 13 00:00:33 2014
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kanzure< nextgens> jvoisin> if you want some malware to look into: torbundlebrowser.org03:11
kanzure"I downloaded the alleged Tor Browser Bundle (password: infected), named "torbrowser-install-3.6.3_en-US.exe", and PEiD/yara told me that it's a .NET executable. ILSpy shows us: ...."03:12
kanzure"Their server is a stack of outdated crap, feel free to root them for more details."03:13
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kyknospaperbot, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2028.1978.tb00434.x/abstract03:55
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dpkarchels: yo.06:52
dpk.oed ill repute06:52
yoleauxNot found in the OED.06:52
dpk⬑ no06:52
dpk.oed house of ill repute06:53
dpkseems to derive in more general usage from that ⬏06:53
yoleauxhouse, n.1 and int.: http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/88886?p=emailAES3BvjQT/qso&d=8888606:53
dpkthat ⬏06:54
dpkearliest quotation in a full-text search outside of 'house of …' is 168006:55
archelswell, the wikitionary entry leads me to believe that 'ill repute', without reference to a house, is a separate thing06:55
* dpk nods06:57
dpk'ill, adj. and n.' has not been revised for the OED3 yet. maybe it will be added then06:57
dpk.oed 9134506:57
yoleauxill, adj. and n.: http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/91345?p=emailAE7pQEOvhsUhU&d=9134506:58
pasky_Webster1913 has "Ill fame, ill or bad repute; as, a house of ill fame, a house where lewd persons meet for illicit intercourse"07:00
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kanzurewhy did paperbot take 25 minutes?07:21
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ParahSailinit cant be bargained with. it doesnt feel pity, remorse, or fear. and it will never ever stop until your paper is found07:26
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.07:46
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JayDuggerHawaii's still there?07:47
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chris_99nmz787_i, have you programmed those fx2lp boards btw, i'm curious if you can use the 128kbit EEPROM on PCB, for program storage09:08
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nmz787_i1chris_99: I've tweaked the EEPROM I believe that stored the PID and VID11:54
chris_99gotcha yeah that would be the 128K one11:54
chris_99did you just use one of the software programs and do it via USB11:54
nmz787_i1i used an arduino and minigrabbers11:55
chris_99ah interesting11:56
nmz787_i1it was not the fx2 chip, it was a separate IC11:56
chris_99i'm looking @ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181156425615?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT12:00
chris_99i was thinking of making a buspirate or something12:00
chris_99out of it12:00
nmz787_i1not sure if this is using the fx2 itself http://www.triplespark.net/elec/periph/USB-FX2/eeprom/12:01
chris_99i was on that page earlier12:01
nmz787_i1but here it shows the VID and PID http://solaraspost.blogspot.com/2013/01/saleaeusbee-dual-mode-logic-analyser.html12:01
chris_99"Fxload is a small and useful tool to program an EEPROM attached to the FX2."12:01
nmz787_i1and that the eeprom is I2C12:02
nmz787_i1well yeah but that doesn't tell about the implementation12:02
nmz787_i1i mean, that sentence isn't falsified if it requires an arduino for example12:02
chris_99no, i mean, that sentance makes it sound like the eeprom12:02
nmz787_i1IMO at least, since the EEPROM would still be attached12:02
chris_99is always separate12:02
chris_99interestingly my salae 16 clone12:03
chris_99has a xilinx12:03
nmz787_i1i think the fx2 is much faster than the buspirate12:03
chris_99mmm thats something i was thinking so maybe it could do cooler stuff12:03
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kanzurei predict incoming spam from these borons: http://www.biodirectusa.com/12:43
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* heath waits on fig to finish building...13:18
heathi've been given a quiz from a company for a django position13:19
heathis there a better way of doing this?13:20
heathi'm not a django expert by any means13:20
archelskanzure: do you know any unconventional CAD tools that are not in this list?13:33
archelse.g. Blender is not in there13:33
archels3D specifically13:34
kanzureheath: can't tell what the problem is. the comments refer to an __init__ but i don't see one.13:36
archelshmm, Google sold off SketchUp? odd.13:36
heathkanzure: i'm refactoring after a few comments from some nashvillians13:36
kanzurearchels: sisl cad.py tinkercad euclid heekscad opencascade alibrecad rhino beaglecad unigraphics maya... lots more.13:39
archelsah yeah I built some software with SISL once13:43
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kanzurei have read through the sisl source code a few times13:45
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dingo16:22 < heath> is there a better way of doing this?13:54
dingoi don't know django models very well, but at minimum return u' '.join(self.firstname, self.lastname) :)13:55
dingoi would just write some tests to test the relationship, build a few fake students and fake campus's and be able to verify their relationships, and i'm sure it'll become clear13:56
dingoi haven't yet gotten desperate enough for work to learn Django13:56
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delinquentmethere still aren't cheap FPGAs are there?14:00
chris_99sure there are14:00
delinquentmeI know this is like size-dependent but whats the cheapest on the market going for about now?14:01
chris_99seen http://www.joelw.id.au/FPGA/CheapFPGADevelopmentBoards ?14:01
nmz787_i1heath: I can't remember if that way would require you to use reverse for getting the student's campuses... or if it would be incorrect to add a manytomany in the student back to the campuses14:07
nmz787_i1delinquentme: lattice14:08
nmz787_i1few dollars14:08
nmz787_i1delinquentme: $25 dev board http://www.digikey.com/product-search/en?mpart=ICE40HX1K-STICK-EVN&vendor=22014:09
nmz787_i1delinquentme: http://www.digikey.com/catalog/en/partgroup/icestick-evaluation-board/4091314:09
nmz787_i1just found this, looks like it might be cool http://www.xmos.com/startkit14:11
chris_99mmm xmos is interesting14:11
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chris_99i think they use llvm for their compiler14:11
nmz787_i1chris_99: some decents comments on xmos http://hackaday.com/2013/10/20/hackaday-links-october-20-2013/14:13
nmz787_i1whoo hoo, just got FIB time for learning to script drawing bitmaps and the rest the software's scriptable features14:15
nmz787_i1I think the computer may be too old to do reasonable real-time video processing though... so I either need to try upgrading it or seeing if the ethernet or something might be an option14:16
chris_99FIB time?14:16
nmz787_i1I think developing an ISA or PCI card module is out of the question14:16
nmz787_i1I can start drawin nanoz14:17
nmz787_i1chris_99: oscope based on that http://www.element14.com/community/community/raspberry-pi/raspberrypi_projects/blog/2014/06/22/xmos-startkit-xmos-and-raspberry-pi-oscilloscope-xae-100014:25
chris_99looks fun to play with14:25
chris_99have you looked into Parallela14:25
chris_99at all14:25
chris_99it seems like that has FPGA+ARM (Zynq) and also their weird multicore GPU like thing14:26
nmz787_i1nah ah14:26
nmz787_i1hmm, not too shabby ADC, 12 bit at 1msps14:26
nmz787_i1better than AVR14:26
nmz787_i1ahh, the codez https://github.com/shabaz123/XAE100014:27
chris_99hmmm i'm curious how the core work14:27
chris_99it's got strange definitions in there too like [[combinable]]14:28
archelsdelinquentme: what do you want an FPGA for?14:32
kanzurewhat do you not want an fpga for14:32
kanzurewhat sorta question is that :p14:32
archelsI am curious as to the application, and it should probably be a relevant factor in deciding which one to get14:33
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archelsheh, BeagleCad only points back to http://diyhpl.us/wiki/cadfaq/14:38
archelsdo you have a link for it?14:38
kanzureoh damn i probabl meant eaglecad, huh14:38
kanzurethat doesn't sound right though. eaglecad doesn't belong on that list.14:39
kanzuresorry, i don't seem to have anything lese on it14:39
chris_99nmz787_i1, you need to record a video for HaD sooon ;)14:40
nmz787_i1BeagleCAD sounds more exciting14:43
kanzurearchels: there was also lolcad but i never got it to do anything, the author is a huge douchebag14:43
nmz787_i1chris_99: ugh, yeah14:44
nmz787_i1chris_99: I've been tired after work lately and didn't work on the octopart BOM stuff at all during defcon14:44
nmz787_i1the chromebook couldn't copy the files from my android phon14:44
archelskanzure: heh14:44
nmz787_i1yay for Google's shit not working with itself14:44
chris_99ah darn14:44
nmz787_i1so apparently the site ahappmango sucks... i ordered from them 4 or 5 weeks ago and they sent me tracking numbers twice now that ended up being delivered on the other side of the country14:48
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delinquentmearchels, someone had mentioned that a FPGA could be used as a software controllable 'end point' for the more complex chips on a piece of hardware14:50
delinquentmeIE " if we want to version control everything and minimize intra-generation machine variance ... FPGAs could be really helpful "14:50
archelsyeah, Andrew Huang did that on his Novena laptop14:51
archelsmore CAD software https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_3D_modeling_software14:53
chris_99hmm is the FPGA mainly tied to the CPU, and providing some GPIO, other stuff like the NIC doesn't seem to go through it?14:54
kanzurearchels: cadquery is pretty close to great, but there are some rough spots, like the freecad dependency and some opencascade weirdness14:54
kanzurefor example, a hole in the middle of a rectangle can't be cut if it's smaller than 0.47 units14:54
kanzurebut otherwise it's okay haha14:55
archelsyeah, who needs small holes anyway15:00
archels"By including a FuseSurface feature designed for fusing 2 NURBS surfaces together, Seamless3d allows for the creation of smooth continuous curvy models made from multiple NURBS surfaces."15:00
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kanzurearchels: i think your best bet at this point is the version of opennurbs inside brlcad15:02
kanzureplus, brlcad has some extra functions for intersections of a data structure that eventuall references an opennurbs class instance15:02
kanzurearchels: on a related note, i got an email from someone the other day offering to rewrite opennurbs in python (or c? not sure, definitely said python at least) over 4 months for about $6k USD15:03
archelsthey just offered you that? heh15:08
archelsas part of a larger project?15:08
kanzurebrlcad gsoc student working on python-brlcad introduced me to his friend who made that offer15:09
archelsdo you think it would be less painful than wrapping it?15:11
archelsall this porting to $lastestfashionablelanguage, ugh15:12
archelsdon't get me wrong, I adore Python15:12
archelsbut it doesn't feel like real progress15:12
kanzureyeah, so i made a swig wrapper here you go http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/opennurbs/brlcad-opennurbs2.zip15:13
kanzureinstructions http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/opennurbs/README.txt15:13
kanzurealso the gsoc person (raj12lnm) wrote a pybindgen wrapper because he couldn't get my swig wrapper to work for him(?) https://github.com/raj12lnm/OpenNurbs-Python/15:13
kanzurei just don't like mixing swig and ctypes in the same project15:14
kanzurepython-brlcad is based on ctypes and ctypesgen15:14
kanzureand i haven't plaed around with passing pointers between ctypes and swig to see if everything blows up or mabe works15:14
kanzurehooking that up to cadquery would be interesting15:19
archelsmhrm. lesser of two evils I suppose15:27
kanzurei would just wire up python-brlcad, but the primitives that are wrapped aren't really enough to do what cadquery provides15:28
kanzurecompare to https://github.com/dcowden/cadquery/blob/master/examples/FreeCAD/Ex023_Parametric_Enclosure.py15:30
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nmz787_i1kanzure: would it be useful to try and convince the kicad people that 3D could be added? As far as them already having some rendering engine and lots activity these day.15:57
kanzurenurbs is not an easy topic15:58
kanzurethey have very few incentives to write their own implementatoin15:59
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kanzureand most of the options available for nurbs integration are not very well maintained (opencascade, opennurbs, sisl? that's it, i think)15:59
kanzurethe rendering is not actually that difficult, since the opengl standard has had nurbs tessellation for at least a decade now16:00
nmz787_i1aren't they backed by CERN16:00
nmz787_i1seems they would have a need for that16:00
kanzurecern uses an ancestor of opencascade called euclid or cas.cade16:00
kanzureactually they probably use solidworks or catia16:02
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delinquentmecool just configured SLURM17:05
nmz787_i1kanzure: and other japanime/manga fans might like this http://pbs.twimg.com/media/ButnfbTCIAAW2DG.jpg17:05
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nmz787_i1'where FPGAs are fun'17:48
nmz787_i1cool, I like fun17:48
nmz787_i1"Win32 example application to communicate with the PCI WDM driver from a Win32 application (C source code + compiled)"17:50
nmz787_i1Linux port (unsupported) (https://github.com/pficheux/KNJN)17:51
nmz787_i1"As you can see, there is no 'DLL' or 'Active-X' control, just plain HDL and C code, so that you can understand and use the examples natively into your own application."17:51
nmz787_i1$299.95  aww :(17:51
nmz787_i1that isn't a fun price17:55
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nmz787_i1well this is pretty nice http://hackaday.com/2014/05/09/bunnies-laptop-gets-a-900mhz-scope-addon/19:00
nmz787_i1some PDFs of the probe schematics http://bunniefoo.com/novena/novescope/19:01
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cpopellpaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v512/n7513/full/nature13570.html19:11
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nmz787_i1any ideas how hard it would be to intelligently overlay dubstep or some techno on top of lecture audio? intelligently meaning choosing sound that doesn't conflict with the voice in the lecture (I think there is software to strip lyrics and make an instrumental19:31
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sheenadingo_: i hear you might know things about making my hands feel better?23:29
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ParahSailinwear those robot hand things23:42
dingo_sheena: if your pain is on the outside of your hand (pinky, ring finger), and your elbows are very sensative ('hitting the funny bone' is more painful than usual), you get numbness and tingling -- then you have pinched ulnar nerves, which runs along your elbow23:46
dingo_it comes from hacking a lot with compressed elbows, that is, not straigh out23:47
dingo_for ergonomics, its important to find a somewhat uncomfortable posture with your arms extended out as far as possible -- i push my keyboard as far forward as the desk allows it, i also have been using kinesis advantage (not cheap, like $300) and a vertical mouse ($60) for years with good success23:48
dingo_google some 'ulnar nerve stetch excersizes', there are two or three of them that i do all throughout the day, its habit now, easy enough to do23:49
dingo_when the pain first started and became unbearable, i also installed a program .. "Break Reminder" for osx that would lock up my computer and have a 30s timer countdown and i set it for extreme 20 minute breaks23:49
dingo_there are hand/wrist uhh.. things, that have a metal bar that position your hands in their natural position; slightly closed and not able to extend in much of any direction. you don't have to wear them *all* the time, but if the pain is very bad, then try to -- but try to wear them in your sleep23:50
dingo_don't get the weak ones like a bowler might use, it needs to have the metal piece that runs under your wrists out to the palm of your hand to force the posture23:51
dingo_this gives it time to heal, i haven't used any for a year or so, but i used it three or so times in the past few years after long hackathons when the pain was unbearable23:51
dingo_there are also elbow supports that might help, but i find them terribly uncomfortable -- all they do is, when you do compress your elbows, its really tight and uncomfortable, but it makes it difficult to do the most simple tasks! like.. eating, or drinking from a cup, lol23:52
dingo_but it does make you mindful of when you compress your elbows and make you consider new postures, especially relaxing23:52
dingo_i can't use a mobile phone for any extended period, still to this day, the thumb activity is too much for me23:53
dingo_and a steady diet of acetaminophen + caffiene, excedrine comes with the two mixed together but i prefer my caffiene from coffee23:54
dingo_they also make a 'night time pain reliever' with acetaminophen that i use occasionally when i feel a lot of pain at night and think i might not be able to sleep over it23:55
dingo_with any of those, forget the drug, it makes you groggy, so you have to think ahead, if you wait until you can't sleep, its too late, you won't make it out of bed in time23:56
dingo_i pretty much work a 9-5, M-F, and fridays are days where the pain is greatest, and thats because i find other shit to do on the weekends23:58
dingo_my hobbies is mostly programming... so... get ready to watch movies and other non-hand related activies... sucks... theres audio books too, i don't recommend reading books by hand23:59
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