
--- Log opened Wed Aug 20 00:00:40 2014
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archelskanzure: I came across this video again, having seen it years before03:23
archels.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEYN18d7gHg03:23
yoleauxNanofactory Movie03:23
archelsdo people still believe in this approach to nanomanufacture, or are its concepts by now outdated?03:24
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kanzurearchels: there's still lots of people interested in molecular manufacturing07:29
kanzurearchels: https://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer07:29
archelsso things like self-assembly or assembly through biological organisms have not displaced this pick-and-place-type idea. okay, was just curious07:36
kanzurethere are some people who have an interest in dna origami and such, sure07:37
kanzuregene_hacker is workin on some sort of chemistry-based metal-organic phase-change molecular approach to molecular nanotech07:37
kanzure"This argument and explanation is constantly coming up on the subreddit askscience. I don't violently oppose it as much as some do, since I think it's somewhat helpful, but I would like to say that my preferred interpretation is that a `photon' isn't really a well defined object when inside strongly-coupled materials. For example, can you really sensibly talk about a freely propagating radio wave when its still within a quarter wavelength of ...07:38
kanzure... an antenna? When atoms are spaced tenths of a nanometre apart and visible light has a wavelength of hundreds of nanometres it seems a bit silly to talk about it propagating freely in a material."07:38
kanzure"When you go through quantum field theory, photons are defined in terms of freely propagating particles, not interacting with other fields. When the disturbance in the EM field propagates into, e.g. a dielectric material, and strongly couples to various nuclear and electronic excitations, it is better described in terms of a massive quasiparticle, the polariton, which is a hybrid of the photon, phonon and electron fields and, being massive, ...07:38
kanzure... propagates at less than c. You can, of course, describe it in terms of perturbations to the free photon corresponding to various types of virtual absorption and re-emission, but it's a bit misleading to think of it being physically absorbed and re-emitted with little stopovers. If anything, the classical model of a continuously interacting medium interacting with the EM wave creating a coherent response wave which interferes with and ...07:38
kanzure... appears to slow down the EM wave is more instructive."07:38
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dingo_05:05 < firelynx> hey guys, in case you know any pythoneers who could consider working in Berlin, hand them this link http://goo.gl/3ILCqV07:52
dingo_07:21 < firelynx> ask them to contact me directly on mikael.baath@digitalperformance.de07:52
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kanzurechido is back?08:01
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chidokanzure: temporarily08:02
chidokanzure: nice input on the biocommons thing08:06
kanzurei was totes ignored :(08:08
kanzure"Please submit criticism in the form of glowing praise"08:09
chidoI noticed, that was very disappointing08:10
kanzurei should respond with trollface08:11
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heathmetamorph is working on tooling for project ara hardware designers08:56
heathstuff they are building their platform with08:57
heaththe software is supposed to be open source at some point, that was in the contract signed with google08:57
kanzureheath: i can't tell if you're mentioning META because i topicdropped it yesterday or because you ran into it randomly08:59
heaththey are using that as well08:59
heathi'm mentioning it because they are wanting to talk with me about working with them, i ran into the ceo||cto at a microcontroller meetup09:00
kanzureof isis?09:01
kanzurewin 309:03
heathunfortunately they are depending on the autorouter from eaglecad09:03
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kanzurecheck pm09:05
heathmetamorph, re:"of isis?"09:11
kanzure08:55 < heath> http://www.isis.vanderbilt.edu/sites/default/files/u352/META_poster_48x36_Clean.pdf09:11
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heathright, isis was granted money through metamorph to work on project ara, i'm talking with metamorph though09:16
kanzurev. interesting09:17
kanzurethank you, informant, you shall be rewarded in the nexterlife09:17
kanzure"fuck that, what about this life"09:17
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heathfear of dark - spectronosis http://fodxm.co.uk/fod_10%20SPECTRONOSIS.mp309:29
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kanzureelliptic curve stuff http://curvecp.org/ http://dnscurve.org/09:37
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nmz787_i1chris_99: these may interest you, I haven't looked but I presume if these are up, others are too http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/defcon-wireless-village-2014/mainlist10:02
chris_99ooh cheers10:02
nmz787_i1chris_99: couldn't find the whole talk, but here's that USBto-DMA bridge thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvnvOXXAxaI10:03
nmz787_i1(a demo)10:03
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nmz787_i1oh yeah, and Parallax open-sourced the Propeller during defcon https://www.parallax.com/microcontrollers/propeller-1-open-source10:08
nmz787_i1"The Propeller 1 (P8X32A) is now a 100% open multicore microcontroller, including all of the hardware and tools: Verilog code, Spin interpreter, PropellerIDE and SimpleIDE programming tools, and compilers. The Propeller 1 may be the most open chip in its class."10:08
chris_99yeah i've seen that one10:11
chris_99i'm planning to buy a new FPGA probably so may try it out10:11
kanzureON_BrepTrim &trim = brep->NewSingularTrim(brep->m_V[i], ....10:14
kanzureargh this jerk10:14
kanzure"i" was set to brep->m_V.Count() just a few lines earlier10:15
kanzuredon't be this guy10:15
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nmz787_i1chris_99: I've got the DE0-nano so I might give it a shot... not soon though10:50
nmz787_i1chris_99: ugh, crap, the video for hackaday is due today/tonight (already past?) and I was planning on going hiking after work10:50
nmz787_i1:/ I guess that means I'm out10:51
chris_99its due tommorow morn10:51
chris_99i think10:51
nmz787_i1sweaty and exhausted at 10:30 PM, sounds perfect to make a video!10:51
kanzureycombinator is making some pretty wacky picks these days10:58
kanzurebbrittain: they picked filecoin10:58
kanzure"aluminium smelting industry is conusming 3% of world's total electric power, at a cost of something like 30 billion dollars/year"11:11
archelsjust short of bitcoin mining11:25
kanzurethat's only 0.02%11:25
archelsyeah I was being sarcastic11:26
ParahSailinhm lets use aluminum as currency11:26
nmz787_i1used to be super-expensive, that's why the washington monument is topped with it11:42
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn11:47
kanzureno i really meant phone actually11:48
kanzureit's a weird one11:48
kanzurefenn: http://www.uilabs.org/announcement/AVM_PR_061214.pdf11:58
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kanzurefenn: http://opensource.org/osd (section 1)12:34
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nmz787_i1kanzure: why does that page use Flash?12:45
kanzurebecause of blood diamonds, i assume12:45
nmz787_i1unless  Internet Explorer just reports incorrectly12:46
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nmz787_i1'Raskolnikov philabuster deoxymonohydroxanate'12:58
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yoleaux25 Jun 2014 21:43Z <kanzure> fenn: "So in 1971, when Harry Collins studied the spread of a technology called the TEA laser, he discovered that the only scientists who succeeded in copying it were those who had visited laboratories where TEA lasers were already up and running: “no-one to whom I have spoken has succeeded in building a TEA laser using written sources (including blueprints and written reports) as the sole source of  …13:47
yoleaux25 Jun 2014 21:43Z <kanzure> fenn: nevermind13:47
nmz787_i1"Wall grew up in south Los Angeles and then Bremerton, Washington, before starting higher education at Seattle Pacific University in 1976, majoring in chemistry and music and later Pre-med with a hiatus of several years working in the university's computing center before being graduated with a self-styled bachelor's degree in Natural and Artificial Languages"14:09
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nmz787_i1welp I guess he's a biohacker: http://www.wall.org/~larry/cornea.html14:13
nmz787_i1http://strawberryperl.com/  "When I'm on Windows, I use Strawberry Perl -- Larry Wall"14:15
fenndouble yuck14:22
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heath""" MindRDR is an application for Google Glass that uses a mind reader to take and post photos on social networks """15:00
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nshwhat's this TEA laser anecdote all about?15:39
nshalien technology?15:40
kanzureit's a false one15:40
kanzurecluckj fixed me on that15:40
kanzurer superkuh15:40
nshdoesn't sounds too implausible though15:41
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kanzurethat's the best kind of wrong15:44
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AlterSidanyone here knows what's up with deepmind these days? do we know a bit more what they are up to?15:55
AlterSid( http://deepmind.com/ )15:56
AlterSidit was sold for a gazillion dollars earlier this year to google15:57
kanzuresomeone on hacker news posted the scoop about that.. wasn't anything to write home about.15:58
AlterSidyeah, it was a big expense on google's side (500M$).. speculation was that it would somehow reinforce their search algos, but not much information has filtered out since16:00
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kanzurei thought it was an acquihire16:05
AlterSidI think it was, yes16:07
kanzurealso, hi16:08
kanzurefenn: what scaffolding for projects do you tend to prefer? http://diyhpl.us/wiki/scaffolding/16:08
sheenabbrittain: I have some data from ffprobe on some mp4 files. it includes PAR 32:27, which  might be Pixel ASpect Ratio? and which is not square..?16:10
sheenaalso yuv420p means progressive instead of interlacing frames? maybe?16:10
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fennplastic conduit/PVC pipe (none of the above)16:19
kanzurei wonder if this is functional https://www.etsy.com/listing/184536139/black-cyber-mask-cyber-goth-respirator?ref=sr_gallery_9&ga_search_query=gas+mask&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_min=10&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_view_type=gallery16:26
kanzurealso, if darpa's goal is really "the top-level goal of avm is to compress the development timelines for military systems by 5x-10x" it occurs to me that a sane thing to do would be to measure the current bottlenecks in large-scale engineering projects16:29
kanzureand since you don't know the bottlenecks you can safely just measure everything for not much cost16:29
kanzurebut this is the "measure everything and things will magically improve" fallacy that quantified self and others succumb to.16:30
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kanzurefenn: oh the other thing was the nuclear fission batteries thing for handheld consumer electronics17:11
kanzurethat's the thing i forgot17:12
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kanzure.title http://www.justice.gov/atr/public/guidelines/0558.htm17:58
yoleauxAntitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property17:58
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kanzure"Another possibility is that agreements that require royalties to be paid beyond the statutory term may enable a licensor to overcome incomplete contracting. Incomplete contracting occurs when imperfect contracting conditions prevent a licensor from negotiating a satisfactory royalty rate that reflects the patent's true value. To resolve this problem, there may be an incentive and ability to require the payment of royalties after the patent ...18:01
kanzure... expires as a condition of licensing during the patent period, thus allowing a licensor to capture the patent's full value.(23)"18:01
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yoleauxDual Core - All The Things [Official]18:31
kanzurenanoengineer phone call heh18:40
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nmz787_iit's a man dancing20:58
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bbrittainsheena: square pixels are a lie21:41
bbrittainmost of them... aren't T_T21:41
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bbrittainkanzure: what is this about filecoin?21:45
bbrittainI see now21:47
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kanzurebbrittain: what are they if not square21:48
bbrittainrandom stuff gets funded when you have infinite money and don't understand the technology21:48
bbrittainkanzure: rectangles21:48
kanzureyeah i'm just amazed they have like zero due diligence there21:49
bbrittainalso see glowing plant21:49
bbrittainI haven't really payed any attention to filecoin... does the tech make sense? and like... how would you monetize that at all?21:49
bbrittainlooking at the whitepaper now21:49
kanzureno it does not make sense21:50
kanzurei mean, if they want to make a file storage network that's fine, but their cryptocurrency stuff is wrong21:50
kanzureas usual i refer you to gmaxwell's analysis21:51
bbrittainahh, of course he made one21:51
bbrittainI went to a bitcoin meetup with him. The way everyone fanboyed over him was hilarious.21:51
kanzure20:51 < gmaxwell> jbenet: well I mean, in the presence of what I described I don't see why such a system has much value at all.  Or certantly any differential value against, say, people paying coins to someone who stores data.21:52
kanzure20:48 < petertodd> jbenet: ^ like I say, this stuff is a lot more doable when you don't try to make what are probably unrealistic promises. Just create some nice software to pay for data by hash and call it a day.21:52
kanzure20:52 < gmaxwell> (or saying it the other way, ni cut and choose proofs for proof of storing data are fine and useful and someone should make a storage that does itâ<80><94> but there is no reason to build an altcoin out of that except to turn it into an investment scam.)21:52
bbrittaindamn. another altcoin hits the dust21:53
kanzurehardly, they took a lot of money21:53
kanzurethat's not dust21:53
kanzurein fact, gmaxwell is probably an investment signal at this point21:53
kanzureif he thinks it's a bad idea, then get in early21:53
bbrittainhaha, but get out fast21:53
bbrittainshit. I gotta go get stellar then21:53
bbrittainbut I don't wanna support something like that21:54
* bbrittain feels torn21:54
kanzurepretty awful huh21:54
bbrittainwait. this _really_ means I should go get some ethereum21:55
bbrittainwhich is the most bs of them all21:55
kanzurenot quite, being early would have been before their $2 million loan21:55
bbrittaintrue :/21:55
caternstellar's supporters are dumb but it's good technology, just as ripple was. a stellar layer over bitcoin would be a good setup21:56
catern(which is what will happen)21:56
kanzurehappened within a few hours of its release21:57
kanzurebecause the bitcoin/ripple exchanges saw that stellar was just ripple with s/ripple/stellar and the same build steps21:57
caternwhich is what will keep happening, i mean21:58
kanzureso they were already prepared to add it21:58
caternand never stop happening21:58
kanzureare you asking for a kickban21:58
caternno :(21:58
bbrittainstellar gives you no benefits. There are systems you can integrate with bitcoin that give you the scalability that stellar gives you coupled with actual benefits to the users21:59
kanzurelet's not turn this into a rehash of obvious things21:59
bbrittainsorry. I'm rather anti-stellar22:00
kanzurethat's fine22:00
kanzurebut i mean,22:00
kanzurei don't think anyone here is pro-stellar22:00
kanzureand i think the vast majority understand the problems with the network design there22:00
kanzurethis is what i tell myself22:02
bbrittainthats good, try talking to most people who self-describe themselves as "bitcoin enthusiasts". their favorite thing to do is to hop onto the most recent altcoin craze. it makes me cry22:04
bbrittainbut I'm sure you feel the same22:05
kanzurei know someone who after learning about bitcoin was "daytrading" the next day against the dollar22:05
kanzureand i asked him "wtf dude?"22:05
kanzurehe really thought he was being super smart22:05
kanzureuntil i pointed out that he has literally never wanted to daytrade before22:05
kanzuremuch less daytrade currencies against one another22:05
kanzurebut for some reason the moment they are exposed to bitcoin.. the idea hits them. it's the strangest thing.22:06
bbrittainfuck. I hate roost.22:09
bbrittainthis is my fault22:09
bbrittainI've been implementing push for firefox22:09
nmz787_iyou all have never convinced me why cryptocurrency is hplus22:10
nmz787_imy pocket wiped all my data a few days ago22:10
bbrittainnmz787_i: I'm not sure it is. The same sorta people that like h+ generally like cryptocurrency though22:10
kanzurepersonal empoewrment, blah blah blah22:10
kanzuremaybe not the most convincing argument i've ever given22:15
kanzurefenn: blueseed would probably do better as an expensive tourist attraction22:20
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nmz787_ii like currency that is useful22:29
nmz787_ipoor people get diesel, rich folks thorium22:30
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kanzurecurrency competes with other currencies22:30
kanzureso if there are no benefits then a given currency will probably die out22:30
nmz787_idiesel vs gasoline vs butanol vs ethanol22:30
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sheenabbrittain: if the "recommendation" is for square pixels, is it referring to somethign .. else?22:42
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nmz787_i.wik hemophage22:52
yoleaux"Disambiguation: Hemophage" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemophage22:52
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