
--- Log opened Sun Aug 24 00:00:44 2014
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dingo_pine apples neither grow on pine trees or are a form of apple00:27
nmz787they are sharp like pine needles though00:48
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nmz787paperbot: http://www.microfluidicsinfo.com/Connectors.pdf01:44
nmz787pfft, that filename sucks http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Microfluidic_Connector_types.pdf01:45
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nsh.g René Daumal and the pataphysics of liberation07:37
nshpaperbot, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF0021459807:37
nshwhy can't i have crypto from springer then?07:38
* nsh shrugs07:39
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kanzurensh: think of it as a science lottery09:46
nshkanzure, do you know what the department of justice's policy is on name change?09:47
nshlike, if i were to get my name officially changed to Wang Dong, would they update the indictments, or just start using it on newer ones?09:47
nshi'm tempted to call and ask09:47
kanzurethey would probably not know09:47
nshwould be a waste of having to talk to an american09:47
kanzurebut you should pick wu tang over wang dong09:48
kanzureor, "hi, yes, i am no longer named, please remove that old name and replace it with blanks"09:49
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dingo_lastnight i was partially asleep10:49
dingo_and then woosh... it felt like a bear ran full speed into my house10:49
dingo_then im remembering it again this morning and going huh10:49
kanzurei had a dream about abandoning you in a war zone10:49
dingo_i wonder if there are any bears here10:50
kanzuresorry i abandoned you10:50
dingo_but it was an earthquake, not a bear10:50
dingo_thats ok, i dreamed about a war last night too10:50
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nmz787nsh: which paper can't you have?11:57
nshit's a chapter of proceedings11:57
nshwhich might be the problem11:57
nmz787nbsp is my name11:58
nmz787dingo_: you live in NorCal?11:58
nmz787ah, yes I saw that yesterday but didn't have my proxy logins11:59
nmz787lemme check11:59
nmz787nsh: want chapter or whole book?11:59
nsheither's good12:00
dingo_i live in boulder creek, CA12:00
dingo_pretty far away from it, but i'm sure i felt it12:00
nmz787nsh: http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/An_Improved_Known_Plaintext_Attack_on_PKZIP_Encryption_Algorithm.pdf12:01
kanzurensh still hasn't cracked it?12:01
nshi still technically haven't downloaded 60% of it12:01
nmz787dingo_: ever hang out with old-timers in that area?12:02
nmz787dingo_: computer science old-timers12:02
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dingo_mm nope, i'd like to though, i get along with the older folk12:04
dingo_haven't been here long and been working too much12:04
dingo_i hear you can meet diffie in a coffee shop he's seen at daily12:04
nmz787kanzure: so I was able to post creds to the proxy and get the logged-in sciencedirect page for example, and I see there are like 9 cookies with domain sciencedirect.com12:05
nmz787kanzure: but now I wonder, why isn't the cookie for the proxy you logged into?12:05
kanzurewhy would you HTTP POST credentials to the proxy? i thought the proxy was supposed to be self-contained.12:06
kanzurewhich proxy are you talking about12:06
kanzurethe one on localhost or the remote one that you don't control12:06
nmz787kanzure: also, the result of logging in using a request.post results in the page content/text... so is it possible to return that  using this example's method  https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/blob/f4a1459ebeca7c72419bce17d931f8b2c846df5e/examples/redirect_requests.py12:06
nmz787remote one12:06
kanzureis that a question?12:06
nmz787yes ?... as the param passed in differs in name from this example's param http://mitmproxy.org/doc/scripting/libmproxy.html12:07
nmz787they both use the reply() but I can't find a definition for reply in the repo12:08
nmz787so i wonder if it's the same12:08
nmz787or not12:08
kanzureyou forgot to return flow from that function12:08
nmz787i did?12:09
kanzureoh you didn't write it12:09
kanzureyeah i haven't used reply()12:09
nmz787otherwise i think I can use the libmproxy example to set al the 9 cookies12:10
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nmz787but it seems dumb to make two requests12:10
kanzurei am having trouble understanding your questions12:11
kanzurelibmproxy.flow.FlowMaster gives you a handle_request and a handle_response12:12
nmz787in  http://mitmproxy.org/doc/scripting/libmproxy.html there is handle_request... the first thing I do in there is grab the URL, the request_iteration int you mentioned you/me will add to pass, and then grab the proxy_url from my proxy_list and append the pdf_url to that... then i use request.post to post to the concatenated url with login creds12:13
nmz787then I can check the URL of the response to see if it contains the login domain12:14
nmz787and if not that means we were redirected to the journal page12:14
kanzureyou can also set requests.post to not allow redirects12:14
nmz787oh, ok12:15
kanzureand if it does allow redirects then requests.post returns a response that has response.history which is a list of other responses in the chain12:15
nmz787well my only contention was is i was just using that response to grab the cookies, then I imagine the mitmproxy lib would make another request after I was done adding the cookies12:15
nmz787so if i already had the journal page data, it would be double requests to that page12:16
nmz787i also wondered since the cookie.domain was sciencedirect.com12:16
nmz787not the proxy server domain, if on subsequent tries to the other proxies in the list, if the cookies would be overwritten12:17
nmz787i couldn't find any references in the cookies to the login page URL/domain12:17
nmz787and so was wondering if I should use a separate request Session for each proxy I try12:18
nmz787(i don't think my browser gets confused when I login to multiple proxies at once)12:18
kanzureyou can store cookies in a global in your libmproxy daemon thing12:18
nmz787i bet, but I wondered why i coulnd't see any of the login domain traces12:19
kanzureyou can also investigate the cookies manually through a python repl, python-requests and one of the ezproxy servers12:19
nmz787yes i did the login with python-requests12:19
nmz787huh, the request response .history is empty12:20
kanzurethen it didn't redirect12:21
nmz787repr of the response.cookies shows nothing with login page domain in it12:23
kanzurewell what was your request12:24
nmz787i took the URL from my bookmarklet javascript:void(location.href="http://daproxy.lib.dahost.edu:80/login?url="+location.href)12:25
nmz787and appended a sciencedirect URL to that12:25
kanzureezproxy automatically logs in if your ip address is allowed12:25
nmz787then request.post(thatURL, data={'user':'blah','login':'doody'}12:26
nmz787and the returned object is the response12:26
kanzure/login is just the login form, you should double check the actual form target12:26
nmz787len(list(r.cookies)) is 912:26
nmz787i did12:26
nmz787the login works this way12:27
nmz787for this page12:27
nmz787and also the response.context contains the 'Download PDF' string I see in my browser after successful login12:27
kanzurethere is no response.context12:28
nmz787(prev it would say 'Purchase')12:28
nmz787sorry content12:28
nmz787the libmproxy example shows msg.headers["cookie"] = cookieValue12:29
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nmz787but there are 9 cookies, and it seems there might also be a msg.cookies12:29
nmz787(each cookie has a unique key)12:29
nmz787but that's when I started wondering about logging into a diff proxy host with this same request session12:30
nmz787if the new login might overwrite existing cookies12:30
kanzurewhy are oyu using libmproxy?12:30
nmz787idk if that is a think12:30
nmz787cause you told me to12:30
nmz787the docs suck for it12:30
nmz787fo sho12:30
kanzurewhy did you need an http proxy?12:30
nmz787you told me12:31
kanzurethat's a dumb reason12:32
nmz787i could just use flask and still have it be a local port12:33
nmz787in that case I could just return the response.content i think12:33
nmz787and if paperbot couldn't find the PDF in that, it would ask again with an incremented request_iteration int (as I'm calling it)12:34
kanzurenmz787: https://gist.github.com/kanzure/8d8c1582883104e8785c12:37
nmz787you'll pass some int in data also?12:39
kanzureeither way would work12:41
kanzurefetch_by_ezproxy can either loop, or not12:41
nmz787well if you didn't pass the int, I'd have to parse the response for success12:41
nmz787which seems like paperbot is already doing somewhere12:42
kanzurejust use an int in the request12:42
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bbrittainThere is now an easy app that will store all your location data and post it to an arbitrary endpoint on demand. I know more about android than I ever wanted to.13:02
bbrittainas per my complaining yesterday13:02
nmz787kanzure: ok I think i'm done with the flask server13:02
nmz787kanzure: you need to pass url (I'd prefer if we changed it to pdf_url, and also an int as request_iteration)13:04
kanzurebbrittain: post to localhost13:04
kanzurenmz787: how does paperbot know to stop sending requests?13:05
nmz787i thought it parses/knows if it get's a good PDF13:05
kanzureyes but i mean the other situation13:05
nmz787oh, like if i run out13:05
bbrittainkanzure: -_- I'm not gonna analyze where I go from my phone13:06
nmz787I could add a header keep_trying= True?13:06
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nmz787or proxies_remaining=int13:06
nmz787kanzure: when I try running as-is I'm getting socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use13:06
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nmz787kanzure: running13:08
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096980439710123313:08
nmz787(i know it's not hooked up yet, likely)13:09
nmz787i'm returning proxies_remaining in the headers13:09
kanzurewere you writing the paperbot part?13:09
nmz787nah didn't touch it13:09
nmz787is it easy to play with the active paperbot?13:10
kanzure$ addaccess paperbot nmz78713:11
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kanzureThe user `nmz787' is already a member of `git-paperbot'.13:11
kanzuregit push nmz787@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/paperbot.git13:11
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nmz787kanzure: what to do?13:13
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kanzureonce you git push, paperbot reloads the modules13:14
nmz787kanzure: i see a ~/paperbot not13:14
nshnmz787, can you get this too? http://www.springer.com/computer/security+and+cryptology/book/978-1-4419-5905-813:14
nmz787not sure if that was there before, looks like it was from 201313:14
kanzurepaperbot in irc will reload source code once the git receive-hook is triggered on the server13:14
nmz787so I have to git clone from github first?13:14
kanzuregit clone nmz787@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/paperbot.git13:15
kanzuregithub may be up to date, or not13:15
nmz787in my existing paperbot dir i did git pull13:15
nmz787is that sufficient?13:15
nmz787Updating 6dcb23e..6cb280f13:15
kanzureas long as git rev-parse HEAD shows something that is from origin/master or diyhplus/master13:15
kanzureor github/master13:16
nmz787rev-parse shows 6cb280fa7b31ddefe8844bf71ddb32823b435f9f13:17
nmz787rev-parse HEAD13:17
kanzurewhat about it?13:18
nmz787nsh: appears I can get it, but not as a single file13:18
kanzurejust compare it against git rev-parse github/master or git rev-parse diyhplus/master13:18
nmz787nsh: you'd need to tell me which section of the 59 pages of sections here :P http://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007%2F978-1-4419-5906-513:18
kanzure"Relative to the price of labor, computation has become cheaper by a factor of 7.3 × 10^13 compared to manual calculations."13:18
nmz787fatal: ambiguous argument 'diyhplus/master': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.13:19
kanzuregit remote -vv13:19
nshnmz787, no matter, i have too much to read really13:19
kanzurei don't know what you named your remotes13:19
nmz787origin  /srv/git/paperbot.git (fetch)13:19
nmz787origin  /srv/git/paperbot.git (push)13:19
kanzuregit rev-parse origin/master13:19
nmz787same hash i posted a few mins ago13:20
kanzurelooks like you're up to date then13:20
nmz787kanzure: so after I find out where it determines fail/succes for PDF acquisition, I will want it to try 'http://localhost:8500/plsget' right?13:22
kanzureyep. also something about looping.13:23
kanzurepaperbot is very synchronous at the moment, so additional blocking isn't a big deal13:23
kanzureeventually it will be switched over to coroutines with gevent or something13:23
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nmz787kanzure: so on the page http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0969804397101233... I bet you see a 'Purchase' link next to an Adobe reader icon13:25
nmz787is that link what I'll be receiving?13:25
nmz787such that the response.content I return /might/ be the actual PDF data?13:26
gene_hackerhow does paperbot work anyway?13:26
nmz787rather than just the logged in page with the logged in link to the PDF13:26
kanzureyou will sometimes be given a link to html stuff or sometimes a link to a pdf13:26
kanzurezotero sometimes finds the right pdf link13:26
gene_hackerdoes it need a host account or something to work?13:26
kanzuregene_hacker: paperbot is magic.. https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot13:26
gene_hackerit doesn't need a host account?13:27
nmz787it looks like the current flow is request,get(pdf_url), then if response.status_code != 200:... then if "pdf" in response.headers["content-type"]:... then finally writing out response.content to a file13:27
kanzuregene_hacker: sorry for being opaque13:27
kanzuregene_hacker: it does not use a username/password13:27
gene_hackerthat is magic13:28
nmz787so it seems the if "pdf" in response.headers["content-type"]:  is where I'd end my loop13:28
nmz787i.e. if the else condition is True, loop again13:29
kanzureno you would also end if the header says there's no more ezproxy urls to try13:29
nmz787ah, right13:29
nmz787but what if the URL provided to me is not the PDF url, it's just the main sciencedirect page.. isn't that post-zotero such that the logged-in page would never get parsed for the PDF link?13:30
nmz787i guess an easy way to tell is to just try it13:30
kanzurethere is some html parsing stuff in paperbot but nobody put much thought into it13:30
kanzurepaperbot's default behavior when failing is to save the output html as txt so i can debug what went wrong and possibly find the actual pdf link13:31
kanzurezotero is being used because i didn't want to have to write 200 scrapers13:32
nmz787hmm, the 'Purchase' link seems fail when I try using it13:37
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ShoppingCartURL&_method=add&_eid=1-s2.0-S0969804397101233&originContentFamily=serial&_origin=article&_ts=1408912018&md5=649317c0fee32dd289620ef24861ba2a13:37
kanzuredid you push?13:37
kanzurepaperbot doesn't have new code, then13:38
nmz787i mean just if that was what zotero gives me13:38
nmz787yeah I haven't touched it yet13:38
nmz787just thinking13:38
kanzurepurchase link is v. different from the pdf download link13:38
kanzuremay be possible to use an http proxy with zotero so that zotero requests can go through a proxy that then goes through ezproxy to the publisher13:43
kanzurevery hacky compared to just writing parsers in python as plugins13:44
nmz787kanzure: if item.has_key("DOI"): seems like it should be in the else of if "pdf" in response.headers["content-type"]:13:46
nmz787as-is it seems like even if we get the PDF attachment, we'll return the scihub link13:47
kanzurei believe scihub is technically dead now13:47
nmz787err, libgen13:47
nmz787it says module.scihub.libgen13:48
nmz787so w/e13:48
kanzurefeel free to change that behavior13:48
kanzurethis is all shit and needs to be fixed13:48
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nmz787kanzure: what if I push bad code14:06
nmz787is there a way to test without pushing?14:06
nmz787otherwise i'll have to learn how to revert pushes14:07
nmz787which I guess you probably could tell me14:07
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nmz787kanzure: how would a normal proxy work, re: pdf_url... would it be proxy_url+pdf_url that was being .get()ed or is there some special proxy= attribute in th .get()14:16
nmz787ah got it http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#proxies14:16
kanzurelike i said, code is shit, there are no unit tests14:17
kanzureunit tests are something that should happen14:17
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]14:19
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-!- gully_foyle_ja [~theghosto@pool-71-116-68-251.snfcca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:32
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=ae35ea08 Nathan McCorkle: added looping through the new local variable proxy_list, added provisions for custom_flask_json proxy, which aims to provide a way for remote users to return PDFs14:35
gnushapaperbot: reload papers14:35
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 21:35:06)14:35
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096980439710123314:35
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096980439710123314:38
kanzurethat does not seem to be using a proxy14:38
kanzurepaperbot: http://httpbin.org/get14:39
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096980439710123314:39
nmz787hmm, plsget isn't getting called14:39
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]14:42
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096980439710123314:42
-!- marciogm [~komanda@unaffiliated/marciogm] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=edc2e3c9 Nathan McCorkle: added remoteprint so i can debug, added incrementing and reset of request_iteration14:46
gnushapaperbot: reload papers14:46
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 21:46:23)14:46
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096980439710123314:46
-!- gully_foyle_ja [~theghosto@pool-71-116-68-251.snfcca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]14:47
kanzureyou can just use actual logging instead of http logging14:47
nmz787how can i see it?14:48
kanzure/join #paperbot-testing14:49
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=7d14a71f Nathan McCorkle: more debug14:50
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=563c1963 Nathan McCorkle: added logchannel call for debug14:50
gnushapaperbot: reload papers14:50
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 21:50:49)14:50
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=eb88cd64 Nathan McCorkle: changed logchannel to _log14:52
gnushapaperbot: reload papers14:52
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 21:52:24)14:52
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=c783d607 Nathan McCorkle: added another _log14:54
gnushapaperbot: reload papers14:54
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 21:54:09)14:54
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=6928d027 Nathan McCorkle: added another _log14:55
gnushapaperbot: reload papers14:55
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 21:55:09)14:55
nmz787kanzure: i don't see any of the logging in paperbot-testing14:55
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096980439710123314:55
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]14:56
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:56
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=9e7c5ada Nathan McCorkle: changed log to phenny.say14:57
gnushapaperbot: reload papers14:57
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 21:57:14)14:57
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096980439710123314:57
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]14:58
-!- ielo [~ielo@88-106-249-86.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:58
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=9520ff74 Nathan McCorkle: added even earlier phenny.say14:59
gnushapaperbot: reload papers14:59
-!- marciogm [~komanda@unaffiliated/marciogm] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]14:59
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:59
nmz787kanzure: ok sorry i realize things now15:05
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=36db657f Nathan McCorkle: changed phenny.say back to _log15:09
gnushapaperbot: reload papers15:09
paperbotgot response from translation_url15:09
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 22:09:25)15:09
-!- enceladu [~asakharov@] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:22
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-!- gene_hacker_ is now known as gene_hacker15:26
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-!- EnLilaSko [EnLilaSko@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has quit [Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - www.nbs-irc.net -]15:30
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=66b7c850 Nathan McCorkle: added paperbot_proxy_request class with get method, replaced request.get in sciencedirect section of download_url15:57
gnushapaperbot: reload papers15:57
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 22:57:01)15:57
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=d1738894 Nathan McCorkle: added _log in sciencedirect section15:58
gnushapaperbot: reload papers15:58
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 22:58:29)15:58
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=c8ccef9f Nathan McCorkle: moved _log function creation to global scope15:59
gnushapaperbot: reload papers15:59
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 22:59:51)15:59
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=e1c43f4a Nathan McCorkle: moved _log function creation back as phenny is being passed in there, added nullLog function to act as black hole if a _log function isn't passed to download_url, added _log param to download_url function16:07
gnushapaperbot: reload papers16:07
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 23:07:32)16:07
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]16:08
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:08
kanzurei don't think reload() really works16:08
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=039bb842 Nathan McCorkle: added _log as a class variable, setting it prior to calling paperbot_proxy_request16:11
gnushapaperbot: reload papers16:11
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 23:11:48)16:11
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=485a7b0a Nathan McCorkle: added _log in exception16:14
gnushapaperbot: reload papers16:14
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 23:14:15)16:14
-!- ielo [~ielo@88-106-249-86.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]16:14
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=68e39fd3 Nathan McCorkle: imported traceback and using that for exception printing16:16
gnushapaperbot: reload papers16:16
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 23:16:23)16:16
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=0fa79eab Nathan McCorkle: added fallback for getting title with lxml.etree16:59
gnushapaperbot: reload papers16:59
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-24 23:59:15)16:59
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=957752c2 Nathan McCorkle: defined _log in classmethod get17:00
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:00
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 00:00:49)17:00
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=95d8b68a Nathan McCorkle: changed definition of _log in classmethod get17:02
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:02
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 00:02:30)17:02
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=131e6cde Nathan McCorkle: tweaking things17:08
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:08
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 00:08:47)17:08
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=aedd1258 Nathan McCorkle: defined proxy_url_index, incrementing it17:12
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:12
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 00:12:35)17:12
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=279b395c Nathan McCorkle: I was not passings args right17:15
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:15
paperbotSyntaxError: invalid syntax (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 39)17:15
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=d499af3a Nathan McCorkle: added debug lies17:18
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:18
paperbotSyntaxError: invalid syntax (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 41)17:18
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]17:20
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=8188fc3f Nathan McCorkle: tweaking17:23
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:23
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:36
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=a7ce0b5c Nathan McCorkle: forget I was returning tuple17:37
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:37
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 00:37:47)17:37
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:50
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=2fa2bccc Nathan McCorkle: added check for relative or absolute URL parsed via lxml.etree18:05
gnushapaperbot: reload papers18:05
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 01:05:09)18:05
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=ce2ded2d Nathan McCorkle: removed some _log, defined headers18:07
gnushapaperbot: reload papers18:07
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 01:07:11)18:07
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=09d95b50 Nathan McCorkle: defined user_agent18:08
gnushapaperbot: reload papers18:08
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 01:08:17)18:08
gnushapaperbot: reload papers18:12
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 01:08:17)18:12
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=0acb27d7 Nathan McCorkle: added newline to push paperbot to reload18:14
gnushapaperbot: reload papers18:14
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 01:14:15)18:14
-!- Viper168_ [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:28
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-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]18:59
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=79c58e4a Nathan McCorkle: using data instead of headers, calling json.dumps on data before the request. tried reducing duplication19:00
gnushapaperbot: reload papers19:00
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 02:00:39)19:00
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]19:06
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=324073cc Nathan McCorkle: changed proxy url21:32
gnushapaperbot: reload papers21:32
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 04:32:22)21:32
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096980439710123321:33
-!- yashgaroth [~ffffff@cpe-76-167-105-53.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]21:50
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=51768614 Nathan McCorkle: added debug lines22:04
gnushapaperbot: reload papers22:04
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 05:04:08)22:04
-!- enceladu [~asakharov@] has quit [Quit: quit]22:05
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]22:06
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:06
justanotheruserany thoughts on bitsharesX (3rd largest altcoin by market cap)? It seems like it doesn't solve any problems and introduces new problems with DPoS22:49
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-!- comma8 [comma8@gateway/shell/yourbnc/x-casekzcveceeqady] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:34
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=56115dec Bryan Bishop: paperbot v223:45
gnushapaperbot: reload papers23:45
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2014-08-25 05:04:08)23:45
kanzuresee https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/commit/56115dec62ee069095dc045b559c878060843ce123:46
kanzurecompare https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/blob/master/modules/papers.py23:54
--- Log closed Mon Aug 25 00:00:45 2014

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.15.0.dev0 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!