
--- Log opened Thu Oct 09 00:00:04 2014
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delinquentmeanyone in here know about sim card swapping?  I've got a older verizon GSM phone ( samsung nexus ) .. and I want to know if I can just drop the sim into a newer HTC one which also supports GSM00:28
delinquentmeboth phones are on verizon00:29
drethelinshould work fine00:30
drethelinthe only problem is sim cards aren't all the same size00:30
drethelinYou can often cut a bigger card to fit into a smaller sim card slot00:30
drethelinsince the actual size of the chip is smaller than the card00:30
drethelinbut obviously it won't work the other way00:30
drethelinbut newer phones usually go smaller00:30
drethelinquick way to find out is just to pop open both sim card slots on the phones00:31
drethelinand see if they fit00:31
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drethelinpopping out a sim card just takes like, a paperclip00:31
delinquentmedrethelin, I've got the specs its a microsim00:32
delinquentmeso I need to take scissors to the existing sim card right?00:32
drethelinprobably yes00:34
drethelinit's not hard but there is a chance you can fuck it up00:34
drethelinso depending on how important it is to maintain phone continuity you might want to go to a store and have them do it?00:34
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jrayhawk_verizon... gsm... what?01:07
jrayhawk_verizon is LTE and CDMA; they've never been TDMA01:09
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poppingtonic.wa dirichlet distribution03:09
yoleauxbeta distribution: shape: alpha (positive); shape: beta (positive)03:09
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ebowden_paperbot: http://www.phytomedicinejournal.com/article/S0944-7113%2809%2900079-8/abstract05:56
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ebowden_paperbot: www.phytomedicinejournal.com/article/S0944-7113(09)00079-8/fulltext06:03
ebowden_paperbot: http://www.phytomedicinejournal.com/article/S0944-7113(09)00079-8/fulltext06:05
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kanzure.title http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Nanosatelliten-umgehen-Internet-Zensur-2403334.html07:23
yoleauxNanosatelliten umgehen Internet-Zensur | heise online07:23
kanzure.title https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-627707:26
yoleauxCVE - CVE-2014-6277 07:26
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JayDuggerThanks: "uploaded some content, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/extropians/raided-mailing-list-archives/"07:56
JayDugger.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=843211608:02
yoleauxCVE-2014-6277 | Hacker News08:02
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kanzureJayDugger: yup08:18
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kanzurexapian.DatabaseLockError: Unable to get write lock on /home/kanzure/.jotmuch: already locked08:36
kanzureoh noes08:36
kanzure$ ./jot count08:36
kanzureergh i should read the nobel prize speeches shouldn't i08:37
kanzuresomeone do this for me08:37
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JayDuggerOh, wait. You want a report too?08:57
kanzurekinda, i don't know. links to them, at least.08:58
JayDuggerOh. You're not in a hurry, are you?08:59
kanzurevarious weirdness here http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/10/07/tumblr-on-miri/#comment-15208909:01
justanotheruseryoleaux is a joke about yolo right?09:09
JayDugger"another MIRI staffer (who will not be named, for his own protection) achieved some level of infamy for mixing together a bunch of the strongest chemicals from my nootropics survey into little pills which he kept on his desk in the MIRI offices for anyone who wanted to work twenty hours straight and then probably die young of conditions previously unknown to science."09:09
kanzurejustanotheruser: i think so, bug dpk09:09
JayDuggerApologies for the long quote, but the run-on sentence helps deliver the joke.09:10
JayDuggerCome the revolution, we'll put that shit in the water supply.09:10
kanzuresounds fine to me09:10
JayDuggerOught to be good for a laugh at least.09:10
kanzure"The first problem is that while we have effective and well meaning altruists, we have passive allies and passive (in)effective altruists. No one in this community is willing to be aggressive enough to actually do something relevant. This is why I changed my mind about Anissimov, because at least he’s not a coward and will just “Put it down” and get it over with. This is up to my observation that all so called ‘effective altruists’ ...09:19
kanzure... and almost all ‘intellectuals’ have a barrier to their effectiveness roughly corresponding to their horribly passive personality. LW won’t stop getting killed by journalists/vague detractors if every one doesn’t step up the fight inside them. I some times think an alternate movement that does not prize passivity and cowardice as the main virtue will be better suited for the future."09:19
kanzurewhat a strange intersection of words09:19
kanzuregiven the current social context of each of those communities09:19
kanzuresomewhat related: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8424961 "Man, I wish I'd kept my Extropy magazines. I ditched them in a move about 15 years ago... It feels to me like there's a sort of throughline from the late 60s computer/counter culture mix, to the 70s/80s personal computer folks, to the 90s extropy people. But I'm not sure where it went after that. Surely there's a current generation. Cryptocurrency has some of it, especially in ...09:20
kanzure... the more ambitious fringes, but I've lost track of whatever group is on the broader picture of extreme technological ambition."09:20
kanzure"It didn't go away. It just dropped the trappings of a counterculture because counterculture itself has lost relevance in a world where there is no real mainstream to be counter to."09:20
kanzure"You know, the weird thing is that looking back on the extropians, they weren't really all that ambitious. Sure, they would talk about DNA or something, but did any of them ever bother to spend a few hours in a molecular biology lab? And what about software, how many of them (who didn't already code) bother to pick up code slinging to advance their interests? That's not to say that they were unskilled-- many of them were extremely skilled, ...09:20
kanzure... but they sort of showed up like that, and didn't move the needle. Oh well, different times."09:20
kanzureanyway, "extreme technological ambition" sounds approximately right, but it's missing a lot of pieces, because ambitiously writing emails back and forth is the most silly strategy i've heard in a while09:20
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kanzureheh "There are lots of ways/reasons to cook - for appearance, for health, for workout efficiency, for PC reasons. I like this one: for flavor. I only have about 10,000 dinners in my adult life, I want to make the most of them. Getting 2,000 more by making the other 10,000 taste bad is not in the plan."09:36
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eudoxiaso have we found satoshi yet?09:56
kanzurewei dai09:57
eudoxiahe has a really cool name09:58
kanzurehe has an obsession with vernor vinge09:59
eudoxiathe, what's it called, the Zoo thing?10:00
kanzure"I do have some early role models. I recall wanting to be a real-life version of the fictional "Sandor Arbitration Intelligence at the Zoo" (from Vernor Vinge's novel A Fire Upon the Deep) who in the story is known for consistently writing the clearest and most insightful posts on the Net. And then there was Hal Finney who probably came closest to an actual real-life version of Sandor at the Zoo, and Tim May who besides inspiring me with his ...10:00
kanzure... vision of cryptoanarchy was also a role model for doing early retirement from the tech industry and working on his own interests/causes."10:00
eudoxia>maintaining Danny Hillis's clock10:01
eudoxiahuh, apparently Danny Hillis started that Long Now thing10:02
kanzure.title http://lesswrong.com/lw/dq9/work_on_security_instead_of_friendliness/10:05
yoleauxWork on Security Instead of Friendliness? - Less Wrong10:05
kanzure"I started working on my Crypto++ Library shortly after reading Vernor Vinge's A Fire Upon the Deep. I believe it was the first general purpose open source cryptography library, and it's still one of the most popular."10:05
kanzurei appreciate this guy's motivations10:05
kanzure"well i read this really cool science fiction book, so i wrote some cryptography software in response..."10:06
kanzureoh, steve replied..10:07
eudoxiaso crypto++ started because wei dai wanted to protect folks against evil posthuman intelligences10:09
eudoxiawhat a cool guy10:09
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paperthiefpaperbot: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v4/n5/full/ncomms2853.html12:28
kanzureway to name yourself12:28
kanzurehow about paperuser or paperlooker12:28
kanzuretrying to be respectable up in this hole12:29
paperthiefsure thing12:30
paperthiefnext time :P12:30
paperthiefkanzure: wow. so slow for some reason :(12:30
kanzurelibgen is heavily fortified12:31
kanzurelocated deep in the siberian death alps12:31
kanzurealternatively i could make up some story about sanctions against russian impacting bandwidth12:31
paperthiefI like that one12:32
kanzurebitcoin stuff will be discussed by cftc in a few minutes http://www.onlinevideoservice.com/clients/cftc/video.htm?eventid=cftclive12:36
kanzure.title https://waffle.io/12:39
yoleauxWaffle.io · Work Better on GitHub Issues12:39
kanzuredingo: see above one message.12:39
kanzurepffft "when you add a project it can automatically send a PR adding a badge to the readme"12:40
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kanzurethis is not going well13:12
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chris_99Kind of off-topic but does anyone know of anything else like 80legs.com (crawler) which i've just found has unicode issues13:18
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paperthiefugh. finally that paper downloaded13:40
* paperthief cheers13:40
kanzurechris_99: scraperwiki13:49
chris_99cheers kanzure13:50
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=6db56f6a Bryan Bishop: transcript: CFTC and bitcoin derivatives >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/cftc-bitcoin.md14:07
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=ab0d1d85 Bryan Bishop: oops, use mdwn format >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/cftc-bitcoin/14:09
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kanzurejrayhawk_: sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory when calling rebuildrepo diyhpluswiki14:12
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-!- Lemminkainen [uid34064@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-loybeqyqtmbjikvf] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:17
Lemminkainenpaperbot http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v32/n10/full/nbt1014-973.html?WT.ec_id=NBT-20141014:17
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jrayhawk_that sounds like a fun error14:19
jrayhawk_jrayhawk@gnusha:~$ sudo sudo rebuildrepo diyhpluswiki14:20
jrayhawk_[ ok ] Reloading web server config: apache2.14:20
jrayhawk_Adding user iki-diyhpluswiki to group git-diyhpluswiki14:20
jrayhawk_were you inside of one of the directories getting rebuilt at the time14:21
kanzure... yes. :(14:21
jrayhawk_ah, that'd do it14:22
jrayhawk_what was the rebuild for?14:22
kanzurei was pushing a new file14:23
kanzureand i got an error about:14:23
ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036192300900202014:23
kanzureremote: 1From /srv/git/diyhpluswiki14:23
kanzureremote:    6db56f6..ab0d1d8  master     -> origin/master14:23
kanzureremote: error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:14:23
kanzureremote: cadfaq.mdwn14:23
kanzureremote: Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.14:23
kanzurei have no idea why that's the case14:23
ebowdenDamn. Doesn't seem to produce links that work with sciencedirect.14:25
jrayhawk_well, that was either an interesting bug, or somebody attempted to modify that directly14:26
kanzurei wonder if that was me.14:27
kanzurei should have diffed the file14:27
jrayhawk_is there a reason for gnusha to have sudo?14:28
kanzurethat can be removed14:28
jrayhawk_good, that's fixed now14:29
kanzurethat cftc bitcoin thing went so poorly14:29
kanzurecompared to andreas' testimony to the senators in canada the other day14:30
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUNGFZDO8mM&t=3m10s14:30
yoleauxAndreas M. Antonopoulos educates Senate of Canada about Bitcoin (Oct 8, ENG) - YouTube14:30
ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25288759?dopt=Abstract&holding=npg14:31
ebowdenDamn. Link doesn't work.14:32
kanzureinstead of complaining maybe you can bugfix https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot14:32
kanzurenever have i seen so many people be perfectly okay with failure14:32
ebowdenI don't have the slightest idea how to bugfix.14:33
kanzurewell you think i was born like this?14:33
kanzurewasn't a vat of acid14:33
ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/10/02/1409836111.long14:33
ebowdenThat one works.14:35
-!- Athrelon [~Athrelon@207-172-207-66.c3-0.upd-ubr1.trpr-upd.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:36
kanzure"how is the blockchain secured?" "well it's open source"14:36
kanzurethat was a completely inappropriate answer14:36
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1957626714:39
nmz787_icrazy to think bluesmen were being sad and depressed and making music... while at the same time other people, maybe in the same cities, were doing electron microscopy14:41
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kanzure"depressed people exist" is not surprisng though14:42
nmz787_iwell it is a bit, umm, ironic then i guess14:43
nmz787_ii guess more that the two events/mindstates were happening at the same time14:43
kanzureyou mean historical context or something else here14:43
nmz787_ilike, in some ways society is still so barbaric and animalistic, but in other ways we're friggin spacemen14:44
kanzurelike, "lol south korean concentration camps while we were landing on the moon"?14:44
kanzurenorth korean concentration camps... my bad.14:44
nmz787_ii watched some documentary of a dude who was born in one of those camps and escaped only when he was in his 20s or 30s or something14:44
kanzurefuture is already here just not very evenly distributed14:44
kanzurethere are blobs of future stuff floating around14:44
nmz787_ilike what a mindblowing experience that must have bee14:45
nmz787_iall the weird neat effects of the electron/ion interactions and imaging are all so cool14:45
nmz787_ilike, all that stuff is happening all the time14:45
nmz787_iwe just aren't aware or the signal is blocked/insanely weak14:45
jrayhawk_space-age cavemen14:46
nmz787_iits also crazy to think tha the 'peasants' and 'spacemen' coexist and sometimes crossover to the other14:47
nmz787_iok cavemen is better than peasant14:47
nmz787_ibut yeah, there are def cavemen who die cavemen, never knowing about space... and spacemen who die spacemen never knowing/understanding cavemen14:48
nmz787_imy parents weren't super technical folks, but I guess just enough to put a spark in me14:48
nmz787_icrazy to think about people who were setup with techie parents/mentors from the beginning or very early on in development14:49
nmz787_ilike, the gap between levels of achievment and understanding is huge14:49
kanzurejust go ask carl feynman14:50
kanzure"your dad's name is in every list after albert einstein, no pressure though"14:52
kanzure"so you're saying there's a chance?"14:53
Lemminkainenpaperbot http://www.sciencemag.org/content/346/6206/171.full14:58
Lemminkainennmz787_i re: the technical parents, if I hadn't had engineer grandparents influencing me I probably would have gone into becoming a surgeon like my parents wanted15:00
kanzure15:18 < Emcy> The PlayStation 3 was intended to ship without a graphics processor until executives were told the idea was unfeasible, a person familiar with the project has revealed.15:19
kanzure15:19 < Emcy> ...The eventual realisation that this plan was unworkable meant the console was delayed by a year while Sony looked around for a graphics partner.15:19
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jrayhawk_that sounds implausible15:20
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jrayhawk_i would be willing to believe that they had in-house graphics coprocessors for Cell that didn't work out15:24
nmz787_iLemminkainen: well that's still pretty ambitious and techie compared to like, a roofer or truck driver15:28
kanzurejrayhawk_: it sounds like the sort of story that techies would want to be true to prove incompetence at the top15:29
nmz787_imy grandparents were all service-level type folk... truck driver, house-keeper, road paving machine operator, waittress/bar-tender15:29
kanzuremy ancestor was this guy http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lghugjiTv01qc2z44o1_1280.jpg15:31
nmz787_iapparently there is a plaque somewhere in west virginia of where my ancestors were ambushed by native americans or french people or something in the early days of the U.S.15:32
heathman, when it's 5 o'clock around here, you know it with all the music coming from down the street15:38
kanzurethey are asking for a stereo war, turn up the volume dude15:39
nmz787_igot my http://eevblog.myshopify.com/products/ucurrent in the mail today!15:40
jrayhawk_http://mashable.com/2014/10/09/dogspotting/ ahaha15:55
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kanzure"The last is a concept so byzantine, merely thinking of it exhausts me to the point of wanting to take a nap."16:21
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=da1f71d4 Bryan Bishop: partial transcript of testimony to canada senate committee about bitcoin >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/andreas-antonopolous-canada-senate-bitcoin/17:49
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=8c00011b Bryan Bishop: remainder of the words that were worded >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/andreas-antonopolous-canada-senate-bitcoin/19:10
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kanzure"Analysis of 89 models of metabolic processes finds flaws in 44 of them — but suggests corrections." http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2014/flawed-metabolic-networks-1007#.VDaR777d07c.twitter20:55
kanzure"hand powered portable espresso machine" http://www.wacaco.com/21:00
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drethelineven smaller than a moka pot!21:53
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nmz787_music search software sucks horribly23:11
nmz787_i really feel like making my own i think23:12
nmz787_it would be great if you could restrict the search space to all the [genre] radio stations during say the timeframe you were commuting in a car, or maybe just a single station even for a time frame23:13
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