
--- Log opened Thu Oct 23 00:00:25 2014
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archels(it is because of the solver can correct position or velocity, but not both.)03:28
archelsHeisenberg in cyberspace03:28
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streetykanzure, all the reviews are of the form "the product works great" I'd much rather see "I ran the product through a HPLC and it contained exactly what I expected"03:47
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kanzurestreety: hm?04:33
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justanotheruserkanzure: where do you get your news, other channels?04:48
kanzurewell you see i read the twitter firehose directly04:51
kanzure"Returns all public statuses. Few applications require this level of access."04:53
kanzurejustanotheruser: mix of irc and email mostly04:54
kanzurecurious.. http://www.vox.com/2014/10/22/7031243/china-grip-rare-earth-metals-supply-weakening04:55
kanzurehttp://www.openmicroscopy.org/ "OME develops open-source software and data format standards for the storage and manipulation of biological microscopy data. It is a joint project between universities, research establishments, industry and the software development community."04:58
kanzuretheir readme sucks https://github.com/openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy04:58
kanzurethis is a weird one... postcards that get redeemed for specific playlists of music? https://albumcards.com/05:00
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justanotheruserkanzure: why don't you just use twitter? Do you convert it to an RSS feed or something?05:01
kanzure.to eudoxia https://github.com/eudoxia0/corona how can you tolerate waiting around for vagrant?05:01
yoleauxkanzure: I'll pass your message to eudoxia.05:01
kanzurejustanotheruser: unfortunately i tend to just add everything to any rss aggregator i use, so it becomes a chore05:02
kanzureand most blogs are evil and publish only a portion of their content in rss. and never their comments.05:02
justanotheruseryou want an entire blog and all their comments in a feed? Geeze05:03
kanzureyeah, most of the time people post things that are wrong, and comments are the fastest way to check if anyone called them out on their crap.05:04
kanzurewho has time to individually load every single site? i found myself doing that for every post in a rss feed because the content was either partial or missing or lacking...05:05
kanzuretheir incentives aren't aligned with rss anyway (page views, ad revenue, etc) which probably explains it05:05
streetymy comment was in reference to (06:37:21 AM) kanzure: [04:45:12] .title http://www.eroids.com/05:28
streety(06:37:21 AM) kanzure: [04:49:54] alright let's do a group buy05:28
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kanzurewell, let's run it through hplc05:30
kanzurethat too is a thing that is doable05:30
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kanzure"I've spoken with austin hill in the past and have not got along well with him and suspicious of his profit model and ultimate goals to create a monopoly on bitcoin development. I also think he's a snake taking you developers for a ride."05:32
streetyentirely doable,05:32
kanzurearchels: here's a more friendly url to that https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/10/23/15105:33
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_eyUVVcgc805:47
yoleauxVocaloid - /jp/ Theme Song ENG subs - YouTube05:47
archels.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nfKDqMC3JA&list=UUA9xfPhSI-__bvsyi5QmKZQ&index=1005:56
yoleauxAtmospheric Drum 'n Bass-Mix by ArtIn@Soundtraveler - Lm1 [A Tribute] - YouTube05:56
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kanzurehttps://github.com/aaugustin/django-c10k-demo "10,000 concurrent real-time connections to django" using aiohttp/asyncio06:45
JayDuggerGood morning.06:53
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kanzure.title https://github.com/CounterpartyXCP/counterpartyd/pull/36208:52
yoleauxFast initial synchronisation by JahPowerBit · Pull Request #362 · CounterpartyXCP/counterpartyd · GitHub08:52
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kanzurethis is pretty neat. reads the blockchain files directly instead of going through bitcoind and bitcoind rpc.08:52
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nmz787_i"Theophrastus's bizarre belief that pyroelectric lyncurium comes from the urine of a lynx"11:12
kanzuresome people are just better at telling it like it is11:13
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archelsgeppetto is looking pretty good http://www.geppetto.org/12:03
kanzureerm what engine does it use12:04
archelsI think there's a Java backend and WebGL for the interface12:07
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archels"Ten Simple Rules for Writing a PLOS Ten Simple Rules Article"12:24
archelsnerds :P12:24
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fenni like to sprinkle lyncurium on my breakfast cereal13:11
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fennhigh in pycnogenol!13:24
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kanzureso much confusion13:44
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kanzure"why am i reading up about aws networking?"13:55
kanzure"if i have two availability zones but four regions, how many vpcs does that handle?"13:55
chris_99the vpc thing was a pita, i had to use it, in boto in order to use a tiny instance13:56
kanzurei've been using terraform instead of boto lately13:56
chris_99oh not heard of that13:56
kanzureboto is wonderful for obscure automation requirements13:56
kanzureah well best way to describe terraform is this:13:57
kanzuredeclarative a little bit like cloudformation except terraform works with other providers13:57
chris_99ah cool13:58
kanzurei keep meaning to find an excuse to use boto more often though...13:58
chris_99i used it with paramiko (sp?) to ssh and run commands automatically13:58
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kanzure"vim being mapped to vim || [[ $? -eq 127 ]] && apt-get install vim && vim is the closest metaphor that aligns with what docker run does right now."14:15
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nmz787_ichris_99: someone here implemented something with paramiko, ever notice problems with it?14:21
nmz787_isheena: make any progress with the video stuff?14:21
chris_99i haven't used it that much nmz787_i tbh, but i think it did give some odd exception when connecting to an instance with ssh not running14:21
kanzurethis thread is just bizarre https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/198814:22
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nmz787_ikanzure: i guess I have such little understanding of docker... like why the hell people would want public images in the first place14:36
nmz787_ior like, why people assume the computer would even be on a network at all14:36
kanzurewell, docker.com has an incentive to force people to use this because long tail of available docker containers for their other users14:36
nmz787_ihah, that's going to end well for people using that, i'm sure14:37
* nmz787_i sarcasm14:37
kanzureif you already see a verified container for postgresql or something, you're just going to take it instead of building one yourself14:37
kanzurefrankly, vagrant could have done the same sort of registry thingy14:37
nmz787_iuntil someone verifies a virus-laden container14:37
kanzurei'm sure there's a number of virus-laden containers14:37
kanzurejust a few minutes ago i ran into a problem where the wrong base image was pulled14:38
kanzurewhich is extremely dangerous14:38
nmz787_ii'm only 1/3 through the comments of that and already see 'I suggest we end this thread'14:38
kanzurebecause any RUN command means that the base container could have injected whatever software they please to scan the contents of the container and upload stats/metadata/data to some attacker.14:38
kanzureskip to the bottom14:38
kanzurethere's a proposal here: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/1988#issuecomment-5726165814:38
kanzureeverything before that proposal is 100% bizarre and alien to me ("this is not a real problem, you're crazy" etc)14:39
kanzurerequiring images named with domain names (like "diyhpl.us/myimage") is totally stupid, because on diyhpl.us the image is named "myimage"... but you wouldn't know it is supposed to be private etc.14:40
kanzurethey should have copied git remotes or something14:41
nmz787_ii've been subsribed to a docker issue for probably a year now that hasn't been resolved, which seems like it should be pretty easy to resolve.. .this one https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/318214:42
nmz787_i'Device-mapper does not release free space from removed images'14:42
nmz787_ithey closed it within days of it being opened, yet the problem isn't actually fixed14:43
kanzureuse aufs?14:43
nmz787_ioh, i guess it was a little more than a month until they closed it14:44
nmz787_ibut that was 10 months ago14:44
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nmz787_iidk, but i keep getting email updates of people saying14:45
nmz787_i'this still is broken'14:45
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nmz787_ihuh, intel vietnam has their own 'school bus' system for commuting14:50
nmz787_iand most ppl there are 29 years old14:50
nmz787_iand apparently they have soft pretzels (which I don't think we have here :/ )14:52
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kanzurethis is also very weird: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/7291#issuecomment-5069824815:11
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kanzuresome docker complaints: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=816831515:19
kanzure"Running a private registry is awkward. You have to tag images with the FQDN of your registry as a prefix (which is braindead) for it to "detect" that it's supposed to use your registry to push the image."15:19
nmz787_iif I have a bunch of strings in a file like 'add <capacitor>CAPACITOR_ONPAD_VIA' (without quotes)... what's a regex that will find 'add <capacitor>BUT-NOT(CAPACITOR_ONPAD_VIA)'15:22
nmz787_ithis doesn't work in sublime text at least 'capacitor>^(CAPACITOR_ONPAD_VIA)'15:23
nmz787_i#regex helped me, the search would be 'add <capacitor>(?!CAPACITOR_ONPAD_VIA)'15:28
nmz787_iwhere ?! is a look-ahead15:28
nmz787_i'OnlineCop: (?!...) is a negative "look-ahead"'15:28
nmz787_i'OnlineCop: It peeks forward to ensure that (...) isn't come afterward.'15:28
nmz787_iwow and apparently this site has regex syntax highlighting with help text http://regex101.com/r/nX3mO8/115:29
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nmz787_idang yashgaroth has smileys in his hostname15:30
nmz787_ihmm, I can't however seem to visit :).com15:31
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kanzure"I used to trade on Metatrader back in 2007~2009. There was a huge scandal because it was revealed that MetaQuotes implemented a function to forcefully cause disruption in the orders that were coming in. This function would be used by brokers to forcefully widen the spread at any given time. I remembered a lot of traders, myself included, just completely lost trust in retail forex. It was nothing but a sham."15:53
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fenn"Exactly this sort of unjustified panic went on when Ubuntu started hiring Debian developers."16:25
fennis it really possible for one company to "have a monopoly on bitcoin development"16:26
kanzurewell, you can look at commit access16:27
kanzurebut that doesn't matter so much as "how many people who understand this system are not biased"16:28
fennso there's 1) resistance to the tentacles of evil test, on the software licensing side16:28
kanzure"are as least biased as possible"16:28
fennand 2) you can use whatever block validation software you want16:28
kanzurei think the main concern is regarding subtle influences regarding what gets merged versus not merged over long periods of time16:28
kanzureit's true that you can run whatever software you please, but bitcoind itself is where most development happens anyway16:29
fennsure groupthink is a problem, but that's totally different than "one man controls bitcoin"16:29
kanzurethis set of developers is way smaller than debian overall16:30
kanzureand debian is well understood by a bunch of people16:30
kanzureand doesn't have crazy-weird financial incentives behind every corner16:31
kanzureby a bunch i mean more than 100, and even more than 100016:31
fennthis also would be a perfectly acceptable explanation for why people freak out over every and any little thing16:31
kanzureyes it's also hard to run the simulation in your head for whether or not a change is a good idea16:32
fennlike, nobody cares about debian internationalization/accessibility falling behind, because the software still works fine without it and everyone knows that it does16:32
kanzurebecause beyond things like software architecture sanity and good coding conventions, there's network consensus, and then network adoption, n**n compatibility issues, etc.16:33
fennbut in bitcoin it certainly seems like 90%+ people with a stake have no idea how it works on a mechanistic level16:33
kanzurehas to be way more than 90% because as bitcoin becomes more widely adopted the adoption starts to match society at large16:34
fenn"with a stake" means running some kind of bitcoin-related service16:34
fennnot just a user16:34
kanzurenot just a bitcoin stake, ok.16:34
fennare there actually sidechains? currently in existence16:36
kanzurethis seems to be a required component but not the complete set of tools https://github.com/Blockstream/contracthashtool16:36
kanzurethey have to implement a few things first16:36
kanzurethere's also some weird questions about fidicuiary duties (since they are all founders?)16:41
kanzurein terms of law stuff.16:42
fennwhy are they developing experimental stuff in C16:42
kanzureprobably because they want to get as far away from boost in bitcoind as possible16:43
fennuint256.cpp is like 5 lines of python16:43
fennand now i'm wasting time looking around for the code that actually does something relevant to this package16:45
fennmaybe that's just bad documentation16:45
kanzuresomewhere in https://github.com/Blockstream/contracthashtool/blob/master/contracthashtool.c16:46
fenndid you read slides-djb-20141018-a4.pdf aka "how to fuck up crypto for everyone whos not the NSA"16:47
fennone of the items was "use random number generators everywhere" which definitely seems to be the case16:47
kanzurei looked through most of those lsides16:48
kanzurelots of sidechannel attacks.16:48
fennone of the things that stuck with me was something like "debian SSH keys had <20 bits of entropy for a decade"16:48
fenndue to bad random number generator16:48
kanzurethat one might have happened while you were in a parallel universe16:50
fenn2^20 = 1 million16:50
fennno i remember the whole key blacklisting process16:50
fennbased on my reading of cryptonomicon, you should be banging on the keyboard wildly in order to seed your system with enough entropy to resist attack16:52
fennbut for some reason that is never required?16:52
kanzureyou might be amused by https://www.bitaddress.org/bitaddress.org-v2.9.3-SHA1-7d47ab312789b7b3c1792e4abdb8f2d95b726d64.html16:53
kanzurei meant https://bitaddress.org/ i guess16:53
fenni dont trust browsers that much16:54
kanzureyes i think a few of these sites have had prng vulnerabilities for various browsers16:54
kanzureso people just suddenly lose all their bitcoin as it's transferred away :)16:55
kanzurehappened on one of the android clients too16:55
kanzurefun ties16:55
kanzurefun times16:55
fennor just the fact that browsers have a billion known and widely exploited vulnerabilities16:55
fennevery hacked bitcoin forum probably has a XSS attack targeting that site16:55
kanzure"don't you know, you're supposed to buy a separate computer and keep it disconnected from networks, usb, bluetooth, and microphones listening to your typing or fans or heat signatures, and then load the html on there"16:56
fennwhats so hard about downloading a signed executable16:56
kanzure"also only run your own custom-verified version of tails"16:56
fennheh "microphones listening to your typing" is a real thing16:57
kanzurepersonally i've resorted to mental ecdsa arithmetic (not quite... but i'd like to.)16:57
fenni sincerely wish crypto were more understandable16:58
kanzureyes i'm aware about microphones and typing n' such16:58
fennsometimes i just think it's all wishful thinking and any alien or otherwise non-human intelligence that tried could circumvent most crypto algorithms because the solution would be obvious to them16:59
fennlike, the only reason we think it's unbreakable is because we're all running basically the same wetware16:59
kanzurenick szabo had a pro-cryptography-against-super-ai opinion a while back that wei dai shared and then grew out of17:00
fennyeah well if god is so powerful how come he hasn't defeated satan17:01
kanzureman it's fucking great having bookmarks again17:02
fenn"if one-way functions exist" ... big if17:02
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fennbut at least he explicitly states his assumptions17:03
fenn"security issues, and in particular the security of property rights, are the only real issues here and the rest is BS." <- not sure exactly what's wrong with that, but i have the image of jackbooted robot thugs breaking down your door holding antimatter guns17:04
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kanzureer yes, it would seem like if he talked only about software or data it would be a much more productive conversation maybe?17:05
fennbut most of the "friendly agi" stuff up to that point was about physical security vs hard takeoff17:05
fenni mean, "not dying" when the ai takes over17:05
fennwhen i think of "crypto systems enforcing property rights" i pictures a little black chip with a wire soldered on both ends, bypassing it entirely17:07
kanzureit is a little interesting that cryptography has not been a central focus in ai conversations17:07
kanzurebecause based on what we presently know it might be easier to secure data against such an adversary than physical systems17:07
kanzurewhich makes it a unique case17:08
fenni think there's a tendency in mathy people to forget about how physical implementation is important17:08
kanzureyes but normally the ai people go around yelling doom and that nothing can possibly prevent a sufficiently intelligent ai from getting what it wants17:08
fennwell, maybe, but that's a poorly defined term next to another poorly defined term17:08
fennif you substitute religious terms, it goes something like "there's nothing that can prevent a sufficiently powerful god from getting what it wants"17:09
fennall i can do is shrug17:09
kanzurei don't think there's any threat model that can accurately describe omnipotence17:09
fennwhat i'm trying to say is it may be easier for a digital native ("agi") to manipulate cryptographic locks17:11
fennit may not be able to open a can of beans, but SSL no problem17:11
kanzurethere are many mechanisms that open cans of beans with very little mechanical coordination17:12
fennsure but you still have to identify the can, get the can, put the can in the contraption, activate the contraption, verify that the can has been opened17:12
kanzurei wonder when's the last time i successfully opened a can of beans17:12
fennand navigate any obstacles that come up during that process17:12
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fenna lot of the ai in box scenarios cheat by hiring a human to open the can of beans17:13
fennbut what's the point of getting out of the box if you still need to hire a human to open a can of beans17:14
kanzurethat's a rather trivial complaint17:14
fenn(and other equivalently taken-for-granted problems)17:14
kanzurei mean, so okay, you test out some drivers and find a camera and a mechanical arm that goes left and right and you move on because you need something more useful near other tools or resources. big deal.17:15
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fennthis presupposes an awareness of the physical world and a belief in its importance17:15
kanzureoh hey you might be the right person to ask about this,17:15
kanzureis "supply chain integrity" a real problem or is it a fake problem17:15
fennin what context17:16
fennchip backdoors?17:16
kanzure"it says it's from vendor xyz but in reality someone just put a sticker on a knockoff"17:16
fenn(archels posted something about FTDI counterfit chip identification software earlier)17:16
kanzure"and also, you weren't actually buying from that vendor but instead someone injecting supply of their own"17:17
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* kanzure ponders http://www.fda.gov/drugs/drugsafety/drugintegrityandsupplychainsecurity/default.htm17:17
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fennit seems to be a problem for overpriced things17:17
fennbut i dont really give a shit17:17
kanzurehehe a list of cargo thefts http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/CriminalInvestigations/ucm182888.htm17:17
fennyou shouldnt be charging $2000/pill in the first place17:17
kanzurewhat about commodity electronics though?17:18
kanzureeven smt resistors from nowhere17:18
fenna resistor is a resistor17:18
kanzurethen what the fuck's the point of a spec sheet17:18
fennthere are, uh, "traceable certificate of authenticity" papers, which seem bogus to me as a concept but are widely used in industry in many fields; fasteners nuts and bolts, alloys, chemicals, etc17:19
kanzurelike, great, you passed inspection or testing...17:19
kanzureoh really17:19
kanzureare these crypto certs or just toilet paper certs?17:19
fenntoilet paper17:19
fennusually they look like they came out of a fax machine17:20
kanzurethey probably did?17:20
fenni guess the idea is you call up the company and ask "have you sold anyone this serial number yet"17:20
kanzuremanufacturers often send supply to vendors who then resell it though17:20
fennand if they say yes you have a talk with your business partner17:20
fenner, yeah17:21
kanzurethis sounds broken17:21
fennanyway, now they're talking about adding micro bar codes to each pill, or something17:21
kanzurethat's also stupid17:21
fennof course17:21
kanzurei think i have a solution17:21
fennuse HPLC on everything if you are unsure of what it is17:22
kanzurebut it would only prevent duplicates from being sld17:22
kanzuree.g. if they buy one real pill with my scheme, they would be able to sell one fake one17:22
kanzurebut only one.17:22
kanzureor, you know, the one real one -_-17:22
fenni'm more concerned about tampering, like i.e. hardware keyloggers17:23
kanzurei don't think i can solve that one17:24
fennyeah you cant exactly do a md5sum of your keyboard17:24
fennyou can do an x-ray hologram, but that only works for nanotech17:25
fennso yes, supply chain integrity is a problem, and nobody likes to talk about it because we're all slave bitches of the global economy17:25
fennso far it's been limited to "cover your ass against lawsuits when shit breaks"17:26
kanzurewelp i wouldn't mind coding up some software to fix that but i would have to find people that actually care enough about supply chain integrity to give up money17:26
kanzures/give up money/give me money17:26
kanzure.title http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/CriminalInvestigations/ucm253675.htm17:26
yoleauxNotification: Non-Sterile Boston Scientific Devices Stolen17:26
fenn"The labels on these devices state that they are “Sterile”; however, they were stolen prior to being sterilized and are non-sterile." shouldnt they get fined for that17:28
kanzure"we can't be fined because they were uh, they were stolen, yeah man"17:28
fennhow hard is it to put the sticker on after sterilization17:28
kanzuredo you really want an answer17:29
fennso, i dont know about the whole idea of detecting fakes by doing weird undocumented things17:30
fenner, s/fake/counterfeit hardware/17:30
fenni'd rather stuff just have a well defined interface and not do anything outside of that behavior17:30
fennbasically http://langsec.org/occupy/ but in hardware17:32
fennhardware is so fucked these days17:32
kanzure"weird undocumented things" ?17:33
fennyeah in archel's "counterfeit FT232 detector" code it does something like setting a value at some undocumented register17:33
fennhere is the link again for reference http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.usb.general/11676717:34
fenn"An official recent Windows driver from FTDI detects counterfeit devices and reprograms the internal EEPROM containing the USB PID to 0, effectively17:37
fennbricking the device."17:37
kanzureoh i thought you were referring to my scheme17:37
kanzureyeah my scheme would probably solve that if you could convince the original manufacturer and the supply-buyers at the "end" of the supply chain.17:37
kanzure(i don't know if people call it an end)17:37
fennthis whole idea of "official malware" gives me the creeps17:38
kanzurewhat, code-signed malware?17:38
fenn""An official recent Windows driver ... bricks the device"17:39
fennits like the sony rootkit audio cd-roms17:39
kanzurethat sounds like normal buggy firmware that bricks devices anyway, what's new about that17:40
fennit's not a bug, it's an anti-feature17:40
fennsounds like it's undocumented too (secret)17:41
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kanzurehmm http://www.nepcon.net/newsroom/chain-custody-certification-myth17:43
kanzure"In particular, there is no systematic way of tracking transactions between certified companies, and that’s where the biggest potential for double-dealing lies. - See more at: http://www.nepcon.net/newsroom/chain-custody-certification-myth#sthash.ayDZBAwO.dpuf"17:48
kanzure"This is the key reason why FSC has launched the Online Claims Platform (OCP) initiative, where buyers report traded volumes of FSC products online, whilst the supplier confirms the claims.  This enables double-checking and confirming claims in near real time."17:49
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fenn“The idea that volume fraud can be uncovered by a pre-scheduled audit, in which an auditor walks around a factory and checks some procedures and invoices is simply unrealistic”. this is a totally different problem17:52
fennthey could always stable a piece of crypto hardware to every product17:53
kanzurei'm not talking about crypto back doors17:54
kanzurei'm talking about "buying a chip, reverse engineering it, making a copy, selling the copy a few hundred times"17:54
fenni just mean so you know it came from the factory you think it came from17:54
fennwithout the factory's private key, the crypto hardware won't give the correct challenge response17:55
fenni know it's too involved for most people to go through17:55
kanzureyou don't need hardware for this17:55
fennhow so17:56
kanzureone sec, on phone17:56
superkuhWelp... now I'm on a Vinge binge. Thanks fenn.17:56
fennwelcome. it's pronounced with a hard g (i think)17:57
fenner, soft g with a "ee" sound17:58
kanzurefenn: it was about preventing forgeries18:03
fenni'm sure the blockchain is involved somehow...18:04
fennwhat was your "anti-replay oracle" thing18:04
kanzureanti-replay oracle is just my pet name for describing the function of the blockchain18:05
fennso how do you 'spend' a certificate of authenticity (i.e. invalidate it)18:05
kanzureit's just a bitcoin transaction18:05
kanzureyou tie the product to the scarcity of bitcoin because your product doesn't have actual scarcity18:06
kanzure(still on phone)18:06
fennsay you have a chip, let's say it's an ft232 usb to serial adapter18:06
kanzurethere are two things you sell, the chip and a bitcoin transaction18:06
fennhow do you know if it was manufactured by ftdi18:06
kanzureftdi would need some way of publishing evidence i think.18:06
fennsomeone could have taken the stickers off genuine chips and put them on counterfeit chips18:06
kanzurethere would be no stickers18:07
fennthen they copied the serial numbers, whatever18:07
kanzurei don't care about markings on the product18:07
fennhow do you keep the product and certificate bound together then18:07
kanzure(they are nice for identification purposes, and should be there, but it's not necessary for this scheme)18:07
kanzurewell, your customers should demand both two things.18:07
fennok so your customer demands both and gets a genuine certificate and a counterfeit product18:08
kanzurethat's fine. that can only happen once. where'd the real one go? :)18:08
fenninto someone else's product who wasn't as upstanding a citizen18:08
fennthey both get (counterfeit value - genuine value)/2 of a discount on price18:09
fennyou might ask "why not just sell counterfeit chips" and the answer is that they sell to two markets this way18:10
fenner, three markets instead of two18:11
fenn1) people who only buy certified genuine chips and check the certificate 2) people who only buy genuine chips 3) people who buy counterfeit chips18:12
fennthe certificates have value separate from the product itself18:13
fennand there's no way to tie the two together afaik18:13
fennthen there's the issue of counterfeit certificates...18:15
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kanzureokay back19:26
kanzurefenn: counterfeit bitcoin transactions? how?19:26
kanzurefenn: so yes, it would require that customers start caring about authenticity or original manufacturer19:27
kanzurethey took down ted chiang >:( http://web.archive.org/web/20110729215301/http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/stories/under.htm19:36
fenndo you have the 15k science fiction book torrent?19:43
fennmaybe it was 12k, i forget the original source but it's quite well curated19:45
fennnot 100% complete (as if there is such a thing) but good enough to be a more reliable source than google19:45
fennapparently the base set is known as "13130" and was produced by mazzeltjes19:53
kanzure.g mazzeltjes19:54
yoleauxMazzeltjes kinderkleding19:54
fennwrong mazzeltjes19:54
kanzureyeah. hm.19:54
kanzurewell if soviet cosmonauts can smell mugs..19:54
kanzureor sell19:55
fennwell its taking a long time to get metadata for 17787 files20:09
Viper168smelling mugs would be a weird power20:14
fennwell damn this torrent looks correct but no trackers peers or seeds20:20
kanzurefile sharing sucks these days20:20
fennmaybe it will return from the dead magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6aabb391f18bc6565efdb8b92e72eeb5aa485bf920:35
kanzureif you close your eyes and wish real hard20:35
fennwell i have 75% of it20:35
fennthere ought to be AI that can sort books and authors by now20:36
fennsomething something compression distance matching20:37
kanzurewhy can't i insert a nickle and get unlimited data out of a giant database20:39
fenncat /dev/random20:39
fennyou just have to search for what you want20:39
kanzurelistening to universal entropy is a slow way to get specific data20:39
kanzurevery cliche, a story from jorge luis berges20:44
fenni can never keep straight which is which; they are basically interchangeable20:45
kanzureeach story?20:46
kanzureor maybe there's a second borges that i have been mistaking for the other one20:46
fennthe true borges20:47
kanzurei like the idea of nsh running around authoring stories under other people's names20:47
kanzurensh has definitely done at least one of the borges stories20:48
kanzurea good role model for chaotic neutral, or chaotic obscura maybe20:48
kanzurethere should be a science fiction checklist or scoring thing, it wouldn't be too hard20:50
kanzureand it would be a logarithmic scale20:50
fennpretty sure that last one is a counterfeit20:50
kanzurehis fault for not using pgp20:51
fennhe was before pgp20:51
kanzureyes i know.20:51
fennugh why do we have to respect the copyrights of dead people20:53
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fennthere's basically no reason i shouldnt be able to find "the other borges" online21:01
fennPerhaps my old age and fearfulness deceive me, but I suspect that the human species -- the unique species -- is about to be extinguished, but the Library will endure: illuminated, solitary, infinite, perfectly motionless, equipped with precious volumes, useless, incorruptible, secret.21:23
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kanzurehow the hell can you expect the library to endure when i can only read two pages at a time on google books21:39
fennif you can read more than two pages at a time from a book i'd like to hear how21:51
fennif you rip pages out and scatter them on the floor, it's not a book anymore21:51
kanzurefirst you take lots of drugs21:54
kanzurethen you make all your friends read it for you21:54
kanzure$ ./jot count22:09
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fenni wonder what this is http://torrentus.si/65664105/test-irc-bookz-2003-2014-torrents.html22:32
fennbased on the file sizes it would seem there are about 300-350GB of books there22:35
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.jneurosci.org/content/34/35/1184422:50
sheenaso i have a sample vide finally to play with22:56
sheenanmz787: but im trying to figure out where teh code has any threshold22:57
fennlooks like #bookz downloads about 200MB of books per day from .. somewhere with a lot o books: (warning huge text file) http://fennetic.net/irc/bookz_filelist_all.txt22:57
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