
--- Log opened Mon Nov 03 00:00:39 2014
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fennlooks like lkcl went over to the dark side (i figured as much) "Pine Lawful Interception offers reliable Lawful Interception (LI) compliancy solutions"00:25
fennor the light side, or whatever you call it00:26
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delinquentmeFYI http://www.4combinator.com/00:36
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fenndelinquentme: what is it?00:40
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delinquentmefenn, accelerator by a dude whos sold commercial ventures in biotech / MEMS01:01
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ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1634434802:42
ebowdenpaperbot: http://archneur.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=79003302:49
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fennCLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) is a not-for-profit joint venture between the world’s leading academic publishers and research libraries whose mission is to build a sustainable, geographically distributed dark archive with which to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications for the benefit of the greater global research community.03:51
fennCLOCKSS is for the entire world's benefit. Content no longer available from any publisher ("triggered content") is available for free. CLOCKSS uniquely assigns this abandoned and orphaned content a Creative Commons license to ensure it remains available forever.03:51
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fennwow this is almost exactly what i want, and it actually exists! http://www.lockss.org/about/how-it-works/04:04
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kanzurefenn: er, that's nice, but wouldn't it be better if i don't have to wait 100 years?06:12
justanotheruserkanzure: how long until I can stay awake my whole life?06:17
kanzureyou can certainly do that, but your lifespan will only continue for a week or something06:23
justanotheruserthesis: sleep is the worst medical problem humanity has. It reduces every humans lifespan by a third.06:28
justanotheruserI reject sleep. Starting yesterday I am never sleeping again06:28
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archelssorry, sleeping is an essential feature of our brain06:32
archelseven an uploaded minds needs to sleep06:32
archelsyou can do some DNA tweaking to need a few hours less, maybe, but around 6 h is probably the lower limit06:33
kanzure"However, killer whales and some other dolphins do not sleep during the first month of life.[114]" http://www.livescience.com/3885-insomnia-mania-newborn-mammals-sleep-month.html06:34
kanzure"However, unlike other mammals, adult dolphins and whales are able to go without sleep for a month.[115][116]"06:35
archelsdolphins do that trick of sleeping with one hemisphere at a time06:36
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kanzure"If one hemisphere is selectively deprived of sleep in an animal exhibiting unihemispheric sleep (one hemisphere is allowed to sleep freely but the other is awoken whenever it falls asleep), the amount of deep sleep will selectively increase in the hemisphere that was deprived of sleep when both hemispheres are allowed to sleep freely."06:38
kanzure"Complete crossing of the nerves at the optic chiasm in birds has also stimulated research. Complete decussation of the optic tract has been seen as a method of ensuring the open eye strictly activates the contralateral hemisphere. Some evidence indicates that this alone is not enough as blindness would theoretically prevent USWS if retinal nerve stimuli was the sole player. However, USWS was still exhibited in blinded birds despite the ...06:41
kanzure... absence of visual input.[5]"06:41
kanzure"To truly determine if birds can sleep in flight, recordings of brain activity must take place during flight instead of after landing. A method of recording brain activity in pigeons during flight has recently proven promising in that it could obtain an EEG of each hemisphere but for relatively short periods of time. Coupled with simulated windtunnels in a controlled setting, these new methods of measuring brain activity could elucidate the ...06:42
kanzure... truth behind whether or not birds sleep during flight.[8]"06:42
kanzureoh brother, you mean nobody has mounted some recording devices to bird brains before they start migrating?06:43
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yoleauxJonathan Rothberg’s New Startup Raises $100 Million for Chip-based Ultrasound | MIT Technology Review06:53
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kanzure" He started and sold two DNA-sequencing companies, 454 and Ion Torrent Systems (see “The $2 Million Genome” and “A Semiconductor DNA Sequencer”), for more than $500 million. The profits have allowed Rothberg, who showed up for an interview wearing worn chinos and a tattered sailor’s belt, to ply the ocean on a 130-foot yacht named Gene Machine and to indulge high-concept hobbies like sequencing the DNA of mathematical geniuses."06:54
kanzure"The imaging system is being developed by Butterfly Network, a three-year old company that is the furthest advanced of several ventures that Rothberg says will be coming out of 4Combinator, an incubator he has created to start and finance companies that combine medical sensors with a branch of artificial-intelligence science called deep learning."06:54
kanzure"With the $100 million supplied by Rothberg and investors, which include Stanford University and Germany’s Aeris Capital, Butterfly appears to be placing the largest bet yet by any company on an emerging technology in which ultrasound emitters are etched directly onto a semiconductor wafer, alongside circuits and processors. The devices are known as “capacitive micro-machined ultrasound transducers,” or CMUTs."06:54
kanzure"The idea for micromachined ultrasound chips dates to 1994, when Butrus Khuri-Yakub, a Stanford professor who advises Rothberg’s company, built the first one. But none have been a commercial success, despite a decade of interest by companies including General Electric and Philips. This is because they haven’t functioned reliably and have proved difficult to manufacture."06:55
kanzure"“I set out to make a super-low-cost version of this $6 million machine, to make it 1,000 times cheaper, 1,000 times faster, and a hundred times more precise.”"06:55
kanzureso he's aiming for a $6k ultrasound machine. that's not much cheaper than GE's $9k version....06:55
kanzure"Rothberg says his incubator has started three other companies in addition to Butterfly, and he’s given each of them between $5 million and $20 million in seed capital. They include a biotechnology firm, Lam Therapeutics, working on treatments connected to tubular sclerosis; Hyperfine Research, a startup in stealth mode that hasn’t said what type of technology it is developing; and another company that’s unnamed."06:56
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kanzureother commentary: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=854978307:12
chris_99paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ie50056a01407:14
yoleauxAn Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie07:15
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kanzure"we are the first start-up to come out of Genspace"12:31
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FourFireVery interesting kanzure, just showed the people at my hackerspace12:34
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kanzurecryptography export control enforcement http://www.foia.cia.gov/sites/default/files/DOC_0006231614.pdf12:36
kanzure"It's definitely illegal to commercially export information in those areas as well, at least past some level of detail. For example it's illegal to sell missile or reactor blueprints without approval. It's not just selling the physical objects (missiles or reactors) that's illegal, but also selling the information on how to construct them."12:37
kanzureselling reactor blueprints is illegal now? come on.12:37
welesi wonder if it counts as export if the navy sends tomahawk missle into pakistan and it does not explode12:41
justanotheruser15:19 < sipa> i'm interested whether a hash function could be constructed that is secure against preimage attacks (or at least as good as current designs are assumed to be), but not secure against  collision at all12:42
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nmz787_ithat's basic ITAR12:56
nmz787_iweles: well that's why they blew up that helicopter as they were leaving bin laden's house12:56
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delinquentmedo we have any kids inside @ scripps??13:29
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kanzurenope not really13:30
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fennopentrons looks correct13:54
kanzurei asked and apparently they have implemented https://www.transcriptic.com/platform/13:55
kanzurei keep throwing them tough questions and they answer with good things13:55
fennhow does it eject pipette tips?13:56
fenni hate this new internet13:58
kanzure"it all gets routed through bryan for some stupid reason"13:58
paperbotConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=1969): Max retries exceeded with url: /web (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer) (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 375, in send)13:58
paperbotConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=1969): Max retries exceeded with url: /web (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer) (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 375, in send)13:58
fennthe routing tables were too fragmented so we deleted them13:59
paperbotConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=1969): Max retries exceeded with url: /web (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer) (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 375, in send)13:59
fennoh yeah your xpcshell process was going nuts13:59
kanzurewhat happened?13:59
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fenndunno it was locked up for days; i tried to do some traces but didnt see anything enlightening13:59
fennprocess 1091814:00
kanzuredid you ill it?14:00
kanzuretranslators is at kanzure@raichu:~/local/zotero/translators$ git log14:02
kanzurecommit 59a7e7b50d9b1a03ce5ed8de266b39751b8fc07014:03
kanzureoh man that broke14:03
kanzurenew translators: https://gist.github.com/kanzure/cfe1e3d1c2436fe2db3014:04
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kanzurepaperbot: http://archneur.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=79003314:05
fennit's still doing whatever it's doing14:06
kanzuregoing wild?14:06
fenn100% CPU on PID 199714:06
kanzurestrace log https://gist.github.com/kanzure/af6444007e5cb4cccd7c14:10
fenni also saw just lots of gettimeofday, mutex lock and mutex release14:11
fennwhat connection is it waiting for? ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)14:13
fennHTTP server listening on *:196914:13
kanzurepaperbot just asks that http server some questions once in a while14:14
kanzurewith typical http requests14:14
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delinquentmeim sitting in palo alto eating chez cake14:55
delinquentmeillumio is weh14:55
delinquentmetheir secret sauce is basically internal machine reporting14:55
delinquentmethey have 50 million to do devops @ scale14:55
kanzurepitch them openstack14:56
kanzureand moving around workloads for data center weather events14:56
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delinquentmenot a bad idea14:57
delinquentmeexcept these datacenters are supposed to have electricity shit solved14:57
delinquentmekanzure, I want to sell devops scripts to COMSOL14:58
delinquentmei just shot an email to a few people working there14:58
kanzurethat sounds awful man, you want to voluntarily subject yourself to chef/puppet/ansible?15:05
kanzure"devops scripts"15:05
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fenncomputer codes15:14
paperbotConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=1969): Max retries exceeded with url: /web (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 111] Connection refused) (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 375, in send)15:15
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kanzure93.67% DEGREE CERTAINTY (imperial units)15:19
fenni'm surprised there isnt actually an internet emergency broadcast system15:19
nmz787_ithis is neat http://www.chipworks.com/en/technical-competitive-analysis/resources/blog/intels-14-nm-parts-are-finally-here/15:20
fennit would insert that awful noise and "THIS IS A TEST" randomly into packets15:20
kanzureah yes the government-regulated awful noise15:20
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kanzure"On February 11, 2013, hackers broke into the EAS networks in Great Falls, Montana and Marquette, Michigan to broadcast an emergency alert that zombies have risen from their graves in several counties in Montana and Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Stations KRTV in Great Falls, WBUP and WNMU-TV in Marquette broke into programming to broadcast the false alerts.[38][39] Details on the hacking incident remain unknown at present, though a ...15:23
kanzure... representative for Monroe Electronics, a maker and distributor of EAS equipment, mentioned that some stations do not change their logins or passwords, opting to use factory presets instead. Because of this, trade groups, including the Michigan Association of Broadcasters, urged broadcasters to change their passwords and to recheck their security measures.[40] On February 13, 2013, WIZM-FM in La Crosse, Wisconsin inadvertently triggered ...15:23
kanzure... the EAS on WKBT-DT by playing a recording of the fake alert during its morning show.[41] The alert was seemingly inspired by the Anthrax song Fight 'Em 'Til You Can't; the message relayed in the incident lifted a quote from the song's introduction about a zombie uprising."15:23
kanzurehad this been an actual zombie uprising....15:24
fennhad this been an actual cryptoanarchist disinformation, oh.15:25
nmz787_istrange concept15:26
fennok that's dumb15:26
fenni'd rather have a lapdock15:26
nmz787_iPhone:  4.0inches, WVGA 800x480, IPS with Capacitive Multi touch panelPad:  7.0 inches, WXGA 1280x800, IPS with Capacitive Multi touch panel15:27
nmz787_iat least they have two batteries15:27
fennthese hardware makers keep making stuff that only works with their products15:27
fennlike everyone forgot about how PCs became popular15:28
nmz787_iwasn't it some company taking a bunch of pre-existing ideas from various mfgs and integrating the concepts?15:28
fennIBM had such a huge market share that everyone who wanted to compete was forced to make their interfaces compatible with IBM stuff15:29
fennbut then you could get all sorts of cross-compatible hardware and software15:29
fennpadphone works with its tablet, that's it15:30
fennIn the 2013 film World War Z, the Emergency Alert System was used by New Jersey State Police, instructing residents to seek shelter and to pack food enough for at least a week due to a zombie invasion.15:32
fenni wonder if the michigan/montana incident was a PR stunt15:32
nmz787_ifenn: I'm not sure how you would want to use padfone for something other than it's phone+pad combo... would you want an HDMI-input port?15:33
kanzurei dunno if pr firms are clever enough to buy 0days and vulnerability knowledge like that15:33
fennnmz787_i: yes, and USB, and have them connect with something flexible so the ports dont have to be perfectly aligned15:34
fennsome phones have a mini hdmi port which is just perfect for this15:35
fennnmz787_i: the point is that other phones should be able to connect to the expander device (call it a pad if you want)15:37
nmz787_iseems like it would be a bit inconvenient since you wouldn't easily be able to hold one item, but I guess it would work for tabletop situations15:40
nmz787_iUSB touchscreens don't seem like a thing in general15:40
fenni have this thing which is pretty well built, but the ports dont align with other phones so you have to get hard to find adapter cables (mini HDMI female to mini HDMI male) and besides i'm using it with a set-top box anyway http://media.engadget.com/img/products/462/9wlf/9wlf-800.jpg15:40
fenni have it velcro'd together15:41
nmz787_iso that's a laptop-shell?15:41
nmz787_ilike, just HDMI in, and USB-out from the kb and mouse?15:41
fennit has a battery, speakers, keyboard, screen, touchpad, headphone ports, umm maybe wifi15:41
nmz787_iwhat /is/ it?15:42
fennthe only connections to the phone are hdmi and usb15:42
fennmotorola lapdock15:42
fennit was discontinued when they stopped production of the phone it was supposed to go with15:42
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fenni guess i dont see the point of having a tablet that expands your phone15:44
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nmz787_iyeah, especially when it isn't at leat 9 or 10 inches15:46
nmz787_iand isn't 108015:46
fennbut why not just have a tablet instead15:47
kanzurefenn did i show you the camera film microfluidics stuff15:47
kanzurehere's what it looks like when you directly expose 16 mm film to objects ("the film was entirely developed and assembled in the dark room, using various bugs, organic elements, liquids, leafs, and bacteria growth in petri dishes laid directly onto the film") http://vimeo.com/8954695415:47
kanzuresame thing but microfiche instead http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/optics/photolithography/Using%20patterns%20in%20microfiche%20as%20photomasks%20for%2010-micron-scale%20microfabrication%20-%20Deng%20-%20Whitesides.pdf15:48
fennits just a contact mask made from 35mm film negatives?15:51
kanzurephotolithography mask15:51
kanzureoh, photolithography masks can be contact masks, er, right15:51
nmz787_ii heard about a loca guy today who said 'Also, if anyone needs to look at really tiny things, I now have a SEM in my living room.'15:52
nmz787_iidk his level of DIY on that vs restoring an old piece of equipment15:53
nmz787_ibut I will ask15:53
nmz787_ielectron beam lithography is pretty high up on the quality scale15:53
nmz787_iand apparently it is quite fast15:53
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fennso assuming you can make a PDMS stamp with this microfiche/film method, is 5 micron small enough feature size for useful integrated circuit photolithography?15:56
fenner, actually the stamp isnt necessary15:57
kanzurei'm sure it could be useful for many things15:58
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kanzure"Non-techs (including executives) in tech companies are basically 95% morons because the capable non-techs generally have better options in other industries."16:01
fennnmz787: did you ever make any diffraction gratings?16:03
nmz787fenn: no but i do basically have a FIB that I can play on now pretty much whenever I want16:17
nmz787there has been code written to convert a pattern file to a bitmap, but the reverse hasn't been written yet (though should be pretty easy now)16:17
fennuh, imagemagick16:18
nmz787that is c++16:18
nmz787i also have it in python16:18
nmz787which is where I'm doing opencv stuff to analyze stage drift16:18
fenni didnt realize you guys worked together16:18
nmz787this week and last i was working on an rs232 mouse to send clicks to re-center as i find drift16:19
kanzurenah jblake is just helpful16:19
nmz787it happens that the FIB is about halfway between my house and his, too16:19
nmz787and that he did an internship at the FIB company at some point16:19
nmz787and generally enjoys optics and math16:20
fennwhat a useless website http://www.jblake.org/16:20
kanzurei should name my keyboard typing technique "static typing"16:24
fennthis bitmap thing would be like 2 lines of numpy16:24
nmz787as long as the output was correctly packed16:25
nmz787the python is more readable16:25
fennok i'll stop complaining now16:26
nmz787fenn: I have this file open in my text editor now, I can't tell if it is the most up to date, but the first function looks like it is as it's relatively clean http://paste.pound-python.org/show/kvxjljSctvu4tYxdrr07/16:26
nmz787note line 234 is a sys.exit16:27
nmz787sorry i pasted the crap after it16:27
fenndo you not use revision control?16:28
nmz787just consider the first function16:28
fennor is this just hacking around16:28
nmz787it was hacking mainly16:28
nmz787but then i wasted a week trying to write h264 frames and evntually gave up with displaying each to the screen16:29
nmz787since i just wanted a video playback of intermediate images, to see what order the pixels were in the file16:29
fennwhy h26416:29
nmz787that's what all the video i watch these days is16:30
nmz787so i figured i should be up to date16:30
fennmplayer mf://*.png16:30
nmz787the only other that worked was uncompressed16:30
nmz787but then i realized i was only doing every 1% of total pixels16:30
fennwell i hope you learned something at least16:30
nmz787so 100 images is nothing to display in succession16:30
nmz787and that was much easier16:31
nmz787:/ wish i hadn't wasted a week, but it is weird that h264 doesn't just work16:31
fennhow many pixels are in a typical FIB etching run?16:31
nmz787was getting all sorts of errors16:31
nmz787only 1 meg of the 4096x4096 are able to be loaded at a time, so per pattern16:31
nmz787probably actually 1024x102416:31
fenn4096x4096 doesnt seem like enough16:32
nmz787they could be 1nm pixels16:32
nmz787or 1um16:32
nmz787same grid no matter zoom16:32
nmz787for more res, you need to step around the FOVs16:33
nmz787if you want more res and you need more real estate than the FOV provides, you need to step around16:33
fennis there a term for resolution * FOV product?16:34
nmz787like what the total diameter of the stage is?16:34
nmz787you can only move the beam so much before you have to move the stage16:35
fennthis tradeoff seems to be everywhere in different optical systems, but i dont know how to say just the overall amount of information encoded16:35
kanzureask jblake or steve16:35
fennmaybe it's just "number of pixels"16:35
fennbut that assumes you even have pixels at all16:36
nmz787it's a round pixel ideally16:36
nmz787but you also have astigmatism to correct for16:36
nmz787it has an octopole if that helps16:37
nmz787but idk if that influences beam shape16:37
nmz787or just position16:37
nmz787prob does slightly16:37
nmz787idk how slightly16:37
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nmz787fenn: I can try your pattern as soon as a converter is written and I get some free time16:48
fennheh i forget, did i actually make a pattern?16:49
nmz787yeah something that constantly changed width and spacing, i think16:50
nmz787or maybe just spacing16:50
fennit's really hard to show on a monitor because the difference in scales is so big16:51
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fennnobody answered so i'm going with "spatial bandwidth"17:09
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kanzurethere is something wrong with the planet's rotational axis17:22
kanzurewhy am i adjusting clocks this is bullshit17:22
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fennto adjust to mating cycle of the reptilians from sirius B17:30
fennit's the only logical explanation17:31
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fenn"A Turkish brand of small packaged muffins"?17:54
fenndelinquentme: are you memetically ill?17:55
fennkek” emerges as a corruption of “lel”17:57
delinquentmeyeah probabz17:58
delinquentmekanzure, hotness in photolithography: computational mask generation17:59
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fennsuperKEK https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dd/KEKB_Belle_Detector.jpg18:07
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delinquentmeSUPER KEK INDEED18:24
fennit's not done yet18:25
delinquentmeok so say that I want to generate microfluidic pathways ...18:32
delinquentmetopography is the mathematic discipline which would allow me to codify this stuff right?18:33
kanzuregraph theory, yo18:39
delinquentmekanzure, you sure?18:43
delinquentmeI mean I could see " these are connected ... these arent "18:43
kanzure.title https://home.comcast.net/~botronics/18:47
yoleauxBill's Art bots18:47
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fenndelinquentme: topology19:13
fennkanzure i thought you hated that sort of blinking LED crafty stuff19:15
heathdelinquentme: if you're going to use topology, you might as well toss in haskell19:17
heathaugur can teach all its ways since he has so much time these days ;P19:18
heathteach +you19:18
kanzurefenn: yep...19:18
heathk, back to the 1 year anniversary celebration thingy19:18
delinquentmeheath, whaaa?19:19
delinquentmeheath thats just a method for getting the math executed19:19
augurheath: i have free time? oh dear19:19
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fenn.title http://vimeo.com/8407088219:20
yoleauxThe Night Tree in process (2012) on Vimeo19:20
nmz787_pwhy not just CAD? you can represent your curves as equations, and then just join equations in a piece-wise fashion19:20
fenn.title http://vimeo.com/8407187519:20
yoleauxRestless Bird Chatters, Still Bird (2012) on Vimeo19:20
fennthis set of circuits is more 3D and distributed http://vimeo.com/8409476119:22
fenni told the artist she should incorporate the capacitance of the viewer into the circuit somehow, to vary the pitch and/or timing of chirps19:29
fennreal crickets stop chirping if you get near them19:29
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kanzure"you see, the ink in this dollar bill gets you really high"20:27
kanzurefenn: http://thepiratebay.se/search/knights%20of%20sidonia/0/99/020:33
fenni was unimpressed with the anime20:34
kanzurewell it's better than his last one20:34
kanzurebunch of still frames20:35
fennit is a remarkably close to the manga though20:35
fennthey use way too much (100%?) cel-shaded 3d models, it's just something i can't get used to20:35
fenni didnt like appleseed 2004 either20:36
kanzurei think if this continues to not be a complete failure that he will have enough clout to do a proper treatment of his other work20:37
fenni don't know if that's possible20:37
kanzuresorry for getting your hopes up20:38
kanzureback to sleep mode20:38
delinquentmeI don't understand why " top kek " is so hilarious =/21:04
delinquentmewas sitting on bart ... laughing my ass off21:05
delinquentmeall to myself21:05
* delinquentme hev problems21:05
delinquentmefenn, kanzure the cell shaded in eva 3.33 was the BESSSSSST21:05
delinquentmeand you can adjust the lens all you want ... but proper perspective is SOOOO sexy21:06
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delinquentmeI have to point out that every road into my hometown of fucking austria ... is fucking road https://www.google.com/maps/place/5121+Fucking,+Austria/@48.0673299,12.8633177,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x4775d4854dbcba19:0x802456ee60b72a1721:10
Lemminkainendelinquentme are you really from Fucking?21:10
Lemminkainenich finde mir das schwer zu glauben21:11
nmz787hah, i read that as australia21:13
nmz787and was wondering why Lemminkainen was talking german21:13
delinquentmesame town, different country Lemminkainen21:14
delinquentmecountry of witchoo21:14
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fennit's mostly that the fake-cel shaded 3D faces have close to zero expressiveness21:30
nmz787delinquentme: wanna sell some FIB time for me?21:55
nmz787delinquentme: the shop rate is $375 and hour21:56
nmz787delinquentme: we could rig up some web interface for orders and file conversions... I have to work on slicing CAD models into FIB files anyway21:58
nmz787doing pools of orders like OSHpark does would probably be an efficiency booster22:01
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fennhow does 3D work with FIB?22:08
nmz787just slice a 3D model like they do for 3D printers, basically22:11
nmz787since it is ablation22:11
nmz787or it's something like the negative of that if you want to deposit22:11
nmz787I might have to replenish the platinum source, but supposedly that's more of a $500 operation than a $5k22:12
nmz787and I think would last quite a while22:12
nmz787but I will need that to add electrodes and such22:12
nmz787the usergroup i went to last month for fib/sem dualbeam users had an employee who whipped up a script in freecad to slice and create polygon files22:13
nmz787which are essentially the newer version of the pattern files i pasted the converter code for earlier22:13
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nmz787the difference being you can now specify shapes, or the older x,y,dwell format22:14
genehackerwhat are you FIBing?22:14
nmz787and also have multiple patterns packed into one polygon file for convenience. In my case i'll run different pattern files serially22:14
nmz787likely silicon to start22:14
nmz787or glass22:15
nmz787sputterred with carbon i think22:15
nmz787(to conduct charge as FIBing occurs)22:15
nmz787I think I'll start with a macro-to-micro fluidic adapter22:16
nmz787something I can use later in a cpu-socket-like fashion with micro/nano fluidics22:17
nmz787i may find that it isn't reusable, but the master should be replicable22:17
nmz787err, there would be a master for just making single/limited use items22:18
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delinquentmenmz787, where be the FIB?22:19
nmz787apparently you can get a birth certificate for a home birth with a family bible with names and dates written in it... at the FIB shop they have this microscopic bible on a smaller-than-dime sized pendant type thing... which could be appended to with names... :D22:19
nmz787delinquentme: 5 mins from my hous22:19
nmz787'here judge, check out my family bible with this loupe, and if that doesn't work, here's this phase-contrast microscope'22:20
nmz787delinquentme: just outside portland OR22:20
delinquentmetheres another here in SF I might have access to22:20
delinquentmeIDK what the hourly would be ..22:21
genehackerwell is it readable with an optical microscope?22:21
nmz787genehacker: yeah22:21
delinquentmeI thought about this for engraving on really expensive items22:21
delinquentmewatches n shite22:21
delinquentmebut thats like weh.22:21
nmz787watches could be harder unless you could take off some plate to put in the machine22:21
delinquentmeactually I have no idea on the hardness that a FIB could handle engraving on........22:21
nmz787just cause i assume the gears may be lubed22:21
genehackerneat, now I wonder what it would take to FIB all this onto something sturdy:22:21
nmz787which might contiuously boil off iun vacuum22:22
nmz787genehacker: can you compare it to the volume of a bible?22:22
genehackerbecause PDF files don't work after computers don't work22:22
nmz787oh, that seems to be potentially 100s of books22:23
genehackerhow big was the bible?22:23
nmz7871 book22:23
genehackerin millimeters?22:23
nmz787random interet: 593,493 in the Old Testament and 181,253 in the New Testament giving 774,746 words.22:24
genehackerthe FIBed one?22:24
nmz787'Each disc is 2.2 inches in diameter and contains approximately 9000 pages of text or images'22:25
fennmicrofilm is a well proven technology22:25
nmz787'For temperatures up to 300 oC (570 oF) and times up to 65 h in laboratory air, the text remained readable. Exposures to saltwater, tap water, and a simulated marine air environment for 15 weeks did not affect readability of the text. The corrosion rate was measured as a function of time for seven days and was approximately 1 mm per year, which suggested that the disc could survive a long time in the saltwater if the environmental conditions ...22:25
nmz787... remained the same. However, these results cannot be extrapolated to very long times because chemical changes in the environment that may take place with time were not taken into account.'22:25
nmz787this is an impression in plastic, coated with gold and then coated in more plastic22:27
nmz787so the data is sandwiched22:27
nmz787at least that is one form you can store it as22:27
genehackernow I wonder what it would take to do a small run of the survival library or some other 'restart society library' on that22:28
fennis there a reason not to just use something like a daguerrotype, silver on glass, maybe with an epoxy coating to prevent oxidation and scratches22:28
nmz787i bet there is kickstarter money22:28
nmz787if you couple it with the right eyepiece22:28
genehackeryou guessed it22:28
genehackerbut I wonder if you could get enough kickstarter money to do a small batch at a semiconductor fab22:29
nmz787fenn this is produced with something like LIGA22:29
nmz787.wik LIGA22:29
yoleaux"LIGA is a German acronym for Lithographie, Galvanoformung, Abformung (Lithography, Electroplating, and Molding) that describes a fabrication technology used to create high-aspect-ratio microstructures." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIGA22:29
fennso what22:29
nmz787i assume the difference may be in the speed of degradation of the master with repeated moldings22:30
fennthat is a pretty cool picture tho http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ant_with_gear.jpg22:30
fennif the only goal is data storage, exposing film seems about as effecient as hot press molding22:31
fennis styrene or whatever they make the discs out of more stable than polyester camera film?22:32
fennbut film can be exposed digitally for infinite variation22:32
fennthere's that new m-disc archival dvd but eh22:32
fennmuch easier to build a microfilm reader from scratch than a dvd player22:33
genehackerI wonder if this is the same rosetta disk?22:34
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nmz787at least that company is mentioned there22:38
nmz787oh, yes, 'This technology, developed by Los Alamos Laboratories and Norsam Technologies'22:40
fennthey should add a "book of genesis" translated into modern physics-ese as well22:42
fennthrowing all this technology into preserving a ridiculous fairy tale22:43
genehackerand that's why they should preserve something useful like physics22:44
nmz787well, it was more a proof of concept22:44
nmz787there was someone at one point thinking of making jewelry with the texts22:44
nmz787there are some sanskrit things too22:44
fennisn't it just the book of genesis translated into sanskrit?22:45
nmz787and gailic knot things22:45
nmz787idk, i figured it was the bhagavadgita or something22:45
fennthat's hardly an improvement22:45
genehackeror how to build a device to read a disc with compressed data22:46
nmz787isn't it a little more upfront about interpreting it it22:46
fennit turns out the reason they chose genesis as the sample text (lots of translations) wasn't even true; there weren't already samples of genesis translated into 1000 languages22:48
fennsince they already had to translate 1000 things why not at least pick something useful22:48
nmz787oh, are you talking about the rosettaproject fenn?22:48
fennyes but i figure norsam is heavily involved in that project22:49
genehackerbecause some languages might not have a word for proton22:49
nmz787re indian text i meant norsam jewelry stuff22:49
nmz787seems like it happened in 200822:49
nmz787doesn't seem to have been any momentum22:49
genehackerbecause then you can exploit religious fervor to preserve data22:49
nmz787probably because nerdy enough folks don't like genesis enough or something22:50
fenn"This is a Long Now project, which means it is okay if it takes a while." lame22:50
fenn"it's okay if we never finish because someone else will do it after we're dead"22:50
nmz787now that survival manual, with a pocket jewelers loupe, that would sell22:50
nmz787maybe it could be a locket with the optic inside too22:50
fennthe constitution of the united states engraved on every bullet22:51
nmz787that could definitely be done i think22:51
nmz787unless the powder would offgas22:51
genehackerwell liga isn't cheap22:51
nmz787or explode in the FIB somehow (i don't think that would happen)22:51
fennthe roundness would be an issue22:51
nmz787pretty sure as soon as the charge gets to the target it's voltage diminishes since it's such low resistance and such low current22:52
nmz787a box of ammo would be hundreds of dollars though22:52
fenn"n 2004 the Rosetta Space Probe was launched by the European Space Agency. This small craft was created to land on a comet in 2014. Before it blasted off, the ESA contacted us because we share names. They asked if we'd like to mount a version of the disk on their probe. Of course we would! We had manufactured a pure nickel disc with a subset of 6,000 pages of language translations, which was22:52
nmz787only the richest freedom fighters22:52
fennmounted on the payload section of the probe."22:52
fennwell it's not quite the voyager message22:53
nmz787that's why america is tops22:55
nmz787we put a poor bluesman into space22:55
fennsomehow it's weird to think that a german spacecraft landed on a comet22:55
genehackerwell it hasn't landed yet?22:56
fenn"With Rosetta in orbit 30 km (19 mi) above the comet's surface, ESA examined several potential landing sites for Philae. On 15 September 2014, ESA announced Site J on the "head" of the comet as the lander's destination.[40] Philae is scheduled to detach from Rosetta on 12 November 2014 at 08:35 UTC, with a landing seven hours later."22:57
fennexcuse me, "is landing"22:58
nmz787huh, i didn't know johnny b goode was on voyager somehow, or i forgot22:58
nmz787i remember in some media article reading about the blind willie guy22:58
fennthere were a lot of different music samples22:58
nmz787apparently there was an SNL skit based on this fact... E.T. replies 'send more chuck berry'22:59
genehackernow I wonder how much 'legitimately obtained' music one could store on a norsam disc22:59
fennprobably less than a DVD22:59
genehackerand if modern semiconductor processes are used?23:00
fennmore than a blu-ray23:00
nmz787track to track on bluray is 320nm23:01
fennpart of the trick is in making it readable23:01
nmz787is a spiral a non-ideal data origin?23:01
genehackeruse an electron beam instead of a laser23:01
fennthe tracks may not be perfectly accurate but they stay mostly circular (locally linear)23:01
nmz787yeah the readability is pretty key if you want to survive an apocalypse23:01
nmz787'kids, this disc has all the secrets of my world, guard it like magic'23:02
fenni like the idea of storing analog "how to build a dvd reader" instructions on one side and data on the other23:02
nmz787well I just mean as far as easily telling where to start reading from, a spiral has a center23:02
nmz787you might also have one for 'how to compile 7zip'23:03
nmz787unless by DVD reader you mean AM/PCM audio23:03
fennaren't you old enough to remember "self extracting archive"23:03
nmz787'it was all worth it to listen to some good old chuck berry'23:04
nmz787genehacker: did you look at the voter pamphlet?23:04
nmz787most of the descriptions are absolutely worthless23:05
nmz787for the ppl23:05
nmz787it lists educational institution, but not field of study23:05
nmz787and some of the text was mostly bashing the other candidates running against them23:06
nmz787and apparently I don't know how to find a good online source for something similar but with real information23:06
fennthe norsam process seems to be able to reliably generate at least 1 micron features, and the disc is 2.2 inches in diameter, so assuming one bit per square micron that's 2.5 billion square microns or 300MB23:30
fennobviously smaller features lead to higher density23:31
fennit looks like the full surface of the disc is not used23:34
fennhuh 3d does work after all http://www.norsam.com/images/pegasus.jpg23:36
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-!- streety [streety@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:ded6] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:42
--- Log closed Tue Nov 04 00:00:40 2014

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