
--- Day changed Sun Nov 30 2014
archels< kanzure> there should be an embodied turing test.00:38
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archelsthe Turing test is embodied insofar as any and all higher-level cognition is posited to be based on embodiment00:38
archels(although not by Turing)00:39
archelswhat were you thinking of--spatial nagivation/manipulation tasks?00:39
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delinquentmesez china has gene therapeutics .....01:53
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archels.title http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.273103:03
yoleaux[1411.2731] Imaging at depth in tissue with a single-pixel camera03:03
archels3 mm object, 2.4 mm depth03:04
archelshmm, 500 illumination patterns... they don't say how fast the image was acquired03:06
archelswith DLP I imagine you could obtain it quite fast03:14
jrayhawkhttp://i.imgur.com/G8OIOPy.jpg how do you even do this in a pre-silkroad environment?03:18
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jrayhawkkanzure: do you have a way to make irssi do hierarchical /window management03:36
jrayhawki am a little annoyed about losing hilights after window 9003:37
jrayhawkand sometimes i want to filter activity flagging by network03:37
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kanzurearchels: spatial tasks, sure. but more like, "there is a human interacting with a robot and the human is trying to communicate and get the robot to do things"06:24
kanzurejrayhawk: no i don't06:24
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kanzure"Listen, we MAY have disassembled the LHC to build a death ray." "Just one, though." "Nothing you should worry about." "The death isn't even very serious."08:16
heathjrayhawk: zoom out of your terminal if you are wondering if you have more hilights08:32
heathotherwise, use weechat08:32
kanzureha zooming08:33
heaththe only other way is there's a shortcut in irssi for hopping to the next hilighted channel08:33
kanzureone alternative to implementing vertical lists would be to reserve the right-most side of the window bar to be for highlights08:34
kanzureand as more highlights happen they would expand leftwards until they take up the entire window bar (at which point you should probably deal with those highlights)08:34
kanzureany highlighted window that is already in the visible range should probably stay in the visible range and not be moved to the right08:35
kanzuredon't i sound clever?08:35
kanzurensh: so does one-tab.com store an archive of each page in cache, or is it just lists of links?08:36
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kanzure"Certainly after ten years of study we could say with confidence that carriers of the DAD2 receptor A1 allele have compromised D2 receptors. Therefore lack of D2 receptors causes individuals to have a high risk for multiple addictive, impulsive and compulsive behavioral propensities"10:12
kanzure"Blum united this hypodopaminergic trait under the rubric of a reward deficiency syndrome"10:12
kanzure"world inadequacy syndrome"10:12
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kanzure"Interesting article in Nature.  Besides commenting on the incorrect equivalence of OA and online, I also commented on the increasing lack of accuracy and value due to decreasing attention to prior searching and the rise of “Google only” searching. ... 'As numbers of published articles rise, the scholarly review system must adapt to avoid unmanageable burdens and slipping standards, says Martijn Arns.'"11:35
kanzure"The publishing explosion used to be easy to illustrate by walking young scholars past cumulative indices of Chemical Abstracts and Science Citation Index.  There have always been more demands on scholars' time than there are hours in the day."11:35
kanzure"Unlike the commentator, I've spoken to numerous faculty at my institution about this.  More than a few have opted to stop reviewing for commercial publishers (Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, even NPG), and only accept requests to review for scholarly societies.  A substantial number have made similar commitments with respect to their submissions, as well."11:35
kanzuremaybe reviews should be split up more topically11:41
kanzureso when a reviewer hits a paper that uses a statistical test to draw a conclusion, he makes some review decisions assuming both that the test is accurate and then that the test is totally broken.11:41
kanzurethen that segment gets sent off to someone who does statistics reviews more regularly.11:42
kanzure(or possibly to some generic software tool that reviews the use and applicability of various bad ideas, once common themes and problems are detected and known)11:42
kanzurealthough this wont stop the "everyone is spending all of their time reviewing and writing papers" problem11:43
kanzureanother possible solution is to not have papers reviewed so readily, and instead wait until peers cite the papers in giant bundles and the bundles get reviewed all at once11:43
kanzureeven if you decouple academic career metrics from publications i think you will still find this review overload problem11:44
kanzureoh i suppose the review problem is less bad in academia because if the reviewers say it's shit then they can kill it there11:46
chris_99Anyone seen this AFM design before - http://www.kurzweilai.net/how-to-build-a-low-cost-afm-nanoscope-out-of-lego-arduino-board i can't see any instructions out there though12:03
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kanzure"Classic experiments have shown that the desert ant keeps track of its position in this way as it wanders for many meters searching for food. Though it travels in a randomly twisted path, it heads straight home when it finds food. However, if the ant is picked up and released some meters to the east, for example, it heads for a location displaced by the same amount to the east of its home nest."12:15
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kanzure"The sentience quotient concept was introduced by Robert A. Freitas Jr. in the late 1970s.[7] It defines sentience as the relationship between the information processing rate of each individual processing unit (neuron), the weight/size of a single unit, and the total number of processing units (expressed as mass). It was proposed as a measure for the sentience of all living beings and computers from a single neuron up to a hypothetical ...12:23
kanzure... being at the theoretical computational limit of the entire universe. On a logarithmic scale it runs from −70 up to +50."12:23
kanzurei keep forgetting how old freitas must be :p12:23
kanzure"According to Freitas, an alien civilization having their consciousness running on non-biological hardware (such as quantum-mechanical circuits) could have an SQ of 23+, 10 orders of magnitude more than the human SQ. Freitas states that such a gap in SQ "may affect our ability, and the desirability, of communicating with extraterrestrial beings...It may be that there is a minimum SQ "communication gap," an intellectual distance beyond ...12:24
kanzure... which no two entities can meaningfully converse." [1] For example, an alien civilization may form a Matrioshka brain or a black hole and communicate using neutrinos or gamma-ray bursts at bandwidths that exceed our receiving capabilities."12:24
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jrayhawklooks like the community solution to that irssi problem is to send all hilights to a dedicated window and just leave it on the screen via window splitting12:31
kanzurethat sounds silly12:32
kanzurei like my "move highlights to the right side of the window bar" idea better12:32
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kanzurefreitas was born 1952?12:52
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kanzure"One theory of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder states that ADHD can lead to deficits in working memory.[59] Studies suggest that working memory can be improved by training in ADHD patients through computerized programs.[60] This random controlled study has found that a period of working memory training increases a range of cognitive abilities and increases IQ test scores. Consequently, this study supports previous findings ...13:08
kanzure... suggesting that working memory underlies general intelligence."13:08
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1076/jcen.24.6.781.8395#.VHuHSlRGjUY13:08
kanzureaww a negative result http://www.gwern.net/docs/dnb/2012-chooi.pdf13:12
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kanzureheh! "Previous research using other paradigms has shown that individuals high in WMC are not as likely to experience false memories as low-..."13:23
kanzure"This study investigated how to teach perceptual tasks, that is, classifying fish locomotion, through eye movement modeling examples (EMME). EMME consisted of a replay of eye movements of a didactically behaving domain expert (model), which had been recorded while he executed the task, superimposed onto the video stimulus"13:27
kanzureoh that is a good idea13:27
kanzurebetter than laser pointers13:27
kanzure"Our findings suggest that frontostriatal mechanisms track the utility of information in WM, and that these dynamics may predict delays in the removal of information from WM."13:33
kanzure"Relatedly, direct injections of a D1 agonist into the prelimbic cortex have been shown to enhance the performance of animals on working memory tasks" http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~totto/Wass%20et%20al%202013.pdf13:52
kanzurefrom the same author file:///home/kanzure/Downloads/Matzel,%20CD,%202013%20PROOF%20(1).pdf13:55
kanzureman i hate reseachgate13:55
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heath"A company called Innovega is doing this by developing contact lenses with a tiny bump that serves as a microscope for content that can be streamed from the inside of a pair of glasses. The lenses do nothing when you’re looking at the world around you, but when media is streamed toward your eyes from a projector or display panels built into glasses, it passes through the bump on each contact and comes into focus just in front of the eye."14:10
kanzureha "Mate choice for cognitive traits: a review of the evidence in nonhuman vertebrates"14:12
kanzure"Song repertoire size in male song sparrows correlates with detour reaching, but not with other cognitive measures"14:12
kanzuredog brain stuff http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/The%20world%20from%20a%20dog's%20point%20of%20view:%20a%20review%20and%20synthesis%20of%20dog%20cognition%20research.pdf14:15
kanzure"Does song complexity correlate with problem-solving performance in flocks of zebra finches?" http://lalandlab.st-andrews.ac.uk/documents/Publication207.pdf14:18
jrayhawkha ha you posted a file:// url14:28
kanzurei blame researchgate14:28
kanzureand myself for updating my browser :(14:28
jrayhawkNEVER AGAIN14:29
kanzureon the internet nobody knows you are a dog, even yourself14:37
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kanzure"Theoretical limits to cognitive control"14:40
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fennnerp derp14:54
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kanzurethat's not the sound a dog makes15:40
fennin a way i'm glad the dual-n-back intelligence boosting couldn't be repeated; it's bad enough already having to do physical exercise, having to do mental exercise on top of that would waste even more time15:49
fennand effort15:50
fenndual-n-back is hard!15:50
kanzure"obviously you should be doing mental exercises while lifting instead of zoning out"15:50
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fenn"obviously you should just hire a dominatrix to whip your balls with a branding iron"15:53
kanzure"deciding how to manipulate working memory and perform processing" http://psych.colorado.edu/~oreilly/papers/OReillyFrank06_pbwm.pdf15:54
fennlet me know if you read any of these papers15:55
kanzurei read the ones i can access, although i throw out most of the junk of those15:56
kanzureand the ones that i can't access obviously i can't read15:56
kanzurerandall oreilly is a good person that writes good things worth reading15:56
kanzurei hate the phenomena where good papers get cited by everyone even if they misinterpret the results or meaning15:59
kanzure"How [some good paper] reinforces my beliefs about completely unrelated subject x"16:00
fennwould you rather bad papers get cited?~16:09
kanzureyes they can stay in their own little world or bubble16:09
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fennso how is onetab working for ya16:09
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kanzurenot using it16:11
kanzurensh is the culprit here16:11
fenndid he haxxorz you viciously16:11
fenni heard he was an internet supervillain16:12
kanzurejrayhawk claimed that you were informed about what happened16:12
fennthat you lost your tabs?16:13
kanzureis your comment about internet supervillainary about the downtime?16:13
kanzurehaving lots of tabs does not sound very villainous16:13
kanzurehis link to one-tab claims he was running 1506 tabs16:14
fennthat's kinda funny16:14
fennbut also totally relatable16:14
fenn.wik tab guilt16:15
nshno, it flattens the sessions16:15
yoleaux"Guilt Machine is a musical project by Dutch musician Arjen Anthony Lucassen, owner of other musical projects such as Star One, Ayreon and Ambeon. The project's debut release, On This Perfect Day, was released in August 2009." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilt_Machine16:15
fennbad robot!16:15
kanzureapparently the prefrontal cortex is our abstraction gland http://www.christofflab.ca/pdfs/Christoff_2009_BrainResearch.pdf16:15
kanzurensh: can you share link in public?16:16
nshctrl-f "restore-all" --> >10016:16
nshfirefox crashed while i was removing all the FB and Gmail tabs. there's probably a moral in there somewhere16:19
kanzurensh and i were discussing ways of correctly caching tabs for later reuse16:21
nsh(not that it particularly matters)16:21
kanzurescreenshots don't work16:22
nshya, yuck16:22
kanzureand you want to capture images, js, css, swf, random remote ajaxy requests to get server data, cookie-setting, etc.16:22
nshno easy way to share with session sets and save-dates intact, but here: http://www.one-tab.com/page/xCXxOpOITb6avH_Y5x9HIA16:22
kanzuretodo: fetus connectome instead of adult connectome. seems simpler.16:24
superkuhI miss Opera session files.16:24
superkuhThey were easy enough to grep through, good meta-data.16:25
superkuhEasy to share.16:25
nshi mooted tabstate as git repo earlier16:25
fennsurely someone's got a export-tabs-to-json plugin16:25
kanzurethe reason why i keep tabs open is not because i don't know how to bookmark16:25
kanzuretabs2json is just bookmarking16:26
fennnot if it includes page content16:26
fennbookmark is usually just url and timestamp (and favicon)16:27
superkuhWith Opera sessions it had per-tab history too.16:27
superkuhYou could open another person's session file, go to a tab, and see how they arrived there.16:27
fenni'd like to open my own session file and see what data was on the screen before the website went away forever16:28
ebowdenpaperbot: http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v11/n1/abs/nn2024.html16:28
kanzurei consider an open tab an attempt at hedging the expected disappearance of the page in the near future16:28
kanzureusually because of high-traffic to the target iste16:28
kanzureand because bookmarking requires actually looking at the content to make a better decision16:29
fennexcept not really16:30
superkuhBookmarking requires figuring out *one* place it fits in the folder hierarchy.16:30
fennor at least remembering canonical tags16:30
superkuhAt least in Firefox. Or you can put it in multiple places by appending nonsense anchors "#dafdasf" to make it a unique URL.16:31
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kanzureGoal-driven cognition in the brain: a computational framework (randall oreilly) http://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.7591.pdf16:32
kanzureGuest47093: hi16:32
-!- Guest47093 is now known as russell016:32
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kanzurenice, i like the trend of computational neuroscience papers showing up on arxiv16:36
kanzure"There is also evidence of a common cortical algorithm from surgical manipulation. Functional interchangeability has been demonstrated by an experiment in which visual input was surgically rerouted to auditory cortex in neonatal ferrets, and the mature animals were able to respond to visual stimuli, with retinotopic maps and typical visual receptive fields having developed within their auditory cortex (von Melchner et al., 2000). "16:38
kanzurelast quote is from "Towards a universal cortical algorithm: Examining hierarchical temporal memory in light of frontal cortical function" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1411.4702.pdf16:39
kanzure"Lennie (2003) found that given its energy usage constraints, less than 2% of the brain's neurons could afford to be significantly active at any given time." well okay, but what counts as active..16:44
fennScientists prove you only use 2% of your brain!16:48
kanzure"Ferrier (1874) first mapped the motor areas using direct electrical stimulation. He found that stimulation of specific areas of motor cortex would produce movement in corresponding muscle groups, resulting in a rough somatotopic map. Brief stimulation would produce muscle twitches, while more prolonged stimulation would produce coordinated sequences of seemingly meaningful movements, such as stepping or reaching."16:49
kanzure1874.. hrm.16:50
kanzurethe failure modes described in the "Functions of the prefrontal cortex" section are pretty interesting16:52
kanzurehmm nevermind. this is just a laundry list of things that brains do.16:55
fenn"Suddenly, I was immersed in the brightest light I have ever seen.  I moved my head from side to side and all I could see was bright white light, similar in appearance to arc welding light.  This next part is strange.  I distinctly remember feeling weightless, and that my feet were no longer touching the ground.  For some reason, it felt like a number of seconds transpired, even though I16:57
fennrealize that lightning strikes are instantaneous.  A deafening explosion followed, and I found myself on the ground with the others.  Sean was collapsed and huddled on his knees.  Smoke was pouring from his back.  I rushed over to him and checked his pulse and breathing.  He was still alive.  I put out the embers on his back and elbows and carried him down the path towards the parking lot,16:57
fennwith the rest of the group following.16:57
kanzurehuh page 56 describes where exactly which neurons and projections are effected by reinforcement learning17:07
nmz787kanzure: any ideas? http://paste.pound-python.org/show/TfYN7sFEjBTgTGTOzjoo/17:10
nmz787forgot to add there that I am using ndk-r10c on Ubuntu 14.04 and tried with opencv 2.4.9 and 2.4.10 (and the respective versions of the opencv android download)17:11
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fennnmz787: http://answers.ros.org/question/191380/opencv-surf-is-there-but-cant-be-found/  "If you don't have the symbol, you need to add something to your link line."17:15
nmz787but all I am doing is calling some program called ndk-build... I don't know where linker options even would go17:16
* nmz787 looks at that link17:16
fennyou have a line there that says LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog17:17
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fenni dont know what provides vtable tho17:17
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fennmaybe add  LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llibopencv_nonfree -llibopencv_features2d17:18
nmz787reading this now17:19
fennto Android.mk17:19
nmz787the weird thing is building the shared libnonfree.so didn't give errors, but was much smaller than the pre-compiled found on some blog17:20
fenncompilation options could be different17:21
fennoptimization often adds to disk size in exchange for speed17:22
nmz787and I am using a newer version of the library too17:22
fenndid you try adding my line to the makefile?17:22
nmz787yeah here is the result http://paste.pound-python.org/show/GlW157fFZhYfyqJ0oHdz/17:24
nmz787still same17:24
nmz787but i used the rebuild all and verbose options for ndk-build17:24
nmz787it mentions something about your additions at the top17:25
fennit can't find the libraries17:25
nmz787well the blog said to copy them to the source directory after building them17:26
nmz787which i did17:26
fennoh, the error is occurring while building features2d so you wouldn't have that library yet17:27
nmz787so the error is silent?17:27
fennno, i'm just mixed up17:27
nmz787I added your changes to the app's Android.mk17:27
nmz787not the libnonfree build's Android.mk17:27
fennthe error is undefined reference to 'vtable for cv::SIFT'17:27
nmz787oh, this is the blog https://sites.google.com/site/wghsite/technical-notes/sift_surf_opencv_android17:28
nmz787when I use his pre-compiled ones it works17:28
fennprecompiled whats17:29
fennyou have two makefiles, Android.mk and Application.mk, yes?17:31
nmz7872 sets of those17:32
fennwhy 2 sets17:32
nmz787one set for building the opencv library, and one for the program that is trying to use those libraries17:32
nmz787to do some image detection and drawing features17:32
fennthis looks sketchy: LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libnonfree.so17:34
nmz787why? i copied it into the source dir17:36
fennit's not a source file17:36
fennmaybe "it works" but i have no idea what it's doing17:36
nmz787I tried copying the .so file to the opencv dir with all the other .so files17:38
nmz787didn't work17:39
fennis the app supposed to even work on your PC?17:41
fenn"Use "adb push" tools to upload test_sift, libnonfree.so, libopencv_java.so along with a test image to your device"17:42
kanzureadb push works fine with emulated android devices17:43
fennmaybe he hasn't gotten that far yet17:44
fenndebugging cross-compilation over IRC, yay!17:45
kanzuredownside is that this person uses eclipse so brace yourself for awfulness17:47
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fenni once tried to use eclipse but my computer couldn't handle it17:47
kanzureyou'll have to wait until java bytecode can be JIT converted to thalamocortical inhibitory magic17:48
fennor i could use gcc and vim17:49
fennor i could hire a dominatrix to whip my balls with a branding iron17:51
kanzurei am reading http://psych.colorado.edu/~oreilly/papers/oreillyhazyherdip.pdf so it leaked through (it describes randall oreilly's biologically-accurate simulator, leabra)17:51
nmz787well I found some info on building the complete android opencv libraries, rather than using the precompiled libraries and only compiling the nonfree library myself... I had already compiled opencv myself and have been using it, and the android stuff is compiling now17:54
nmz787the android libs17:54
nmz787so maybe I can make install when it's done, and remove that local_src reference17:55
nmz787in the app's build .mk17:55
fennyou still need that because it references the non-free shared library you built in the previous step17:55
fenni think all it does is copy it to ibs/armeabi/libopencv_java.so17:55
nmz787well that's what I'm saying, I'm not /just/ building the nonfree shared lib... i'm building all opencv for android libs (inclduding nonfree)17:56
nmz787so if anything I expect it to work, or crap out even more later17:57
nmz787when I try to build the app17:57
nmz787i didn't even end up geting that $40 tablet, went back today and it was $50 and said screw it17:57
fennit's still cheap at $5017:57
kanzureyou can probably get it for $10 on alibaba17:58
nmz787it would be pretty sweet to control the FIB with my phone though17:58
nmz787i was looking at the arduino USB OTG driver for android17:58
nmz787there was a nice make mag writeup with an app17:58
* fenn prepares to be underwhelmed17:59
fenn"we fried a phone" really? really?18:00
kanzure"The glass brain visualization on the upper left projects simulated neural activity into the anatomical locations of simulated brain areas, for easier direct comparison with neuroimaging and other data."18:00
kanzurewas this really disputed? "Thus, we reject the notion of a neural code that posits meaning in individual neural signals, and accept the consequence that it is not possible for neurons to rapidly change what they encode — that would just confuse the other neurons (O’Reilly, 2010). Instead, neural representations must be relatively stable over time, to enable a given receiving neuron to properly learn the statistics of the patterns of ...18:00
kanzure... activity over its inputs."18:00
fennpresumably the phone doesn't power the LEDs so why not run the arduino on that power supply also18:02
kanzurei could maybe accept something about neural ensemble code stuff near inputs, at most18:02
fennwas MAKE always this bad?18:04
kanzurei hear that the first five or so issues don't tend to induce cancer as much18:06
fennnmz787: i'd recommend ignoring anything those people have to say as they are clearly a) irresponsible b) don't know what they are doing and c) write bad code18:08
nmz787it works18:08
nmz787good enough to get me started18:08
fennuntil you plug in the wrong phone and it burns out the usb port18:08
fennnah man, NAH!18:08
nmz787that seemed to be their fault for using a non-otg device18:08
fennit's their fault for doing it wrong18:09
kanzure"Moving down a level in the hierarchy, the equivalent of posterior cortex in the affective domain is the basolateral amygdala (BLA), which is anatomically at the same level as the hippocampus in what is known as the “archicortex” or ancient cortex. The BLA is densely interconnected with the OFC and the ACC, and it is known to encode both US’s and CS’s."18:11
kanzuredeath by acronyms18:11
nmz787fenn: ok so how do I find all the opencv ldlib inlcludes I need? is that what pkgconfig does?18:15
fennthis sounds like some awful redhat thing18:17
nmz787(opencv compiled successfully with nonfree as part of it, so now I shouldn't have to reference any local modules, I would assume I should be able to just reference the opencv libs dir at once, since it has them all)18:17
fennsure, okay18:17
nmz787now it's just complaining about all the opencv calls :P18:18
fennobviously it can't find the libraries18:18
nmz787how did you come up with -llibopencv_features2d18:19
fenni made it up18:20
nmz787how can i find the rest with that syntax?18:20
nmz787but where does the path get specified?18:20
kanzureprobably LD_LIBRARY_PATH18:20
kanzureor LD_LOAD_PATH18:20
nmz787oh, I have to export that?18:21
fennthis is android crap18:21
kanzureandroid linux probably has a few default places to find shared libraries18:21
kanzure"Surely you must all be joking: An outsider's critique of quantum physics" http://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.0880.pdf (same author)18:23
kanzurensh: ^18:23
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fennin normal makefiles you should be able to add directories with LDFLAGS := -R$(your_lib_dir)18:27
kanzure"The cortical connectivity of the prefrontal cortex in the monkey brain" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3161133/18:36
kanzureso uh what did we need the connectome for, again?18:36
kanzure"Monkey to human comparative anatomy of the frontal lobe association tracts" http://cogimage.dsi.cnrs.fr/hmtc/references/files/pubs_hmtc/Thiebaut%20de%20SchottenMonkey%20to%20human%20comparative%20anatomyCortex2011-1.pdf18:37
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kanzurehaha robert freitas is a bitcoiner18:54
kanzurebut lost it all on mtgox :)18:54
fennmy touchpad stopped doing tap or scroll, and my keyboard auto-repeat seems slower (longer delay) any ideas why this would happen or where to look?18:58
kanzurepersistent issue happen many times?18:58
kanzurestart by rmmod and modprobe psmouse?18:59
fennhey that worked18:59
kanzurekeyboard issues may be separate18:59
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fennsince "upgrading" to saucy i've been having issues with mouse and keyboard focus not working as expected, and wmi_event suspend and power buttons not doing the things they should19:03
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kanzureGuest50322: howdy again19:03
-!- Guest50322 is now known as russell019:05
russell0hey bryan :)19:06
kanzurerussell0: i am reading these things, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/randall-oreilly/19:13
kanzurethere seems to be lots of progress sans complete connectomes19:15
kanzurelike comparative neuroanatomy of monkey/human prefrontal cortex http://cogimage.dsi.cnrs.fr/hmtc/references/files/pubs_hmtc/Thiebaut%20de%20SchottenMonkey%20to%20human%20comparative%20anatomyCortex2011-1.pdf and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3161133/19:15
russell0thanks for the randall oreilly papers19:17
kanzurei want to make a trap for people that use too many abbreviations19:33
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nmz787paperbot: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-7091-0706-5_421:07
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yoleauxPROPOSAL # 04-X121:12
nmz787.wik mond process21:13
yoleaux"The Mond process, sometimes known as the carbonyl process is a technique created by Ludwig Mond in 1890 to extract and purify nickel. The process was used commercially before the end of the 19th century. This process converts nickel oxides into pure nickel." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mond_process21:13
nmz787"This process makes use of the fact that carbon monoxide complexes with nickel readily and reversibly to give nickel carbonyl. No other element forms a carbonyl compound under the mild conditions used in the process."21:13
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nmz787so it seems that I was able to link successfully after compiling opencv-android completely from scratch22:06
nmz787but when I try to run the program in adb shell, it says permission denied22:06
nmz787last night I was using eclipse (with half-working code) and it was able to run the 'activity' example project app22:07
nmz787it would be nice to make the apk from the command line22:07
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russell0going around... https://www.facebook.com/CicretAppandBracelet22:27
russell0wrist-mounted cell phone projector and interface22:27
russell0"smart watch"22:27
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nmz787whoo, finally got it23:09
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fennyou learned how to use chmod successfully?23:16
fennhow long does SIFT take on your android device?23:16
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nmz787it took longer than I expected, but not terribly longer than my 4 or 5 year old single-core android 2.3 device23:18
fennum, so, seconds? milliseconds?23:18
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nmz787but my laptop can do sift very very quickly, so I think there are some settings to be tweaked23:19
nmz787like 1023:19
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nmz787let me try again23:20
nmz787that time seemed more like a minute23:21
nmz787ok started fresh, and there are timestamps on the logs23:22
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nmz787fenn: http://paste.pound-python.org/show/UsypszmIozx5lQ4WVWkX/23:22
nmz787so I guess 44 seconds23:23
nmz787but it definitely seemed much faster to find keypoints between two images and print their offset, like a few FPS23:24
nmz787this is the run_demo c++ function http://paste.pound-python.org/show/bg5vDq0cU3WIzBfB1xnB/23:26
nmz787let me find the example that comes with opencv23:26
fennonly needs a few keypoints to do that23:26
fennthe real beef is in the GPU or whatever it's called in a mobile processor23:27
fenni know people have done GPU SIFT on a mobile device, but how...23:27
fenntoo many layers of semi-intentional obfuscation23:28
nmz787I wonder if I was using SURF then23:30
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nmz787yeah I don't think I compiled GPU opencv, if that exists for my phone23:30
nmz787there is some way to change what instruction set it uses, which may support higher performance23:31
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fennhmm i may have misunderstood.. it was from the oxford active vision group, they had some papers like "Simultaneous 3D Tracking and Reconstruction on a Mobile Phone" and "Fast Feature Detection with a Graphics Processing Unit Implementation"23:37
fennbut these are different projects23:38
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fenn.title http://aut.researchgateway.ac.nz/handle/10292/799123:41
yoleauxGPU accelerated feature algorithms for mobile devices23:41
nmz787anyway I was using the demo from the opencv samples directory23:41
nmz787whichever one used the baboon image23:42
* nmz787 sleeps23:42
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