
--- Day changed Tue Dec 16 2014
nmz787the charges are on different locations00:00
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kragenanyway, I think subcritical liquid CO₂ should work fine00:00
nmz787and of different strengths00:00
kragenno, polar bonds really do form very differently from hydrogen bonds :)00:02
kragenoh speaking of solvents00:02
kragencan you use dimethyl sulfoxide to take in lipids through your skin?  enough to keep you alive for a while?00:03
kragenapparently it gets to be neurotoxic at over 0.3mℓ/kg, which is to say, I should be able to take 30mℓ of it before I start to suffer ill effects; but I don't know how much lipids that could transport through my skin, or how long the pharmacokinetic half-life of DMSO is00:06
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nmz787they sell it for that, yea00:07
kragenbut I should be able to survive on about 100-250mℓ of lipids a day until I start to get kwashiorkor00:07
nmz787(they used to sell it at the food co-op i went to odd enough)00:08
kragenyeah, it's an alternative medicine00:08
nmz787and i was talking about ionic vs polar bonds00:08
kragenwell, I don't think CO₂ is going to participate in ionic or polar bonds00:09
kragenand lipids aren't very good at doing that either00:09
nmz787erhmm, eh, nevermind00:09
nmz787i am confused :P00:10
nmz787i meant non-polar00:10
nmz787but was thinking you meant van-der-waals when you said hydrogen00:10
nmz787anyway, it seems like it's all just the vector strength of the field00:10
kragenaren't nonpolar liquids kept from boiling by van der waals hydrogen bonding?00:10
nmz787sounds about right00:11
nmz787maybe something with conductivity of phonons (heat) vs vapor pressure00:11
kragen"15 percent DMSO will easily penetrate the bladder"00:12
nmz787i need to go to sleep though!00:12
kragen"I have used as much as 30 ml IV over a couple of hours"00:13
nmz787.wik hybridoma00:16
yoleaux"Hybridoma technology is a technology of forming hybrid cell lines (called hybridomas) by fusing an antibody-producing B cell with a myeloma (B cell cancer) cell that is selected for its ability to grow in tissue culture and for an absence of antibody chain synthesis." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybridoma00:16
nmz787I think we used DMSO to meld cells together to make those ^00:16
kragen"some of these patients had received as much as 3 g/kg per day"00:17
nmz787huh, this has a dir listing, with issues dating to 1949 http://www.hpl.hp.com/hpjournal/pdfs/IssuePDFs/00:17
kragen3g/kg would probably be enough to carry enough lipids through my skin to satisfy my normal energy needs00:17
kragenwget -r!00:17
kragenthey're only a meg each00:18
nmz787"Permission to copy without fee all or part of this publication is hereby granted provided that 1)the copies are not made, used, displayed, or distributed for commercial advantage; 2) the Hewlett-Packard Company copyright notice and the title of the publication and date appear on the copies; and 3) a notice appears stating that the copying is by permission of the Hewlett-Packard Company."00:18
nmz787sounds good to me!00:18
nmz787this even has some lookup tables http://www.hpl.hp.com/hpjournal/pdfs/00:19
* nmz787 sleeps00:20
kragenthat's fantastic!00:20
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archelsdoes anyone know a good writeup of the GJK algorithm, and solutions for finding the supporting vectors on common shapes (box, sphere, cone etc.)?06:11
kanzuretoo bad that these guys don't have a custom api https://www.flexport.com/06:11
kanzurei don't know a good writeup for that, sorry06:13
archelsI think I should just not be lazy and do the vector maths myself06:18
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kanzure"to produce a synthesized light field that falls upon the retina in the same way as light reflected from real objects in your environment. Depth perception, in this system, isn’t just a trick played on the brain by showing it two slightly different images"10:08
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=875807410:08
yoleauxNeal Stephenson Joins Magic Leap | Hacker News10:08
kanzure"But if they're trying for something much heavier-weight, like the ability to create convincing illusions not in the form-factor of "some goggles," but rather, "a specially prepared room and table," then that's maybe a little more realistic"10:09
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nmz787_i1are there any magicleap pics?10:38
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fennwuh downloading pdfs from hp @ 17MB/s11:41
kanzurecolocated in your basement11:41
fenn3.2GB in 4m34s11:41
kanzureblockchain description blog post thing relayed by some farmer in #swhack https://www.igvita.com/2014/05/05/minimum-viable-block-chain/11:42
fennthere are farmers in #swhack?11:43
fennfirst pirates, then miners, then farmers.. cyberia is shaping up to be a real civilized place11:44
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kanzurecoordinating people to use the same irc channels is a difficult problem11:51
kanzureand in summary i hate people11:51
fennyou're welcome11:51
nmz787_i1fenn: was it these? http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/hp_journal/11:52
kanzurefenn: no, i don't mean you11:52
nmz787_i1apparently wget -r added more than I thought it would11:52
kanzurefenn: in this case, kragen has been avoiding #bitcoin-wizards so he decided to use #swhack to discuss bittorrent dht incentive blockchain stuff instead11:52
kanzureeven though i've asked him really nicely to use bitcoin-wizards and promised him lots of wonderful reasons to do so11:52
fennwtf i totally checked your directory first nmz787_i111:52
fennls: cannot access /home/nmz787/*hp*: No such file or directory11:53
kanzurethat's not how /home works11:53
fennguess i should have used find11:53
kanzureyou want /home/nmz787/public_html/11:54
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nmz787_i1"The projector apparatus of claim 88, wherein the support element comprises a piezoelectric collar that receives at least the first optical fiber proximate but spaced rear-wardly from the front end of the first optical fiber such that a portion of the first optical fiber proximate the front end thereof extends from the piezoelectric collar and is free to oscillate with a defined resonance frequency."11:56
nmz787_i1" While Fig. 38 shows a single optical fiber 3812, some implementations may employ two or more optical fibers 3812, breaking the light up into multiple channels. In such implementations, the optical fibers 3812 may have staggered tips or beveled and polished tips to bend the light, reducing optical spacing between the channels. The optical fibers 3812 may be conveniently packaged as a ribbon cable. Suitable optics may produce a11:58
nmz787_i1conjugate of the respective images produced by each of the channels."11:58
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nmz787_i1"Applying control signals, e.g., via frame buffer 3828, to respective electrodes 3813 associated with the piezoelectric transducer 3814a can cause the front or proximate end 3812b of the optical fiber(s) 3812 to oscillate vibrate in a first resonance mode. A size of vibrations or amount of travel off center is controllable via the applied drive signals to obtain any of a variety of at least bi-axial patterns. Patterns may, for11:58
nmz787_i1instance, include a raster scan pattern, spiral or volute scan pattern, or a Lissajous or figure 8 scan pattern."11:58
kanzurefenn: i could accept a reasonable argument from you about not being in swhack at all, i didn't mean to imply i needed you to join etc12:00
fenni was curious about the farmer12:00
kanzureand also, it seems counterproductive to do important discussions in a privately logged channel anyway12:01
nmz787_i1"Providers such as Asahi-Kasei and Mitsubishi of Japan offer multi-core optical fibers or fused-tapered multi-core fibers. Because these materials would facilitate the possibility of scanning multiple pixels at once (as opposed to the single pixel presently scanned) , the total resolution of at the image plane can be increased for a given scan frequency, and the effective frame rate may be increased while maintaining or even12:01
nmz787_i1increasing the spatial resolution of the display. Figures 7A and 7B illustrate embodiments of available multi-core optical fiber configurations (Figure 7A illustrates a cross-sectional view 50 of a multi-core configuration; Figure 7B illustrates a side view 52 of a tapered multi-core configuration) ."12:01
fennwhy do they still bother with [off] if it's privately logged12:02
kanzuretheir private logger strips [off] messages :p12:02
* fenn looks underneath for the hidden prize12:03
fennthere's nothing but moldbugs and mildews under here12:04
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fennwas it a dutch farmer12:12
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archelsthey got the unit wrong for man-hours13:18
kanzurewhat's the right unit for man-hours?13:20
fenn.c 41000 hours in years13:23
yoleauxconvert 41000 hours to years = 4.68 years13:23
archelsworse, the robots seem to spill copiously when mixing a drink13:24
fenni guess it throws the glass at the customer so they can't get in its workspace13:25
archelsI wonder, are they programmed for cleanup duty also?13:25
archelsheh yeah13:25
archelsself-defense programme13:25
fennsafety protocol13:25
fenni find it really hard to believe that this hasn't existed in japan for at least a decade13:26
fenn"but smartphones!"!13:26
fennyou should be able to just tell the robot what you want13:27
fennalso "add to cart" is such a bad metaphor for ordering a drink13:28
fenni hate it13:29
kanzureman-hours is a poor unit anyway13:45
kanzuredue to variability13:45
kanzureeven if there was an effective emulation standard man-hours would still not work ("brain-hours" i guess)13:45
kanzurebecause it's something ike "whatever the dimensional effectiveness of brains solving problems happen to be, multiplied by the amount of hours they are computing this function"13:45
nmz787_ithis is decent http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.010809713:52
yoleauxPLOS ONE: The OpenPicoAmp: An Open-Source Planar Lipid Bilayer Amplifier for Hands-On Learning of Neuroscience13:52
kanzurepasky: hm?13:52
kanzureit can't be "some ineffable dimensional quantity multiplied by some totally effable quantity"13:53
kanzurethat's not how units work13:53
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paskychido stole my cellphone13:56
archelslots of goodies here  http://www.geometrictools.com/13:56
yoleauxGeometric Tools13:57
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kanzureone day i will solve the irc coordination problem14:21
kanzureand then i will retire14:21
kanzure"isolated game theorist" problem: two game theorists know about each other but refuse to interact. and uh... both sides have asymmetric partial information.. and uh.. neither side thinks about both parties as likely game theorists.14:24
fennchallenge both of them to a game of tit-tat-toe and do a mitm attack14:26
fenni see your theory and raise you a hypothesis14:27
kanzureplaying irc relay is not a productive use of my time (or maybe it is...)14:27
fenneach game theorist writes a letter petitioning the king, who is under seige in a fortress...14:28
kanzureand the letter contains an agreement about which irc channel they will use?14:28
fennbut no game theorist receives the letter of any other14:28
nmz787_iand this is why message boards.14:29
kanzureno, this is not why message boards -_-14:29
kanzurei may have accepted "and this is why email"14:29
nmz787_iwell i meant the message boards that have email option14:29
kanzurenone of them do14:29
* nmz787_i gets red in the face14:29
kanzurenone of them do email right14:30
kanzuremessage boards just send you email and don't let you send back14:30
kanzureand most message boards don't actually reliably send you email for all threads and all posts in all conceivable subforums etc14:30
nmz787_iwait isn't mailman a message board software?14:31
nmz787_ior is that termed differently?14:31
nmz787_iis mailman not fixable because it's so old/crappy?14:31
fennmailman is an extraterrestrial artificial intelligence designed to destroy our precious civilization14:31
nmz787_ihuh, it seems this board may have switched to Indian calendar? http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/nafex/14:33
nmz787_i.title http://www.oregonlive.com/hg/index.ssf/2014/11/fruit_tree_disease_prevent_wit.html14:33
yoleauxOSU horticulturist lists least toxic sprays and treatments for fruit trees | OregonLive.com14:33
nmz787_i"Latex paint: Coat the trunks of young trees with white exterior latex paint diluted in half with water. The paint reflects strong sunlight and prevents sunburn and winter burn that can cause tissue damage and lead to cracks, a favorite place for pests to overwinter and cause substantial winter damage."14:34
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nmz787_iarduino just larger than a U.S. quarter-dollar http://www.adafruit.com/gemma14:37
kragenis it washable?14:37
nmz787_i$8 not bad either, not from ebay/aliexpress14:37
nmz787_idoesn't seem like kragen14:37
nmz787_imaybe with some silicone it could be made so14:37
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fennit's not the washing it's the drying that causes static14:40
fennwashing also breaks solder joints tho14:40
fenncan sew a dense felt strain relief backing pad around it14:41
fennyou can't wash it with the battery in unless you want corroded terminals14:41
kanzuremailman is a mailing list implementation14:42
kragenyou can line-dry your clothes14:42
kragenmailing lists are a message board implementation14:42
kanzuremost people do not consider mailman to be a forum or message board because there's no web interface to post messages14:42
kanzuremost people who say "forum" mean junk like phpbb14:42
fennmailman is a one-to-many email relay with web-based archive functionality14:46
fennalso it routes moderation to the moderator and handles subscription mostly automatically14:47
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fennmailman could easily have a web interface to post messages, but it would still be an email relay14:48
kanzureand then you could call it sympa14:49
fennsure whatever14:49
kanzuredamn sympa's already taken14:50
fennyou could call it mailwwwman14:50
fennor femailwwwmyn if you're a bitch14:51
fenni think the pie is rotting my brain14:51
kanzureyou have to put "bbs" in the name or else china will never use it14:51
fennmy brain is a distributed hash table14:51
fenni can't tell what's a collision and what's a coincidence14:52
fenn.wik sybil14:52
yoleaux"Sibyls were oracular women believed to possess prophetic powers in ancient Greece." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybil14:52
kanzure.wik sybil attack14:52
yoleaux"The Sybil attack in computer security is an attack wherein a reputation system is subverted by forging identities in peer-to-peer networks. It is named after the subject of the book Sybil, a case study of a woman diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. The name was suggested in or before 2002 by Brian Zill at Microsoft Research." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybil_attack14:52
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fenni wish it weren't named "sybil" - dissociative identity disorder is similar to a lot of problems in DHT's under DoS attack14:54
fenner, s/DHT/distributed consensus/14:54
kanzurei wonder why sybil-style things aren't immediately obvious to everyone14:54
fennbecause 20/20 hindsight14:55
kanzureyou can know upfront that things are spoofable14:56
fenni wonder why 10kHz positive bias sine wave DC power isn't obvious to everyone14:56
kanzuredoes that have a spoofing problem?14:57
kanzureyou'll have to help me with the analogy14:57
fennuh.. lots of things are obvious improvements over what we've got14:57
fennbut people are stupid and there are entrenched interests that fight against change14:57
kragenfenn: Lawrence Detweiler called it "pseudospoofing" but because he was a paranoid loon people didn't adopt that terminology14:57
kanzuresybil attacks do not have easy solutions at all14:57
kanzureor obvious solutions14:57
kanzurebut their presence should be obvious14:58
kanzure*the presence of the sybil problems or sybil attacks14:58
kragen10kHz sounds like a terrible idea, fenn. why would you want that?14:58
fennsmaller transformers, less power factor conversion for the substation to do, less chance of electric shock, easy to rectify (it's DC)15:00
kragenwhy not 40kHz?15:00
fennno particular reason15:00
kragen10kHz is a really annoying sound15:01
fennok 40KHz then15:01
kragenyou lose AC motors though15:01
kragenwell, big ones15:01
fennat a certain point the skin effect starts making your wires less effective conductors because the center of the wire isn't conducting anything15:01
kragenyes, long-distance transmission lines already suffer significantly from this, which is the reason for investigating HVDC and also the reason for Litz wire and for multiple parallel conductors a few centimeters apart strung from the transmission towers15:02
fennalso transistor switching losses if you have to generate the sine wave from flat DC or some other format15:02
kragenyes; will that be a big deal in the kHz range?15:03
fennswitching losses are linearly proportional to switching speed in this range15:03
fennnot a big deal15:03
fennmost of the loss would happen in long distance transmission line anyway15:04
fennmost big AC motors are three phase anyway15:05
fennthey should be controlled by a VFD15:05
fennif you really want to hardwire your three phase motor to the utility lines, maybe something based on beat frequencies could be cooked up15:06
kragennowadays many of them are, to a surprising extent15:06
kragen.t https://twitter.com/kragen/status/54498854533805260815:06
yoleauxkragen: Sorry, I don't know a timezone by that name.15:06
kragen.tw https://twitter.com/kragen/status/54498854533805260815:06
yoleauxhttps://www.physicsforums.com/threads/what-to-do-with-a-washing-machine-motor.550058/#post-3850658 Interesting, new washing machine motors (¼–¾HP) use a three-phase motor controlled by a VFD? (Or a stepper?) AWESOME (@kragen)15:06
fennfischer paykel washing machines have these giant stepper motors that are directly linked to the wash drum15:07
kragenI thought stepper motors were somehow grievously inefficient?15:08
fenni've sort of lost track of the difference between a stepper and a ac servo15:08
fennsomething about the shape of the EMF waveform being trapezoidal or sinusoidal due to magnetic reluctance from the shape of the rotor/stator15:08
fenn(steppers are trapezoidal, ac servos are sinusoidal)15:09
kragenI see15:09
fennthis makes steppers easier to drive by simply turning a transistor on, since the "impedance" matches15:09
fennsorry for the tangent on electrical power formats15:12
fenni was just complaining about how everything's obvious15:12
fennalso everything's totally broken15:13
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kanzure"In contrast to most recent work in peer-to-peer software, our design is based on mathematical proofs of security rather than hand-waving."15:25
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fenninsufficiently skeptical title but interesting nevertheless http://news.sky.com/story/1393058/mars-curiosity-rover-finds-signs-of-life16:06
fenn"Plumes of methane have been identified on the planet in the past, but none as sudden as the "venting" measured at Gale Crater."16:07
kanzuredo these robots have microscopes?16:07
fenncuriosity has a bunch of stuff16:08
kanzurei remember lots of mass-spec-style equipment16:08
nshfenn, i thought that, then i thought "sign of life" is still a sign of life even if there's no life16:08
nshit just reads more positively at first glance for some reason16:08
nshsigns consistent with life would be more precise i guess16:09
kanzure"signs not totally incompatible with the presence or non-presence of lifelike things"16:10
kanzurea thing i still like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry16:11
fennit has a GC/MS and "mars hand lens imager" with resolution of 15 microns in white and ultraviolet16:11
kanzureoh good16:11
fennuh, white/UV illumination and "true color" imager16:11
fennalso it can poke at stuff16:12
fennsee if it squirms16:12
fennnsh: it's tantamount to shouting "curiosity discovers life on mars!!!" that's all16:13
fennrun through the journalism game of telephone a few times and i bet you'll see that16:13
nshyeah, but i'm suggesting that's a failure of the reader more than the headline editor16:13
nshyou are right though16:14
fennif it turns out to be life this conversation will be moot :P16:14
* nsh smiles16:14
kanzurethis conversation will be had millions of times over, until the end of time16:14
kanzurefor each planet or astronomical object16:14
fennparty pooper16:15
nshi hope it's something that's clearly not alive but clearly not not alive16:15
kanzureplus there will be crap like "nah dawg after uncle elon everything just was contaminated with earth shit"16:15
nshand conceptually fucks up everything16:15
fennthis is the first time life will have been discovered on another planet, that only happens once in earth history16:15
nshso does this16:15
fennnsh what?16:15
fennnot p but clearly not not p16:16
nshi mean, i'm unsettled by the assumption that we'll definitely be able to say mars has life or doesn't have life16:16
nshi don't think we understand what we mean by life well enough to be certain of that discernability16:16
fennmeh it will probably strongly resemble earth life if there's anything there16:16
fennas in, DNA, bacteria/archaea, genetic sequences in common16:17
nshyeah, probably. would be fun if it kicked us in the balls though16:17
kanzuresuppose that some terraforming process is initiated (perhaps by accident, e.g. carrying bacteria to the planet, or something), what's the minimum amount of time for there to be an average of 1 cell per 10e16 grains of sand if they have a doubling time of 24 hours?16:17
kanzures/sand/surface particles16:17
kanzure.wa surface area of mars16:17
yoleauxMars: surface area: 1.4×10⁸ km² (square kilometers); Unit conversions: 1.4×10¹⁴ m² (square meters); 56 million mi² (square miles); 1.6×10¹⁵ ft² (square feet); Comparisons as area: ~0.42 × ocean area on the earth (~132 million mi²); ~0.97 × land area on the earth (1.4894×10⁸ km²); ~4 × largest extent of the British Empire (~36 Mm²); Corresponding quantities: Radius r of a circle from A = pir²:: 6800 km ( …16:17
yoleauxkilometers): 4200 miles16:17
kanzure.wa surface area of united states16:18
yoleauxUnited States: total area: 9.631×10⁶ km² (square kilometers) (world rank: 3rd); Unit conversions: 9.631×10¹² m² (square meters); 3.719 million mi² (square miles); 1.037×10¹⁴ ft² (square feet); Comparisons as area: ~0.96 × total area of Canada (9.98467×10⁶ km²); ~1.004 × total area of China (9.59696×10⁶ km²); ~largest extent of the Roman Empire (~9 Mm²)16:18
fennkanzure just go read red mars by kim stanley robinson16:18
kanzureanywho if some terraforming-compatible critter ends up on mars it may be really difficult to figure out whether we put that there16:18
fennyes there will be endless denial from ... someone16:19
fenn"it doesn't say anything about mars in the bible!"16:19
kanzurewell what if we really did terraform the planet16:19
fennwell what if mars really did areoform earth16:19
fennit will be hard to do a good analysis without DNA sequencing, but before launching a big sample return mission they will want better evidence than just methane spikes16:22
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fennit's kinda ridiculous when you look at the actual distances covered by the rovers, and imagine trying to find life on earth in a desert and only traveling 4 km16:24
kanzurebut fly-overs?16:26
kanzureand http://www.google.com/mars/16:26
kanzurefly-overs over earth could probably detect bacteria16:27
kanzurevarious dirts16:27
fennyes there are probably not herds of wild tfoof galloping around16:28
fennsatellites can't detect bacteria under the soil16:31
fennthere have been obvious cases of water runoff in before/after images, but not any actual pictures of water on the surface (which might contain pigmented microbes that could be seen)16:32
fennwhat a weird page http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~hooft101/technoz.html16:38
kanzurehehe hooft is still alive?16:38
fennreminds me of "after man" by dougal dixon16:40
fenn"Eventually and inevitably, squids will land on the Moon."16:42
fennscientists say squids will land on moon16:42
fennSQUIDS ON MOON details at 716:43
fennDo Moon Squids Threaten Humanity?16:43
fennThreat of Attack by Squids at All-Time High16:44
kanzurei'd be more worried about moon octopus but that's just me16:44
fennwell it made more sense in context http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~hooft101/extratr.html16:45
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kanzurepaperbot: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/368/1622/2012026617:50
yoleauxWhy did eukaryotes evolve only once? Genetic and energetic aspects of conflict and conflict mediation | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences17:50
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jrayhawkthe whole alphaproteobacteria origins concept seems so low-probability that i am surprised it's even in question why only one species won the race to it21:13
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