
--- Log opened Tue Dec 30 00:00:03 2014
--- Day changed Tue Dec 30 2014
maakuyou'd still have people and/or specialized, non-self-replicating machines extracting the profitable resources00:00
fennsure it's more efficient to build specialized machines00:00
maakuterminology disconnect, of course you'd have all specialized machines00:00
nmz787fenn: would those parts be able to be purchased from vxb, or would they need some custom fab work?00:01
maakui meant machines requiring high-precision which the remote stuff wouldn't be able to achieve00:01
maakubut if all the supporting infrastructure could be done automated and remotely, then the launch requirements for e.g. resource extraction on the moon or NEO could be within the range achievable today (expendable Falcon Heavy), and turn a profit00:02
fennyou should be able to purchase everything, but it can be 100x more expensive to buy a threaded rod with a bearing mount machined on the end vs machining one yourself00:02
maakuit's the >= 1000 tons of supporting equipment that kills you00:02
fennnmz787: you won't be able to purchase the nut flexure (probably)00:03
fennbut the screw will flex so it's not a big deal00:03
fenn"One of the projects I’m working on currently is to develop a new set of senses for people.  The field’s loosely called “exosenses”, and right now we’re flying the idea of developing new senses using tactile feedback and a smartphone, immersing the mass of digital and networked information available through feedback.  With time this feedback becomes integrated, the stimulus becoming a00:04
fennnew independent sense as real as any other.00:04
fennFor now this is taking the form of an Android phone talking over 3G with Google Maps and interfacing to the body with a set of actuated solenoids on a belt.  Drop a waypoint or tag a reference, and Android constantly gives you feedback on the heading of the marker.  All without ever looking at a map or thinking, just feeling through your new sense."00:04
fennthat was 3 years ago. he later got a grant from DARPA to develop tactile computer interfaces00:05
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fenni was wrong earlier when i said 30x the voltage; it would be a lot more than that. the 30 layersrawr. temperature gradient01:16
fennthe 30 layers each create a small temperature gradient; the voltage goes perpendicular to the temperature gradient01:19
fennin a thermoelectric stack at least01:20
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fennkanzure you may be interested to know that merkle was in #bitcoin-wizards briefly02:09
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fennpresumably asking about http://xk.io/2013/12/22/factum-exchange/02:55
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delinquentmeany idea what that "resource" might be?04:18
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kanzurefenn: can you give me evidence that merkle was in there? kthx06:53
kanzuremaaku: replicators are generally viable for many things06:53
kanzuremaaku: i think that nobody has a good (even theoretical) design yet06:53
kanzureother than "steal some cells"06:53
shannoni'm new to this ...06:54
shannonkanzure, can you tell me what "hplus" means?06:54
shannonh = human?06:54
maakufenn: I don't think that was really Ralph Merkle06:54
maakujust like I doubt shannon is Claude Shannon06:54
eudoxiakanzure: https://botbot.me/freenode/bitcoin-wizards/2014-12-30/?msg=28518173&page=206:54
maakushannon: h+ is related to transhumanism. see e.g. http://hplusmagazine.com/06:55
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maakuand yes, h == human/humanity06:55
kanzuretoday's china spam: tungsten carbide and solar panels06:55
kanzuremaaku: hplusmagazine is the worst thing ever. i regret doing sysadmin things for them.06:55
kanzuremaaku: come on, who seriously thinks making a physical magazine in 2010 is a good business plan?06:56
kanzureshannon: instead i suggest looking at http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration06:56
shannoni am not claude shannon06:56
kanzureor http://web.archive.org/web/20130709183013/http://www.maxmore.com/extprn3.htm06:56
shannonkanzure, i didnt click anything because url shorteners make me itchy06:56
shannonespecially promoted on irc06:56
kanzurehplusmagazine is not a url shortener06:56
kanzurethat is definitely not merkle06:57
kanzuremaaku: i don't even think freitas' proposals had "parts closure". although i think he had a thing where if you allow for insanely complex vitamin parts, he could self-replicate?06:59
kanzuremaaku: btw one of the things i did as director of r&d at humanity+ was setup that reprap prize. although i think the money never got dispersed after i left... oh well.07:01
shannonkanzure, i read it07:07
shannonthe topic isnt new to me07:08
shannonjust this channel and hplus07:08
shannonbut thank you07:08
shannonim kinda excited that there are whole channels of people on IRC who find the subject interesting07:10
eudoxiawell, just one channel, singular, this one07:10
shannoni get into more the mind uploading exocomputer augmented reality AI kinda cyber stuff more than biological, but it's all endlessly fascinating to me07:10
shannoncause it's part of how i like to imagine the future, the self, all that speculative stuff07:11
shannoni noticed another, ##biohack07:11
shannonand im sure there are others07:11
kanzurethere aren't07:11
shannonthere is if i say there is07:11
kanzure##biohack is just the finger magnet people07:11
kanzureplease do you really think i don't relentlessly stalk everyone07:11
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shannondo you really think you know who i am?07:11
* shannon waves her hand dismissively07:12
shannon321 chat07:12
kanzurewhy would i have to know who you are to know whether or not i know about ##biohack?07:12
shannonyou're confused about which assertion im really challenging07:12
shannonif i tell you there are a bunch of unicorns in a cave on mars, are you going to talk shit07:13
shannon1) you've never been to Mars, how would you know?07:13
kanzurewell what unicorn evidence would you bring me?07:13
shannonthere's no onus on me to give you evidence of unicorns07:13
shannonhave some faith motherfucker07:13
kanzureyou are a moron07:14
shannonyou're overly confident in your "knowledge"07:14
kanzureall i said is evidence07:14
kanzurethis is not confidence07:14
shannonyou say there's this or that and you're the authority and i say pfft07:14
kanzureyou are playing a very dumb game07:14
shannonthis isn't a solo dance07:15
eudoxiawhy does this channel attract so many easily-angered internet people07:15
shannoni thought that was just all irc07:15
shannoni'm easily angered i guess but i think my intention is just playful so i dfont really give a fuck07:15
kanzureyour intention is not playful07:16
shannonagain, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW07:16
kanzurewhich is something you don't seem to understand :)07:16
shannonassumin' motherfucker07:16
shannonyou get the outline figured out and you assume you have the shading down07:16
shannonit's just your puny mind filling in the details for you based on a bunch of biases and bullshit07:17
kanzureyes my claude e. shannon bias07:17
shannonyou see one red apple, assume all red fruits are apples07:17
shannoni'm telling you, there are channels, plural, in which people talk about these things07:18
archelsheh @ assuming diyhp.us is a URL shortner07:18
shannonyeah i wasnt thinking about that one too hard07:18
kanzureshannon: name them or shut up07:18
archelsooh yes, that sounds interesting. do share07:18
shannonas if i answer to you? godm the arrogance07:18
shannon"if you don't present all evidence on commmand then you're a liar"07:19
kanzurehey that is a good rule07:19
kanzurei like that one07:19
* shannon makes wanking motion07:19
archelsshannon: if you're genuinly interested in transhumanism, you would share it just for the cause :)07:20
shannonfirst i have to figure out what yall are up to07:21
kanzureall i can think of are: #diybio ##biohack #biopunk #lesswrong #sl4 #immortal #transhumanusmi #lw-bitcoin #lw-prog07:21
shannonso i have to do my part and actually read the shit that i thought was other stuff07:21
shannonthen you should try other irc networks, duh07:22
kanzurewe pretend to build things and then complain07:22
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shannonso all you can think of is more than one, plural, thanks for QED07:22
shannonlet's move on :):):)07:22
kanzurelet's not07:22
shannonalright. you're currently wasting my time. bye.07:23
kanzureyou already read those links?07:23
shannonlisten bru07:26
shannonfuck off.07:26
kanzurego on07:26
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/hgtb.2012.11707:31
kanzureyeah paperbot hasn't been replying lately, for some reason07:32
kanzureeven on failure07:32
ParahSailinim sorry paperbot that i am not a better father07:32
paperbotit's okay07:33
ParahSailinso what are some insane experimental drugs to dope pregnant women with to improve function of the baby?07:33
kanzurecan't go wrong with vegf!07:34
ParahSailinstart with low level racetam?07:34
cluckjstop secretly drugging women07:34
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kanzureyou should look at development stages per week07:34
kanzureand then look at which cells are differentiating around this time07:35
kanzureand then decide from there07:35
ParahSailinok, what should i dope at week 1907:35
kanzurethat thing already has eyebrows07:35
kanzureneural tube closure happens at week 607:35
kanzureyou better just abort and try again07:36
ParahSailini told her to keep doing that until we rolled a boy07:37
ParahSailinwouldnt listen07:37
kanzurehonestly at this point any sort of neural-related drugs probably have the same efficacy in utero and out07:37
cluckjParahSailin, is it yours?07:38
ParahSailinthats for the courts to decide07:39
ParahSailinso moms of muscular dystrophy kids are begging to have their kids allowed to take this oligo exon-skipper drug, but havent just ordered from idt?07:43
kanzureyou should probably just focus on post-utero stuff07:43
cluckjenjoy sleep while you can07:43
kanzureer i doubt that oligos can be digested without denaturing?07:43
ParahSailinwell the drug is a phosphorodiamidate morpholino07:44
ParahSailinso i guess idt doesnt make those, but they make lna's07:44
kanzurei think that at this stage the brain is relatively ungyrified07:49
kanzurewould be nice to test fenn's ideas about absolute numbers of neurons07:50
kanzure.title http://www.jneurosci.org/content/33/26/10802.short07:51
yoleauxCortical Gyrification Induced by Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 in the Mouse Brain07:51
kanzure"However, the mechanisms of gyrus formation have been elusive. We show that ventricular injection of FGF2 protein at embryonic day 11.5—before neurogenesis and before the formation of intrahemispheric axonal connections—altered the overall size and shape of the cortex and induced the formation of prominent, bilateral gyri and sulci in the rostrolateral neocortex. We show increased tangential growth of the rostral ventricular zone ...07:51
kanzure... (VZ) but decreased Wnt3a and Lef1 expression in the cortical hem and adjacent hippocampal promordium and consequent impaired growth of the caudal cortical primordium, including the hippocampus."07:51
kanzure"These data also suggest that the position of cortical gyri can be molecularly specified in mice. In contrast, a different ligand, FGF8b, elicited surface area expansion throughout the cortical primordium but no gyrification."07:52
maakukanzure: every two years or so I read an h+ magazine article and remember why I don't read h+ magazine07:56
eudoxiaevery two years i check the site to see if it's finally gone out of business07:57
maakukanzure: I'm pretty sure the advanced automation for space had parts closure, although only in the shown-to-be-theoretically-possible-to-achieve-parts-closure sense07:58
kanzureright... no actual list of manufacturing processes that have been tested.07:59
kanzure"So far, several hypotheses have been put forward on the processes that underlie the normal gyrification in the foetal brain, such as genetic control (Rakic, 2004; Piao et al., 2004) supplying a protomap of sulcal roots (Re´gis et al., 2005), active growth of convolutions during gyrogenesis (Welker, 1990), differential growth of inner and outer cortical layers (Richman et al., 1975), cytoarchitectonic differentiation (Connolly, 1950), ...08:00
kanzure... cortical growth (Toro and Burnod; 2005) and tension from white matter axonal fibres (Goldman-Rakic and Rakic, 1984; Van Essen, 1997; Hilgetag and Barbas, 2005). Furthermore, as most observations relied on post-mortem foetal brains (Feess-Higgins and Laroche, 1987), the potential influence of epigenetic or prenatal and postnatal environmental factors is unknown. To deal with such issue, we recently implemented an approach to reliably ...08:00
kanzure... measure the normal cortical folding process in vivo in human premature newborns (Dubois et al., 2008), based on non-invasive magnetic resonance images (MRI) (Hu¨ppi and Inder, 2001) and dedicated post-processing tools (Hu¨ppi et al., 1998; Cachia et al., 2003)."08:00
kanzurethis is from http://www.unicog.org/publications/dubois_brain08.pdf08:01
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kanzurers133885 might be a marker of mathematical (dis)ability08:04
kanzureor uh MYO18B08:05
kanzure"Carriers of the MYO18B risk-genotype displayed a significantly lower depth of the right intraparietal sulcus (involved in numerical processing in humans)"08:05
kanzure" show that variation in KCTD8 (potassium channel tetramerization domain 8) is associated with brain size in female adolescents (rs716890, P = 5.40 × 10−09). "08:11
kanzure"In exposed girls only, the KCTD8 locus explains up to 21% of variance." (exposed to maternal smoke)08:11
kanzurealthough reduced growth due to toxins is not very relevant08:12
kanzure.title http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S009286741300349808:13
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.08:13
kanzure"Evolution of the mammalian brain encompassed a remarkable increase in size of the cerebral cortex, which includes tangential and radial expansion. Here, we identified the DNA-associated protein Trnp1 as a regulator of cerebral cortex expansion in both of these dimensions. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments in the mouse cerebral cortex in vivo demonstrate that high Trnp1 levels promote neural stem cell self-renewal and tangential ...08:13
kanzure... expansion. In contrast, lower levels promote radial expansion, with a potent increase of the number of intermediate progenitors and basal radial glial cells leading to folding of the otherwise smooth murine cerebral cortex. Remarkably, TRNP1 expression levels exhibit regional differences in the cerebral cortex of human fetuses, anticipating radial or tangential expansion. Thus, the dynamic regulation of Trnp1 is critical to control ...08:13
kanzure... tangential and radial expansion of the cerebral cortex in mammals."08:14
kanzure("Trnp1 Regulates Expansion and Folding of the Mammalian Cerebral Cortex by Control of Radial Glial Fate")08:14
kanzurewell there you go, now go find the regulatory networks around that08:14
kanzure.title http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.4161/cc.25999#.VKLPbAQA08:15
yoleauxAn Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie08:15
kanzure"The multi-subunit chromatin remodeling BAF complex controls different developmental processes. Using cortex-specific conditional knockout and overexpression mouse models, we have recently reported that BAF170, a subunit of the vertebrate BAF chromatin remodeling complex, interacts with transcription factor (TF) Pax6 to control cortical size and volume. The mechanistic basis includes suppression of the expression of Pax6 target genes, ...08:15
kanzure... which are required for genesis of cortical intermediate progenitors (IPs) and specification of late neuronal subtype identity. In addition, we showed that a dynamic competition between BAF170 and BAF155 subunits within the BAF complex during progression of neurogenesis is a primary event in modulating the size of the mammalian cortex."08:15
* heath waves gm08:15
heathi'm really proud to be part of this community, so much great information shared the past 24 hours :)08:16
kanzure"Control of cerebral size and thickness" http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00018-014-1590-708:16
kanzurepaperbot: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00018-014-1590-7.pdf08:16
kanzurepaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00018-014-1590-708:16
kanzurehere, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Control%20of%20cerebral%20size%20and%20thickness.pdf08:18
* heath is digging TSUTOMU NIHEI - BLAME! Log 58+5908:19
kanzure"The selective influence of IPs on radial cortical growth and gyrification in primates has been challenged by Nonaka-Kinoshita et al. [94]. They have provided proof that a massive expansion of IPs is not sufficient to induce folding in transgenic mice overexpressing cyclin D4 to promote IP proliferation, but instead leads only to surface expansion. However, in the gyrencephalic cortex of ferret, which shows abundant presence of oRG, the ...08:21
kanzure... same manipulation causes both cortical surface area expansion and folding, indicating a specific contribution of oRGC over IPs in the radial complex organization in phylogenetically distinct species [94]. Moreover, the expanded set of oRG in iSVZ provided additional scaffold for the oRGC-neuronal progeny, also allowing lateral dispersion when reaching the CP. Overall, these findings support the view that the two types of ...08:21
kanzure... abventricular progenitors, IPs (in SVZ) and oRGC (in iSVZ/oSVZ), have specific functions in the expansion of surface versus radial thickness/folding, respectively, across the mammalian phylogeny [3, 41, 43] (Fig. 3)."08:21
kanzure"Along the same lines, despite the scarce presence of oRGC in the lyssencephalic mouse brain [35, 36], the Götz laboratory have recently induced augmented radial cortical thickness and gyrification by manipulating the expression of the Trnp1 (TMF1-regulated nuclear protein 1) gene, which encodes for a DNA-binding protein [24, 25], controlling the cell proliferation [96]. In vivo manipulation of the Trnp1 expression level (normally high ...08:22
kanzure... in vRGCs and low in IPs/oRGC) disclosed specific effects in cortical architecture. Overexpression of Trnp1 promotes the NE/vRGC renewal and, accordingly, the tangential/lateral expansion of the cortical surface. Lowering the Trnp1 level causes radial expansion due to increased numbers of both IPs and oRGC in SVZ and folding of the lyssencephalic cortex. These interesting findings support the view that establishment of the capacity ...08:22
kanzure... for cortical folding during mammalian evolution may involve superimposed layers of cellular decisions including modulation of the pool size of not only oRGC but also IPs, as predicted in the IPs hypothesis [97]."08:23
kanzurethat is pretty neat08:23
kanzure"Notably, targeted deletion of Cux2 leads to increased progenitor proliferation in SVZ and increased UL cortical density and cortical thickness [120]. In contrast, double disruption of POU3F2/POU3F3 in mice causes a dramatic reduction in cortical thickness due to the specific loss of UL neurons and defective neuronal migration [121–123]. The Nuclear Factor One B (Nfib) is expressed in both vRGCs and LL neurons [124]. Upon targeted ...08:24
kanzure... mutation of the Nfib gene, oRG progenitors and late basal progenitors are absent, the ULs become thinner, and later born UL neurons show delayed migration towards the CP, thus contributing to the reduction of cortical thickness [126]."08:24
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-oejxcnqzbtwuyodj] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:24
kanzuretrnp1 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q6NT89 "Expression is detected in the ventricular zone and neuronal layers of the developing cerebral cortex at 12, 18 and 21 gestation weeks. Differences in regional expression seem to correlate with the process of gyrification of the cortex."08:31
kanzureah and rs668994108:32
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kanzure.title http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/38861008:36
yoleauxTRNP1 TMF1-regulated nuclear protein 1 [Homo sapiens (human)] - Gene - NCBI08:36
kanzurewhat's the database that lists out plausible regulatory mechanisms acting on some gene's expression profile?08:36
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kanzurehuh there are antibodies for it (C1orf225)08:38
kanzurecool it's also available on the market http://www.abnova.com/protocol_pdf/DS_H00388610-P01.pdf08:39
kanzurei think TMF1 would be the target http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/IEB/Research/Acembly/av.cgi?exdb=AceView&db=human&term=TMF108:45
kanzure"Finally proteins from this gene may be modulated by acetylation; phosphorylation, as detailed at PhosphoSite"08:46
kanzure"The gene is also known as TMF1, TMF or ARA160, LOC7110. It has been described as TATA element modulatory factor, androgen receptor coactivator 160 kDa protein, androgen receptor-associated protein of 160 kDa"08:46
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kanzure"Generation of a retroviral construct for forced expression of Trnp1" http://core.kmi.open.ac.uk/download/pdf/11034136.pdf11:06
kanzure"Forced expression of Trnp1 in vivo by in utero electroporation"11:06
kanzureaww "C-terminal fusion of GFP to Trnp1 inhibits its DNA binding ability"11:07
kanzurefigure 25 on pdf page 68 is pretty neat11:11
kanzureer, 6911:11
kanzure" In this context, in 4 out of 10 shRNA electroporated embryos not only expansion but also folding of the neocortex was observed (Figure 25A to B’). This observation together with the increase in oRGs is consistent with previous reports on oRGs implicated in expansion and folding of the cortex (Lui et al., 2011 for review; Reillo et al., 2011). To examine the morphology of radial glia in these folded regions, shRNA electroporated ...11:12
kanzure... brains were examined by staining with the radial glia specific antibody RC2 (Figure 25C). Interestingly, radial fibers diverged as they entered the cortical plate resembling a fanned array that has been described in larger brains (see Lui et al., 2011). Figure 26 shows more examples of different expanded brains upon Trnp1 shRNA electroporation and compares nonelectroporated hemispheres to electroporated hemispheres of the same ...11:12
kanzure... section. "11:12
kanzurenow that's science11:14
kanzure"Altogether, down regulation of Trnp1 leads to cortical expansion in a dual mode. First, low levels of Trnp1 induce the generation of basal progenitors thereby increasing the total number of neurons. Second, radial glia with low levels of Trnp1 are also capable of generating outer radial glial cells lacking a ventricular apical process thereby leading to regional expansion in another way resembling cortical folding of gyrencephalic ...11:15
kanzure... brains (see Model Figure 38)."11:15
kanzure(page 90) "Analysis of genes differentially expressed upon knock down (A) or overexpression of Trnp1 (B) in the developing mouse cortex. Note that most of the differentially expressed genes are directly or indirectly involved in regulation of gene expression."11:21
kanzureoh yeah, beta catenin11:28
kanzureer, beta catenin11:28
kanzure(page 96)11:28
kanzure"It has previously been shown that astrocytes from the postnatal cerebral cortex (postnatal day 7) can be directly converted into functional neurons by forced expression of Ngn2 or Mash1/Dlx2 (Berninger et al., 2007; Heinrich et al., 2010). Trnp1 was induced and detectable in reprogrammed cells generated both from Ngn2 and Mash1 transduced astrocytes 14 days after infection only in reprogrammed cells, i.e. in neurons (data not shown). ...11:31
kanzure... Along this line, using chromatin immunoprecipitation our collaborator Francois Guillemot was able to detect Ngn2 as well as Mash1 to bind very closely to the proposed promoter region of Trnp1. This suggested that Ngn2 and Mash1 might directly regulate Trnp1 activity."11:31
ParahSailinmost chinese dont know the polite word for llama11:32
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cluckjI don't even know the dirty word for llama11:35
kanzureoptogenetic control over Trnp1 would be a very interesting project11:46
kanzurewould prolly have to be a Tnrp1 up/down regulator that has the optogenetic element, and not Trnp1 itself11:46
kanzureParahSailin: is in utero cerebral electroporation off the table?11:47
ParahSailinin chinese theres an internet meme where a homophone of "fuck your mother" has supplanted "goat camel" as the word for llama11:48
cluckjthat's great11:48
shannonit's a goaty looking camel i think11:53
shannona really small, furry giraffe11:53
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kanzurei'm not hearing no12:33
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kanzure"Whole genome sequences of two octogenarians with sustained cognitive abilities" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019745801400718014:26
kanzure.wik enzyme replacement therapy14:33
yoleaux"Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is a medical treatment replacing an enzyme in patients in whom that particular enzyme is deficient or absent." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enzyme_replacement_therapy14:33
kanzure"Usually this is done by giving the patient an intravenous (IV) infusion containing the enzyme. Enzyme replacement therapy is currently available for some lysosomal diseases: Gaucher disease, Fabry disease, MPS I, MPS II (Hunter syndrome), MPS VI and Glycogen storage disease type II."14:33
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kanzure.title http://media.ccc.de/browse/congress/2014/31c3_-_6369_-_en_-_saal_1_-_201412272145_-_ecchacks_-_djb_-_tanja_lange.html#video15:02
yoleauxC3TV - ECCHacks15:02
kanzureshould've been "A gentle introduction to elliptic-curve cryptography"15:02
kanzureControl of outer radial glial stem cell mitosis in the human brain http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221112471400560915:20
kanzure"human fetal cortical slice cultures" isn't science great15:21
kanzure"Treatment with a second, more potent and selective ROCK inhibitor, dimethylfasudil (1 μM), mimicked blebbistatin and Y-27632 treatment, reducing translocations without significantly affecting divisions (Figure 4A)."15:25
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kanzure"Fasudil, the only clinically available ROCK inhibitor,"15:29
kanzure.title http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2701389/15:30
yoleauxPeripheral Delivery of a ROCK Inhibitor Improves Learning and Working Memory15:30
kanzure"The half-life of hydroxyfasudil in humans has been estimated at between 5-7 hours (Hinderling et al., 2007) therefore we administered the drug dose each morning prior to behavioral testing. [...] Injections were given subcutaneously into the scruff of the neck."15:31
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kanzureblergh "Asahi Kasei sued Actelion in 2008 claiming the company acquired CoTherix Inc. to halt work on fasudil and protect profits for its competing product, Tracleer. Before the acquisition, CoTherix was developing fasudil with Asahi Kasei."15:34
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fenndexter is dead15:58
heathfenn: the cartoon, the tv series, or a pet of yours?16:00
fenn.wik Christine Cavanaugh16:00
yoleaux"Christine Josephine Cavanaugh (née Sandberg; August 16, 1963 — December 22, 2014) was a voice actress who had a distinctive speaking style and had provided the voice for a large range of cartoon characters." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Cavanaugh16:00
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kanzure"In 2003 he received the 15th annual Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Neuroscience Research, a $50,000 award, which noted two of his hypotheses in particular. The first hypothesis is the radial unit hypothesis, that in the developing cerebral cortex the cells are created at the base of each column, and that each new cell migrates past its predecessors."16:04
kanzure"According to Nature Medicine, his first experiments required "a special grant, nearly 200 rhesus monkeys and so much radioactive thymidine that manufacturers had to retool their entire production system to provide it." Rakic injected the monkeys' fetuses with radioactive thymidine at a particular time after conception. Only replicating cells took up the radioactive label, which enabled Rakic to trace the lineages of brain cells as they ...16:04
kanzure... were created. He and his team then sliced the brain of each monkey into 7,000 sections for the benefit of future researchers. Because he used a radiolabel that decays slowly, the slides should be useful for years, and have so far led to more than 24 papers.[5]"16:04
kanzurefrom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasko_Rakic16:05
kanzure<strike>for the benefit of future researchers</strike>for the benefit of humanity16:06
kanzureoh look this lovely individual has a website http://rakiclab.med.yale.edu/16:06
kanzurehere he is giving a short research overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeSh9t4aMa416:13
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shannonare you a medical scientist of a sort, kanzure?16:25
shannonive been reading the things youve been posting today and shannon no smart shannon no understand good16:25
kanzurei have absolutely no qualifications of any kind16:26
fenntoday on IRC MD we'll be discussing how to inject radioactive nucleotides into your baby's brain16:26
kanzurejust fetus, fenn16:27
kanzuredon't raise expectations16:27
eudoxiai think the show really jumped the shark after cluckj lost his license to practice IRC medicine16:27
shannonkanzure, do you have a favorite subject or area of science, as an autodidacct?16:28
cluckjtechnically it was stolen by my TWIN BROTHER who came back from the dead after falling down an elevator shaft16:28
kanzureshannon: no16:28
fennneuroscience, obviously16:28
fennalso he likes pokemon16:29
shannon(i like to know a little about a lot of things but it took me a lot of reading to figure out what Tnrp1 is)16:29
kanzurejust some dna-binding protein16:29
shannoni was guessing some kind of biological science of course, life science, medicine16:29
shannonbut it was cool because i had to read a bunch of stuff to be able to understand the stuff you were posting16:29
shannonso i went on a little adventure16:29
kanzurethis is a very boring story16:29
shannonim sorry i was kind of a cunt to you this morning16:29
shannonactually, wait, im not16:30
shannonyou're kind of a dick16:30
fennlet us all take inspiration from this individual's heartwarming story of perseverance16:30
shannonif youre going to talk like a pretentious asshole, spell things correctly16:30
eudoxiathere are no typos in fenn's message16:31
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eudoxiabuddy did anyone ever tell you it's rude to nerd-snipe people into looking for typos in text?16:31
kanzureyou get points for looking stuff up but minus points for telling me this is unusual for you16:32
fenn"My kids do not eat sorbet! They eat sherbet! And they pronounce it ‘sherbert!’ And they wish it was ice cream!"16:32
shannonit's unusual for me to look up things related to biological science because my education, and interest in it, stopped at the very basic16:32
shannoni think we will probably agree to disagree until you get chanfix to fix your shit and then you ban me16:33
kanzureit's basically the only operational, programmable nanotechnology that we have at the moment16:33
fennTrnp1 is not even in wikipedia so probably nobody but this one lab has heard of it16:36
kanzureand it is unlikely to be the only mitosis-related progenitor modulator16:37
kanzurei'm sure there's all sorts of other random cytokines or myosins that are relevant :/16:37
fennso have we figured out whether folding is actually important or not?16:37
kanzurethat's presently ambiguous16:37
kanzurei think that people have been doing studies of average cortical surface areas versus cortical thickness16:38
kanzureinstead of taking the derivative of the curvature of the surface or something16:38
fenntodo: archive www.serendip.brynmawr.edu16:38
kanzurethese people say cortical surface area predicts general cognitive ability, rather than cortical thickness http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/The%20genetic%20association%20between%20neocortical%20volume%20and%20general%20cognitive%20ability%20is%20driven%20by%20global%20surface%20area%20rather%20than%20thickness.pdf16:39
kanzurenaturally, the majority of mri/fmri studies about general cognitive ability and neuroanatomy have been looking at cortical thickness instead16:39
fennis thickness talking about the neural stack thickness or the sulci overall?16:39
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fenni think surface area is not quite incorrect.. uh, it's the total number of connections that matters, and more minicolumns means more surface area, but some people have smaller minicolumns and thus more connections but a smaller surface area16:42
kanzuredownregulation of Trnp1 levels causes "radial expansion due to increased numbers of both IPs and oRGC in SVZ and folding of the lyssencephalic cortex." and "First, low levels of Trnp1 induce the generation of basal progenitors thereby increasing the total number of neurons. Second, radial glia with low levels of Trnp1 are also capable of generating outer radial glial cells lacking a ventricular apical process thereby leading to regional ...16:43
kanzure... expansion in another way resembling cortical folding of gyrencephalic brains."16:43
kanzurethere are some okay diagrams in that larger thesis (the one that did in utero electroporation to inject science in fetal cortices) for surface area, gyrification and curvature and stuff16:43
kanzurei agree that the actual definitions here seem a little suspicious16:43
fenn.tr :academese :upgoer16:44
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, that command (.tr) crashed.16:44
kanzuresurely the actual curvature of the cell bodies doesn't matter at all16:44
kanzureso then it's a question of packing16:44
kanzurebut then why is that not the same thing as thickness?16:44
fennthey aren't talking about cell body surface area16:44
fenncortical sheet surface area16:44
kanzuresure they are... the surface area is made up of something.16:44
fennbah you're stuck in some kind of "how long is the coast of england" problem16:45
kanzureno, they are16:45
fenn(i say it's not infinite)16:45
shannonid ask them to define coast16:46
fenn1623 cm^3 fits my interpretation16:46
kanzure"cortical thickness" is apparently intended to mean "number of neurons"16:46
fenncm^2 i mean16:46
kanzuretrnp1 paper/thesis has lots of useful diagrams http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Identification%20and%20functional%20analysis%20of%20Trnp1%20-%20a%20novel%20DNA%20associated%20protein%20with%20a%20key%20role%20in%20neurogenesis.pdf16:47
kanzuresay page 2116:47
kanzurefigure 1a16:48
kanzureooh figure 3 on page 2316:48
kanzure("Different modes of neurogenesis during cortical development")16:49
kanzurepage 32 figure 4 "Differences in neocortical development of the rodent and human brain"16:49
kanzurepage 46 figure 12 has some colorful microphotographs of trnp1 expression16:51
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kanzureah, page 69 and 70 figure 25 and 26 "Loss of Trnp1 induces folding of the murine developing neocortex"16:53
kanzurearrows seem to be pointing at the folding/gyrification16:53
kanzure"Note the folds that developed at the site of electroporation" yessss16:53
kanzurewell anyway, in those folds it certainly doesn't look like an increase in neurons to me16:54
kanzureah right, you can electroporate just one hemisphere and have the other one leftover as a sort of control16:56
fennthis paper is 200 pages long16:57
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kanzurehmm i can't find the diagram i was thinking of16:59
fennit's mostly pictures though so that's something17:00
kanzurewhat i am expecting is a diagram that shows how gyrification means more or less neurons, or the constraints on connectivity or something17:00
kanzurelike page 5 figure 3 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Control%20of%20cerebral%20size%20and%20thickness.pdf17:00
fenni think neuroscience in general would benefit from everyone putting their data in a common computer-parseable format17:02
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fennthat diagram just shows how stuffing a bunch of neurons in the same place makes a bulge17:03
* fenn squints17:04
fennyes it actually says "hell orange"17:04
fennhmyea this is a "burnt sienna" hmph harrumph17:05
cluckjehehehe neural bulge17:07
kanzure"stuffing a bunch of neurons" honestly the density seems similar to me17:07
fennyes that's why there's a bulge, there's more neurons being added but the density stays the same. they have to go somewhere so the whole thing bulges outwards17:09
fennthe other possibility is that the radial glial cells are just growing longer17:10
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fennthats what 'downregulation of Trnp1 levels causes "radial expansion due to increased numbers of both IPs and oRGC in SVZ"' means17:12
kanzurethen what is "cortical thickness"17:13
fennit's ambiguous17:13
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fennyep this is a pretty stupid proble17:17
kanzure" Panizzon et al. (2009) reported that surface area and cortical thickness are genetically uncorrelated"17:18
kanzurehere is someone's attempt at explaining cortical thickness http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2891595/bin/nihms166013f1.jpg17:19
kanzurefrom http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2891595/17:19
kanzure"Geometrical relationship between cortical thickness, surface area and grey matter volume. In the surface-based representation, the grey matter volume is a quadratic function of distances in the surfaces and a linear function of the thickness. In the volume-based representation, only the volumes can be measured directly and require partial volume-effects (not depicted) to be considered."17:19
fennhttp://www.brainvoyager.com/bvqx/doc/UsersGuide/CorticalThicknessAnalysis/MeasuringCorticalThicknessInVolumeSpace.html  looks like the blue highlighted areas are the cortical plate itself, so the thickness would be measuring the plate only, not the sulci17:19
kanzurewhy is "grey matter volume" represented by a point17:19
fennthat is a terrible diagram kanzure17:20
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kanzure.wik polymicrogyria17:23
yoleaux"Polymicrogyria (PMG) is a developmental malformation of the human brain characterized by an excessive number of small convolutions (gyri) on the surface of the brain. Either the whole surface (generalized) or parts of the surface (focal) can be affected." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymicrogyria17:23
fenntoo many convolutions makes jack a dull boy17:24
fennor it might just be associated with cytomegalovirus damage17:26
kanzurehow is this a disease17:27
fennit's not a disease, it's a very vague description17:28
fenn"The diagnosis of PMG is merely descriptive and is not a disease in itself, nor does it describe the underlying etiology or cause of the brain malformation."17:28
kanzureyes but seizures for some reason?17:29
kanzurei guess people with seizures get scans and sometimes they have more folding17:29
kanzureso you have to write that down17:29
kanzurewhereas non-seizing meatbags don't get their brains scanned as often17:29
fennscan all the brains!17:30
fenngotta scan em all17:30
fenni think seizures are from improper inhibition, so maybe the seizures are caused by an excitatory cell type outnumbering the inhibitory cell types17:32
kanzureoh, "multiple small gyri" instead of large gyri?17:33
fennright, but that seems to be a secondary effect of a thickened cortex (pachygyria)17:34
kanzurepachygyria is "unusually thick gyri"  http://www.candicelange.com/LIS%20grading%20pic.jpg17:34
fennthis is just words being dumb again17:35
fennin this image the cortex is unusually thick and there are more sulci/gyri than usual http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Polymicrogyria_arrows.JPG17:36
fennoh i used the word pachygyria wrong17:38
fenn"PMG _may_resemble_pachygyria (a few "thick folds" - a mild form of lissencephaly)."17:38
kanzurethis is all stupid17:40
kanzureso which one has more neurons here http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/content/9/2/151/F1.expansion17:41
fenni'd guess C17:42
fennyou need to have the correct proportions of neurons too, or you'll have seizures17:43
kanzure"While the folding pattern in normal human brains is quite consistent and related to the way information is stored and organized, the gyrations don’t appear until about the sixth month of gestation. Prior to that time, the human fetal brain, like the brain of a developing mouse, is fairly smooth. Further development of the human brain involves an increase in the number of neurons and a subsequent increase in the structural cells and ...17:45
kanzure... folding."17:45
kanzure"By examining existing pathology samples of human fetal neural tissue from 8–9-week and 17–18-week gestation, Götz’s team has now found that Trnp1 levels are already lower in the regions where folds are normally destined to form and high in other areas. Thus, many weeks before human fetal brains fold, coauthor Victor Borrell explains, the “instruction for something to occur” is already present laying the roadmap of the ...17:45
kanzure... baby’s brain."17:46
kanzureoh wait, that might be ideologically motivated to be misinterpreting their results17:48
fennit's consistent with their hypothesis17:48
kanzureyes but it's reported on a religious website that goes on to make spurious claims17:49
fennis there a monkey version of this gene? seems inconvenient to get human fetal brain samples17:49
kanzurethere is a mouse version of this gene17:49
fennbut mice dont have sulci/gyri17:50
fennmaybe ferrets17:50
kanzuremice have gyri when you downregulate tnrp117:50
fennO RLY17:50
fennwhy did they do in-vivo electroporation instead of germline engineering?17:51
fenngah too many papers17:51
fenn"identification and functional analysis of Trnp1"17:52
ebowdenWhat was that experiment where they gave mice human-like cerebral cortexes?17:52
kanzurewhen they say "murine brain" they really mean "mouse brain"17:52
kanzureebowden: trnp1 and beta-catenin experiments17:52
ebowdenAh, yes.17:52
fennfigure 25: loss of Trnp1 induces folding of the murine developing neocortex17:52
ebowdenKanzure, did they find any effect on some areas of the animals' cognition?17:53
fennlooks like they just chopped em up17:53
fennmouse stew17:53
kanzurei believe that in the beta-catenin experiments they did not allow the mice to live17:54
ebowdenI'd like to see what Trnp1 loss might do to their behaviour and cognition.17:54
kanzuresee http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Increased%20neuronal%20production,%20enlarged%20forebrains%20and%20cytoarchitectural%20distortions%20in%20beta-catenin%20overexpressing%20transgenic%20mice.pdf17:55
kanzureand http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Regulation%20of%20cerebral%20cortical%20size%20by%20control%20of%20cell%20cycle%20exit%20in%20neural%20precursors.pdf17:55
ebowdenHOLY SHIT this has a lot of citations. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2861485/17:55
kanzure"Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent" has like 200,000 references17:58
kanzureer, citations17:58
ebowdenOh, it was 1487 citations.18:00
kanzurefenn: they probably didn't want to edit genomes?18:02
fenn"identification and functional analysis of Trnp1" figure 38 (p. 97) "High levels of Trnp1 enlarge the pool of stem cells leading to tangential expansion. ... Low levels of Trnp1 lead to the generation of basal progenitor cells that subsequently amplify the neuronal output. ... Low levels of Trnp1 also provoke the generation of outer radial glia ... leading to radial expansion of the cortex and18:02
fennultimately result in folding"  so it's both mechanisms at the same time, more cells taking up room and radial expansion. also mice with knockout Trnp1 would mess up the neural stem cell generation process in areas that are not folded18:02
kanzureoh, your reason is better18:02
fennelectroporation is site specific i guess18:03
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fennthere must be a regulatory process that confines Trnp1 to certain locations, like turing patterns (as usual)18:03
fennis it time to write a wikipedia article18:04
kanzureno, because wikipedia hates primary sources18:04
kanzureand "not notable"18:04
fennwhat if i copy it to my blog first18:04
fennthis seems pretty important to neuroscience18:05
ebowdenMaybe you could publish a paper on it.18:05
kanzurei don't know, man18:06
kanzurei guess the primary problem is that you would have to actually have a blog for that18:06
fennthere's already a paper on it18:06
kanzurehow about pasting some text into diyhpluswiki18:06
fennhow about pasting some text into wikipedia18:06
kanzurei think that's against their rules18:07
fennmaybe i can convince the author to donate figure 3818:07
kanzureer i think one of these articles was released under a creative commons license18:07
kanzureor the other one he coauthored18:08
fennwho owns the copyright of a thesis?18:09
kanzuremight be the university, sometimes the student, usually it's listed on the document somewhere?18:11
fenn"This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited." http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959438814000427?np=y18:11
fennfig. 3 is not as good but it'll do18:12
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fennheh "current opinion in neurobiology" very scientific18:13
kanzurewhat do you think "tetrahedron letters" is? hehe18:15
fennugh making a new article is a lot of work now18:26
fennrawr i have to use a real browser apparently18:30
* fenn cringes in anticipation of swap hell18:30
fennmy progress so far https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Fennfoot/sandbox19:01
fennthis picture and caption sucks, i'd much rather use the one by ronny stahl19:02
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kanzurehehe here's some new spam: "Dear Bryan, I hope you got our email for gestational surrogacy with self eggs in India with us."21:44
kanzure"If you have any questions and queries please do write back to us. We will be glad to answer each and every, small or big questions you might have"21:44
kanzuresigned "Paul" but the "From" is "Rita Bakshi" haha21:44
kanzureand "Seema Bajaj"21:45
kanzurevery strange21:45
kanzureand his link goes to an "Account suspended" page :) https://drritabakshi.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi21:45
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kanzurewell, i might as well send questions back i guess21:49
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fenncareful you might get an unwanted kid in the mail22:10
kanzurei don't think that's how it works22:27
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delinquentmekanzure, they're starting the island in the middle east?23:17
delinquentmeI thought korea would be the place for that23:17
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