
--- Log opened Sun Feb 22 00:00:01 2015
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archelsfenn: neat, reminds me of the optimal power transfer theorem in electronics, which is when the external load is exactly equal to the internal load of the power source01:58
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kanzurebeep bloop04:41
justanotheruserthis is pretty neato http://www.getmagicnow.com/04:58
kanzure"yes i would like one hundred liters of human blood. please hurry."04:59
justanotheruserWell it has to be legal04:59
kanzureblood is legal05:00
justanotheruser(I don't know if that is)05:00
justanotheruserIs it legal for you to own without a some special government approval stamp?05:00
justanotheruserlol, that sounds dumb05:00
justanotheruseris it legal for you to buy I mean05:01
kanzuremany laws are dumb05:01
justanotheruserI mean it sounds dumb because you already own blood05:01
justanotheruserI guess it fills a research purpose05:01
justanotheruserI wonder if they can get you mice05:01
kanzurethey could probably figure out snake food mice, but not lab mice05:02
justanotheruserhackernews gets a bit tiring. It's usually a bad bitcoin related idea, a startup, why you're doing X wrong, check out this new language feature, <rust thing here>05:08
JayDuggerLet's see if they can deliver bullets.05:15
JayDuggerOr even better, liquor.05:16
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kanzure"Currently, it is estimated that about 10% of all transplants occur illegally, with the Internet acting as a facilitator.[72] For 2006, it was estimated that at least 4000 prisoners were executed to supply approximately 8000 kidneys and 3000 livers for foreign buyers.[72] In 2007, 2500 kidney transplants were bought in Pakistan, with foreign recipients making up two-thirds of the purchases.[37] As of 2007, the Voluntary Health ...07:17
kanzure... Association of India estimates that approximately 2000 Indians sell a kidney every year. And in Canada and the United Kingdom, experts estimate that about 30 to 50 patients illegally purchased organs abroad.[39]"07:17
kanzure"skin ($10 per square inch)"07:17
kanzurehmm "While there is a high demand, and correspondingly a very high price, for vital organs such as hearts or lungs, transplant tourism and organ trafficking of these parts is very rare due to the sophisticated nature and the state-of-the-art facilities required for such transplants.[75]"07:18
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kanzure"The solution is obvious though. All humans should live within the same nanometer cube." - #bitcoin-dev08:49
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kanzure_TK_: hi09:18
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_TK_kanzure, hello :)09:57
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heath.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaQEQ8Tiu_010:16
yoleauxNanocrafter - YouTube10:16
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heathidea: http://www.dezeen.com/2015/02/10/paul-gong-human-hyena-synthetic-biology-rotten-food/10:18
FourFirekanzure, lol10:19
kanzuregenius bitcoin strategy http://imgur.com/AIjxOWq10:20
heathgoogle alerts isn't as useful as i thought it was10:27
heathit only monitors news sites10:27
heathtime to make a better version of it i guess10:27
heath.title http://www.nature.com/srep/2015/150130/srep08132/full/srep08132.html10:32
yoleauxSynechococcus elongatus UTEX 2973, a fast growing cyanobacterial chassis for biosynthesis using light and CO2 : Scientific Reports : Nature Publishing Group10:32
heathfrom a group at ut austin10:32
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maakuanyone in this group in berkeley or oakland? i'm going to be up there this afternoon10:57
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kanzuremaaku: prolly fenn11:04
maakui just sent him a PM11:04
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kanzureother things to do with selective breeding programs: easier in vitro fertilization11:44
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kanzurei have decided that these people are bad biologists http://intelligence.org/files/EmbryoSelection.pdf12:14
kanzureyou don't need to select multiple embryos if you can just inject pre-methylated genomic dna12:15
kanzureand why would you want to extract sperm anyway... just use dna editing.12:15
kanzurethis is infuriating. i never knew this paper was so awful.12:16
kanzureoh this is the 2014 version12:16
kanzurefenn: you should tell carl shulman he is an idiot and he needs to fix this12:17
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kanzureandytoshi: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/Bioelectric%20discharges%20of%20isolated%20cat%20brain%20after%20revival%20from%20years%20of%20frozen%20storage.pdf12:57
andytoshithx kanzure12:58
kanzurewait a sec.. chaimov is in portland?12:58
kanzurejrayhawk: you should consider finding chaimov. he used to be in here.12:58
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jrayhawkbut i don't even like cryogenics13:57
jrayhawki guess cellular physiology is generally interesting regardless13:58
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kanzurewell i knew him for other reasons14:09
kanzurejrayhawk: apparently i was stalking him for quite a while, although i have to admit i have no idea why... http://heybryan.org/shots/2008-01-02-shareyouropml.png14:11
kanzurealso i notice that number 6 is jason bobe, heh14:11
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justanotheruserand then theres #21, your brother14:13
jrayhawkugh, eugene14:13
kanzurejustanotheruser: my brother is much more boring14:13
kanzurejrayhawk: oh, nevermind then14:14
kanzurejrayhawk: if anything i need nmz787 to meet genehacker in eugene, not you14:15
kanzureand not chaimov14:15
jrayhawkyou could get genehacker and chaimov to meet, at least14:15
justanotheruserwait, your brother is genehacker?14:15
kanzureunfortunately not14:15
kanzurei disowned my brother after he thought i would prefer physical photocopies of a document over email14:16
kanzure*instead of email14:16
justanotheruserIs your brother 60?14:16
kanzurehe's a few years younger than me14:17
justanotheruserI don't know anyone in my age range that uses mail when they don't have to14:18
kanzure"If division of labor didn't work, then the whole basis of trade is wrong. You might as well do everything yourself."14:22
fennyour real fake brother is amish14:24
fennadopt an amish hacker today!14:24
kanzurethat's too confusing14:24
fennokay, your real brother is fake amish, is that better?14:25
jrayhawktrade would also have a basis on available resources independent of division of labor14:25
kanzurejrayhawk: hm interesting14:25
kanzurefenn: i still don't get it14:26
jrayhawksounds like a brain problem. maybe you should eat more paleo eggs???14:26
fenndidn't andrew start a pig farm and then decide he wasn't really into being a farmer?14:26
fennor was it dinosaurs14:26
jrayhawkpretty sure it was dinosaurs14:26
fennraptor ranching14:26
fennthe oldest profession in the world14:27
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jrayhawkthe term "raptor" got co-opted; you'll have to choose some other theropod14:29
kanzurefenn: maaku was searching for you14:29
fennis it slang for a ruby programmor now?14:29
fenn"calling all tech raptors for disruptive herding"14:30
kanzurefenn: also, you should fix carl's understanding of embryos and genetics... http://intelligence.org/files/EmbryoSelection.pdf14:30
fennam looking at that paper, and maaku has phone-fail14:30
kanzurefenn: if you need me to help with that i'd be happy to, but i'm 100% sure you know enough to knock some sense into him about this topic. (like, forego the embryos and save time)14:30
kanzuresteve used to talk about embryo selection, but i would be very surprised if this is what he had in mind. considering how he knows biology things.14:31
fennwhat is your beef with the paper exactly?14:32
kanzureinstead of growing embryos you can just do genome editing and methylation upfront, and then insert into a cell/embryo/whatever14:32
kanzurethere's no reason for this embryo selection stuff14:32
kanzureand the differentiation into gametes is a little messed up-- seems totally unnecessary.14:33
fennalso i don't get hwo you're supposed to IQ test a bump of cells14:33
kanzurethe only reason i could see why you would want to use an actual embryo/fetus is if you are testing its neurons with some sort of probe, which i don't see proposed here at all14:33
kanzureand even if they did propose it, they would have to make some handwavery up about functional correlates of cognitive ability in utero or something.. which afaik has not been studied.14:34
fennusually people who have children do it as a family, that means more than one parent14:34
kanzureso why not just skip all this embryo stuff and just use one embryo once you want to test some genes, instead of selecting from multiple embryos14:34
* fenn looks around for more obvious facts14:34
kanzure*selecting from a set of multiple embryos14:35
fennhuman cloning is illegal and there's no political will for it14:35
fennhuman genetic engineering too14:35
fennum, what else14:35
fennunknown unknowns14:35
kanzurehuman cloning is apparently not illegal in all states14:36
kanzureand also, twins exist14:36
fennthe cognitive impact of cloning protocols is unknown14:37
kanzureyou don't have to use "cloning protocols" (i assume you mean somatic cell nuclear transfer)14:37
fennuh, what then? crispr?14:38
fenner, nevermind14:39
fennim confused why you dont like gamets14:39
kanzurei don't like the idea of usin embryos instead of up-front genome editing14:39
fennhow do you get to a baby without going through an embryo stage?14:40
kanzureyou don't need to go through the embryo stage for every conceivable heritable trait >:(14:40
fennyou don't?14:40
kanzurein the absence of knowledge about dna i think it would be safe to say embryo selection is totally necessary14:41
fennunless you're aware of some extraordinarily high efficiency transformation vector, i think heritable traits have to go through the germ line at some point14:41
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fennthere's no "apt-get install gene" for the human body14:42
kanzurei wasn't claiming there was14:42
kanzurealso, one argument i would accept from you is something about methylation, which you have not argued....14:43
kanzure(but i think most polymerases copy methylation correctly anyway, so meh?)14:43
fennyes methylation is a problem, but you seem to be aware o that14:43
fennpolymerases do not copy methylation14:43
kanzurewhat about methyltransferase, is that a thing14:43
fennthat adds methyl groups14:44
kanzure.wik methyltransferase14:44
yoleaux"Methyltransferases are a large group of enzymes that all methylate their substrates but can be split into several subclasses based on their structural features. The most common class of methyltransferases is class I, all of which contain a Rossman fold for binding S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM)." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methyltransferase14:44
fennit transfers it from folate or whatever to dna or whatever14:44
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kanzurei've never looked at the mechanism of transferring epigenetic state14:46
fennthe blastocyst dna is made from half the mother's dna and half the father's dna, both of which are methylated14:47
fennthe rest is ... "methylation factors" apparently14:48
kanzurei mean enzymatically14:48
jrayhawkthere's also the cytosine oxygenases for 5hmC, 5fC and 5caC14:48
fennyeah ask jrayhawk he knows way more about this than any of us14:49
kanzureassuming that i absolutely had to have physically instantiated gametes, embryos and everything for all of this, i would also worry about selecting embryos that don't actually produce a viable human, but might specialize in whatever genomic changes you were looking for14:51
jrayhawki have no idea how initial methylation state happens; from what i understand there's nothing during meiosis to record it, but it's possible to severely disrupt a bunch of seemingly one-time epigenetic state-writing processes during the gamete formation phase14:52
kanzuresafely disrupt?14:52
jrayhawkwhich is where all the "crazy" grandparent epigenetic disease papers come from ("crazy" just being an artifact of how badly lifecycles are taught in biology)14:53
fennbecause lifecycle begins with meiosis?14:53
jrayhawkthat gamete cells are formed in utero, so we have two generations of lifecycle overlap14:54
* fenn mumbles something about the flynn effect14:56
jrayhawks/nothing during meiosis to record it/nothing during meiosis to record half of it/14:59
fennit's probably symmetrical anyway15:00
jrayhawkwhat do you mean "symmetrical"?15:00
kanzurewhat's the point of doing selection on embryos though. can't you mutate methylated dna anyway?15:00
fennthe same methylation patterns on both strands of diploid dna15:00
jrayhawkboth? they're torn apart and reconstructed; the epigenetics are only attached to cysteine.15:01
jrayhawkthat thing15:01
fennwhat's torn apart?15:01
fenndna recombination just swaps huge long sequences around15:01
kanzurei believe he means dna15:02
jrayhawkah, yeah, okay, nevermind15:02
kanzureno i meant fenn15:02
kanzureor i mean, i meant you15:03
fenncytosine is the C in GATTACA15:03
fenn(why is there no standard ordering for base pairs)15:03
kanzureATGC is fairly standard15:04
kanzurethat should be your web hosting company15:04
fennGCAT Labs the most hipster DNA hosting company in the world15:04
jrayhawkman, 'phragmoplast' is a good word15:05
fennthe logo is an alleycat snorting DNA off a wafer15:06
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fennlike this but with more attitude https://abagond.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/flav.jpg15:09
kanzureperhaps it would be prudent to acquire somewhat more recent cultural references15:10
kanzurelike ipadchainz15:10
fennblockchainz the chainz that setz you free15:12
kanzure"i might be wearing a blockchain, but it's still made out of gold"15:12
kanzurewait, weren't we talking about methylation15:15
jrayhawkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trithorax-group_proteins christ, this gets complicated15:18
kanzurearen't there also supposed to be mRNA fragments that modify gene expression as well15:21
jrayhawkunrelated: http://pubs.acs.org/stoken/presspac/presspac/full/10.1021/am507990m15:27
yoleauxAn Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie15:27
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kanzurewell, an in vitro fertilization chip is doable if that's necessary17:08
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nmz787i've been thinking of how to do that lately17:37
nmz787extracting eggs can lead to complications though, not something i'd really like to subject my mate-of-choice to... which seems like it would lead to less-than-optimal eggs in a personal case, for me at least17:38
Viper168so, you'd have scrambled eggs?17:40
kanzurewhy are you still here, Viper16817:40
Viper168I love you17:41
kanzureany other reasons?17:41
Viper168because obviously the topic interests me17:41
kanzureyes but your messages are always low quality and awful. so why would you be in here?17:41
Viper168only if you take them seriously17:42
kanzurescrambled eggs is not particularly funny or clever17:42
kanzureif you want to eat human eggs, just say so17:42
nmz787it seems some in-vivo mechanism would be the only way... pass the sperm through some pre-treatment, then whichever of the selected makes it, initiates a self-check program17:58
cluckjSPERM RACES18:18
cluckjoh I see what you did there18:19
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nmz787$59 quad-core intel CPU talbet with IPS (win 8.1 only it seems) http://www.microcenter.com/product/439773/TW700_Tablet_-_Black19:36
nmz787with USB 2.0 full-size port and micro HDMI19:37
nmz787and micro USB for charging19:37
nmz787.title http://www.adaptagrams.org/19:55
yoleauxAdaptagrams: Tools for Adaptive Diagrams19:55
-!- jackybgood [~jackybgoo@] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:17
fennamateur structured light 3d scanning is getting pretty high quality results with just regular cameras and projectors http://forum.david-3d.com/download/file.php?id=4730&mode=view21:19
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:20
nmz787it really upsets me that the 3d camera in my HTC M8 doesn't have a 3D scanning app... but you know, it has a useless focus-after-you-shoot picture editor thing21:59
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fennsounds like a light field camera, not a "3d camera" whatever taht is23:04
fenndepth of field sensor and 2 cameras23:06
fennoh one of the cameras is the depth of field sensor23:06
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