
--- Log opened Mon Mar 02 00:00:09 2015
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archelshm so they just drop the DNA strands into the cytosol with that lance?01:16
archelswas wondering earlier how they'd locate and target the nucleus01:16
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fennhttp://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=INTERNETARCHIVE.BAK  http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Talk:INTERNETARCHIVE.BAK02:21
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fenn200GB glued to your fingernail04:28
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kanzurei think the grinders are anti-glue06:45
archels"200 GB implanted under your fingernail"06:49
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=913095406:50
yoleauxCoding is not the new literacy | Hacker News06:50
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=913036406:50
yoleauxChip Makers Will Merge in Deal Worth $11.8B | Hacker News06:50
kanzuredigital signal processing thingy http://jackschaedler.github.io/circles-sines-signals/06:51
kanzure"don't use a todo list, use a stop doing list" blah06:54
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAIQeTeMJ-I08:16
yoleauxGlass brain flythrough - Gazzaleylab / SCCN / Neuroscapelab - YouTube08:16
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archels.title http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/982/chp%253A10.1007%252F978-3-642-39802-5_59.pdf?auth66=1425323914_54127466242b2565c3200bc4af714250&ext=.pdf11:20
archels"The AI Singularity and Runaway Human Intelligence"11:20
archelsTony Prescott doesn't just do cool science with robots, he also knows where it's at11:22
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kanzure"This variant reduced the ability of BHLHE41 to suppress CLOCK/BMAL1 and NPAS2/BMAL1 transactivation in vitro."14:06
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fenndon't don't use a todo list, use a don't todo lust16:08
kanzure"stare at todo lust for 4 to 5 hours per day for best effect"16:09
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nmz787these animals need representation in the forward-evolution-thinking community...  I proposed we change the name of this room to Xplusroadmap.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtoTm62rx3Y19:49
yoleauxScuba Cat and Scuba Dog - YouTube19:49
nmz787"just because they cannot speak, doesn't mean they shouldn't be heard"20:00
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nmz787.tell chris_99 I think I may have been talking to you about this type of thing for some reason... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flicker_noise   via    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lock-in_amplifier21:12
yoleauxnmz787: I'll pass your message to chris_99.21:12
nmz787.tell chris_99 ah, yeah I mentioned it on 2-27 incorrectly referencing it as 'johnson noise' re: pH electrode sensing methods.... but it should be 'pink noise' (1/freq sampled at noise... so lower freq more noise)21:15
yoleauxnmz787: I'll pass your message to chris_99.21:15
nmz787"The relatively small number of atomic absorption lines (compared to atomic emission lines) and their narrow width (a few pm) make spectral overlap rare; there are only very few examples known that an absorption line from one element will overlap with another."21:30
nmz787.wik atomic absorption spectroscopy21:30
yoleaux"Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is a spectroanalytical procedure for the quantitative determination of chemical elements using the absorption of optical radiation (light) by free atoms in the gaseous state." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_absorption_spectroscopy21:30
kanzureso i have a dumb idea...21:33
kanzurethere should be a way to use fog as a giant distributed bioreactor21:33
nmz787isn't that from some movie?21:34
nmz787i mean, case in point21:34
nmz787gravity would still happen21:34
kanzure"Shadows are cast through fog in three dimensions. The fog is dense enough to be illuminated by light that passes through gaps in a structure or tree, but thin enough to let a large quantity of that light pass through to illuminate points further on. As a result, object shadows appear as "beams" oriented in a direction parallel to the light source. These voluminous shadows are due to the same cause as crepuscular rays, which are the ...21:34
kanzure... shadows of clouds, but in this case, they are the shadows of solid objects."21:34
nmz787so you'd still get some settling or circulation patterns to think about21:34
kanzure"gravity would still happen"?21:34
gene_hackerso why don't you provide a continuous updraft to balance out gravity?21:37
nmz787there are those air organisms... genspace was trying to concentrate and grow/test them once21:37
gene_hackerclouds can float after all21:38
gene_hackerair organisms?21:38
nmz787gene_hacker: yeah just sayin you gotta think about that21:38
gene_hackerdoes stuff live in clouds?21:38
nmz787yeah like stuff that lives in the air/clouds, not just like pollen and spores21:38
gene_hackerisn't it typically too cold?21:38
nmz787seems not, there are glacier worms21:38
nmz787(they do not live in clouds)21:39
nmz787(they live in glaciers)21:39
gene_hackerso why a fog bioreactor?21:40
nmz787seems like it could have advantages21:40
nmz787would that be aeroponics?21:41
nmz787or betweern aeroponics and hydroponics?21:41
nmz787.wik aeroponics21:41
yoleaux"Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil or an aggregate medium (known as geoponics). The word "aeroponic" is derived from the Greek meanings of aero- (air) and ponos (labour)." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroponics21:41
nmz787yeah, so whatever the advantages of that are21:41
nmz787but for other aerobics21:41
nmz787as long as the media droplets mixed enough21:42
nmz787which means reatomization often or something21:42
nmz787and then, how do the organisms handle reatomization?21:43
kanzurefog bioreactor has advantage of extremely large scale21:49
kanzure"Fog is composed of tiny water drops, each one with a diameter of about one-one thousandth (0.001) of an inch. They are small and fairly uniform in size. You also would find about one of these drops in each cubic inch of fog. If you do the math, that is about 56,000 gallons of water in one cubic mile of fog."21:50
kanzure0.001 inch = 25.4 microns21:51
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gene_hackerwouldn't that be inefficient?21:53
kanzurethat's 10^16 droplets21:53
gene_hacker56,000 gallons is less than the cargo capacity of a boeing 74721:54
kanzurean olympic swimming pool is 660k gallons21:55
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kanzurewell that was only one cubic mile of fog of course21:55
gene_hackermaking one cubic mile of fog and keeping it that way is probably very expensive21:56
kanzureperhaps... but can also happen higher in the atmosphere, at night.21:56
gene_hackerwhat is the advantage of this?21:57
gene_hackerand how do you get what you are growing to stay in the fog?21:57
kanzureand combinatorics21:57
gene_hackerwhy not just use a big pool? with air bubbling through it?21:58
gene_hackeror build a fluidized bed with foam beads with fluid in them if you really need a lot of gas exchange21:59
kanzurenamib desert "Coastal regions can experience more than 180 days of thick fog a year"22:00
gene_hackerso how do you get what you are growing into the fog?22:01
kanzurewhat's the size of the earth's atmosphere in cubic miles22:02
kanzure"3.947 billion cubic miles"22:02
kanzureyeah i dunno the details yet22:03
kanzureat minimum it may be a cheap way to store droplets22:07
nmz787i would worry the cells would quickly run out of nutrients or salts or something22:08
kanzurein 25.3 cubmic microns?22:08
kanzureyou could also use this for non-biology reasons, like chemistry and liquid crystal spatial modulation things if you were clever enough22:10
gene_hackerthere's this:22:14
nmz787well isn't a decent eukaryotic/human cell like 10-30 microns?22:15
nmz787doesn't seem like you have trackability or non monte-carlo addressability22:16
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maakukanzure: where does the atmosphere stop?23:16
maakue.g. the earth's hydrogen atmosphere extends to infinity23:17
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justanotheruserIs the atmosphere not defined as being a place where there is a certain density of matter?23:56
--- Log closed Tue Mar 03 00:00:10 2015

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