
--- Log opened Mon Mar 09 00:00:16 2015
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kanzureeudoxia: tell me things06:56
eudoxiakanzure: no u06:57
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eudoxiakanzure: so before you thought maybe ulbritch was not guilty because of that lawsuit his friend filed against you07:08
eudoxiahow have your views on that changed07:08
kanzureare you sure that's what i thought?07:10
eudoxia10:37 <@kanzure> i think it's false because if DPR hired hitmen then i would be dead07:12
kanzureperhaps they are not murderous monsters07:13
eudoxiahm, the murder charge was dropped07:15
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kanzureeudoxia: there were bitcoin transcripts from a conference yesterday07:23
eudoxiahm i think i saw something about that in the logs07:23
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yoleauxTurning USB peripherals into BadUSB | Security Research Labs07:55
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yoleaux[unSYSTEM] introducing a new Distributed App: ΛLΞXΛNDRIΛ08:53
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delinquentmeso is there some reason that on the same machine I need to enable CORS to run API POSTs??09:18
chris_99this is amazing http://googleprojectzero.blogspot.de/2015/03/exploiting-dram-rowhammer-bug-to-gain.html09:18
kanzuredelinquentme: well are you requesting from a different origin?09:21
delinquentmekanzure, no I don't think so im making an API call from within the console of chrome09:23
delinquentmeis that a different origin?09:23
kanzureand what is the destination host09:26
kanzurei mean the hostname09:27
heathdelinquentme: are you using the same port as the page is served on?09:27
delinquentmeI am. 500009:28
heathshouldn't need it then09:28
delinquentmebecause this: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"project":"MCE"}' -X POST http://localhost:5000/runmodel09:31
delinquentmework as expected09:31
delinquentmePOST http://localhost:5000/runmodel09:32
delinquentmegraph_proto.html:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:5000/runmodel. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 400.09:32
delinquentmeheath, TIL you're a web kid !09:34
kanzuredelinquentme: he will be in sf in a few days09:36
delinquentmeheath, !!!!?09:36
delinquentmeCOME GET HUGZ!09:36
delinquentmei luh yew!09:36
delinquentmekanzure, went out on a date w a russian "scientist" from okc last night09:36
delinquentmewanted to STAB MY EYES out. jesus was frustrating09:37
delinquentmei kept talking engineering and it was basically her spouting platitudes of " let the data speak "09:37
delinquentme" theres so much data "09:37
delinquentmei died a little inside09:37
delinquentmeChrome does not support localhost for CORS requests (an open bug since 2010).09:39
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=232c0f10 Bryan Bishop: fix joshua lim >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/mit-bitcoin-expo-2015/bitcoin-financing-and-trading/09:42
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delinquentme It seems that default flask-restful has class methods pertaining to the verbs ( POST, GET,... )  but then some of these frameworks are thrown on top ... and the happen to break the pattern of defining the verbs as resource class methods, and instead define it as a method to something else .... @app.route("/", methods=['GET'])09:59
delinquentmeIDK just some curious behavior09:59
kanzureyou should prefer flask-restless10:02
delinquentmekanzure, how does it work that all of these near substitute codebases ... all have a similar HTML / design layout10:05
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delinquentmeYAY I LEARNIN FLASK.10:18
nmz787_idelinquentme: here's some crossdomain flask thing that ended up working for something i was doing https://gist.github.com/nmz787/5652391#file-server-py-L1310:22
delinquentmenmz787_i, i saw the post about intel !10:22
chris_99nmz787_i, did you ever get that teeny tiny laser engraver?10:22
delinquentmeand nmz787_i yea that looks *exactly* like what I want.10:23
delinquentme<3 u guys.10:23
* delinquentme biggest fucking hammer ever10:23
* heath was afk10:26
* heath reads delinquentme's log10:26
delinquentmewelcome back ./hug10:27
delinquentmeyeah dude Im your nutjob typical sf engineer10:27
delinquentme2 weeks ago I was checking the onboarding process for homeless shelters10:27
delinquentmenow I'm making more money than I've ever made10:27
* delinquentme dhrug10:27
heath09:39 < delinquentme> Chrome does not support localhost for CORS requests (an open bug since 2010).10:28
heathah, i knew there was a reason i never bothered doing anything but CORS10:28
delinquentmefirefox the same10:29
delinquentmeI mad a rather inflammatory post in #firefox10:29
delinquentme<delinquentme> $.post( "http://localhost:5000/runmodel", function( data ) { console.log( data ); }); Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:5000/runmodel. This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS.10:29
delinquentme<delinquentme> TIL localhost is not same-domain10:29
delinquentmeheath, no have10:29
delinquentmeheath, where the fuz is my hug back ?10:29
heathi'm now curious if there is a single browser that follows the CORS spec :P10:30
heathsee PM in the future10:30
heathi keep PDA private10:30
heathnmz787_i: are you in sf as well?10:31
delinquentme... heath. that was funny10:32
delinquentme<heath> i keep PDA private10:32
delinquentmeheath, why are you visiting SF??10:33
heathstanford's bitcoin conference10:37
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delinquentmekanzure, y u no here for this??10:38
heathso much stuff to see, but i think i might just restrict myself to checking out biocuruious and noisebridge10:38
heathmight just stick with biocurious10:38
heathit would be nice to visit transcriptic for funzies as well10:40
delinquentmeheath, counter culture labs + berkeley bio labs10:41
delinquentmealso indie bio10:41
delinquentmetheres shitloads of accelerators10:41
delinquentmebut the places you want to be *arent* the accelerators10:41
delinquentmego to actual labs :D10:41
delinquentmelike where Im headed tomorrow10:41
heathdelinquentme: cool, maybe you can show me around :) i'll pay for the uber or whatever10:42
delinquentmeyou're not getting the SF experience unless you're licking handrails on the bart10:43
delinquentmeheath send me info about you or add me on fb10:43
delinquentmefirefox policy:10:47
delinquentmeIn Gecko 1.8 or earlier, any two file: URIs are considered to be same-origin.  In other words, any HTML file on your local disk can read any other file on your local disk.10:47
delinquentmeStarting in Gecko 1.9, files are allowed to read only certain other files.  Specifically, a file can read another file only if the parent directory of the originating file is an ancestor directory of the target file. Directories cannot be loaded this way, however.10:47
delinquentmeTLDR: Gecko 1.8 file to file was considered same-domain.... Gecko 1.9 CORS is required for anything in a different directory10:48
delinquentmethe only thing though is that application, if defining CORS within the flask application ... is using flasks internal server ( whatever it is ) as a production server10:51
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nmz787_ichris_99: no :(  :::(((((   (super sad)11:09
chris_99darn :(11:10
nmz787_idelinquentme: thanks! it is exciting, now that I'm not a contractor I get on-campus wifi!!!11:10
delinquentmenmz787_i, i want a tour11:10
nmz787_iheath: nah, next state up11:10
delinquentmealso I want to be your frond11:10
delinquentmebc thats bamf as fuck11:10
nmz787_ii don't think I can trade information for frondshiep11:12
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delinquentmenmz787_i, we're already fb fronds11:12
delinquentmetoo late .11:12
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nmz787_iwe might have to say you're my kid with a growth hormone problem.... then you can get insider info on the kids camp they have11:15
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nmz787_ihmm, ToF camera on a microscope ocular???11:27
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chris_99that could be interesting11:40
chris_99which reminds me i need ot decide if i'm gonna buy the intel one11:40
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nmz787_ii can't tell if they're selling standalone cameras yet11:45
nmz787_iit's in the Dell Venue 8 7000 tablet now11:46
nmz787_ihmm, i am not finding anything quickly online about tof microscopy11:46
nmz787_iwhat would the best sample  be to try???11:46
nmz787_ii guess it shouldn't matter if it's resin or water (i.e. if the slide was embedded/preserved)11:47
nmz787_imost papers are ToF mass spec stuff11:48
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delinquentmekanzure, nmz787_i heath  .... sockets necessary or not when were talking extended ( 25 min ) processing jobs ... where I *only* need to start the job ... and wait for the output ... no additional communication is needed11:49
delinquentmesockets seem overkill ...11:49
nmz787_iwell any comms will be over sockets11:50
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nmz787_iwhether you know about them or not is diff storuy11:50
nmz787_icould do callback to the job starter... but then you need to have a server or socket listener on that end11:50
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kanzuredelinquentme: use celery11:51
nmz787_ii think chrome generally hates on long AJAX requests... but if you worry about recovering after a broken/failed connection then AJAX prob wouldn't work11:51
nmz787_iyeah that sounds reasonable11:51
delinquentmekanzure, I thought celery would be running on the task-master node11:52
nmz787_isomething the job-starter could ping and ask "hey is that job done" or "hey when that job finishes, contact me at..."11:52
delinquentmeso you're saying that celery is handling the communication between processing node and the task master ... celery doesn't handle the instantiation of the machine though right?11:52
delinquentmethats integration w your infrastructure code11:52
delinquentmeright now I had imagined the infrastructure being a processing server running nginx and the computationally heavy models we're running11:55
delinquentmeand the user front-end server simply making API calls to that11:55
kanzurecelery does not do machine instantiation by default, but you could write a task that does so11:55
kanzurecelery handles task queues, including insertion into those queues11:56
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kanzureif you do not want to use celery for task insertion on your call side, you can use flower which has an http api for task creation11:56
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fenn.title http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/7212412:54
yoleauxLego 856 Bulldozer | Blend Swap12:54
kanzurefenn: that much lust can't be healthy12:57
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fennnmz787_i: time of flight microscopy doesn't make sense because the different parts of the image are femtoseconds? apart13:02
fennyou can do a 3d thing with "plenoptic" micro lens arrays13:04
fennhum i guess they are getting picosecond resolution already, so it may be feasible13:08
fenn.title http://web.media.mit.edu/~raskar/trillionfps/13:09
yoleauxVisualizing Light at Trillion FPS, Camera Culture, MIT Media Lab13:09
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nmz787_ifenn: so you're saying the time is too small, such that the camera likely will blur the photons into the same depth bin most likely?13:26
nmz787_iyeah but that trillion fps was with pulsed light13:26
nmz787_iseems like you'd need pulsed light plus something to slow the photons down13:26
nmz787_iso the slow camera could register13:26
nmz787_iwell, they're doing pulsed light plus phase shift of capture time13:27
archelsjust dropped in to this conversion, but was reading about time-of-flight analysis for PET earlier, and they can only get the uncertainty down to ~10 cm or so13:27
archelsfound that pretty disappointing13:27
fennlemme just whip out my time warp field generator...13:30
fennPET photons have unknown phase13:30
fennthe wavelength is too short to compare phase anyway13:30
archelschris_99: cute displays13:31
fennnmz787_i: maybe you could make something like a time prism out of a kerr cell... photons go in and come out at an angle that varies with time (over a few picoseconds)13:32
nmz787_iI'm going to give the real sense camera a try anyway, someone has one locally.... it looks like it might use some sort of frequency based encoding to get depth data, so the time of flight get's mixed into the frequency component of the image to be extracted later with processing... so who knows, maybe something cool will happen13:32
fenn.wik kerr cell13:33
yoleaux"The Kerr effect, also called the quadratic electro-optic effect (QEO effect), is a change in the refractive index of a material in response to an applied electric field." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerr_cell13:33
nmz787_iso LCD maybe13:33
nmz787_ior something13:33
chris_99archels, i've emailed a UK company that sells the chemicals in kits13:33
chris_99to make them13:33
nmz787_ithat would probably change the polarization13:33
fennthat's useless13:33
nmz787_i(for this application)13:34
fennisn't "real sense" just random dot projection?13:34
fenn.wik real sense camera13:34
yoleaux"" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SixthSense13:35
fenn.wik realsense camera13:35
yoleaux"Wikipedia:Featured picture candidates/Aldrin saluting American Flag" — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Featured_picture_candidates/Aldrin_saluting_American_Flag13:35
nmz787_iyeah either 'random' or some known pattern that is unique enough to use for encoding and decoding13:36
nmz787_i.wik structured light13:36
yoleaux"Structured light is the process of projecting a known pattern of pixels (often grids or horizontal bars) on to a scene. The way that these deform when striking surfaces allows vision systems to calculate the depth and surface information of the objects in the scene, as used in structured light 3D scanners." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structured_light13:36
nmz787_ithat doesn't do what I'm talking about justic13:36
fennok but "structured light" usually involves projecting an entire basis set, like discrete cosine13:37
fennrealsense just does a single fixed pseudorandom dot pattern13:37
fenngod i hate this new trend in websites to throw 50 layers of overlapping scrolling video13:37
fennand zero technical information13:38
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nmz787_i"• illuminate scene with highfrequency pattern"13:41
fennok i can't actually find any info on how the realsense works, but that's what i think13:41
fennhttp://image-sensors-world.blogspot.com/2015/01/intel-releases-more-details-on-its-f200.html  "the projector emits 16 different patterns."13:43
nmz787_ii think it's related to this http://groups.csail.mit.edu/graphics/CodedAperture/13:48
nmz787_i.wik coded aperture13:48
yoleaux"Coded Apertures or Coded-Aperture Masks are grids, gratings, or other patterns of materials opaque to various wavelengths of light. The wavelengths are usually high-energy radiation such as X-rays and gamma rays. By blocking and unblocking light in a known pattern, a coded "shadow" is cast upon a plane of detectors." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coded_aperture13:48
fennok i don't get this one, how does it work? "The system is able to detect and image over distances ranging from microns to kilometres dictated only by the lens. The sensor works passively and only needs ambient light." http://analog-eetimes.com/en/basf-develops-simple-3d-image-sensor.html?cmp_id=7&news_id=22290692013:48
fenn"The sensor is based on a "new physical effect" enabled by the use of specially developed dye-sensitized organic light sensitive chemicals. The effect is complex and described in patent WO 2012110924 A1."13:48
fennthis is a very long patent13:50
nmz787_ihuh, i wonder if that is related to realsense13:54
chris_99fenn, say it did use structured light, how would it decode it with a single sensor13:55
fennthe realsense camera does use structured light with a complete basis, it turns out14:00
fennoh great, just to complicate things further: "Just to clarify, F200 is a front side camera designed for close range user interface applications. The RealSense rear camera is called R200, designed for the longer range, and based on a different technology"14:00
chris_99yeah it looks like it is structured light https://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2015/01/26/can-your-webcam-do-this14:11
fennthis page was much more informative https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/53787214:13
fennand yes, my webcam works in the dark too14:13
nmz787_ihmm, so with a binocular scope you would have to opt-out of the color camera i guess14:14
chris_99so objects in the scene deform the pattern, and from the deformation, you get 3D with just a single camera?14:14
fennright, there is a small angle between the IR camera and the laser projector. the 3d info comes from the parallax of each "pixel" projected by the laser14:15
fennit's the same principle as an analog laser scanner, but it's done in parallel14:16
chris_99a ToF camera, would simply send a single diffused beam of IR right? and then each pixel, would be able to sense photons arriving at different times?14:16
fennToF detects phase; i'm not sure how the detector works for that14:17
fennit's modulated phase, not the actual phase of the photons14:17
fennbut yes, basically14:18
fenni don't get why they don't just sell the cameras14:18
chris_99which cameras?14:18
fennthe realsense F20014:18
chris_99you can buy it14:18
chris_99i was debating buying one14:19
fennmaybe they are still scaling up production14:19
fenn"Reservation guarantees users will receive priority to order their requested quantity of cameras when the cameras are built and ready for purchase. Plans are subject to change and Intel reserves the right to cancel camera distribution "14:19
chris_99yeah you pay a dollar to reserve14:20
fennalso this should have been available like 4 years ago14:20
chris_99i thought it was a ToF camera :'(14:20
fennthe first version "perceptual" camera was ToF but they changed it completely in the F20014:20
chris_99there is a real ToF camera thats $160 iirc14:21
fennlol "The Camera is intended solely for use by developers with the Intel® RealSense SDK for Windows solely for the purposes of developingapplications using Intel RealSense technology. The Camera may not be used for any other purpose, and may not be dismantled or in any way reverse engineered."14:21
fennyeah right14:21
fennhow does the ToF camera compare for 3d scanning performance?14:22
chris_99http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Gesture-Recognition-Personal-Computers/dp/B00EVWX7CG  http://www.softkinetic.com/Products/DepthSenseCameras14:23
chris_99not sure14:23
chris_99the res on that is lower than the structured light intel one14:24
chris_99i guess Creative fabs the chips for both Intel and Softkinetic then14:24
chris_99http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-of-flight_camera has a quite nice explaination14:26
fennsome pictures14:27
fennheh the pupil warp looks pretty weird14:28
fenntime of flight probably degrades more gracefully with movement than structured light14:35
chris_99good point14:36
fennhmm i dont like the sound of this "Required hardware to use the peripheral 3D camera must be system with a minimum of a 4th generation Intel® Core™ processor."14:36
chris_99maybe it just shovels the raw data to the PC14:38
chris_99to do the processing14:38
chris_99and decodes the 3D on the host14:38
fenni doubt it14:39
fennthis is a job for an asic14:39
fennbut their stupid SDK might be a pig14:40
fennprobably the face and hand detection is done on the computer14:40
chris_99so dumb question if it's just structured light14:40
chris_99why is it 640x48014:40
chris_99when the camera can do 1080p14:41
fennthe depth camera has to be very sensitive to light levels which means larger pixels14:41
fennalso it's high framerate which exacerbates the problem14:41
fennapparently dark objects don't show up in the depth map sometimes14:42
chris_99i wonder how hard it'd be to hack your own structured light camera14:42
fennvery easy it turns out14:42
chris_99just using a normal webcam, stripped of IR filter14:42
fennforget about IR, just use a regular camera and projector14:42
chris_99heh, you don't want to see it shining in your face though14:43
fenni dont want to 3d scan my face anyway14:43
fenn<insert enormous schlong joke here>14:44
fennthe open source software for structure light that i've found so far seems kinda haphazard and incomplete14:45
fennbut i haven't looked around very much yet14:45
fenni am thinking about just using a magnifying glass and computer monitor14:46
fennbecause projectors are annoying14:46
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chris_99you mean to DIY your own projector?14:47
fenna fresnel lens from an overhead projector would be better14:47
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fennit used to be all the rage back before, well, something14:47
fennwhen people used CRT monitors and projectors were expensive14:48
chris_99i saw a really nice HD projector14:48
chris_99someone made14:48
fenni don't get why high res projectors are still so expensive14:52
chris_99yeah me neither14:52
fennsince even a kid can make one in their dorm room for $50014:52
chris_99although the proper ones use teeny tiny DLP chips or LCDs with high PPI14:53
fenn"proper" doesn't matter when you cant get even half the resolution14:55
fennbesides, larger modulator is better because less diffraction14:55
fenncrazy light bulbs in those things, 50,000 lumen short arc14:56
maakucan someone with more bio knowledge explain this? https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/the-origin-of-life-and-the-hidden-role-of-quantum-criticality-ca470792455214:57
yoleauxThe Origin of Life And The Hidden Role of Quantum Criticality — The Physics arXiv Blog — Medium14:57
fennseems like it would be easy to add a video filter to correct for chromatic aberration15:01
fennfulla              - Correct lens distortion, vignetting, and chromatic aberration.15:02
fennthat's not real-time tho15:02
fennalso it's backwards15:02
fenn"Make sure to use a UV filter with arc lamps, can yellow the LCD"15:09
fennthese cheap flashlight LEDs are pretty bright, possibly enough for a short throw projector15:10
fennsupposedly they are 1000 lumen but who knows15:10
fennvisible in sunlight at least15:11
fennthe XML-T615:16
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fenntoo big15:19
kanzurewhat was the goal again?15:20
fenn3d scanning of stuff15:20
fennchris_99: the brightness of an emitter can't be corrected by optics, so you have to start with a small emitter15:21
chris_99not sure i understand what you mean, you're saying that'd be too bright?15:21
fennno, i'm saying the projected image would be blurry15:23
chris_99why would it be blurry15:23
fennbecause the emitter is big15:23
fennyou would have 100 clear images projected overlapping15:24
fennthat emitter is actually 100 LEDs side by side15:25
chris_99could you put some kind of diffuser in front15:25
fennbut the same principle applies to a large single LED15:25
fennyou could focus it to a point and diffuse it, but i think that would lose a lot of light15:26
fennactually it wouldnt be a point, it would be a scaled down image of the emitter15:26
fennhence the arc lamps15:27
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nmz787_imaaku: IMO it seems like antennas and tuning radio signals is not a half-bad analogy16:18
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kanzure"libSPRITE defines engineering units as types (i.e., Meters or Radians instead of double or int)."18:35
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fenn"Tesla wants the factory to produce 35 gigawatt hours per year worth of battery cells by 2020, and battery pack output would be 50 gigawatt hours per year. That amount of output would more than double the current entire world’s lithium ion battery production."20:38
fenncoming soon to reno nevada20:38
fenn"Tesla already used half of all the batteries made for electric cars in the world in 2013 for its Model S car (22,477 cars sold)"20:40
fenn"Tesla’s factory could be the largest factory of any kind, anywhere in the world in terms of inputs in and outputs out"  <- would like to see some data supporting that20:42
fennUS Li-ion battery production for 2012 was 1.2 GWh20:45
fenn"you’d need 200 of these factories to supply all the world’s cars"20:51
fennthat's only 100 million cars a year20:52
fennbut maybe demand for new cars will go down once they start driving themselves20:52
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kanzure.wik http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada_330122:55
yoleaux"Cicada 3301 is a name given to an enigmatic organization that on three occasions has posted a set of complex puzzles to recruit capable cryptanalysts from the public. The first Internet puzzle started on January 5, 2012, and ran for approximately one month." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada_330122:55
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