
--- Log opened Thu Mar 12 00:00:19 2015
-!- Panko_ [~Panko@p2216-ipngn100104sinnagasak.nagasaki.ocn.ne.jp] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:32
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archelshaha, we're doing a "One Sentence Summary" now in papers?03:20
archelslazy crowd03:20
archelspretty pictures of dendritic spines http://biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/03/11/016329.full.pdf03:22
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andytoshifenn: "argument of knowledge" because it's only computationally sound, or because "proof" is a bullshit word regardless?06:09
andytoshifenn: ah, because A is what's in the acronym ... yeah, you're right06:09
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kanzure_beep boop07:19
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nickjohnsonSo, I'm about to launch my next Kickstarter, for an Arduino-compatible DDS signal generator and frequency counter. I'd really appreciate some feedback on the page and video before I launch. Any thoughts? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nickjohnson/1243692410?token=8bd558fb07:56
chris_99looks cool, i was looking at the AD5932 recently08:06
nickjohnsonIIRC, I evaluated that, but picked the AD9838 because it's a lot cheaper, and the frequency sweep features can be reproduced by the microcontroller08:08
chris_99yeah it looks like its around ~4x cheaper08:10
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chris_99nickjohnson, is 'temperature compensated crystal' different to an OXCO out of interest11:21
nickjohnsonchris_99: yes, an ocxo is another step up in accuracy (and price, and size) from a tcxo11:24
nickjohnsonThey cost nearly as much as the tsunami, and are almost as big :)11:25
chris_99hehe, how does a TCXO compensate for temp effects11:25
archelsjust get a rubidium module if you want an accurate clock, they're dead cheap these days11:43
nickjohnsonchris_99: it has an internal  thermocouple and a voltage controlled oscillator, and adjusts the voltage according to temperature11:45
chris_99aha neat11:45
chris_99i've got some of those archels, they glow a nice purple colour i found after opening them up11:46
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBlDGX95eys11:51
yoleauxKanzi An Ape of Genius Part 1 - YouTube11:51
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delinquentmekanzure,  ||= equivalent in pythong12:24
ParahSailinwrite it out12:26
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kanzureblah = blah or blah12:32
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fenn34% of gamma ray emission sources are unknown http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/GLAST/news/10_Gev_graph.html16:41
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fenngoogle shutting down google code :(17:05
fenngitorious was paid to shut down last week17:05
fennwhat's left17:05
fenni don't want github to turn into facebook 2.017:06
fennit's crap like this that makes me want people to use IPFS17:07
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jrayhawki host git repos17:12
fennif you're serious about it, now would be a good time to advertise17:15
fenneven just a comment on hacker news would likely get a lot of interest17:15
fenni'm more concerned with links breaking and the half life of web pages and links rapidly falling17:15
fennhttp://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2015/03/farewell-to-google-code.html  has comments from the CEO of gitlab and (ex-) CEO of gitorious17:16
fenn(not like it matters)17:16
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fennwtf is wrong with chris dibona, "open source advocate" heartily recommending gitlab, who just paid to shut down the major AGPL open source code repository17:18
caternfenn: what AGPL repository?17:19
archelshe must be an open source advocate rather than a free software advocate17:20
kanzuredibona posted a comment on hacker news and the gitlab purpose was like "thanks, i'm stealing that"17:20
kanzure*gitlab person17:20
archelsafaik the main point of gitlab is to let people set up their own, local repositories17:21
kanzurenah they have some enterprise product17:21
archelsso this is not so much a step towards monoculture17:22
archelsyeah, well, they have to make money somehow17:22
fennthey sell crippleware, fuck them17:22
fennalso, they shut down gitorious, so fuck them again17:22
fennalso their mascot is creepy as hell17:22
kanzurewell at least nasa keeps their papers online17:25
archelshehe yes17:25
kanzurearchels: they don't17:25
fennhuh? no they didn't17:25
fennthere are huge swaths of nasa technical reports server data missing for no particular reason17:26
archelskanzure: I wouldn't trust them to, no17:29
archelsmaybe archiveteam or other internetpersons have a chunk17:29
fenni doubt it17:30
fennarchiveteam didn't really exist until geocities was shut down17:30
fennoops i might have some dates wrong17:31
fennnasa NTRS goes offline 2013-03-2117:31
fenngeocities shut down 2009-0417:32
fennthe difference is that geocities stayed online for a few months before disappearing completely, so there was time to copy some of it17:33
caternfenn: is gitlab actually crippleware? I set it up once, seemed to work17:34
fennno git-annex, no hooks, no group membership in "community edition"17:37
caternah, well, all these web uis are trash anyway. that does look pretty bad though17:37
archelsI use a local GitLab install almost daily and am pretty happy with it--as far as web UIs go though, yeah17:44
fenni had actually never heard of gitlab until they shut down gitorious out of the blue17:45
kanzurefenn, you might know gitlab as gitlabhq17:48
kanzurethey are the same people17:48
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* nmz787_i was just idling in ##hplusroapmap... total bore in there18:21
nmz787_i.title http://www.omscs.gatech.edu/18:21
yoleauxOMSCS - Georgia Institute of Technology18:21
nmz787_i"The Georgia Institute of Technology, Udacity and AT&T have teamed up to offer the first accredited Master of Science in Computer Science that students can earn exclusively through the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) delivery format and for a fraction of the cost of traditional, on-campus programs."18:21
nmz787_i'under 7k'18:23
heathnmz787_i: old news18:31
heaththat was last year's news, are they just now opening it up?18:31
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fennhe should be nude, because it's actually a nude beach/cruising spot19:03
fennalso the first place i saw an in-the-wild aerial drone19:03
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fennbranch-level write access control makes a lot of sense for code repositories19:14
fennhmm.. "I'm expecting Google to purchase GitHub next"  hmm..19:19
fennreally not looking forward to having plus linked to everything everywhere all the time mandatory19:20
fenn"So basically this is our 5 year warning on GitHub closing down"19:22
fennit would be funny, but it's probably true19:22
kanzurei don't see the humor here19:23
kanzurewhat's so bad about google code shutting down? doesn't everyone compulsively archive the shit that matters to them?19:23
fennkanzure: link rot, and abandoned projects that you can't find because the hosting had shut down19:24
fennand no, everyone doesn't compulsively archive anything19:25
fennthey all so "oh it's in the cloud, google will take care of it"19:25
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kanzurewell maybe those people deserve to be wrong19:25
fennalso most people don't know how to search archive.org for database dumps19:26
fennhey it would be great if when people's shit disappeared they learned their lesson, but usually it's someone else who has the difficulty with the thing having been disappeared19:26
kanzuremaybe the nsa has a copy19:27
fennlike, "hey i can't download this code to do the thing i'm trying to do" but there's no way to contact the author and no other copies online19:27
fenngit should have solved this since every chunk is uniquely hashed and it should all just go into a big pile of hashes like freenet19:27
fennbut that hasn't happened for some reason19:28
fennlike, why can i download a random movie by googling its hash, but i can't download a random commit by its hash?19:28
kanzurebecause nobody exposes .git directories19:28
kanzurealso, google indexes git commits when http servers render those commits19:29
fenneven if they had been exposed nobody would be mirroring them in an accessible way19:29
fennyou can't git-clone a google cache result :(19:29
fennthis is such a stupid problem19:30
fennyou can store all code ever written on a single hard drive19:30
kanzurefacebook has 50 gigabytes of source code not including history19:31
kanzuredon't underestimate a million monkeys on a million and one typewriters19:31
fenn.wa 50 gigabytes / 6 terabytes19:31
yoleaux(50 GB (gigabytes))/(6 TB (terabytes)): 0.00833319:31
fennalso i am really skeptical of that figure19:32
fenn.g ievan polka19:58
fennha finally someone mentioned repo.or.cz20:09
fennorthodoxy to the rescue!20:10
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kanzurewhy does ralph merkle always look like he's stuck in 1968?20:31
eudoxianot reaaally20:34
eudoxiathere's a picture of him in front of a computer when he looks kinda not 196820:34
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yoleauxThe Burke Laboratories >> research21:56
nmz787_iiSynthesis of many different types of organic small molecules using one automated process21:57
yoleauxnmz787_ii: Sorry, that command (.title) took too long to process.21:57
nmz787_iiuses MIDA boronate handles21:57
nmz787_iiall 'That study employed a synthesis platform analogous to iterative peptide coupling that sequentially assembles bifunctional N-methyliminodiacetic acid (MIDA) boronates (Fig. 1B) (14). Iterative cycles of coupling and deprotection are enabled by the MIDA ligand, which attenuates the reactivity of boronic acids and thus prevents undesired oligomerization.'21:58
kanzure"it's almost like chemical synthesizers never existed"21:59
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delinquentme"Burke says the hard part was figuring out the new cleanup method that happens after each chemical reaction"23:01
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fenn1D printer23:59
--- Log closed Fri Mar 13 00:00:10 2015

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