
--- Log opened Thu Mar 19 00:00:26 2015
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kanzureDaeken: nope not at the moment05:29
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kanzure"His country house has not been so lucky, however. Despite years of promises to restore it, the building is run down, close to collapse, and favoured by the local youth as an underage drinking den, reported newkaliningrad.ru, a local news site."06:08
-!- Viper168 [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:10
-!- QuadIngi [~FourFire@ti0013a400-2789.bb.online.no] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:19
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-!- QuadIngi is now known as FourFire06:19
kanzure"The dude invented BitTorrent." "No, he extended the ideas of MojoNation and called it BitTorrent." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MojoNation06:23
kanzure"Mojo was a digital cash currency that aimed to provide attack resistance and load balancing in a fully distributed and incentive-compatible way (see Agoric computing). Every pair of MojoNation nodes maintained a relative credit balance, with every EGTP request transferring some Mojo credit from the sender to the receiver. In early versions of MojoNation, users were required to set prices for any services their node provided. Most users ...06:23
kanzure... had no idea how to choose prices, so the Mojo layer was rewritten to use a second-price rolling auction."06:23
kanzure"This has been explored in sci-fi by Jack McDevitt in his Priscilla Hutchins series. He had large Omega Clouds of alien devices attacking anything with straight lines and right-angles, as those were indicative of intelligence."06:29
eudoxiainb4 "muh bismuth crystals"06:37
kanzuremojonation overview http://www.cs.kent.edu/~javed/class-FP2P10S/papers-2006/mojonation.pdf06:44
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kanzurethis may seem hilariously trivial but it's a weakness of mine https://gist.github.com/kanzure/17dd25ddc6c6207c381706:56
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-!- JonTitor [~superobse@unaffiliated/superobserver] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:27
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JayDuggerHow did you get from MojoNation to that HN quote, kanzure?07:32
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kanzureapparently this is called subitizing http://mathsavvyparents.com/wp-content/uploads/subs.pdf07:38
kanzureJayDugger: many tabs open07:39
kanzurelimbitless... hah.08:18
kanzurehehe making it about kids is clever08:19
kanzurebut why are there so many kids missing limbs? what's going on08:20
juri_unbridaled capitalism -> military industrial complex -> bombs for everyone!08:28
ParahSailinthese are white kids in america though08:28
juri_oh, then i dunno.08:29
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archels.title http://www.nature.com/srep/2015/150310/srep08920/full/srep08920.html09:43
yoleauxVisualization of synaptic domains in the Drosophila brain by magnetic resonance microscopy at 10 micron isotropic resolution : Scientific Reports : Nature Publishing Group09:43
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/srep/2015/150310/srep08920/full/srep08920.html09:44
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/srep/2015/150310/srep08920/pdf/srep08920.pdf09:44
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ParahSailinkanzure: why do you need to practice counting zeros?09:56
kanzurehighlighting zeros is dumb, and ctrl-n to bring up a terminal also takes too long10:00
ParahSailinyou are dealing with numbers with 18 zeros?10:02
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archelsconsider that you're trying to solve the wrong problem here10:17
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kanzurespace walrus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3fr6c9Ek6411:11
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kanzure12:04 < CaptHindsight> and the chemist (and i use the term loosely) at makerjuice doesn't believe in oxygen inhibition of free radical curing12:05
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kanzure.title http://openlunchbox.com/smf/index.php?topic=40.012:39
yoleauxMicroscope Projection Photolithography for Rapid Prototyping12:39
CaptHindsightyes, we develop all sorts of lithography and deposition systems12:40
kanzureDaeken: you around?12:41
Daekenkanzure: yup12:42
Daekenwhat's up?12:42
kanzurefound you a friend12:42
CaptHindsightkanzure: that inverse microscope is good to down ~1um lines12:43
kanzureour weakspot is optics at the moment12:43
Daekenoptics for what?12:43
kanzureimage reduction12:43
kanzurebuying microscopes is nice but that's not how you do engineering :P12:44
CaptHindsightcheap lasers would make 2 photon lithography desktop and cheap12:44
CaptHindsightkanzure: what are you trying to print and at what geometry?12:44
Daekeni'm not sure why we need optics for it at all -- the feature size for direct mask lithography is well within what we need, i'd think12:45
kanzureneed general platform of photolithography of micro-stuff... somewhere in the range of 1 to 50 micron resolution. really we don't care.12:45
kanzurefor microelectronics and microfluidics12:45
kanzuremostly microfluidics at the moment12:45
Daekenkanzure: yeah, there's no need for optics for that12:45
CaptHindsightthats easy12:45
Daeken1um can be done directly, with super cheap masks12:45
kanzureDaeken: but i'd rather not pay $500/mask etc... i mean... what if i make 1000 things.12:46
kanzurei'm gonna blow my budget eventually12:46
CaptHindsightyeah masks are for mass production12:46
CaptHindsightonesy twosy is easy to print12:46
Daekenprint in what way?12:46
kanzurefiguring out the exact optical parameters and catalog items to order has not been easy for me12:46
kanzure(for lenses/etc)12:47
CaptHindsightmicrofluids in monomers and oligomers?12:47
Daekeni'm researching laser printing of transparencies for this, to avoid expensive masks.  in theory, should hit the same resolution for a tiny fraction of the cost12:47
Daekenseems like a way cheaper route to go than anything else, from the looks of it12:47
kanzurefenn: maybe you're around?12:48
CaptHindsightI'm printing electronics using just fluids including the PCB down to few microns12:48
DaekenCaptHindsight: using what process?12:48
CaptHindsightinkjet and SLA12:49
Daekenhuh, interesting12:49
CaptHindsightmost of the work is in the fluids12:49
Daekenhow is that?12:50
CaptHindsightthe work is in the materials science, the deposition and lithography are mostly academic exercises12:51
CaptHindsightlasers, micro-nozzles, inkjet etc are nothing new12:52
CaptHindsightyou can build multi-axis stages with sub micron res with off the shelf parts12:52
kanzurestages, sure, that's no problem12:53
chris_99you mean you're using some kind of conductive fluid to print the tracks?12:54
CaptHindsightyes, copper12:55
CaptHindsighthttp://imagebin.ca/v/1vOVGSfHFgPt  this 5-axis stage holds an inverse microscope, it's good down to 1um12:56
chris_99you mean you're etching or..?12:56
CaptHindsightno etching, depositing12:56
CaptHindsightall deposition including semiconductors12:57
CaptHindsightorganic polymer semiconductor materials12:58
CaptHindsightthey started using synthetic DNA for anti-counterfeit13:00
CaptHindsightit's only going to be secure for a short time13:00
CaptHindsightsince as you pointed out that DNA printing has gotten much faster and cheaper13:01
CaptHindsightcombined with a scanner/sequencer it will be like going to kinkos13:02
kanzuredna sequencing is cheaper, but dna synthesis has not really moved in price point13:02
kanzurethey are focusing on synthetic vagina yeast13:03
kanzure(we know them)13:04
CaptHindsightit depends on what you want to print13:04
kanzureah i'm glad they are calling it "laser pulse catapulting" now... the physical motivation was originally quite vague from them.13:05
CaptHindsightnice to find this channel13:06
kanzurewe do things13:06
kanzurewhops s/motivation/motion13:06
kanzuretypos everywhere :/13:06
CaptHindsight#openlunchbox is where I started collecting everything open13:07
kanzurei want to eventually get to the point of designing a repeatalbe, rebuildable microfabrication setup13:07
kanzuree.g., in the sense that we can give someone a list of parts to order (or make), not just dumpster diving13:08
kanzureor rather, minimal or no dumpster diving13:08
CaptHindsightthats interesting13:08
CaptHindsightsince i tend to lean the other way13:08
kanzurenot everyone has the same distribution of garbage laying around13:08
kanzureyou might have some ultra-rare expensive shit that you don't even realize is hard for others to get13:08
CaptHindsightteach people how to build machines vs set of plans13:09
kanzurehaving them build parts on their own is fine in my opinion, that does not count as dumpster diving13:09
CaptHindsightif you understand machine design you can do whatever you want13:09
kanzureCaptHindsight: also some of our projects are a little more speculative.... http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration/13:09
CaptHindsightebay, dumpster, diy etc13:10
CaptHindsightreminds me of scifi shorts I used to read13:10
kanzurewell, yes, so that is why i try to emphasize the actually-building-stuff aspects13:11
CaptHindsightI can't imagine much actual info in #dlp printing13:12
kanzurei think they might be reading a little too much make magazine13:12
kanzurenot sure13:13
CaptHindsightlots of fun stuff ahead in DNA synthesis13:14
kanzurehere are some things that people have been doing with custom dna: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna/projects/13:15
CaptHindsightI'd like to start working on retrofitting viruses for cancer cures13:15
kanzurefor tumors you can just use ultrasound to melt them http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound/13:16
CaptHindsightthat's another treatment vs cure13:16
kanzureone possible cure would be to stop cells from replicating13:17
CaptHindsightreprogram a virus to invade the cancer cells so the immune system takes care of it13:17
kanzurea bunch of people have been running around talking about retroviruses in "personal medicine" to target particular cancer lines sampled from a patient's body13:18
kanzurebut that's not a cure either13:18
CaptHindsightbeen working13:18
CaptHindsightprevention would be the real cure13:18
kanzureoh wait yes it is, that counts as a cure, sorry, i was thinking of the other thing13:18
CaptHindsightthat's why I like micro and nano machines13:19
CaptHindsightdesigner cells13:19
kanzurehave you worked with cells before?13:21
CaptHindsighthave to run but we can print lines down to ~45nm using photopolymers and cheap lasers13:21
CaptHindsight~45nm line width and ~100nm space13:21
CaptHindsightyeah, tissue engineering13:22
kanzureCaptHindsight: if i send you money will you send me microfabricated things13:22
CaptHindsightand dna synthesis, mass production of synthetic currently13:22
CaptHindsightlet me know what things you need13:22
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chris_99I have an old Epson printer i'm planning on tearing appart for bits, has anyone ever used the pumps before? i'm wondering how hard it'll be to get 'em to work13:40
CaptHindsightchris_99: I'll let you know in a couple hours13:43
chris_99heh cheers13:44
CaptHindsighthaven't left yet,13:47
CaptHindsightthe problem with the epson heads is they don't recirculate13:47
CaptHindsightso filter everything to 1um13:47
CaptHindsightif the particles tend to agglomerate >40um then use something else13:48
CaptHindsightthe fluid viscosity should be around 4cP at 30C13:49
CaptHindsightthe heads don't have heaters13:49
CaptHindsightthe drive pulse for the epsons is up to ~180V13:49
chris_99oh wow, i didn't know they needed that kind of voltage13:50
chris_99this was to potentially play with a blue dye, which it probably is over kill for, but i'm sure i could find other uses for it, if i manage to get em working13:50
CaptHindsightsince you are new to piezo inkjet either try to hack the driver board or look at the waveforms very closely13:50
chris_99yeah, it sounds like i'd probably want to keep their driver13:51
CaptHindsightpiezo drive waveforms are even patented13:51
CaptHindsightsince it all about creating the proper wave to push and agitate the fluids13:51
CaptHindsightbut epson printers are cheap13:52
CaptHindsightso you can make mistakes13:52
chris_99mmm, very cheap in comparison to some of the sites i've seen which sell piezo pumps13:52
CaptHindsightsome of our heads cost us $7k ea13:52
CaptHindsightthe lowest cost industrial piezo heads are the Xaar13:53
chris_99how much do they cost roughly13:54
CaptHindsightthe 128's from China are under $30013:55
CaptHindsightor ebay13:55
CaptHindsightwhat size drops do you need?13:55
chris_99interesting, although you can get an epson printer for £3013:55
CaptHindsightthe epsons support grey scale13:56
chris_99no idea tbh, i was wondering if i could use it to get the blue dye into a microfluidic chip to dye yeast, although, that could be silly and maybe i should just use a peristaltic pump13:56
CaptHindsightyou create several pulses in on pulse time and the drops converge into one during flight13:57
CaptHindsightwhat dia are the channels?13:57
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CaptHindsightthe dia of the epson nozzles are ~75um14:01
CaptHindsight~5khz and 4-40something pL drops14:01
chris_99sorry, apparently it's two chips 160um deep & 50um deep14:03
chris_99one thing i was wondering do inkjets only work when pointing downwards14:04
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heathhttps://benanne.github.io/2015/03/17/plankton.html :: Classifying plankton with deep neural networks14:27
heath.title http://videolectures.net/mlpmsummerschool2014_varoquaux_brain_imaging/14:27
yoleauxMachine learning for brain imaging - VideoLectures.NET14:27
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heathfenn, delinquentme: i'm nearby but a bit busy14:32
heathFriday night or Saturday might be a nice day to hang out14:33
heathugh, artx.com was registered a few days ago :|14:38
heathi hate it that registrars hold the domain for an unknown period of time14:39
heath..after the domain has expired14:43
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delinquentmekanzure, why dont we make insulin ?15:03
nmz787_i.title http://www.mentor.com/embedded-software/events/developing-industrial-control-systems-which-meet-security-and-regulatory-requirements15:15
yoleauxDeveloping Industrial Control Systems which meet Security and Regulatory Requirements - Mentor Graphics15:15
archelsI like the bait-and-switch there15:16
archels"meet security requirements" instead of "being secure"15:16
nmz787_iostensibly those requirements follow the besk-know-practices to 'be secure'... but it seems like it's also dealing with legal responsibility too... which I guess is a type of security if your business is at stake15:25
chris_99nmz787_i, you played with the esp826615:26
nmz787_ichris_99: not yet, but I've been wanting to for a few months now15:27
Daekensecurity in industrial control.  hah.15:28
chris_99i've gotta a bunch of them but i need to get round to using them, not sure exactly what for yet15:28
nmz787_ichris_99: saw the hackaday overview of it yesterday, was more impressed than I originally was after learning how few components it requires and that it runs at 80MHz15:28
chris_99yeah i bought some 3.3V FTDI thing to program it15:28
nmz787_iI was thinking a home HVAC control system might be fun to do15:28
chris_99i've got 10 to play with, maybe i could track my dog with it heh15:30
nmz787_idog-in-the-middle attacks15:31
nmz787_ior doge15:31
chris_99you might find http://www.reddit.com/r/nicechips/ interesting15:34
nmz787_iyeah pretty cool, don't explore reddit enough I guess15:36
chris_99hmm i've got a bunch of 1-wire temp probes, maybe i could stick them on the esp's, and set a thermostat of 'em15:37
nmz787_ithe 1.6mm x 2.0mm 42 MHz ARM processor for under $2 is pretty cool15:40
chris_99yeah that sounded cool15:40
* nmz787_i wants processor earrings15:41
chris_99i was thinking could you put it in a pil capsule15:41
chris_99dunno what for though15:41
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chris_99i like the chip scale atomic clocks, but they're not exactly cheap15:42
CaptHindsightchris_99: it depends on the design of the printhead, most will print from down to +/- 90 deg of down15:45
chris_99oh interesting15:45
chris_99i just had a silly idea15:45
chris_99to print with it on a wall15:45
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CaptHindsightchris_99: also l and _ at 90 deg from down15:49
CaptHindsightbut then the lower nozzles have more pressure than the upper nozzles so you have to adjust the wavefrom to fire harder at the bottom than at the top15:50
chris_99lower/upper nozzles?15:51
CaptHindsightsay they are 90 deg from pointing down but arranged   I15:53
CaptHindsightvs ------15:53
chris_99oh sorry gotcha15:53
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nmz787_isupposedly faster SLA16:07
CaptHindsightcompared to 3d systems and envisiontec yeah, they are about as slow as the diy printers16:09
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kanzure"Just 2,000 babies have been born from cryogenically frozen eggs in the world"16:19
kanzurethat's all? what the hell16:19
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nmz787_iCaptHindsight: you're saying DIY printers are faster than those from 3Dsystems?16:27
nmz787_iyou seem to be saying 3Dsystems < carbon3D <= DIY16:28
nmz787_ior maybe  3Dsystems < DIY <= carbon3D16:28
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delinquentmekanzure -agi16:43
* maaku summons KANZURAGI16:55
kanzurewho has disturbed me16:58
CaptHindsightnmz787: the carbon3d is nothing new, oxygen inhibition is well understood and oxygen permeable high Tg membranes have been around for a while17:05
CaptHindsightwhat appears to be new in their patent is the use of a $1K/g ptfe polymer film for the bottom of their vat17:07
CaptHindsightenvisiontec and 3d systems aren't concerned with speed or materials suitable for finished products17:10
CaptHindsightsadly the diyers only seem to be interested in making a $ or just getting a printed trinket17:10
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Lemminkainenpaperbot http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2014/141209/ncomms6747/full/ncomms6747.html19:57
Lemminkainen:( no prosthetic foreskins tonight, guys19:58
kanzurewelcome back19:59
Lemminkainenhow've you been kanzure ?20:04
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kanzureoh, you know, stuff20:23
Lemminkainenwell, I hope it's been good stuff20:31
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LemminkainenI think we're finally settled on first therapeutic targets, so that's progress20:38
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LemminkainenI'll know more about the efficacy of our approach here in a few weeks20:39
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andytoshikanzure: so, i'm not sure if maaku and greg will agree, but my verdict is you were right to avoid reading eliezer's harry potter fanfic21:08
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andytoshihe didn't reveal the mechanisms behind magic that he seemed like he was going to in the first 30 or so chapters21:08
kanzureonce again my lazy conclusions about eliezer have paid off21:09
andytoshiand harry being an even more assinine version of eli was never punished ... AND when people complained about this eliezer said that they were just discriminating against harry because he was 1121:09
kanzurenobody cares if the character is 1121:09
kanzurei have been trying to formulate a rock-solid thesis against eliezer for many years now, but i haven't actually improved the document since 200821:11
kanzuresee pm21:11
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