
--- Log opened Fri Apr 03 00:00:41 2015
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nickjohnsonThis should be interesting: http://pid.codes/01:36
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fenn_i didn't realize stereos and lights were illegal02:07
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fennapparently "bike party" is every second friday02:08
fennlots of stereos and lights on bikes02:09
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kanzurecarboat http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=369206:30
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mosasaurthat's why hoovercraft are cool06:32
kanzurewhy would you turn a president into a vehicle?06:32
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chris_99does anyone know when people experiment with lasers and mirrors on a table thing, what do you call the mechanical parts they use to hold and align the laser or mirrors06:49
yoleaux06:00Z <nmz787> chris_99: seems the alibaba user either doesn't use alibaba anymore, or my messages don't go back far enough in their history... you could try emailing the address in the headers of the email I forwarded you06:49
chris_99oh cheers nmz78706:49
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kanzurechris_99: thorlabs06:55
chris_99ooh cheers :)06:56
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FourFirechris_99, pizeoelectric actuators?07:12
chris_99pizeoelectric actuators? nah i was looking for things like optical mounts, like what kanzure pointed too07:14
kanzure"Mergers: Commission approves joint venture between Holtzbrinck and Springer Science + Business in publishing sector"07:40
kanzure"More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.7476"07:40
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kanzure09:46 <+xentrac> http://pid.codes/ looks really useful for open-source USB hardware09:54
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CaptHindsight"they obtained the Vendor ID before the USB-IF changed their licensing terms to prohibit transfers or subassignments." the USB-IF made sure to close that loophole10:43
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jackybgoodpaperbot http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1845750411:30
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jackybgoodpaperbot http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/jocn.2008.2015111:46
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-!- thetester [~matznerd@162-233-76-105.lightspeed.miamfl.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:18
thetesterhi does anyone know about the bot that downloads papers? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2147139212:19
kanzurepaperbot: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2147139212:21
thetesterthanks for the instructions, that file doesn't appear to be there. i am going to tes tanotyher one12:24
thetesterpaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v483/n7389_supp/full/483S32a.html12:25
thetesterdoesn't appear to be working for me :(12:27
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kanzurethetester: paperbot is not omnipotent and does not always find your paper12:44
chris_99theoretically i should be able to use a metallurgical microscope as a biological microscope too right, if i added a light below the platform12:45
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kanzurefenn: i told jgarzik that you will build him a space habitat i hope that's okay13:30
thetester@kanzure those papers exist on libgen though13:35
kanzurenot always by doi number13:38
kanzurelibraries are hard, man13:38
-!- jgarzik [~jgarzik@unaffiliated/jgarzik] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:42
kanzure13:40 <kanzure> i told fenn that you will pay him for a space habitat i hope that's okay13:42
kanzure13:41 <jgarzik> thumbs up :)13:42
kanzureoh he joined, shit13:42
kanzuremy lies will have to become more clever now13:42
jgarzikOpening troll RE transhumanism:  going inorganic->inorganic is easy & obvious, organic->organic will be possible in the future.  everybody wants organic<->inorganic but it will continue to be a unicorn13:43
kanzurehow is that a troll13:44
jgarzikRE space:  DSS mission is to build physical, virtual & financial infrastructure to enable space settlement.  physical - satellites & drones.  virtual - spacecraft & ops software.  financial:  instruments of extraordinary tradability.13:44
jgarzikbe back in an hour :)13:44
chris_99nmz787_i, i was just wondering how you aligned the grating out of interest14:05
justanotheruserwe already have a satelite natural satelite to build on14:12
justanotheruserwhy not send bitcoin to the moon14:12
kanzureer i believe we have many natural satellites14:13
justanotheruserwe do?14:13
justanotheruserthey haven't been sucked up by the moon?14:13
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature14288.html#figures14:15
yoleaux404 Not Found14:15
kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature14288.html#figures14:15
yoleauxReducing the energy cost of human walking using an unpowered exoskeleton : Nature : Nature Publishing Group14:15
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nature14288.pdf14:16
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-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eeioetzfenybitbh] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]14:23
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kanzuresame https://www.cmu.edu/me/news/archive/2015/collins-clutch.html14:42
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-!- delinquentme [4a3d9d4e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:23
delinquentmekanzure: Ideas on whats the best way to parse a string to ensure its properly formatted SQL ... *without* executing a query?15:36
kanzuredatabase transaction15:37
kanzurefailing that, database subtransaction15:37
kanzurefinally, rip out the sql parser from your database of choice and write custom bindings15:37
t12explain it15:37
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kanzuret12: "executing a query" is vague and does not really reference any of the existing database capabilities. execution can mean many things.15:38
t12no i mean15:38
kanzureexecution within an uncommitted transaction is probably fine and not his problem15:38
t12sql EXPLAIN the query15:38
t12will parse it15:38
t12without running it15:38
t12dunno if explain is standard or not it appears to be standard enough15:39
delinquentmewhen I say 'execute' I mean actually go hit the database and ask it for information or passit information15:41
delinquentmeI just want to feed a string in a get a True or False if its valid SQL or not.15:41
delinquentmeaww dem bubbles.  Need dat degassing stuff !15:47
delinquentmemuch optical abberation... sux15:48
kanzureoptics smchoptiks https://www.zemax.com/home16:00
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kanzure"Yes, I step on any snail that I see. I do this because I want to do my part in selecting snails that have increasingly impossible to break shells."17:01
kanzureuhrm... seems like there are more scientific or productive ways to do that.17:01
cluckjthat's more cruel than scientific17:06
kanzurei was trying to find whether anyone has used their shell as a (living) bioreactor17:07
kanzureyou could mill holes in the upper shell and tap them if you wanted17:07
kanzurethere's at least one species that produces a dye, but it's just excreted with all the other mucus17:07
cluckjsnail milking?17:08
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kanzure.title http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3565753/17:15
yoleauxCone Snail milked venom dynamics – A quantitative study of Conus purpurascens17:15
kanzure"Cone snails represent a highly valuable natural resource for drug-lead discovery programs. With an estimated >75,000 individual bioactive peptides within the genus of some +500 species (Olivera, 2002), the venom peptides from these carnivorous marine predators have provided numerous highly selective ligands that target a myriad of ion channels (as reviewed in Terlau and Olivera, 2004)."17:16
kanzure"One peptide in particular, ω-conotoxin MVIIA, also cited as SNX-111 or Ziconotide has received US Food and Drug Administration approval as Prialt™ (Primary Alternative to morphine), a potent neuropathic pain analgesic, specifically targeting N-type voltage-gated calcium channels (Miljanich, 2004). Other conopeptides have now transitioned into clinical trials (see Han et al., 2008), providing a clear indication attesting to their ...17:17
kanzure... pharmaceutical and therapeutic worth."17:17
kanzure"Conus purpurascens (the purple cone; Fig. 1) represents a unique research candidate within the cone snail genus. Being an Eastern Pacific piscivore (fishing eating species), its mammalian bioactive peptides have been well described. What differentiates these studies from previous conopeptide research is the source of material; the majority of these conopeptides have been isolated directly from the pooled milked venom (see Table 1) and ...17:18
kanzure... not from the crude dissected venom duct gland. C. purpurascens presently represents the species with the best-characterized milked venom of the genus."17:18
kanzurewhat? "A number of observations were made during long-term C. purpurascens captivity: (i) Snails were able to consume fish equal to their own shell size and had ability to feed weekly; (ii) If snails were not fed regularly or did not discharge their pre-loaded radula harpoons from the proboscis (<2 times/month), they would singularly lose the ability to penetrate the receptacle membrane, resulting in loss of milked venom – recovery ...17:21
kanzure... occurred naturally with ‘spent’ radula harpoon expulsion and then re-arming; (iii) Specimens seem to be sturdy and resilient to captive conditions, as illustrated by the ability to produce viable veliger upon mating – a situation that occurred twice during 48 months of captivity. No specimen mortalities were recorded during these experiments, until specimens were terminated for duct venom extracts."17:21
kanzureeh, sounds like hairy root cultures are more productive17:22
kanzuremethod: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/85J94PtO1Ok/maxresdefault.jpg17:23
kanzure"Milk, egg white, blood, urine, seminal plasma and silk worm cocoon from transgenic animals are candidates to be the source of recombinant proteins at an industrial scale."17:38
kanzuredo we really have nothing better yet?17:38
kanzure"Fish eggs as bioreactors: the production of bioactive luteinizing hormone in transgenic trout embryos" http://staff.unak.is/not/oddurv/slt1103/morita.pdf17:40
kanzurewhat happened to transgenic milk17:40
kanzurephasmid milking http://www.phasmatodea.com/web/guest/milking17:43
kanzureaphid honeydew http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphid#Ant_mutualism17:45
kanzuretsetse flies are another candidate, although they only lactate.. internally? or something.17:50
kanzure"Noticeably, for a small- or medium-sized facility, the rabbit system is ideal to produce up to 50 kg of protein per year, considering both economical and hygienic aspects; rabbits are attractive candidates for the mammary-gland-specific expression of recombinant proteins."17:55
FourFirewas the silk cow a failure?17:56
kanzure"Foreign proteins are commonly reported to be produced in transgenic milk at rates of several grams per liter. Based on the assumption of average expression levels, daily milk volumes, and purification efficiencies, 5.400 cows would be needed to produce the 100.000 kg of human serum albumin that are required per year worldwide, 4.500 sheep would be required for the production of 5000 kg α-antitrypsin (α-AT), 100 goats for 100 kg ...17:58
kanzure... of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), 75 goats for 75 kg of antithrombin III, and two pigs to produce 2 kg of human clotting factor IX [15]."17:58
kanzure"The use of transgenic eggs for large-scale production of recombinant proteins is another method being contemplated. Interest in this system is driven by the fact that a single hen can produce an impressive number of eggs (up to 330 eggs/year) and egg white naturally contains approximately 4 g of protein [22–24]. Transgenic chicken stably produced a human erythropoietin fusion protein not only in their serum and egg white but also in ...17:59
kanzure... the egg yolk, as was expected [25]. However, the egg system has been hampered by the lack of an efficient transgenesis system in poultry [7]."17:59
kanzurewhat? we don't have transgenic chickens?17:59
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cluckjkanzure, there aren't any? seriously?18:21
kanzureaccording to whatever paper that was...18:22
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kanzure"Evolution of a novel function: nutritive milk in the viviparous cockroach, Diploptera punctata"19:19
kanzurepaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1525-142X.2004.04012.x/abstract19:19
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--- Log closed Sat Apr 04 00:00:42 2015

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