
--- Log opened Tue May 19 00:00:16 2015
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@fenngod what a depressing article00:27
@fenn"The +/- 30 IQ range of Leta Hollingworth is a good estimated limit on lasting social relationships. The 165 IQ person will be limited to people with 135+ IQs. This comprises just 2% of the population. By 182 the problem becomes critical with social relationships limited to those with IQs over 152 which comprises just 0.25% of the population. However, they are not equal relationships but rather00:31
@fennwill necessarily have a strong leader/follower quality to them.  Also, the degree of mutual understanding will almost surely be insuffient to reach and sustain emotional intimacy. "00:32
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archelsleader/follower and IQ seem like orthogonal personality traits01:16
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@fenni agree, but the asymmetry is still obviously a big feature of their relationships02:07
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paskythat all seems rather bollocks to me; as archels says, plus IQ skills may not correspond at all to richer inner/emotional life03:27
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* narwh4l sighs04:19
narwh4lhow masturbatory04:19
narwh4l"I'm so smart, I can only interact with other smarties. We can't connect because I'm just that intelligent!"04:20
narwh4lI do know people who scored 165+ who have social lives that are as good as anybody's. I just think whoever wrote that was full of crap04:29
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TMAIt can be frustrating for both parties when they do not understand each other as if they were using a different language altogether.05:11
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chris_99isn't IQ rather bollocks anyway05:26
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TMAI have had chance to experience both ends [being unable to understand and not being understood] -- it was not pleasant.05:32
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TMA_IF_ we take that misunderstanding is more frequent with greater IQ difference the article might describe the reality correctly.05:35
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narwh4lchris_99: yes05:36
narwh4lTaking effort to explain yourself is part of human interaction. It's true that some people need more help with certain topics but then take the effort to explain. I've heard the cry many times of people who complain about being lonely because nobody understands them, but the truth is they never make an honest effort to begin with. You will have to explain some things that you consider basic. Not everyone is as educated or, yes, as intelligent05:42
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TMAnarwh4l: That's true.05:53
chris_99nmz787_, are you about per chance, im wondering whether to get one of those blue spectrometers05:54
TMAnarwh4l: The question is: wouldn't be the person better off by trying to find someone else to interact with instead of explaining himself?05:55
narwh4lTMA: Yeah sure, but the reality is that you can be surrounded by very intelligent people who still may not be capable of understanding you. Most likely you will have to spend some effort05:55
narwh4lTMA: I live in an ivy league university area and work at one. I am surrounded by many intelligent people who really would take just as much time for me to explain some things to them as anybody else. So you have to keep in mind that it's a balance of your specialized knowledge, your intelligence and your ability to communicate05:57
narwh4lTMA: Human relationships are complicated05:58
narwh4lTMA: I think defining them one dimensionally is a recipe for eventual failure06:01
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TMAnarwh4l: I still think that IQ difference is somewhat useful predictor of intelectual compatibility in the same way as height is somewhat useful predictor of the ability to play basketball well.06:06
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narwh4lTMA: Sure, as is hand-eye coordination, general awareness of teammates, reflexes...06:09
narwh4lTMA: Just remember that it is far from being the _only_ thing06:09
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kanzurenarwh4l: unfortunately those with autism often have zero ability to communicate07:02
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kanzuresome bitcoin programmers http://i.imgur.com/v27sSra.jpg?107:22
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wrldpcLong time no interact.07:53
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kanzurewrldpc: hello08:02
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wrldpcHey Bryan!08:03
kanzureyou know i was just in new york.. don't know if you're still there.08:03
wrldpcIs SKDB development still active?  I checked the repo and there hadn’t been any commits since 2014.08:03
wrldpcI’m in Osaka now.08:03
kanzureon the military base?08:03
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kanzureno skdb development at the moment. other stuff going on.08:04
wrldpcAfter EASing from the military I married my wife who I met in Osaka one weekend while on liberty.08:04
kanzurewait isn't that a massive stereotype08:04
wrldpcPretty much.08:05
kanzurewrldpc: here are the current directions of things http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration08:05
wrldpcOne thing that really irritates me is gasoline burning motorcycles that tear up and down my quiet suburban Osaka street.  I wish I could make them explode sometimes.08:05
kanzuremost motorcycles can be exploded if you apply fire08:06
wrldpcIf I was Legolas I would be on the roof with fire arrows and a recurve bow.08:06
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wrldpcIs there an app that allows me to specify a number of available lego bricks and output every possible build given those bricks or a subset of those bricks?08:09
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wrldpcJust wondering.08:10
kanzureprobably not08:10
TMAwrldpc: try rebrickable, I gather it might be close to what you want08:11
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kanzurewrldpc: what have you been up to since military stuff?08:18
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wrldpcI noticed robotics is conspicuously missing from the “transhumanist technology” list though it is there in “obvious statements”.  Unless that’s covered by self-replicating machines - is it because it doesn’t represent a direct upgrade of a human biological system?08:19
wrldpcI take it that’s why the exoskeletons make the list.08:19
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kanzurewrldpc: good point, yeah there's no particular reason for their absence08:21
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=ef49f007 Bryan Bishop: robots are also important >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/declaration/08:22
wrldpcSo in quick review.  I EASed from the military March 2014, flew back to Japan, moved in with then fiancé, enrolled in a Japanese school to learn Japanese for 1 year on the GI Bill, got a job doing “business consulting” and (of course) English teaching (which is an expat’s bread and butter here although increasingly Japan is becoming a great place for devs and other skilled foreigners (engineers, biologists, etc))08:24
JayDuggerWhich branch of the service?08:25
kanzurei am going to choose to believe that you are working for this company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iZ0WuNvHr808:25
wrldpcI started attending the Kansai Hacker News meetups … there’s nothing biological going on there and they’re happy to talk about transhumanist-related things but the meetings are highly regimented.  Every meet HAS to have a presentation .. like almost without fail.  I much preferred the Boston Transhumanist meets which were largely unstructured, salon-like events, which had their own emergent order  — nevertheless I remain on good t08:26
wrldpcwith a lot of those folks ...08:26
wrldpcLOL Kuratas yes I remember seeing this.  You can buy this thing on Amazon presumably.08:26
wrldpcI have gone forward and started my own (specifically geared) Osaka TRANSHUMANIST meetup group.  Our inaugural meeting is next Thursday.  Right now ~4 people have signed up but I expect that to increase as time goes on.08:28
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kanzurehmm i have a list of people in japan08:30
kanzuregive me a few moments08:30
wrldpcWasn’t sure if the H+ was CC or what but I used it.  Figured it was easier to ask for forgiveness ..08:30
wrldpcGuro’s lab is a fucking joke.08:31
wrldpcHis robots suck.08:31
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wrldpcThere’s one brilliant engineer being exploited to no end named Fabio Della Libera.08:31
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wrldpcand by “his robots suck” I mean they’re great ...08:32
wrldpcnot sure if any agents of Guro are currently present on this channel.08:32
wrldpcWhatever I don’t care.08:32
wrldpcThey objectively suck.08:32
kanzurewrldpc: http://0bin.net/paste/eeXKTJpqeK-Z7sII#1StcA0StLBeRQc-oqjZqX+x5eSwo/BKiv5GWZWVqbM/08:34
wrldpcHe’s using pneumatic actuation.  It’s the same technology that’s been powering the Pizza Time Theatre since the early 70s.  The only difference is that Guro has implemented some very rudimentary “telepresence” capability … which also sucks and lags.08:34
wrldpcHe prides himself on the elderly not knowing if they’re robots or humans .. which is convenient given Japan’s aging population.08:35
wrldpcThis is a comprehensive list.  I’ll do some facebooking.  Are there any biologists on here?08:35
kanzurenot sure, sorry08:36
wrldpcOne thing I’ve noticed with Kansai Hacker News … no biologists.  No one talking about longevity.  Nada.08:36
kanzureyeah, traditionally transhumanists have neglected a bunch of important biology stuff08:36
kanzurebecause biology work is.. difficult.. or something.08:37
wrldpcHarder to work with cells than it is to work with semiconductors or something.  I get it.08:37
wrldpcActually maybe just as difficult.  You can’t exactly open a semiconductor with over the counter tools and materials and make alterations.  I guess you can reflash them to make them do different things?08:38
kanzuresemiconductor manufacturing can be done at home, see https://code.google.com/p/homecmos/08:39
kanzureand http://homecmos.drawersteak.com/wiki/08:39
wrldpcWell whaddayaknow.  I’m out of my depth.08:41
kanzurepfft poor attitude08:43
wrldpcI visited the Super8 facility near Himeji and toured their free electron laser facility.08:44
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wrldpcI built these LED candles for my wedding such that when my wife and I would approach a table with a transmitter they would glow brighter and as we moved further away they would go back to flicker mode.08:46
wrldpcNetworked with a ton of pharmaceutical industry people, a number of engineers, went to ATR (advanced telecommunications research) institute in Nara and met with a bunch of roboticists doing human interaction stuff on robotics platforms that had to be close to 15 years old.08:47
kanzurehmm i should show you my immortality plans08:47
wrldpcLOL!  Fuck yeah.08:47
wrldpcGod I missed this chan.08:47
wrldpcI think most of the impressive robotics R&D happens elsewhere.  I should go visit Kuratas Heavy Industries.08:48
wrldpcA lot of semiconductor manufacturing and pharma in Osaka.08:48
wrldpcYou’re familiar with FANUC and “lights out” manufacturing?08:49
kanzureperhaps you can find some old semiconductor manufacturing equipment. look around for old shit from community colleges or something.08:49
ThomasEgiyou seem to have a lot of .. connections.. to the semiconductor business ;)08:49
kanzurelights out, yes, fanuc no08:49
wrldpcMy wife works for Applied Materials LOL.  Funny you should say that :)08:49
JayDuggerwrldpc, keep talking, I worked for Amada years ago.08:49
wrldpcNow I’m just getting your pun.  Wow multi-tier punnage going down in here!08:50
ThomasEgii worked for customers.. worst deal ever. first they don't know what they want, then they complain about what they get.08:50
JayDuggerTrade you pilots for customers.08:50
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ThomasEgipilots sounds like they know where they are heading at least. minee were like. "i need an audio player for a 4 ohm speaker with 2 watts output power" ... i build it. then they nagged "it's way too loud".. they held the speakers directly to the ear08:51
kanzurepneumatic actuation is pretty useful08:51
wrldpcI tried securing credentials to tour the Kamiokande neutrino observatory near Nagoya but was denied.08:51
wrldpcPneumatic actuation IS pretty useful but whatever he’s doing is not the way.08:52
kanzurethe underwater neutrino observatory?08:52
wrldpcmaybe it’s partially underwater as well08:52
wrldpcthere is a lake at the bottom08:52
JayDuggerFamiliarity breeds contempt toward both pilots and customers. I'd have said "at least customers claim they have money."08:52
wrldpcJapan is at a crossroads.  Either automate, relax the immigration policy, or reproduce like crazy in the hope that you’ll be able to recover GDP levels in 20 years.08:57
wrldpcThere’s also the artificial womb option as well ..08:57
wrldpcand slavery.08:57
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wrldpcTake a page out of the Korean playbook:  http://www.businessinsider.com/former-south-korean-salt-slave-describes-living-hell-he-endured-before-his-escape-2015-108:58
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kanzurewrldpc: i hope you'll stay around for a bit?09:01
kanzureor is this just a driveby09:01
wrldpcI’m here for the duration.09:01
wrldpcOfficially reconnecting.09:01
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wrldpcThere are like 4-5 Yoshihisa Nakaos :\09:03
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kanzurewrldpc: oh if you mean whether there are any biologists in this channel, the answer is yes09:23
wrldpcis biopunk still active?09:25
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kanzureregtest consensus forking issue https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=106550409:30
nmz787_ibiopunk has been active since horizontal gene transfer became a thing09:36
nmz787_isooo, should I get a phone with 2Gb or 4Gb DDR3 RAM?09:36
nmz787_iI'm not sure how much it will benefit me since I basically only browse the web and sometimes play mp3s09:37
kanzureis the smaller one upgradeable?09:37
kanzureis the larger one?09:40
nmz787_ithey are SOCs09:40
archelswhat's the impact on battery life?09:40
nmz787_inot too sure09:41
nmz787_ithe phone is just out, or maybe even pre-market09:41
nmz787_ithis one http://www.asus.com/Phones/ZenFone_2_ZE551ML/Features/09:41
archelsdidn't realize Asus was making phones now09:45
nmz787_idamn, it's already out of stock09:47
nmz787_iI waited 30 minutes too long I guess09:47
archelsIntel Atom based, interesting09:47
nmz787_ishit,m not even 1509:47
nmz787_iugh, the lower version was still in stock a minute ago, and is out of stock by the time I got my shipping and billing info added09:50
nmz787_iwelp, I guess I didn't want it bad enough09:51
kanzure.wik antennapedia09:56
yoleaux"Antennapedia is a HOM-C gene first discovered in Drosophila which controls the formation of legs during development. Loss-of-function mutations in the regulatory region of this gene result in the development of the second leg pair into ectopic antennae. By contrast gain-of-function alleles convert antennae into ectopic legs." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antennapedia09:56
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nmz787_iis there some software that can analyze a file to determine if it's a standard format, such that I could use an existing tool to write/parse it, rather than creating my own writer/parser?10:54
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kanzureuse the "file" tool11:06
kanzure"file blah.txt"11:06
nmz787_iit just says it's ASCII text11:30
kanzureit may be correct11:31
nmz787_isomeone is saying they're s-expressions11:31
* Adlai imagines some tools may exist for that11:32
nmz787_i.wik abstract syntax tree11:34
yoleaux"In computer science, an abstract syntax tree (AST), or just syntax tree, is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code written in a programming language. Each node of the tree denotes a construct occurring in the source code. The syntax is "abstract" in not representing every detail appearing in the real syntax." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree11:34
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kanzure.title http://kesen.realtimerendering.com/sig2015.html12:20
yoleauxSIGGRAPH 2015 Papers12:20
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=952323112:21
yoleauxThe Libertarian Futurism of Peter Thiel (2011) | Hacker News12:21
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kanzure.wik total internal reflection fluorescence13:08
yoleaux"A total internal reflection fluorescence microscope (TIRFM) is a type of microscope with which a thin region of a specimen, usually less than 200 nm can be observed." — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_internal_reflection_fluorescence13:08
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nmz787_iwhere do I go on IRC for help with s-expressions?14:00
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Adlainmz787_i: lisp programming is in #lisp although that may not be what you're asking about14:35
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nmz787_inickjohnson: congrats on making it to Wired!15:34
nmz787_iand now my brain makes a connection https://simpsonswiki.com/wiki/Wired15:36
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kanzurestackoverflow dumps https://archive.org/details/stackexchange18:57
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kanzurehello CthulhuMermaid19:47
CthulhuMermaidwhats up? ;p19:48
nmz787_and software baconizing19:51
CthulhuMermaidbaconz hmm19:51
CthulhuMermaidthen black people19:56
CthulhuMermaidit makes me depressed with all the cop killings19:56
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wrldpcI’m STILL having to dispell Boston Bombing conspiracy theories.20:25
wrldpcApparently Jeff Bauman, the man who has his legs blown off, is a crisis actor …  :O20:25
kanzureyou need better friends20:30
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nickjohnsonnmz787_: Thanks!22:13
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nmz787_"Riblet short-slot coupler" mmm, riblets22:44
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