
--- Log opened Sat Jun 13 00:00:40 2015
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kanzure.title http://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/MIT/863.09/07:20
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.07:20
kanzure("how to make almost anything" class notes)07:20
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maakuheh, came here to post the same thing08:17
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kanzuremaaku: did you read through more of the document? any thoughts?08:47
maakui'm about half-way through, wasn't going to bug you until I finished08:47
kanzureoh, okay08:47
maakuthanks for keeping notes on stuff as it comes up. that's a habit I want to instill in myself08:48
kanzureit's partly a behavior that i chained off of my incessant bookmarking behavior08:48
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archels"Probably the most extreme form of inequality is between people who are alive and people who are dead," he told the New Yorker recently. His thoughts on death? “Basically, I’m against it,” he told the Telegraph newspaper.10:01
archels(re bullshit arguments about this kind of technology only being available for the 1%)10:01
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redlegionkanzure, do you use note keeping software or just bang away in notepad/vim/emacs?10:09
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maakuarchels: people worried about inequality can elect not to receive treatments10:13
maakuthe problem will solve itself10:13
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=b5a111db Bryan Bishop: transcript: adam3us on financial privacy and fungibility >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/bitcoin-adam3us-fungibility-privacy/10:34
kanzureredlegion: vim10:35
nshthat reminds me10:42
nshbunch of stuff i was reading earlier might interest you10:42
nshwell, started with a video actually10:43
nsh.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYZnZCWLESE10:43
yoleauxThe 17th Ockham Lecture - 'Physics in the World of Ideas: Complexity as Energy' - YouTube10:43
kanzureplease convince me because my fingers are ugh at the moment10:43
nshthence: http://www.one-tab.com/page/D8F_b7kgTQehZv5QetJllA10:44
nsh(few unrelated i cba to remove)10:44
nshthe main insight is that kolmogorov complexity in the "world of idea" (representations of information) is analogous to physical energy10:44
nshthen you get a lot of cool stuff for free, like formalization of ockham'z razor10:45
kanzurewe did not have formal ockhamian razors before?10:46
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nsh.t http://www.researchgate.net/publication/234017850_Kolmogorov_complexity_as_a_hidden_factor_of_scientific_discourse_fromNewton%27s_law_to_data_mining11:07
yoleauxnsh: Sorry, I don't know a timezone by that name.11:07
yoleauxKolmogorov complexity as a hidden factor of scientific discourse: from Newton's law to data mining - ResearchGate11:07
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kanzurehmm one of the papers that cites it is "Black holes have no internal singularities" http://www.rxiv.org/pdf/1406.0084v2.pdf11:10
kanzureer, "no interior singularities"11:10
kanzure"epistemic relativity, which is relativity that results from a difference in knowledge about nature between observers who are in motion relative to each other" http://www.rxiv.org/pdf/1504.0154v1.pdf11:14
kanzurehelp i have fallen down into the nsh weirdness hole11:15
* nsh smiles11:15
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kanzurehere is a weird genetic algorithm thing, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030439759800004811:35
kanzure"We represent simple and fitness-scaled genetic algorithms by Markov chains on probability distributions over the set of all possible populations of a fixed finite size ... We show by explicit estimates that for small mutation rates a genetic algorithm asymptotically spends most of its time in uniform populations regardless of crossover rate. The simple genetic algorithm converges in the following sense: there exists a fully positive ...11:35
kanzure... limit probability distribution over populations. This distribution is independent of the choice of initial population."11:35
kanzure"Our analysis even allows for variation in mutation and crossover rates according to a pre-determined schedule, where the mutation rate stays bounded away from zero. We show that the limit probability distribution of such a process is fully positive at all populations of uniform fitness. Consequently, genetic algorithms that use the above fitness scalings do not converge to a population containing only optimal members."11:35
kanzurenot sure why there would be optimal members if they all have uniform fitness anyway11:39
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kanzurei am surprised by the lack of papers talking about the number of mutant bits in mathematical population genetics stuff... surely this is a thing that people have looked at.12:06
kanzure"Increased selection response in larger populations. I. Selection for wing-tip height in Drosophila melanogaster at three population sizes."12:06
kanzure"Management of genetic diversity of subdivided populations in conservation programmes"12:07
kanzureoh that sounds like a good idea12:07
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kanzure.wik breeder's equation12:09
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that command (.wik) crashed.12:09
kanzure"Population and quantitative-genetic models of selection limits" http://pba.ucdavis.edu/files/160334.pdf12:11
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maakukanzure: do you use qwerty?12:35
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=67c02d0a Epivalent: Update bitcoin-adam3us-fungibility-privacy.mdwn >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/bitcoin-adam3us-fungibility-privacy/15:38
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=e3d8dbd3 Bryan Bishop: Merge pull request #1 from Epivalent/patch-1 >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/15:38
kanzuremaaku: yes i use qwrety15:38
kanzure.... qwerty15:38
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fennhey someone wrote up some specs on some tools http://fab.cba.mit.edu/content/tools/16:02
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heathhi StreetOwl19:27
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StreetOwlHey  you ever tried noopept?19:28
heathnot personally, but others in here have19:30
heathseems to come recommended19:30
caternas a name, StreetOwl reminds me of Shadowrun19:30
StreetOwlI have a decent bit and have done some and gave some to friends all they report and I report is feeling less drunk and placebo level differences in  concentration and wil power but nothing really and I have taken some 100mg or more doses for week at a time ant ideas?19:33
StreetOwlthatnks "called stret owl" is actually an anagram of my real name19:34
redlegionStreetOwl, it's probably best to really test nootropics. You can add nitrous to a car, but you're not going to see a difference in forward motion with the car sitting in neutral.19:35
redlegionTry solving programming problems with and without, compare and take notes.19:36
namespaceredlegion: I tried that with *amphetamines* and the effect was too subtle to notice. *shrug*19:41
namespaceAt least at first.19:41
StreetOwlI did have some hella vivid dreams though I wrote a review on it here http://lovelightreviews.blogspot.se/19:42
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redlegionnamespace, my girlfriend keeps trying to get me to try her adderall, I'm just not too eager as I can't stand uppers.19:46
kanzureif it only has the effect of an upper on you then you wouldn't take it again19:47
kanzuresimple as that19:47
redlegionI'm not stimulant compatible.19:48
StreetOwlthe review below the noopept that stuff was intebse though not very clear concentration but so much energy Eat the bear 3x HD Ripped Fat Burner capsules19:49
kanzureconfirmed stimulant incompatible?19:49
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zookoHi folks!20:52
kanzureanyway, anti-inflammation stuff seems kinda obvious20:52
zookoYeah! At least most, and possibly all, of the plausible mechanisms of aging20:53
zookoare things that all-meat-no-plants/ketogenic/very-low-carb/low-carb20:53
kanzurejrayhawk: ping20:53
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ebowdenKanzure, the arguments against human enhancement/noots I've heard have all been one of three forms: Alex Jones type conspiracist ideation, "But life is the olympics and has doping rules and stuff", and "But Gattaca! I saw a movie that said it would create a dystopian future!".20:55
kanzureokay wlel that sounds utterly boring20:56
kanzurethe one you heard a few minutes ago was "no thanks", seems like an okay argument20:58
zookowhyyy did my network just flap. Here's what I said: https://defuse.ca/b/6PezatlB0O0xiPoVIJo5g420:59
zookoAnd the next thing I saw was "the arguments against human enhancement".20:59
kanzurei see your paste but not why you would include "against human enhancement"21:00
kanzureoh, i see, because ebowden21:00
kanzurezooko: not sure what your inflammation statement is trying to claim. i should have specified chronic inflammation.21:02
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jrayhawkit's true, nothing extends life quite like depleting the liver of glutathione and flooding the vascular system with methylglyoxal21:36
jrayhawkalso the development of mucosal disorders21:36
StreetOwlanyone have any good sources (if that is allowed)21:50
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maakukanzure: man, how do you typo qwerty21:55
namespacemaaku: Horizontal typing like that is actually a fairly hard operation just going off intuition?22:01
namespaceIt's the reason why the Sega Genesis controller sucks.22:01
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