
--- Log opened Wed Jul 08 00:00:04 2015
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archels.tell alu re your trans vs. posthuman question, if you want a thorough answer you should read Stefan Sorgner's latest book02:47
yoleauxarchels: I'll pass your message to alu.02:47
archelsbut I side with the rest of the channel on this one: it's a very non-universal and somewhat pointless distinction02:47
archelseveryone has their own ideas of what these terms "mean"02:47
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by lobsters everywhere, banned by the Federal Death Administration (5 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | "ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church05:59
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure] [Wed May 20 12:46:25 2015]05:59
[Users ##hplusroadmap]05:59
[ Acty ] [ CaptHindsight] [ EnabrinTain ] [ kanzure ] [ Porb_ ] [ Stskeeps ] 05:59
[ Adlai ] [ catern ] [ EnLilaSko ] [ kindoflike ] [ Qfwfq ] [ superkuh ] 05:59
[ altersid ] [ chris_99 ] [ eudoxia ] [ kish ] [ Quashie_ ] [ Taek ] 05:59
[ alu ] [ crescendo ] [ fenn ] [ mf1008 ] [ redlegion ] [ the8thbit] 05:59
[ andytoshi] [ Daeken ] [ gnusha ] [ midnightmagic ] [ rigel ] [ ThomasEgi] 05:59
[ archels ] [ diginet ] [ Guest27737 ] [ nickjohnson ] [ ryankarason ] [ thundara ] 05:59
[ augur ] [ dingo_ ] [ Guest82433 ] [ nmz787 ] [ saurik ] [ TMA ] 05:59
[ Bakkot ] [ Douhet ] [ heath ] [ nsh ] [ sh ] [ Urchin ] 05:59
[ balrog ] [ dpk ] [ HEx1 ] [ p4nd4 ] [ sheena ] [ Viper168 ] 05:59
[ berndj ] [ drethelin ] [ JayDugger ] [ padz ] [ sivoais ] [ vivi ] 05:59
[ Betawolf ] [ drewbot ] [ jrayhawk ] [ ParahSailin_ ] [ smeaaagle ] [ xrr ] 05:59
[ bkero ] [ dustinm ] [ juri_ ] [ pasky ] [ strages ] [ yoleaux ] 05:59
[ BobaMa ] [ ebowden ] [ justanotheruser] [ PatrickRobotham] [ strangewarp_] [ yorick ] 05:59
[ Burnin8 ] [ eleitl ] [ juul ] [ poohbear ] [ streety ] 05:59
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-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201005:59
-!- Irssi: Join to ##hplusroadmap was synced in 13 secs06:00
kanzureyes i'm not sure there's any benefit conferred by one versus the other term06:26
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JayDugger Good morning, everyone.06:40
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kanzurehello dao07:15
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wrldpc1dao .. as in 道?07:52
archelsthe dao that can be spoken is not the eternal dao07:53
fennif you meet the dao on the road, kill him07:55
kanzuredo i have to07:55
fenn.wik dao vallis07:56
yoleaux"Dao Vallis is a valley on Mars that appears to have been carved by water. It runs southwestward into Hellas Planitia from the southern slopes of the volcano Hadriacus Mons, and has been identified as an outflow channel. It and its tributary, Niger Vallis, extend for about 1,200 km (750 mi)." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dao_vallis07:56
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fennit's also a number in hexadecimal, and a color i use a lot07:57
archelshey, that's not a bad looking colour07:59
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fenn.wik decentralized autonomous organization08:06
yoleaux"A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), fully automated business entity (FAB), or distributed autonomous corporation/company (DAC) is a decentralized network of narrow-AI autonomous agents which perform an output-maximizing production function and which divides its labor into computationally intractable tasks (which it incentivizes  …" — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized_autonomous_organization08:06
fennplease don't actually bother with any of those links08:08
kanzureas far as i can tell the primary interest that people have in "decentralized autonomous organizations" is using the concept as a method to skirt business registration and regulation08:11
kanzurein the posam operations document there's a lot of steps that involve non-synthesizer equipment, like a rotary mixer apparatus. ugh.08:26
kanzurei'm also a little confused why they had only one humidity sensor. wouldn't you want one on each far corner of the gas-enclosure chamber?08:27
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kanzurepre-synthesis script http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/posam/pogo/pogo-vb/Basic.pp108:36
kanzurestepwise synthesis script http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/posam/pogo/pogo-vb/Basic.pp208:37
kanzurepost-synthesis script (just flushing) http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/posam/pogo/pogo-vb/Basic.pp308:37
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kanzurehuh i don't think they were doing a specific oligo sequence08:45
kanzureah nevermind08:48
kanzure"Dim iBank(6) As Integer        'E.g. 1:X/88 2:Y/89 3:A/65 4:C/67 5:G/71 6:T/84."08:48
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CaptHindsightthe POSaM has the sample tray mounted and moving on a X-axis positioner and the printhead on a ZY combo09:14
CaptHindsightwhat is our target accuracy and repeatability of each axis?09:15
kanzurewell we need to do up to 80 or 100 layers per drop09:16
CaptHindsightyesterdays discussion mentioned that variances in drop placement will have an effect on synthesis09:16
kanzureand probably the head has to be moved long-distance during purge steps, so whatever it takes to get it back to the correct location09:16
CaptHindsightEpson doesn't have a public spec on drop variation for volume or straightness09:18
kanzurei think this is just an optimization issue09:18
CaptHindsightmost piezo heads hold +/- 10% drop size variation and straightness is <1.5 deg from centerline09:19
CaptHindsightsince the sample trays are non-porous the actual drop size will vary based on the fluids surface tension and the surface tension of the surface it lands on09:20
CaptHindsightdrop size = landed drop diameter/size of splotch09:21
CaptHindsightso the fluids and reactions near the outer edge of the drops will have the most variance09:23
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eudoxiawho wants five bucks in starbucks credit10:18
eudoxiaa client gave it to me and we don't have starbucks in pooruguay10:18
kanzureyou let someone pay you $5?10:23
eudoxiathey asked me for feedback on a tiny app and i gave them a five minute email to ~spread the good vibes~, technically it was work-related so i got paid10:24
CaptHindsightthe POSaM papers don't mention anything about tweaking drive waveforms since they can't modify the fluids to adjust for viscosity, surface tension etc10:35
CaptHindsightit looks like they just got lucky10:35
nmz787_i1most biologists probably wouldn't know about drive waveforms10:36
nmz787_i1unless the off-the-shelf controller supported it10:36
CaptHindsightit's impressive that they did as much as they did10:36
nmz787_i1(for stepper controllers the most I've seen is mixed decay mode)10:36
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kanzure.title http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.0706510:48
yoleaux[1504.07065] The doubly eclipsing quintuple low-mass star system 1SWASP J093010.78+533859.510:48
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kanzure.wik glymphatic system11:40
yoleaux"The glymphatic system (or glymphatic clearance pathway) is a functional waste clearance pathway for the mammalian central nervous system (CNS)." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glymphatic_system11:40
kanzure.title http://www.sciencemag.org/content/290/5490/35011:41
yoleauxReplaying the Game: Hypnagogic Images in Normals and Amnesics11:41
kanzure.title http://www.sciencemag.org/content/342/6156/37311:41
yoleauxSleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brain11:41
kanzure"Impairment of paravascular clearance pathways in the aging brain" http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Benjamin_Kress/publication/236601893_Evaluating_glymphatic_pathway_function_utilizing_clinically_relevant_intrathecal_infusion_of_CSF_tracer/links/54e265980cf2edaea092e8f2.pdf11:43
kanzure"There is some supporting evidence of the restorative function of sleep. The sleeping brain has been shown to remove metabolic waste products at a faster rate than during an awake state.[88] While awake, metabolism generates reactive oxygen species, which are damaging to cells. In sleep, metabolic rates decrease and reactive oxygen species generation is reduced allowing restorative processes to take over. It is theorized that sleep helps ...11:56
kanzure... facilitate the synthesis of molecules that help repair and protect the brain from these harmful elements generated during waking.[89] The metabolic phase during sleep is anabolic; anabolic hormones such as growth hormones (as mentioned above) are secreted preferentially during sleep. The duration of sleep among species is, broadly speaking, inversely related to animal size[citation needed] and directly related to basal metabolic rate ...11:56
kanzure... (BMR). Rats, which have a high BMR, sleep for up to 14 hours a day, whereas elephants and giraffes, which have lower BMRs, sleep only 3–4 hours per day."11:56
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drethelinwasn't there a study recently about a specific chemical in the brain that was removed during sleep12:01
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kanzureanother crispr overview http://andrew.gibiansky.com/blog/genetics/crispr/12:19
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CaptHindsightkanzure: http://www.fujifilmusa.com/products/industrial_inkjet_printheads/deposition-products/dmp-2800/  $30k off the shelf13:26
kanzurefriend of mine says she was working with this one http://www.fujifilmusa.com/shared/bin/PDS00085-DMP2831.pdf13:27
CaptHindsightthats it13:27
kanzurebut she was cheating, she says she just went to their offices to use it (computer had a driver installed on it)13:27
kanzureoh well13:27
CaptHindsighti think they charge 1.5K/day for lab use13:28
kanzureyea she's part of some research group13:28
kanzureso either paid or research collaboration project thingy13:28
CaptHindsightshould we stay at 25um repeatability or tighter?13:30
kanzurelet's aim for maybe a milion spots ish? so i think the repeatability and spacing have some relationship that i forget.13:31
kanzureactually i don't know how many spots to aim for13:31
kanzureat least a million. but if we can manage way more, then why not..13:32
CaptHindsightPOSam had ~150um dia spots13:33
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delinquentmekanzure, do you have access to JOVE?13:33
delinquentmenmz787, fenn13:34
kanzurenot at the moment13:34
kanzuredelinquentme: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/jove.urls.txt13:34
kanzurethey have since moved their files though :-(13:34
CaptHindsightrun the numbers, how many spots, what spot dia and what spacing?13:35
delinquentmethat one13:35
kanzureCaptHindsight: spot diameter should be based on giving a "good margin for error" or something- e.g., something not at the max performance of the poor inkjet head13:35
kanzureCaptHindsight: additionally, it needs to be based on the micropipetting that will be necessary for combining different spots13:35
CaptHindsightit looks like the surface tension of their tray limited their drop density13:36
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CaptHindsighthow many layer max are we shooting for?13:37
kanzurewell, because of chemistry yield errors, i think it's <100 bp, probably <80 bp13:37
CaptHindsightmaybe we should SLA print sample trays with wells13:38
kanzure50 would be nice... it would give us 20 bp on both sides for dna hybridization, and then 10 bp of unique content13:38
CaptHindsightmaybe 1mm deep wells13:39
kanzurethe wells could be wider than the drops- which might be favorable for splash reasons, or surface tension issues, etc..13:39
CaptHindsightthey counted on surface tension to keep the drops from spreading13:39
kanzureoh ok13:40
CaptHindsightwe could use a photopolymer13:40
kanzurethere have been some photopolymer methods of dna synthesis13:40
CaptHindsightprint the walls of the wells13:41
CaptHindsightyeah, V213:41
kanzurehehe they had dna densities of 10^6 strands per cm^213:41
CaptHindsighttheir limit was 90 dpi13:41
ParahSailin_i got a bunch of azure bizspark capacity to waste13:45
ParahSailin_maybe i should stuff it full of video13:46
kanzureget the 1000genomes data set13:46
kanzuremake some indexes etc13:46
ParahSailin_oh thats not a bad idea13:46
ParahSailin_sra is such a bizarre file format13:47
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ParahSailin_but ncbi tools work on them about 75% of the time13:47
ParahSailin_the 25% is really awful13:47
kanzureis that their format for 1000potatoes?13:47
ParahSailin_doesnt azco use electrochemical control for their array synth?13:47
ParahSailin_yeah, short read archive13:48
ParahSailin_admittedly sra uses some pretty clever compression13:48
CaptHindsightwill WASH WITH ACETONITRILE be able to properly dry if we have shallow wells?13:48
ParahSailin_but it is completely inpenetrable with any sort of third party tool13:48
kanzureParahSailin_: captain is going to be making an oligo assembler, make lots of advice comments or else13:48
ParahSailin_if someone gives me $20k i will make a usable third party library in python and c for dealing with sra files13:49
ParahSailin_theoretically, ncbi has an sdk for sratoolkit, but it is totally abstruse13:50
ParahSailin_maybe its intrinsic to the sra file format, similar to pdf, that makes it impossible to write good tools for13:50
delinquentmedirected evolution kanzure ... surely weve got someone in here whos totally bad ass at this right?13:59
nmz787_ii'm badass at this, but not that14:00
nmz787_iCaptHindsight: won't shallow wells help evap?14:01
nmz787_iisn't evap same as dry?14:01
kanzuredelinquentme: i know various things about the subject. state your request.14:05
delinquentmesite directed mutagenesis ... this can be reduced to a liquid handling operation right?14:07
delinquentmeplus heating / cooling14:07
delinquentmeseems to be the case http://kirschner.med.harvard.edu/files/protocols/Stratagene_quickchangepdf.pdf14:09
delinquentmepossibly bad assumption: all site directed mutagenesis protocols are like the above14:09
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nmz787_idelinquentme: crispr could probably be considered part of a newer strategy14:12
nmz787_i#      flux ╨14:14
nmz787_i#             ╥14:14
nmz787_iah, damn, the extended ASCII doesn't show up well in the logs14:14
kanzuredelinquentme: there's also things like http://arep.med.harvard.edu/pdf/Bonde_2014.pdf14:18
delinquentmekanzure, what would you guess is the time utilization on churches MAGE ?14:19
kanzureno idea14:22
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kanzureParahSailin_: what's the ideal output of the dna synthesis machine? at first we're shipping the output to someone to do dna sequencing. but it's technically not dna yet. and also the physical format... they are not going to like 100 microscope slides with 10 million spots...15:22
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kanzure"he destruction of extracellular matrix by enzymes such as serine proteases, threonine proteases, and matrix metalloproteinases.[3][7]"15:43
nmz787_ikanzure: why would it not technically be DNA as output?15:45
kanzureit's just an oligo15:46
kanzurei don't even think it qualifies as ssDNA15:46
ParahSailin_is it a nucleic acid?15:47
kanzureoh maybe it does qualify as ssDNA, weird15:48
kanzurewell anyway, don't these places have requirements like you gotta pellet it, you have to deliver it on a specific tray?15:48
ParahSailin_sequencers are used to getting whatever15:49
kanzurebut surely not 1 million spots with 20 micron spacing?15:50
ParahSailin_that would be pretty unusual15:50
kanzureright, so we have to pick something that is normal and expected15:50
ParahSailin_you wanna pool it all together and attach illumina tags?15:50
ParahSailin_and dump it on a lane?15:51
ParahSailin_that would work15:51
kanzurewell... it would be nice to do microarray sequencing?15:51
ParahSailin_you could even synthesize with illumina tags on both ends15:51
nmz787_imicroarray is tag/affinity-binding based15:52
kanzurewait no, surely someone is doing microarray sequencing-by-synthesis with polymerase?15:52
nmz787_iyeah, that one company15:52
ParahSailin_illumina is kinda15:52
nmz787_inot pacbio15:52
kanzureok, so maybe gibson assembly first, then ship a pellet to someone15:53
ParahSailin_the new illumina flow cells look more like arrays with metered wells15:53
ParahSailin_do what i said15:53
kanzureif you put it all in one lane, how would you know which sequence was wrong?15:53
ParahSailin_attach illumina tags and send it in as a library15:53
ParahSailin_approximate string matching15:54
kanzureillumina tags seem to be limited to 96 unique molecules at a time15:54
ParahSailin_ideally when you do library prep you want ever cluster to be a unique molecule15:55
kanzurei am going to have 1 million unique molecules (or more)15:55
kanzureer.. 1 million different sequences.15:55
ParahSailin_if you have a million unique sequences, thats what you will read out15:55
kanzureso i'll have a million unique illumina tags too?15:56
kanzure"each index is six bases in length"15:56
ParahSailin_youd put a common illumina tag, and you could put a million random sequences along with your business biology if you wanted15:56
ParahSailin_but i would think the biological sequence you want would be enough15:56
ParahSailin_eh, we use 15mer indexes here at affy15:57
kanzurethe point is to verify that the right thing was sequenced in each location/spot. it's the mapping between spot and unique dna molecule that is important. i suppose you could say "well just make sure none of your sequences are anywhere close to similar"...15:57
kanzurei was thinking of situations like "500 of the unique molecules are only unique by one nucleotide"15:58
ParahSailin_make some unique tag for each then15:58
kanzureyeah i see what you mean now15:58
kanzureand this is the typical <$1000/run sequencing?15:59
ParahSailin_i see what you're saying that it would be good to have a known mapping to location... but what are the odds that at well A1, you tell the machine to make ACGT and it makes GGGG instead15:59
kanzurewell... who knows. myabe the machine sucks?15:59
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ParahSailin_so that it swaps it with some other location15:59
nmz787_iin that case the tag wont even be right15:59
ParahSailin_yeah more likely you will have no discernable read at all16:00
kanzurei wonder if we could do sequencing-by-polymerase on this machine. that might help. hmm.16:00
ParahSailin_if you just synthesize your million spots so that they have Nmers with sufficient edit distance to each other, then you have a pretty reliable way to test the machine16:01
kanzureso what's the format that illumina shops would expect? just pipette everything into a tube and call it quits?16:01
kanzureyes, i agree16:01
ParahSailin_stick it in a tube16:01
kanzurei wasn't assuming the edit distance thing earlier, but yes it makes sense to do it that way :-)16:01
ParahSailin_how do you think they came up with the 6 base or 15 base index barcodes16:02
kanzureno idea16:02
ParahSailin_illumina's 6 base ones were geared towards hamming distance16:03
ParahSailin_which kinda sucks when you consider like index 3 and index 26 or something ended up being one indel apart, oops16:03
kanzureand their 15 bp index was not based on hamming distance?16:04
ParahSailin_illumina doesnt have a 15bp index16:05
ParahSailin_but basically anyone who uses their machines can make oligos that will read the same way as illumina's so they can make whatever indexes they like16:06
kanzurehow do people normally do microarray to single tube?16:07
kanzurei can possibly arrange for there to be beads in each well/pore on the surface, and then just dump all the beads out at the end into a tube, then cut the dna off?16:07
ParahSailin_add a drop of water and suck it back up16:07
kanzureor does everyone just do lots of micropipetting?16:07
kanzuremaybe i can use a piece of tissue paper to absorb all the liquid, then dissolve the tissue paper and keep the dna16:09
ParahSailin_what i said above is how we dealt with microarray synthesized oligos that we just needed to pool16:10
kanzureused a pipette to suck up each well?16:10
ParahSailin_its not a well, its a glass slide16:10
kanzurethat's a lot of pipetting if it's 1 million pores16:10
kanzurewell whatever- i haven't decided whether to use glass slides or pores yet16:10
ParahSailin_you add like one big drop of water and suck it up16:10
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kanzureoh, all of it at once. cool.16:11
kanzuredoes gibson work with pooling arbitrarily large sets?16:12
ParahSailin_oh if you put any enzyme in that pot, it would make a whole bunch of junk16:13
ParahSailin_much less three enzymes together16:13
kanzurewhy don't we have one-pot ligation techniques yet? bleh16:14
kanzurewhat would be a good assembly approach for 1 to 10 million unique strands?16:15
ParahSailin_ligase is one enzyme, i think you could try that16:15
ParahSailin_ive seen papers where they use one ligase and lots of ssdna16:15
kanzurealso assume i can do 20 bp wings on both ends if necessary16:16
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kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.131816:20
yoleauxAccess : Enzymatic assembly of DNA molecules up to several hundred kilobases : Nature Methods16:20
kanzureah right, yeast assembly too16:20
kanzuregibson assembly, yeast assembly, golden gate, dna ligase, ligase cycling reaction, what's the one with dna hybridization and polymerase (just pcr assembly?), paperclip, golden braid, ...16:23
kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/articles/srep1130216:23
yoleauxRapGene: a fast and accurate strategy for synthetic gene assembly in Escherichia coli : Scientific Reports : Nature Publishing Group16:23
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nmz787_ikanzure: see, on-chip sequencing makes everything easier16:49
nmz787_iand if it's on-chip, you don't even need sequencing as much as length-assertion16:49
CaptHindsightthe POSaM papers leave out lots of little details16:51
CaptHindsightthey mention the 90dpi but not the spot diameters they were getting16:52
CaptHindsightthe 700 series heads were specified by Epson at 6pL but they were getting closer to 10pL drops...16:55
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CaptHindsightI don't know if that is because of the fluids that they were using or the waveform they chose16:55
CaptHindsightI don't know why they said that they were getting close to 10pL either, they don't say how they determined that16:56
CaptHindsight1.000 drops into a microbalance or just a hunch16:57
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kanzurethey may not have been measuring their spot diameter17:16
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ParahSailin_you guys should have bought the GA2x if you wanted to reverse engineer chip sequencing18:12
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ParahSailin_actually, my friend may have just stashed it in his warehouse18:13
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CaptHindsightsince the Epson heads are specifically made for deposition but as low cost aqueous ink printers we'll just make the best of them18:17
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CaptHindsightsorry are not made for deposition18:17
ParahSailin_kanzure: an azco array synthesis run is like a few k18:18
ParahSailin_kanzure: i'd say start from there18:18
ParahSailin_do an illumina library to see what the error rate is like18:19
ParahSailin_then if its good enough look at whatever patents they have a rip them off18:22
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kanzure79 bp * 12472 for $160019:41
kanzureand 170 bp * 12472 for $240019:42
kanzureor 79 bp * 92918 for $4000 or 170 bp * 92918 for $600019:42
kanzureso 15 million bp for $6000. hmm.19:43
kanzure"CustomArray uses advanced CMOS semiconductor technology to enable it to synthesize thousands of oligonucleotides simultaneously. Each array contains thousands of individually addressable electrodes, which electrochemically synthesize a unique oligonucleotide at each electrode. The oligonucleotides are  cleaved from the surface to create custom oligo pools."19:43
kanzure"Extremely competitive pricing -- as low as 0.04 cents per base."19:43
kanzure"On-board quality control systems" hmm looks like they put sensors on their microarrays19:44
kanzure"CustomArray's chips use electrochemical detritylation to control DNA synthesis. Electrochemical detritylation can be a much-more-efficient method to synthesize oligonucleotides than light-based synthesis processes. This means the oligonucleotides are of highest quality, and the sensitivity of the microarray is maximized. Since physical photolithographic masks or pre-built collections of oligos are NOT involved in the process, all probes ...19:45
kanzure... can be easily changed without extra time or costs."19:45
kanzurepfft physical photolithography masks19:45
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kanzure.wik tetrazole19:58
yoleaux"Tetrazoles are a class of synthetic organic heterocyclic compound, consisting of a 5-member ring of four nitrogen and one carbon atom (plus hydrogens). The simplest is tetrazole itself, CH2N4. They are unknown in nature." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrazole19:58
CaptHindsighthttp://www.pnas.org/content/106/36/15219.full  Photoelectrochemical synthesis of DNA microarrays20:02
kanzurealso see http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/Photoelectromechanical%20synthesis%20of%20low-cost%20DNA%20microarrays%20-%20thesis%20-%202008.pdf20:04
kanzurefilename is wrong heh20:04
kanzuremore generally for photoremovable protecting groups, see http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/Photoremovable%20protecting%20groups%20in%20chemistry%20and%20biology%20-%20reaction%20mechanisms%20and%20efficiency.pdf20:04
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CaptHindsightkanzure: what are the costs of the chems used in photo deprotection vs the ones for inkjet?20:16
ParahSailin_i wonder if you could cleave oligos from surface with electrochemistry too20:24
ParahSailin_not clear here if all of the oligos need to be same length20:26
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kanzureCaptHindsight: it's probably on the azco biotech website20:37
kanzureParahSailin_: for my purposes? nah different length is fine20:37
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kanzureParahSailin_: also, if you're unable to cleave (chemically/electronically/whatever) then one option is just dropping in dna polymerase i think20:37
ParahSailin_pretty much anyone wants different length-- certain array processes dictate that all oligos be the same length20:38
ParahSailin_so if this one supports mixed lengths, thats just one more plus20:39
kanzureoh, why do the others require same length? .. no skips?20:39
ParahSailin_affy's im pretty sure does, so does mycroarray20:40
kanzurei think one of the inkjet-related cleaning steps might be unskippable- like when blowing argon at everything.20:40
kanzureactually maybe the argon cleaning can be more specifically targeted20:40
CaptHindsighthow long does each base take using Photoelectrochemical synthesis?20:41
ParahSailin_does inkjet ever atomize liquid?20:41
CaptHindsightdefine atomize20:41
CaptHindsightwhat size drop?20:41
ParahSailin_does it make a droplet that only hits where you want it without contaminating every cell in N radius20:42
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kanzureonly hits where you want it20:42
ParahSailin_that is a big concern with the lithography, be it mask or scanning laser20:42
CaptHindsightdrop volume from the current Epson heads are 1.5pL20:42
ParahSailin_so no molecules hit the wrong place?20:42
ParahSailin_that seems unlikely that it doesnt aerosol at all20:43
kanzureit's pressurized20:43
CaptHindsightsurface tension20:43
ParahSailin_we've done some interesting experiments with aerosoling in liquid handling20:43
ParahSailin_easily see 3% contamination in adjacent wells of a 384 well plate20:43
ParahSailin_and thats at macro scale20:43
kanzureyeah but i bet you had humidity and stuff20:44
ParahSailin_who knows20:44
ParahSailin_maybe not a concern at all20:44
ParahSailin_seems the electrochemistry is pretty battle tested20:44
CaptHindsight20-28 seconds20:45
CaptHindsightComplete deprotection or detritylation was achieved without noticeable acid diffusion halos typically between 20–28 s20:49
CaptHindsightthis is a lot faster than inkjet20:51
CaptHindsighthave to see the price of the chems20:51
kanzureinkjet can do more spots20:51
yoleauxPhotoelectrochemical synthesis of DNA microarrays20:52
kanzurethis is going to be limited by the size of the LCD20:52
kanzureinkjets can trivially do >100 million spots20:52
CaptHindsightapples and oranges20:52
ParahSailin_optimize for number of spots before you can even do anything with 100 spot?20:53
kanzure100 spots is useless20:53
ParahSailin_96k spots?20:53
kanzuresignificantly more useful20:54
ParahSailin_100 spots would not be useless if you had a good method of assembly20:55
ParahSailin_id say that would be a viable product20:55
ParahSailin_being able to make a plasmid in the 10-20kb range in one machine step20:56
kanzureeach spot would be <100 bp, how are you getting 20 kb from 100 spots?20:57
ParahSailin_azco will do up to 200bp in a spot20:57
kanzurei wouldn't trust yield to be that good yet- but if we can push it that high then sure...20:58
ParahSailin_i dont know what the error rate is like, you might need to keep it below 100 for that reason, but 5-10kb is nothing to scoff at20:58
CaptHindsighthow many seconds per base using inkjet?21:01
kanzuredon't know; hard to find.21:05
CaptHindsightlooks like a few minutes from the sample program21:06
CaptHindsightnot difficult to fab21:13
CaptHindsightthis is the chemistry to look at21:14
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