
--- Log opened Sat Jul 25 00:00:21 2015
-!- justanotheruser [~Justan@unaffiliated/justanotheruser] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]01:40
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justanotherusererasmus: what02:25
erasmusha ha02:29
erasmus07/25/2015 -:- 05:29:45 AM] matthewt sets mode +b *!*Justan@unaffiliated/justanotheruser02:50
erasmus[07/25/2015 -:- 05:29:45 AM] matthewt kicked justanotheruser from the channel. (unfunny trolling)02:50
justanotheruserwhat does my ##cooking ban have to do with transhumanism?02:50
erasmusyou asked why I laughed. No?02:51
justanotheruserI'm confused, was your laugh transhumanist, or did you mistake this channel for my pm?02:51
erasmusI didn't say anything to you in here. You said [07/25/2015 -:- 05:27:47 AM] <justanotheruser> erasmus: what02:51
erasmusfor no reason.02:51
erasmusHave you been drinking?02:52
justanotheruseryou hilighted me02:52
erasmusno I didn't.02:52
justanotheruseryou joining ##hplusroadmap hilights me02:52
justanotheruseralso, yes02:52
erasmusfix your client.02:52
erasmusI first joined this channel on 2012-12-1502:54
erasmus[17:24:26] Topic is biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | friends don't let friends do super college02:55
erasmus[17:24:26] Set by kanzure on August 10, 2012 11:01:18 AM EDT02:55
justanotheruserthat was 12-15?02:55
justanotherusertopic hasn't changed much02:56
erasmusearliest I have from you in here is [10/06/2013 -:- 05:31:25 PM]02:57
justanotheruserhmm, my logs don't go that far back02:58
justanotheruserwhat did I say?02:58
erasmus[11/03/2013 -:- 11:20:17 PM] justanotheruser: jrayhawk: IRC has more smartasses per capita than any form of internet communication I have used02:58
justanotheruserwait, are you jrayhawk?02:59
erasmusI am not.02:59
justanotheruseroh ok02:59
erasmusyou claim to have done work for hplusmagazine.com in the past03:00
erasmus[11/04/2013 -:- 12:27:28 AM] kanzure: justanotheruser: the only relationship between hplusroadmap and hplusmagazine is that i mistakingly did work for hplusmagazine.com in the past, i guess03:00
erasmusoh wait03:00
erasmusthat was him03:00
justanotheruseryeah, I was pretty sure I didn't do work for hplusmagazine03:01
erasmusyou are/were a student at Perdue who plays with paperbots.03:02
justanotheruserRIP paperbot03:02
erasmusyou were sunna?03:03
justanotheruserI don't even know what that means03:03
erasmusyou changed you handle to sunna and then to {`0__0`}03:03
justanotheruseroh, yeah, that was me dicking around in another channel03:03
erasmusyeah hard to remember all the trolling huh.03:04
justanotherusernot sure what you mean03:04
justanotheruseranyways, kanzure will probably punish me for all this pointless scrollback that should be in PM, feel free to message me in PM, though I may fall asleep03:04
erasmusnothing. I'm sure your heart is normally in the right place.03:04
erasmusyeah tbh I never chat in here. Just listen. You have been reaching out to me.03:05
erasmusI chat in ##cooking ##adhd and ##Neurofeedback03:05
justanotheruserBeen trying to reach out to bluelobster too since bluelobster is interested in transhumanism and is smart enough to do it03:05
erasmuspeople have to be into it.03:06
erasmusI don't think it's something you can really GET someone into.03:06
erasmusit's like Kung Fu movies.03:06
justanotheruserNot sure what you mean. An interest is the first step to a hobby.03:06
erasmusyeah but it's not like come over and checkout my pottery collection03:07
erasmusbiohacking is more self-guided.03:07
erasmusthe need comes from within.03:08
justanotheruseryeah, but since he's interested in transhumanism, I linked him to the declaration. Not much else to do other than do something else and have him come if he wants03:08
justanotheruserIt's not as if I'm trying to force it on him03:08
justanotheruseranyways, PM03:08
erasmushe's a multimillionaire who just retired.03:08
erasmusI don't think he cares about getting that edge.03:09
erasmusand doing all these bleeding-edge shit isn't exactly always the smartest thing to do.03:10
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kanzureerasmus: most of the things in here aren't really bleeding-edge.05:56
kanzure"oh noes some actuators and inkjets"... this is like 1970s.05:56
kanzureno i thikn you said bleeding, but my bad if you didn't06:00
erasmusI did say bleeding06:06
erasmusbut adjusted.06:06
erasmuswould you agree with cutting?06:06
kanzurei have no idea. what particularly advanced technologies are you thinking of?06:07
erasmuskanzure would you rather... dip your finger in acid OR get your big toes eaten by a camel?06:07
kanzurebig toe; i need my fingers way more.06:08
erasmusbut it's both toes06:08
kanzurethat's fine06:08
erasmusyou'll never run again06:08
kanzurethat's not true06:09
erasmussure it is06:09
erasmusyou'd be cobbled06:09
kanzurelots of people run without toes, feet or even legs. what are you smoking?06:09
erasmusnot w/o implants06:10
erasmusyou might be able to have your thumbs grafted06:10
erasmusbut then you'll lose two major fingers.06:10
erasmusI don't think you have thought this through.06:10
erasmusdo you take any nootropics?06:11
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by lobsters everywhere, banned by the Federal Death Administration (5 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | "ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church06:46
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure] [Wed May 20 12:46:28 2015]06:46
[Users ##hplusroadmap]06:46
[ _hanhart ] [ BobaMa_ ] [ EnabrinTain ] [ kanzure ] [ pasky ] [ streety ] 06:46
[ abetusk ] [ Burninate ] [ EnLilaSko ] [ kish ] [ PatrickRobotham] [ Stskeeps ] 06:46
[ Adlai ] [ catern ] [ fenn ] [ marchtemp ] [ poohbear ] [ super` ] 06:46
[ ahab ] [ cluckj ] [ gnusha ] [ mf1008 ] [ Porb ] [ superkuh ] 06:46
[ altersid ] [ crescendo ] [ Guest58552 ] [ mgin ] [ Qfwfq ] [ Taek ] 06:46
[ AmbulatoryCortex] [ Daeken ] [ Guest71952 ] [ midnightmagic] [ redlegion ] [ the8thbit] 06:46
[ andytoshi ] [ delinquentme] [ heath ] [ MrJuulie ] [ rigel ] [ ThomasEgi] 06:46
[ archels ] [ diginet ] [ helleshin ] [ nickjohnson ] [ ryankarason ] [ thundara ] 06:46
[ augur ] [ dingo ] [ HEx1 ] [ night ] [ saurik ] [ TMA ] 06:46
[ Bakkot ] [ dpk ] [ indiebio ] [ nmz787 ] [ sh ] [ Viper168 ] 06:46
[ balrog ] [ drethelin ] [ JayDugger ] [ nsh ] [ sivoais ] [ vivi ] 06:46
[ berndj ] [ drewbot_ ] [ jrayhawk ] [ p4nd4 ] [ smeaaagle ] [ xrr ] 06:46
[ Betawolf ] [ dustinm ] [ juri_ ] [ padz ] [ strages ] [ yoleaux ] 06:46
[ bkero ] [ eleitl ] [ justanotheruser] [ ParahSailin_ ] [ strangewarp ] [ yorick ] 06:46
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 84 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 84 normal]06:46
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201006:46
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JayDuggerFuck...ZFS tuning.06:47
JayDuggerWrong channel, right.06:47
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kanzure"a resource guide for doing business in china" http://export.gov/china/build/groups/public/@eg_cn/documents/webcontent/eg_cn_055956.pdf08:11
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=c288169e Bryan Bishop: transcript: lightning network stuff >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/sf-bitcoin-meetup/2015-05-26-lightning-network/11:04
kanzure"Repression of the heat shock response is a programmed event at the onset of reproduction" http://www.cell.com/molecular-cell/abstract/S1097-2765(15)00499-211:22
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delinquentmeWhy dont we currently bank monocytes?12:59
delinquentmethis seems like  a really smart 'dumb' way to push your aging down the line13:00
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kanzuredelinquentme: well, there was a lot of push back to personal cell line banking because blood donation organizations claimed that it would encourage people to donate less blood.13:02
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delinquentmewhat the fack.13:03
delinquentmegod fucking damnit13:03
delinquentmeis it illegal? or just frowned upon?13:03
kanzurei don't remember, but i'm sure the fda licenses and regulates that activity :-(13:06
kanzurealso: "median setup time for 'top machine shops' was 2.5 to 3 hours" http://www.mmsonline.com/articles/see-how-you-stack-up13:07
kanzureand in 2007 it was 5.8 hours of setup on average? wtf13:08
mginwhat's a machine shop13:10
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kanzurei keep forgetting about branch grafting. you can just tape branches together and the tree keeps on ticking. http://devour.com/video/tree-that-grows-40-kinds-of-fruit/14:11
justanotheruserSo I could have a multi-fruit tree? Awesome!14:14
justanotheruserI wonder the logistics of their tree14:14
TMAmost are just varieties -- you cannot graft completely unrelated species successfully14:20
Betawolfapples mostly only work because of this feature14:20
TMAbut the prunus genus is generally compatible14:20
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TMAso you can have nectarines, peaches, plums, almonds on one tree -- maybe even cherries, appricots and the less known prunes14:22
TMAapples are very special beasts -- they frequently mutate so that a single branch becomes a new variety (so you now have yellow or red Granny Smith apples instead of the regular green ones)14:25
TMAjustanotheruser: the logistics are somewhat complex: each variety needs slightly different care (some varieties produce lot of new wood that needs to be cut more often, some are more brittle, ...)14:27
justanotheruserIf I have 4 branches in a young apple tree, can I graft a different species branches on those branches and it will never grow apples from those branches?14:27
BetawolfI hadn't heard of this. What I was referring to was how their sexual reproduction produces radically different DNA, so breeding them from seed is impractical if you're after a specific characteristic (like a particular fruit). Hence they graft apple stocks for consistence.14:27
TMAjustanotheruser: if you have an apple tree you will be able to graft other apples. maybe pears, if you are lucky and skilled14:28
BetawolfThis probably makes apple crops quite vulnerable to diseases.14:29
TMAjustanotheruser: but make the rootstock some prunus -- say an plum seedling. you can then graft almonds, peaches, nectarines onto that14:29
justanotheruserBut in general, if I have one subspecies of apple, and graft 4 other subspecies, will it only grow the new grafted apples, or might it grow the original as well14:29
TMAjustanotheruser: if you graft this way: ====----  (= is old wood, - is the grafted on new wood) then (a) from the = the original will grow (b) from - the grafted on variety will groe14:31
justanotheruserI thought it only mattered which was on top/furthest from root?14:32
TMAjustanotheruser: and now for the important (c): if you permit big growth of the === stock, the grafts will die, because there is a resistance on the transition14:32
TMAjustanotheruser: the only thing that matters is the DNA of the bud producing the fruit14:33
TMAif the bud is from the original wood, you get the original fruit14:33
TMAsometimes the situation is more compelex still: some varieties can be grafted onto some others but not on a generic rootstock, because the generic rootstock is way too incompatible with the special one14:35
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TMAso you graft a tolerant variety on the rootstock, then you graft the desired one on top of that14:36
TMA(i have encountered this with walnuts)14:36
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justanotheruserhow do  not permet growth of the big?14:37
kanzureit's probably something like, "trees don't know the difference between a gash in a branch and a branch being replaced"14:37
TMAyou cut off all the branches from the root stock. After the graft is big enough the rootstock will not make branches of his own14:38
TMAbecause there is an instruction "prefer making new branches on the crown circumference or at the top"14:39
TMA(bushes do not have this instruction, that's why they look like  bushes not like trees)14:40
TMA"make new branches wherever you can" instruction is still there, as can be tested by cutting down a tree and watching the stump produce new trunks/branches14:41
chris_99people have tried grafting hops to cannabis to see if you get THC from the hop, turns out you don't14:43
TMAinteresting, that confirms that the THC is produced IN the flowers, not in the roots and transported14:44
chris_99yeah, they also tried the opposite, cannabis to a hop plant, and the THC levels were the same as those in a normal cannabis plant14:46
Betawolfdid they look at the hop foliage from those plants?14:46
Betawolfwould be interesting to see if it bled out from the cannibis graft at all14:46
chris_99sec, i'll see if i can find the paper14:47
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chris_99oh paperbot thou are not 'ere14:51
Betawolf(answer to my question would appear to be in the abstract: no evidence of transport)14:54
Betawolfand more clearly: "Leaves produced on H.japonicus stock from below a Cannabis graft showed no cannabinoids, and neither did a fruiting specimen of H. japonicus grown on Kew strain Cannabis for 17 weeks."15:05
archelsdelinquentme: there's some stuff in the logs about blood banking. somewhere.15:17
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=10363e92 Bryan Bishop: another lightning network presentation >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/sf-bitcoin-meetup/2015-02-23-scaling-bitcoin-to-billions-of-transactions-per-day/15:51
kanzuremoscow.sci-hub.bz -_________- great opsec gus15:52
kanzure*great opsec guys15:52
BetawolfI didn't know not to do that. What is the threat?15:55
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kanzureBetawolf: it's not your fault. they just shouldn't name their subdomains based on cities that their servers are located in.16:41
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BetawolfAh, okay. I wondered if I was leaking something with that hash. For what it's worth, I think the three mirrors are 'moscow', 'oceania' and 'cyber', so it might just be they consider moscow safe enough.16:43
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mgincurious what other people's strategies are for living forever17:11
juri_work hard.17:22
mginjust in general, or on something specific?17:24
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juri_right now it's 3d printing. I'm missing way too much education.17:32
mginyou're working on 3d printing?17:32
mginhow is that a strategy to live forever?17:32
juri_It's the thing i have to bring to the table. What skills are you bringing?17:34
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mginthat doesn't answer the question..17:44
juri_I think it does. I'm doing what i can. you should as well.17:45
delinquentmemgin, i dont follow how it doesnt answer the question17:45
delinquentmeit reset immune system if you can muster 72 hours of it17:45
delinquentmeit increases focus17:45
delinquentmeit reattinuates your body to insulin sensitivity17:46
delinquentmeit lowers body fat17:46
-!- justanotheruser is now known as geronimo17:53
-!- geronimo is now known as justanotheruser17:53
mginwhat does 3d printing have to do with living forever17:53
ryankarason@big toe eaten by a camel17:54
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-!- kish\ is now known as justanotheruser17:55
ryankarasonsome time ago (maybe 3 years) i had a particularly interesting dream, where a friend of mine cut off my toe with a chainsaw17:55
ryankarasonit was so painful that i woke up immediately, however there was a handful of brain cycles that looped during this wake up and i felt the pain flee away from my body in the second or so it took to come to consciousness17:56
ryankarasonwas /very/ interesting.17:56
ryankarasoni was i had the ability at the moment to see how precisely my brain was generating the pain signals.. curious if there were any markers in my blood system or something..17:57
kanzureneurotransmission is much faster than blood signalling18:00
-!- MrJuulie is now known as juul18:08
delinquentmeyashgaroth, ParahSailin_ questions on antibody discovery.18:23
delinquentmeIm trying to come up with novel market ideas for an antibody a colleague of mine might be going after18:24
delinquentmeright now hes interested for the long to-market solution being something totally uninspired : cGMP facilities18:24
delinquentmesince we're working towards creating a known antibody with established function18:25
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delinquentmeAND that within cancer drugs, some antibodies are known to bind quite well and others less so to known cancers18:26
ryankarasonkanzure: aye.. i figured as much.. but by which method does it signal from foot to brain.. or was everything just happening in the brain?18:26
delinquentmeI had thought that GIVEN that most all cancers are sequenced, and a known drug / cancer interaction... that atteniuating that drug to address possible other variants of the same cancer .. might be a good method forward18:26
yashgarothI wish you luck with your clinical trials18:27
delinquentmeexcept my friend writes this off as very difficult ... and thinks it falls surely within ' discovery '18:27
yashgarothis he working with a known antibody, as in developed/patented/tested/produced by some other company already?18:28
delinquentmeyes its a generic18:28
yashgarothvery few cancer antibodies are generic at this point18:29
delinquentmebut modifying that18:29
delinquentmeis that complex18:29
delinquentmemy understanding of this is we've already got a controlled construct generating that antibody18:30
delinquentmeand wed be modifying ~ 100 bps to change its conformation18:30
delinquentmethe majority of that antibody stays the same no?18:30
delinquentmeParahSailin_, what am I googling?18:30
yashgarothyes, you're probably only chanigng the antigen binding segment18:30
delinquentmebut thats still complex18:31
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yashgarothdepends what you want to do with it, but yes18:31
delinquentmeor is the complexity in getting FDA approval for the modified antibody?18:31
yashgaroththat's not so much complex as expensive and time-consuming18:31
yashgarothalso the only people with a "controlled construct generating that antibody" are the company currently selling it, and they won't give it to you; however it's easy enough to generate one18:32
delinquentmethats our short term delivarable18:32
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yashgarothhow short term are you hoping18:33
delinquentmeto get the antibody? hoping 3 months18:33
delinquentmeweve also got a number of milestones setup to ease our way into it18:33
delinquentmeand a researcher whos created this molecule in a research setting already18:34
delinquentmeso like we feel thats achieveable18:34
yashgarothstable cell line development is typically 6 months, but I believe in you18:34
delinquentmemy concern is what to do after we get the antibody18:35
yashgarothyeah who are you delivering it to after 3 months18:35
delinquentmecGMP and un-differentiated scale up sounds boring as shit18:35
delinquentmeim injecting it18:35
drethelinno do it18:35
drethelininject that shit18:35
yashgarothmy sympathies on your cancer diagnosis18:35
drethelinDO IT FOR SCIENCE18:35
delinquentmewe just want to crystalize it and verify that the end structure is as expected18:35
delinquentmenow one thing we've talked about is cgmp purification18:36
yashgarothGMP and scale-up is boring as shit, I can assure you18:36
delinquentmewhich is at least a LITTLE more differentiated18:36
drethelinI've heard of GMP, what's cGMP?>18:36
yashgarothyou don't need GMP manufacturing for a crystal structure, tbh you don't need a crystal structure18:36
delinquentmeyashgaroth, yeah I started reading and eyes insta-glossed over18:36
yashgaroth"current GMP"18:36
delinquentmeyashgaroth, correct.18:37
yashgarothit's all paperwork and document review boards and ugh kill me18:37
delinquentmeGMP is the like 5/10 year goal18:37
yashgarothok good18:37
delinquentmebut getting REALLY good at protein characterization could be hot and useful18:37
delinquentmeI mean *ANYONE* whos putting shit into people wants really well characterized molecules18:38
yashgarothnah not really, run some gels, HPLC, glycosylation analysis, terminal sequencing, mass spec, that's good enough18:38
delinquentmeso thats at least got me paying attention18:38
delinquentmeyashgaroth, Y U NO neutron diffraction?18:38
delinquentmexray crystalography18:38
delinquentmelow-g crystalization18:38
yashgarothit's just a fucking antibody, jesus18:39
delinquentmethese suck less than paperwork18:39
delinquentmeyashgaroth, its not just the antibody though, its the 3% of unknowns in that compound18:39
yashgarothwhat unknowns18:39
delinquentmewhen a drug is guaranteed at 97% purity18:39
yashgarotha. you're not gonna see those in a crystal, and b. 97% is way too low for injectables18:40
delinquentmeso how to get higher then?18:40
yashgarothmore purification steps, depending on the nature of the contaminants18:40
delinquentmethe partner seems to be interested in 'molecular velcro' as a protocol18:40
drethelinwhy does your product have unknownsin the first place18:40
delinquentmewhich I semi understand18:41
drethelindon't you control the ingredients and do filtration and whatnot/18:41
delinquentmedrethelin, sure but im not trying to explain right now18:41
yashgarothno just run a Protein A column, then Q, then size-exclusion or something, it's not rocket science it's just biochemistry18:41
delinquentmedrethelin, easy one is uncharacterized growth medium18:41
kanzuredrethelin: some antibody production techniques are just "use some rabbit"18:42
kanzureso... rabbit stuff.18:42
yashgarothshoot cancer into rabbit, wait 12 weeks, "extract"18:42
delinquentmeyay antobodies!18:42
drethelinkanzure: hah fair18:43
yashgarothI always have to sit and wonder when I receive 20 liters of hybridoma ascites from a mouse host, like how many tens of thousands of mice went into this18:43
yashgarothhowever you will be using CHO cells in defined media18:43
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yashgarothanyway molecular velcro seems like a hip new protocol but you don't need to fuck around with that for mass purification18:45
delinquentmeyashgaroth, his concern is regeneration / maintainance of the columns18:47
delinquentmeI've only read about this but from what I read it seems simple18:47
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yashgarothnah, if you're not an idiot you can regenerate them a hundred times and they'll lose maybe 10% binding capacity, and that's with the last-gen resins18:47
yashgarothand that's only for Protein A, ion-exchange/size-exclusion/hydrophobic interaction resins you can cycle way more since they're not protein-based18:48
yashgaroththe amortized cost of columns is a small fraction of purification cost, and I'm saying that as someone who regularly packs columns with $250k worth of resin18:50
drethelinI love how small huge piles dollars can get in biochem18:51
delinquentmeyashgaroth, awesome . thanks for the comments.18:52
delinquentmeyeah idk man . like I LIKE our path ... UP TO the FDA approval part18:53
delinquentmelike everything we've talked about w getting the molecule sounds quite attainable18:53
yashgarothyeah I'd recommend skipping the FDA part18:53
delinquentmebut then theres the sitting on my thumbs with the FDA approval18:53
delinquentmeit IS off patent in euro already though so18:53
delinquentmeunsure if the FDA equivalent over there sucks any less18:53
delinquentmealso of interest is that we can *totally* compete on cost in the 3rd world18:54
yashgarothso what is it, rituxan?18:54
delinquentmeagain more SUPER interesting paths to market YAY " we're cheaper "18:54
delinquentmeyashgaroth, :D thats our second compound18:54
drethelin"skipping the FDA" seems18:55
yashgarothwell unless you have some secret sauce to mutate the antibody, with data to back it up, you'll still find it difficult to compete18:55
yashgarothchina produces very good antibody, low price, best quality ,totally legit testing, no hairs18:56
delinquentmeyashgaroth, what do you mean mutate the antibody ?18:56
delinquentmeyashgaroth, !! maybe thats a path.18:56
delinquentmedevelop the process and then take it to a chineze mfgr18:56
yashgarothI assumed with the "discovery" part you were maybe going to do something so it wouldn't just be a biosimilar18:56
delinquentmeyashgaroth, nah the current plan is specifically a biosimilars applicaiton18:57
delinquentmebut I dont imagine that to be trivial either18:57
yashgarothwell "develop the process" means shove the expression cassette into some cells, pick a high-producing clone, and then feed it into a pretty generic purification18:57
delinquentmeaside: cost approximation on biosimilars approval?18:57
yashgarothless than for a new drug, but still never been tackled by anyone less than huge pharma18:58
delinquentmeyashgaroth, right. thats about what we're looking to do for the first 3 months18:58
delinquentmepartner seems pretty bullish on being able to raise $$$ to last through that18:58
delinquentmewhich im quite ehhhh on18:58
yashgarothyeah I could do that for a quarter-mil easy, probably less18:58
delinquentmeesp considering there are like a few more than 10 generics manufactures who have that scale already18:59
yashgarothway easier to outsource it to a CRO18:59
delinquentmeyashgaroth, his approx was 150 mil for biosimilars18:59
delinquentme^ my thoughts18:59
yashgarothoh for like FDA approval, yeah18:59
delinquentmeyashgaroth, youre saying you could get to the molecule for sub 250k18:59
yashgarothI could give you a cell line that produces a few grams per liter, albeit in closer to 6 months yeah19:00
yashgarothand develop the purification process ofc19:00
yashgaroththe 150mil is for FDA/clinical trials/cGMP scale-up19:00
delinquentmeyashgaroth, yeah thats about the money we're looking at19:01
delinquentmeand I think we've established that that portion is doable19:01
yashgarothwell the first 3 months is a tiny fraction of that19:01
delinquentme... but I think my interest is getting $$$19:02
yashgarothfeel free to inflate the projected costs in your slide deck19:02
delinquentmeI want something closer to market19:02
delinquentmeif we were selling products in 3 months I'd be happy19:02
delinquentmewe do think well be able to make some novel cell lines but IDK if selling that will be wildly lucrative19:03
yashgarothwell your options there are to either skip regulatory approval, or manufacture & sell it outside the U.S./EU19:03
yashgarothalso there are dozens of CROs who do that every day, making cell lines and purification processes is pretty trivial these days19:03
yashgarothand may I recommend south america for your black clinic19:04
delinquentmethis does seem more approachable19:04
delinquentmebut its still worth some money19:05
yashgarotha surprisingly small amount of money, trust me, especially for someone who could presumably make far more money mashing on a keyboard19:05
delinquentmegetting a cell line to a molecule with an established market is, in my uneducated opinion, worth something19:05
yashgarothit's worth the lowest bidder in a saturated market, albeit with some cost-savings by 'cutting out the middleman' as it were19:06
delinquentmeI can make money programming for sure ... but I mean its nowhere near the market cap on these drugs19:06
delinquentmewe're talking both are in excess of 5b a year19:06
yashgarothhowever you are competing with several very large corporations that have a wealth of experience, and masses of underemployed biologists to labor for them19:07
yashgarothif there is a market for a competitor's biologic when it goes out of patent, they will move on it19:08
yashgaroththis is only if you plan to compete in the regulated space, obviously19:08
delinquentmemaybe we should just name the company 'black market biologics'19:08
yashgarothnah I snagged that one already19:09
yashgarothso yeah your option is to sell it straight-up black market in US/EU, or in the far less profitable "developing world", where you're still competing, just with cut-rate back-alley operations instead of megacorps19:10
yashgarothor the third option, black clinic in south america, where US/EU citizens fly to get your high-quality antibodies19:11
delinquentmeI do kinda want to run a megacorp though19:11
delinquentmeare there hospitals in africa which would run something like that as clinical trials?19:11
delinquentmei'd guess the answer is yes19:11
yashgarothmostly in india, africa doesn't quite have the infrastructure19:12
delinquentmeidk how I feels about this19:12
yashgarothforeign clinical trials are rarely recognized, especially those run in less scrupulous countries19:12
delinquentmebut for our own edification ... they could be useful19:12
yashgarothhell even clinical trials run in the US are dubious enough19:13
delinquentmebut then i guess I worry about getting mismatched tumor cells or totally 3rd party genomes19:13
yashgarothanyway it certainly has potential to work, and I'm not just saying that so I can buy up your equipment in a firesale next year19:15
delinquentmeyashgaroth, youre not in the SF area are you ?19:16
yashgarothnah but I19:16
yashgaroth'll drive up there if the deals are good19:16
delinquentmegood well we'll ensure the equipment is nice and dense19:16
yashgarothmuch as I would like to live in SF, I'm rather priced out by the python wranglers etc19:16
delinquentmesan jose?19:17
delinquentmeif it makes you feel better I dont own a dog or a car19:17
delinquentmeall muh pets R servers19:17
yashgarothit's all one rooms that cost more than a house here, and I thought san diego was expensive19:17
delinquentmehaha yeahh19:17
delinquentme$800 for my apt in oakland19:18
delinquentmebut is nice and central19:18
yashgarothdid I hear you were doing some work with carlo quinonez, or was that someone else19:18
drethelinI like that I pay 1/3 the price of SF19:19
drethelinor berkeley19:19
drethelintoo bad it means I never get to hang out with the coolest california kids19:19
delinquentmeyashgaroth, I've met up with him a number of times19:21
delinquentmebut I think hes pretty engaged with his current efforts19:21
delinquentme( at the job )19:21
yashgarothfair enough19:21
delinquentmeisaac yonemoto is the current individual I might be working with19:21
yashgarothit is an antibody though right? not this small-molecule 9-deoxysibiromycin19:24
delinquentmeit is an antibody19:24
yashgarothand this isaac is not the person19:28
yashgaroth...who previously worked on this antibody, right?19:28
yashgaroththe "a researcher whos created this molecule in a research setting already"19:29
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delinquentmecorrect. thats a different individual19:31
delinquentmeone of our mutual friends19:31
yashgarothah ok I was gonna say, this guy's pure chemistry19:31
delinquentmealright! relocating19:33
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kanzureoh wait, nevermind. much more boring than i thought.19:51
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justanotheruser"Large dielectric constants are undesirable, since they mean a large capacitance of the piezo tube, which will limit the scanning frequency obtainable for a given drive current."20:36
justanotheruserIsn't this dependent on how much precision you are looking to get?20:39
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