
--- Log opened Tue Jul 28 00:00:24 2015
-!- erasmus [~esb@unaffiliated/erasmus] has quit [Quit: Namaste]00:17
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maaku'i would blow up the planet for a good milkshake' lol01:15
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paskykanzure: what are your thouhts about http://www.augur.net/ ? will it make sense? some people want me involved and I'm a bit torn...04:52
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kanzurepasky: ask maaku06:38
kanzuremaaku: :-)06:38
kanzurejustanotheruser: i think BlueLobster is mgin, they both refuse to read anything06:38
justanotheruserpasky: that website is terrible06:39
justanotheruserwhite on pink06:39
justanotheruserthe incredibly low text density06:39
cluckjlol @ scrollback06:40
justanotheruseroh wait, I had to turn flash on so they could show me their neat effect where things come together as I scroll down06:40
justanotheruserkanzure: nah, he was just trolling I think06:41
justanotheruserRefused to acknowledge that the definition of transhumanism allowed the benefit of living humanss06:42
kanzurethe wikipedia article is sort of shit06:42
kanzurea long time ago i tried to refactor the article but my refactor was rejected06:43
kanzurebecause of the local wikipedia article owner (Loremaster)06:43
kanzurethe problem with the wikipedia article is that it doesn't make it out to be a "personal philosophy", instead it's about large groups of _other_ humans06:44
kanzurein the james hughes "social democratic transhumanism" sense, which is a clusterfuck disaster06:44
kanzureto be fair, they were right to reject my refactored version of the article, although they are still wrong to have such a clearly biased definition06:45
justanotheruserif only definitions were preceded by namespaces06:48
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JayDuggerHow would you handle all the namespaces in a reference work?06:49
justanotheruservery carefully06:49
JayDuggerFair enough. :)06:49
justanotherusernot a serious suggestion, too many different definitions to keep track of06:50
JayDuggerThought so, but asking you made a welcome distraction from housework.06:51
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:16
delinquentmeBlueLobster, I like your talking head appeal07:17
juri_much scroll. many wow.07:25
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delinquentmeyeahh right!07:29
delinquentmewe've got fucking che in our presence07:29
delinquentmejuri_, I too, cant believe were blessed w such austerity07:29
JayDuggerShush! Back to your navel gazing.07:31
delinquentmeJayDugger, right now its more than just gazing ! theres lint in there !07:33
juri_I've... got such a pretty navel...07:34
-!- fleshtheworld [~fleshthew@108-240-244-194.lightspeed.frsnca.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]07:48
kanzuresci-hub mirror(?) http://sci-hub.club/08:02
kanzureah they finally know about expaper.cn08:07
kanzureand for some reason libgen recommends http://cyberleninka.ru/08:08
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-!- erasmus [~esb@unaffiliated/erasmus] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:26
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cluckjthe sci-hub lawsuit makes me real nervous09:01
cluckj"bullshit that might get my field notes subpoenaed"09:02
ParahSailin_jrayhawk: came up with an interesting "keto" soylent09:11
-!- Beatzebub [~beatzebub@d162-156-106-225.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Quit: Beatzebub]09:13
ParahSailin_jrayhawk: 150 grams olive oil, 20 grams ultra-tex 8, 100 grams whey protein, 3 grams salt, shaken to 1 liter with water09:13
JayDuggerUltra-tex 8? What's that?09:13
ParahSailin_fancy food starch09:13
ParahSailin_its what i had around as a free sample09:14
JayDuggerhttp://www.modernistpantry.com/ultra-tex-8.html, and http://www.molecularrecipes.com/hydrocolloid-guide/ultra-tex/?09:15
ParahSailin_used to be able to get it from national starch as a free sample09:16
ParahSailin_but that was in like 200809:16
JayDuggerHow many servings does that make?09:17
juri_a member of my hackerspace (mike chellen) is on his way to SF. he's visiting biocurious, and counterculture.09:17
juri_please give him a warm welcome. and NOT a laser to the face.09:18
ParahSailin_thats like 1800 kcal09:18
ParahSailin_thats the free sample link btw09:18
ParahSailin_the emulsion is quite stable09:19
ParahSailin_can have it in the fridge overnight09:19
ParahSailin_and it doesnt give you the oil shits09:20
JayDuggerThank you. Ha! I have, or rather had, the opposite problem when I started with a spirulina and chlorella heavy recipe.09:21
JayDuggerNot constipation, but clogged plumbing.09:21
ParahSailin_i havent eaten that exclusively, just using it to supplement meat09:22
ParahSailin_spirulina too heavy in fiber?09:22
JayDuggerNo, I don't think so. Feces was just really solid, and (relatively) poorly water-soluble.09:23
ParahSailin_maybe good idea to mix that green stuff with this mix then, and give it some semblance of completeness09:24
ParahSailin_i just used what happened to be at trader joes on a whim09:24
JayDugger500 mg of fiber or so, per Wolframalpha--shit, there's a yoleaux command for that isn't there.09:25
ParahSailin_i have a friend with cancer who needs some way of getting food in, so i was trying to experiment for him09:26
ParahSailin_wouldnt do to give such a carb heavy mix as soylent09:26
JayDuggerI have several other ingredients in that recipe. If you can wait 20 hours or so, I can get the whole thing from my work email account. (I entered into the summer cook-off contest. I lost.)09:26
ParahSailin_apparently olive oil is supposed to have some compounds that are useful against cancer?09:27
ParahSailin_dude's in stage 4, doing chemo09:27
JayDuggerYes, a cooking contest at work. Submit a dish, taste panel, etc.09:27
ParahSailin_yeah i bet a soylent mix would not win a cooking contest09:27
JayDuggerOh, my sympathies and best wishes for a  complete remission.09:28
JayDuggerNo, especially not when it has a deep dark green color.09:28
JayDuggerMy wife can't stand the smell, either.09:28
ParahSailin_so the algae has an aroma?09:28
cluckjI can't imagine soylent + spirulina tasting very awesome09:29
JayDuggerIt's pretty mild, but spirulina and chlorella both have distinct aromas.09:29
JayDuggerYou also have to take care in mixing them. They have such small sizes (microalgae) that it's worse than confectioner's sugar.09:30
cluckjturn all the things green?09:30
JayDuggerYeah, my stock answer to the flavor question is to dodge it by listing just how nutritious it is, and then circle back to the adage "Things that taste good usually aren't good for you."09:31
JayDuggerIf that doesn't give the hint, I fall back to "I eat it because it is good for me, not for the taste. You buy gasoline for its octane, not its fragrance."09:32
JayDuggerAnd yes, initially.09:32
JayDuggerStool changes back after about two weeks, in my case, if I don't change the amount in the meal.09:33
JayDuggerUrine doesn't change color based on this. You can turn it bright yellow with large vitamin B doses, but I've only done that with supplements.09:33
JayDugger.wa "50 grams olive oil, 20 grams ultra-tex 8, 100 grams whey protein, 3 grams salt, shaken to 1 liter with water"09:34
yoleauxJayDugger: Sorry, no result!09:34
yoleauxyou creepy douche-pilot09:35
JayDuggerright back at you, bot.09:35
ParahSailin_yeah, thats 150 grams olive oil09:35
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JayDugger.wa 150 grams olive oil + 100 grams whey  + 3 grams salt09:37
yoleauxolive oil: amount: 150 grams+whey: amount: 100 grams+salt: amount: 3 grams: Protein and amino acids: |: mean value: % daily value: range; protein: olive oil: 0 g: 0%: | whey: 805 mg: 2%: (760 to 850) mg: salt: 0 g: 0%: | total: 805 mg: 2% |; Sterols: |: mean value: % daily value: range; cholesterol: olive oil: 0 g: 0%: | whey: 1.5 mg: 1%: (1 to 2) mg: salt: 0 g: 0%: | total: 1.5 mg: 1% |09:37
JayDuggerWell, anyway, good night, everyone. Bed time where I am.09:39
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BlueLobsterdelinquentme: thank you11:04
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fenni like the taste of chlorella, it reminds me of matcha green tea and dark chocolate13:15
cluckjtasting/pairing notes (like wine) for nutritional algae would be a great boon to science13:19
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cluckjI suppose that too13:22
-!- Beatzebub [~beatzebub@d162-156-106-225.bchsia.telus.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:28
-!- Daeken [~daeken@demoseen.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:29
jrayhawk"09:29 < ParahSailin_> apparently olive oil is supposed to have some compounds that are useful against cancer?" phenolics are a hormetic stressor used to upregulate a bunch of antioxidant pathways like Nrf2, but ketosis would already be doing the same thing with methylglyoxal.13:41
EnLilaSko.g olive oil examine.com13:50
BlueLobstergreen tea... and dark chocolate13:51
BlueLobsterfenn: what do you do for your chocolate?13:51
fenntrader joe's 500g bar 72% cacao13:51
BlueLobsterever done something a bit more exciting?13:52
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fennghirardelli chips are good too but sometimes they have gotten chalky from improper storage13:52
BlueLobsterI like your style, fuck milk chocolate13:52
nmz787_ihow's the protein synthesizer going? any advances?13:52
fenni like milk chocolate too13:52
BlueLobsterI detest milk chocolate.13:52
nmz787_i(I am joking)13:53
BlueLobsterlet's focus on dark chocolate13:53
fennno nmz787_i we are busy navel gazing13:53
kanzureBlueLobster: have you read the links yet?13:53
kanzurenmz787_i: still don't know how to do gene assembly with an inkjet13:53
kanzureor oligo synthesis13:53
BlueLobsterkanzure: you and your fucking links13:53
BlueLobsterkanzure: what's your favourite chocolatE?13:53
nmz787_ifenn: oranges or bellybuttons?13:53
kanzureBlueLobster: i'd tell you, but you'd have to visit a link13:53
BlueLobsterfine fine I'll click something13:54
kanzureBlueLobster: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration13:54
nmz787_ixrr: yep, that was me... I think 3 years ago13:54
nmz787_ixrr: still don't have anyone who wants to help other than with a passing comment13:54
nmz787_i(on the non-macro-scale ideas, at least)13:55
* fenn doesn't see anything from xrr in the scrollback...13:55
kanzureit was a few days ago13:56
kanzurewe've lost captain hindsight13:56
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kanzurenot enough focus for his taste13:56
fenni thought he was just doing a jobber job13:56
nmz787_iI wondered if that would happen13:56
BlueLobsterkanzure: I'm going to have to replicate that remotely because I don't click on links13:57
BlueLobsterbut I'll get back to you13:57
kanzureBlueLobster: it's a git repository13:57
kanzureBlueLobster: https://github.com/kanzure/diyhpluswiki or git clone git://diyphl.us/srv/git/diyhpluswiki.git13:57
BlueLobsterkanzure: who is the domain registrar13:57
BlueLobstervery good13:57
BlueLobsterthat will suffice13:57
nmz787_iBlueLobster: but that 'github' link could be a victim of bitsquatting, so best not to click that either13:57
nmz787_iunicdoe and whatnot13:58
kanzurefenn: he's ready to roll but i don't have enough details for him.13:58
nmz787_ikanzure: no longer interested in direct POSAM replication?13:58
BlueLobsternmz787_i: my environment is sterile13:58
BlueLobsterit won't do anything naughty13:58
kanzurehe'd be willing to throw together the inkjet printer, but i don't think he's willing to debug the chemistry13:58
BlueLobsterdefault routes will be deleted :)13:59
nmz787_iwhat was the word from the biohacker groups?13:59
kanzureplus, all of the machine requirements aren't known at the moment13:59
jrayhawkcorrected domain and shorter path: git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git13:59
kanzurebiohacker groups would be happy to house it, but none of them expressed an understanding of how much hard work this is going to take13:59
fennthe only missing machine requirement is linker chemistry13:59
ParahSailin_jrayhawk: hm i havent really been in ketosis though13:59
nmz787_ibiohackers being bio-logists13:59
kanzurefenn: lcds are not dense enough to do this13:59
nmz787_ifenn: wasn't the linker chem also in POSAM?13:59
fenni agree about biohackers being lame though14:00
ParahSailin_so this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleocanthal mechanism is probably as hormetic stressor?14:00
kanzurelcds aren't going to move 10 picoliter droplets or whatever14:00
fennwhat's wrong with lcd's and SCOEW14:00
fenni don't care about moving 10 picoliter droplets14:00
kanzurewhat's the inkjet for then?14:00
fenni mean i don't care about moving 10 picoliter droplets around with an lcd14:01
fennif you are just going to combine them together anyway, just use bigger droplets14:01
fennalso we can do DLP projector if it comes to that14:01
jrayhawkhuh, the LPS mitigation stuff in that article is interesting14:01
kanzuredlp has the same limitations14:02
kanzurefenn: how many drops do you want on an lcd?14:02
fennlcds have more pixels and are cheaper and more compact so i'm inclined to do that instead14:02
fenn.g retina tablet resolution14:02
jrayhawkBut, yeah, potentially.14:02
fennhm i guess .g is borked dpk14:02
fennan ipad has 3 megapixels so assuming it takes 9 pixels per droplet that's 333k droplets14:05
fennthis is just for reference, not suggesting we actually use an ipad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retina_display14:06
kanzurewhere is the 9 pixel assumption from?14:06
kanzureplus you need space for movement and isolation14:06
nmz787_iup down left right NW NE SW SE center?14:06
kanzureand also wasn't this the one where you don't need an inkjet?14:06
nmz787_iup down left right A B start14:07
yoleauxVerb: The act of last minute screaming planning action that does not divert panic  Blazin' it in the daytime.  Let life go by or pass on by  Talking shit over social media (twitter,Instagram) or talki14:07
fennthe droplet would be at the tip of the two o's14:07
nmz787_i.ud up down left right a b start14:07
nmz787_iwell that's def the first google hit for me14:08
fenno is light and - is dark14:08
fennor maybe the other way around14:09
CaptHindsightkanzure: still lurking, just waiting for things to get organized here14:11
kanzureyea i guess i should actually check before i make up shit, huh?14:11
fenn"CaptHindsight> ssi: I quoted an open source design for an inkjet that included mesa hardware. The majority of complaints and hub-bub was the cost of the Mesa hardware and complexity of Linuxcnc"   CaptHindsight i think you are imagining this, i don't remember anyone ever complaining about the cost of mesa boards in particular14:12
nmz787_iso fenn, you didn't answer when I asked about the supposed 'missing linker chemistry details'.... are these not outlined in the POSAM papers (it seemed to be to me)14:12
CaptHindsightfenn: it's in the logs14:13
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fennjuri_ was being a free software zealot about fpga programming mostly14:13
nmz787_ifenn: to be honest, I asked how under-resourced an ice40 FPGA would be vs the Mesa (I don't believe that was answered)... the answer I got was 'why reimplement motor drivers, and you'd lose out on the open-source CPUs/MCUs that Mesa offers'14:13
CaptHindsightpossibly, I just ask whenever it comes up14:14
CaptHindsightreinvention of Linuxcnc, FPGA boards etc14:15
nmz787_ibut that was about cost, not feasibility14:16
justanotheruserkanzure: are there plans for things to get organized in here14:16
nmz787_ikanzure: ever post that chemist-wanted to anywhere?14:17
ParahSailin_those lesswrong people were big on quantified health hypothesis stuff, do they have a best answer for someone who has cancer?14:17
ParahSailin_didnt one of them even have a startup about that?14:18
fennParahSailin_: that was metamed, not lesswrong specifically(?)14:18
justanotheruserIs there some plan to organize individuals to work along the roadmap14:18
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jrayhawkalmost everyone at metamed was LW-associated anyway14:18
CaptHindsighthow long were the inkjet oligos? ~100mer14:18
justanotheruserI don't know of better elaboration because I'm asking a very general question14:19
justanotheruserWhat is the timeline for the next 5 years14:19
jrayhawkonly interesting health thing i have seen come out of the QS movement was HRV14:19
fennjrayhawk: that's because all the consumer accelerometers are bullshit and don't give you raw data14:19
kanzurenmz787_i: no, it needs to be rewritten14:20
BlueLobstergood evening justanotheruser14:20
kanzurejustanotheruser: you mean by paying them?14:20
justanotheruseror collaboratively volunteering14:20
justanotheruserBlueLobster: hey14:20
kanzurejustanotheruser: well that would require actual volunteers14:20
jrayhawkhttp://www.apdm.com/ i do some work for a biosensor company, as it happens14:20
kanzurejustanotheruser: i can only shame you people so much into doing work14:20
jrayhawkwell, mechanical sensor, i suppose14:21
justanotheruseryes, I hope I can help when I'm done with my very important and fancy degree14:21
fennjrayhawk: also from my perspective the "movement" went from like 50 dudes having pizza and talking about nerd stuff to millions of dollars in VC hype in a matter of months, and the influx of people was like an elephant jumping into a kiddy pool (i personally felt splashed out/excluded)14:21
kanzurejustanotheruser: realistically, dna synthesis is pretty important for other stuff14:22
CaptHindsightnmz787: I think the confusion is over how to cleave the oligos from the tray and link that to the ones still bonded to the tray14:23
justanotheruserdna synthesis is the first goal then?14:23
nmz787_iCaptHindsight: I thought that was to be saved for a later revision... and simply cleave all-at-once to start14:23
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nmz787_ia million spots is pretty ridiculous anyway, unless the error rate and post-cleanup is horrible14:24
nmz787_iwith a reasonable process, I bet a given user for something like this would be using 100 spots max14:24
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:25
CaptHindsightinkjet onto an electrostatic array, bond the first base to the array using a photocleaveable link14:25
fennjrayhawk: how much does apdm's opal cost? (roughly)14:26
CaptHindsightafter you reach your 50-100mer  you leave the first row bonded to the array and photcleave the next row and bond it to the first row14:27
CaptHindsightthen photcleave the 3rd row. move it to the first row and bond, repeat14:27
jrayhawki don't do sales, but i get the impression it's more than a hundred and less than a thousand, depending14:28
fennAPDM Opal 16 IMU $2,399.0014:28
fennfrom some academic paper14:28
fennthat's an expensive watch14:28
jrayhawkthe real-time data streaming and sd card support are the two biggies14:30
fenn"the entire system, including Mobility Lab costs $20,032.00"14:30
BlueLobsterwho the fuck needs a watch14:30
BlueLobsterthe only watches I deal with are pocket watchs14:30
fenni don't particularly care about data streaming but sd card is important14:30
BlueLobsterbeacuse that's a proper fashion piece14:30
fennalso the battery life is too short, 12h is not even a full day14:31
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BlueLobsterjustanotheruser: you know what's amusing14:31
fennBlueLobster: it's an accelerometer worn on wrist or foot14:31
BlueLobstercan't I put one in my pocket14:31
CaptHindsighthttp://ibin.co/w800/29eLd1TYvEx9  the danger with photo-cleaving and photo-deprotection is damage from the UV14:31
fennyes but it would be a different measurement because it's measuring the movement of your pocket, not your wrist14:32
BlueLobsterfenn: why can't we just build this into my phone14:32
BlueLobsterwhy does it have to go on a lumb14:32
fennbecause measuring the movement of the limb is the whole point14:32
BlueLobsterthat makes assmptinos about my gait14:32
BlueLobsterwhy don'tt we just use gps data to figure out how far I've travelled14:32
fenni don't care about gait14:32
BlueLobsteryes but "steps" are rather different for different peopl14:33
BlueLobsterare we sure "steps" are the right increment14:33
BlueLobsterwhat if I walk with my hands in my pockets14:33
fenni want to do correlation between movement and other data sources in order to draw inferences about hidden variables14:33
BlueLobsterthere are many assumptions made in this aggregaton that likely do not result in reliable data14:33
BlueLobsterI hate unreliable data14:33
fennyes i agree "steps" is a terrible downsampling of the data and i hate all the consumer accelerometer companies because of this14:34
BlueLobsterfenn: that's nice.  Why is something on your wrist the best way to quantify movement?14:34
fennbecause we do things with our hands? it may not be the best way14:34
BlueLobsterfenn: I suppose the only reason we don't use constant gps polling is that it's battery expensive on most phone apps?14:34
BlueLobsterthat can be fixed14:34
fennwhat does gps have to do with body movement?14:35
BlueLobsterif I'm doing vertical pushups14:35
jrayhawkwhy accumulate data if most data is useless14:35
BlueLobsteris my ankle tracking thing14:35
jrayhawkwelp, i am convinced14:35
BlueLobstergoing to tell?14:35
jrayhawktime to throw out all my backups14:35
fennyes an ankle accelerometer can determine if you are doing pushups or not14:35
fenni don't know what a "vertical pushup" is14:36
jrayhawkhandstand pushup, maybe14:36
BlueLobsterfenn: do a handstand14:36
BlueLobsteryou'll figure it out14:36
fenni don't think i can do a handstand pushup14:36
BlueLobsternew goal in life14:37
jrayhawki usually have to kip them14:37
jrayhawksome days i can manage14:37
BlueLobsterfenn: the key is really more your core strength than your upper body14:37
BlueLobsterjrayhawk: keeping the legs upright is a lot more challenging than moving the weight14:38
jrayhawkthere's a tradeoff between prioprioception and strength, there, yeah, but that's optional if you use e.g. a wall to stabilize yourself14:40
fenn.title http://youtu.be/mv04IgDWAF414:40
yoleauxStarship Troopers - disable hand - YouTube14:40
jrayhawkeven tiny ladies can do handstands, though14:40
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jrayhawkwhich is to say if you have good proprioception you need almost no strength14:42
CaptHindsighthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odJxJRAxdFU  Three-Dimensional Mid-Air Acoustic Manipulation  contactless synthesis14:51
kanzureinterference causes mixing14:52
CaptHindsightlooks whizz-bang to get more funding14:53
CaptHindsightsomeone wanted to do this last year, now I see why14:54
CaptHindsighthttp://www.jnanobiotechnology.com/content/9/1/57/figure/F1  I didn't see any specs on the energy required to deprotect14:57
CaptHindsightif the UV required is too close to what causes damage this wasn't a good plan14:58
kanzurefenn: so would SCOEW stuff get done though?14:58
CaptHindsight"conventional solid-phase synthesis of oligonucleotides, which has reached stepwise coupling efficiencies of ~99% over several decades of optimization"14:59
fenni don't know, SCOEW is a research project in itself15:00
kanzureresearch needs to be minimized lots15:00
kanzureelectrowetting on electrodes seems less researchy15:00
fennunfortunately i don't see a way around it except to reduce the number of oligos by orders of magnitude15:00
kanzurewell, do we have any uses for 1 oligo?15:00
fennwell both of those have low TRL15:00
fenncan use the abi 391 to do 1 oligo15:01
fennit would be nice for pcr primers etc15:01
kanzurewe haven't consumed any pcr primers ever15:02
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fennhence why i'm not enthusiastic about dna synthesis15:02
CaptHindsight"the microarray are deprotected with light (12 J/cm2, to reach almost complete photodeprotection)"15:03
fennlight deprotection is much lower completion than other chemistries15:03
CaptHindsightso not exactly the most sensitive UV activated deprotector15:03
CaptHindsightfenn: http://www.jnanobiotechnology.com/content/9/1/57/15:04
CaptHindsightEfficiency, error and yield in light-directed maskless synthesis of DNA microarrays15:05
fennhuh this is not what i had heard previously, "Coupling Insertions due to stray light are the limiting factor in sequence quality for oligonucleotide synthesis for gene assembly."15:06
CaptHindsightI really see why t12 mentioned how they spent most of their research on optimizing QC15:18
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kanzureand assembly15:20
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dpkfenn: yeah, it's been doing that a lot recently15:48
dpkit's flipping annoying but there's not much i can do15:48
kanzureperhaps the bot needs a new home?15:48
dpki've even asked Google employees for whitelisting15:48
fenngoogle didnt like my captcha answers either15:49
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* juri_ beeps.18:28
mginanyone want to share their strategy for living forever18:32
kanzurewhat was your previous objections to http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration things (like cryoresuscitation)?18:33
mginthat's not a strategy18:34
mgini don't think you ever claimed that it was18:34
kanzurehow is it not a strategy?18:37
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mginit's just a list. do you think it's a strategy? like i said i never heard you claim that it was18:37
kanzureand messages are just lists of words, so what?18:38
mginanyone else? :P18:42
mginlife is the most beautiful thing there is18:46
mginidk why more people aren't obsessed with living forever18:47
superkuhProbably because it's not feasible.19:05
mginit is feasible19:06
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kanzuremgin: there's no way to guarantee living forever, but guarantees aren't necessary to do so19:13
kanzurewait yes they are, nevermind19:13
kanzure(re: shorthand) "In yielding to this necessity. I did so with the thought that, when the system had demonstrated its superiority for commercial work and reporting, its value would be more readily recognized as a time- and labor-saving accomplishment. Through all the subsequent years, absorbed and enmeshed as I have been with the details of a constantly expanding movement and organization, I have looked forward to the time when it would ...19:13
kanzure... be possible to return to my original purpose by inaugurating a campaign for the use of shorthand by everybody who had much writing to do. It has been a source of profound regret to me that time after time the pressure of other things has resulted in the postponement of such a campaign. It will come some day! The ever-increasing pressure of the times will render it inevitable.”19:13
kanzureand instead we just have text expanding to fill vacuums19:14
mginwhat's that from?19:16
kanzureplover mailing list19:17
mginanyway i obviously never said anything about guarantees19:17
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kanzurelsparrish: greetings21:49
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justanotheruserBlueLobster: what22:26
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xrrnmz787: I was also playing with the photoisomerization idea some time ago. But didn't get far. What molecule would you use for the light sensitive part? Ideally it should be something easily switched between two isomers via light. At first I was thinking about retinol. In the eyes, a photon flips 11-cis retinol to all-trans. But then eyes use LRAT and RPE65 to get it to 11-cis again, which is complicated.22:57
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lsparrishhi kanzure23:30
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