
--- Log opened Tue Aug 04 00:00:30 2015
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yoleauxEpitaxial growth of two-dimensional stanene : Nature Materials : Nature Publishing Group05:27
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kanzure.title http://archneur.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=239891508:09
yoleauxJAMA Network | JAMA Neurology | Blood-Borne Revitalization of the Aged Brain08:09
kanzure"Soluble factors present in young or aged blood are sufficient to improve or impair cognitive function, respectively, suggesting an aging continuum of brain-relevant systemic factors. The age-associated plasma chemokine CCL11 has been shown to impair young brain function while GDF11 has been reported to increase the generation of neurons in aged mice. However, the identities of specific factors mediating memory-enhancing effects of young ...08:10
kanzure... blood and their mechanisms of action are enigmatic. Here we review brain rejuvenation studies in the broader context of systemic rejuvenation research. We discuss putative mechanisms for blood-borne brain rejuvenation and suggest promising avenues for future research and development of therapies."08:10
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delinquentmejury duty is fucking hilarious09:33
delinquentmethe title of the intro video is: "IDEALS MADE REAL"09:34
kanzure"jury nullification is a myth"09:39
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kanzuresuspected satoshi nakamoto coins are on the move today https://blockchain.info/address/1B8BgCRpoJvwTtwVczRLvUiGY6PToqAJ3E09:48
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kanzuredata set of all github public keys https://blog.benjojo.co.uk/post/auditing-github-users-keys10:33
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justanotheruserkanzure: shame!11:30
justanotheruseryou are trusting blockchain.info as a source and not taking advantage of the tools you have at your disposal that don't require trust?11:31
* justanotheruser says this condendingly after only having read the HN comments section explaining that it was a bc.i bug11:31
kanzurehm? my post on hacker news was factual, regardless of whether blockchain.info is terrible11:32
justanotheruserno, I'm talking about what you said in here11:46
kanzureah shit11:46
andytoshilol, i got burned too, on -wizards no less11:48
kanzureat least i said suspected11:48
justanotheruserandytoshi: >:(11:51
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kanzure"“As many as 100 trillion viruses and bacteria live on each of us. However much we wash, there are always ten million or so bacteria on every square centimeter on our skin.”1"15:37
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kanzure.wik cerebritis15:42
yoleaux"Cerebritis is an infection of the brain that normally leads to the formation of an abscess within the brain itself. It is the inflammation of the cerebrum, a structure within the brain, which performs a number of important functions, including most of the things which people associate with being human, such as memory and speech." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebritis15:42
kanzure"The tenacity of the wisdom of the abscessing brain comes from a study entitled, “Improved survival in central nervous system aspergillosis: a series of immunocompromised children with leukemia undergoing stereotaxic resection of aspergillomas.”22 In each child reported in this series, and in every abscess, successful image-guided resection of the lesion was possible. “Complete resection of the abscess yielded gross findings of a ...15:43
kanzure... viscous fluid contained by a firm rubbery wall surrounded by soft capsule.”22 Even under SICKness (vide supra), the brain retains its balance between innate immunity and reasoned reactivity."15:44
math3Does anyone here have experience with Nootropics?15:44
c0rw1nnot mine personally but you can go read  http://www.gwern.net/Nootropics15:54
math3I was just wondering what would be the best nootropic for learning15:55
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kanzureyashgaroth: find me a non-destructive brain infecting microbe16:12
kanzureoh yeah16:13
kanzurei want some sliced cortex images and arrows pointing to the little fuckers, what paper do i want to read for this?16:13
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kanzurelooks like it might form cysts? page 5 figure 1 http://stuorgs2.uwsp.edu/PREVET/Resources/Toxoplasma%20reading%20from%20Dr.%20Huspeni.pdf16:15
yashgarothseems to be16:16
kanzureah here we go http://web.natur.cuni.cz/~flegr/pdf/cysts.pdf16:16
kanzure"The striking interindividual differences in the total parasite load and cyst distribution indicate a probabilistic nature of brain infestation. Still, some brain regions were consistently more infected than others. These included the olfactory bulb, the entorhinal, somatosensory, motor and orbital, frontal association and visual cortices, and, importantly, the hippocampus and the amygdala. By contrast, a consistently low incidence of ...16:17
kanzure... tissue cysts was recorded in the cerebellum, the pontine nuclei, the caudate putamen and virtually all compact masses of myelinated axons."16:17
yashgarothdare I ask16:17
kanzureoh look they recorded mean number of cysts per brain region, how nice of them16:18
kanzureyashgaroth: microbial nootropics; feed microbes to mice, slice brains and recover microbes that migrated to specific regions. iterate.16:18
yashgarothsoo they can then secrete nootropic compounds or what16:19
kanzurewell, migration is the first step16:19
kanzuresecond step is testing maze solving abilities or some shit16:19
kanzureand maybe adding large plasmids with neural growth factor genes or something16:20
kanzureand site-specific mutagenesis regarding regulation of those neural growth factors16:20
yashgarothwell, hmm16:22
yashgarothit's certainly promising from a zombie pandemic perspective16:23
kanzurewhat is it with you people and zombie apocalypses16:23
kanzureisn't viable nootropics more interesting, come on16:24
yashgarothbut the military applications...!16:24
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kanzurei suspect the primary military application might be no sleep16:24
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yashgarothyeah sleeping zombies would be a big drawback16:25
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yashgarothI thought modafinil was pretty good for sleep already16:25
kanzurei'd be most interested in "more working memory" tho16:26
kanzureor "language acquisition"16:27
kanzurepage 6 figure 4: they even made a highly colorful diagram for my amusement. aren't they the best?16:28
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yashgarothtranslating it into humans can be problematic, especially if you're trying to select for language acquisition in mice16:31
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kanzureyashgaroth: true, but you could use old people, although i agree it's problematic16:34
juri_so.. are we ever going to start on that dna printer? :P16:35
justanotheruserWhat is the most practical synthesis for a printer?16:36
kanzurejuri_: well, nobody figured out the chemistry or gene assembly yet16:38
kanzurejustanotheruser: what?16:38
kanzurerestate your question16:39
juri_kanzure: understood. wish i could help, but not my skill area.16:39
justanotheruserWhat is the most practical synthesis of DNA for a printer?16:40
kanzurejustanotheruser: phosphoramidite chemistry, http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna/synthesis/notes/16:40
justanotheruserso proposal 7 can be accomplished with an open source POSaM?16:44
kanzurethose proposals are sort of outdated, but yes16:44
kanzurejustanotheruser: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/overstockceo16:47
juri_i heard various proposals on drop manipulation. do we have anything on checking a droplet for success?16:48
kanzurewhich particular step of quality control are you talking about?16:50
juri_I don't have a good enough knowlege of the chemestry to know, honestly.16:54
kanzuretruly this conversation couldn't get more vague16:54
jrayhawkso is byrne going to talk about how his technology works at any point, or...17:04
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jrayhawkoh christ why are the 720p streams so unstable17:06
kanzurejrayhawk: it's just counterparty/medici hooked up to fix and nasdaq.17:06
jrayhawkoh, that's less bad than i was expecting17:06
jrayhawki was all worried it would be some awful ripple-like thing17:06
jrayhawkIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China, I guess?17:09
justanotheruserfun watching this speech next to the counter party price chart17:09
justanotheruserit's like a live tracker of how well his speech is going17:09
kanzure"ICBC is the Comcast of insurance companies"17:10
justanotheruserleet encrypted url, anonymous digital wallet17:11
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jrayhawki think i have a whole 0.1 XCP17:14
jrayhawkI'M RICH17:14
jrayhawkoops, nope, that's 0.1 mXCP17:15
justanotherusertcpip and mount17:16
jrayhawkah, but is it kernel space national science foundation, or userspace national science foundation17:16
jrayhawkhuh, blockchain-agnosticism was a bit of a surprise17:17
jrayhawkbut i guess "yeah, we'll support it, whatever, give us money" is a sensible way to go17:18
kanzureis it? all the blockchains are just copy-paste of bitcoin source code.17:18
jrayhawkwith varying degrees of bad architectural decisions17:18
c0rw1numm Namecin?17:18
c0rw1nyeah it's a copypaste but at least it does SOMEthing additional17:18
kanzurewhat about it?17:18
kanzurethe interface is exactly the same17:19
justanotheruserI think ledger agnostic means they will ride the blockchain buzz and use a trusted ledger17:21
c0rw1ntrusted how?17:21
c0rw1n"trust us, we own the server" ?17:21
jrayhawkpresumably whichever one best fulfills any given customer's conception of trust17:22
justanotherusermore specifically, trust us, we are overstock17:22
jrayhawkwhich is not any given one17:22
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jrayhawkhttp://blockscan.com/assetInfo/KANZURE so does this mean i own once percent of you, bryan17:23
justanotherusercan we buy kanzure shares?17:24
kanzure"presumably whichever one best fulfills any given customer's conception of trust"17:24
kanzurejustanotheruser: make me an offer17:24
jrayhawki think i got a dividend in the form a silly hat once17:25
justanotheruserkanzure: $100 for 0.1% of yearly production17:25
kanzurethat's the worst lowball in the history of forever17:25
justanotherusertoo many ways you can abuse it, can't offer higher, sorry17:26
kanzureyes if i wanted to torpedo myself sure17:27
justanotheruserthough, I will give you $100/year for every year that h+ related projects increase my lifespan17:27
* justanotheruser prepares for permenant endebtment17:28
kanzurei don't need $100 i need $100M17:28
justanotherusergood news is $100 will be nothing by the time I'm getting my life extended17:28
c0rw1nin capital, right. Over how many years ?17:28
jrayhawkdon't worry, $100 gets half as valuable ever few decades17:28
kanzurec0rw1n: asap, it's useless to me later17:28
justanotheruserkanzure: what will you buy17:29
c0rw1nthen sell a year of total output in 0.1% increments for $100 apiece, that's *exactly* what you need :p17:29
kanzureyou mean besides the soul of freeman dyson?17:29
kanzurewell i have a huge need for a few million mice17:30
kanzureso.. probably a few million mice.17:31
justanotheruserthat it?17:31
justanotheruserwhy a few million? Why not a thousand and a ton of mice food17:31
c0rw1n... acquire two mice and a ton of flour?17:31
kanzurealso i need more machine shop and more goons17:32
kanzuregoons are expensive17:32
justanotheruserWhy not get a few goons and a ton of goon food?17:34
c0rw1ntoo long to breed17:35
c0rw1nand train17:35
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kanzuregood excuse17:49
juri_I'm still training myself. functional programming breaks my brain.17:50
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kanzure"Second, a low incidence of the parasite in the cerebellum has been reported repeatedly (present study, [21,30,31]). The low level of infection might be caused by the cerebellar cytoarchitecture. The cerebellum features an extremely high cellular density, very small neurons and a low glia to neuron ratio [55,56]. Given that neurons are much less efficiently infected by T. gondii than are astrocytes, and that cerebellar granular neurons ...18:39
kanzure... are still less efficiently infected in vitro than hippocampal neurons (for review, see [57]), it is tempting to speculate that a high proportion of small, tightly packed granular neurons constitutes a limiting factor for T. gondii zoites proliferation and subsequent cyst formation."18:39
kanzureyashgaroth: what sorta flush/kill mechanism could be used? i think inserting just 1000 microbes with no replication could work, until you find something that improves language acquisition. not sure.18:41
c0rw1n... antibiotics?18:42
kanzurewell you don't want to kill all your bacteria18:43
c0rw1ntrue, but most of them replicate18:43
yashgarothto flush the toxo out of the organism/brain? antibiotics won't travel past the BBB, and they don't have apoptotic pathways so no luck there...maybe a very tightly regulated porin to lyse them18:43
c0rw1nhow is toxo cured then18:44
c0rw1n( inb4 "community, niceness and civilization" : not *that* toxoplasma )18:45
kanzureno you're thinking of neurosyphilis18:45
yashgarothoh hmm apparently sulfadiazine gets into the brain, good to know18:45
yashgarothonly a bacteriostatic though18:47
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kanzureperhaps they could age and die on their own19:03
kanzurealthough there's no guarantee that their effects wont be permanently damaging anyway, so i'm not sure it's important to be able to flush them19:03
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mginrisk of getting arrested for banging an "escort"?19:52
c0rw1nif you're done ? zero19:53
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kanzure what about a diet that the microbes require, and then you stop eating the vitamin or something20:54
c0rw1noooh good idea20:55
yashgarothif you can find something they need, that we don't use, then maybe20:59
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juulwhat happened to paperbot?21:26
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xtalmathin which materials has superfluidity been observed?22:41
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kanzurejuul: paperbot has lots of bugs at the moment and nobody has fixed it23:53
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