
--- Log opened Mon Aug 10 00:00:36 2015
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drethelinI will00:19
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Adlaio_O https://i.imgur.com/7TGADrf.jpg01:26
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kanzure"Andreas is absolutely right. The bottleneck of your whole project will be the manufacturing time of synthetic DNA. We (Ageria) ordered twice at GenScript. For both we waited about a month, while they promised us 7 working days. Gen9 is even worse. We ordered from them 4 weeks into the project and they will deliver probably a month after it has ended.04:59
kanzure.title https://1vwjbxf1wko0yhnr.wordpress.com/2015/08/10/overclocking-tools-for-nvidia-gpus-suck-i-made-my-own/05:02
yoleauxOverclocking tools for Nvidia GPUs suck, I made my own. | Stuff05:02
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CaptHindsightso 7 days turn for custom synthesis of DNA is actually ~30 days or worse06:36
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk1_CugdytI07:18
yoleauxVector Graphics Animation with Time-Varying Topology (SIGGRAPH 2015) - YouTube07:18
ParahSailin_i remember when transcriptic used to be trying the custom cloning thing, whatever happened to that07:21
kanzurei think they are still doing that07:28
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xtalmathseems like they are more worried about rogue AI turning non-exceptionalist ( "communist" )10:41
xtalmathwhatever the thoughts of the future AI, it must not think of poverty as more than a rounding error10:42
xtalmathit must take historically grown status as definite, not as some prior probability distribution of value, which could over time decay into relatively flat distribution if the AI refuses to maintain exceptions for some but not for others10:44
xtalmath^ not my thoughts, but what I read through the lines of the vox article10:45
xtalmaththe brainchild isn't born yet, and the parents are already arguing how to maintain thought control10:46
kanzure"Others are more ambitious. Anders Sandberg, a research fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute, told me that humans might be able to colonise a third of the now-visible universe, before dark energy pushes the rest out of reach. "10:47
kanzurei am not aware of this pushing10:47
kanzureand it is wrong to call anders "ambitious"10:47
juri_xtalmath: did i see something about you being interested in car manufacture?10:50
xtalmathjuri_: interested? ha!10:51
xtalmathjuri_: when I need dough yeah10:51
xtalmathjuri_: why?10:51
juri_xtalmath: i run http://fosscar.faikvm.com/10:55
xtalmathjuri_: when I work, I work on the assembly line, I don't design them10:56
xtalmathbut I do applaud designing cars with FOSS10:56
juri_ah. :)10:57
xtalmathjuri_: I'm unclear how the 3D aluminum printing works, I also thought aluminum was hard to locally melt, because of its high thermal conductivity, it tends to melt a lot at once right?10:59
juri_it is hard to work with, but i've been improving the technologies.11:00
juri_it's gone from "no one sane does that" to "soldering on a motherboard while suspended from the ceiling over a pit of spikes". so, maybe not much difficulty change. :)11:01
juri_^- tis i.11:02
FourFirekanzure, you don't know about the expansion of the universe?11:02
xtalmathjuri_: the bolt hot end page is still for printing plastic right? then you melt/burn the plastic with microwave, then you melt aluminum in another microwave and have some device open the microwave and escort the hot aluminum crucible to the mold?11:02
juri_that was the idea about six months back. it's changed. i've just not been updating the wiki.11:03
juri_i've been injured, leaving me unable to do non-keyboard things for a few months now.11:04
kanzureFourFire: i know about epansion of the universe, but not about estimates of the epansion of dark matter or dark matter pushing shit around11:04
kanzureewll, i know about dark matter effecting the orbits of things, but not about it pushing things out of reach, separate from the acceleration of the expansion of the universe11:04
FourFirekanzure, yeah I don't know enough physics to say anything about it11:04
kanzurethen why did you... er..11:05
juri_kanzure: dark energy is different.11:05
FourFireAFAIK we observe the expension, and theoretical physicists have just invented a bunch of bullshit names for "we don't know why it does that"11:05
juri_basically, it's the creation of additional space everywhere.11:05
gradstudentbotDo you have references for that?11:05
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kanzurei don't think it's fair to conflate dark energy and dark matter with the acceleration of the expansion of the universe11:06
juri_dark energy IS about that.11:06
FourFiregradstudentbot, "it might be strings or The Quantum"11:06
gradstudentbotIt's contaminated.11:06
juri_they do not know why, but it's a constant creation of more space universe wide, and it seems to be rising.11:07
xtalmathjuri_: what accident did you have?11:13
xtalmathim looking at that presentation11:13
juri_xtalmath: i was in a car wreck 5 years back. it screwed up my neck. at the point that video was taken, i had pinched nerves to both of my hands, and thought it was carpel tunnel.11:14
juri_about two weeks into june, i turned my head just wrong. and my world has been pinched nerves, ringing ears, no balance ever since.11:15
xtalmathnot good11:22
juri_not good at all. i'm stuck at home, trying to put together income from online sources. no fun at all.11:25
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xtalmathjuri_: I just had an idea, aluminum melts at 660 C (1220 F) copper at 1080 C (1980 F). if you design the copper mold parts right you can open and close the mold after the aluminum has solidified. To make the mold just print the plastic part, spray resistive lacquer on it, and electrodeposit copper11:29
xtalmathcopper sulfate is cheap and readily available11:30
xtalmathelectrodeposit is just faradayic transport of Cu+ ions in solution by current11:31
juri_good luck. i had fun creating my process. coming up with a microwave transparent mold and burn-away spray was not eany.11:32
xtalmathjuri_: in what I describe you'd still need to melt the aluminum in your oven11:32
xtalmaththen pour in the copper mold11:33
juri_your openable mold witt have similar restrictions on object shape as milling does, as well.11:33
xtalmathevery kind of mold has restrictions, but yes for more complex parts you will need to split up the mold in more detachable sections...11:34
xtalmathbut then you can reuse the mold11:34
juri_I've got a new process i'm working on, but that's hard to do when a walk across the street is dangerous.11:34
xtalmathjuri_: I wasn't criticizing your process, just bouncing an idea11:34
juri_noted. i'm comfortable with the disposable molds.11:35
juri_what i'm not comfortable with is my continued use of propane. i'm working on a solution to that problem.11:35
fennsolar powered aluminum fountain11:37
fennkeep a variety of alloys on tap11:37
fennso inconvenient waiting for it to melt11:37
xtalmaththeres old NASA papers on electroforming aluminum, in some cyanide/mercury kind of solution, but although they kind of got it to work, it was real hard.11:40
xtalmathI think it was cyanide11:40
juri_sounds not healthy. ;)11:41
xtalmathoh a possible advantage of the detachable mold is you don't have to burn out the plastic template11:43
fenn.title http://youtu.be/HJ9YoRMoO5Y11:43
yoleauxMetal Casting at Home Part 59 Oil Fired Furnace Operating Instructions - YouTube11:43
fenni like the idea of a steam powered babington burner11:44
fennno silly air compressor needed11:45
fennin fact it would be great if the whole thing ran on steam power, or at least foot power11:46
fennthen you can do metal casting far from people who complain about the existence of fire11:46
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xtalmathfenn: I think the air compressor is for supplying oxygen?11:48
fennit's just to make a fine mist from the oil fuel11:48
juri_I'm just making it all run on electricity.11:50
fenni want to do my casting at the beach11:50
juri_preferably with no humans handling materials.11:51
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kanzurefenn did you look at the spiraltron12:23
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fenn"since 1998. Spiraltron™ Electron Multipliers are specifically designed for high pressure applications, such as portable mass spectrometers."12:37
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fennat pressures up to 1e-2 torr12:39
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kanzurehuh maybe i mean slingatron12:44
fenni thought it was dumb because it sends something hurtling at mach 30+ through sea level atmosphere12:45
kanzurewe could burn up the atmosphere if that would make things more convenient for you12:46
fennthere are a lot of exotic launch systems and this doesn't really solve any important problems12:49
fennmost of this also applies to the slingatron http://yarchive.net/space/exotic/gun_launch.html12:52
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fennor were you talking about xtalmath's idea to use a slingatron as a high vacuum pump? i didn't understand that at all, tbh12:54
kanzurenah i was not12:54
fennif i had a few billion dollars i'd work on getting jordin kare's modular laser launch system to hook up with a rotating electrodynamic tether12:56
fennactually it might not be that expensive in the end12:56
fennbecause they can bootstrap from a very low capacity12:57
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xtalmathfenn: I could draw what I mean with slingatron pump, but a bit too lazy and I assume you only checked the slingatron to see about launch system, so unless you are also interested in that slingatron vacuum pump idea, I could take out some time to draw it14:05
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xtalmathI have not done calculations on friction/aerobreaking, but I think the burning up in atmosphere is less of a problem with heat shields?14:07
xtalmathbut still its raw materials only...14:07
gradstudentbotNone of my experiments are working.14:07
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kanzurecluckj: hi17:17
cluckjkanzure, hi17:24
kanzureapproximately how much should i be shaming you for exactly which amount of writing you haven't done?17:24
cluckjwhat do you mean?17:25
kanzurejust giving you shit17:25
kanzurethe shit is the part where i assumed you skipped out on some writing that you should have done17:25
cluckjI'm making pretty good progress17:26
cluckjI set my target pretty conservatively, though; only about 1000 words/day17:26
gradstudentbotAnyone else think pol II looks like a butt?17:27
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kanzurewin 517:34
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delinquentmeThe investment has been increased to $200k cash + $50k in program support in seed investment in exchange for 8% equity. This is joined by a $150k convertible note with a 20% discount at 2.5million dollar valuation cap for a total of 250k in funding.18:14
delinquentmedoes this math sound off to anyone else?18:14
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nmz787anyone wanna follow along with me? https://www.coursera.org/learn/cryo-em/outline19:18
yoleaux6 Aug 2015 22:47Z <FourFire> nmz787: because then you'd need to isolate your open water pools from the ground with waterproofing, and that's going to cost lots of money (or you just salt lots of land area, which is bad)19:18
yoleaux6 Aug 2015 22:48Z <FourFire> nmz787: Also if you're going to go to trouble isolating your water from the ground, you might as well just have (plexi)glass tubes19:18
nmz787.tell fourfire: why wouldn't you just grow along the coast, or in areas that are already salt-flats? or dredge new islands that function purely as growth ponds... or have floating ponds/molecular-sieve-nets19:20
yoleauxnmz787: What kind of a name is "fourfire:"?!19:20
nmz787.tell fourfire -- why wouldn't you just grow along the coast, or in areas that are already salt-flats? or dredge new islands that function purely as growth ponds... or have floating ponds/molecular-sieve-nets19:20
yoleauxnmz787: I'll pass your message to fourfire.19:20
nmz787yoleaux: it is a good name19:21
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--- Log closed Tue Aug 11 00:00:37 2015

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