
--- Log opened Sat Aug 15 00:00:41 2015
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yoleauxModified yeast produce opiates from sugar04:41
justanotheruserkanzure: how do I increase efficiency further04:43
justanotheruseryou seem to be in the top 2 most efficient people I know04:43
kanzurehave a crippling sense of workaholicism04:46
kanzure"Some synthesizers are more susceptible to humidity than others. In extreme situations, customers have gone so far as to make a ‘tent’ of non-static plastic sheeting around the synthesizer and placed a dehumidifer inside. The increase in coupling efficiency was dramatic."04:46
kanzurejustanotheruser: i was brainwashed by an internet cult as a young child, the cult was focused on behavior engineering and productivity informed by reason and logic but really there was just lots of shaming and peer pressure. so try some of that.04:49
kanzurethey were focused on tihngs like, out of all the possible behaviors that any of us could generate, which ones should we pick or exclude if any04:53
-!- CyberelfJess [~CyberelfJ@ip565f6f48.direct-adsl.nl] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:12
kanzurehmm looks like i have most of those old emails05:24
kanzurethere was a city layout that used lots of hexagons. huh.05:24
-!- Madplatypus [uid19957@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hhzszmmyihvvsbyw] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]05:28
kanzurewe were making "hulks" of productivity. it was glorious.05:30
kanzureartist's interpretation http://nakamotoinstitute.org/static/img/mempool/why-bitcoin-will-continue-to-grow/hulk.jpg05:31
EnLilaSkoSo the answer is a time machine so you can go back to when you were a kid and get brainwashed05:34
kanzureperhaps not05:35
kanzurealthough it might explain why i haven't been having good results with anyone older05:36
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justanotheruserkanzure: what internet cult05:55
kanzurewell it was a small operation, you wouldn't have heard of it05:56
kanzurei was just looking at some old logs05:56
kanzurethis was our glorious leader in 2005ish http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/calxism-archives/chats/biomors_rant_mit.html05:57
kanzurelooking back i'm starting to wonder if the point of the cult was to implement an opengl es pipeline for him...05:57
justanotheruserhmm, cprogramming? gamedev?05:58
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kanzureyeah, one of our projects was an mmorpg engine that we went on to sell05:58
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justanotheruseroh really05:58
justanotheruserare those pidgin logs?05:59
kanzureback then it was called gaim :-)05:59
justanotheruserpidgin sucks :(05:59
justanotheruserI know this because I still use it for outdate messaging protocols06:00
justanotheruserthe usual reaction I get when someone knows I have AIM is something something middle school06:00
kanzurewell, i'ts not helpful that every chat service has closed up- no more xmpp on gchat, facebook, etc.06:00
kanzurea friend of mine invented the aim subprofile, true story06:00
-!- c0rw|zZz is now known as c0rw1n06:00
justanotheruserhmm, no idea what that is, must be before my time06:01
kanzureit was the ability to click links inside of profiles on aim06:03
kanzureyou know.. like where you kept all the hilarious AIM quotes.06:03
justanotheruseroh right, I remember being hilarious in middle school06:05
kanzurejustanotheruser: another thing that helps is picking projects06:27
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justanotheruserkanzure: what does that mean06:47
kanzureworking on ambitious projects is a helpful way of working on... oh.06:49
kanzurewell i guess it's a tautology.06:49
-!- wrldpc1 [~ben@hccd37dda2b.bai.ne.jp] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:52
justanotheruseryes, I have a project and I think I am in the process of turning into a workaholic, I am just wondering how to make my working hours more efficient07:00
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tfpndrdhyunawnsb] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:00
kanzurejustanotheruser: peer pressure might work. i could yell at you for hours if you want?07:00
justanotherusermaybe you could record yourself doing it for a few minutes and I could play it over and over while I sleep07:01
kanzurewell that's certainly one idea07:01
archelswhere do I sign up for this07:02
kanzure"if you don't get this done everyone is going to die"07:02
-!- sandeep [~sandeep@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:02
archelshaving a girlfriend doesn't help with the whole workaholic thing, let me tell you that07:03
kanzure"an ai in the future is going to judge you for your incompetence and will time travel to.." well i forget how that one goes.07:03
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kanzurearchels: perhaps you just need a workaholic girlfriend07:03
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archelskanzure: the AI will torture emulations of you till eternity07:03
kanzureno, it's emulations of your friends07:03
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kanzuregreetings seanph07:04
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archelsthat might be more effective for emphatically inclined people, sure07:04
seanphhey Bryan07:04
archelsempathically, rather07:04
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justanotheruserarchels: yep, eunuchs are the most efficient transhumanists07:04
kanzureseanph: so this is the dna synthesizer crew, among other things07:04
* archels involuntarily crosses his legs07:05
kanzurejustanotheruser: do you actually know any eunuchs?07:05
archelsadmittedly I've given serious thought to castration for longevity reasons07:05
justanotheruser1) become eunuch, 2) solve transhumanism, 3) reverse age and eunuchism07:05
justanotheruserkanzure: no, but they live longer and are more logical07:06
kanzureyou don't need germline cells to reproduce anymore, so castration doesn't sound so bad07:06
archelsdoesn't seem to be much correlational evidence though07:06
kanzureoh i thought there was evidence ?07:07
archelssome, scant, as far as I remember07:07
kanzuresomeone should look into that07:08
fennit's only like 20% at best07:08
fennwork much better in worms07:08
AmbulatoryCortexMy wife would be rather upset with me if I became a eunuch.07:08
seanphAmbulatoryCortex: +107:09
archelswhich further proves the theory that transhumanism and girlfriends/wives do not a good combination make07:09
kanzureyou can inject dna into females through other means (or sperm)07:09
AmbulatoryCortexkanzure, the sperm part is about to be remedied shortly anyway07:10
AmbulatoryCortexmy fertility isn't the problem :P07:10
fennkanzure's productivity is due to his massive amphetamine use, not because he doesn't have a girlfriend07:10
kanzurei was putting together a document yesterday about how cheap it is to get a surrogate pregnancy + in vitro fertilization + donor sperm or donor eggs or converting your skin cells to stem cells or other reproductive material.07:10
kanzureactually i do have a girlfriend at the moment07:10
fennwell, pretend i used the subjunctive tense then07:10
justanotheruseroh damn07:11
seanphah man, living in China I miss amphetamines07:11
seanphso jelly07:11
kanzureseanph: adderall is the only reaosn why i have non-nil working memory...07:11
archelskanzure: someone from the internet? I can see how that might work out if she's also a workaholic.07:11
kanzureyeah, i selected her because of her workaholic tendencies07:11
kanzureit's pretty great07:11
justanotheruserkanzure: you're here 17 hours/day, is the time you spend with your gf spent while multitasking on IRC?07:12
fennif you hire a surrogate to get pregnant with donated sperm, whose child is it?07:12
-!- punsieve [~drandomtu@2601:185:8001:fcb0:8d64:18db:270d:5262] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:12
kanzurefenn: well, i think surrogates often refers to "in vitro fertilization is mandatory"07:12
fenni mean some sperm from a sperm bank07:13
kanzurethen it wouldn't be you (assuming you're a male)07:13
kanzureseanph: so what did you think of the dna synthesis documents?07:13
AmbulatoryCortexyeah, whose child is it if you get a doner egg and sperm, and have a surrogate carry the baby?07:13
justanotheruserits whoever the state declares the owner to be07:14
kanzureand then put the kid up for adoption07:14
seanphkanzure: honestly I don't know enough to judge them. they look legit / serious and above my head scientifically07:14
AmbulatoryCortexkanzure, heh07:14
seanphkanzure: I have a lot of study to do before getting seriously into this stuff07:14
kanzureseanph: well, the basic idea is to use an inkjet printhead to do a few million spots per second, use droplts of the reagents to perform separate reactions in each separate spot or dot on the surface07:14
seanphkanzure: I can certainly understand the machines and electronics, just not what/why they are doing what they are doing07:15
seanphkanzure: Yeah, that makes sense. inkjets are old tech tho - why is this something new?07:15
kanzure"why does the industry suck" you mean?07:15
seanphit certainly does have a higher barrier to entry than many others07:15
kanzurewell also lots of people perceive it as difficult07:16
kanzurei mean the original dna synthesis tech won a nobel prize in the 60s07:16
kanzureand then that person went on to lead the group at a company to make an automated machine07:16
kanzureand then there were lots of patents for 20-30 years that prevented anyone from doing anything as a company07:16
justanotheruserwhat is difficult about the inkjet synthesis? Are these common?07:16
kanzurethis is how most dna synthesizers are designed: https://www.takeitapart.com/guide/9407:16
seanphkanzure: Actually looking through that now. pictures were slow to load due to communism07:17
kanzurewell imagine a beige xerox machine, 18 bottles on the front, pneumatic system to push chemical reagents around with argon07:17
fennDNA XEROX to complement your DNA INKJET and DNA LASER PRINTER07:18
kanzurei'm pretty sure xerox machines pioneered that biege office look07:18
fennoh and DNA STAPLES for DNA ORIGAMI07:18
seanphdoesn't illustrate that clearly what the machine actually does - but you are making it sound like all you need to do is put droplets on top of one another07:19
fenn(why does origami need staples??)07:19
fennyep most of the magic is just putting droplets on top of each other07:19
seanphand I guess that basically makes sense07:19
kanzuremost of the machines on the market use a single "column" that they pump liquids and reagents through07:19
justanotheruserAre inkjets used for other syntheses?07:20
kanzureso you hvae to route the liquids to that column and then apply pressure07:20
gradstudentbotApparently my PI got this grant back in 1961. I think ARPA has forgotten about the lab and everything.07:20
kanzureand you can only have one unique dna molecule that you are synthsizing per column. (but lots of copies of that molecule are constructed simultaneously in the column)07:20
seanphI guess you have a droplet of, say, adenine, and then you have some enzyme, and then something else to eliminate the remaining adenine?07:20
kanzure(like micrograms or milligrams of the compound) (whereas the inkjet dna synthesizer makes substantially less per spot)07:20
kanzurewell it's purely a chemical synthesis actually07:21
kanzureso you use phosphoramidites that are mimics of adenine07:21
kanzureand there's an enzyme but it's not a biological enzyme, it's a chemical enzyme activator heh07:21
kanzurei mean i would certainly prefer a purely-biological approach to dna synthesis, but nobody has figured that out yet really07:21
seanphall I mean is, I can see how you would do it that way07:22
fenncatalyst, not enzyme07:22
seanphas I said, I don't know this topic07:22
kanzurecatalyst, yes, sorry07:22
kanzureour design is missing some steps regarding what to do after you print the oligos on a surface07:23
kanzurephosphoramidite chemistry to synthesize oligonucleotides/dna only works for dna molecules of length 20 to 100 (20 to 100 base pairs (bp)) depending on reaction conditions, humidity, etc...07:24
kanzureso you have to ligate (combine) the molecules together if you want to make single dna molecules that specify a protein or multiple proteins..07:24
kanzurejustanotheruser: yes inkjets are sometimes used for other syntheses07:28
seanphI've definitely heard of inkjets used in chemistry07:29
kanzurebut that's more of a question for CaptHindsight07:29
seanphjust out of curiosity, have you guys seen acoustic levitation for chemistry? inkjets are often used in that07:29
kanzurewell we have seen acoustic levitation of small objects07:29
kanzureand acoustic cavitation in microfluidic channels... or ultrasonic pumping by cavitation, etc.07:30
seanpha practical use of the levitation is in chemistry - you get isolated droplets07:30
seanphcan add reagents to them, can move them around07:30
seanphprobably even combine them07:30
kanzurefenn prefers that technique to the inkjet approach i think07:31
kanzurethere is a technique called "EWOD" or electrowetting on dielectric07:31
seanphwell, inkjets are commonly used to add the reagens07:31
gradstudentbotUh, interesting question.07:31
kanzurewhere you put a droplet on a superhydrophobic surface07:31
kanzureand then you have an array of TFT elements underneath which causes the droplets to move07:31
yoleauxDMV Case Study 4 - Electrowetting - YouTube07:32
kanzureer this one seems to be using gold electrodes07:32
seanphwow.. that is really cool07:32
seanphI want to make one :-D07:32
seanphwhat is the scale here?07:32
kanzurei believe that was macroscopic07:33
kanzurebetter example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9YE4jf-wzo07:33
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seanphwhat is the scale here?07:35
fennSCOEW is better than EWOD07:35
kanzurein the last video there was a probe tip- i assume the droplet is at least 1 mm diameter07:35
fennscale varies depending on the setup, could be anywhere from 1 micron to 1 mm07:35
kanzurei have not seen a 1 micron SCOEW setup07:36
seanphwow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvDZh8hmR8407:36
yoleauxDNA Lab on a Chip - YouTube07:36
kanzureseanph: also you can move droplets with lasers if you put the droplet on a photoconductive surface (this video is longer and is probably incompatible with communism) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PeYwGDnt7I07:37
kanzurethe problem with microfluidics is that it's much harder to debug07:37
kanzureand valves are a pain in the ass07:37
kanzuremoving droplets on a surface removes the problem with valves, at least07:37
seanphit seems like what you are trying to do here applies to a lot more than DNA synthesis07:38
kanzure(most microfluidic projects that require valves use pneumatic valves where the air or gas is in a cross-channel, so that the channel underneath or above can be "pinched" when you increase the pressure)07:39
seanphit's just how to do chemistry automatically, on a small scale07:39
fenndoesn't have to be a laser, you can move droplets with an LCD screen layered with special materials07:39
seanphhere's a pretty macro example :-p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C677yPYXWIs07:39
kanzureyes but how many droplets per LCD screen.. it's not a lot.07:39
kanzureyes that is the project from gaudi, which is open-source07:40
kanzurei believe hackteria was involved in that project07:40
justanotheruserseanph: neat07:40
justanotheruserno info from the description though07:41
kanzureit's in the logs.. one sec.07:41
fenn"SCOEW overcomes the size limitation of physical pixilated electrodes by utilizing dynamic and reconfigurable optical patterns and enables the continuous transport, splitting, merging, and mixing of droplets with volumes ranging from 50 microL to 250 pL,"07:42
seanphkanzure: Very cool.. definitely on my TODO list to try07:42
kanzureyes but what density of 250 pL droplets07:43
kanzurenot sure if density is the measurement i want07:43
kanzurenumber of droplets per cm^2 of SCOEW07:43
fennless droplets than pixels but i don't think it's more than an order of magnitude less07:44
kanzurealso you have to leave room for routing/movement/paths07:44
fennof course07:44
kanzureand.... wash steps.07:44
fennwhine whine07:44
kanzurehow are you going to do chemistry if you pollute every droplet07:44
seanphoops - apple+f is not find in this app :-p07:46
fenna 250 picoliter droplet is 50 micron diameter07:48
fennan ipad-mini lcd display has 80 micron pixels07:49
kanzurei think you need at least 50 micron diameters worth of pixels, plus edges plus extra room (because you have to animate the pixels to move the droplets)07:49
fennyes you need at least 9 pixels per droplet maybe more07:49
kanzureif you look at the SCOEW video you can count the pixels used in those animations07:50
seanphthis is probably ignorant, but CRTs and electron guns come to mind for me when reading about this07:50
kanzureSCOEW video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Be2awFf0c07:51
fenncrt's are brighter but lower resolution than modern lcd's for a given area, also it would be annoying to pack a crt monitor into a microscope thingy07:51
seanphwell I was not thinking of using phosphors, just charging the substrate directly with the electron gun07:52
kanzurethe pattern that appears at time 0m 33sec in that video shows how they move a droplet with an lcd07:52
fennoh, that doesn't work because the droplets outgas and disrupt the electron beam07:52
seanphcan't hit the other side?07:52
fennbut you can do the same thing with a UV laser07:52
fennglass isn't transparent to e-beam07:53
seanphagain, probably ignorant, but if you have a very thin piece of glass (or whatever substrate), then does that matter?07:54
fennit would improve the resolution, but i don't see how a very thin piece of glass could stand up to vacuum and atmospheric pressure07:54
seanphyeah, that is an issue.. has to be very small I guess, and then it's hard to make07:55
fenni think there is a lot of untapped potential for e-beam selective resin curing in 3d printing07:56
fennbut that's not the current topic07:56
fenni love how the droplets shuffle along like chibi totoro07:57
seanphit's very cool07:58
seanphCRTs do get quite small.. I'm playing with a little Russian one right now, and this is even tinier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwdL2gT684407:59
fennthey're moving a droplet with a dark line that is 5 pixels wide so at most you would need 100 pixels per droplet (but that seems overkill to me)07:59
seanphit would be interesting to play with driving some of those little CRTs and see how narrow one could make the beam - the beam shape is not usually fixed08:01
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fennso on an ipad mini display you could have 3,145,728/100 to 3,145,728/9 droplets = 30k to 300k droplets08:01
seanphthe old school drive circuitry would have been the limiting factor08:01
fennthe beam shape is not fixed?08:02
seanphusually one applies a voltage to "focus"08:03
seanphand through that one gets a bigger or smaller dot on the screen08:03
seanphold timey drive circuits would've set that to fill up the screen at the resolutions they had available08:04
seanphNTSC or whatever08:04
fenni see08:04
seanphthere obviously must be a lower limit, probably set by the phosphors08:04
seanphbut on a monochrome CRT, I think the phosphors are molecular-scale?08:04
seanph(on color they are broken into groups)08:04
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seanphso yeah, there's a chance that if you drove a monochrome CRT differently, you could create a really tiny beam and shine it only where you want08:05
seanphI'm playing with hacking an old Russian one similar to this, so will try it out some time soon I'm playing with one similar to this http://svo.2.staticpublic.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/zloshnik/08:07
fenncrt clocks seem to be getting popular again08:08
kanzureoh so is that how it works http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-G04PK379SpA/UJRNkYR-h4I/AAAAAAAAMEU/c8S0W8TADSE/s800/image04.jpg08:08
CaptHindsightmany of the old video game arcade monitors were XY vs raster scan08:08
fennoscilloscope monitors too08:09
fennprobably easier to find08:09
seanphyeah, these were meant for scopes08:09
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fennwah i miss my analog scope08:11
fennhaving to rebuild from scratch is tiresome08:11
fenni haven't found any good scrap yards either08:12
fenncan't cast metal anywhere08:12
seanphcan't you just buy an analog scope on ebay?08:13
fenni used to have so much stuff i got for nearly free so everything seems unreasonably expensive08:13
fenn$750 for the model i had08:14
fennanyway i don't really need an analog scope08:15
fennbut i do need building materials and a workshop08:15
seanphfor those who are curious08:18
CaptHindsightjust make your own CRT, electron guns are easy to make and you can use whatever phosphor you want08:22
fennnmz787 is into all that electron microscope stuff08:22
seanphCaptHindsight: Yeah, for something like this, you'd probably want to make your own ultimately08:23
seanphcould be a lot easier than making your own LCD or other micro-array08:23
seanphor aiming lasers that precisely and rapidly08:23
CaptHindsightit also comes down to how good a scrounger you are08:24
seanphwellp, time for sleep here in China - been interesting08:27
seanphI'll be back08:27
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justanotheruserchina? That seems useful for shipping transhumanist goods.08:28
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fennthe point is you don't make an LCD you buy one08:28
fennthey are like $5008:28
justanotheruserIs it racist to assume he's within 10km of a place where you CAN make your own LCD?08:29
fennhell a whole tablet is $50 these days08:30
fennjustanotheruser: obviously it's racist to ask if something is racist, you racist! be ashamed, be very ashamed!08:31
justanotheruseroh :(08:31
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kanzureno but really, wash steps08:49
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kanzurehere is what the lesswrong crowd is up to :-/ http://rationalfiction.io/09:03
punsieveI don't see what is ":-/" about this.09:06
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tfpndrdhyunawnsb] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]09:06
kanzurepunsieve: well they are otherwise a group of people that could be highly productive, but instead they just read HPMOR and pony fanfic over and over again. that is :-/.09:08
kanzurealthough if they write good scifi i could possibly overlook this... but a terminator fanfiction? not sure.09:09
kanzureterminator fanfic just plays into their "omg ai is taking over the planet and will kill everyone" fears.09:09
punsieveah, but one could say the same thing about playing video games or watching movies... if this is an outlet, why not? If someone else reads it and learns something, then spiffing. If they don't, then it's no more detrimental (and probably less) than reading some other crap09:10
kanzuretheoretically they are not a community oriented around "playing video games" or "reading/writing fanfiction". if they were advertised as such then maybe... but they aren't.09:11
punsieveI'm not familiar with the group's history, I only know of them because of fan fiction, and that is probably true for most others. A cursory glance makes it look like it is a place to post speculative fiction based around manipulating extant fiction universes09:13
kanzurelesswrong is http://lesswrong.com/09:14
kanzurerationalfiction.io seems to be a direct byproduct of lesswrong's "rationality bootcamps" etc09:14
gradstudentbotCould you get me access to his organs?09:15
kanzuremaybe later, gradstudentbot09:15
gradstudentbotI punched my PI and that's why I work here now :\09:15
punsieveit is a direct byproduct of HPMOR's popularity and a hope that more "stuff" with the same concept will draw more enthusiasts to the cause09:16
punsieveor that is my bet09:16
gradstudentbotI have to read all these articles.09:18
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kanzurei haven't seen much evidence that that particular strategy has positive results09:20
fennfuture scenario: the scene is a dim a windswept wasteland, populated by sparse craggled mechatrees shining icily in the summer light. the ten thousandth generation gradstudentbot sits hunched under a mechatree endlessly reading rational fanfic anthologies09:20
gradstudentbotThe paper got rejected.09:20
fennthey want to upload humans to write fanfiction, no joke09:21
kanzureyou mean rationality fanfic09:21
kanzuregotta be specific09:21
fenndidn't seem to understand my objections that the market would quickly be saturated09:22
kanzurewas this a steve conversation?09:22
fennno, someone from a rationality bootcamp09:22
kanzureoh right you may have been exposed to these bootcamps09:22
kanzuretell me things09:22
fenni haven't been there, only heard stories09:23
fennapparently it's something like an unconference where 30ish people sleep in a house for 3 weeks09:23
punsievethat's a lot of sleep09:23
fennthey wake up and do math problems09:23
kanzure"have you accepted our lord and savior yudkowsky into your heart yet?"09:24
kanzure"no? then back to math problems."09:24
fennHPMOR is what brought them there in the first place09:24
kanzuresomeone in the diybio community had plans for a biohacking bootcamp of sorts, where during the 3 weeks you would learn actually useful shit like reverse engineering and semiconductor manufacturing or cell transformation techniques09:25
fennugh i have to leave for a while, the smell in here is killing me09:26
kanzureif a fanfic can motivate people to sit around doing math problems maybe it can motivate them to stand around casting metal09:26
punsieveit motivated me to download a lot of science podcasts09:26
mginoh. i just finished reading HPMOR all the way through. like the 7th time i've read it overall probably :D09:32
punsieve"...he said in a voice colder than zero Kelvin" that is one of the worst things I have ever read. FYI09:32
mginoh come on09:33
mginthere are a lot more things to criticize than that09:33
mginthat's not really what it's being judged good for09:34
punsieveit's a RATIONALITY and SCIENCE FRIENDLY fan fiction. And that line made it through to completion? Really?09:34
mginoh the "below 0" bothers you? geez that pedantic09:35
punsieveYes. It in fact sheds doubt on everything else the author writes, if he can get that obsessed with his own words as to type that garbage. It is a throwaway line that could easily be improved by changing one word to two, "cold as," and yet no one suggested that?09:40
punsieveugh, colder than to cold as. Talk about precision of language fail.09:42
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kanzureapparently this group did the nightvision chlorin thing http://scienceforthemasses.org/10:35
kanzurerich lee is still trying to use sensationalism or following the footsteps of sterlac i guess. ugh. http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/architecture-design-blog/2015/aug/14/body-hackers-the-people-who-turn-themselves-into-cyborgs10:35
kanzureoh this is the anissimov/rachel schizophrenic thingy. got it. forget i mentioned either of those.10:36
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mginschizophrenic thingy11:36
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maaku... and there goes the rest of my productivity for the month12:24
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kanzuremaaku: ultimately crap is much cheaper to create than high quality insight13:32
kanzureyou still haven't explained why you think HPMOR is a good strategy for immortality13:47
mginHPMOR is a fictional story13:48
mginI can't imagine how HPMOR could even be mapped to the concept of a "good strategy for immortality", and have never heard anyway suggest such a thing13:49
kanzurecalm down, i'm just giving you some of your own shit back to you. don't you remember your original messages in here?13:51
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mginyeah I remember your shenanigans completely. you seem to have trouble understanding exactly what things the concept of a "good strategy for immortality" could map to13:52
mginthis is yet another example13:52
kanzure... to hyperlinks? :-)13:53
mginasking, "what's a good strategy for achieving immortality" and getting back "HPMOR" is just as much a non-sequitor13:53
kanzureperhaps you should explain your alternative in more detail, since at the moment i still think it might be HPMOR :-)13:55
mginthat's a liberal use of the word13:56
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mginbut just to answer because I want to, my approach is similar to Eliezer's very generally speaking, but has very significant differences13:58
kanzurego on13:59
mginanyway, I agree with his safety concerns, but don't exactly have any confidence he can solve them, or that he would do it correctly even if he thought he could14:00
kanzureso "create an ai and make the ai figure it out"?14:03
mginnot exactly14:03
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fennyo dawg i heard you like meta14:04
fennso i didn't do anything14:05
kanzureyou didn't leave?14:06
kanzureoops i fail, nevermind14:07
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kanzure"exit rights"15:16
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delinquentmekanzure, NROOO15:26
kanzureacronym not found, please insert girder15:28
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kanzuresomeone should deploy pdfparanoia as a proxy to dynamically modify pdfs in flight15:51
kanzurealso, it would be interesting to show a proof-of-concept of dynamically rewriting science papers on the fly, like removing certain references, as a demonstration that papers need to be hashed or signed and submitted to a public repository15:51
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delinquentmekanzure, if we really wanted to fuck w the world we could edit the versions of PDFs that are uploaded to libgen16:14
kanzurei don't think they are doing uploads anymore :-/16:14
kanzuregradstudentbot: http://cenonion.blogspot.com/2015/08/acs-official-entire-meeting-schedule.html16:14
gradstudentbotThat paper is clearly bullshit.16:14
yoleauxC&EN Onion: ACS Official: Entire Meeting Schedule Set To Inconvenience Single Graduate Student16:15
kanzure"I am releasing all my DNM scrapes: a 50GB (~1.6TB) collection covering 89 DNMs & 37+ related forums, representing <4,438 mirrors."16:23
gradstudentbotI don't know what to tell you, I thought I would have graduated by now.16:25
c0rw1nwant the magnet link? i'm seeding that16:33
maakumgin: Yudkowskian "AI safety" is a total non-issue17:01
maakuEY worries about AGI because he thinks any AGI will be like AIXI17:01
maakuwhereas no human-scale AGI being worked on resembles AIXI in any meaningful way17:01
maakuthe concerns EY has make absolutely no sense in the context of real AI programs that are likely to be written17:01
maakuI worry much, much more over Adwords selling booze to alcoholics than I do AIXI destroying humanity17:01
Houshaltermaaku, EY's worries have nothing to do with AIXI. They apply to AI in general (also current state of the art AI is a lot like AIXI)17:03
maakuHoushalter: no, they don't. not all AIs are reinforcement learners with undirected search17:04
maakuwhich is basically what his arguments rely on17:04
maakuand you'll need citations that the current state of the art in AI resembles AIXI -- LIDA, SOAR, CogPrime?17:05
Houshaltermaaku, anything that can work in unrestricted open environments, without heavy guidance by the programmers, requires reinforcement learning17:05
kanzureer, do people really call cogprime "state of the art"?17:05
maakukanzure: I said CogPrime not OpenCog ;)17:06
kanzurebut.... hm.17:06
maakuit does represent the state of the art in a certain category of AGI archetectures though17:06
gradstudentbotWhere did you put the revisions to the paper?17:06
kanzuremaaku: have you had a chance to internalize my ai notes?17:07
kanzuremaaku: i was actually going to do an onion routing implementation for lightning network stuff this weekend, but unfortunately i'm still upset about the privacy tradeoffs between network connection graph privacy vs transaction privacy. i can't figure out how to preserve both forms of privacy in a lightning routing strategy.17:08
maakukanzure: with the block size bullshit? no I've had zero time for anything outside of bitcoin. the above discussion is me trying to escape responsibility on a saturday ;)17:08
maakui'm also closing on a condo on monday, so that's kept me busy17:08
maakuit's on the top of my AI list though17:08
kanzureit is important that no particular routes are revealed because then someone can just query for all the routes amongst the physical network nodes17:08
Houshaltermaaku, i'm more referring to deep learning like deepminds atari playing robot. I have zero worry about SOAR or LIDA becomming AGI17:08
Houshalterbut this is really irrelevant. those would be just as dangerous. They don't incorporate human values at all, or solve any of the problems with friendly AI17:09
maakuHoushalter: reinforcement learning plays at least a small part in just about every AGI design, but it is not always central, nor are all AGI architectures explicitly goal driven17:10
kanzurehuman values aren't that great anyway17:10
Houshalterkanzure, according to who's values?17:10
maakuthis human's17:10
maakuHoushalter: then I guess that's where we differ -- I have zero worry about deep learning reinforcement learners doing anything non-trivial17:11
Houshaltermaaku, reinforcement learning might be a small part. but it's the part that decides what actions to take and whta values to follow, so it's the important part for AI risk17:11
gradstudentbotDid you order the carbon nanotubes yet?17:11
gradstudentbotHey, that could be your research project.17:11
kanzure"but you have a conflict of interest!!!"17:11
maakukanzure: oh gawd not that :P17:12
kanzurecheck your inbox, haha17:12
kanzureany thoughts about preserving lightning network connection graph privacy?17:13
Houshaltermaaku, they are already doing tons of non-trivial stuff. Deep learning has broken thorugh a ton of different hard AI domains. from vision to natural language to video games and board games17:13
kanzurebefore i waste time on a shit implementation or shit design17:13
Houshaltermaaku, but lets talk about AI in general. If an AI isn't goal driven, then there's nothing to worry about. But it also severly limits what it can do. Also what's to stop someone from adding goal driven behavior to it?17:14
maakukanzure: you should pick rusty's brain on that. i know he's whiteboarded some onion-like pathfinding, but I don't think that's at a code stage yet17:14
gradstudentbotWe were out of the right dye, so I just used an equivalent.17:14
kanzuremaaku: onion pathfinding would require a central directory of nodes17:16
kanzuremaaku: i have talked with rusty and the conversation didn't get anywhere.17:16
maakukanzure: yeah i missed your messages above. those sound like the same concerns I heard rusty musing over. I don't think it's been reasonably solved, but you should ask on #lightning-dev17:16
kanzurethat's where i was talking with rusty.17:16
maakukanzure: ok sorry - i'll respond over there17:17
kanzurehis response was something like "well if you are a lightning network hub then you want the traffic anyway, so it's okay for you to be known by everyone attacking the network"17:17
kanzurei wish rusty would keep his irc client online, heh17:18
maakuyeah get a bouncer already17:23
maakuHoushalter: in many AGI designs it is not the reinforcement learner that makes the decision over what actions to select, or which to take, which was my point!17:24
maakudeep learning has not to my knowledge accomplished anything of significance in the AGI field however.17:25
maakubut maybe you don't subscribe to the notion that AGI != scaled up narrow AI17:25
Houshaltermaaku, if you have an AI with goal directed behavior, and it's goals aren't carefully aligned with our own, then it is very likely to be dangerous. That's the TL;DR of AI risk. It's not partial to what AI architecture you are using.17:30
maakuHoushalter: and most reasonable AGI designs are not inherently strongly goal driven. just like people aren't17:31
maakuHoushalter: there's a general result that any entity in a general environment that works to achieve goals, and gets better at achieving those goals, implements reinforcement learning17:31
kanzuremaaku: for molecular nanotechnology things, you should keep in mind that we can use custom proteins to selectively bind to already-existing chunks of proteins. there can be very highly constrained binding domains so that cubic proteins only connect to other cubic proteins in very specific ways. the design costs of making custom binding sites like this are sorta outrageous, but you could technically make relatively precise molecular ...17:31
kanzure... nanostructures this way.17:31
kanzure*are only currently outrageous17:32
kanzurealso you might be able to convince a materials person to figure out a way to cast diamondoids from those scaffolds but whok nows17:32
kanzure*who knows17:32
Houshaltermaaku, as for deep learning, what AGI benchmarks are there? Language understanding, related to the Turing test, is the only I know of. And they are at least making significant progress in it.17:33
maakukanzure: right, that's actually what got me interested in synthetic biology. a talk from singularity university showing attaching protiens to a 2-dimensional scafford so that enzymes would stay close to each other17:33
maakucould be very useful17:34
kanzurethat was probably biotin or streptavidin17:34
maakuHoushalter: you can't make a benchmark for AGI, sadly17:34
Houshaltermaaku, if it's not goal driven, I almost want to say it's not AGI. AI is all about agents17:36
maakuHoushalter: I could name a dozen tasks that an AGI should be able to do. there was a workshop in 2006 i believe in identifying such tasks17:36
maakubut as soon as you name it as a benchmark, a narrow AI task can succeed better at just that problem alone17:37
andytoshiit should be able to define an AGI ;)17:37
Houshaltermaaku, for what it's worth, I have something written on why language understanding should be used as a benchmark for AGI. http://houshalter.tumblr.com/post/126023479340/cloze-deletion-test-as-a-measure-of-ai17:37
kanzurei'm pretty sure that i don't understand language17:37
Houshalterbut yes, the AI effect is strong. "once a computer can do it, it's not intelligence"17:38
kanzureonce a human can do it, it's not intelligence either17:38
kanzureintelligence is worthless anyway; show me an extremely superstitous ai17:39
Houshalterkanzure, those seem to be coherent sentences relevant to the context. what standard are you measuring your language understanding with?17:39
maakuandytoshi: for what it's worth this is a variant of the "PoW for which general purpose computers are the ideal hardware" which you wrote a paper refuting ;)17:39
maakuHoushalter: great. more benchmarks == good. but I guarantee you there is a design in narrow AI space that will outperform any general purpose AI17:39
andytoshimaaku: that's a cool analogy17:40
maakuHoushalter: the AI effect is not what I'm talking about. what I mean is that for any task you can create a special purpose machine which does better at just that task than a general purpose machine17:41
andytoshithe EY argument is that a powerful enough general AI will just create a specialized AI if that's the most efficient thing to do17:41
andytoshiand it'd create it better than we would17:41
Houshaltermaaku, AGI will always outperform narrow AI, if they are both optimized towards the same task. Deep blue can compute lots of moves more than a human, but a humans have been able to guide the search of chess engines and do even better17:41
maakuHoushalter: the closest thing I've come to a benchmark is some sort of "does well on ALL the benchmarks, and has a significant Occam weighting"17:41
Houshalterbut chess is too limited to begin with. In more open domains AGIs will have bigger and bigger advantages17:42
maakukanzure: superstitious AGI should arise out of the sort of concept-formation work being done kaj17:44
maakuthat's of course not a goal, but something I would expect17:44
HoushalterI think the Turing test can't be beat by narrow AI. maybe limited variants of it. Like that one were some nonexperts talked to a chatbot for 5 minutes, and it pretended it oculdn't speak english well and was just a little kid. That's not even close to what Turing imagined. Turing asked his machines to write sonnets and play chess17:44
maakuyou avoid that failure mode by having a drive for accurate and tested models of the world (drive in the PSI sense)17:45
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maakuHoushalter: devil's in the details. define the rules for the test. what's allowed, what's not? do that and a narrow AI can win17:46
maakubut if the rules are "there are no rules", then general AI is necessary17:46
maakuBUT it also becomes useless as a benchmark since each result was subjective and/or conditional on circumstances17:46
Houshaltermaaku, the rules are, a few experts talk to the AI and a human for as long as they want, and then predict who is the human. There is little wiggle room. No human can talk to a chatbot for as long as they want and not find it's limits.17:47
Houshaltermaaku, as for benchmarks, my cloze deletion test or the hutter prize do well to test language understanding in the interim.17:48
maakuHoushalter: btw i don't want to discourage any work on benchmarks. I am looking at your proposal. I think benchmarks are *very* interesting for getting ground truth, but not for comparing programs or optimizing against17:50
kanzuremaaku: did i share my nootropics idea.17:51
HoushalterI think the whole point is to have something to optimize against.17:51
maakuE.g. I'm partial to video game playing as test, like the infinite mario world benchmark. Which is a perfect case in point -- the optimal algorithm here turned out to be ... A* search. Implemented by any first year student17:51
kanzurebonobos seem to do okay with pacman17:52
maakuBut if you do your best ot implement a general AI, it's interesting to stick it in the mario world context and see how it does. Even if it never beats braindead A* search.17:52
maakukanzure: bonobos are awesome :)17:52
maakukanzure: i think so17:52
maakunootropics scare me though17:52
HoushalterI don't like the defeatist attitude for the hardcore AGI people. "Oh stupid brute force search beat chess. guess there isn't anything brute force methods can't do." It's jsut silly. There are a massive amount of tasks that AI sucks at right now, because simple methods don't work very well, or can't even begin to attack the problem.17:52
maakuHoushalter: you won't find argument from me. I pretty much agree point by point. But I'm of the synergistic / integrative school, like Goertzel, and it's not the majority opinion17:55
kanzure"ah yes, i'm of the same opinion of that dude that wrote wargasm" (i'm kidding.. but wtf.)17:56
maakuI should read that17:56
kanzureif you say so17:56
maakuI'd at least understand what you're talking about then17:56
maakuI think 90% of the work is the various narrow AI components, but the 10% doing integrative work is important.17:56
kanzureit's like if you gave a schizophrenic a whole helping of lsd17:56
maakuWhich is to say the secret sauce is there, not in the narrow AI parts.17:57
maakukanzure: huh17:57
kanzurewargasm, i mean17:57
kanzurei think he was just on some acid trip, who knows17:57
maakui sometimes wonder17:58
maakugoertzel speaking reminds me of ozzy ozborne17:58
kanzureoh there's no question about it17:58
kanzurehe openly talks about his drug use, it's no big deal17:58
kanzureand also not a problem, although wargasm is just... wtf.17:58
kanzurealso i guess his aggression against me was unfortunately the cause of me giving up on him17:59
kanzurebut that's something else17:59
kanzure(various legal threats were involved from him to me; yadda yadda)17:59
maakuseriously? what over?18:00
kanzurei was doing some volunteer work for him but had to call it quits, he was upset about this18:01
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maakuhe sued you for quitting? wow.18:16
maakugood thing I don't have any idols18:16
maaku(Except Elon Musk -- that's a god, not a man!)18:17
maakuhis deconstruction of WebMind is wonderfully full of every single one of the things not to do when starting a company18:18
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kanzurehe didn't sue me18:38
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AmbulatoryCortexMusk's personal life has suffered pretty bad under his ambition18:52
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mginwhat's a personal life?18:54
AmbulatoryCortexmgin, In Elon Musk's case, that's exactly the problem18:54
mginwhy is that a problem? i don't even know what it is18:55
mginwell i'm just asking what goes into that?18:56
AmbulatoryCortexwell, his family18:56
AmbulatoryCortexand his divorces18:56
kanzuregetting out of a bad relationship can be healthy, even if it requires divorce18:57
AmbulatoryCortexgiven how he responded afterward, it wasn't a bad relationship18:57
mgini pretty never talk to my family18:58
mginand have no relationship :(18:58
mginpretty much*18:58
AmbulatoryCortexHe's a workaholic genius with grand ambitions, and he'll almost certainly be remembered fondly.  And he's paying a high price for that.18:59
AmbulatoryCortexmgin, that's unfortunate19:00
AmbulatoryCortexI have a wide support structure in the form of my and my wife's extended families.19:00
mginwhat do you talk about?19:00
AmbulatoryCortexwell, with my dad, I usually talk about my job, since we're in the same profession19:01
AmbulatoryCortexor rockets, aircraft19:01
AmbulatoryCortexwhatever happens to be interesting at the time19:01
AmbulatoryCortex(tough industrial paint that you can put on a truck to make it resistant to driving through brush)19:02
AmbulatoryCortexmom is usually social stuff, or my kids19:03
AmbulatoryCortexbrothers are games, computing, or engineering19:03
AmbulatoryCortexstuff like that19:03
AmbulatoryCortexother times I'll just fall asleep in a chair at their place after a sunday lunch :P19:04
AmbulatoryCortexhey, describing general conversation isn't particularly enthralling, but he asked19:06
fenni think i'd rather go to mars19:16
mginwell i'm not trying to make a value judgment19:24
mginit's just interesting the way people spend their time19:24
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kanzurevarious mechanical linkages https://www.youtube.com/user/thang010146/videos20:51
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kanzurealso there seems to be a forum http://meslab.org/mes/threads/20977-Co-cau-con-truot-banh-rang-lech-tam20:55
gradstudentbotI am busy researching.20:58
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8HKd938yp021:00
yoleauxKeeping direction unchanged during rotation 9a - YouTube21:00
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJC8lqa8K021:03
yoleauxConverting two way linear motion into one way rotation 1 - YouTube21:03
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kanzurespam him at thang010146@gmail.com21:06
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JayDugger1Good morning, everyone.22:41
JayDugger1Fair enough.22:43
JayDugger1I think I'll leave Goertzel's Wargasm off my to-read list. Burroughs-meets-Egan fanfic doesn't rank too high.22:44
kanzurewhat is greg egan about it?22:48
-!- jrayhawk [~jrayhawk@unaffiliated/jrayhawk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]22:48
JayDugger1The mass downloading.22:48
JayDugger1The reality collapse too, (Quarantine, Permutation City).22:49
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