
--- Log opened Tue Aug 18 00:00:44 2015
archelsPersonally, I've been hearing all my life about the Serious Philosophical Issues posed by life extension, and my attitude has always been that I'm willing to grapple with those issues for as many centuries as it takes.00:10
archels-- Patrick Nielsen Hayden00:11
archelshaha that's pretty good00:11
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Adlaithe benjamin franklin one is good too (and too good)04:42
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* Adlai wonders how to value bitcoin according to http://lesswrong.com/lw/1pq/rationality_quotes_february_2010/1jmp05:01
* Adlai ponders Dirac's "I understand what an equation means if I have a way of figuring out the characteristics of its solution without actually solving it." in the context of his continuing journey along the golden braid05:05
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archels"solving" is pretty ambiguous in this context05:09
Adlaiexcellent how these are sorted in decreasing order of quality... closing the tab could've been much harder05:09
archelsif he means solving algebraically, then yes, you can do an approximate numerical solution in your head to gain an intuition05:09
archelsif he means solving numerically to begin with, I don't really agree with his statement05:09
* Adlai assumes the charitable interpretation05:10
Adlaiie, you solve for specific points to get a feel for the landscape, then set out without unvealing the full map05:10
Adlaiheuristic vs optimal05:10
gradstudentbotDon't phage me, bro.05:12
Adlaibut all things considered, the best quote is http://lesswrong.com/lw/1pq/rationality_quotes_february_2010/1jlr05:14
archelsThe Noah principle: predicting rain doesn’t count, building arks does.05:17
archelsthis seems somehow pertinent to this channel05:17
* archels stops procrastinating05:18
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JayDuggerGood morning, wceryone.05:49
JayDuggereveryone, even.05:49
eudoxiagood morning05:51
kanzureeudoxia: report!05:52
eudoxiai haven't really done anything interesting as of late05:52
eudoxiahow about you05:52
gradstudentbotI am sponsored by New England Biolabs.05:53
kanzureeudoxia: scratching my head about onion routing05:54
eudoxiaare you trying to implement something like tor or understand it05:54
kanzurethe problem with onion routing is that you require the nodes to know about the routes or the node graph, which is something i would like to avoid05:55
kanzurebut onion routing has higher transactional privacy for end-users, which is something i'd like to keep05:56
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eudoxiaHTLCs are interesting06:02
xtalmaththere is something about onion routing I do not trust06:05
xtalmathconsider 5 relay nodes, 2 sources S1 and S2 on left, the considered relay node in the middle, and 2 destinations D1 & D2 on the right, they don't need to be the ultimate sources or destinations, just intermediate hops06:07
xtalmathlets call the relay R06:07
kanzuremost onion routing networks seem to require a central directory, which is another problem06:09
xtalmathpackets from S1 or S2 for D1 or D2 are encrypted with R's public key, which the ISP is considered to know06:09
kanzurethe lightning folks have said "well, the central directory can be the blockchain" but that doesn't make me feel better at all06:09
kanzureand if the intermediate nodes tell you about what the next pubkey is, then that's trivially man-in-the-middled06:10
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xtalmathwithout even knowing the cleartext, it seems R's outgoing packets can be matched to R's incoming packets, by checking if encryption to R's public key of the packet D1 receives, one should be able to match it to a packet S1 or S2 sent to R.06:11
kanzurei just can't see a way to do private route negotiation, without revealing all the available routes or the entire network graph. how can it be private if you're doing an auction with multiple nodes you don't know?06:12
kanzurei suppose it could be something like "the network negotiates new routes through the blockchain, such that members can join a new route, and each member can have some zero-knowledge proof that they have a payment channel with another member, but nobody knows what the actual relationships are just by inspecting the blockchain, only that there is indeed a route among the members joining that particular route". but that requires some ...06:13
kanzure... wizardry that i'm not entirely clear on.06:13
xtalmathi.e. ISP simply re-encrypts correctly reformatted packets D1 and D2 received from R, with R's public key, and matches them to R's incoming packets to unmix that relay's traffic...06:13
kanzurehmm well perhaps you could operate multiple nodes on multiple computers, but have each one receive some % of the packets, which you manually re-integrate.06:14
xtalmathI assume this is somehow prevented by random (discarded) nonces in the packet format, but until I have time to analyze source code of onion routing networks, I will not trust them06:15
kanzuretor source code isn't too bad, although it's not the best06:15
xtalmathI certainly appreciate the efforts though, and these will ultimately be needed, but I still assume our processors are deliberately compromised through "ring -2" SMM (x86) and TrustZone (ARM)06:18
xtalmathin which case OS / application level solutions are a joke06:19
xtalmath(unless you succeed in airgapping 2 systems, and somehow building a bridge they fail to understand...)06:20
kanzureairgap is not enough. because sound and radiation.06:20
xtalmathbut that does not give you anonymity, to have anonymity, everyone would need to do this06:20
xtalmathyes, the GSMem attack.. it seems like application memory bandwidth (not just size) should have been a controlled resource... but what a pain in the ass06:22
xtalmaththis will all end with faraday cages that permit cooling06:23
gradstudentbotI am writing the abstract.06:26
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CaptHindsightWirelessly powered, fully internal optogenetics for brain, spinal and peripheral circuits in mice  http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmeth.3536.html09:55
CaptHindsightwireless mice mice09:56
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xtalmathso I was thinking of BCI interfaces, in the computer=>brain direction, ... theres that TED talk with the vibration motor vest, ... I was thinking hairs (or their roots) are pretty sensitive, could it be possible to use my beard/mustache/head hair/... as a new input organ, by making some hair vibrating/pulling device?10:06
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kanzure"vibration motor vest" do you mean southpaw10:26
kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmeth.3536.html10:26
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yoleauxWirelessly powered, fully internal optogenetics for brain, spinal and peripheral circuits in mice : Nature Methods : Nature Publishing Group10:26
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delinquentmewhos our best synthetic biologist in here?10:41
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kanzurewell we have a few11:01
kanzureat least three. we could put them together to fight to the death, if you'd like.11:01
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archelsxtalmath1: electrical stimulation of the follicles might be more practical11:40
delinquentmecan plasmids not be PCR-ed?11:44
delinquentmeor is bacterial generation just another method for creating large quantities of a given sequence ?11:45
kanzureare you asking "is molecular cloning a myth" or "do primers bounce off of plasmids"?11:45
xtalmath1kanzure: I meant similar to https://www.ted.com/talks/david_eagleman_can_we_create_new_senses_for_humans?language=en11:48
xtalmath1archels: I didn't know hair follicles could be electrically stimulated, do you have references? how safe/easy is it?11:49
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delinquentmekanzure, "do primers bounce off plasmids "11:57
archelsxtalmath: I know that it's used in rodent research, it probably hasn't been tried in humans11:59
xtalmatharchels: hmm that sounds very interesting, I wish you had more of a reference,... from where do you know?11:59
xtalmathany keyword suggestions for search engines ? "electrical stimulation follicle" ?12:00
xtalmathi'm only finding hair growth stimulation nonsense12:00
xtalmaththis seems to be measurement of the vibrissae signals http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095943880600082112:02
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gradstudentbotHah, look at figure 6. That's definitely a little weird.12:02
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xtalmathhmm http://www.jneurosci.org/content/23/17/6778.full seems to be able to convey high frequency content (at least cat whiskers), given the number of hairs we have, this could be a high bandwidth device...12:04
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xtalmathim wondering what would work better, mechanical piezo stimulation, or electrical12:05
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nmz787_wdelinquentme: plasmids can definitely be PCRed... but I don't think they come out as circles12:07
nmz787_wxtalmath: i've also thought of using hair somehow12:08
nmz787_wmaybe as antennae12:08
gradstudentbotWhich calculator do you need? I have a TI-83 and a TI-84.12:08
xtalmathnmz787_w: as antennae to receive from electronics, or to emit from brain?12:08
xtalmathnmz787_w: you would cut them to known length and then electroplate them or smth?12:09
delinquentmenmz787_w, ahh got it.  i ask because this edex course on bio-scale up suggest to just add in bacterial selection markers and scale up in organisms12:09
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xtalmathnmz787_w: I also considered using puffs of air, or airflow, to stimulate the hair follicle sensors12:11
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xtalmathperhaps a fast "galvano" xy scanner above the head, with puff/flow strength dependent on (x,y) for a display on the hair12:15
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xtalmathid prefer something more silent and compact though, so electrical or piezo sounds better12:16
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delinquentmenmz787, site-specific recombination12:22
delinquentmethat is "find this gene, and modify something within it"12:22
delinquentmeit is *not* ... insert something at a random spot within the genome12:22
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delinquentmewhat are alternatives to cre/lox for recombination ?12:31
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kanzureoh weird, i had read a cryotherapy paper prior to hearing about "cryotherapy" (ugh) http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bodybuilding/Effect%20of%20cryotherapy%20on%20muscle%20recovery%20and%20in%EF%AC%82ammation%20following%20a%20bout%20of%20damaging%20exercise.%20-%20Crystal%20et%20al.%20(2013).pdf12:43
kanzuredoes anyone remember which paper i was using for the "anabolic steroids without exercise" stuff?12:54
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xtalmathoptogenetic merkel cell stimulation http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0960982214005363/1-s2.0-S0960982214005363-main.pdf?_tid=b267cb32-45e3-11e5-95ee-00000aab0f26&acdnat=1439928175_cded9cb9979f3a7ab1e262d06ea5be0a12:59
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fennthe latest expedition through the uncanny valley by boston dynamics http://youtu.be/NwrjAa1SgjQ13:38
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nmz787_wxtalmath: never thought too much about it... just was thinking about antennas and then thought hey I have hair which can vary in length... so maybe they act like tunable (by length) antennae13:52
nmz787_wxtalmath: also there is some facebook meme image thing that says something about native americans with long hair being used in the revolutionary/civil war as 'guides', who after getting their hair cut were no longer effective 'guides'13:53
nmz787_wthought the latter point has not influenced me much13:53
gradstudentbotHah, look at figure 6. That's definitely a little weird.13:54
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xtalmathnmz787_w lol13:54
nmz787_woh, vietnam maybe??? http://www.csicop.org/sb/show/geronimos_hair/13:56
fennexcept hair is an insulator14:00
nmz787_wfenn: yeah but that isn't really a hard cut-off... insulator is a relative term14:01
kanzureout of all the hundreds of graduate student things to say how did he pick the same two messages in such a short time period14:03
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fennnmz787_w: you can increase the capacitive coupling with your environment by moulding a thin aluminum sheet around the periphery of your neocortex14:09
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xtalmathfenn: is that a tinfoil hat joke?14:17
xtalmathnmz787_w I was not asking for crackpot theories, just curious what would be a cheap and effective method of triggering mechanoreceptors14:21
fennhehe the head of boston dynamics says "i do have a film where my daughter is about 1 year old, she's staggering along barely able to balance and my arm reaches into the film and gives her a little shove and she falls and whacks her head on the pavement. she was fine, and now she's bigger, so..." (in response to people complaining about them kicking "spot" the robot dog)14:37
fennxtalmath: we were talking about building a piezo brain interface earlier, some of the principles still apply to triggering mechanoreceptors (the wavelength is longer is the only real difference)14:39
fennbasically you have a flat piezo plate divided into individually addressable segments, submerged in a gel bag that sits on your head or whatever. to address a particular patch of skin you do beamforming like in phased array radar14:41
kanzurewhy skin mechanoreceptor stimulation?14:42
fenni'd really rather not know14:42
xtalmathyes, I was thinking of individually addressable segments on piezo plate too, like cut horizontal traces on the front side, and somehow mill or etch vertical traces on the steel side14:42
kanzureif you are going to put a phased array on your head you might as well use ultrasound14:42
fennthere is no "steel side" it's a uniform material14:43
xtalmathkanzure: I don't want to risk mechanical damage to the brain, using mechanoreceptors subjectively seems safer14:43
xtalmathfenn: I was talking about the cheap $1 piezo disks14:43
kanzureprior to using it on your head you can shoot the same ultrasound beams at a chunk of meat from a grocery store14:43
kanzurethen you slice the meat and analyze where the beams caused melting14:44
xtalmathsteel diaphragm one side, and silver (?) coated on the front14:44
kanzureyou can also try it with cow brain matter14:44
fennmeat is a little tougher than brain tissue14:44
kanzureyou can buy brains at grocery stores i think14:44
fenni certainly wouldn't trust something tested that way14:44
xtalmathfenn: I wasnt considering beamforming though, just direct contact with a grid of piezo segments14:44
kanzurefenn: what about formaldehyde-preserved somewhat fresh brain?14:45
fennyou can also get pvdf piezo polymer film but it's expensive and not as powerful as the ceramic stuff14:45
xtalmathI was also thinking of using the heat sensing of the skin, i.e. horizontal copper traces, and vertical other traces (distant seebeck coefficients or whatever), so you could individually pulse heat into and out of skin14:46
xtalmathbut I think heat sensation is to low bandwidth...14:47
fenntoo low for what?14:47
xtalmathwell I'd prefer to maximize signal throughput per unit area14:48
fenndon't chop off your basis vectors for such a silly reason14:49
xtalmaththere's only so much skin surface I would be willing to trade for BCI14:49
xtalmathfenn: what do you mean with chopping of basis vectors?14:49
fennno matter how high your tactile bandwidth there's no way to turn that into the sensation of heat14:49
xtalmathfenn: I meant perhaps using the skin's heat transfer sensitivity instead of the mechanoreceptors, until I reminded myself that its probably lower bandwidth per square cm14:51
xtalmathfenn: the stimulation would be computer generated, perhaps video, perhaps text, ...14:51
fennthat's dumb14:51
fennare you blind?14:52
xtalmathfenn: what is dumb?14:52
fenntrying to display text through skin mechanoreceptors14:52
xtalmathno, not blind, but I would like to be able to receive information without sacrificing retinal area14:52
kanzuredoes the tongueputer count as mechanoreceptors or was that using other receptors?14:53
xtalmathkanzure: I heard often about the tongue thing, but don't know how it worked..., I'm guessing its electrical (probably someone remembered "tasting batteries" as a kid)14:53
kanzurerecently it either started or ended clinical trials14:54
xtalmathbut I would like to keep my mouth free, eyes free, basically, I was trying to consider sensitive areas of the human body that I hardly use, and I thought all the skin sensors on my scalp...14:54
xtalmathalso, having a camera facing backwards may be cool14:55
kanzurei have found that i don't really use one eye that much anyway, so devoting it to a screen isn't going to be a big deal14:56
kanzurealthough i have been trying to pick a sufficiently hard problem to devote that eye to14:56
xtalmathkanzure: you mean using one eye for your screen and the other for real life?14:57
kanzurebecause i suspect that visual processing could be trained for some interesting purpose if i was to try to use that eye more14:57
kanzurelike fucking math notation >:(14:58
kanzureor language acquisition14:58
kanzureor some other visual-imagery-intensive problems, like scifi world building stuff.14:58
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archelsattention is going to be the bottleneck, anyway15:03
archelsxtalmath: interesting idea to use heat15:03
archelsbandwidth/lag might be an issue, but then again maybe not (under the right stimulus conditions)15:04
xtalmatharchels: I basically just skimmed http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Texture_from_touch and then considered a process for generating the stimulus, always in some array form15:05
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xtalmatharchels: the temperature modulation can happen very fast electrically, but I think the thermoreceptors are relatively slow, and low spatial resolution (theres the famous "radiator" through which cold and hot water is alternately cycled, to give weird impressions of very hot or very cold, or spatially alternated tubes with hot and cold water giving similar confusion)15:07
nmz787_wxtalmath: for all I know, in 100 years people (or just ultra mega nerds) will be laughing at the westerners who cut their hair, because they've figured out the natives mythologies had some truth to them15:08
xtalmathnmz787_w: I have dreadlocks btw, but no I don't think people will laugh at scientific westerners who disbelieve conspiracy theory of hair cuts...15:10
xtalmathnmz787_w either way, what do I care what people 100 yrs from now laugh about?15:10
nshhairs are your antennas man15:11
xtalmathlol, I saw that movie once and was very bored15:13
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* dpk pokes gradstudentbot15:21
gradstudentbotWell, it looks better if you see it through a UV scope.15:21
xtalmathhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSf2-jm0SsQ hmm15:23
xtalmaththat is similar to what you propose fenn15:24
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kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSf2-jm0SsQ15:40
yoleauxAirborne Ultrasound Tactile Display - YouTube15:40
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xtalmath"Several subjects tried the prototype and gave feedback on tactile sensation theyfelt. They clearly felt vibratory sensation when the radiation pressure was mod-ulated by burst waves whose frequency was ranging from 20 Hz to 250 Hz." 250 Hz :-) higher bandwidth than our photosensors...15:54
fennsensitive to a different frequency range anyway15:55
xtalmathstill 20Hz to 250Hz is 230Hz of bandwith15:55
fennnot if you're sampling at 1 Hz15:56
xtalmathI wonder what the dynamic range of the sensation is though15:56
xtalmathfenn: what are you saying, that the bandwidth could be just 1hz, but that the higher frequencies are aliased? you really think mechanoreceptors have a sample and hold circuit?15:57
fennno aliased but averaged15:58
xtalmathobviously theres a highpass and lowpass at work, and the highpass is around 250Hz15:58
fennthere are different types of mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to different frequency ranges15:58
xtalmathfenn: I still think the bandwidth is very high, swiping your fingertips over differently textured coins etc, or rough surfaces, translates the high spatial resolution in high temporal resolution, so it seems touch would have a natural selection pressure on high bandwidth..16:00
fennthe temporal resolution isn't as high as you think; we sense vibration when feeling textures and small bumps, not individual pulses16:01
xtalmathalso averaging a 230Hz pressure wave over order 1Hz intervals, would be a constant background pressure16:01
fennyeah it's higher than 1Hz for sure16:02
xtalmathI am thinking 250Hz is reasonable16:03
kanzureyou mean i don't have afm mechanoreceptors? >:(16:09
xtalmathhmm, can one feel vibration from phono pickup needle when supplied with currents?16:10
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kanzuresens foundation conference starts tomorrow http://www.sens.org/outreach/rejuvenation-biotechnology-conference-201517:23
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drethelinit's only one day right?17:27
drethelinwait no17:27
drethelinshould I go to that kanzure17:28
kanzurei was considering it, until i remembered it was tomorrow17:28
drethelinwoah, this thing is NOt cheap17:28
drethelinI'm going to be in SF from the morning of the 20th17:29
kanzurejust walk in17:29
kanzurenobody cares17:29
drethelinyeah that's always a decent plan17:29
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drethelinI'm not sure what I would even do there17:29
drethelinapart from listen to some panels I guess17:30
drethelinand chat with people17:30
drethelinI could try to network or something17:31
kanzurealso you could hang out with fenn and delinquentme17:31
kanzureyes, you should probably ignore the actual presentations17:31
kanzurethe one about thymus organoids might be fun17:32
kanzureor the one about "loci for exceptional human longevity"17:32
kanzure"young blood for old brains"17:35
drethelinthat one sounds like a trap17:35
kanzurewear a white wig17:36
maakuoh awesome, did someone follow up on neural effects of the blood transplant result?17:42
kanzureyep the presentation will be given by count von count17:46
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delinquentmedrethelin, yeah im here in Oakland17:53
delinquentmebring me synthetic biologists17:53
drethelinI don't have any of those18:05
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kanzure"This is where Vigil sets itself apart from weaker languages that lack the courage of their convictions. When a Vigil program is executed, Vigil itself will monitor all oaths (implorations and swears) that have been made. If an oath is broken, the offending function (the caller in the case of implore and the callee in the case of swear) will be duly punished. How? Simple: it will be deleted from your source code. The only way to ensure ...18:37
kanzure... your program meets its requirements to absolutely forbid code that fails to do so. With Vigil, it will do this for you automatically. After enough runs, Vigil promises that all remaining code meets its oaths."18:38
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drethelinwhere are some bioethicists when you really need them?19:10
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kanzurewhy do you need bioethicists?19:14
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delinquentmeim on19:39
delinquentmeim one* .. just do it.19:39
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nmz787"Many were uncomfortable that the team had released information to the press without the science having gone through peer review."  pfft... hasn't sci-fi done this a ton already?20:37
nmz787like that radio broadcast thing that freaked out a bunch of people who tuned in too late20:37
kanzureer, you mean the most popular broadcast of all time?20:41
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kanzureycombinator startups did presentations today,21:03
kanzurehere is a software company for lab equipment https://www.tetrascience.com/21:03
kanzurea company that aggregates financial services for cannabis stuff in colorado http://sericapay.com/21:04
kanzure"big data for construction sites" (data surveillance) http://www.vernoxlabs.com/21:05
kanzuresomeone offering a $300 mri scan http://klarismo.com/21:06
kanzuresomeone bothered to make a sandwich making machine http://bistrobot.com/21:07
kanzurepoint cameras at manufacturing stuff for quality control http://getscale.com/21:07
kanzurespam all the chinese sites to sell shit http://techcrunch.com/2015/08/11/branch8/21:08
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