
--- Log opened Wed Sep 16 00:00:29 2015
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kanzure"the demolished man"'s summary looks too much like a heist movie05:48
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drethelinit's kind of hesity05:50
drethelinTelepathy is a hard power to take seriously in fiction05:51
kanzure" and they claim that multichannel cochlear implants based on flexible μLED arrays are technically feasible. Thompson et al. (2014). Optical stimulation of neurons. Current Molecular Imaging, 2014, 3, 162-177 describe a variety of ways photons can replace electrons to stimulate nerves, including the possibilities to develop “optrode” arrays with microlithic fabrication technologies."05:52
kanzure(a random claim of optogenetics/cochlear implants)05:52
kanzuredrethelin: hm, i don't think so- person-to-person communication already happens with other devices, why would it be so hard to think those devices would be in someone's head?05:53
drethelintelepathy as in mindreading05:53
drethelintelepathy as in just mind communication happens all the time05:53
kanzureand "mind reading" is a very simple trick, you just have to know every stimuli the other person has ever been exposed to, problem solved05:53
kanzure"but it's not like people are pervasively recording and surveilling all their data!!"05:55
kanzurewhat were we complaining about, again?05:56
* archels hides his pupil size05:57
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kanzurefenn: i need some ideas for how to organize my 2000 bitcoin tech bookmarks into a legible form on a wiki page06:46
kanzurei was thinking something like this, http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna/projects/#igem-201406:46
kanzurewith a one-sentence summary per link06:46
kanzurebut need ideas06:46
kanzurealso, hi tallakahath06:46
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c0rw1nidea : mind-mapping ?07:09
c0rw1n"this is related to that through this"07:09
kanzurehere is the raw data http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/bitcoin/bitcoin-selected-bookmarks.2015-09-09.txt07:09
c0rw1ngreat big graph07:09
kanzurei am not a big fan of mind mapping, my graphs always become over-saturated07:10
c0rw1nmh :(07:11
cpopell3tagging w faceted search doesn't work on wiki I guess07:28
kanzurewell i was thinking something like "even if i keep the tags, i still should write summaries [or something]" and i don't know what the "or something" looks like07:28
c0rw1nmaybe just a title for each ? taking a random one,  "kuylsknk" is tagged "bitcointalk bitcoin mywallet web-wallets security gmaxwell luke-jr ripper234 ron-gross centralization analysis" and that rings all of zero bells for me without going to read the thread07:31
kanzureweb-wallets/security are the operable tags there07:33
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kanzure"The position wobble idea might be based on a misapprehension of what gravity waves do in the space they pass through. The analogy with a 2-d elastic sheet being distorted does not in general carry to 3+1 dimensions in a way that matches our geometric intuitions neatly. It is possible that wavelengths of incident light shift up then down very briefly (like compression and rarefaction of pressure waves for sound) without (the detection ...08:09
kanzure... of) object position changing."08:09
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tallakahathhi kanzure !08:32
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JayDuggerDo modern browsers have a standard format for bookmarks?09:02
JayDugger<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>09:05
JayDuggerThat looks like an interchangeable format, though I don't know what the browsers might use internally.09:08
JayDuggerAnyway, back to the problem. What's wrong with a chronological list, a one sentence summary for each item, and as few "operable tags" as possible?09:09
JayDuggerYeah, that's a lot of work, but I volunteer kanzure for curator of that list.09:10
JayDuggerIf you import those bookmarks into a mind map, you can organize them with attribute of tag:<tag name>, arrange them in a preferred hierarchy (time?), and then use the mind map program to filter the map by whatever query you like.09:12
JayDuggerAll nodes (bookmarks) tagged with *wallet* and their parents back to the root node, say, which should give you some idea about the development of the idea of wallets over time.09:13
JayDuggerThat's even more work than the earlier suggestion, and I again volunteer kanzure.09:14
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kanzurenot convinced about the utility of mindmaps09:22
JayDuggerAgreed. I think the list would work better.09:26
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c0rw1ndepends how one thinks i spose09:43
c0rw1ni'd have a much easier time parsing a graph than a list but that might be just me09:43
kanzuregenerated by http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/bitcoin/jotmuch_yaml_export_by_url.py09:45
c0rw1nbut then i clearly can't contribute to bitcoin tech discussion except by cheerleading so it could be net wasteful to optimize communications for my brain specifically09:45
cluckjall those data-crunching methods produce different kinds of results from the same material09:46
cluckjkanzure, how do those various links make sense to you? like...what is important about how you tagged them?09:51
kanzurecluckj: i tagged them with relevant names... what do you mean?09:53
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kanzurepaperbot needs a new home09:56
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cluckjby the people in them, or by who would be interested in them?10:01
kanzureoh, when there are names of people, it's the people that appear on the page that say relevant things10:01
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cluckjI dunno if a concept map would be good to put them all into a wiki10:07
cluckjassuming that's what y'all mean by mind map?10:09
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cluckjsomething like that...10:11
cluckjfor me at least, the act of making a concept map is itself a way to figure out how the data should be structured10:12
kanzure"Signatures of correct computation" http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
jrayhawkdiyhpl.us wikis have <map>-enabled graphviz generation, if that helps11:04
kanzurei think that people are just trying to get around the whole "put in lots of time and energy into writing summaries thing", which is not going to work11:04
kanzuresomeone in -wizards proposed cron + email to randomly pester a random person from a list to make *them* do the writing work -_-11:05
kanzureto be fair, i did propose that we should hire greg egan to do summaries of hplusroadmap logs11:06
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kanzurenoaptebuna: hi11:43
fennfor bitcoin bookmarks you'd want both the actual title of the page/thread, (assuming there is one) and a summary of what you think it's about. there should be an auto-generated list of bookmarks for each tag, and a list of tags sorted by frequency. clicking on a tag below the bookmark should go to that bookmark in the list of bookmarks with that tag, which is sorted by date or something11:44
fennso you can surf related tags fairly easily11:44
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fennalso date refers to the date of the referent of the bookmark, not the date the bookmark itself was created11:48
kanzurei think the summaries are the mainly interesting item there11:48
kanzurejust.. someone has to write them.11:48
fennwell you already tagged a bunch of things so that's some useful data right there11:50
kanzuresame should be done for hplusroadmap tech mentions11:51
fenntag all the things!!!11:51
kanzureno, summaries11:52
cluckjTAGS ARE SUMMARIES!!!!!!!!!11:52
kanzuremy slides were pretty okay summaries http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/bitcoin/scalingbitcoin-review.pdf11:54
fennthe international criminal conspiracy that is bitcoin11:59
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chris_99out of interest, what do you guys think about this surgeon who is apparently going to conduct a head transplant of a human in 201713:56
yoleaux14 Sep 2015 22:17Z <nmz787_w> chris_99: I haven't turned it on yet, but I unpacked my blue spectrometer and have it placed on my desk now ;)13:56
yoleaux04:59Z <nmz787> chris_99: trying one of these now, since that other one never came (this one says it ships from the U.S. and that I should have it within a week) http://www.ebay.com/itm/19168077273713:56
chris_99ooh cool nmz78713:57
chris_99i saw that neje one recently13:57
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nmz787_wchris_99: cool, see any reviews? or just saw that it existed on some site (ebay/aliexpress/etc)? (in regards to the neje etcher)15:15
chris_99nah, no reviews  i just saw it on fleabay15:16
chris_99saw http://www.aliexpress.com/item/500M-32-channel-logic-analyzer-compatible-LOGIC-16-accurate-indicator-actual-parameters/32286574687.html?ws_ab_test=201526_1,201527_3_3_2_1_5_4,201409_5 recently15:16
chris_99too expensive for an impulse purchase though heh15:17
chris_99got a chance to play with the spectrometer yet?15:18
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nmz787_wchris_99: that is a clone of a good-sounding American device15:29
nmz787_wwhich i was thinking of buying if I ever have the need15:29
chris_99indeed it is15:29
chris_99it's a https://www.saleae.com/ clone i thought15:30
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nmz787_woh, maybe, I guess I may have been confusing it with this: http://www.eeelec.com/xla/15:35
chris_99hmm that 500Msps one doesn't seem to exist15:37
chris_99on the shop15:37
chris_99or thier ebay page15:37
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nmz787_whuh, maybe intronix got pissed and filed some legal stuff15:45
nmz787_wand to answer your question, no I haven't tried the spectrometer out yet... maybe tonight though15:47
nmz787_wthe software they provide is for windows... and I haven't validated my RS232 sniffer yet... but was actually thinking I might be able to work on that using the spectrometer15:48
chris_99maybe it's an ASCII protocol15:51
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--- Log closed Thu Sep 17 00:00:30 2015

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