
--- Log opened Sat Sep 26 00:00:15 2015
--- Day changed Sat Sep 26 2015
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kanzuremaaku: we could also convince him of hplusroadmap things by suggesting mars-compatible ecoli engineering projects and stuff.04:52
kanzurei think john cumbers was working at nasa on a synthetic biology project for such04:53
kanzureand there's been at least a handful of igem projects for similar things04:53
kanzurealso http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/Pioneer%20Organisms%20Nominated%20for%20Terraforming.htm04:55
kanzurekartik gada says that humanity+ has correctly held on to the funds for the reprap grand prize, v. exciting04:57
FourFirefinally ordered these: https://www.electronic-shop.lu/EN/products/15504605:11
FourFireI'll let everyone know how the BCI project progresses05:11
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yoleauxMuscle Sensor v3 | SPARKFUN SEN-13027 | Electronic Shop S.à r.l.05:56
kanzure"Biomass generation with Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima could decrease the shipped wet-food mixed-menu mass for a Mars stay and the return voyage by 38 percent."06:07
kanzure"Polyhydroxybutyrate synthesis with Cupriavidus necator would allow astronauts to produce the raw material for 3-D printing, lowering the shipped mass needed to make a 120 cubic meter, six-person, 3-D printed habitat by 85 percent"06:07
kanzure"An engineered species of the bacterium Synechocystis could replenish stocks of the anti-inflammatory medication acetaminophen in just a few days."06:08
kanzure.title http://rsif.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/12/102/20140715.full06:08
yoleauxTowards synthetic biological approaches to resource utilization on space missions | Journal of The Royal Society Interface06:08
fenna dose of acetaminophen is 200mg06:08
fenn.wa mass of a staple06:09
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, no result!06:09
kanzurewasn't there a freitas index of engineered organisms for various planetary colonization reasons06:11
fennthere's an entire book trilogy by kim stanley robinson06:12
kanzureor maybe it was a freitas index of terraforming-related organism stuff.06:12
JayDuggerI'll check Fogg's Terraforming after I'm off the phone.06:16
kanzure"Chroococcidiopsis is a rock-dwelling cyanobacterium highly resistant to desiccation, hypersalinity, and temperature swings found in extremely arid environments. Carnobacterium spp. has recently been shown to grow in permafrost at very low atmospheric pressures and without oxygen. Methanogenic archaea combining carbon dioxide and hydrogen could be critical in promoting rapid greenhouse warming.  Many of these organisms function best as ...06:18
kanzure... members of trophic and bioengineered consortia, so they should not be seeded in isolation."06:18
kanzureyeast-based production of melanin to warm mars http://2010.igem.org/Team:Valencia/Terraforming06:20
fennno comment06:20
kanzurei am not sure whether people have been looking at terraforming into a human-compatible environment, or an environment compatible with at least one (or more) organisms whatsoever06:21
fennit would have to be a mostly CO2 atmosphere for a long time until enough nitrogenous comets can be diverted06:22
fennface mask but otherwise a chilly shirtsleeve environment06:22
fennwhite sky06:23
kanzurenon-human-specific terraforming might be easier than human-specific terraforming (although for mars it sounds like lots of carbon dioxide is an achievable goal)06:23
fennplants would grow, that's a pretty good outcome i think06:23
kanzurewith the right engineered organism i would expect to see large chunks of atmosphere (of the planets with atmosphere) or surface to be covered in weird color microbe growth within <1 year06:24
kanzureplants is slightly more advanced than i was anticipating, but sounds good to me06:24
fennwell, exponentials are weird06:25
kanzureyes depends on rate of growth06:25
fennyou never see a pond half-covered in duckweed06:25
kanzureand yet algal blooms never take over the entire ocean06:25
fennyeah i wonder what the limiting nutrient in martian soil is06:26
fennprobably something silly like selenium06:26
kanzuremaybe algal blooms do take over the entire ocean (once in a while) and we haven't been looking long enough06:26
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kanzureor, as algal blooms increase in surface area, there's a larger volume of viruses floating around that they have to defend against, and viral replication is faster than algal replication06:29
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kanzureor, we do have full-ocean algal blooms we just don't care because things seem to be working as-is06:29
fennmartian soil is probably nitrogen limited06:33
kanzureput some cow embryos in orbit and then uh.. hm.06:34
fennocean algal blooms are caused by nutrient upwellings from iron-rich deep water (black smoker etc) or fertilizer runoff06:34
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fennall these papers are based on meteorites and "regolith simulant" from hawaiian volcanoes06:38
fennwhat was the point of sending all those robots if not for exactly this kind of data?06:38
kanzureshould be easy to convince maaku's friend that dna synthesis is v. useful for terraforming reasons06:40
fennthe mars colonization effort failed because all the research was done on yahoo groups~06:42
fennjeez just have them read "red mars" if they haven't already06:43
kanzureeric hunting says it failed because nobody does anything06:43
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fennyes, a huge problem indeed06:47
JayDuggerFogg gives Table 5.11, Characteristics of Some Terrestrial Organisms and an Ideal Martian Organism from NASA SP-414, 1976: On the Habitability of Mars: An Approach to Planetary Ecosynthesis.06:54
JayDuggerThat source might be available on the NASA TRS or the like.06:55
JayDuggerThe table only lists green algae, lichen, moss, and cyanobacteria. The source predates synthetic biology and the Viking landers.06:55
fenn"On the habitability of Mars" http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19770005775_1977005775.pdf06:56
JayDuggerBeat me to it.06:56
kanzure -O "On the habitability of Mars.pdf" --user-agent="chinese hackers"06:57
JayDuggerI humbly suggest we let them have it. They need all the help they can get with their terrestrial environment and its pollution.06:58
JayDuggerThere's some interesting stuff on the server.07:02
JayDugger"Can Terrestrial Microbes Grow On Mars?" http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20130000557.pdf07:03
fennsection 8 in that paper (page 89) is about genetic engineering of terraforming organisms07:03
fennprevious paper07:03
JayDuggerYeah, a little on the underwhelming side, too.07:04
JayDuggerLimiting nutrient in Martian soil, probably water.07:05
JayDugger"The Biotoxicity of Mars Soils" http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20100042558.pdf07:05
fenni'm not convinced that water is as much of a problem as nitrogen07:07
fennespecially once you get to blowing up ice caps and such07:07
JayDugger"The ultraviolet environment of Mars: biological implications past, present, and future" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001910350096393007:08
JayDuggerHa! Arthrospira platensis, my friend Spirulina.07:09
JayDuggerGuess my wife's not coming to Mars. She hates the smell of spirulina.07:10
fennchlorella tastes better and grows faster07:11
kanzuremoon first?07:12
fennwhat about it07:13
fennterraforming the moon would be worse than useless07:13
kanzurenot terraforming07:14
kanzurejust microbes07:14
fennnot gonna happen07:14
fennno atmosphere, severely nutrient limited, ridiculous extremes of temperature and ultraviolet radiation07:14
kanzureat the poles?07:15
fennno light07:15
kanzureeveryone's a critic07:15
kanzureokay i am gonna go hang out with some birds http://vinsweb.org/ bbl07:16
fennthe moon is good for making things to launch into space07:16
fennfiberglass, aluminum alloys, semiconductors, etc07:16
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JayDuggerShe hates chlorella too.07:21
JayDuggerWhy spoil so much good hard vacuum with microbes?07:21
fennapparently if you grow it in different nutrient-limited broths it tastes like different things, a nitrogen rich broth yields a meaty algae, a nitrogen poor yields a starchy algae,e tc07:22
fennit amuses me that people think a lunar colony can be sustained solely on exporting liquid oxygen for rocket fuel07:23
JayDuggerI didn't know that. I don't eat it for the taste, but that would help.07:24
JayDuggerDo you know if you can buy different strains with different flavors?07:24
fenni don't know07:24
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maakukanzure: so I was listening to a video panel discussion with Ralph Merkle and was really disappointed to hear him go on a tirade about how privacy was meaningless in the digital age, with his optimal outcome being everyone knowing everyone's business08:18
maakufenn: one of the fun things about our modern understanding of Mars is the amount of ice just under the surface08:24
maakuwarm the planet above 0c and you'll get an ocean covering the northing hemisphere08:24
maakuand continuing the terraforming process in the ocean would be much easier08:25
maakufenn: what do you think doesn't work about lunar fuel depot economies?08:25
fennnobody will be using oxygen for imparting delta-v08:25
fennit will all be ion drive or momentum exchange tethers08:26
maakufenn: either we're talking past each other on timeframes, or you are incredibly optimistic about technology development08:29
fenntimeframe of a manned lunar colony08:30
maaku<10 years if someone actually wanted to do it08:30
maakuforever if no one cares08:31
fennwhat would you do with that much oxygen in lunar orbit in 10 years?08:31
maakunot just LOX but LH2 as well. have you seen Jeff Greason's fuel depot talk?08:32
maakuthe main point is that with <4km/s dv, it is possible to build reliable, reusable, cheap vehicles08:33
fennmost proposals involving h2 are recent as water wasn't known to exist (and until clementine wasn't proven to exist)08:33
maakuusing chemical propulsion08:33
fennmumble mumble solar wind08:34
maakuso if you map the solar system by delta-v, you have fuel depots every 3-4 km/s08:34
maakuEarth-Moon L-point, Earth-Sun L-point, Martian Moon, orbit of venus, etc.08:35
fennmaybe i'm missing something.. why is is cheaper to ship fuel to a fuel depot than to ship fuel inside a spacecraft?08:36
maakuand you can use the same cheap reusable, 100's of cycles before maintenance vehicle to putter around the solar systme08:36
maakufenn: well you ship fuel in a spacecraft to the fuel depot to get the fuel there of course08:37
maakubut it's cheaper because of the rocket equation, basically. if you need to go 8 km/s dv , it is WAY harder than going 4 km/s dv twice08:37
fennbut there's nothing at the earth-moon L point08:38
fennso you have to do it twice anyway08:38
maakufenn: and in the future there will be nothing except a fuel depot08:38
maakuit's an economics and mechanical engineering argument, not a destination argument08:38
maakuwe make fragile, single-use vehicles to make long-hual trips08:39
maakuJeff/XCOR's argument is that we should make short-haul trips with reliable vehicles instead, to gain low-maintenance reusable vehilce efficiencies08:39
fennheh "senate launch system"08:46
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fennso greason is saying (my paraphrase) we should go to luna first and build a settlement/fuel production to fuel mars-bound ships, because we don't know enough about the biological effects of cosmic radiation08:59
fenni think that's pretty wimpy08:59
fennluna and mars have almost the same delta-v from earth, just fucking go to mars and skip all the prep work09:00
fennif someone gets cancer on the trip to mars, they probably also would have gotten cancer on the surface09:00
maakufenn: eh I won't speak to the radiation arguments. I never understood why NASA was so scared of radiation09:06
maakubut no, the argument is fuel depot in LEO, fuel depot in Earth-Luna L-point09:07
maakuonly large hurdle is getting Earth -> LEO, but SpaceX has that basically solved09:08
maakubut for the rest, same vehicle goes from LEO -> Earth-Luna station -> Lunar surface, each step refueling09:09
maakuand the same cheap, reliable tanker can make trips from lunar pole to Earth-Moon station, and for every 2-3 trips make a trip to LEO to refuel that station09:09
maakuthe reasoning for this is when you look at charts for cost-per-kg-delivered, it grows crazy fast .. either a n^3 or n^4 term, I forget09:11
fennLEO->L5->mars capture is 3.9+2.2+0.7=6.8km/s vs LEO->mars capture at 3.6+0.7=4.3km/s09:11
fennit's a huge detour if your goal is going to mars09:12
maakubut how do you get to the surface?09:12
fennwhat does that have to do with anything?09:13
maakufenn: are you bringing fuel to propulsively break to the surface?09:13
maakuare you bringing fuel for the return trip?09:13
fennat the end of the day you're hurtling toward a planet carrying payload and have to stop somehow09:13
fennif you're making fuel for mars->earth then it would make more sense to do that on deimos/phobos or mars09:15
fennrather than shipping it from the moon and then back09:15
fenni am using this ultra scientific diagram btw: http://clowder.net/hop/railroad/deltaveemap.html09:18
maakufenn: I believe that is the plan of people who are considering this09:33
maakuphobos rather, I don't think deimos is expected to have water09:34
maakuthat map is accurate btw, I know the guy who made it09:34
maakucame from the same community as this chemistry guy I'm trying to get to come over here09:34
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kanzureyou could increase the temperature of mars by using giant reflector mirrors09:57
fennand smite your enemies09:57
fennand dig trenches09:58
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kanzurewell yeah10:01
kanzurei suppose changing the orbit might be a more permanent method10:01
kanzurebut not sure how large of a change would be required10:02
fennno point10:02
fenni guess for durability's sake, to prevent a climate collapse in the event of some kind of war where the mirrors are destroyed10:04
fennbut moving a planet is no trivial operation10:04
fennit would probably take millions of years10:05
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fennoriginal http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2869/could-we-move-mars-or-venus-into-earths-orbit-and-live-there10:11
fennsummary of non-squishy technology for terraforming mars: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~mfogg/zubrin.htm10:12
fennyou could also do the orbiting rainbow lens thing to focus sunlight onto mars10:16
kanzuresomeone pointed out that we could just dig lots of irrigation ditches everywhere10:17
kanzure(or attempt to do silly rain alternatives)10:17
fennhow does that get oxygen into the air?10:17
fennor change the temperature10:17
kanzuredo we have to put oxygen in the air? why not pneumatic tubes. i dunno.10:18
fennbecause otherwise you might as well live on an asteroid colony10:18
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kanzurestill need to water those plants though10:20
fennsome kind of cylinder pair that eats asteroids10:20
fennoh that's just engineering :P10:21
fennbut seriously there are better ways of moving water around than big ditches10:21
fennevacuated tube transport for example10:22
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kanzuresome of this should go on the wiki10:29
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kanzuremerkle privacy weirdness is probably because he doesn't expect everyone to be capable of understanding good opsec for privacy mission integrity, i am sure he thinks that it is possible to know a secret10:33
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maaku kanzure: the justifiable interest in terraforming Mars is in creating a biosphere211:20
maakuso the quesiton is : does that have value11:20
maakuotherwise there's nothing interesting about Mars vs the asteroid belt11:20
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kanzureluke iseman ycombinator hardware stuff podcast http://www.theamphour.com/268-an-interview-with-luke-iseman-of-ycombinator/12:48
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nmz787kanzure: wow you posted that to reddit a month ago and not much of a response... sentient chemists are rare I guess?12:53
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kanzurenmz787: there were some private messages from a biochemist who had a phone call with me, but he was anti-engineering (although pro sens foundation)13:10
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nmz787anti-engineering scientist? you should have lied and just said it was science.13:35
nmz787like, anti GMO?13:35
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nmz787how is engineering not just product/deliverable-focused science?13:36
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kanzurenmz787: no more like "those are just implementation details and boring, someone figured it out once so i don't want to bother"14:34
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kanzurejuul: tell me cool things from igem14:56
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nmz787I guess there is nothing cool from igem this year...16:27
kanzurei haven't finished reading through all the projects, only got through the first 10-2016:29
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kanzureer.. what?17:07
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JayDuggerGood morning.22:58
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