
--- Log opened Sun Sep 27 00:00:39 2015
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kanzure"Assuming we have 100e9 neurons and 600e12 synapses; we'll need just log2(100e9 + 600e12) ~= 50 ±1 bits to address every single neuron and synapse in the human brain."04:10
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kanzurebut told him to look anyway at page 79 of http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/brain-emulation-roadmap-report.pdf04:10
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Douhetkanzure, so 64bits is plenty?06:44
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archelskanzure: my prof is involved in some sort of "addressing scheme" in the HBP07:33
archelsthe whole idea is pretty useless if you ask me07:34
archelsalthough perhaps you posted this in the context of adding a unique (DNA?) tag to each cell—I believe the BRAIN project was doing something along these lines07:34
archelswith a sort of ticker tape DNA strand that recorded activity, tagging it with a unique identifier of the cell07:35
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nshHuman ?ome Project?09:01
nsh.wik HBP Human project09:01
yoleaux"The Human Brain Project is a large 10-year scientific research project, established in 2013, coordinated by Henry Markram (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) and largely funded by the European Union, which aims to provide a collaborative informatics infrastructure and first draft rodent and human whole brain models within its 10  …" — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Brain_Project09:01
nshoh right, yeah09:01
nshfutile silliness. probably not entirely wasted work though09:01
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archelsnsh: well, I feel that this is a situation where the paradigm determines the nitty-gritty research that is carried out particularly strongly10:47
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archelsbecause we still seem to be under the impression that the brain is a perfectly modular structure, from individual neurons that are each more or less doing their own thing to whole brain areas that are each more or less doing their own thing10:47
nshwe are paradigmatically undiverse to the point of dogmatic myopia10:47
nshcontramainstream modelling, hypotheses or research is pushed towards fringes10:48
nshcentralisation of of publishing and peer-review further exasperates10:49
archelsyeah, this was one of the primary arguments against the HBP10:49
nsheven the citation graph is a monoculture10:49
nshi'm not sure how to approach that problem10:50
nshthere is probably a clever, simple and wrong solution10:50
nshand possibly a hard, complicated and laborious one that might even work10:50
archelswell, one of the main issues as I see it is how to manage this hugely expanded flow of information10:53
archelsscience is so much bigger now than it was a few decades ago—not in terms of "big science" blah, but just so many more people doing science and producing output10:54
archelshow do you filter the streams of data that are relevant to you? How do you advertise your own output?10:54
archelsand all that overhead and layers of organization associated with that :\10:55
kanzurewatching supermoon at igem sounds like fun time11:03
archelssupermoon is tonight, right?11:04
kanzureyep, i am in chicago though. wrong place.11:05
kanzurenot igem.11:05
kanzurechalk this one up to lack of planning11:06
archelsI am in Hamburg. saw moon earlier, didn't notice engrandening in particular11:06
kanzurewrong time though11:07
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crescendoI propose a kanzure-managed swarm of the diyhplus library; initial suggestion is BitTorrent Sync, but maybe a proper signed torrent with updates would work as well17:08
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justanotheruseris there a standard for torrents without redundancies?17:29
crescendoBEP 35 and 39 are the torrent-native versions of what I'm referring to, but Sync might have de-duping: http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0035.html && http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0039.html17:32
crescendoI'd defer to bramc on this17:33
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kanzurehow kind of you to propose someone else do all this work18:11
crescendoI can set it up, but you're cataloguing the bulk of the content, so I'd just need to give you setup instructions and place to dump them.  I'd be happy to write something to auto-sync with what you have as well, but want to be sure it'd be something people would use18:13
crescendothis way, one server doesn't have to incur the load if someone wants to `wget -r` the whole thing18:13
crescendoand it stays up to date (the hard part)18:14
crescendoalso, if there's another option, I'd be interested to hear it before pushing all the stuff out18:18
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nmz787Houshalter: howdy22:09
Houshalternmz787, hello22:10
nmz787Houshalter: I knew someone with a similar name in Pittsburgh22:10
nmz787I think22:13
Houshalterah that's the original german version22:13
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--- Log closed Mon Sep 28 00:00:40 2015

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