
--- Log opened Wed Sep 30 00:00:43 2015
nmz787.title http://croco.freeonsciencelibraryguide.com/view.php?id=44445900:01
yoleauxTITLE - Libgen Project - Free Internet Library00:01
nmz787Optical Design of Microscopes (SPIE Tutorial Text Vol. TT88) (SPIE Tutorial Texts) by George H. Seward00:01
nmz787"There is an excellent book available from SPIE that contains several "recipes" for modelling objective lenses in Zemax, including a full Nikon TIRF objective:"00:01
nmz787the image on pg 26 is pretty telling (cross-section of objective lense) http://www.iap.uni-jena.de/iapmedia/Lecture/Advanced+Optical+Microscopy1365976800/AOM_Advanced+Optical+Microscopy+Lecture+1+Optical+system+I.pdf00:38
nmz787(of complexity to mfg)00:39
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archels_"Those limits suggest that if we had just a laptop sized computer in that time frame, that computer just by itself, in other words containing inside itself one virtual world, that virtual world would have enough detail to not only simulate the whole Earth, but also simulate the brains and everything that’s going on in humans, down to the atom, for everybody that’s now living on Earth."01:31
archels_Philip Rosedale is an uploader. cool01:32
archels_(chap behind Second Life)01:32
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paskyfenn: his personal fate is relatively unimportant for these guys, who want to get a point across to the general public instead02:14
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fenn"The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a highly validated psychopathology test that is generally used in a clinical psychology setting and may reveal potential mental health disorders. However, this can be considered by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as the employer having knowledge of a medical condition prior to an offer of employment. This is an illegal basis03:04
fennfor a hiring decision in the United States."03:04
archelskanzure: so should I have a couple dozen litres of my blood frozen for when I'm 80?03:41
kanzureyep, also some sperm and teeth and other stuff04:23
kanzureif you can find it, your placenta or umbilical cord would also be good04:25
* justanotheruser checks storage drawer for placenta04:26
kanzurenick barone is asking for criticism about the syringe-injectable electronics idea from earlier this year https://www.facebook.com/nick.barone.775/posts/1010032551044143604:33
kanzurethe primary criticism that i remember is something about manufacturability04:34
fenndoes it kill nearby neural tissue like other solid electrode arrays04:51
fennseems like it would04:52
fennalso i don't see why "roll it up so it fits in a needle" is groundbreaking research in 201504:52
fenncould have been done in the 1920's04:53
kanzurewhat was the mesh type that you liked?04:54
fenncarbon nanotube somethin somethin04:54
fennmaybe this? http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10544-013-9804-604:54
yoleauxAll-carbon-nanotube flexible multi-electrode array for neuronal recording and stimulation - Springer04:55
fennno it wasn't that04:55
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fenn.title http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1741-2560/10/4/04601605:02
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, that command (.title) took too long to process.05:02
fennpff now i can't even load the page05:04
kanzuresomeone should try to make a patch clamp microarray at some point05:04
fenn"A carbon-fiber electrode array for long-term neural recording"05:04
kanzurealso, not all neural interfacing devices need to work with action potentials, instead once we figure out methylation and engrams or whatever we could just have neural devices that work solely on those molecules after patching in through the cell membrane05:04
fenn"a 16-channel electrode array consisting of carbon fibers (<5??m diameter) individually insulated with Parylene-C and fire-sharpened. The diameter of the array is approximately 26??m along the full extent of the implant. ... provided stable multi-unit recordings over time-scales of months. (in zebra finches)"05:05
fennwhat is an "engram"05:05
kanzurejust some bullshit about trying to find how memory is stored05:05
kanzurewe can get multi-month recording with the other kind of microelectrode arrays05:05
fennwho the fuck decided to make a greek letter the SI unit of 10e-605:07
kanzurealso, one of the synthetic biology or igem tricks that i have been seeing more of recently are things like "make a reporter gene or intermittent reporting signal based on a genetic circuit with a clock" where a small oligo is synthesized with some reporting information (actually i haven't looked into this to see how it works, because it sounds partly impossible). you wouldn't get realtime data logging but you could get some relative ...05:08
kanzure... timing information about important metabolic events.05:08
fennis this the DNA ticker tape idea?05:08
kanzureno idea, only saw this idea out of peripheral vision and didn't look05:09
kanzurehaven't completed my summarization of igem 2015 projects http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna/projects/#igem-201505:10
kanzure"Bacillus amyloliquefaciens" really?05:11
fenni don't know why this nanotube electrode array article isn't in the logs, maybe those logs are missing05:16
kanzurewrong timeline05:16
kanzurealso there was one about folding up into capillaries05:19
kanzure"It has been proposed [1, 2] that a multitude of nanowire electrodes introduced into the central nervous system through the vascular system to address any brain area may be a possible solution." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092556/05:21
kanzure(but this was using nanowire)05:21
kanzure"Response of brain tissue to chronically implanted electrodes" (2005) http://nanoforneuro.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/reichert_jneurometh_2005.pdf05:21
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kanzure05:52 < Khoth> Yeah, it's just my pet peeve of people saying supentelligence when they mean wizard06:13
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archelscould someone refer me to a good book (chapter) on quaternions that is not terrible07:42
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=9e1af942 Bryan Bishop: transcript: zero knowledge probabilistic proof systems >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/simons-institute/zero-knowledge-probabilistic-proof-systems/08:40
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kanzure"evolutionary biology bootcamp" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgKuh-lKre101KqCYF6EvtQAqiU3qVoAu08:56
kanzure"workshop on computational theories of evolution" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgKuh-lKre12Ye8BCdtvUt9PdPeIcsbB908:57
kanzure"what limits the efficiency of natural selection?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdwR9huqrUI&index=6&list=PLgKuh-lKre12Ye8BCdtvUt9PdPeIcsbB908:57
kanzure"Interaction-based Evolution: How Natural Selection and Non-accidental Mutation Work Together" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sryJPgP7ab4&index=7&list=PLgKuh-lKre12Ye8BCdtvUt9PdPeIcsbB908:57
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kanzure"some questions from a condensed matter physicist" (on computational theories of evolution) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpcaMHXFCHg&index=26&list=PLgKuh-lKre12Ye8BCdtvUt9PdPeIcsbB908:59
kanzuremathematical models in population genetics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpcaMHXFCHg&index=26&list=PLgKuh-lKre12Ye8BCdtvUt9PdPeIcsbB9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO3-6ntkg9w&index=4&list=PLgKuh-lKre101KqCYF6EvtQAqiU3qVoAu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-BiaQrZ8bg&index=5&list=PLgKuh-lKre101KqCYF6EvtQAqiU3qVoAu09:00
kanzure"computational views of evolution" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwMiODT5qPU&index=13&list=PLgKuh-lKre101KqCYF6EvtQAqiU3qVoAu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFXRApGW_Lw&index=14&list=PLgKuh-lKre101KqCYF6EvtQAqiU3qVoAu09:00
kanzure"experimental evolution" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOX3LVvlHAk&index=17&list=PLgKuh-lKre101KqCYF6EvtQAqiU3qVoAu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIKnyHMr70E&index=18&list=PLgKuh-lKre101KqCYF6EvtQAqiU3qVoAu09:00
kanzure"statistical physics views of evolution" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Th6qMLtJsU&index=19&list=PLgKuh-lKre101KqCYF6EvtQAqiU3qVoAu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKD9PM9rw4&index=20&list=PLgKuh-lKre101KqCYF6EvtQAqiU3qVoAu09:01
kanzure"genetic diversity in the interference selection limit" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf9F-1xgJzc&index=3&list=PLgKuh-lKre12z2B6q_wq__TZeQY_L2jYi09:01
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=55dfed5c Bryan Bishop: some more simons-institute videos >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/simons-institute/todo/09:21
archelshm what was that LW post about waging on the side of being pro-transhumanism, or a future omnipotent AGI is going to torture your uploaded resurrections till the end of time?09:22
kanzure.title https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/3mvrv7/interstellar_communications_using_gravitational/09:25
yoleauxInterstellar communications using gravitational lensing to get >100 dB gain... : amateurradio09:25
kanzurearchels: probably something something berserker09:25
kanzure"a paper about gravitational lensing allowing for interstellar communication with only a few milliwatts(!) of power."09:25
kanzure"is there a non-oil-based tech tree?" https://www.reddit.com/r/PostCollapse/comments/3mlwd8/is_there_a_nonoil_based_techtree/09:29
fennlewis dartnell's entire book is about that09:32
fennheh of course eleitl mentions it09:33
fenni don't recommend reading "the knowledge" it glosses over all the important details like how to actually DO anything09:34
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kanzure"umbilical cord prolapse" wtf10:05
kanzurein gastroschisis the intestines just protrude through a hole in the stomach, and that's how nutrition happens. cool.10:07
kanzureoops i mean omphalocele10:07
kanzurehm that's not helpful10:09
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kanzure"including omnipotent beings in your threat model is not okay"10:23
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maakukanzure: frustrating that the ABINIT package doesn't do ab-initio simulation..11:18
kanzureupverter claims to have implemented and rolled out constraint satisfaction stuff for circuits11:20
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kanzureand an on-premise version of their eda stuff.11:21
kanzuremaaku: obv. you should be using VESP11:30
kanzureno wait..11:30
kanzuregromacs, lammps, nanodynamics, uh..11:32
kanzurefucking hell it was VASP not VESP11:32
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kanzureand gamess but i don't think this is what i mean either.11:34
kanzurei have a VASP person that you can bug if you want11:34
kanzureoh seems you already know VASP things because of toolset paper11:35
kanzure17:26 < eudoxia> I always found it hilarious how SIAI got millions of dollars in donations and has not produced a single tangible thing while Merkle and Freitas are probably starving to death under abridge holding up a sign that says "Wil11:35
kanzurel do VASP simulations for food"11:35
kanzurealso these lists are still good https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_software_for_molecular_mechanics_modeling and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_quantum_chemistry_and_solid-state_physics_software11:36
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maakuyes although for some reason my memory was they used GAUSSIAN for much of that12:41
maakumy memory is fualty it seems12:41
kanzurewrong timeline12:42
maaku(if you recall my goal with the AGI stuff is to make something that can learn efficient approximations then hook it up to VASP)12:42
kanzurehave you ever noticed shifting into another timeline/reality where things are almost exactly the same except for minor differences12:43
kanzurelike certain technology seems to be missing12:43
maakui believe there is a whole subreddit devoted to that12:43
maakufor me it just shows how messed up our brains can be12:44
kanzurethis is why i have started memorizing hplusroadmap log hashes12:44
FourFirekanzure, uhh I half noticed something like that a few times so far12:45
FourFireI'm not very observant though12:45
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delinquentmeTIL hackintoshes have batterly life issues13:23
delinquentmeseems ubuntu on MBP hardware isnt going to be happy13:23
delinquentmeunless im the one making it happy13:23
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kanzuredelinquentme: carry backup batteries etc13:27
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1030620413:28
yoleauxWhy Aren’t America’s Shipping Ports Automated? | Hacker News13:28
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* bbrittain looks around13:29
delinquentmekanzure, funny13:30
kanzurebbrittain: greetings13:30
bbrittainlong time, no type13:31
bbrittainI was traveling all sumer13:31
kanzurewhat about the internship/job/thing?13:31
bbrittainIt was alright, considering going back after a finishing up my school13:31
bbrittainkinda doing that job looking thingy13:32
kanzurehow was it?13:32
kanzureor what did you do or not do13:32
bbrittainkanzure: the internship/job? I'm not sure I'm supposed to talk about a lot of it.13:34
bbrittainhence one of my reasons I'm considering not going back13:34
kanzuretoo much secrecy?13:35
kanzuresee pm13:35
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kanzurehello jakesyl15:22
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jrayhawkCheaper ZMW/SMRT sequencer released today: http://blog.pacificbiosciences.com/2015/09/introducing-sequel-system-scalable.html16:37
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jakesylhello kanzure18:03
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kanzure"Hunkapiller" man i bet the yahoo groups users go apeshit over him18:32
kanzurenot sure where you are seeing price18:32
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:50
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JayDuggerWas yesterday's hash 0caa20b54ec2aea1d0d57fc5bbff8e24?18:52
kanzure"On September 23, at the Shenzhen International Biotech Leaders Summit in China, BGI revealed that it would start selling the pigs as pets"18:54
kanzurequite the pivot for bgi18:55
JayDugger"Jeantine Lunshof, a bioethicist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, who describes both as 'stretching physiological limits for the sole purpose of satisfying idiosyncratic aesthetic preferences of humans'"18:56
JayDuggerHuh. I will guess that woman's never been to a dog show or a livestock auction.18:57
kanzureor dated18:57
JayDuggerHeh. Better point.18:57
kanzurefollowed naturally from "livestock auction"18:58
JayDuggerFair enough. I wonder if those smaller pigs would make more efficient livestock. Fodder-to-salable meat ratio?18:59
JayDuggerLess bone, anyway; smaller pens; pork's a popular meat, and they seem to breed fairly true. Are these little pigs much bigger than rabbits?19:02
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JayDuggermaaku, do you remember what subreddit you meant with "i believe there is a whole subreddit devoted to that" yesterday? That sounds like a useful resource for a writing project of mine.19:18
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maakuJayDugger: https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/top/19:28
maakuor this: https://www.reddit.com/r/glitchinthematrix19:29
maakuthere's a few actually19:29
JayDuggerThank you for the links.19:31
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nmz787well, it's not a pickup truck, but with a lift kit... what a dream offroad machine (as long as you don't flip it) http://www.theverge.com/2015/9/30/9421719/tesla-model-x-bioweapon-defense-mode-button20:50
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maakuJayDugger: I've got personal experience of the opposite occurance -- vivid premonitions which come true21:22
kanzure"Sooam Biotech is the only lab in the world that makes genetically identical copies — clones — of dogs for pet owners."21:22
kanzurei wonder if they are suing everyone else21:22
kanzurefrom http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/09/30/418642018/disgraced-scientist-clones-dogs-and-critics-question-his-intent21:23
maakuexcept what I know to be actually happening is memories rewriting themselves so that I remember my present experience as if i dreamed it before ... memories are funny things21:23
maakukanzure: i would be very interested to hear those owner's opinions of how similar/dissimilar their cloned pet's personalities are21:23
maakuok mildly interested. it'd be unreliable data21:24
kanzurenegative opinions would seem less unreliable21:24
kanzure"nothing like the original, spends way too much time on my lap" etc21:25
kanzure"other dogs visibly confused by resurrection"21:26
kanzure(although a bunch of the smells and scents are partly caused by microbial content, so i doubt the confusion would be there)21:26
kanzurei wonder if you could grow a fungus in an open-air petri dish that would reduce semiconductor manufacturing contamination in filtered facilities21:29
kanzureonly works if dust floats by your organism... too bad.21:30
kanzurewhat are we down to these days, 1 part contaminant per trillion?21:31
nmz787paul stamets recommends mycelial mats for water filtration... so I imagine something like that would work for air21:44
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